The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 10 July 1906

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 534 1 p. o. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, Japan, Pcnang, Ceylon Auzcralia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continents, *nd American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL Ll\i-:s. Ofc*»rar<( 'for China) M .nia July 21 DeMa
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    • 770 1 aourrnst innus N.D.L Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The faat and well-known mail steamers of this Company e-il fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said, S"ez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singap<jre. Hougkong, Sharglini, Nagasaki and Kobe
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    • 1398 1 DE KONINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU. UhUBK Ck>IfTKACT WITH TH» NBTBBKUaHDB InIHA GoVBKMMBHT. Agents at Singapore, Ship's Agency, late J Daendcls 6t Co., 2-3 Collyer QuayThe undermentioned dates are only approximate Stra-ncr* From Rxoccrcd Will be Deseatched for 00 De Kl.'rk S<wr:i!«aia July Hut nia, Java-<'< Sainarani.'. t«o»;rali.ii.i. lioeleIOIIZ. M.ik.i -siir. Aiii)>'-iii.t,
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    • 630 1 Compagnie dcs Mcssageries Maritimes de France Tystflßfßii Address— MESSAfJERIE. The mail HMBMH will leave Fin^i}x>r«i on or about th<- undi'i-incntKinfid d:itf« OfTWARD HOMEWARD 1900 1906 E. Simon* July 16* Toiirune July 16 July .'5O Tonkin July M Polynesien Aag 13 Armand Bi'hicAujf 13 Salazie Au^' 27 Ernent Simons Aus? 27
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    • 250 1 :4 i T i Brooke Motor Boats. Riley Hargreaves Co., Ltd. SOLE AGENTS lOK KJ J m J.W. BROOKE CO, LTD., r t ENGLAND. j By siK-eial arran-. m. Nts v itli tiu- ■fmtl can be sevn SIDEROSTHEN Bes^ Preservative OF Iron and Steel. Under all Conditions, PARTICULARS PROM BORNEO
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  • 43 2 Domestic Occurrences Births. M< Lbnnam. At Neu Villa, Bt> Institation Hill, the wife o/ A. McLsifNAN Erakine Ltd.) of a aon. On the 10th July, IMC at F'retoria House, Norriß Road, the wife of Royalist Buhkowh, Engineer, S.S Sarie Bornef)," of a son.
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  • 2181 2 The Singapore Free Press. TUESDAY, JULY 10. 1906 IIr:r tt.r taM Pfipie 1 n«rht maintala. l.'mtnl Sy intlirr:-' ...,I unhribH bjrg»inj HaiyaMM Ir th her ri<-no«n prrcpt» draw. ♦"I^Ofd to Kn.i- i,, ..•valtv an.'. lj\. Thk Liquors Ordinance affects so may people m the Colon y that n<> excuse is
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  • 343 2 The MM aMUtarlj BMatieg i I Justus's was hel ;tl 1 i..- |'..ii I afternoon, and then were present Pn-d.-ut Mr W.C. Mi »i.;.. M M lebeaa. M. \V A Om a P 0. as Obboot at. Mr K.-ij. I. >well represußM i Spirit Farmer The l i^t
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  • 116 2 hiugaj r.-j -i in,' ..v.-r Iji■eadi ibfl 1 P I i- from .i! p I' pen i i Thmrn p Mr W in-- i bill Chicago Bern i Jangle," wb i I ad ill.- i. tn A> r, gi e»M>rtti i( UJm ib m P., :.r- r e. am
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1014 2 Storiiisr incuts. Co^aog gutmigcmtnts ,_uwibaiu> caiauJ?! o»«^»o»- MNa DHDnTU'C ie DCCT I PARS AUON OB JE TSDART I BUKUtN O' 8 BtoT. I ota n :f; \V V flw ll Dv JAPAN et de la CHINE. 1 1 I '''"Crated by mirr.crous full page Photogravure H Tiki lA/II I nDAI/r
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    • 15 2 r IDrs. KEW BROTHERS DENTAL SURGEONS, I No. 2, Battery Road I Chartered Bank Buildings.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 231 2 Tin; wki'k. T\ HMkT, '."ti, High \V; tar —"2:; ;i 1 t j AModaUoa Gap TMOJ k', 1.'.!..],.! Chrt»og»^|,Kow I H.. 1,.,,; Mwie A-- Vimmbbat, hi, High V/atsi IT.. I jl '"'"••"••-'I ipa hrn, x BvanuK; Bohjl rßarotie. to Up. A-WI/I.'S, Thikm-w, l^ti, Brih w.>um -1.- >: 1 Si, London
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  • 87 3 I (liy sul'iii inue t< egraph.) ITU! ABUT REDUCTIONS. Piotest m the Press. ived July lil. o im M .mm,' Poal aad 1»..1v IWlegraph are ahvn tad al tha B Q B B. Bal kma'a sch'-'K I I" kaa na aad aaaaot bo> c itry will ne rarliament's Appalling
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  • 97 3 A Kcbtl Force hemmed In. Majority Killed. Bl i Jnlj 1". \1 u.M.n ps have ooaapWtorj mirownal I impi ia tha Caavoti district killing sapod Thoro were ao whita iei The Rlmg isits Norway. is eruiaiag iv ETorwaj aad bm Kiag U lakon at Troadjhea The Strmmdcd
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  • 51 3 1 iMa a wai -j.l. i. 4 Lai I «ii I S r. 'i I I M Krai I i l.\ I i I V i i A i •1' 1.i!..i I I: I' Arooaas* i n I f 1 7 1■- .1 VV I i A
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  • 278 3 I I i 4 -I" .^t itt-1 b 1 i ui*hr«l .:i OM i e broken I 1 1 i.'.i BUM —li v..,i i hi.;- ne <if tli*' f«||.|ci 11 makm <t..r whoai Biley. i 1., are 8 Agi Bl mm v Iv Jiit»'-I' HHMI dm AiMl.n
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  • 193 3 IANJONQ PAOaJl'B <)KIUIN. "II .i i: WWOM BOWOCB IS UI'K." Fo ti:: r oitok. Di v >ii:, would like to put yoa right a 1 m the origin of the T*nj >ng f'^'",,- Doen. J lie gaßtlaiaan vhoaaaalaos job asantioaal OH Siturday oaUM upou tbe aoeat only after tha
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  • 722 3 ST MICHAELS ST GEOGRE'S CHAPEL. r uoci a of the dodioatioa "t tho Chanel of the Order of 8< Michnol ..nd St Qeorge, m 8( Paul'i Cathedral, on Jone 12th there Bore proaaal ill- foUowiag dUtinguiabed uemben tba order eoaaaetod \%itli ti.f St.! its, or the Bad Bii P. A.
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  • 1178 3 MOHAMMEDAN WIDOWS CLAIM. Before Mr Justice Law iv the Supreme C<»urt yesterday afternoon, a claim, which promises to produce a very interesting bearing, Has l.iou^ht by an elderly Mohammedan whose name was riva as Nai Tahadjar Mute Sai against llaji Ismail and N. Omar, und. AMul
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  • 159 3 m nil <-o\intii<-» and among all nations of the giohe, cough in«-<li<.-inei» uro uw»d and used probat.. 1 y Mon <;\U-nMiv(ily than nuy other one claim of meduino*. Every human being m Miibject to throat and lilD^' trouble*, which nm> terminate li:- exihteuc-B I'<x>|-1<: everywhere realize the dKDjreroiii
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  • 215 3 Before bis Lorrinkip, Mr Justice Firiher. A DISAORKEMKNT. J. Rodrimiea ehatfjad witli forgery an<l fraudulent use of a forj»^il JooaMMHt, was onleroJ to be tried afresh ou two charges tho Jury yesterday daMgntHM;. Tub Macai -?t Mcmmml Thi« ui-ti iiniL.' I.- 01. mmoml Jiirj-, Kee Yon^ Kuat who
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  • 233 3 A voun^ faTa— a w»nt totiit- A rah st Mo«HUf M Kiklmv "■>!• iisiolv to [>r,tv but Urn w«.r<J bilouM lif* h|H'lt \sitii an [off li»* llirkul round n>iir w beret he Moiiainuiedao mendicants Hat a.w<tii mv; uliii>. A)i|> ui-nt lv ln-^.i Ins o{>portuuitv wlieu uU M>>u.iuiui'-<l,tu
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  • 150 3 Tba iol!owin_r m Urn tioa f--r ilie iir-t raaad wbick will bo play«d oa the fkpoy Liiiaa OoM 1 I iuk> E U. lullie iutd A Slum, li A Caautbvll aad M i; MUUr. aad V A. LaagMj, I: 1. i v.:<. Paaar, A A. .uidc
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  • 112 3 Samiatlu.!,. Klnv_» mil!,-tnn mwbifova Mr Mic'i.-!! tl. Btoraiag for telling Mfoltar&ted mill ,tiii .1 it iitt!. rj a t .i 1 ibont linn Jt aaajaawd thai aa Jaaa faapitloi Qfaua iii'f |j;m at laa jeavj F«(pur aad t.n.k ...m.-.f hi- ajill wlmi, „n Jytu profed »>
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  • 95 3 OmCUmbm dnigri ■bsHm Uion Mr Co. i,, vi tii, BMmdag vitl ■(•■Jiag i g Mlaaial MO froai htm 'J l.^ mvmc the •VmJ ii v.-tv ir—Mi— ani a.1.].-i i that I.- L i.l >*». f) tin^l tii»>^. \mu-H for irnp-rf-■MJ It M,!i• „t,, w |t w,, <1
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  • 113 3 <>iitl,.- ii-t mil- U-tor^ j nimil»T of Byalatuiß. the <;1m!. pUj«d .in.'li.-r praetiei cam.- n >„ >,- .it' tliv <'up tia musm4 IktWaNm trfciel laJcn „v Tn.vl.i'. n»xt. 'lli.- ("lul, Jia«l Umb < i i r uiiii KTeral uew int-n ami their opponent* v».re the Kugl.v
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  • 94 3 Ml; <iUAH\MM On *,'"MrKI! 1 [ii\. 'l'li»- ImiwU cup })r»-h'i)t«-.| l.v Mr Jumes Ur.tliam MM ■OMMtsi ItC M Urn 4th, tlth mid 7th of this iu<>nth. There was .52 tutries and t!i»- Uadiag movn w.-i<- as tollows. R. T. R-.d 771 fkm IK s<..-, A.M. Uitl.lH Kil pIUM
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  • 81 3 Tlit; I i ii- .lulv liic.lal MM pluved vettter<la_\ afteriKKiii BIMWi Mm. (innnl—r ."yt I »7 >1r- IV. r.. r,| 2 It M McNmr (U U MtwSadtii Hi \'i -<Z Mn. H<v>tt-Ku.««.il »> r 12 M Mm. S. S. Walk.r 7 :,:> Mr». la.a»W n Mihh
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  • 427 3 THE BEST REMEDY FOR A COLD-A SAFE AND SURE ONE 1 had a severe cold this winter und was veiom- i mended to try a liottle of'B Cough Remedy. It thoroughly cured me and m the future whenever I :i cold 1 nhiill take the w remedy, fours truly,
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  • 160 3 <S^ dT V <' .:^ArH»«d From for W her V.sseL FU«s*Tons M a f r >• Mala.-.-.* U"^!'' Altm- Dut 7U4 Kvk,,,,, V nved Krom Con«iei«n Foe W> n Cm. BntWst .5t.,," B«m B DM*** B'mw.nM JET" Bnl^ 1 Ha,,- 1i0u.f.,1 Orient. Am-1.-n.-rair IW^4i R, •■.••_>:.. H,
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  • 52 3 BUM r 'V f FM.nM^r Molucca. J"; w t»'i U Bn Pontiankll < .,.\l..ver £J^jf. y -I .ly I., Hook tag Muatok 11 E.i.a.J.l, Bn»7» >..,,,, li wll ,En S Moh Java P«,h»* n VA-, 12 £?2* n 2S i-l w X" Bangkok N Bnt U.,» X... Wee
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    • 104 3 <i, "CmmWu wm Paid Issued paid up Value jp Quotations :r> v, I.M 10.50 "> Do D (I*Ut*d) nlkm i;< ;o j,, X rinMl iV^MIiM J;""- 0 3 KM lM X 2^.M« i: 1 i I T. P2£2 > < 1 t .e'lvr* n 1 11..-1 Do ■2/ ,<>oo
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    • 117 3 *--'■"•>" M FrmwrudP M mamm •1" > 10.000,000 125 125 M• |U»W !.,,V-i^ .000 g.400.000 l"0 100 H I 11. In luT™ ••MM l« 100 I v 100 |< I f%D«la. J% mm 1,., |3«,0M HOM It 1" Mar I» J.tJ. «M^> 1275,000 10« KM Da T i--f. 1.->,uU,^,»
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    • 146 3 3 I'h.mmu Ililpiinii Bril ITitßtt UJ liS«l«r. n v U l»-, 8..t i< V. I Otf. 1M t.' I i 11.'.; t 7 •,;.>.-,.. r X X t»-.''. II t.1.i;.; t I:.u.m» m :.o<» Cicd/RnM* i Coy t;.no 1. 1 l' r ..f fi.lou sj. ...m. iiS.OOtl 10 iv
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 531 3 mails <;losk. To-mgbrow. For IV At Per n^' Jm '/.>n»n M Boaffkoag *<• Austria A M Poiitianak Auilierst 1«' am ludnigiri Am- Thye noon Hon«konj{ ix. lilenfallooh '*M ColomU» vi Bombay Colombo M;«ni '2 I'M Mv iv k aUiMM Sultan 2*» PaSMMJ A Culeut a <ire.'ory A[K-ar I'M Malacca fc
      531 words
    • 401 3 KAJSHKN'iKKS AKKI V Xl). j Ban Fo 5,h,,,. Dut tfr, <),]i n l.-. i U r l>Mlaßat July lo.— Per Penanj? Me-,sri F. Penne- i Karan«. Brifcatr, kmgu*. for Port B«ett«nliam, fatli.i- and l^oh Hon^ Chuan s l Ophir, Dot. btr., Koon»)», for PuleniUing. ANJER SHIPPING KKPORT. Ind Btit J^
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 863 4 J/IST. Thon«»n<is of dollars m the past y^ r I Ht fin. h misphw-ini th< ir '"i^ertising. X%Q j .•han.^cf inHkii^ u.-n^y l.y not advertisin.' u T.t A V CARS thro-gk THE ORIENTAL COM ►#JIT, Lf»- Advertising AgenU. Suite m'^wit^ Post Offiw M»r 17 THAMES MERSEY MARINE INSURANCE Co. Ltd.
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    • 739 4 gubfrtigrmenlfc To lend on Mortgage or $4,000, easy terms, good security. Addre>u> 3(55 c o Free Press." July 9 12.7 Government Licenced Surveyor Wanted immediately. Apply, giving reference« and stating salary required, to BCRVEY," c/o Free Press. July t> \».c. WANTED Billet by planter, over 18 years' experience. of reference*.
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    • 608 4 _?lD\)crtiSfnwit<. ESTATE OF MARIANNE HA6EDORN, Deceased. AUCTION SALE OF VALUBLE ENGLISH JEWELLERY, Ac. Thursday, 12th July, at 11 a.m. Diamond rings, ••arrings, broochs». lockets, necklets, silver chains and lockets, ban^le», &c. sow on view. POWELL dt Co, Auctioneers. July t 12T Hogan Co,, In Liquidation, PRELIMINARY NOTICE (By order of
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    • 704 4 gbbfrtisrmfntg. TO BE LET OR FOR SALL Eugenic Villa, No. 650 Berangoon Road, 5 miles from town. Mercy Lodge, 168 Tanjong Katong Road. Apply to C. A. FERNANDEZ. 43 Raffles Place. FOR SALE OR TO LET Large Godown on main thoroughfare suitable aa a large Sbop house. Ground Hoor area
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    • 682 4 gobcrtigrmmts. ONE OF THE OLDEST ADVERTISED FOODS. Leslie's Weekly for April tells at len^h the story of the I development of Condensed Milk, which was first evolved and put on a I ■uoceasful commercial basis by the late Gail Harden. In 1858 Frank I Leslie conducted a crusade for pure
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    • 704 4 3ftrtjrrttscmcnts. Hongkong and Snanghai Be kiikf Corporation. Paid-up Capital Bbsbrvb Fund i Sterling Reserve 110.000.00-J Silver Reserve....! M*Mooj RaSBBVB LIABILITT OF PBOPBMTOBB COt'BT OK DIKK« lOi.v A. Haui'T, L'sq Chatemas G. H. Mkdhl'k.-t, Ev|. In E. Gobtz. Esq. A. J. l(ti> Hon. Mr. W. J. Gresson R. In C. R.
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