The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 2 May 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 39 1 1 \\<r\\ l<t»t«g I! i The i «Mja our it eit A sii. I'll. If I 0 I The di v Av'n-i>. lin Pi ikooAu Tb uiveu v.;;y i-v»*r the <; ■> a, mil i*i P:«i. r 5.
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  • 276 1 1 1 TL? B. I. leaves on May 2, doe m Lionda I The ND L leavw en May 9, dee i I London June 6. The N D L learoa on May 3. due Hong kong May 7, Shanghai May 1 1, Yokoham The M M ieuxee
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  • 772 1 I- n I < r t. J N r I i v t •r, Li «.und i* very large not ur to one at onor*, iv < ig to meditate en the imtjeci ou« ?-k»^d a Mil si frioud what bni' vere l-ero. "TfcfW is the maell of the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 418 1 rj^itflaAfcaVt^lfcifiiAlkVhi^iiUk Jatm^i4^*4ib.AAkfltkilal^y >^F^ iMajMaMi^"^-^vi3rtWB»waeMHa«ate»u^M f GILLINGHAM jISEA VIEW HOTEL, 1 DUn LJAMH PCH/irMT t tanjong katong I KtU nAIMu LtIYItSMI. THE only up-to-date. J I' SEA-SIDE RESORT IN SINGAPORE. >^«^TN^^^^ P THOROUGHLY RENOVATED 1 I Entity Under New Management. 1 t 1 TERMS VERY MODERATE. 3 O j Hg^ Hi
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    • 70 1 TO-DAY'S ADVtRTISfcMENTS. m Powell Co adverti.-f fiv.' auction sales (na-^e 3) dealing *itn land, hoasets, property and pAly." iptcy notice re 11. G. Fecho on pat>;e t. A R >mh! r M. tcr Car will be offered for sale ty atoiatn to^hlan Co. at the Glenanff Sdie on vr
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 135 1 THE WEEK ffcUNDA*, 2nd ffi«a Witar.— o^4 -i.. 1.3 C j B I Mail Ifianfiial close 3 p >al bougie Ohaptor 8.3«» p 1 ir-al United CLc/Ird' Pnutico, Mornaoi.> tcn^ry) Prwbyterian CLurcn fc.45 p Friday, 3rd i Bifrii Water:— l.l a. 2.33 j Le;riblativo Council. 2.30 p. ♦Innicipal Commission. 2.30
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  • 377 2 Na r?.— Ths Kipling Addkis«»3. (Thw pr»4ty lisdk? p^« of Family Bathos wrtMes by iv* di-ton^uiated acthor for the Colonial Confirm n« <• >t April 15th 1907, a date watch most always be a l&ndiuark m the hifltoi7 of rnitrioUc lit. rvUaro.) -~ive answered
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  • 328 2 H»< biWJtWiin Aki, sitter ship to the J^paw«e mooHUx, Satrtnm&, wyi lanncbeJ at Kar*> on April 15 m tbo presence of Prinoe Higs<-hi Fcshimi. Wprf^t-JiUtivc of the Kmporor, Admiral To^>, Vicr-.-dmiral S&ito uad a tpreat a-^emo^af^o ot Japanese ant] for«ftgaf*fe- All tl.e Japanese warahipa, which
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  • 126 2 It* nsh chaifh <.f Kroei*u?e, w tMjnd on God Frii.iy en** pare ota-cy mm pr*. bally fen i :n j Fbe L preitfltier MM Kr» L'-ua. r ..>, wh course of ■ermons hv4 «Ur-i.«e<i ..twa'.uu Afl tli»waj is with OUal n-atal preticbrrß, hw» «tjir ih fl
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2328 2 >L: agwrttscments. HMocrttgcmcnfg. a^crttecments. j at*crttocmcnta. asmttecmci*B notices. nsth*es. JidriQES. iJVsutiajveEs. sautes. I LOST PARA RUBBER SEED. ESHARAT KHAN Co. n abu^iw.^.^j^ or^^w m^^ s— a-S h rS« a t lX^n ß^eSs W" l UfflOD ASSorai»C6 Co., Ltd. Hon-kong Shanghai BankimTerrier^Mumcipal No. 742 or /4% answers to c^ commencinK August
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  • 178 3 a coun. r tt*J .v-» HMM I :h.a ntA.s, 1 -nilar fmommgj VM lv&& .11 Suniit-riat.' Ha loOowiaf cou'.mt of tho tin.i: Ooviitnfcli ?en*u» been eaT..-e<l \n SunJerlaL i t -lis. I «utitiv- of cwrtri stored m tho town. .'i.O O reroWet weiv f«»unJ ia
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 397 3 7WQTIONS. MORTGAGEE'S SALE xi<?v, 7tA .Veil, at £.Sop.m, Jwelinp No. 4 PALEMBAKG ROAD. »'«r- 2,€5S squar feet, I/ease for 99 years H POWELL Co Auctioneers. slay 2 Hi NO. 14 DALHOUSIE LANE MORTGAGEE'S SALE hn 1% <v c o p.m. -•iat valwab> piece of land, area 1,4'r0 ouare feet, leasehold
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    • 806 3 lEttwcrttecmcnte. AUCTIONS. STEAMER FOR SALE. i. undersign- by l'..biic Auction on behalf of the iconotrntd on 'J'hurpday, Otb May, l°o7, at 7 80 a.m. at the distorts (iodown, Monlmcin the t'.re damaged Gtri:. a., steamer litJirich Merv.tll of 1,139 tons mt lteftisUr carr>iug dead Wfi&k 4.250 tons u 3 find
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    • 633 3 flfcvertieemente. AiiurriONS. STANMORE TUKDAY. 7TH MAY, AT 130 P.M. AUCTION SAIjE of tho valuable and beautifully nttuated fn*hold residential property known as M STANMORK," Grange lload, Tauglin. Area 3 acres 3 roo'Jb '<>5 poles, for ever. A very comfortable and conveniently Ritn a;< U reside nt<_. Largo tcmnis couxt, picture*
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    • 958 3 aDOTw H UMBER. HELVETIA r M I r 7? ft 5/a?/, ot 2.50 p.m. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF che valuable i freehold residential property known us Helv etia, confederate Estate Road, Singapore. Area 32.100 square feet being lots 317 to 332 _^^m. A of K.t 7of Grant No. 1. Substantial twostorey
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  • 2405 4 Che Singapore Free Press. Thursday, May 2, 1907. Her* s>j/1 vi» Pre...- (hi "»i{ t'^b ■.w.«i\ "•'iwej by Inouenoe anc unbriVd by da H»rc patriot Tr:rh h»-r g'.orU:- r>r< (p ,i/«w, Fiedged to R<±ligi jn, Loyu :y Ib 4 Law. Wh> v it is remc-mbored tfcfl present Ridica! Premier wa3
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 221 4 CaldbecK s l Mac^rcgor Co^ WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Branches at LONDON, GLASGOW, SHANGHAI, HONGKONG, TIENTSIN, PENANG AND SINGAPORE. |jOHNLITTLE&Co,LaI t |j! REDUCTIONS IN PRICES OP ROVER CYCLES E t Without impairing the Quality of the well- known ROVER CYCLE S we are now offer* t! ing same at considerably reduced
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    • 348 4 Dr. A. G. BUTLEh, LUS.. lUJ.S-E. DENTAL SURGEON. 6, Battery Road. POPULAR WANTS. (Wsßftdd; To Let; For Sale; Xoti.os ot«\, up to M words m length will be voepted for this Jumn aft One Dollar Cor throe insertions. Ca**h with A-Jvertiseuic'it.) WANTED, by a Mining man Engagement as Manager, Assistant
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    • 78 4 NOTICE. All communications to the Editor should be legibly written on one side of the paper only, and should m all cases be authenticated by the name and address of the writer, not for publication, unless clearly so indicated. The Editor is not responsible for, and do<» not necessarily endorse,
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    • 136 5 N i iv Ist 7 6 p.m. I wad crowded when Iht Cbftaeeßor mmi" So Need for Anxitty. t. otente*- I- 1 to H- .v Anjjlo--I—ill 1 1 rapprochement without anxiety. :o x r Monxsco, be >■ .v tf mig r-.--. 9 Vis Pocem, Para Bellum. U frT■mOv
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    • 151 5 N-.iive Ivd 1.:- il da KtBgMT, P .2 1 il'i: AogWt ucit It ■iil make the d.i t I tud i tumeroUH and «ri-jip-t ttoD« arv [li the Ft-tjefi'- A %gti Poultry, Pl.»w. Oi' inn.' Plants t.f all V bleu, Junule P'»--1»..n:.- UN Native exhibition. The com
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    • 36 5 MANY CHANGES EXPECTED. The Kore.»n Castonis otUcers hive Deer warood that tho D ►ri > M bringing ove» lar^r** OQMigaßMail of arms an-1 imtnunition. Oust Anrh an »apei ted naoog tki Chin high officials. > <
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    • 49 5 R*c. May 1 IL*B Theiwtrin^on r an Two Thousand Owiaai ia 8/13 Slovo Gallion, 6/1 B-^miu.. and All Black. 100/S ffT-nTT. MH^6 Book bo'irn^, liO/1 Ilillsprite. Royalty Honours Fushimi. :..i iud Princes-i of Wal-hi will attend rbo luncheon to Prlcoe Fu«»bimi at {louse on May 10.
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    • 51 5 A Notable lofl Kftplei by the diwc 1 traio to Pirls which doM not *top at Rjtne Kin^ EmmamiMl c->- t'ju train tataoN Rome and had a ten minute-; intorvjew. Tne incident \a regarded, m Roni,» a*> mar^-ily emphasising the cu>»»? relations ol the 'wo i
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    • 358 5 Parliament Gives m tc War Minister. i r Doum* bii vote. 1 tw {ji\»vfc>jqn foi half a, million odd recruit- nyn f i on^l jwtar i... 196 t« The Stromboli Eruption. Rec. May 1.1145 ftV -jU'VWor el morj.'eecent eIoDPS la-t'u^ for nve miuutea fc-U >wod *.h*»
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    • 29 5 Keuter's! correspondent at Ttoigier a*ji that tho MiigbitQ has inforu tlw Po\>vn that ill telegraphs including wiroJess h.stU lati>n^ are i Government n on >poly. > <:
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    • 37 5 Mr Abbott British subject who was flßGOßtlj kidnapped by biigands at Salonika haa been mloaaed on ranaom of fifteen thousand pounds which hi.s bo*-i paid by British Consul-General, Urn Turkish authoriti^~ refusing to pay.
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    • 23 5 M ij. Gen. Sir Edmond El lea haa been ippoiutod military expert for the Bri'ish letagvtion to the Ha{jue Oonferonco.
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    • 684 5 EMPIRE DAY MOVEMENT. To TH I EDI i 08. Jin, May 1 bo permitted through youi rolumua to draw the attention of v>ur readers to the near aj proacb of Miy, and to ex pi ess i hope that uo firae may ba lost b\ them i:i uiiikin^ dna
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  • 713 5 BOMB GB E VANCE >»n our uvm con espomdent.) Kuala Lumpur. That tb^planltng commuuity his hitherto receivr 1 out scanty eucoura^oneut front the Government is tho> opinion of otheis beside piautciH, aud m'^t pt'ople villa^ree I that the uew as- 3ocidti'>n. which Via form ally esttbliehnd
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  • 315 5 Tli ere is a ri<;u mill at R chore. The ■MMjfer in.-i-ts ou usiii» pa-idy hu-k ifuel TW l*tk ««f tlm stuff blows into the Li spHCtoi's qtia»te»3 at Roehore Statiou ai tuakes them uit.-rabl". Every lusjiect.r vvlio gi*es to i be S» ilkmh fumin-'i ses
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 402 5 Robinson and Co. Mtieai>e< Latest EN-TOIT-CAS. WHISKY. The pnce per case, of 12 quarts, has been raised to $6.75 till further notice. TO BE HAD OF ALL DEALERS H. Schaefer Go., SOLE IMPORTERS. A^fe t [KELLY WALSHg I ARE Nov. OFFSRniO THAT SPLENDID I I ENGLISR DICTIONARY I S \w
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  • 855 6 From v copy of t'ue J'tmaic* Daily TcU,rapk kindly forwarded by a friend we tind the actual facts that pave rise to tne diffi- j 'ultv between the Americau Admiral and Sir Alexander SweUenham. Under the leading "Well Meaning llut Vnwise Friends j .f
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  • 147 6 A Japanese Rkquikm. In regard to the great requiem service for those who lost their lives m the late war, including non-com batants, which is to be] held at Yasukuni Shrine next month, it is j stated m Japanese papers that it has been decided that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 470 6 afrvcrttsemente FOR SALE. I FOE SALE I English built Ralll Cart by Winaover, London, $250 a bargain. Trial allowed. Apply F. C. M c o Mercantile Bank. 1 April 20 v.c I EMPTY HOGSHEADS (54 For sale about 100 to IPO montlily. Apply to *'B" cc Singapore Rrec Press. Jan
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    • 527 6 Hfcvcrtisemcnta, I SHIPPING. KYX i JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co Ltd. A regular FORTNIGHTLY Service is maintained between J apan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. Under Maili Contracts with THM IMPBRI4.Ii JAFANESE ItOYERNME-VT. Specially designed for the Company 'e Europ6:ai Service, lighted throughout by Elt-jtrieity, provided with
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    • 633 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Thrcu-h Bilia of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continent fel and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on o- about mail lines. Outward (for Chino) Oecai^ May
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    • 786 6 a^pcrtl6cmc^to. SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd Brercen. coast Lnfe iceamers of the Coast Fleet. TOKt repr. Petchaburl 2191 Paklat Boin**o L'li<.» Anghin 7 Koheichan..; liOKi Loctßun Kajah 202^ Choiaoi,.- 7 Pitsanuloi Mtß lV>r^t<-.a. :bi>7 Bangkok V.mi 15.57 Rnjaburi l**>i Ixk> Sok ><%i Korat 10 v Phra Nmu. Manila 1789 Machev. tOO Sandakaa
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    • 669 6 Htocrttecmcnts. SHIPPING. XXI. i Norddeutscaer Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GfiRMA.N lUIL LIB Xfct Iml and well-kiiov. l. mail M.«&outrt o* thii Qmihmv sail f.^rtuijrhtij Crofl i<nmati. Ilumburg via ttottewbui*. Antwtq S: 1 tmptot. Gibraltar, (k-noa, Naples, (oonnectioo fcLh Nap] t*. Alexandria and view Said Suez, Adun, Colombo, Ponat-. i kong, Shanghb.,
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  • 254 7 \f..rl«y K..b-: V Übmrj. -if Ji br»<ei« of T.« i IiXS ije fo^ ra t>acini? was iatroduced "Paint ti X I good bock. Tbo name of i i South I'tnh.indk?. the title covers i th«i-«Mntry, iv which tb! > I >.iu^!y depi.-ted li M /Im |MM ->n^. 1
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  • 233 7 ahieaews" of JOtn it-t l««rt»; Yesv-rd»y it I I o'clock the v .".v ...Bj vl ,-V U -»kei?hotk. ,tr c- a.-^> rtain»<J tbo OvAbailoa zcocß&ains m i Jdlo b»?lt of Luzon i j-. The centre of QtaMßi I -s ilraost --'O iha t -> v. Lock
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  • 35 7 ♦.T.nnMr O -uki Ju»v:, P«es:d- i>v Bai k. w,i 1« v »bf^Mif '-I to M. A II »r» nhi-bi. a I ink, Ml l, p l»nk bad Ken p
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  • 38 7 Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame Shoulder. are three common ailments for whi«*h l «nbt-rtain a Pain Balm is »«p*cially valuH prompt iv arabed it will aave you iiOfM>y and «rofft?nnff wh«n troubled Any tb*>-*.' ahnenCv Sold by all
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 542 7 H^vcrti6ctncnta» TO LET. TO BE LET >anj ands Tan^ng Katon^, fumidbad. A ppry lo M I Y H P. P TiO Hi K ߣ I -^y I LI TO BE LET, Mount La vinia No. 35, Barke Load, pleasantly situated, 4 bedroomei, 2 bat! f rooms attached. t. Apply B.
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    • 509 7 Bfcvcrtisemcnts, TO LET. TO BE LET The ploasanUy situated residence knovvn j Kenilworth, BarK.r Reid. Tho fornitni mit;ht b»? aoqilired'al a valtia?tion. POWSLL 00, '>sM>.t May -i 9.5 TO LET A Godown No. 20 Sarnbau Street otf Road Tanjong Paprar. Area t>,600 sq ft. Entfrom Ist July 1%7. Apply
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    • 662 7 EXCHANGE. (OORMCTBD UP TO Ma? 1.) i BajiK. -i ai^ :>/4; demand 2/4^ Private nrod its 3 m/i -/4, 7 <r cr3diii <J m/ 9 -lj^\\ iri Feaxch, demand Bmk 29* (hlliilT. iliwmiml 23:^ Lvdia, T. 173J s. Bonqkono, dantad 7»%di. Y"oKOH.iiTA, demand 11.5 Uva, demand 141 n. a Bangkok,
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    • 575 7 8 HARE 8. MIXES. C*pit&i Capiul Issue f»*ii Issued pafd ap Valoe ap v.omp*nr. Wuoutions SSOO.OOO .100,000 10 10 KeiutTinM. Co. m 51 •300,000 225.0D0 10 10 !Jr :*u* U,,-:.: I {Tag •600,00.) W.1.0C0 10 10 Brußen Hydraulic Tin M jo' £400.00*) 350,000 «1 £1 Duff Development C>. Ltd '7,
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  • 453 8 A» Action b* v Bxokcb. Through a all ■»i n <— dief whicl preclad'Ki couqs-1 for the defeuce (wh>)W^ eu^A^Ovl elsewh-r-j) ;r >m appaarieg, ther. w ia uo evileuc < f»<" the dtniidiut ia m HCtioa brought I b foro theChie Justice ia the Su^r-im* C-u't
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  • 162 8 A Cbiuamin was ch*rge»l before Mr Colman yeeterdav by Mr Chas D-trkn, the Poiic«Agent of the F»rm, with beiui: iv possession of contraband chandu drojg. He said it w.ts Farm chandu dross but the Farm t*»*ter declared it tobeN«tiveStates stuff His Worship put the teeter te a
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  • 321 8 Hymnai, Advebtisement. Bcfening to the late Mr Beecham and his gift for advertising, the Asian records the following which may be old, but seems worth repeating Mr Beecham was a man beloved of ntw^pajH r proprietors. He had the American genins for advertising and made about the
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  • 346 8 An Action Ssttlei>. A settlement, w is arrived a.t in the action brought by Au<»ullia aud Cmpinv, th. Men\iu'i!u Priutitig Vrt-<, tt Iward B He'iue aud Gouwa; Clurai Strre, m e-ionrotion with the pruatitttt of the now eVfanet weekly known a- the Tatk r. There wis» a
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  • 450 8 The following new books will be roadv t\>r issue ou Frdiv. Burr. Robert. A. Rock m the Baltic. Cumbers, K. W The Tracer of Loet Persons Cleeve, Lucas, N;.thaji Todd Conrad, Joseph, The irror o! the i^;>. Francis, M. E Stepping Westward. Gallon. Tom, Tne Ciuise of the
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  • 309 8 0u tueeve of the t>ottlenient, there via; uaTurally uoi nniol incliuation t> &atei into frath ooinnutmenfai, aud Lusine ,s 1m •>een < f a very RBatricted' character, c- nsistm^ chiefly of re-tlisatious. Id was known ('lit a lar^e nn ober of speculators harl f diffoieooM ••> uitot
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  • 135 8 The following pntportiea were ictaofl at !'i^ ill Sc Co'h Baleroom on l\ > i.iy altcrnoon. T/c fa bum Nos. 81 fc9B Amoy Street, total art-a 0,108 square f^vt. told tor 1 HBBi V. H Somvuud.irarn Chitty Tb Wlo Chinese retadence known as ■v No. 16 Thomsoc
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  • 444 8 How He Saved His DwngWifk. New York, March 31. A novel surgical operation, which Las just been performed at Philadelphia, is cxci in£ widespread intcre.-t. Tho jatient was Mrs. Peter Anderson, a la<ly some thirty-five yean bl age, who was 6uff ring from extreme at amia. She was
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  • 242 8 The xoaster of s.s. Houg U< from Dj unbi yc-sU'idiiy. report:; the dea«h of a uaiive ptaHeagMrtpathttTojAge. Triiithirmrinetd !>y t.'ver. C'[)'iiin OMfvH of the French steamer I KuUADgofi, which arrived 'mie yc-cterdav I from Saigon, reports that when the tewd 1 was 60 miles out from Cape St.
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  • 145 8 ppho: Mem il ymout, WicV\.ar, iiud Wood. ParPiofit: Ifr ;.nd !>Tr:; Undiej CLEAEANCES. Apl 3 f siid. Nor. Bangkok. A/tttfa a, Brit. atr H Curtis, for Jsoinbay via ColocnJx). M&7 1. ori, G ft r. L■, Vu.;»i, Brit, etr., Taoker, for Rangoon and ontfzi. Victoria, Swed. ctr., Hellberg, f^-r
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  • 99 8 Wharves ar.d Docks at which different vessels were berthed yesterday. ■Ml Wharf Basin— Dagmarj J. W. Wendt, Breid. F. Whurf Soctionl-- Fortunatua, McClelbui, Caronia, Taroba. Seot.Dn I—(Sheers1 (Sheers Wliarfl AJdeia.-an, Section P— Tsintau 3 < andleshoe. 4 Hong Moh. s—Paroo.5 Paroo. 6— Bcllerophon,
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  • 109 8 Datf Uar Wma Tomp Hue: Bky tULin April 30. FTkongQ 29/7 E2 72 ot Manila Q 755 WSW3 32 26 b May 1. H'kong X 29.90 E2 73 o Manila X 758 WSW2 30 26 c 1 Katdatut Kcrbiu Hospital, April 30, ISC7 9 A.M. 3 P.M. 9
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  • 112 8 JJ BOM. JSNGLAND. f 6r IN U Jj UHClSORaU, on Saturday, May 4, with Mails cf Apl II Fe-OM China. —Por MM V. de la Oiotat, on Monday May 6. M^iLM AI.iBA.DY CITrATCKMU FOR LoNDoN. blKft Singapore Pas London Delivered P O Mir 23 Apl 21 Apl
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  • 636 8 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ Lnpee Contract with tits Nitk«'8 India GcviEKireirr. A^enti ac Singapore, Ship Agency, late J. Daendels Co., 2-3 Collyrr QiMtt THE UNDERSIONBD DATB8 ARK ON 1 AJ>P*OXIlfcA,T«. Van Riel^eck Bata\ia Aprilp? Bata\ia, J r»va-co&st, Samarang, Soerabcoa. Maka»&ar, Parc-Pare, Bahk I*apan f Donafala, ToU-Toii, Paleh-lehr^<>emallta7
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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