The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 8 May 1907

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 139 1 Mi Piefauß otnfiniiD tim friaao lipi■mti udgoti ii twin P.»jr 7 1 Prince Fusbiu;i ~n«s arrmxi iu Lou<i"U, ami bin viei»*-d tat Kiuy win. c.»uferrf*i on hhu aC. B H:s VileMM IM KWJ eutliusiastic ii.' (,Pag« 7). An itttiapi to Iraw a Nf.tttuieut iu I Parliiimeut :i>
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  • 852 1  - THE PASSING OF SINGAPORE. Zadig \V i m:u t morbid :sion <c*eti by r l4l .it, or patchwork rt'Ui'.u.-r- Ij>-.' t viiutlrv Jismnl t-ouvMTMatiobt at ih<> Club. V>, it m t t K> realistic for that. I suw him a? I onn ed, in the fle«b t ■>.. eseion,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 235 1 Straits Cycle and Motor Co, BATTERY ROAD. BROWN CARS TO ARRIVE SHORTLY. C" jifLMM rtf^ Ih'\H model ba.< a double cy lind. r HkaSBHBH^M Coil a=»l Two 30 a.b. accumulators. ■^■■rtS < ,T^ m\b S^J Thrto speeds and rer ereo direct o -**> *fM| fsS£^^¥^^3/BU^^3^b drive on Top Spee«l. SU«.riut{
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    • 228 1 Entertainments. TEUTONIA CLUB. Thursday next, May 9th\ AND FRIDAY AND SATURDAY May. lOth and ilth. Mr. EDWARD BRAIMSCOMBE'S FAMOUS SCARLET MYSTERIES 9 i FROM LONDON*. FXCELLENT VOICES Singing Humorous boNCS," Fantastic Dances. EVERYTHING 3MABT ft ARTISTIC. Complete change of programme each evening Tickets 52.00. Robinson Piano Co. PERFORMANCE 9.30. HOTELS.
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    • 12 1 ENGINEERS (BONTR2I QTORS, c^ rt l m BURMA STRAITS SI2\M and ettiNß.
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    • 100 1 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. Wekbach Incandt -ei nt Li^lilm^. Fittings Ac, to be seen at the Municipal Offices Page 7. Continental Tropical Motor T\ <■ Pa^e 5. To let Nos. 10 and 12, Mount Kli/abeth Page For sale, horse bedding I'age S. K-tjined vantc-<l lo> Sarawak Mine^— Pago V Furniture sale by
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 305 1 THE WEEK W«MJ*3DAY. Bth High W)t«r:— 7.Jl I M THURSDAY, Sigh Witter:— 3.29 a.. U3 p Ammmum l>»y Holy Thur&i«»y. P A U Mail Homeward ie^ves. j Scarlet Mysteries Teutonic Club, 9 p FfiiPAY, 10th I High Water Strll a. 140 p PAO Mail Outward da- 1 Legislative Council. 2.30
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  • 799 2 The world of modern intellectnal life is in reality a white man's world," and, adds Mr W. S. Thomas in an article on The Mind of Woman and the Lower Races in the January lumber of the America Journal of Sociology, few women, and perhaps no
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  • 124 2 Mr. Turvoydrop in hi* twentieth century pui^ut isambi'ious An international tamgrta* of dancers ia to '*> held at B.tice- "ou in .Inly next, and the occasion would be a n<.tai>!e one if oalj because it has be*»n Hecidrd :iiat Esperanto sball be the ufficia] !ingu;»fi*. This is probably
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 719 2 ttpcrtidcmcnts. NOTIQES. ATKINSON FORBES, 8-2 CHANCE ALLEY. Sole Agents for Malay Peninsula, .lav;). Sumatra, Borneo, Siam and Barmah for The "Oliver" Standard Visible Typewriter and The Cosmos Typewriter Supplies. Ribbons, Carl>ons, Paperw, Duplicators and daplicator. Supplies Stocked for all Makes of Machines. Old Machines of other Makes taken in Part
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    • 620 2 PARA RUBBER SEED. Orders now being booked for new Seasor Crop commencing August. Special rates foi large orders. Apply to Manager, Sungei Rengam Estate, Selangor. NOTICE. M. Ginsburg Co., request that those having claims against them will send particulars of same, together with vouchers, tc their office at No. 3
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    • 601 2 Htwertfaementa. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING work promptly done. Absolute secrecy guaranteed. Hotels and offices attended if required. Mrs. HOWELL, Cavenagh Bridge Building, Tel. 911. (Opposite Post Office.) ESHARAT KHAN A Co. Cheapest and be3t Book Binder, Printer, > and Account Book Ruler. AH orders executed promptly. Cow's milk suppli<xi at 28 cts.
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    • 594 2 SSnKrrtiaemcnte. INSUKAXeES. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. Funds Exceed £1 2.000,000. W. A. SIMS, ifanager. Eastern Branch. Aug 29 Koyal Insurance Company. Fire Life Total Iktmtsd Fckds .29,722,885. THE LARGEST FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. BOUSTEAD k Co.-Ajfent*. The London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. Capital
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    • 607 2 i Hovcrtufccmcnfs. BANKS. I Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Paii,-up Capital 1(J Rbservb Fund:— Sterling Reserve 110,000,000 > Silver Reserve... |11,000,0<>0 :>1 Rbservb Liability of Pbopbibtom RMIMI COUBT OF DIRVCTOKS. G. H. MBDBURBT, Esq.— TJbaiuian Hoc. Mr. W J. OkmBon.-D.putt G. Balloch, Ebq. j A. Fuomh Ksq E. (M>m, Esq. A.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 1042 3 I v > "if dia-r to-ni.; t lo write intv [«ai den.-r i.tion «if all that y ion at Court -Ik»«- oAe m th't k* ve K° ne before vover*' 1■ > < 1. g school -girl handwriting »iuk j fed puncan*. 1
    Cosmo Hamilton  -  1,042 words
  • 421 3 M t t l, o OWD ot B*. -M.ii^Jrii. Fernhnrat, the marriage took jilai-t- on 4th April Ol M H k t Mi -^daughter' of Mr .ml Mm TIWW Kewrfek, of Nenllty i, rnhorat, tad ol Mabie. KirkcudbrightN. f... and Mr NWDH D. B. MacK\s. n.
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  • 130 3 Ml SEI MS ANI» (iALI.KKIES. JS of Sunday game. the coj^ of n*«-h wluch he delivered at Car isle a J^inaapportof the Natkmal >»nda> ObH*-rv;tii.c uaovenient--1 a.n IMteettV iu favour *«£>>« buhi-iiui- an.l picture gallc-ie« but 1 would Lav, people of lei wure act
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  • 353 3 Singapore, 'tli Mar VJO7. ov.ns, 1.... 9*"*** J do. F*W* li *.f perl'-. 1» eeTSten* i0 fun Sprouts per catty 2J amt-oo Sprouts dft lachun do. ■rinjais do. 5 abbage. Batavia do. W do.. China do- do.. Salted do. larrots. Imported do. M do.. Singapore do. ml
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 An American Remedy. There is probably no medicine ™"«rf~ tured that can be found in more home* m th e United States than Chamberlain s G>lh^ Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has been n ,en"ral use for over thirty year, and ~h successive epidemic of diarrhoea and dys«v- tery during
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    • 125 3 ISAVARESSrs] i SANDAL j CAPSULES I N-l J«« I I Full Directions All Ch.mi.t.. I I insist on Savaresse's- Our Complete Ranges of Patterns for 1907. are now ready for the following productions!— Viyella (300 pattern»). Flannel Suitings, Crepe Flannels. And all other Silk, Cotton and unshrinkable Woollen Fabrics, for
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    • 410 3 ♦'I had a very severe lung trouble and was so weak that I could scarcely walk about or talk. All my friends believed 1 could never get well. I then began to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral aud immediately felt an improvement. It took only two bottles to work a complete
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  • 492 4 From the proceedings of a general meeting of the Mines and General Trust Ltd. and Reduced," something appears of the progress I of the Singapore Tramway Company, in I which the Mines ami General Trust has a considerable holding. In the course of the Chairman's remarks he
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  • 382 4 The moon, it seems, has been much misunderstood. A naval officer, one remembers. w** long accustomed to reproach ht r with miking everything either at ■< or at sevens. She has been upbraided as the emblem of inconstancy, as the cause of ophthalmia, and th-? "caosa causans
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  • 163 4 report of the director* for the year state* ihat i>9B acres have been added U- Uie cultivated arra of the «stau against an e*timat. of tQO in the chairman's sfH-t.ii -.\r. 1 rubber extensions having, as was anticipated, involved expenditure beyond i pital available for
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  • 1251 4 k Economic Prospects. is now between eight and nine years the Philippine Islands were formally Iby Spain to the United States. During that period the movement of trade has on the whole been on the upward grade, the value of the exports in 1905 being estimated
    Morning Post  -  1,251 words
  • 337 4 The Streniban Kstate Rubber Company paid a dividend of nolens than 24 per eeut., and earned its profit* from rubber alone. The company has 412 acres under old rubber 50 acres planted iu I<H)3, Ut acres in 11)04 100 acres n, 190ft, 4<M» acres in 1906,
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  • 223 4 PARTNERSHIP IN A GAME LE VDS TO LIFE PARTNERSHIP. The story of the romantic engagement of Captain Godfrey -Faussott. Eqnerry to the Prime of Wales, to Miss Eugenie Dudley Ward. which is to takt place next week, is likely !i inakt- the game of hillards exceedingly popular
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 18 4 Rigaud's Bocool Extract is an extra reproduction of Una sweet jet powerful Indian perfume and is verj-p«£ukr. 4
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    • 532 4 ALEXANDRA BRICKWORKS Co., Ltd. BRICKS &JFIREBRICKS. Sound, well-shaped and f f hard burnt bricks can be supplied at $150 per laksaat J the Works. Firebricks $60 per thousand. Fireclay $30 per ton. Any shaped bricks can be made to order and delivered in about live weeks. APPLY TO THE BORNEO
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    • 574 4 The Subscription List will open on Monday, the 11th day 0 < March, 1907, and close on or before Tuesday, the 30th day of Ap I 1907, for the Colony of the Straits Settlements and the Federal Malay States, and Friday, the 31st day of May, 1907, for all p
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  • 807 5 Whimsical Willie' write* thio aoiusia* let- > t t io Mm Hcugkong Telffc raph, "Should bachelors ta.\e«t is au absurd tion in m «sl of ;<. crushing rej»l> The > of taking men who cau tja<l uu ouc to lore them is Hilly enough to make a
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  • 271 5 A column published in many papers *eeklv beaded scieutific miscellany conUins this Voluntary dilation of the pupil* of the *yes ~*m>i to be a moat extraordinary faculty Lately noticing unusual movement in the pupiUof a young morphine victim. Dr. Blooh, an English physician,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 475 5 HfcpcrttecmentsSTONE IN TIIE KIDNEY AND BLADDER Delirious with Pain for 12 Hours. Began wnn Ba< \achk. "It is nearly Jive years ago," says Mr. Ernest Duckett.' 92, North Lon±»dale Road, Ulveraton, England, that Doan's Backache Kidney Pills cured me of serious kidney trouble in other words the cure was permanent.
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    • 440 5 Hfcvcrttsemcnts. TO LET. TO LET Nos. 10 and \2 Mount Elizabeth. Apply to LOH LAM 503, North Bridge Road. TO BE LET Sandlamis Tanjong Katong, furnished. Apply to MEYER BROTHERS. TO BE LET, Mount Lavinia No. 85, Barker Road, pleasantly situated, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath rooms attached. Apply B. DAVID,
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    • 745 5 AUGTIONS. I AUCTION SALE OF 10 Bales White Yarn. (sea-damaged) At Powell Co's Saleroom. Wednesday, Bth May, at 11 a.m. (For account of concerned). POWELL k Co., Auctioneers. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. i Tanjong Rhu. AUCTION SALE Valuable Leasehold Land. TO HE HELD AT Messrs, K. L GO6HLAN Co's Mart, Afvnday, ISth
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    • 687 5 H&perttaemcnts. AUeTIONS. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF Bullocks Carts The undersigned has received instructions TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT No. 37 SAMBAWA KOAD On Wednesday the Bth May, 1 907, at 3 p.m. 5 Bullock Carts Nos, 1546, 1543, 3065, 1019 and 3005. 1 Brown Indian Bullock. 1 White do do.
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    • 534 5 Hfevertisemcnts. AUCTIONS. RE HARTWIG CO. A BANKRUPT The undersigned has received instructions to sell by Public Auction at No. 60S (known as Helvetia) Confederate Estate, on Saturday the 11th May 1907, at 2 p.m. All the Household Furniture comprising Dining Rooms and bedrooms. Furniture, Crockery and Glassware store and Kitchen
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  • 17 6 Domestic Occurrences. Birth. At Tanjong Ka'ong on 7th inst. the wife of Gbahoi Hutchison, of a daughter.
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  • 971 6 The Singapore Free Press. Wednesday, May 8, 1907. H?re thai', the Pitm O.e FVcf.l- rl^z: rruxaia, Ur,»wed by influence aoc un<- ibl I hf 2*-Ia Her* patriot Tr:tc :'o* ','lj draw. Pledged te Religion, Loya'-.y *z.d Law. Two telegrams from different sources to Hongkong allude to the jealous view eutertiined
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  • 1038 6 Admiral Sah has selected Ohut»au for China's Naval base, which he represent.9 to the Boards as the moat suitable spot. A Vladivostok message to the "Aaahi" states that the authorities in charge of the Vladivostok fortifications have applied to the St Petersburg Military Council asking for a jjrant of 10,000.000
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  • 557 6 ARKfcsT thi: Bask hi A Chinese business man m>tk<H> ai to us in an interview to press <.u t Q inent the necessity for more string. :,i bam rupt.v ruleh He points out (w'.if iv common property) that tkam is :iu iu.inense amount of cheating in bankrupt
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  • 117 6 Willing to Forego $2,000. A Chitty was charged before ilr M y«»st»»rday with having tailed toroinplt i' u. Municipal uuisa'u'o notice. He declare, the house, which Las at BuLit R. not l>elou^r Ut him. It wan only mortg^^r him. Ht» tiid not "etjov" the rent* Indeed he
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  • 162 6 A littie Chinese 1a 1 not, more tna years of agi was brought Utfor.i Mr Kir^i. y*»eteriay on tii^ alkyiiiou tl»*t lm itha lunaac. TKe little Mf; wh» dil l pear at all maai e said he was not ma>. Inspector Tread^old however, iufortued fh»
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 191 6 IjOHN LITTLE Co.. Ltd. m 1 ALL THE IRACING Gl I IV/TLV/II^V colours colours ST L I FOR RACE WEAR Our Gentlemen's Outfitting Department is replete with all the latest novelties in Dress Wear. KNITTED SILK TIES. CREPE DE CHINE TIES. RIBBON TIES IN RACING COLOURS. PANAMA. WHITE STRAW HATS.
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    • 94 6 Dr. A. G. BUTLER, L.D.8., R.C.S.B. DENTAL SURGEON. 6, Battery Road. TO THOSE HOMEWARD BOUND James Campbell (8b Co., Court, Naval Military Tailors 59, Cokduit Stbhet, LONDON, W. MR. H. G. DISS. Vf nr 3ft wb 2p uc. EYESIGHT. Mr. N. Lazarus may be consulted for SPECTACLES at No. 6-B
      94 words

  • 125 7 MINISTER, AUTHOR AND LECTURER. Submarine Telegraph Keutar's.) Latk T -i. I hM 1 it lowa, of lan Mi -T. H** w .»> on a lecturing tai Uvtu:- l m .Of Um II 1 .loh!> Wtt-on, D. D., ter of -rian Church Maoa 1890. ■gahfcoi mmt, md
    125 words
  • 43 7 A Question Half Answered. v. i TmtmamMMt 15 p m. I n mmm PMbm Bmdtmu 1 1 Britain :^>nd» pr Im baßiag of Ig B wry Cxiapu-'.. H.iUHrmiu said «l?rminy to aTo:d .my IV, but. t-* wa- pired At :ent.
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  • 48 7 FRANCO- JAPANESE NEGOTIATIONS. rar Eastern Interests. ilec. 6 \o pin. •ntinii^ t»-e Frinr Tipincti IIMMM SMI lion of Pren-i> .n'».v>-> :n tiie Far Eis: ire C »n--oat roandered imnr.u«-n' ved 9 90 p iu trib >£ wek >me i panes* understauJiui:. As *hr Ant'li Japane- in -v»ry- »»v satisfactory.
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  • 321 7 WIUWUI IHi r. -v morning het->r« th** Pint rate, Captain T. Kobinson of thess. we was charged with leaving the port j 'be pr >p«»r complement ■>:' MOOR iie, D.P.P. wa© for the y Mr E pHctre-1 >r the Cap- ih^ h*<! be«u instr toted to ii!ty.
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  • 196 7 VISIT TO THE KING. A Great Welcome. (By Submarine Telegraph Reuter's I.atk TkunttM. Jleceive<l 6.1 r > pin. Prices Pnrinti has arrived in Loadoa. The St.iff at the Cuibessv, the Prince of Walet, tka l>ukeof Connau^ht.the IVemier Sir HoBVy Campbell BUMTMU, and Bir Bdwavd <Jrey Wtlooawd
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  • 28 7 E#c. 8 M pm. Tue litti t<«: the Indian io;ai are closed I" has been covered thrice over. It is itafctd large applic ttions rtxeive
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  • 190 7 \r>Vruv luornini.* Ivtore Mr Cului.iu a Cbinese youth wi* dMtßld with bavinu maJrf off with $\*A* beioDjinc to hi.-> lather. The story was that he had been uiwu a cheque lor this sum to cash. An evil companion induced him to abscond with the money. B<uh were
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  • 198 7 Sanman and 0-imiu are a&iljcs. They w^iv *>Djaired by Messrs. Guthrie .V Co. as AfMtl for Messrs. Newm^in, Goldstein and Co. of Broome to go to that pori to act aa boatmen. They entered into an agreement to serve for three years ind received an
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  • 164 7 Did Edinburgh University Arts students will be sorrv to see from the subjoined death notice that the venerable Professor Emeritus A. C. Fraser. the biographer of Beikeiey, has lost his lifelong help meet. Kraser. On Easter Eve, IK>7, at Gorton, Hawthoruden, Midlothian, J tniuia Gordon D*ep, the beloved wife of
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  • 76 7 GOVERNMENTS IMPORTANT CIRCULAR. (By Snbmarine Telegraph Keuter's). Late Tet.kgrams.] Received 8.20 p.m. The Government of India has issued an important circular to the local governments with the object of protecting higher education in India from the dangers of the threatened tendency of teachers and pupils associating thomoofTW
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  • 38 7 Mr Yerb>iiy a.u».l Mr Hayes Fisher, exmembers of the Hou>e of Comm«tns.. write to the Time- that the Colonial Conference and Mr Asquith's Budsret have con vert e< l theaa and oth^r Uuioaiists to Preference.
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  • 98 7 The Khedive's Part. Eb M .v>-l a4 10 aw. Lord Croui-r iia> start eil for Londoc Ihe "lime-., 'iiiaientir.k' OB i: is speech Kbedivc m\> Tha^ ihe Khedive mm] do much by personal action iu the domain of edu :t:.»nal and moral reform in the manner Lord
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  • 34 7 Sir Henry Cotton, interviewed in re^pvct ot the troubles in India, said hi had the greater contidenoe in Lard Minto. who is a level-headed unn, who hai hitherto iic'ed with wisdom.
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  • 80 7 Grand Stand Crp <E. C. A Di^t. Lady Broekleiph 10.7 Prince Cxeoree y.O Kxcelsior H.3 Grey Seat on 9.3 Lin wood 9. Malapert Kifiemau 813 Kington H 1MIM Hampton S.I 2 Orara B 7 The Kbppel Stakk- (6 Furlongs.) Wanda 10. First Belle 9 4 Actress H l2 AnuroM
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  • 66 7 A oue club competition will be held at, the Keppe! Golf Licks on Saturday and Sunday Maj 11th and 12ih. It will be a dollar sweepstake open to members of the Keppel and Singapore Goif Clubs. Conditions: Eighteen holes medal play handicap aud D-ju-members of Keppel Club
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  • 79 7 The menV Apri' medal was played on Saturday. B. M. Wooiicoinbe 34 39 8 o5 G. A. F.ulayson £1 39 4 78 H. Marriott 4*> 44 IS 78 K. D. Keith 46 43 10 79 J. C H I>arby 49 47 12 84 Capt Chancellor 4o
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  • 86 7 YebtarJay evening on the Esplanade the West Kentfe met the Club XI at Hockey and an interesting game was witnessed. In the first half the Club team pressed and put in two goals. The military were by no means disharteaed by this double reverse and in the seoond portion
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  • 1133 7 The Scottish Cup is providing home footballers iu the north with a vast amount of excitement. Here we have the Hibernians making rive draws in the competition and having only three goals scored against them. We were right in predicting the semi- final for the H^aits, and now
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 295 7 Robinson and €o. I QtOQf ENTOIT-CAS. tnWi^DK K l«f ?CvLl» 4 B B JiPEa WHISKY. The price per ase, of 12 quarts, has been raised to $6.75 till further notice. TO BE HAD OF ALL DEALERS H. Schaefer <80., SOLE IMPORTERS. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT LIGHTING. SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT of the latest and
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  • 537 8 From thk Tynk. (>m thousand pounds is the value of the ammunition which has come into the possession of the police in the north of England during the last few days. Vast stores of ammunition have been seized in Newcastle, the tirst seizure being at a house lot in
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  • 462 8 ASTOKIFHIKtt THK NATIVES. Mr Rochford Maguire, who succeeded the late Alfred Beit u President of the British South Africa Company and as the head of the greatest diamond- tniae syndicate in the world, is said to attribute his amazing succe-a in life to a bath.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 34 8 Economy in the End. A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Rerpedy will cure your cold sad periuq* save a doctor's bill later on. It always cures and cures quickly. For sale by all dealers.
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    • 499 8 advertisements. FOR S7LLE. FOR SALE Perfectly Dry Horse Bedding $2.50 per large cartload." free at residence. Apply Manager, Teban Louise Estate, c/o Katz Bros, Ltd. Mar 8 10.5 EMPTY HOGSHEADS (54 gallons) For sale about 100 to 150 monthly. Apply to "B" c/o Singapore Free Press. Jan IT u.c FOR
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    • 555 8 Bbvertiecmcnta. SHIPPING. Apcar Line. The undermentioned mail steamers of the above company maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan Calling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tons. Commander. s.s. Japan 6,300 J.G. Olifent. s.s. Gregory Apcar 4,606 S.H. Belson. s.s. Arratoon Apcar 4,M0 A. Stewart, s.s. -Lightning
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    • 626 8 Htwertfaemcnta. SHIPPING. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gull, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outufard (for China) Oceana May 11
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    • 785 8 Hfcvcrttsements. SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. COAST LINES. .Steamers of the Coast Fleet. tons reg. tons re£. Petchaburi 2191 Devawongse 1613 Borneo 2UO Paklat 1657 Kohsichang 2040 Anghin 1657 Kajah 2028 Locksun 16. .7 Piteanulok 2019 Choieing lf>>7 Bangkok 192' Pongtong 1657 Rajaburi 1904 Sunaen 1657 Korat 19<<O Loo Sok J«>>;
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    • 652 8 Htocrttscmcnts. SHIPPING. MX. Norddeutscher Lloyd, BremeD IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mail steamers ■>. this Company sail fortnightly from Hrenitm Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southiuupv& Gibraltar. jenoa, Naples, (connection Marseille* Naples, Aleznndria and vice versa) Port Said Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Mon^ kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki k
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  • 570 9 A PIBA >OR PROTECTION. They s*»j that if you hare a hobby you will u«T©r become insane. You will only make -r peopleeo. That i* a grotesque untruth >on will infallibly do both. Everybody who i* anybody has a hobby nowadays. These fe* feeble words are a plea for
    Ex  -  570 words
  • 355 9 :_v y^iira ;njo tlif young men for their Alma Mater in the •y Boat Race were looked upon by taanj a» "butcher 1 to m ike ;i h< u lon U u.t'7 rate a* foredoomed to pre- l< :i ..n<l jntimely death. The Cmmmkm
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  • 1074 9 orithill for April contain* a stoiy of the iacoit- hunting days in Burma entitled A Gallant Misadventure." by Sir J. George "tt. It open* with ;i dissertation on luck in general and the winning of the V. C. in particular Nurses, rural deans, county L-ouncillors, retired buttermeD,
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  • 671 9 SIR ALEXANDER SWETTENHAM. NEW LIGHT ON HIS RESIGNATION. When the resignation by Sir Alexander Swettenham of the post of Governor of .la maica was announced in the House of Com mons by Mr. Wington Churchill, it was stated that he had "applied for permission to retire from duty on the
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  • 200 9 To the Editor of the Pall Mall Gazette. Sir. I thoroughly endorse your diplomatic I correspondent's views in the "Pall Mall <ia /ette" of today's date. s Sir Alexander Swettenham, by his wise and firm action, prevented the probability of a serious riot. He was no
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  • 338 9 The following took place in the House of Commons on April 10 Lord Castlereagh (U Maidstoue) asked whetlu t the resignation of the late Governor of Jamaica was occasioned by consideration of age whether age was atisi^ned by the late Governor as the reason of his
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 422 9 ATHLETES SELF-CONTROL fs^^| athletes OOnfeM to e\perim^ encing i riight feeliag ot nervoumen itinneiiiately I before the commencej&^^^z*^ nieot of a contest ReUtinjg Z* 1^ *&X^\" ls WWpWWMMI oi his rriX-///' >$vJ "f! umphant encounter with At^^wJ% "v :s 1 il thc Ktor <r *mmKfflf*Ji's **m-*>, rv Il> i sensation
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 335 9 Passengers for the Straits. P»r XY K Kanagawa Maru. due May 9. —Mr S. C. Williams. Mr I. C. WintersoaJe, Mr J. Howard. To Peuang —Mr F. Woods. < Per P& O Oceauia, due May 11. —Mr and Mrs W. Rouae and children, Mr T Meek. Mr W. S. Elnialie,
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  • 452 10 Thk Fokcb ok a Sword-Cct lu an article in the Cavalry Journal/" Ser-eaßt Forbes-Mitchell, 93rd Sutherland Highlander*, gi*es some reminiscence* of the Indian Mutiny, and incidentally relates an inntamv at Lucknow that came under his own notice of th. force of a from purred sword of rigid
    452 words
  • 282 10 A correspondent »end« some particulars concerning the King of Sium, who .3 shortly to vwit England. It is mentioned < he says! that one of the King's son*, the Crown Prince, was educated in England. At least two more of his sons also were educated
    282 words
  • 291 10 One of the most ct mfortinß announcements that have of late emanated from the Array Council is that which shows that the total normal strength of the Ist CLish Army Reserve for the present financial year is calculated at 115.1 Tl men. A comparison of this number
    291 words
  • 1425 10 Down by the fringe of a tropical sea we i Wvin* he bad planned out a variety of lovelv drives for us iu and around tbe neigh- bourhood of Tanah Merah Besar. one for i I each dav to nil up the hours between tea, I diuner
    1,425 words
  • 256 10 Tt.ere is a keen satisfaction in the pn of turniu'^' over a new leaf, which is absent from the actnal process. It is a common j mak failing to tix a date for reform, instead of doin<; it at once. A writer in a contain- j porary comments
    256 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 207 10 I For Nervous v^^H Phosphoglycerate g/Km of lime V T-.t modtrn nstoratio* of tne reroous system. [For l.ramworkfr-., profe»&toI n*l men, teichers, slod»n';», fi and in debility, semintl loiws, dyspepsia of nervous Hvj^^pS^vl enpn »rid m^omnU. |?7 V^i li i!> rrdd;ly mililfd »nd I s prtmote* dipfMion. PHOSPHOGLYCER4TE SYRUP I
      207 words
    • 676 10 Singapore and Kranji Railway. From 21st January, 1907, and until further Notice. TRAIN SERVICE FOR WEEK DAYS ONLY. Pamir Pan'inn d 7.41. 9.47a 189p 4.17p 6.17p S.X, d a. tS 2SISSSS SS JS BukitTimah d. 7.00 8.27 10.83 12.58 2.25 5.06 6.08 B^ZL Z d. 6 2a 7.V2a 8.39a IMS.
      676 words
    • 44 10 Grimault'* Skin So*p, *o ju»Uj m> nowitl for ite nhwniin< curative p«rtiei im removing d^bia'a iteh. Ac., pn vesU, all skia diaMMt I it im mob to u«e. h.. a mo«t Brfiwbimg mil <^ «k««M a. ae tuwd i» ««t ootmtries in wMßinf w ri«g
      44 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 805 10 VESSELS EXPECTED. STEAMERS. ir.'iig port of departure, and (where known, date due )ure, and name of Agents. Aberlour, Hamtorg. May II Behn Mey*: Achilles, Liverpool, May 8 Mansfield Ajax, China, May '26 Mansfield. Arcadia, China. May P k <> Australien, Marseilles, May 2«» M M Aynthia, Bombay, June 2 li»rm-
      805 words

  • 1213 11 gi'KSTION Of Si ;ppi.Y AND CONSUMPTION. The question of over production of robber voutuiues, to judge from correspondence which reaches us from time to time, to agitate the minds of not a few people connected directly or indirectly, with the plantation industry. On various occasions during
    1,213 words
  • 235 11 1 he va.->t territory occupying nearly half of the biggest island in the whole world is beginning to elaniour loudly for a larger share of the British emigrant's favonr. Both in si*e and in the variety of its intrinsic rehuui<•*-. Western Australia remained up to a comparatively receat
    235 words
  • 332 11 Tie incredible hostility to tin 1 Motional flag it. > utly expresse.l at a County Council meeting in London, an.l echoed in parliament, lias led to the raising of a voluntary fuud for stttiuq up the Union Jack over a certain number of national >chools. Tbe
    332 words
  • 250 11 When the K. M. S. "Victoria ai rived at Fremantle lately, the Rev. Goliath Itntiyji. a Syrian priest of the Church o! Fn|[ln«i. sought permission to land. He joined the mail 1 steamer at Colombo, and had arranged to meet a brother-clerg\ man from Singapore in Fremant
    250 words
  • 67 11 (COBBBCTBD Vf TO MdJ 7 Bank 4 m/s 2/4 J demand 2/4t»j Priyate credits 8 m/« 2/4^- credits 6 m/g 2/4>f£ Francs, demand Bank 294 Gbjuiamt, demand 239 India, T. T 173} Hongkong, demand B',%dis Yokohama, demand 115 Jata, demand 140£ nom. Bangkok, demand 6:1 3ovEBMQNB, Bank Buying 8.55
    67 words
  • 134 11 May 7. Tin buyers 94.07| Gambier 6.65 Gambier Cube No. 1 10.35 Gambier Cube No. 2 9.50 Pepper Black(ordiE.S'pore) buyers 18.12^ Pepper, White (fair L.W. 5p.c.) 25.75 Nutmegs (110 to the lb.) 25 50 Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) 4o 00 Mace (Banda) SS.M Clove* (Amboina) 42.00 Liberian Coffee
    134 words
  • 491 11 capital Capital Issue Paid Iwned paid «p Valae up Company. Wuotatlon* $300,000 300,000 10 10 Belat Tin M. Co. Ltd iq.« $300,000 225.000 10 10 Bruang Limited i„ $600,000 60n,0C0 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic Tin MCo Ltd 19 £400,000 350,000 £1 £1 Duff Develooment Co Ltd 5* £60,000 60,000
    491 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 65 11 Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day and rubbing the parts vigorously at each application. If this does not afford relief bind on a piece of flannel slightly dampened with
      65 words
    • 442 11 On the Berth. STOOMVAART HAATSCHAPPY NEDERLAND. FOR Sabang. Port-Said, Genoa, and Amsterdam. Tkb Ddtch Mail Stkamek, I PRINSES SOPHIE, Is expected to arrive here from Batavia on Saturday the 11th May, and will be despatched the same day for above ports. For freight and passage apply to Shifts Agency late
      442 words
    • 478 11 SHIPPING. •1= I «1 w OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nav. Co. Ltd. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Strait*, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London. Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight, and for Genoa, Marseilles, Liverpoo 1
      478 words
    • 414 11 HAMBURC-AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE. 611^^ 1^ *****1 RH N U ANIA HABSBUBO, HOHBNSTAUFEN," and the i I BOAKD" and silesia.' Th, steamers ar. B peciall F built for the tropic and S? V i r" 8 f^^ er f OO0 *****^ 100 FirstKrlasa Cabins amidship, lighUxi throughout by electricity, cabins
      414 words

  • 294 12 Before the Chief Justice Sir H> Janes vesterday The* list ia the smallest which has been presented to Jud*e here within memorr There are ouW tliree a^. two of mukii^ counterfeit coin* and <ue of murder. OMITHWI OOOBM CHAR..BS. f^j fy ...reed with the manu- fact u re
    294 words
  • 408 12 A. amiATioi Ah Kin «M BhaqH Witli u 3j- i m m tb;*i in curious .;.;iiru shupnt Kdll»UC toi.jl that l P*""* on L u; m. h v. -ttciie 1 r IIMMMS found ull I B*di jh»«1 IoU tue police. yH M man mi la »htrr« ha
    408 words
  • 177 12 In dealing with Lord Elgin'? circular, "The Spectator says We are ;n entire agreement with Lord El but we should like to go farther than be doet>. and to make it an absolute condition of Uie acceptance of a Governorship that the Governor should not
    177 words
  • 1166 12 certain questions have lately arisen as to the rights of the Rajah of Sarawak over the piece of territory named lfocan Da Kited near Labuan, we now publish text of the concession by which His hneas holds these right*; and on this public can torm their own
    1,166 words
  • 532 12 is THf. FAMMUm M i IiNOKA NT AS HB IOOK8 TLose of your readers who have been following the numerous niM reported from time to time in your columns in which boarding baaai irr— have l*-en charge.! with attempting to obtain thi shipment of eniigr.«utB to tlin Strait-
    532 words
  • 338 12 The offertories at the Cathedral through:>ut Ascension will be devoted to th is fund ind the Mkwrif leaflet has been issued. At present the Bi*hopof Sarawak and acts aUo as Bishop of Singapore inelud- 1 ing Straits Settlement*, and the Fe<lerated j Malay States. an arrangement
    338 words
  • 237 12 The Russian Government steamers Dydyuioff and Behring continued their voyage to Vladivostok yesterday. The 8.3. Glanggi, one of the mosquito fleet, was anchored off the Sultan Shoal Lighthouse yesterday afternoon apparently broken dowu. Capt. Svarrer of the Chakrabongs reports that one child passenger died daring the voyage dow
    237 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 42 12 Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame Shoulder. These are three common ailments for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm is especially valuable. If promptly applied it will flftve you time, money and suffering when troubled with any one of these ailments. Sold by all dealers.
      42 words
    • 193 12 DE KONINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Undkk Contract with the Nethe*la.nds India GoTi»jii«irr. Agents at Singapore, Ship Agency, late J. Daendelt Co., 2-3 Collyw Q«*y THE UNDEEBIGNED DATES AKE GMT APPROXIMATE De Kock Bengkalis May 4 Singkep, Ma. Saba Djambi. Ma. Both Billiton May 7 Billiton, Batavia, Java-coa*t. Samarang. Soerabaia. Boeleleng, Ampenan,*
      193 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 497 12 PASSENGERS. Per Pontianak Mr TboaUM, Mr Christ and Mr Bettt Per Mitchew Mr Heni»sjler, Mr Ma- in- I tO»!J Per Chukiabougs Mr .aid Mrs Appendene. Mr Crenv.ll, Chen- Ten*r. R D. TWI--wa te, Tborrvm, Yonp Lin.', V R Olivero. F A iMom Per Malic., Mr !!■■■> fWg CLEARANCES. M if
      497 words
    • 617 12 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-W»r Flag and Tons Comnuuidert Arrived From Foe McClellan Am. tra.. 1370 Lothrop Jan 12 ManUa iy.<ct. Sea Belle F.M.S. Yacht 48 Ahmat Feb 5 P. int. tor |m* Ship rl**&Tous Master Arrived from Ixrattgnet Kor Wav. Aldebaran Ger 1836 Ol*m Mar 17 Penartb behn Meyer inAmherat
      617 words