The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 9 October 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • 170 1 I The treat libel BtM aeainst the Eastern Daily Mail, has rr.dod m the award of $2,000 and costs to Mr Montagu Harris —Pan 8. Newfoundland is so evasperated at the modus vivendi bein^ arranged between America and the Home Government direct, that thti Government threatens to
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  • 724 1 To tiu<l tho Epitaph m its moat grotoe- quo and cm ions fora MM has to #> to nbocare < airy ehwebjards ;u Hum. Then is, one believes, n-.t single iaotajajee bare, though m parttevlarlf n. aearob has Ixfii inn.]*'. of ainti.iu- uttl ot the ->rdiuarv. iadeed it is
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 515 1 DAHL'S MILK, -m ff^^*??*^^***^**'^**^" *iw^ "VKH mHBJBBKKBMI HOBHBB9BEZB PURE NORWEGIAN COW'S MILK. The only Canned Milk m which the full Flavour of Fresh Cow's Milk as Retained. Most Flattering the Dispensaries and Retail Dealers. Testimonials from Medical Men. THE EAST ASIATIC Co, Ltd., BOLE [MPORTER& PIANOS on HIRE FROM $12
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    • 332 1 HOTELS. I Hotel de I l'Europe ESPLANADE. Musical Tiffin 1 TO-MORROW AT 1 P.M. I SPECIAL MENU 1 AUSTRIAN STRING BAND IN ATTENDANCE. Fresh "Fass Beer" Iced. Recreation Hotel SERANGOQN ROAO. TRAMWAY TERMINUS Has excellent accommodation for temporary and permanent boarders. Airy rooms with verandah and bath rooms complete. GOOD
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    • 490 1 POPULAR WANTS. Wanted To Let; For Sale: Kotioaa etc., up to 90 words m length will ba accepted for this column at One Dollar for three insertions. C;wh with Advertisement.) TRAP WANTED. Solid rubber-tyre, 2 seated lipht Victoria preferred, with horse or pony and harness complete Full particulars and lowest
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    • 93 1 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. i Mr. Lazarus the eyt ajght sj>ecia:ist baa arrived Pajre 2. Sale of satro fuctorv fittings announced Pa K e 3. A eonverieiu lijrht trap an<i hoi>e is wanted— Pape 1. Dr. C. T. Kew has resumed his dental practice Pajre 4. The Kistna Ls beimj docked and
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 111 1 NKXT MAILS DUE. FaOM England. Per P&. Delta, oe Friday Oct 12, with mails of Sept 21st. From China Per P A O Oceana, oe Wednesday. Oct 10. i LU ALUEADV m. r.T« FOB L X Leave Si apore Due Lo don Delivered ND L Sept 3 Sept 30 Sept
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    • 365 1 THE WEKK. TfKM.AV. Ha H: rfa Waaar 1»; 1.47 a 3 C < T. BJIM. S. A. inn Cover, 5.. 50 p. B R X Roaefl sml Spurs dri 1, 5.15 p. I'rMsb; Sewing Party. CfM M ill, 4 M Town Band. Dhoby Cliant 5 p WmVKBMBAT, High Water
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  • 289 2 When the \^s*ela of the Channel Floet left Crouiarty Firth Vice- Admiral Sir A. G. Curzon-Howe ga\e the order for the ships to j form single line abreast and work up for fullspeed trial, it tie* l>eing intimated that, they ejajej not compelled to keep accurate station,
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  • 303 2 THE ADVANCE OF ESPERANTO. Apropos of the private preliminary meeting which is to be held thi6 aft.moon to consider the feasibility of establiKhin^ m Singapore a branch of the British Ktfperanto Association the following may be found of interest to the promoters of the idea The of ridicule which to-daj
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  • 349 2 TJie new Board of Trade instructions permitting the interference of an official of a Trades I ui«>n invades disputes bet ween a Ma>t»r au.l hid seamen, which m the pist have l>een arbitrated upou b\ the Superintendent oi the Mercuntile* Marine Oth>e aloue. hare excited iudignatiou m
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 691 2 Hfcvertteements. IVOTteBS. EYE-SIGHT. Mr. N. Lazarus lias arrived la Singapore and may bej consulted for Eye-glasses j from 0 i\. m. sp. m. at his rooms, above the Robinson Piano Co., (entrance Change Alley) for a few days only. Oct. 9 10.10 GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH NORTH BORNEO Revenue Farms for
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    • 782 2 advertisements. NOTIGES. NOTICE is hereby given that E. A. Judah has n further connection with our firm from this date. NATHAN SON. Singa|H>re, ">th October, 190»>. Oct X SOON KECK, LIMITED. Notice i.-? herob* given that the Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of t'ue above Company will be held
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    • 784 2 BDverttsementa. NOTICES. SINGAPORE GOLD STORAGE Go. Ltd. BORNEO WHARF Telephone 1026. Hotels, Boarding houses, and Messes are I hereby notified that the C-ompany will supply I Thawed daily supplies of frozen meats etc. at 7 a.m. each day, under the following conditions, and at the undermentioned rates. Delivery to be
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    • 569 2 afrvertiscmente INSURANCES. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT. GUARANTEE. Funds Exceed tVi.OOO.OOO. W. A. SIMS, Hangar, Eastern Branch. An- 38 Koyal Insurance Company. Fire Life Tat >ii hnrMMD Fcvim -»^j. THE I^vk«;est raUE OFFICE IN THE WOILD. BOUBTEAD ft Co.- inaaia. t The London and Lancashire Fire Insurance
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    • 551 2 a^vcttißcinciu& BANKS. Hongkong Shanghai Ban, Corporation. Paid-i r Caktai BIIBTI X.-.M: s> ••rlini; Beeer»e 810,00 I gflTH Uimmm., > Bl; l.r ::i t1 rv 01 I **>wumtoM OOVBI OV Dv H.\l T. 1:- m r:u <:. H. Man K. OOBi i: H..11. Mr. .1 «n X C. i:. LnrxKAsv,
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  • 239 3 SEARCHLIGHTS AND NIGHT ATTACKS. 1 OUttyi&g P Wtttt I :fi<- „r,- 1 I with jangle as nikler- niu^i .:.<• into nneoiiiii coo«litions 1 r!i" de.-'-i:!'t«l m th'u itaaJ ruelitv g, n jntewting o\|>erirnentB m eonnos* B with nit:!:.' operations WSre ceuth trifd ]d-v.- hot. v.lth the object of testing tLe
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  • 202 3 than si\ and;, half dajS, did ocean-going steuiuer, tbe Em Ireland, ba mpliskod the paaosgs i vpa I to il':- bee. This snrj'.j^ses it keel voyage by over s^x tad v anticipated that ruails to the J the Cfeaadiaa n.ute irtl] bu land fore i l:i m >ia
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  • 149 3 QUEEN'S WESTMINSTERS. SEVENTH REGT., NEW YORK. hoi at Cree«lmoor m New I r Jtodooa telegram Las anlic:i urn for the S-vruth. li«t;tr<i- h'A-b makes a Terj-- preitv se to the daCca! of Harvard by wge ia tho recent boat-ract uof*- Sir Howard iac^at. M.l., left Btl f..r BU« York. Ut
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  • 124 3 Ui m r flo-hhootinc know MOVM ait: BDMIM%d willi M*m m ar.v om- team. Omi i:';iivii Imtc, tivnn end- nin for the Civil on a urlj Urn Sm"ipor.' l^am on ia rhV Litarport irnuh won hi* iuL Mcriin^t f r.'H Hourrkonj; The following omm, when th<*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 723 3 Hfcvcrttecmcnto. 7WQTIONS. AUCTION SALE OF TUBS AND TROUGHS. OK TWO SAGO FACTORIES TO BK IIKLH AT Nos 40l» BCI off GaylMßg KcmdOn Thursday, nth October, at 5 p.m G. A. FERNANDEZ Co, Licensed Auctioneers Surveyors. Oct 9 n\ 10 MORTGAGEE'S SALE Tuesday, 9th October, at 2.30 p.m. Building allotment- at
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    • 546 3 Hfrvertlaemcnte, AUeTIONS. AUCTION SALE Tuesday, 9th October, at 2.30 p m. Leasehold building land situate at St t Michael's Road, off Serangoon Road, Singa pore, area 7,200 sq. ft., comprised m Govern ment lease No. 22-19 for 999 years, quit ren' 50 cents. By Order of the Supreme Court. POWELL
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    • 599 3 TO LET. TO LET From Ist January, ISu.S. HoiiHe No. 3 Robinson Rond. suitable for Offio« or God«»wn Apply to E. NATHAN, 13 Change Alley t D«c 19 v TO LET WATERLOO "No. 113 River Valley Roac with Tennis Court and stabling. No. A. and 9*) RIVER VALLEY ROAD. No.
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    • 330 3 ,'SIDEROSTHEN FOR PAINT Iron Steel Stands Tropical conditions Acids, Salts, &c. Siderosthen outlasts all other preparations and is m general use by &wo"£%| Public Works' DeBRANDS. partments, Municit^i#.> palities, Railway Companies, Engineers &c. throughout the World. IMPORTERS, THE BORNEO Go, Ltd BAROCYCLONO- printing press. METERS, j For SALE: A
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 17 4 Baiknson. At ••Chesterton." Scotts-nl Singapore, on Oct.. 7th to Mr. and Mrs. R. Bairnsos. a daughter.
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  • 1986 4 The Singapore Free Press. Tuesday, Oct. 9, 1906. IT- :<■ iV» P r itU- I>oi c H/ 1 t n .ir.faln, a»»-d ty m: ;.;.:.r.t* ty g_ip. i lert patricC Truth Ur precepts itm*. Vledgeii to Religion, Loyally _-d As everybody i< well t*Ma the daily lewspapcr i< tho
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  • 206 4 Rin on S<»pt 27. Mr J A do Rothoobila"i Ir B »«0 "tti, 3yr-. g Hfefi LJ D.-rb/s bf Eej t n simnjou Look and K.y V r D M Mr r«Me'sck« PlmmTr >„- p 'uon < '.iilirto- („r g a-j R M-vldon Lord Cre b t Pah/ad
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  • 129 4 Shebwood Tobmibm s.R.j' There wa< IMM good <thootin- ..n Bb] day m a match hefewon Bborvoi Foratari and the S. >:. team v,-jnn!n^ bj 18 pointr. The scores arc* appen']e<] S. R. C. v .^ap. Mnrr.y Corpl. Kou.i. 'j; 8: p. Chu.t-r Bunrwoon Lit *t ltninhuT BoYfl T.-ton
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  • 268 4 Asm a? Mr.?. i- aunu:;! iveHtiiuof :i.e S.u por- Hun* Club w&« held tut evteu tho Volunteer !>ri!l Hal] Mr H. I Deputy Master peeMed, n<\ then preeeat, Nfeasrs. CeuUe and BnU,iomtit rateriw.o. W. Abnum. Muhlin^h.r.n, Her Becker, H. Wrt'k, Pi k^rin;.-, C. W. Ahmir B. Ec^elke.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 368 4 Sir Robert Burnett Co's ORANGE BITTERS {CHEAP IX PRICE SUPERIOR IX QUALITY) FREE SAMPLES ON APPLICATION Caldbeck Macgregor and Co., SOLE AGEXTS. lobn Cittla Co., Od. SOME POPULAR MONTHLY MAGAZINES. A few Selected Annual Subscriptions (including postage) to Monthly Magazines mostly m demand at home and abroad sent by earliest
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    • 214 4 j Dental Notice, j 2DR. CHADWICKT. KEW I Has i> Practice. I No. 2, Battery Road. G. R. LAMBERT <* Co. Established 1575. The oldest and best reputed firm m the Colony prices von Artistique Portraiture, Cabinet size. oi 6 Co P ies 12 Copies Silver Collodion Process 6
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  • 278 5 v g l,.jir:n^ Telegraph.— Reuters.) Liberals and Labour Ke»*«ived at IS-M noon. y r IUI-^" 11 speaking ;it l*eebl»?s, riJi\ei thl .iss»>rtiou that th« Liberals were jn .ler tl»' lof tlw WWW Party, which biffii olo^ di tided. Ho did not want Ljft— imMmMBMI than the l,aboaritos, but
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  • 220 5 r wired o it on <un<lav th. t, pirty Danish fißaadan repres^ntiuir the Ka>t < :.pc^v wen to ieavM :or the Ed^t Siam, China, and Japan and ■< era their Pomnaaj <loes business, repwaaatative of tho 'free Press" ur th« Company's locaj A#}eaof m dotoih or'
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  • 46 5 urns and likv indng better than Chanber- It acts man antiaeptie, hin, imperceptible Un over the tiich exeludea th<> air and ry to heiil without matter i la modi lo.^s time fhan by altrtatment In cases of bam it instantly. SoW Wy all
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  • 121 5 NEWFOUNDLAND INDIGNANT. (By Submarineirelegraph. Ro'iter's.)| t% Modus Vivendi n Resented Received Oct Bth *,t.50 ;i.m. The people of Newfoundland ;iro Indignant at the direct conclusion between A'.aorica and the Imperial Government, of a wtdtm fix- :>JI. granting AlMrieSM prhrilagM m the herring fishery. Tl;e PIM dtoltm fhat tlie '< j\eru!>ient
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  • 133 5 A Personally Conducted Tour Sir Alfrod Jones writing to the Times, reieis to the ootton panic at Manchester and says he rejoin that satisfactory rosults have been achieved from cotton growing m West Africa, m East Africa, snd m the I West and Hast Indies. He leaTe on m»c.
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  • 512 5 The Police report an affar m a house of ill fame m Chin Hin -tree: which ha* results m a vroican b»'iu£ seriously, and a Chinaman fatally, stabbed. It appears that on niiv ni_rht. two Chinamen called jat the i.< and *»o:ncj :;pstairfl one of {them opHued
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  • 290 5 SAVED FROM THE WRECK. (By Submarine Te'nt»raph.) Charterhouse Survivors {&0m r iHtm n.-et;t.) Hon^k tag, Oct Bth fctf pin. Fiv- sur\ Ivors of the ill -L'ate<l Charter- houso havo been fount am I raft by the ■taUMV Vfiitbiltl.?. They are all < 'hin.^e. j ßeuter'x.) Another Bomb Outage Vjeueral th.»
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  • 167 5 A few Jays ago an old Chinese woman who had saved up a comfortable little fortune was an \ious to return to China. She met a Chiuamau who car;:-? irora her na tive village and told him all about the project. The man >iid he had n
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  • 97 5 Yii>i Direotor <.i" the above naiued liis'atvi-ti-m wiahea to aekaowlodge with thaaha the following ■nbaeription towarda the New Bchoal. Pateraoa, .S'umotis .V Co. $850, John Little .t Co. 9100. PreCeriag It M appoiutmcur ■lmdj MMMMMOti ill the Bimg*pon Fne Pr> m the Aberdp^n Evening Express says: Betond
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  • 1071 5 1.0n.1.-n. s,-pr Dkakkst Exn i; I Tbero is :i good Jeai of luiusomeut :o be [got down at Putney just now. Tho < 'auibrldge and HarvarJ crows are paaetisiM thore for the raeo on tho *>tL. Xho Americans do do eiid^of work, they aio vory fast,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 51 5 I A Safe Cough Medicine for Children In buyktg a <-\nigh m^dioine for childrei i never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cou^l Remedy. There ia no danger from it an. relief is always sure to follow. It is espt cially valuable for colds, croup and whoopir. cough. Sold by all
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    • 485 5 ROBINSON&Co. 1 M»>»ieieieisisM Fuller's Chocolates I Fuller's Sweets I Fuller's Toffee. MsisisieieieieK Mackintosh's Cream Toffee Mackintosh's Treacle Toffee e^»ei»sißiCaisj»el»si»ej» ROBINSON AND GOMPANY. J. TRAVERS SONS, I 7, D ALMEIDA STREET, bavin^ Ixjen SOLE AGENTS FOR TIIE General Electric Co., Ltd OF ENGLAND In Singapore and the Federated Malay States, be:?
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  • 363 6 EGYPT AS A R SORT FOR ANGLO-INDIANS. T:iE Ei ektkics OK BfIMAVOBS. The Times of India contains a Tery loadable article commcudinj; E>jypt to residents m InJia us a ehort leare resort. Incidentally it has au amusing <l«'preciaI on of tht) climate of Stngapon>. W« <]vote the passages referred to
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  • 392 6 S n«apore. Btb Oct. 19- »i Betas, L«*tf per cattjy 6" Be«-f jjpr found 1$ B^an Sprort* i»t catty 2 Bam^.Ki Sprout* do. 3 Blaeltan d<>. 14 Brinja' do 5 Cabl.ajr.-». R.t.-.ri.-. do. 11 do., China do. nil do.. Mfel I do, G Canvts Imported do. do..
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 536 6 Stovcrtiecmcnts. WANTED. WANTED A CHINESE CLERK. A (JO4<l Salary for a first class mun. Thorough knowledge of book keeping and typt- wrjtinpr absolutely necessary. Apply with eopfcn of testirponfals to BOX No. 84, Kuala Lumpur. Od 8 8,10,12.10 WANTED for a Rubber Estate Tamil Dres^ei' or Chiv.ese able to speak
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    • 657 6 a^pcrtioemcnt6. SHIPPING. P. O. j BTSAH NAVIGATION COMPANY i Fcr China Japan, Pcnang» Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China j Coast, Pers;:sn Gull, <. ontinental and Amerij can Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about II \IL LINES.
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    • 570 6 B^vcrttoemcnto. SHIPPING. ryjc JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co Ltd. Mr /V V~ f A it-uh.i- FORTNIGHTLY Service is maintained U'tv.een Japan and Euiopo ><j tho following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS. I'.vi'K !>!.•. !i. Con: i: acts tRI the bmoou Jafavbm GoTßaanmr. Spociallj do^;:*nod Corthfl Company's Euroje.iu Service, lighted throughout by Electricity,
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    • 709 6 B^crti6emcnto. SHIPPING. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. COAST LINES. oteamcrs of the Coast Fleetnm aaf> roa Potclalmri 2101 Paklr.t I6H Borneo Bl< Anghin H>;">7 aTohriohang HMO And. Uakaaan i'>> 7 KajHh I'oi's ILaVafcaaata Jti">7 l'itranul>k 301H K. Rickmer 1087 Bangkok 102 Baauaa l9tH Bajaburi l^»O-1 Loo Sok I»HH Korat IS O Phxa
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    • 451 6 a&vcrtt3cmcnts. SHIPPING. NTT Norddeutscher Lloyd IMPERIAL (.HUMAN >l r !'hi> f;;st and v 11-kr.n'. j this Coaapau :il forti Hamburg ria B Qibraltar, <;--n..:t, SiJaplen, Njip!*'--, All" ;:ndri;l nu«l I swa, Adan, Coli nbo, P koBg; Miaafhal. N ki4K and lack. Tli.-y :i,v doe la undermeni i< d -d lat
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 315 7 r For 0 />• CHJPOTtAUT'S Phosphoglycerate JM of lime fl Tfit modern rtstaizUo* of tht r.ercoui tystetA. t! ir \riw I.- v aVi^^aV/fP^ Uai Ji'7 i::»r<.r> i -r.u 1 i i f: ion. I PHOSPHO6LYCERATE SYRUP iCHAPOTEAUT) PHOSPHOGLYCERATE WINE c CHAPOTEAUTI PHOSPHOGLYCERATE CAPSULES iCHAPOTEAUT) 9, rue Vivienne, PARIS-FRANCE GELANG BRICKWORKS.
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    • 669 7 Ht)pcrti6cmcnto. On the Berth. S.S. "KISTHA" FOR PORT SWETTENHAM PENANG. The above .->teaTnor will >h» detained here for do;king. and will not take the sailing of the 10th instant. She will resume her weekly .sailings on Wednesday the 17th instant. Oct 9 10.10 British India S. N. Co. Ltd. worn
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    • 729 7 Htwcrtiscmcnts. Shipping. IsTOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPY (STEAMSHIP COMPANY.) 11 NEDERLAND/' Fortnightly Mail Service between Java and Amsterdam, via Singapore, Sabang and Genoa, Steamers are dne on or about tho undermentioned datyu Outward Homeward Kon. ll» -.nt. Oot It K. Wiil.jii JI 0«C II X.. \v ilk-iii 111 OctM K. Wilheladaa OetSfl Uranje
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    • 524 7 DE KONINKLIJKE FAKETVAART MAATSCHAPHIJ. I. m»i:k Co.vtr v< t v\ mc jiu: Nimni vnhs Fmdiv <s')Vkrnmknt. Agfcnls ac Singapore, Ship Agency, late J. Daondcls Co., .t-3 ColJyer Qu.i;. I m: iS] BUtISI v;:>; <>vly MMmUNi Steamers; From Expected Will be Despatched for o^ V. der Lyn Boefafaaia Od 8 Belawan
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 657 7 HARBOUR NOTES. f KUtua will be dotaiuotl for tlodkiajj ml will aol s;iil as -.sual tomorrow Weil ■tsday) l» u< B*°* )rt x s run 01 Weiluesdav 17th. TIM BiaMMtof from Teluk Auson v*'.itei i,, 1 r.xi^ht tlown six nicelior^e.s from th Statai lor tbe Siui»aporo meeting. Tb ilsd
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    • 778 7 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-War FUg and Tons Commanicrs Arrived From For When £<m Me v Gbi ycht SOO Mtirphy Sopt 2> P. SwettcarwiTn M«ra« Fed. jot, 100 Vl'.ia Oat 7 l»ahang L'ucertain Shin Flju> Ton <? Alastcr Arrived from Consignee For When AHiag Dut 704 Hayknaa Oct 1 ITjanaaaafa Daa»oab
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  • 2616 8 DAMAGES ASSESSED AT $2,000. An Interesting Judgment. Featarday amfaiag m the Supreme Oenrt 5,1 r. Justice Fisher delivered judgment, which be Lad deferred from the previo is week, iv the famous actimi for libel l>r«»ught l»y Mr. M. Ii at risi against a toeal BOwapapi r.
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  • 212 8 lenee ..n.l eowMaTi aiymMai was eowpirtod m tin- mm concerning the liability of siin-ty ..u v ptoauaaorj note, m which plaintiff 8. K. A. Ahvidajappa Ghettv su.-.l Li-., BongLaon, aGndiiar iv Behn Meyer's. tW |1 .1-U. .>. the lal.mcM .ju.- promiwort note, dated Jaananr l".». l!H>t. of
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  • 235 8 L Ist Tufxl;iv Kliug luouev -changer was beCon Mr Grwu, for Taaiaktog with £450 which had been euiiu.>teil to him to chacge lllto sovereigns. He «a» couvicted aud sentenced to six UK.ntlis hard l>il>our. Yestenlav he was t g;iiu befon Mr Gn-en ov a similar charge but for
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  • 365 8 A Jar^'o uumber of Club members and their lady Irieuds were present to watvh the craine between Gaunt and E. P. Sal/mann, i last evening and they WCM rewarded by see- iu^ some good play. The first set went easily i to (.Jaunt, Sal/iraun
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  • 104 8 (COKRECTED UP TO Oct. vV 1 Bank 4iu s o .j--<l»'ll! ill'] >M 2/4 I j Priwitp erediti erv«iiu> r, m > 2/4 I France, damand Bank... Germany, demand 2394 iindia.t.t, i 7 3; j Honokoxg, demand .v% YoKO)rA?.l.\. d'»U);W)il 114' Java, <]en*a.u<] 44 j 7 Bangkok, demdii<l ,7;
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  • 136 8 October 8. J in «>uyer, 9<;.37> uamwer m Ganibier Cube No. 1 11 00 Gambier Cube No. 2 0 624 Pepper Bl:ick(ordin;iryS'pore, buyers 20 50/70 Pepper, White (fair L. W. r > p. c 27 Nutmegs (110 to thejlb) ~.m> Nutmegs (80 to the lb.) 4^' Mace (Bandul C
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  • 228 8 Capital Capital Issue Paid Issued paid up Value up Company. Uuotii ««J<JW 1 10.o& 10 10 rwwrt Odd M. c,. ft i $600,000 GOO.OCO it 10 rin Ja ,h^ l ln l li,^nM. I ;tTM ,V r !^n?° Woo l 0 l 0 K lllt;in Mining Co. Ltd WO.OOO
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 88 8 Inflammatory Rheumatism. Anyone who has ever experienced the ex- cruciatmg- and almost unbearable pains mci- ient to inflammatory rheumatism^ will be t] pleased to know that prompt relief may bi tj had by applying Chamberlain's Pain Salm Sv« ?7r' Ro^vil!e, Ontario, Canada mi?" ,l haveb «en troubled with inflammatory rheumatism
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    • 357 8 Japan Coals. THE Mitsui Bussan Ksisha. fMITSUI Co.j He:,.! Office No roKio. I --or.don Branch. 3.;, U B igftpON Branch: 2. Finlay .or [SB BRAHGBES S Fnr Mi ton, Tlaol v Taipc!:. Etc. j Tcl;pr.'.ph:c Addfta for aII th; Q j mmOV A.B C. 4th Edition, m j Codes ajed.
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