The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 8 February 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 164 1 Tli* c«iuiiii£ s^^si >v of I'.irli -in»Mit I fir.-a-t»Mis t \f n. *U)iiuy on**, I lie X .j^itsh L<n<l Bill l»'iu^ tiiM (i •verniiiHiit'* fcdilJUii— l r<«.l I iiiL? cry V'f r > Tlih d.-f>tt of Urn Sx-inlist P.n-ty in U- r many lihs urentlv pleav <\
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  • 863 1 I In. c liuii(Jr«<) i *it* v. Hr» ,«jfo t.lay ihoffi occurred ii'ik .>i i lie vMiinnHit trHi>f«li«»H wliivli h.. re ever BOiM the p.^-n f I ii_'li-h li-'oiy A li iav j i 1 i'«* e*i«eiice »n if w.» i r.Mn m in •> i(>|> niiiL- On
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 373 1 Entertainments. French Cinematograph PRAISED ALIKE BY PUBLIC A PRBSS. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION NEW FILMS JUST ARRIVED SHOWN IN HONOUR OF 'IMF ROYAL VISIT i KOM TO-NIGHT. At the Tent, Beach Road, at 7ft 9 p.m. An excellent entertainment of new Films, by the most up-to-date Machinery. GRAND LIVING PICTURES Historic, Romantic,
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    • 159 1 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. Messrs Hobinson k Co. call attention |o their dre.s.-i baskets, hold-alls and truuks Pa>>e 5. Tba Captain and agents of the Mi Austria! Lloyd Vorwaerts will he At Home on board the boat M Monday afternoon I'afie 2 Tlie Hotel van Wjck Co. have now a baud for
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 392 1 THE WEEK. Fkiday. *b High Water: -5.21 7. -'7 p Le^iaUtite C uu il 2 M p. Municipal QMaiwiM, p SVC Command nt".- P.irai- 5.15 j> ''utholic Ciul) onenrt. Victoria H.ill. I p Saturday, Mtb High Water: V, M ..MS p i< I Mail Out war. l <h:.«. H D
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  • 299 2 The Merchant Sn vice GuiM hare h«M in ootnmuuhMtion with the Foivi^ti Office on the Ultijoot nf pirntiml attacks on Bri'ioli ■foamon tradiog in, China^ with pancuhi reference to the c.\m* of the s. S«i: am which was tttafiked l>y a land of pirat.o who had l»oaide<l
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  • 329 2 Alleged Terrible Treatment of BfOWAWATS. The Yusbin publishes a pttiabl* letter whi.h it h i« receive! Ironi wvnn Jap.uiese who are now at Ipoh, Perjk, in tn« M^lay I'eni salt. The letter, winch is vou.-h-d for b> two members the Japanese L d es' f.itn
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  • 306 2 JUMUOI Ci;i.kbk\tio x s. The Norddeutscher Lloyd Company celebrates its jubilee ou Feb. 20, and tin; occasion in to b'.; signalised by a scries of fetes extending over something like a week. The steamship company will entertain the muni cipalny of Bremen, and the municipality will
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  • 322 2 \From our own Corrrsf, ritfetti.) KUDAT— SANDAKAK EXPEDITION. This Expedition U*ft Kudat ou Tuesday ii" 15tli iQBt., ou their tramp »crogg t>-->«nd •kali. They expected to reach Meridi .S'.tti<in ..ii tl.e 25i li (yesterday) this villas on tii.« Ulu s>ugui, and a launch 1- i'l herm the 22
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  • 309 2 Some remarkable figures are gfooi in the Indian Trade .Journal regarding the, effect of incrrasiug the yield of wheat per acre. In the L'uited States an additional three bushels per acre in spoken of as a moderate increase, and it is said to bear a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 190 2 NOTIGES. NOTICE The Captain and Agents will be "AT HOMi;" on board the new AUrtTBIAN LLOYU 8. s. YOKWAKKTS" t)n Monday, 11th instant, from 4 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., at Tanjong Pacar Wharf. Feb 8 12.2 SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING Mrs. HOWELL Cavenagh Bridge Buildings. Tel. 911. (Opposite Post Office) SINGAPORE COLD
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    • 755 2 abverttiemente. IVOTI&ES. POWER GAS PLANT. For full particulars of Wilson 3 Power Gas Plant. Apply to ALLAN RENNY, M.I. Mech. E., Consulting Engineer, Penanp. Jan 23 wfm 23.2 NOTICR Holders of bill of lading issued by Messrs. E. and W. H. Caldwell, New York, and dated November li+o6 for C.
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    • 370 2 Htocrtt9cmento, D PICTON DAVIES. CR Qualified Land Surveyor. Expert on selection of Rubber Land, Tea, Cof cc or Cinchona. Silver Mkuai. K'.S.A.S. Full particulars nt"la gti Pnni— ninimtf Rubber Land <>f excellent quality, ;>'im tive forests of 8t class Habaf RatMfoy and Eivor o.inn^etion. Telegraph midnm. Picton J.-s.-lt.«n, I). N.
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    • 485 2 Hfcvertiscmcnts. uvsuJtTuveEs. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Lft FIRE. MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEf Funds Exiied -£12,00U,U0U. W. A. SIMS, Mana^»T, Eastern BfMOl Auw 1"' Hoyal Insurance Company. Hre LiltTotal Iktkhted Fitnim j.-*j~J 1 THt LAKOEBT HICK OFFI IN THK WORLD. HoL'STKAI* I I'ii. The London and Lancashiri' Fire Insurance Co. CariTa*. 42,117^00.
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    • 369 2 BaNtCS.^ I Hongkong ft Shan Corporation. I'vu.i >i. M-ii.m,' nVsa« v. ||Ot(M0 t (M b Hi Re* ftcansTi Li tmiun o§ PnormisT] «T t<> 1), v Haorv, I Q H. Airiih' t OoBTI, 1 i h. J.I J.sq D. M N 11 Pi BOMIOM Acni (1 Lovnofl i Han hi-.
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  • 296 3 CU-; S:\lU 1:1 UI.KAKS Ml-, Nil Kr:miis«-o paper My* -Captain W. iry. commodore ol the Pacifi Mail „i mol flic ii *t k:i.»un nanken in 0 American Merchant maiim* diad at the ,iuf ot Steward McNaW in Kohs valley at "'"lt ol injuries sustaiued
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  • 295 3 Dr Wordswt*th, tJi»ho|» of Balisbnrj, ha i. in pumpblet form, a letter u<l irn^-^d inMimixMit t" bia diooeas a/bo bad reftNT d t<> t he <ttitnde of the Ufea Ir-lil'i- on Turkish nrui»», au« Bl Pi BMta OB Ch ne^s lal»our I «lioiil'l l>e rery gorrv
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  • 116 3 I\ rsaJMTisru W• <■ ia Ja?j frt»m I. ■•ii'l«>:i mvB The ea for :m fx'pMilion lo .lavt wi«h i coutinuing tl\e wwtrcbw link. i riou will be under the lenderaltip oi :'..<. wi«] b»»l»r, D E A i k«. I )ii! "li IIM 1' nik^ >>f tlv
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  • 128 3 X OF AN AVbi Mi \Ni,. v cd iiiMnit SO, «rbo Iff bj Hpecial j»frnii>-.i"ii It* India on i mission, is now in Colombo and i trying t< back t<> Sydney, but Captain- <>f to t;tk» him. Tin- nwttU r \nh reporkd bo tin Principal CoHeeftot
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 389 3 Hfcwcrttscmcnts. 7WQTIONS. ij* AUCTION SALE At our Sale-room, No. 8 Malacca Stroet, On Friday, Bth February, at 1 1 a.m. a Stock of WINES. BBSBB k CIGARS. Comprising: Claret. Sherry. Port. Bottled Beer and Cask Ale, ri?ars, Freshly imported stock of a large number of leading marks of Holland CIGARS
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    • 372 3 HDvertisemcnta. TO LET. TO LET No. 10 Mount Elizabeth and No. 23-S Race Course Road. Apply to LOH LUM, 503 North Bridge Road. Dec 24 24.2 TO LET One newly-conatructed building in Robin a son Road close to P &O. Coirpanj's Office a Keady for occupation Apply to O. A.
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    • 294 3 TO LET. TO BE LET. Desirable residences, with stabling and ennis lawn in Cavanagh Road. H. CROSKEY Co. Jan 17 v.c TO BE LET, No. 35, Barker Road, pleasntly situated, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath rooms ttached. Rent $35. Apply B. DAVID, No. 1 Malacca Street. Dec 11 v.c. TO BE
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    • 476 3 CARRETT'S. Portable Engines. Fitted with their PATENT FIRE BOX For Burning WOOD FUEL ARE MOST Efficient (Sb Economical OVER FIFTY, use in the Federated Malay States. IMPORTERS, THE BORNEO Go, Ltd Singapore and Kranji Railway. From 21st January, 1907, and until further Notice. TRAIN SERVICE FOR WEEK DAYS ONLY. UP
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  • 1543 4 The Singapore Free Press. Friday, February 8, 1907. UlMi d '»> inlluervj" an ur!> ■MM patriot TY"lti In r aw. Fledged to Rcii^ict., Laymi:y a It in uuder»tood that Sir Fkank Swirtknham. our fnruu'r J. >'.c rn<>r, will arrive in a couple of we.-kh or 10 in Singapore, of course
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  • 559 4 W..MI in s pl-.i-uw ill i btll i: Ml ft ieh l.»<l\ fnmds. 1 Tlm B V Rtl Ul«b m,,, U- on s.itui.j.iv .in.) 5ij.....,. p in. mm| 7 i in 1M... i B ftaop \V f <> .ili.iin, „f t|,,. \t Kpi-.- |..i rimi.-i, i, in tli- OMM >■!'
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 241 4 [JOHN LITTLE &Co L™ We have the following Weekly and Monthly Magazines and Newspapers for sale on arrival of First Mail alter Publication. WEEKLY. GRAPHIC. SKETCH. I ILLUSTRATED LONDON WINNING POST. I NEWS. TIMES WEEKLY EDITION. J SPORTING DRAMATIC. DAILY MAIL OVERSEAS." I BYSTANDER. THE "PINK'UN." j TATLER. REYNOLDS. SPHERE.
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    • 251 4 Drs. Kew Brothers, de.jtal surgeons. No. 2, Battery Road. Dr. A. G. BUTLER, L.D.S., R.C.S.E. DENIAL SURGEON. 6, Battery Road. G. R. Lambert Co. PHOTOGRAPHS of tiii: ROYAL VISIT. 1. Arrival of T. R. H. at Johnston's Pier. 2. Guard of Honour passing Cavenagh Bridge. 3. T. R. H. passing
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    • 131 4 NOTICE The Hotel de l'Europe Syndicate have pleasure in notifying the public and their clientele in general, that Mr. Henry L. Schutz is now the Manager of the above Hotel. HOTEL DE L'EUROPE. Notice is hereby given that Mr. C. Chaytor is no longer in the Service of the above
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    • 59 5 IU-c. at 0.37 p.m. Feb. 7r!i. The Memlwrs of tlie Pilgrimi Clab g*vt ■x iiiiKjUHt to Mr. Bryce, the AmbMndat to W«fth«Dgto«, 1.m.1 K"l>fits pn>iil.-.1. ami tin* Al'firif imiii'M' Aui^^-ad >i> Wen present. Mr. Wliitelur 11, I] pt.»p<s.d the health of Mr. Bnroa mm] the litter, in
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    • 24 5 M>. Bilfour ami Li.] LanadoWM in LmnMMWM to t'.!<> Quionista state that lion piomises to l>e of uuusuhl iuter—' and imp'-rtauoe.
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  • 672 5 \l> hut's tanrnp >wh-u\ ai Tokio taji that, ir talk of the American pr»>^ iI .hi i ilie ulei <>f aa ultimattun is _'irK*<l m ridiculous. [While rc^ardinn the alleged r, port i oi the evil mtentMH 18, ll Mtted by the n-a- i m'm-. as perfectly
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    • 47 5 Kec. Feb. 7 IMG am. The I'ivniier Sir Henry Campbell Hinnennati in a Utter to his supporters reminds thorn that Parliament moots agaiu ou Feb. 12 when the atteution of the Bouse of Com- > ***** will be immediately called to matters of gnil itnportauco.
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    • 81 5 Tljo uso of the word "grave in OOttjuno- lion with t bo reosot Ministerial attacks on the Hoo»e of Lords is considered to show ihat the tirst business ot' the Session will [ben. great straggle with the House of Lords. The general expectation ol the
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  • 34 5 Tlie temperance and Irish measures will probably be put in the background, and the English Ltud Bill brought forward, as ai. additional rallying cry to Education will thus be obtained.
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    • 59 5 li.ibt ni^ht there vas s patriotic demonstration before the palaces of the Emperor and Priu -c yon Buelow. The Emperor addressed the crowd aud thanked tlie people for doiu^» their duty to the Fatherland. The elections had proved he said tbat j Germany not only can
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    • 31 5 The Reichstag has been sumuioued It meet on Feb 19. The Centrist, section is utronger than ever A Radical bM lx*en finally reclectod in the Emperor's Division.
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    • 50 5 The election return-* are now complete and the figures, of tbe parties compared with those at the last ♦•lection are. Conservatives 51» U> 52 Centrists 105 to 1 01, Socialists 43 to 79, Imperialists 21 to 22 National Liberals 55 to 51, Rulictls 89 to 30.
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  • 183 5 In the small hours ot Sunday morning a Police Constable on rounds in Victoria- s»t found a Chinaman who appear**] badly injured lying groaning in a drain. The man whs titkeu to Rochore Police Station and from thence to hospital as one of his arms was
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  • 195 5 S. C. vs S. R C. Teams from the ab>v»» Clubs ui*»t last night ou the 8 R. p.>ni.»u of the E*planadeat Association I .*>t lull. The S C.C. started a man short ami with a substitute in go*l. They ftoewl ihe »"•> and for a ]<n.g timn thnir
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  • 7 5 (From our own dmi iJkmeVnf.)
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    • 36 5 I Hongkou*?, Feb 7th, M ptn. There have been serious disturbances at lie Ashio Copper Mine, Japan. The disturbances are increasing and the rioters are bor»t»g the various establishments belonging to the mine.
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    • 19 5 Several persons have been brutally murdered. The troops arrive at the MM of the disturbauces today.
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  • 749 5 An American Consular report, in a telegram stated Jan. 4 nays: S n^apore rice* are quoted respectively at $190, £I*o, and $155. Rangoon Ist class M44J Stocks of Siam old rice are low, and the arrival of new rice is not so large as to l»e exported.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 269 5 To the Editor, Deau Sir, As a Chinese who love« China aud admires Coufucianism, I shall be very glad if you will allow me, through your columns, to ask some of our educated Chinese readers whether the following statement is based upon facts obtained from experience. The words 1
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  • 16 5 The output of dry iubi»er from the ab<>v<»J| Estate diiruiir January ann>unted to^,;J2o|| lbs.
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  • 96 5 A team of pl*BU*n tioin Malacca and the Native B*eln is peyivg .i vi»il toSiagapote t ii i i 1 Itr1 tr the Chiueev New boßdejs and »\ill take a.l vunt il:-' "f the slay hern to play the Bitt£Mv>re Ifif lMlfkm Club at Cricket on
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  • 116 5 Cliin Ah Kirn u,n. alon^ Bra--Bas»ah-rd. <>n the m riling ..f Urn 18ili ultimo Wheu <>pj».»it'' hoQae N" 70, he was teinpU-d to explore. He slipped iv and saw a d.uple ef h-it s within re.ich. He niuexed one, I nit. was -«-en. and the erf ol "thief" raised.
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  • 119 5 Whilst Mr K. Li.ii iieidtnaster ot* the) An^lo-Chiuese Fr»-e School, was on his wa\ io the icboul in <i 'lk'sha ye>teril.iy tiiiruin^ he met with an Moid ut vvliieh mi^ht easil\ have proved serious His rikisba OOubr wan rvshhsjC ■kmc with the re«klessne>s proverbial to tlie class
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  • 141 5 i A KUiik l;«d w,t> cii.ii^— i before Mr Gr»-fMi vt's'cid.iN inoiniiii: with t|j^ then *»t a loot t Wall M »<l«ler, vi'tied a' &1.7">, b»-loilgiug to the N itionrtl (Juioa l\>«n i».tl! Club. He «dmitted tli 1 1 be kid stolen !>♦• bl*ddri l>Mt derliired he
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  • 108 5 Om Sttijidiy n'u'lit it detective on rounds Sin Oich«rd-rd m-t a (Jh'iiinitn GMTjiag .< roll tit lelophoiiH wire. The Cliiii; Mid he (oinid it by the T*m&*i&o iind WMK <>ii his m;iv to the S'Htiun to h.nnl it over hi i he Polio*. His w;iv
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 Sound Advice. Never neglect a bad cold. You can not tell how it may result. A simple home remedy will often bring relief and should not be ignored, but there is nothing so relitas Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It ?H known for its quick cures of coughs colds. For sale by
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    • 217 5 Robinson and Co. i Vk vl I IBM 0^ Bi \*^Brv9^H^H^^ HHH Mp^BBBHB#BUBBHJMHMU| l\ 4IHNBW91' 1 L# C nH^B ",v,\ HBPl_/'V__JBI t <^B |^|^w JB9E&t aHU b ■HH S^t'*'^ iiao'llrs of Vx-it <|U*li iBfaB J HKi J^BS ybH&* l>r;i--i l i (jt'^* > Tta> '.vit)i Itollrrn, Hulr ltm I ti«<1
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  • 916 6 Thi: Championship Stuigglk. The wrestling tournament for the Championship of India, writes the Kui;lishman. which has been in progress at tlie CongreKH since January 3rd, has afforded admirers of this form of sport ruuen excitement. Not less than sixty had entered for the tournament, and
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  • 170 6 U. S. R AILWAY DEATH ROLL. The New York <k> wpomfcjui f tl> writes The latwMtaui Cninieit/.Comm :aion lia B published it* .mm -I v»-p<>it on nulwaj ewul i-s in t» Halted Stut^ from which it aj.pfara tlint 4,845 r»«M w.-jv I killt-.l a ,1 f, ,7. WtMO injm-cj
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 33 6 I C Y pr t idol is tll nn>Bt trustworthy and of all m^rrnrial remede^in the lrt*t«n«nt of B^ondary sympomß." IL nsolicited) J *unTW B» WlT?( M Central .B '4 3 1
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    • 566 6 aiwrtiscmcnto. FOR SALE. -EMPTY HOGSHEADS (54 gallons For sale about 100 to 150 monthly. Apply to "B" c o Singapore Free Vttm Jan 17 v.c FOR SALE Second hand Pianos? by well known Englis and Continental Makers, in good order an condition. No reasonable offer refused. On view at The
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    • 527 6 Hfcwcrttecmcnto. SHIPPING. Apcar Line. The undermentioned mail steamers ol h the above company maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan calling: at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tons. Commander. ss. Japan 6,3<»0 .I.G. Olifent. -«.8. Oragory Apc;ir 4,<;o* S.H. Belson. *m. Arr.itoon ApOtt 1. lo A. E.
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    • 694 6 a^vcrt(oemcnto. SHIPPING. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading i ssue< 3 f or Chin Coast, Persian Gulf, < outin^ntal and Ameri. can PorU. Steamers will leave Singapore on or aboul M 1L LINES.
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    • 777 6 SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. COAST LINES. Ir iteamers of the Coast Fleet. tons r»-<,'. tons rey. Petchaburi L'lWl Paklat 1687 Borneo 21 0 Anghin |flf] Kohaichang 2u*»J Locksun ]tl. 7 Kajah 2028 Choieiini: 7 Pitsanulok a»l9 Pongtoag ]t;.,7 Kangkok 192 S-tnaen 1t...; Kajaburi 1904 Loo So k I6M Korat 19
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    • 486 6 HDpcrridcmcius. SHIPPING. XXI. Norddeutscher Lloyd, BieniP) IMPERIAL (iKHMAN MAIL L--11m fast ami wttLkmamm mt this Company sail H.-iinburg vi.i t »ii»>nilt;tr. tpfes, (com N'.-ip! ■>u«:','ti, < i kong. Shanghai, Nagasaki a~h and I* kL Th.;. :n underwent i< Bed il.ttes OUTWARD BON d I'r.n/ I I'r I. ig
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  • 64 7 (Corrected u>>^o Feb 7.) Bink4m/s Wi demand "NJ^*? Private credits 3 in/s credits 6 m/s 2^^ France, demand Bank SMI vi krmant, demand 'J;J9\ ndia, T. T 17:^ rIoNOKONG, demand 3^ %dis Yokohama, demand Hfi a v a, demand HI •ANUKiJK, dflliaU'l 81 1 1 mjvbreiqns, Bank Buyin,' B.M
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  • 565 7 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued paid up Value up Company. Quotations $300,000 3m>,000 10 10 Belat Tin M Co. Ltd $135,000 HO.oOO 10 10 Hersawil, C ld M. 00. Ltd norn $40,000 10 10 Do Do fefcmt) n^ > $600,000 60",000 10 10 Bruwdi Hydraulic Tin l| Co Lid
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  • 137 7 February 7. f Tin sellers I» >'. jranibier T. Cube N T o. 1 10.AS ismhisrfTahs Wo 1 0 4Pepper Black(ordin.S'pt»re) buyers 18.12| Pepper. White (fair L. \V. 5 p.c.) 24.8 7 j Nutme«s(llQto the lb 25 1<~) Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) 38. Mace (Bunda) t> r
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 784 7 RAFFLES [LIBRARY. IIk' following in -w books will Ik- ivaik lor \^nr on Friday. ttkew, Alice A Claude, The Baxfcst Family. Bcnsotti K. H The Sentimentalist*. Cleere, Luciw, C'ouukcIs at the Nighi. Conyers, Dorothea, The Straying* of Sandy Drake, Usance, The Salving of a DerelictDuffi Lily Grant, Periwinkle. Gallon, Toin,
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    • 329 7 WANTED. WANTED Chinese Krani for shorthand and typewriting. Apply to R. S. T. c'o Free Press. Feb 5 12.2 WANTED By European Lady, apartment and board with Private Family. Apply E. A. co" Free Press." WANTED A medical man for Estate Hospital. Must possess locally reg'isterable qualifications. Salary $15<) with
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    • 521 7 H^crtigemcnto. On the Berth. The East Asiatic Coy., Ltd. For Pahang, Tringganu, Bisut, Bacho, Ke antan, Tabai, Bangnara, Telupin, Panarai, 3 atani, Singora, Lacon, Koh Samua, Bandon, Champon and Bangkok. ss. "Boribat on the 9th Feb. ss. Chakrabhongs on the 16th Feb. ss. "Asdang" on the 23rd Feb. Sept 10
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    • 523 7 SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd, AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co. LtdThe Companies' &Uvunera ar^ d>-spatoh<'d from I Liverpool outwards f.»r the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan hSBMwaHi for I^>ndon, Amsterdam and Antwerp every for** night and for Gt-n >a, ■srseillm, Liverpool monthly. One <>vitw
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    • 475 7 HAMBURC-AMtRIK* LINiE. PASSENGER SFRVICE. m By the new strainer- \nia, U u^hd Hohi n^ r -.cfi n•• and tho SCANDIA-and-Sll.KMv." Tl, bu,lt for tho trop,,-M have luxunou. Pawongci 1 U tion. First «Us, Cabins aniidship h throughout by electruiu eahtte fitted with fans. Doeto* and Bi Laundry on board. Bfltarn
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 386 7 Passengers for the Straits. Per P ft O Manila due Feb 7.— Mr L E. P. Wolferstun. Per N I) L Prinzes Ali-e, due Fel. *>.— Mr and Mr-* P. B. 'Jmmms, Di' and Mrs von Wedel, Ifr .nd Mrs J. 4 Perry, Mr P T. C Nibii'uUiM, Katnmerberr Biiron
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  • 367 8 The prize distribution to the successful scholars at the Government School at Ou-train-rd took pUce yesterday afternoon at the school, a capacious building and ver\ mvutlv complete*]. L*dy Evelyn Young, who had kindh consented to undertake the ceremony, wai. uccouipanied by Capt Young, and was upon
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  • 379 8 Prizes DisTEißiTßr bt Mish Axdebs.>n The Singapore Chinese Girls' School had its annual prize distribution at the Chiuese Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon There were a uuinber of friends of th»pupils present. Miss Auderaou distributed the prizes aud l>r Liua P»x>n Keug, wh<« has
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  • 128 8 Millionaire Hi nek ion Pkt Aanciii Many gr< tepqne supper- tveiegiten in N«-w York on N»*w Year's ere. Bioa<|w iv wnjatum«<i by a yelling mob Mrs. Minnie Fisk© Griffin entertain' d he' millionaire fri^nda <md t ti-i r p^ts to a I an rju»»t at ('hicajfo
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  • 67 8 A Jamaican Lady Speaks Highly of Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. Mrs. Michael Hart, wife of the superintendent of Cart Service at Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies says that she has for some years 2, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for fZ%?' Croup d wh <x>pin? cough and has found ,t very beneficiaL She
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  • 393 8 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Rowing Club was held iv the Club House laat evening and there were present. Mr D. R >bertBon, in the chair, Messrs Branson, Wiftld, Beuton. Dunn, Jones, Lam-, Beatty, Brandt, Blair, Ballantine. S allw. ((> Martin, Thomson, .\iurrav, ami Frank};
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  • 530 8 ißi'.ins the Front Seats. Yesterday tnoruiug before Mr Miehell. v First Magistrate, the BoitiMUi who i^iuilly ™aye the name of J. X Jac»l.>, p -a red id dUHWcr to a natliiH issUvi nt instance of Messrs. Thii CbOMg Liv uu<l w Ohio Xi tn charging him
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  • 569 8 The M. > r Company's steamer Tonkin lef f ColaiH) at 5 p.m. <>v the<>ih February, and ny be expected here ou Monday I aUt 11 a.m. I Amongst t he passengers by the Calypso :roin D~lhi yestertl.iy was the" Comte a'Ove li Bavav. The (ipnnan gunboat Ti^er,
    569 words
  • 244 8 The following exciting i» tran.-Jated (r m a native paper KsmMwm fo- the Imrwfai liaznr Pafn'ka, from w i,h th*» nftrari is taken: In Agrahayan l»st. a khera o' rhe village DWim, PfcfftMM Rurahn>>huiii having ftmm to kirn p ddy fie'd to impto' |i fund a
    244 words
  • 128 8 YESTERDAY'S PLAT. Lames Sint.i.en. Mrs Hunderson beat Miss Littlefnir. 6 ft, (> 5. Mixed Do-rles A. Mrs Gansloser and Mr Mild* beat Mi.^ Abrams and Mr Mason, 2, 6 o. M-s >a!zmann and Mr Green beat Mis Salrmann and Mr Hose, 6 4, 6 5. Mrs
    128 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 65 8 Bprains. A sprain may be cured very quickly by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm to the injured parts every hour, and rubbing vigorously at each application. If the rubbing causes too much pain, apply the Pain Bjilm without rubbing. It should be applied as »oon as possible after the injury is
      65 words
    • 91 8 DE KONI\K IJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contract with the Nbtheblams J m ,ia UovtMlin Agents at Singapore. Ship Agency, late J. Daendeli Co., a- 3 Loilyer Qua, THIS UNDBRBIOSED DATES ARE ONLY AI'PROXIIIA? S Van Mr n B °tf h i? atavia A t' e^ *B»tavia. Java-coa<t. Samarang. Soerabaia kleng.
      91 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 87 8 PASSENGERS ARRIVED. Pei Pin Sen Mr* Iliwhj. Mr Driw»ll Per P»rak Hon. J. Turner, Hon. K. N B and. Mr J. L., Mr and Mrs A. Tullj. Hev P. G. Grabam, Mr C Sudden, Un AikIi nf, Mr Chow Kit, Dr L^urinf,'. MrCoe. Mr W. D. Ba<nes, Mr O.
      87 words
    • 553 8 CLEARANCES. Gerd, Nor. str., Andr-asen, for Bombay. I Vuentung, (ler. «tr., Hinach, for Bangkok. V.m Mietiien, Out etr., Eilbraoht, for Bataviu and P-ilombiintf. Pn.tit, N-»r. str., Olsen. for Djambie. Ruby, Brit. *tr Morris, for Palembanp. Sri WMfM, Dut. str., D;iud, for Muar and Mil hire.) Selungor, Brit, etr., Daly, for
      553 words
    • 554 8 VESSELS IN PORT~ Men-of-War FU X and Tons Commanders Arrived From Marco Polo Ital crm .>«-00 Noreliu Curio Feb Honirkoßir si Wht T'tfer Ger gb. 950 Yon R«** Feb 7 Bangkok Alcedo S. V.573 Loveland Feb.. Bangkok -Sea Bell F M.B. Yarht 48 Ah mat F« b I p Swet
      554 words