The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 15 October 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 217 1 An exceptionally interesting budget of telegrams appear today In Home Polities, Mr. Lloyd George points out that the middle class is the safeguard of Liberalism agaiaal Socialism. Mr. Winston Churchill is extremely satisfied with the position of the Liberals—and with Mr. Wiustt.n Churchill's position. Lord Lausdowue refers
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  • 1156 1 Everyone who lias indulged iv the perucious habit of novel readiug 10 a grei:t extent, and most af us will plead guilt y to the indiet meut, must often have wondered a^ h»followed Stanley Weyinan or auv other author, who curies his puppets through daily
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 155 1 DAHL'S MILK. As a guarantee of the purity and quality of this well known brand of Milk, attention is called to the following analysis by the Government Analyst. "THE SAMPLE CONTAINS IN 100 PARTS. Solid Residue 12. 51 Non Fatty Solids 9. 11 Milk Sugar U.OO Sp. Gr. at SU
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    • 111 1 HOTELS. Raffles Hotel i MUSIC BY THE PARISIAN TRIO m Races Races Races SPECIAL DINNERS Tuesday, Oct. 16. Thursday, 18. Saturday, 20. Reserve your seats early for these SPECIAL DINNERS SPECIAL CLASSICAL MUSIC Hotel de l'Europe ESPLANADE. Musical Evening TO-NIGHT I AND I EVERY NIGHT FROM 6 p.m. to 11.30
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    • 611 1 POPULAR WANTS. (Wanted; To Let; For Sale; Notices, etc., up to 30 words m length will l>e accepted for this colnmn at One Dollar for three inseitions. Cash with Advertisement.) WANTED Two unfurnished rooms withlVerandah and Bathroom, m good locality. Particulars to L.F. co "Free Press." You may be "ad.
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    • 203 1 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. The Raffles Hotel are giving special dinners during Race Week. Title page. John Little and Co. are prepared to provide gentlemen with all needed for ''dress iat the Races. page 4. Notice re the estate of the late John I Lowell page 2. Also the usual police notice
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 151 1 THE WEEK. Monday, loth: High Water. 5.58 a., 8.3 b p. S V I Ceremonial Drill ."..30 p Tuesday, 16th High Water 1».29 a.. SV24 p Races, Ist day. Banks close at noon Wednesday. 17th High Water: i«. 59 a., 10.1* p. Government Houtie "At Home" 4. to p Rugby
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  • 320 2 Sir R. HAr T> H Position. At the meeting of the Association of Chamliers of Commerce on Bept. 11. at Bristol, Sir William Holland, M. P., the president, referring to the Chinese Maritime Customs, read the following letter from the Foreign Secretary Foreign Office, Sept. 7 lf>0«. Sir
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  • 113 2 Soona Moon* Vangadasalam Chotty sued Police Constable 210 m the Caurt of Re- luests on Saturday for |MJO as damages alleged to have been caused by the constable to the hackney carriage of the plaintiff. The carriage was passing along Battery -rd without a fare at a
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  • 97 2 The Admiralty have forwarded to the naval dockyards a letter stating that the rystem of granting awards to workmen who may Wring forward useful suggestions for the benefit of th<^ Service, is to be "vtended so as to include all irilian workmen at the home establishments.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 786 2 Bbvcttteemcnte. NOTICES. IN TEE GOODS OF John Lowell Deceased. Pursuant to Section 46 of the Conveyancing and Law of Property Ordinance 1886. Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands upon or against the estate of John Lowell deceased late of Singapore who
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    • 448 2 Htocrtioewient*. NOTICES. GOVERNMENT OP SELANGOR. Applications are invited for the j>ost of Assistant Inspector of Boilers. Salary £240 to £300 by annual increments of £10. Pensionable if permanently retained after .*> years service No free quarters. The successful candidate must pass a medical examination. Applicants should be possessed of a
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    • 779 2 NOTIQES. SINGAPORE COLO STORAGE GO. Ltd. BORNEO WHARF Telephone 1026. Hotels, Boarding houses, and Meases are I hereby notified that the Company will .supply Thawed daily supplies" of frozen meats I etc. at 7 a.m. each day, under the following conditions, and at the undermentioned rates. Delivery to be taken
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    • 500 2 Hfcwertiaemcnta. I IJVSU/tAIVGBS. I SHANGHAI LIFE INSURANCE Co. Ltd. NOTICE. We have appointed Messrs. Jitts Co., of North Bridge Road, Sub-Agents of the Shangj hai Life Insurance Co. Ltd.. from date. MARSH Co. Singapore. 1 1 th October, V.KMi. Oct 12 19.10 Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT,
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    • 538 2 Bfrvcrtigementa. I BANKS. I Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. P-VID-rP C.UTTA. J Rksfrvb fnipj Sterling lie.^orvH $10,040,000 i Silver Reserve... 8 IO,SSO OtO RekKRVE LIABILITY OF PI:OPRIi:T()Ks ild. Court ok DIMKTOBi x Hacit, Baa Cvai O.H. tommer, Baa Darm Ho*. Mr. IT. J. Oman U Smew a hRI^MAw. i; v x
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 122 2 WEATHER REPORT. Dat« Bar Wind Temp Hum Sky Ruin Oct 12. H'konglo a. 30.11 Nl 7:» 1> Manila 10 a. 759 Calm S4 I J o 29 H'kong 4p. 'JO.Ol E3 76 h Manila 4i\ 757 X 2 2:1 •':> o<l CM 13. H'kong 10 a. 30.07 E3 7*< Manila
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 818 3 TIIK YARN ABOUT COKNBKINO TIIK WORLD'S Kl'Bßtt SUPPLY. Am>;i:ii'\n Plu«ii\sin<; A«KSCT. The following «a» cabled to the London m by Mi New York correspondent on I :> 1 1 1 tepteiuber The I'nited States Rubber Trust has scared the entire £500,000 stock of the new pontkm of William Symington Co.
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    • 674 3 Hfcvcrttscmcnts, ZWQTIONS. PRELIMINARY NOTICE TANGLIN AUCTION SALE Teak Household Furniture Tin- |'i«)pirt\ oIJ. Stimuli K>i|. AT THE GRANGE. .33 GRANGE ROAD. 27/// (fcfcfcr, of 2 p..H. H. L. COGHLAN AND CO., Licensed Auctioneers and Surveyors. Oct 15 27.10 AUCTION SALE Wednesday, 17th October, at 2.30 p.m. The shop-house premises know
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    • 541 3 Bfcwertteemente. WANTED. SALESMAN WANTED by a large Batavia Im}>ort firm lan Al Salesman especially for Manchester I With references apply to the manager of I Nieuws v.d. Dap voor N. I. Batavia Neth. Oct 15 mw 18.10 WANTED Chinese Krani, must be good at figures, and write a neat hand.
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    • 571 3 Hfriocrtteementa. TO LET. TO LET Clarelands, Tanprlin. Entry l*t October. Apply to VADE Co. Sept 6 i.vwf uc TO LET Godown No. 41 Robinson Quay, with i landing pier. Apply to CHOP KWOXG HI'NG. No. 19 Market Street. TO LET From Ist January, 1906. House No. 8 Robinson Road, suitable
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    • 303 3 NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES I BEING OP British Manufacture, ARE PRODUCED UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION, AND ARE OBLIGED TO PASS Severe Tests for Safety Efficiency, Dynamite, Detonators, Gelignite, Safety Fuse, Blasting Gelatine, Accessories. IMPORTERS, The Borneo Co., LIMITED. We Undertake to Supply a First-class full sized Billiard Table, design No. i, to following
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  • 43 4 Domestic Occurrences. Marriage. Hai.likax-Wil.son. At Anderton Parish Church. Glasgow, on 11th September, by the Rev. James Robertson, b.d. Kdwin Richard Hallifax, of the Hongkong Civil Service, to Evelink. daughter of the late John Wilson, and of Mrs Wilson, 10, Nelson- terrac**. Hillhead, Glasgow.
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  • 2097 4 The Singapore Free Press. Monday, Oct. 15, 1906. I!rr. Aafl the Prr-s tV IVoj:lr ri-_\' mair.uiin, L"n»wed by influen:.* un tin .V. l,\ gain Here patriot Truth ::.-r g' .-iiu. [>r». ept- Ixua-. Pledged to K»:'.igiot., Loyally tmt Ijiw. There is a graud ring about Mr. Chamberlain's telegram to the
    M. Mail  -  2,097 words
  • 58 4 HONGKONG SHIP BURNED. (Fro.. i «ar C > mdmt.) Rapid Holocaust Houirknus?, Oct. 14th 12.10 The (Jhina Navigation «Vs st»«ain-r 1; knw was l>urn*»<l to th»* waierlin* whi alongside the wharf her.* tftflr tkii m The Hankow ha.l jo* uritvd I. Csuton an.l at m t;r» brok^ out si>roa<i so
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  • 28 4 .apt. Uojd au«l bis Bacoptia <>:ri escaped, hut unfortimivn.'lv tatj <'hiri*~. Wc-t? «lrowne«l or lMirne-1 t«> <]H,i!th. The "ulgin of t!t.> t n- i> m mv>ter\
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  • 24 4 BtagklMg, o -t. 1 -li In eOMMßtlta with the pad garrisons m Manehurin. Jap:m n Ijyr army l>v four dirisioo. (Juards.
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  • 17 4 Commodore K"u l/m htm bom suicide at Cauton, the <-jl<:»> U\n_; i etary difficulties.
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  • 70 4 'lh*i follow im; figures iroiu a. rep. Mr A. Stuart, il.'^istrar of finpoi--Exports, show tliH imports 'tons ot'c-wil iut. 1 In- xutifs dariaK tM tlrst kUI >t IJH).*., an! l?«t»(j .T;ui-,i>iii-« J m .1 I .•<);,. |'.m. T'uit.-d Kaagduni ;)v,7l^ k\> Australia 1 72 121,5] Btftga!
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  • 369 4 The fourth Cbildrea'i ''or. of fc on li»» i them ;«r<« muallj m t >k place at the ict ria Manorial H h>;iturduy afternoon at •"•.;<• pin. Than wu-. as always. I ver\ Iftfgl .ratliHriiiu' little folk, who v.vre graatljr uitai m all that went on aud applauded
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 497 4 KELLY WALSH. SAXON'S EVERYBODY SERIES. THE FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS. Useful of Books 35 cents each, i Series of Books 60 cents each. Everybodys Pocket Cyclopaedia. Familiar English Quotations. Every bodys Book of Jokes. A Dictionary of English Proverbs. Everybodys Cookery and Household guide. Reiected Addresses. EveryboUys Book of Riddles. Tales from
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    • 206 4 Hfcrertiecments. I Dental Notice. I I •DR. CHADWICKT. KEWJ Has Resumed Practice. I No. 2, Battery Road. C. R. LAMBERT Co. Established 1875. The oldest and beat reputed firm m the Colony. PRICES FOR Artistiquc Portraiture, Cabinet size. 6 Copies 12 Copies. Silver Collodion Process 6 $10 Art Tone Pictures
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  • 143 5 B) Submarine Telegraph Mr. Lloyd George No Hope for Socialists llec. Oct. I :sth 4-'iO p.m. Mr. I -I<» v *l George, speaking at Cardiff, fj h-' J^J ot believe t^ at the Liberals need be alarmed at the labour agitation. \o party could hope for success
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  • 61 5 < SenermDy Satisfied Mr Wiu^ton Churchill, speaking at Olasa a .1 thai 'he < Jorernment h:ui every :i lo be MtMftad with the iirot?res3 of xl afiairs, especially m South Africa. L>espite eft'>rts to e\oite autagonism and iud apprehension m the Colonies against •he M^ther!an«i Ear political purposes,
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  • 40 5 Hi >j.s '•onud«'nt th^ M Ti.aisvaal ::jent would c-an 'he iJI-s^irreJi ChiMM I'nm'.'ratiou <>r«liu;ir. TV reUtioM >)etweeu Urn Ministry anJ •L-i [ab'ir I'arty was <r'»>l. hut tb^ro vas hmH ac- ::ou which was rockiewly iu<l rplimMj bosti!v.
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  • 32 5 -•.raliaa Pitlennoe 801 from Mel- •^oi'J )x? subir.itt.j.l i.or! North- and it would J>e for the; Imperial Government to m.y whether or uot pts the preference sh >wn by it.
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  • 296 5 Mr <:.imber!ain ha- sen', a i.-c to wLb-raM'nionist Council at Nottingham. F^tv.i rwat-hwordbe the l.'nion the Party, rlio I uiun ■>f th-* KinuMom. 'ni n of the Empire.' Lord Lansdowne The Mucdonnell Appointment Kec. Auc;. 1:;, 6-44 p.m. I.^ri L-ic^Jowne. apeak m at X.juiti_j- te<l that Mr. Balfour.
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    • 50 5 JJeceivoJ at 1 |g pm. Oct IStk An indescribable sensation has been caused m Germany by the publication of the diary of Co«nt Hohenlohe. a former chancellor. It <-onipri*es a narration of the Kaiser's own description to Count liohenlohe. of the three Wttki preceding Trince Bismarck"* downfall.
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    • 53 5 llohenloue recalls a conversation with the C/ar m 18W, v.heu the Car said that his chief task was a tjolk'v m the Far East. The .lapauese hadn't money and would take years to complete their armaments. But the Siberian railway was ready and Russia was prepared
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    • 42 5 The memoirs of Count Rohenlohe record a <:onversation with the Tsar at Petarhof m IBM m which the Tsar referred to his tour m Japan, when he was Tsareviteh, and the attempt made on his life by a fanatic.
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    • 63 5 The Tsar said i Despite the scar 1 bear on my forehead J have much svtnpathy with the Japanese. Everything I saw m Japan impressed iue and I was struck by the orderliness, activity and intelligence of the population, but that sympathy would not prnveut me
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    • 54 5 The papers •-ontiuue to publish >-jlutnns from the daMXj of Prince Hohenlohe whose revelations A iutri^uin^ and taleljearin^r, an-1 the possibility of sanguinary wars bein^' dependent oa the whim of diplo- matists. Lave >tupe:Led Germany. It is \telieved that the publication of the l>iarv is i duo fco
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    • 45 5 TheUk-nnan pres> condemns the reopening of an ol<l wound, and considers that Prin. i'»i-mar.;k cuts j. uett.-r li^uro than Prince Hohenlohe. The British presi .\»usiJ«Ts that the disclosure of the rottenness of the < lernian bureaucrocv will act as a toni-- on the <Jermaii
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    • 47 5 A Unique Visit 11..' i vi 3 correspondent at Peking wires that Prince Km shi mi has arrived there to visit the Chinese C«urt. ret-jru the visit of the Chinese princes to Japan. This is the ur-t visit <>l a Jap iu-^ I'riuoe to Chinese Court.
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    • 258 5 deceived Oct. 11. 11. am. It is understood that fiance has decided Ito maintain her troops m China at their present strength. Mr. <}. M. Dare is flajiag at Monte Carlo, and leaves Genoa tor the Straits j with Mrs. Daro by the ir K. Friedrich on
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  • 73 5 (By Submarine Telegraph.— Beuter's.) Formal Opening Keuters correspondent at Teheran says that the National Council ha< been opened. The representatives assembled m the inner court of the Palace and .were welcomed l>v the Shah from the window of the Palace. The diplomatists were present, and the Minister Xi/am
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  • 36 5 Another Pogrom Received Oct 13, t> pm. Prominent Jews at Berlin have received information that a pogrom was started at i i Tula on Tuesday, and was still proceeding yesterday night. There are no details.
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  • 58 5 Tho British deputation to present a memorial to the late lKima has decided to abandon its visit to Russia, m view of the misrepresentations of which it has been the object, and m view of the possibility of misunderstandings. It is understood that <>ne member will proceed
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  • 24 5 I Newfoundland i Bh Newfoundland Government ha> resolved lo resist to'tlie laOart extent of the law the enforcement of tbe m<>dus vivendi.
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  • 20 5 At Melbourne a conference. »fStat<j Minis. ters has approval the scheme f->r transferring the State debts to the C»mm»nwealth.
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  • 17 5 Spoil The result of the Middl- Park Plate is 1 Gfljlnuu 2 Shive/allim Triouair. 1
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  • 41 5 The Times earnestly a-lvi>.«>> the maintenance <^f the j»resent ftdnurtagWM position as rapwil wireless telegraphy. e\en at the risk >.f oft'endiug the Kuropean Governments, until it can diseiivs Iht uuestion with other Government* at the approaching Imperial Conference.
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  • 19 5 A hundred feet <»f the Paris Metropolitan Tnlerirrouud Kailway has .-^Uapse The whole tn—el is threateued.
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  • 29 5 Hrn I <ord Mayor and Councillors »fthe City of London have arrived m Paris on a state visit, and have met with the most enthusiastic reception.
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  • 21 5 I Irigadiei -General R<j!>ert <rr>oi-Lje Croadwood, < :.j:., (at present Commanding Orange River Colony is appointed to command Hongkong.
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  • 28 5 The death of Mrs T.ewis-Hill releases upwards of three million pounds tor charities, bo{Ueath«d f>v her lirst husband, the fain- < ous money-leuder. Mr Saui Lewis.
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  • 21 5 The rise m the Bank rate is due to the drain of gold to America aud to Egypt.
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  • 15 5 The Pope has receive* l iv audience the Bishop >f Jaffna, Ceylon.
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  • 24 5 Three young farmers have heen arrested at Athenry m conuec-tion with tho agrarian outrage by whicli a constable lost his Ute.
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  • 18 5 The (ranley ha* sailed from Jhirban for I Hongkong with 1«*47 repatriated Chinese jcoolios, mostly undesirable labourers.
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  • 814 5 On Saturday nijjht m the of the Twentieth Ceutury J*oxin>f*olul> recently opened by Messrs *McAuliffe and New- man. there was «»iven an interesting little athletic programme. The show opened at 9-30 with a neat e\- hibition of ball punching by AlcAuliffo > who next put his clever fox
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 23 5 Hatico Capsules and InjVction still maintain their reputation for the oure of those inconvenient diseases, ul>out which the least said the better. 13
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    • 304 5 ROBINSON Co. Fuller's Chocolates Fuller's Sweets Fuller's Toffee. Mackintosh's Cream Toffee Mackintosh s Treacle Toffee. ROBINSON AND GOMPANY. J. TRAVERS SONS, 7, D'ALMEIDA STREET, having been appointed SOLE AGENTS FOR THE General Electric Co., Ltd. OP ENGLAND In Singapore and the Federated Malay States, jegto inform the public that they
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  • 1010 6 What the "Slwe ©k m Ram» Leaves Behind Htm. Those who have lived m the Far East and who have kno^n him among his native surroundingb cannot fail to be amused at the tender solicitude which a certain cectionof the Press exhibits from time to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 652 6 Hftvcrtiscmcnts. FOR SALE. FOR SALE 7,000 acres on the concession known as "Jugra" or "Carey's" Island, m the District of Jugra. near Kiting and Port JSwettenham, F.M.S. This land is a block of tine alluvial forest, and m connection with a portion of it. Mr. Thos North Christie, formerly Planting
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    • 447 6 fftvertiaemcnts. Tor Nervous I /TB r CHAPOTEAUT'S n*^B Phosphoglycerate g^^m of lime fl TAf modern restorative of f/le nerocut sjstex. For brain y rkei professioDal men, leathers, students, ttv an 'i > v debility, seminal Hf fißnyi^S ■i> 177 ]y? •sT^^ s "^''y assimilaied usd *^*i >^ iromt'le* digestion. PHOSPHOGLYCERATE
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    • 625 6 Hfrpertfaemcnte SHIPPING. I P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outicard (fur Chitia) Malta Oct
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    • 706 6 H^crtiscmcnts. SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. COAST LINES. Steamers of the Coast Fleet. tons reg- tons rrg. Petchaburi 2191 Paklut MM9 Borneo 21< 0 Anghin :<->7 j Kohsichang 2040 And. BiokasßCß I<>s7 j Kajah 202H M. Eickmeis ir>s7 Pitsanulok 2019 E. Rickmer Ui.">7 Bangkok 192 S«msen 1»'»57 Rajaburi 1901 Loo Sok
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    • 547 6 Bfcvcrtiscmcnte. SHIPPING^ KM. Norddeutscher Lloyd B i IMPERIAL CERMAX MAIL LfNP Tha fa.-t and well-kn..v. n 1 this CorajKiny nil fortni U 'hti> I HamJ.urg via Kott.-rdum, AAtwei Gibraltar, Q— tm, Naples, (eoeUk ll Hplfs, Alexandria an<l i. j Suez, Aden. C01.. j/ilh., lVn.m_r. 811 kon-,'. Shanghai, W«f ki4Kobi I
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 706 7 Vessels at Tanjong Pagar and Keppcl Harbour. Whmrvm and Dock's ut which different ve*seU I'tre berthed on Saturday. Fa<*, VVhatf Basin— Hon.^Moh. F'jifc Wharf Section 1 Helios, Glonogle. PYwrr Wharf— Hel>e. P« -tio l 2 Sappho, Slurley. o Pentakot;;. A X. Regentes. s— Nil. *>— Stroiubns. 7— Nil Nil. 9—
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    • 700 7 Bfcventscmcnta. On the Berth. The Russian East Asiatic S. S. Co., Ltd. For Vladivostock The s.s. "PKfRONIA" is expected to arrive fiom Europe on the 10th instant and will receive a prompt despatch for the above port. For Freight and Passage apply to THE EAST ASIATIC Co., Ltd., Agents. Oct
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    • 763 7 Hfcvertiscmente, Shipping. STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPY (STEAMSHIP COMPANY.) NEDERLAND." i Fortnightly Mail Service between Java and Amsterdam, via Singapore, Sabang and Genoa, Steamers are due on or abont the undermentioned dated Onl ward H omeward j Kon. Reguntud Oet 13 K. Willera II Oct 1& K. Willera If I Oct 2H K.
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    • 237 7 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPHIJ. Uxi.KU C<)MH\<T \T!I T.IK X« TFIFni.AN IS 7n»IA (...V'.'KNMKVr. Agents ac Singapore, Ship Agency, late Daendcls Co., ;t- 3 Collyer Quay. THE UNDEK.SIONED DATES AUK ONLY JWlftCTtfi, V. der Lyn Bel. Deli Oct IS Batavia. O ct II Do Kock Djambi Oct 15 Djambi. Jet V?
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 761 7 HARBOUR NOTES. Siamese gun-boat Sucrib, which pg m trom Penai^ aud TVm on IYih.w two long->«?ntence prisoner* on i i.;,r.lfor Siam. [},p BrHiftb ■teamer Glenlo^an arrived on Saturday from Vladivostok and bored outside Harbour Limits. She jv n llire8 f res vater from Singapore. Tin- aiviilent lo the Russian steamer
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    • 999 7 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-Wir Fl*r aad Tons Commanders Arrived From For When ;SueriK Siaui gbt 550 Dery Oct 12 Pwafeg Sea Me <v Col. ycht SOU Muipliy flkpttfl P. Ship FUe Tons Master Arrived From |[I Consignee For When Aden ■arlBt Bawfoe Oct 1 1 Kuchin- OifKwi Hai
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  • 1821 8 The last stage of the preliminary hearing <>f the charges of cheating against Mr. H. 0. Hogan and Mr. J. B. Robertson, Managing Dimctor and Secretary of Hogan Co., was '•e^'/d before Mr. Colman on Saturday. Mr. W. A. N. Battenberg is for Mr. Hogan nd Mr.
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  • 237 8 S. R. C. v. Y.M C. A On the Esplanade on Saturday the Club winning by 26 runs, Jane/ made 2'> m the V M C A innings. lie Souza with the ball took I V M wickets for '32 and Alvis 4 for 17. For the SRC Valberg
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  • 834 8 It was bright and clear at the nice course! on Saturday morning up to BXo a.m., when suddeuly a passing shower iuude tlliogf rather uncoufortable for the trainers aud their horse>. The weather however, cleared up after some minutes. The course was i rather slippery at
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  • 58 8 It is not too much to saj that Japan has kept faith with the world m a way which would reflect credit upon any nation while the Treaty of Portsmouth established the fact that the Mikado and his Ministers are not afraid to do the right even
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  • 334 8 Just lately there has been much talk m racing circles as to the -to put it very mildly wild riding of several jockeys, and whilst more than ono serious complaint ha< been i made, there have been many rumours, say the; Field." us to further complaints which did
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  • 179 8 On Friday afternoon a fight occurred between two clans of coolie* coaling the steamer Strombus at Tanjong Pagar. The two clans Hokiens and Teochews are generally ready to fly at each others' throats on the slightest provocation and the row on Friday occurred over a very
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  • 57 8 One cannot y;o through the world without noticing how vast is the difference between the theory and practice of most individuals. Theoretically a man may have the very firmest belief m higher scientific education m practice he would not employ any young man who had received such
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  • 65 8 (Corrected up to Oct. 13.) Bank 4ms 2/4* demand 2;4 r 1 i Private credits om s 2/44,* credits 6ui s 2/4" France, demand Bank 293*. Germany, demaud India, T.T 173; Hosokono, demand nominal Yokohama, demand H4.«, Jata, demand liol Bangkok, demand «»7j Sovereigns, Bank Buying* 5.50 Bank of
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  • 147 8 October 18. J in buyers 90.75 Gambier 6 97 1 Gambier Cube No. 1 11 12* GainbierCube No. 2 9 624 Pepper Blackfordin. Spore) buyers 20 37 Pepper, White (fair L. W. 5 p.c.) 226.62 A/12 1 Nutmegs (110 to thepb.) 29 Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) 46* Mace
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 48 8 A S*ie Cough Medicine for Children. In buying a cough medicine for children never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Couirh Remedy. There is no danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. It is especially valuable for colds, croup and whoopmg cough. Sold by all dealers.
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    • 59 8 m D S°* Ne f lec Bad Cold. Never allow a cold to take its course Too •ften at this season of the year its course is R^Sdv £5? mOIUa ♦< Chambeftoin'i Cough Remedy will promptly cure your cold aid counteract any tendency m this direction You cannot afford to
      59 words
    • 138 8 "TANSAN" tESiit SviSil^l^f 1 PJ 01 01 the »=>.ter against posjible taint of any kind P V and dtSf" Tt?^n »{?*>«» the palate with a zest peculiar to itself, clean, trim hX^rTree^rnd^ed^n 0 BatisfaCtion savour spirits wiL^sMurmifk o^^ 11^ 0 l »f cause of !«i absolute purity it kta* I
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 469 8 SHARES. MINKS. Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued paid up Value up Company. Quota »ion s 5i 35,000 140,000 10 10 Bei-sawah Cold M. Co Ltd 10 <*v 540.000 10 10 Do Do /Deferred) SbOO.OOO 6of»,(»C0 10 10 BniwA Hydralic Tin M. Co Lt-1 5200.000 flOftOO 10 10 Kadana Gold M.
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