The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 16 January 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 217 1 Tltr Austi;ili.ui .Squ.idiou lull joined rii«. Fleet NOW al allflloi liete. 'J 'lie tl.l^liip |n the erniew P»M»*rful utd klms bai om hoard Alinin! P*vkr*. Tlmj H«rM<t '•> i w i i A I inn a! P.n' I*.i^" S) N -A IcWaiM Ml the let. .rill ol
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  • 983 1 11 •>-! iuteie»l w tliat u.i.-i.m-U ii,i. i- > ng 1M...k .-I Tin. in H ,id\ I 1 1 U 1 i Ik-vi !!«•>' i> 1..-L- iii»--i i i>.l. ilir.Miju i !i»- an; iq y in. in tii»- r i i n I '.II I <1~1..i>. .(Ik, 1 1.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 279 1 Entertainments. JUBILEE HALL. Monday, January 2lst at 9 p.m. Boxiag Competition open to tLe Ana] ami \;iw for Prises amounting to PnSEKTED JACK McAULIFFE. THK scotch MIDGETS. lii a three roiiiiil- boxing ooatost anil a now act with Indian ClnbKi Champion Trick act by McAuliffcs clever Kill. SooW, Spot and
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    • 212 1 HOTELS. Hotel de l'Europe ESPLAM7IDE. m SATURDAY, JAN. 19TH. Game Tiffin AUSTKIAN STRING BAND Iced Fass Beer. MUSIC. Mr. Muhlberger of the Hotel de L'Europe begs to announce that he has received a consignment of new Violins, flutes and strings of the best quality. Players requiring a really good instrument
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    • 102 1 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. Taki Main due on 21 st for Rangoon— Paj;e7. Warned, straits Chi bom Qen -Dm 6. Mr. A. M. Hofjji and Mr. A. M. S Hermann have joined Latham A. Co. Pa^e ft. Billianl table for sale. Powell and Co.— Page 6. To let, Shami.HK Baik.v Koad nu<\
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 29 1 Next Mails Due. From England. Per P k O Devanhu in Friday Jan JB, with mails of Dec 28. From China. Per P O Simla on Ttmrsday J;in 17.
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    • 351 1 THE WEEK. Wednesday, loth Hi-h Water: 11.22 a. S. V. C. Signallini: CUm, 5.1 5 p St. John's Ambul. u. e Lm I M.C.A. -Vl5 p Y. M.C.A. Address by Rev P Hunter Mi p Thursday. 17th: High Water:— O. H a., <•:, p PHiian^ Turf Club Entries <-U>-e. noon.
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  • 312 2 The "Mri'i.AKK PMMV. N.t l.»iijr afa there aupawd in oafaai— u» Moavat. wlm-h mm fooad sot ■aialavaaliaCi A* ilitdnir "Madlark .iu.l her w,.ik in Utt Siu>.'ip.>re K;\>-i- Mrbtcll r .iuiv to ke«-p BAviKwala, Mr \Y Ba»ii n. wh"» Ins awca npariaaoa «>t .lre.l--radguaf h«vin_- >erw.l Ins imv
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  • 380 2 A BtaMATCM KeminiAllu>ljui» to the reeeut pro-i .|»t. A V C Nfewaj Thirtv-six MM NT mt/9»i u A i iIIoWAV, who takes up the |>O6 t;«->u of C«'inui'*l<>!V of the Nav il i.jufh m ■necfNMMi t. t i»«H H Btflffwd Hf 4 the N.tvi when lit? *as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 305 2 Hfcvcrtisemcnts. THAT IS Frascr and Neaves' Aerated Waters. NOTIGES. NOTICE We t>eir to notify that Mr. A. M. Ho^g and Mr. A. M. S. Hermann have joined the staff of this firm and we hold ourselves responsible for transaction- »>ntired into by them on our behalf. LATHAM Co., Brokers. Jan
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    • 520 2 g&vcrtisemcnta. NOTFGES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. REFUND OF ASSESSMENT. All persons claiming refund of assessment in respect of dwelling houses vacant for any portion of the half-year ended 31st December, 19O>, are hereby reminded that such claims must be sent in to the Commissioners on or before the 30th day of January,
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    • 447 2 B&verttaements. NOTK2ES. ESHAEAT KHAN Cheapest and best Book Binder, Printer, and Account Book Ruler. All orders executed promptly. 34, Bras Basah Road. Nov 13 u.c H. CROSKEY <& Co. LICENSED AUCTIONBSNS, No. 8 Malacca Street Real Estate, House Furniture, Store Stocks and Produce Valued and Sold. Loans arrang I ed.
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    • 470 2 Hfcvcrtteements. IAISURaWBES. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. Funds IT ■MM 111 JtI2.OOU.UOO. Manager, Eastern Br.t Koyal Insurance Company. Total Invented Fixph £J~^j.^: THE LASGEBT KIKE OTPBCI IN TIIK VTOBLD. BOUBTBAO v The London and Lancashire Fire insurance ('<>• < aiital x. Paid-IP Capital jl_m_ Reserve Puvb
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    • 487 2 Bfcvcitiscmcnta. I Hongkong Shanghai BanK Corporation. PATT>-rF C'AI'ITAI. I \ii-y kvk Ki.Mi I ■K Bhm i« I I I mill Silver Reserve... s lO,fi II Rkservb Liability M I Propkie-h-k--bi or i), I > •> A. Mai |a| <"n mkman I EL B— m I I liorrz. I Hon. Mr.
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  • 240 3 M;i.i run i'ONsim:n 1 \tubi' ntl\ in "1. 1 Ml. 11l Turk- I bi i.iin- liiu- lion. ijjt- Me«tiu rraneaii ;<> tli. I QtM aadet control aoli ment, I -:u in .irin- on the MManoa, wa a ill »a- i: r. The niilw I tea to the
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  • 204 3 t Philippine Assembly. I :ro!n H. Mount Yenon-placc Boston. Hehm.. From this a rva«ler would natural lv infer that the Filipinos j itrv abnnt to niak n law* ami that the v :::--.:.>:• .-.i! M i- iaw In <>t! a liberal auto- at of Australia. i.ia.
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  • 126 3 xi. W M. LA> m M Uhw fcw— 'l/ A.l- h -f of th^ Chi -,'h n-t at Danville, tared I I- r rit •i m.mki d.-r-in i lii^f of th- j. and I.*- raed •*<! Bl« l> -.1 up..n h r. ly kIM Eiu; I liii.t in of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 720 3 Btocrtiscmcnts. nUQTIONS. AUCTION SALE Household Furn«ttire &c. Titi: 1 l:o!'i;::i\ oi <".. M. M M.dli.M KTO BE HKLO A I "SEIiBOBXE" No. 5 MOUNT ROSIE ROAD (OFF CHANCERY LANE) Saturday. 19th January, at 2.30 p.m. PtaVakad cabinet with glaaa doors? and cupI sideboard with drawers an»l cupboard U-low dinner wagon
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    • 554 3 fl&pcrtisemcnts. mjQTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF Unserviceable Stores TO BE HELD AT THE GABLE DEPOT, KEPPEL HABBOUB Friday, 18th January, at 2.30 p.m. A quantity of belting iron and wooden Moeka iron chain cable chain iron drums j tiles canvas hose paint kegs grapnel rope I wire rope old copper brass
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    • 703 3 Ktwc-tteemcnts. TO LET. TO LET Compound House No. 1.3-A Mt. Kli/ulx th Rent $50 monthly. Apply to GAGGINO k Co. July 17 iicTO BE LET Gilstead Cottage, No. 2 Gilstead Road. Tennis Lawn. Stabling. No. 145 Tanjong Khu. Seaside Bungalow. Immediate entry. Desirable offices on first floor, No. 1 Raflles
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    • 241 3 The only proved, lasting prctoction against the attacks of HWte Ants, Teredos, Dry Rot Jodelite has now been in constant use in the Straits Settlements for many years with complete success. EXPERIMENT:- Coat a piece of deal, Serayah (or other soft wood), with Jodelite, nail it to a similar but
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  • 1279 4 The Singapore Free Press. Wednesday, Jan. 16, 1907. B the FICH tfce l'to; 'uio, I'iawr'l :>y toStKOOC n Here iwitriot Tnuli hrr f. H Pledged to Religior., Loyalty a:id I-'*. The point of view is everything. Fairplav." th»* <»rgan of the ship-owner fiuds it impossible t.» c-.mceive of a u'overuinent
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  • 700 4 The Puliot iiAVe i o ifp..rt rM<r;:r<linpr 1 lie •llrpMl galf It.l.iierv d L Diu^W;ill," Pill.j 4U fe LagialaHwa Council m^ts .n PnAar, J m. 5i ii, iha IViiui.Lj '.hi iv»t Hill at,.i i !i-' L .ai.s thUbniag dowa fur cuuiti<irn,uou iu coiu mil tee. On Mon.l.iy t u.- Railway
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 256 4 John Little ®> Co, Ltd. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION. NO ORDER IS TOO SMALL But that it receives our Personal AttentionNO ORDER IS TOO LARGE i But that our resources can cope with it COMPLETE FURNISHING OUTFIT. including Furniture, Lamps, Crockery, Glassware, Linen, Cutlery, Cooking Utensils, &c,
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    • 389 4 Ittwcrttsemente. DENTAL NOTICE. I HAVE THIS DAY HKSIMED PRACTICE. CHADWICK KEW Dr. A. G. BUTLER, L.D.s. lUXSJS. DENTAL SURGEON. 6, Battery Road. G. R. Lambert Co. THE LARGEST CONSIGNMENT OF FRAMES AND MOULDINGS TO SINGAPORE Has just been received by us. Over 100 different kinds in the latest and most
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    • 78 4 NOTICE. All communications to the Editor should be legibly written on one side of the paper only, and should in all cases be authenticated by the name and address of the writer, not for publication, unless clearly so indicated. The Editor is not responsible for, and does not necessarily endorse,
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    • 45 5 Mem.»raH-!um e\pU us that M -onstif -itinj- i PieJ i Array f(.r will each W approximately half the streu^th of m Army Corps, ana to comuat mainly ot vm<: at preind re>**rvists. supplemented bj men j whose fun n'iui: >us tff like .'
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    • 19 5 i evi 10 I u-u' per- the Cavalry. ..•s w ;!1 f -rin iv.i. as .>pera,t- \r:.iv
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    • 24 5 .1 lut'an'!. ItetTiilioeM. twi> K -v il Horse Artillery form two br lUV. The t.'iejr.»ph and bridging u»- .11 he i|« iu<Tea-
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    • 47 5 ae oi Army apMMBjaJ papers point out tbat though it t in Improved framework. her meu to fill it up on »iti'u. n r men ea "»'ipply wastage.! The 4,-herue is bd;*«d up-^n ppl. v of non-re^u 'whence) 8f bow these are to !>«» ,»bt i
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    • 47 5 \n »man nauu-1 M u I. we. ■a- found. M Line was reucliol, :n a senii-con-sckxwcooditioo. w: red. event u illy .lep >>•• 1 ifcaj a man entered t he •i r r.u aud afterwards '•unue-1 her with a hammer while do/iug. her and then disappeared.
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    • 11 5 The i M J»bU be j .ev! a'
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    • 15 5 •r Unhand is ba adoption of the New forwards and a I
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    • 13 5 WmM has arrived at f h^r platin? >i.m with the steamer
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    • 31 5 10 p.m. M Tsar for the Russian New T«M thank-N M. Stuhpin and the, ibiuet tur their lUiffiSM r.'erua! >it»i itiou of the •oun*rv«l#»sp the fooftrij effort- >t the
      31 words
    • 29 5 Official Denial. J..n l.'.'h. 1210 pm. >.u»\ tmmd C.MUpuiT has beoo >fficiallj inforuiel t». t the Committee of Defence has nor .1. e .[uestiou of tuuel Tunnel. > <
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  • 60 5 ,t.m. 1- M rep-.rt^l Sai RhMMMM that t|H pi i ial >.-.l Uniwrsity, Lreliul. IUfWMg i* Si'OLilist „..,t.-l ll IMH Ksi-lusiou iujK»ssible. It was nonsense to uffiim ihut the Umted Stites must fight Jipan for tb« masterv of tl»« Pacific. He befi«v«id Japan sincerely desire<l to
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  • 315 5 Sir Justice Fisher cooliauoil Ibe bearing of the cbsf^OS of cheat iin» avra'tisr Kuianuel Judah. Mr Nathan, .Ja\anai;oiidain Cheitv. and Mr lloyd \ver»- beard duriajf the Morif in^ ui'l .1 mi tied at levgtb. Mr Van SiMMVeO. ■ddraosod t lie C.ti'rl on behalf of ■cowed deeding tbecoMMctiusj of
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  • 278 5 Hi* l*>r.isliip juil-Tii^ut iu 'h- K--tat*' c.i>e in which achetty claimed full p.iyuieiit of his debt from au E<tat*\ the other debtors to be emti>lie<3 as f«tr M ifct muhus of the K>tate would allow. Mr I'pootr ap peared for the cliettv, pWin'iff. Mr Gaaal for the
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  • 90 5 Another rttorfciag t&tmej from Chinese ha wken ->\\<]y tot the Police mm imfamioihj Iff C«*im»» ywtrday. A Cfcinwi— of the- litM! i typo, prowfed alouir \Viivanu'->t, «Wn i nuiiili'T of l);iw. kers ueiv ptfWmd -ilj'l 'llr.-lf I MlOmj from e.u'h. K;uin^' it was f<»r the OMMtebla
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  • 102 5 At tlie Swinimiui,' CImI) '>u Sunday h»-\<. the Mlii»if BTf t| will bfl >wiiiii Milv nm, U 0 v I' 1 I"'*1 W mv I .1' !i.e: Tt'iin Knv, ii M S. Momiv-i'tl).. K «i A. BvrofMMi P..!k'e, ;iu.l ilin Swiiniiiinu- Clul>. i'.'l" M«t«h«g will I*H M B
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  • 26 5 Mr H. C. Coote Yarborou h has arrived here and j in d the staff of ihe well known legal firm of Messrs Allen aud Gledhill.
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  • 272 5 H M. S. POWERFUL AS FLAGSHIP, Shortly after 1» o'clock yesterday luornini: the Australian Sqtladroa was sighted inak iD»? for the pt>rt by the western entrance !u the Harbour. The Squadron, headed b\ the 14.0<X> Um enaeet Powerful, wbiea is the flagship, cauie on in "line ahead,"
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  • 169 5 The tirst Wiirship built for Itussia -nice her war with .lap in, VM bionebed at the end of List vear bj ll— H Viekers, Sous and Maxim at their yard At liirrow-iu-Furness. Tlie vessel is t \tr- named the Kurik aud it id iutereatin^ to not« that
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  • 148 5 x nf < aim h* -I wonl; iir.^, aays a Ikmm pa|»er. \\l- ther the ocean Bjalety which the [Jailed Stat*-* Hydrogrtphie (Mk( hto at last d"~<.overd to lie uotliin^ more tliat a rock is Has ml original of the Flying Dutchman. I -iir eentui i» s
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  • 207 5 Adelaide. Paeaibar -'<. E. Basset, de* i-il>ed aji '"an inii>rMsario, appeared before Commissioner Bnawll, iu thIn»olvencv Cou-t to-day. Mr E. J. Cox, hl.'i raprwaaltd Baaaatt, s^id it appeared from tat inaolvaawf ••ounts thai the concert too in N-jw Booth Wales. Victoria, and South Australia resulted in loaaafovtrl!
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  • 152 5 Oil M'>n<lav la*t Russian sailor wen' into a shop "at Taiij.mi; Pi*gW and held out, a Jive rouble note Cor change. Just then Lot GookflMM Bi»fdmwg along on rhe luok OQt for what he could pick up. He saw the note au«l snatching it from th« Kmmu
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  • 1016 5 It is a fortunate circumstance that the weather just about Bow is keeping moderately tine, considering ttie large number of sporting fixtures which have been held luring the past few da\s and will continue during this week. The association football match between the Club and the 11. G.
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  • 39 5 A Smoking Concert will l)e lieM in the Drill Hall on January 26, at i) pm. M— h!■ wishing to invite jzeutlenieu as quests should aotify the Adjutant before 2"2ud. inst. Tickets for guests $1.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 498 5 ROBINSON Co. "GOLD MEDAL" CAMP BEDS. LIGHT WEIGHT, WATERPROOF CANVAS. 6 ft. 6 in. Long. 2 ft. 4 in. Wide. ROBINSON COMPANY. Riley Hargreaves AND COMPANY, LMITED. CONSTRUCTIONAL ENGINEERS. ELECTRICIANS SrflP BUILDERS. Tel. Address Hargreave.-. D 1 «W aW'l A* a^r We Undertake to Supply a First-class full sized Billiard
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  • 152 6 S. C. Moemno Post Cokkespondkkt Canton, January ."th. The Singapore capitalist, Chueng Fat T/..\ v»ho was the director of the defunct Wham jvo;i railway scheme, and who spent a consi- derable sum in getting thn concession from Viceroy Shorn. ahso in making survejß, plaaa, -tc does not
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  • 77 6 Mr. I> P. W "l] j p\ m Buref imher of aaaMMafli agamcsM ii th~ ther- ar« at present aK-nt sixty pa«enger :ies and >ouie fifteen to twenty fi-i^ht the care are entirely English and French in manufacture. Chinese and Natives take to uiotoi -im;
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  • 104 6 Last night's Gazette" contains ;i notific.aion thtt the Kin^has \^en pleased to issue j a com mission, under the Royal Siijn Manna 1 and Signet, appointing the Governor aud Commander- in-Chief, or the officer for the; ticue >*inij administerini; tlie ij^vernuient oi j Settlemeuts and their dependencie*.
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  • 175 6 \hs-,.p'u\ w^ h.-i-i •h— 1 fortiUM visit the magnificent electriir likjilt installa-ti-'U ia the Ban Aik Guau Rice Mill at Cbolou. It is an English firm from Sin>r»\"Tv. Messrs Riley Harereaves A C<>. Ld. who have suppli^l the engine and dynamo besides all the
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  • 98 6 i»u > -tftHMi m n. a.t Ik* V it g •.'hureh >f St. Joseph the w-Mi ttH.k place of Muuu-ipal Sanitary iMpwlor Wil ham \V. l*!unliett an-1 Miss Cl»-!iieutin» Ploreoce d« Sou/a, tb«» eldest «laucht*T 01 Mr ii«.l Hn «i K feStUza. Mr Walter d» Sou/a, thebri<Je"> l>ruther was
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  • 91 6 B coiuinitt*-*' of S. M;irv'» H«HM wisli B know led with many thanks, the Fol B list of donations towards the $2,50U B I'li^T I. A ,y K- .|1 mi w A| A itts Bo«|. 88 il" E«{. J5 B Th.' I>ispenBaM I B v;tm 2 B
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 543 6 H&\>crtiocmcnto. tt RIGAUD r S OF JAPAN ■B TOILET WATER •J Bigand'sKauaugaW.j l^i er tl-;c swcet rertun.e afrj^flT'aH^ Kana::ga 1 lower of P'» M > *)J J a P a a;;i a soothing and O^^iM^M^nS cool 1 lthcskin, S^t* rci > mo-quito n« fclrcsh:. BCv* jW ter pcr.pirjiion. l^lll RIGAUD
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    • 518 6 Hbvcrtisemcnta. SHIPPING. 1 Apcar Line. The undermentioned mail steamers of, the above company maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan calling at Penang, Singapore, Hong- j kong Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tons. Commander. M-atooi! Apour 4.M0 A. E. Gentles. itaerin apmi W.D. A- Thotaai M Gregory A] 4,606 S.H.
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    • 698 6 Ht>v>crttecmcnte. SHIPPING. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Const, Persian Gulf, < ontinental and Ameii- aaa Porti 1 1 Steamers v ill leave Singapore on o\ about j II IL
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    • 750 6 advertisements. SHIPPING. Norddeutsclier Lloyd Bremen. COAST LOTS oteamers of the Coast Fleet. ton- r._'. Paasaaaad BUM Pakhit Dwaco -1 0 An^jhin l»i.>7 Kohstchang I Ibmoi ;<; 7 Kajab M ClMaMj| 16 J Pitsauu'i" 2>>\ 1 j Paagai IW7 H;in_'k«.k 19J S nuen Rajalmri Kara! M*• Phra Kaaj Manila ITS) Mathew
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    • 521 6 Htnvrhscmcnts. SHIPPING. NDT Norddeutsclier Lloyd, Bi< IMPERIAL <il. IAIL Ul this CoMJMBy t«»rtui^lit Qiknltai <mm Naples. Al.'.vmu i B unden uUTWA BO l't I. P.R. L i I' 2 1 I nau utif j I'r. Lu i i 1 i■: \i' 1• A' i'r. Haiaricb >♦■]>• Vi: i.i..i 1 I.
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  • 449 7 -ml M-inj^rs H»«}K>it for ihe 4 -\-*ks m dw^jytb Dec !>♦<'•• Tu« atvomptDjin^ >l»eet ot MM mum* vents aiid assay results of pm^p,- :I »bowt a total of SBoft for tbe pei i«>d 4 week*) under review made up of I'.'ft sinking. Blft -nd 2^
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  • 33 7 Coort of d m. fie .1 v..w to Ml I] li I Besot V Iglti tiie i '..iniuirtsiouer. in t;,»' mfa reason V uerlv I worshipped .levils. urcii «>u Suud.iv.
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  • 233 7 JAPANESE AND FOREIGN STEAMSHIP COMPETITION. MORB PHNH R.VTIS LoWERKI). S;n<e th<* Nippon Yusen Kaisha opened its Bangkok line upon the conclusion ot the late war. Japanese t-t»-:j tnship owMra have se»»n. in the d reetion of the South Sea Islands, Rangoon a*4 Saiifon, a new Held for their operation-
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  • 255 7 That the resolution adopted br the Chinese ol Singapore to abolish the expend!- ot money raised I>\ public subscription> M>mlu\ang hautu feasts and 1 forth approbation tr-'tn the kIM pvtMt ma\ It? judgad t'roin j ,th^ fnllnaiMj U'-t»- u t| lt WmiMtn Pvbm of IBtk A reuiirkable
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  • 172 7 Thf following commu n i »^en issued s>y the iiL v Dq utmaal ut India :--The i next Gazette <>f India will contain a notiI :i raacsllißg the arrangements f.«r the receipt t>f go'd bullion at Um Indian Mint«. WL-'n th^ ofdan under which '^old bullion i-i
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  • 65 7 (Corbected up to Jan. 15.) Bank 4 ni/s 2/4} -J demand 2/4 Private credits o in/s 2/4-} credits 6 m/g 2/6| Fkancb. demand Bank 295 Gbemany, demand 24'» India, T. T, 17oj Hongkong, demand 4J%dis Yokohama, demand ll. r > ■l ava,! 141 Bangkok, demand »»0i Sovereigns, Bank
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  • 139 7 January 15. Tin buyers i'4- 2.1 Gambier 7 > 7 i Gambter Cube No. 1 10. Gambier Cube No. 2 !*"><» Pepper Black (ordin.S'pore) buyers 17.80 Pepper, White (fair L. W. 5 p.u.) 24.40 Nutmegs (110 to the lb 2t>. Nutm^s (80 to the lb.) 41. Vlace (Banda) »i-3.
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  • 556 7 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued paid up Value up Company. Quotation. $300,000 3<>u,ooo 10 10 BelatTinM Co. Ltd 16 '5 $135,000 140,000 10 10 Bereawab Gold M. Co. Ltd $40,000 10 10 Do Do Deferred) $600,000 60'.,0C0 10 10 Bruaeh Hydraulic Tin M. Co. Ltd 18**0 £400,000 350,00" £1
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 95 7 I j Mosquitoes Avoid I] I i^c pnmt t a I^MEMm that i V lalverts |>* 20? ft \\uirbolic/f I ;uch an exr^ilcnt pro- j -.t the attacks of these .•cts. It imparts also a kin, and, of i adv.uii.v-e rea,:.!y Appnaatad in warm j Tado >J F. C. Cklrert
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    • 612 7 EHfcvcrttscmcnte. On the Berth. FOR RANGOON. ».s. Taki Maru is due to arrive or about 21st inst. and will receive prompt despatch for Rangoon. For freight and passage, Apply to SYME Co., Agents. Jan 16 u.c STUOMVAART WAATSCHAPPY NEDERLAND. FOR Sabang, Port-Said, Genoa, and Amsterdam. The Dut«-h Mam. Bn&MBB, PBINBBB
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    • 440 7 SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nav. Co. Ltd. The Companies' sto.uners are despatched from Liverpool outwards foe th*» Straits, ("Jiiui aaj Japan every wet-k, and from Japan hrntuarl-; for Ivmdon, Amsterdam and Antwerp *-v^ryf<>rrnigl.t and lot Oen"a, Marseilles, Liverpool monthly. Oneout*ard steamer every 28 days
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    • 206 7 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. PASSENGER SERVICE. Isv Uhknwi',." ••Jlu'>ia-Hr;.""HoHi:N>nir ;h--BCAItpiA" and Silesia." The stean> -dally built i liav«j hmiriua» PasKfnger aoaamaMdatiom. I i GaWw rtiiiiMiip. U^btad throughout by deetricity, cabins fitted with fans. Doctor an ,s.s can Lann.lry <>u b<jard. Keturu tick redaoed nit walkthrough tickets la be bad to LondoE via
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  • 1536 8 A QUESTION OF CRITICISM. VIOLET ROSES AND PURPLE PATH^. HU lordship the Chief Justice, resumed the heuriugof the lii*-l c»»e in which Limbert and Co sue Mrrhnel for lil»el coufained in an an«»nvmi»ns letter published in the lantern l>aily Mail, commenting on colour photographic samples >ho«vu by plaintiffs
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  • 106 8 Tbe January Monthlv Medal was for on Saturday and Suudav the 1-th and 18lh instant. The gmasd was very hard aud rough aud difficult to play over. The medal 'vas won by Mr K. L. Talma with a net <c*'re of 81- ou a handicap of
    106 words
  • 64 8 Eleventh Lm <>h Chinesk Si nr iibjh Amount previor^ly acknowledge.! s2'.':~~~>.''l Chop (ian Bian Huat 1" Pr.i: Ho Vvn.. Pes<; Eso,. Bunratmovei Market. Cb<«p Kim Seng Hn;it si" Ghof Yam Sen^ Chop Kang Chhin H»# v Ch.pHokHo Cuop Enj; Ki ('bop Lai Baf Chop Enir Sen
    64 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 130 8 T<« THK KIMTOf: Sir, Mr Übokffl answer OOOSIitUtM a veile.l apology tor hi-, transparen? mtggutif psJbti au<l furnisher t!ie pr«w>l' that my couteutiou is correct. His admissions, now extracted from him, as to the moral excellence of Confucian teaching -if sincerely made, -render his previous remarks either untrue or
      130 words
  • 28 8 The rubber crop to the :>lst I>eeeml>er of the Highlands and Lowlands Couipauv's estates amounts to 1 lbs., and for the Consolidated Milay Company's estates to 32,r.00 lbs.
    28 words
  • 1042 8  -  J. Ramsay Mac Donald, M. P. H, A morning OOm-tt after s^ven dajTS* t using OB the Pacific out from Vancouver, when the horizon ia broken by a seriated edge of hills t iin-4 over the sea like the kj in» of a mighty lizard,
    1,042 words
  • 52 8 The late Sir Gh T. M. O'Brien, Governor of Fiji, and brother of the late Mr H. A. O'Brieu, of the Straits Civil Service was announced in the Prologue of the Westminster play as having bequeathed a large sum "to promote the physical recreation and bodilv well-being of Wes t
    52 words
  • 376 8 The British steamer Glenroy has arrived here from Japan with a cargo of coal consigned to Mosors Boustead A Co. A wire has been received from Bttavi;i that the Westminster Abbey Glee Party will be returning to Singapore ou the 22nd aud will give pei formaiices iu the
    376 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 233 8 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPHIJ Under Contract with the Netherlands India (Jovkrnmext Agents at Singapore, Ship Agency, late J. Daendel* Co., 3-3 Collycr Q Ua THB CXPEKSIGNFI* l)ATt> AI:E <;NI.T AITROMUAIK Valentvn Singkep Jan 16 Penoeba. Singkep. Ma. Saba. Djambi. Mur Palembang, Cheribon and Samarang Van Outhoorr Billiton Jan 15 Billiton.
      233 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 357 8 CLEARANCES. January 14. Gerd, Nor. str., Andersen, for Bangkok. January 1 1 Kuching. Sar. str., Waddell, for Sarawak. Perak, Brit, str., Crichton, for Port Swettenham and T. Anson. Ranee, Ger. str., Peters, for Deli. Asaban A. Penang. Bangkok, Ger. str.. Klimmet. for Bangkok. Will o' the Wisp. Brit. str.. Perkins,
      357 words
    • 476 8 VESSELS IN POUT. Men-of-War KUjf and Tons Commanders Arrived From ror *h Kin- Alfred Uri- b >liij. I Thwrsl.v .l;,n t*. Clio BrH enbMr U7 I. a 7 Astraea Brif Cb .Jan I'. ta«ia V\ Monmouth Brit cru M TuLe Jan II I Hartof H— drill Dut ana. !<• I
      476 words