The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 21 April 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 19 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. PRICE 15 CENTS. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. APRIL 21, 1900. :j tS Ni 5055
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 610 1 'antirnisrmnitsL p. o. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon Auscralta, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Throng Bills of Ladijig issued for China i Coast, Persian Galf, ContiEenUl. and American i Port*. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. "y<- in, l Ifm China)
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    • 557 1 -I'juciiisfinnUb. N D I Norddeutsrher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL HERMAN MAIL LINE. Tli« £ajs| a..u \v.:ri-kr:-jwn mail Rteumers of tbib V jtny sail fortn zlitly from Bramnn, J! 1 ordain, Antwerp, South■saatosj, '"•'■•«'"ir 1 G«aoa, Xuples, (ooaajiotiaßj v N plaa, AiezaaaVia and \ice vi B, OaIOBIBOi I'cniili^, Bißfß> .vi. :vn< i
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    • 691 1 flpuatisriucuts. DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. UMDBK CONTaACT WITH THB NITHIKUNIH INDIA DoTK»NMIS, Agents at Singapore, Ship's Agency, late J Daendcls Co., a-3 ColJyer Quay. The undermentioned dates are only approximate. S;e*mer» From Rxacctad Will be Descatched to» or. WamdfU BaillSja Aj.l SamUis, Peinanj?kat, Singkawann und Pontianuk. 4fl Si I V.
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    • 431 1 K-crfic Mail Steamshic c Occident^] an i Or Stiuimsblr >op \->y ft: a Tcyc K: i Co >••■■■: > *>..■;:■. ii, ti z.. f\Mssßcan ITO El BOPE ban s*n r i yi .u>; 0.-t *ith par, r^ ,nt 77.,. »JJ S%i\irr dates Irom i\> V r r,.« CCC I Woßgl
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    • 305 1 II 111 I 4 Mill i HHLiiJU im_ i-rax^mm" So a W 'r 5 s^ 'X A Full list of Songs, Bands etc,, cai h on ,>on. SOLE AGENTS KATZ BROTHERS Ltd I Nederlandache Hand..NETIIERLAND3 TRADING £00. E3TA.BUfiHar> I I OAJTTAt— fI. 4 ;.00C,000,— /t.ljcr.t £3,760,000.) kasasva— fl. s,QoO,tX>o,— (a'uo-at
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    • 158 1 n> I Hi^KiVE rum ti. and Pw 1 Bajtsbh IS Bar'K V\r. II BAI KBJBI U 1 I at Bi of Exchange c:. 1 ...Ye Dor!in Am rife* aa I different ao tad baakiac 'i'"cu. SlrsGAPuiiE— un IBK ALLOWXD. ON FIXED DEPOSITS r r r <.ect. per -inn-im t< r
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    • 201 1 Company. Ltd J.7 22,836 !< i'FIOJ IOUBTBAD A <^o.— A«ent« Lancashire ROB CO. '-i,u?3,580 Uuiton Insunmee Oiiice, Limited, lion^kong. (VMOBOBD. $2,t€ Ajromra 4 j"',' 0). .j z"f."> |1,(.';0,00*>. Ei'k» it Gn/rent lUU.9. BOUSTKAI) Co.— k;-rr-Guardian Assurance CJoinpany, led, Loudon. Opi.a! £i,'.t .».«,'< iToUl IbvmM F-nis, Tipwfcrds 0f..,.£4,516,00C Anur.\l Imv-nj
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  • 44 2 Domestic Occurrences. Death. nuNK -'-'m Ui Mtli M.ixl.. .it Tborabafj rou'l. Bsrisfgruvc, Ib'ewoith, \fry ituddenly, Lkv. i- cf 11^ iJulel'Uty-ioutl, tppor TtK^tili-jT. »:ldm; »>>n <f 1L« ly»i» Fi.imi-i. Of Biu^<i<' re, agi .'4 Puweral at Hfttttoii I'hurc-li m 'J'fiurndjy. Hank fflfc, at ;t uVlock
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  • 1797 2 The Singapore Free Press. SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1906. MM ii. I i f > tli- IV r.trht ma:nUlß| I ojwr l,v 1 itticr n.ih»ib»H by k»o<| H*H>|Blr!<l i i'ii I.t i; 1 »i pf<^ »p»n draw. I'lelv''' t licnitto".!, l<",'lty ;ni'l law. ■ohk <•» the lair iiluatntUMl mail pap^rH have
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  • 379 2 BirJoHJi A■• i > i. :;••'•> io aooltod U> roiuni to Biagapora bj the P. A O steainei Britannia, from Loasloa, oa M 13 11. 'I bo laicaoo fhaaibof <'t Soauaon mi beeu oatoMßtod fw pajfurtimlioa aader Übo Societii s 1 Ordinance .Mi I. Bruoko 1- appoiiitel .1 -.distant OovwaaMatl
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  • 545 2 All m.ju. who haw M au\ tmn attended iuy ..1 ih,: ifaMMN <>k khsBtf»il EhttIMMMU \i»ocuti >u will MUeh rv.;u:t to li<-.u (lie death of Mr Lawk Pram* Sucrelarj -I i!...- Ikajoag I'a-u Dock Obafaay, iu L U'l'.u, au«l Sien tirv to tin; annual
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  • 903 2 London, March M, I nld not write last Friday b*»cau9*» I wan ;ii tlio matinee of Mr Bernard Shaw's "Ciptam I'.ra«.*l.oinid s Conversion. ;iu<l ;in eifraordiuarilv lut^n^ting pafcfMM if was. If i* pretty well recognised in London n..w thaf phnf?oen« who care for Romethiug more than arms
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 937 2 Cosftagg ll^Ofrtigcinfntg RAFFLES HOTEL Special Dinner TO-NIGHT. BAND IN ATTENDANCE. TO»ett!«fmfnf K E LLY WAI R H VOCVIHLAKV A BOOK OF MASK. OK MALAY MEDICAL TERMS THE RE-SHAPING OF THE n dk i' n. «;ekkakd. F^li? li^lST Iliis i^ very InM Ikp.ilv "Thf work U „n KV in, h niioiiM
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    • 502 2 MIHAP HBADACHB CURB. 21.--. ESTATE OF KHH SAN hOH, DECEASED. AUCTION HALE OF Valuable TYik Household Furniture, Slc. To ll nr.i i> \t N.. 4i» Part H«.ad Saturday, 2Hth April at 2 p.m. lv. i ••Ili-iit ttmk I irtinir room suite t-;;k r. aai talaaa ilk naiUt t< -i>« uj.lioUteiTd.
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    • 55 2 When an old codger uhiven and shakes, A» be bean* th« wild winter winds roar. That ancient mitfUke be ontinuea to make, Au<t swsillowb hot rum iu galonTill Hone friend, b'ke an uugel of light, lutrodnces a solace more sure And soothes his old throttle by bringing a bott 1
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 113 2 THE WEEK. •Saturday 21st Hi^li Water 9. |t> a .*.jj p Mr Buckley's Leutnre. Y it C 1 > V A. Kifle Club. S|,oot. Toxvu kWBt) BsplHiKidv. I i Sunday. 2_*nd:— High Water 10 1 a |fjg Uom ikin-Juy. 6.V.A. Rii>* thib, Slwot lloainY, i3nl. ttfk Water r-fM a. lo
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    • 59 3 THE GREAT EARTHQUAKE. THE RUIN OF SAN FRANCISCO. A THOUSAND DEAD. A Hundred Thousand Homeless. April 20, 8.25 am Funston commanding the troops who are keeping order in San Francisco, reported on Wednesday evening that about one thousand dead were accounted for. It ia estimated that one hundred thousan.l
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    • 60 3 The latest accounts Btate thitt a dense smoke and conflagration has spread over the city, and is visible for miles at sea It looks as if the whole city is doomed to destruction by the Haines. Many famous buildings and hotels and theatres have collapsed, and burned
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    • 69 3 Loss A Hundred Million Dollars. The Califoruian towns .>f Santa Cru/. Monterey, Gilroy and Pollister, have Ixsen wrecked and many people killed Two hundred people hav.- Ijefii killed in Santa Rosa alone, and ten thousand are homeless. The shipping at Sau Francisco has escaped undamaged. The Leland
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    • 75 3 fFightinjr Military Precautions. April 20. V> am No one is allowed to enter San Francis.;.', which is burning furiousiy in all SMMtOT The dynamite eiplosious used for the purpose of checking the Hame» are adding to the terror of the population. Information BBJBPasBJ the state of affairs
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    • 39 3 April •_'<», I U auj »tue of the estimates >>f (as Sau Francisco -.catastrophe utate that live thousand people iuve perished in the flame* and ruins, but the numbers are not able to l>e verified yet.
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    • 65 3 The Kaiser's Private Prompter. April 80, 4.'>'> a. m Baron wn UoUteio. l'rivv Councillor to the ''*iiiiU Foreign Office li*s retigned The Baron was the secret framer ol the 'jerman policy for many year*, including the latnous visit of the Kaiser to ifSNeSB. It is believed
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    • 74 3 Kiotin-r at Lens. April 20, ■>'}■< Hi Ihe strikers at Lena attacked .tud wrecked 'he house of the mine manager an«l repul»e<l a b*y net charge, with a hail ol stones. TLe officials at the ironworks at Deaa.u are •♦sieged, and the troop*, are powerle^ to
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    • 59 3 V scaeral strike has boeu procUitue'i j.' The employees at the Government match factories in Paris have held a meeting there, and decided to strike unless the three hundred postmen who "ere dismissed tor striking ■ reinstated. Kight thousand troop* have now U.-._n cou-■-^utratfl at I/en- The
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    • 42 3 Crushed by a Waffon. April 20, il~> pin M. Curie, the'li^ewverer of radium is 'iea-I He was walking along the at reel when he slipped flown and a heavy wagou weui uver him. crushmg linn to death.
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    • 23 3 !be Kaiber bae contributed vG'J pounds aterKsg to the Vesuvius relief fund wbick has been started iu Germany.
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    • 26 3 Kiug Carlo* of Portugal has opened the luugruatftoual Medical Congress at Lisbon There *r« two thousand ivpremjntati\e» •<! thirty countries attending tl»e Osagvaai
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    • 44 3 Oini/ulu. tin 1 sou of '.'etywayo, has offered U prove his loyally by captiiriu^ Barnbaat- i. but the aatlioritaes an- ii-t .ill. nn; their plans in auy way. *u*l will put a lot a) of seven tuoii-<n-i iij»-u in tiie field
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    • 22 3 1 be offer ■>t the noted Boer general Euiuu, to nupplj 4 commiindo of i-'/O Vrvbeid livr, has been accepted
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    • 25 3 Mounted Infantry Enlisted. 'l'l»e «H»lißtuieut of irregular troops to a«rve in Natal w proceeding raptiJv. They will be btyled Kovstou's H
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    • 17 3 The Daily Telegraphs correspondent at lolag eut* that Admiral Togo has postponed rUit tv tmepe.
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  • 1148 3 Tl BM»*I Hitting of this Board was held \i l- V aftt ni<o iu the Muuicipal offices, Jit t BrwkWs* presiding. The other members prwent >veiv' Messrs. A. W. Bailev. K Allen, Qhag Keu- Lss, W. Macbean. Minutes. Tin* miuutes were been taken as read, and connrmtd President's
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  • 80 3 Mr K J Bartlutt has l»n selucted to act as curator and Librarian at Raffles Library and musoum during the absebce on leave of Dr HanitscbInvitation cards are out for tho wedding in •be Cathedral of tbe Oood Shepherd at 0 a.ul on Tuesday, the Ist May, gf Mr Ldwiu
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  • 1276 3 Quirquid agunt lioMttted twntri cet farrago libelli. JuVEHAI,. As the wires come in about the earthquake at Sau Francisco the destruction seems to grow in the telling. Even now all is not known. But enough has been told of this great disaster to give the idea
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  • 991 3 Our First Dead. (From the DMkrur Max Wkndkich, Artiht with thk Russian Heai^i' ai: tkks in Manchuria.) 11. A beautiful Bight warm. lam Kiug on the opeu earth looking up to the dark blue skv and the endless uniltilu.le of stars. All around me is
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  • 310 3 5) C C. V. TCI.EOKAFH C->MI'AN^. On the Ksj)lauad« last evening a team of the Club and titWu players figuring as tbe Tele graph Company representatives met under Uugby rule*, and a somewhat a»tuni»liiug sort of ,miui resulted in what was t > most people a rather unexpected victory
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  • 18 3 Output for the month of February I*^o6 tin ore produced pis *****3 amount realised
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  • 46 3 Several of the local steamers running betweeu Singapora and Penang are to be pro* secuted for coming through Keppel Harboux when from a quarantined port. TUe outward French uiail steamer Caledonian left Colombo at noon on tbe 16th aud is expected here on Monday morniug. The
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  • 150 3 April. 21 Tin 87 IS) Gambia* 7.30 do. Oube No. 1 N U. do. do. No. 2 1.. Pappsr, Blaok (ordinary B'porai I;».V> do. White, (Fair L. W. ft p.e., H 2*6 1l>; ETatmagt 1 10 to «ih« h.) „33 do. i HO to the 59 Kaos (Baada) 145.
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  • 361 3 Capital Capiul Issue Paid Issued paid up Value up Company. Quotation--9135,000 10 it. nssaawah Gold M. Co, lfa Baaßara 9600.000 *****4 10 lo ansae!. By d< li, Ti n v'r.', '/'m' ir'./'n 5?;:^;:;; 300,< Kadan,..,.,d.,.,., UJ ,L 4100.000 io io i,, Do ,p 4150.000 Wi.OOO 1" 10 KnantanTu, Mi,...
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  • 69 3 1 1 KKt. :ilh L'F Tu April, 21.) Bank 4 uitf 2 4j 4 deuuuiU -liw Private oredita 3ui h 'J4 t m credits •> n» l' i Fka:;ck, deuiaud IWuL Gbrmant, ilenuuid 'J V" ISPIA.T. T. 17u; Honokonu, (leuiand 12"-dis Yokohama, demand 11:; Java, Jou«au<l 111, Bangkok, demand
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 45 3 Thk Bkst Trkai mknt that can bu given cuts, biuiaCa, sprains, scal«L> or like injuries is a free application of Chamberlain's Pain Balui. It allays tLe pain almost instantly and should always be kept on hand. For sale by all Dealer*. XU; pic^easary, Crtocral Agents.
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    • 50 3 Poor old cheat it heaves and rattles, Tend«r tbroat and tonsil* red Pull n>7 twucr from neath tbe buul, mates, Broacb tlia bottle, Tt- d. Yet*, binx;, tb« w|UuUcrt> um 1 it. Hiuurar*, rou^ru, rkb uud V\U h tbe wbiakey into blades, Give mu Woops' Q»SW Tr; ni; r CV»K.
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    • 347 3 STEIN WAY" PIANOS THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co.. Lui. AND Cairia Mutual Steam Nav. Co.. Ltd. Tbe Companies' nteamers arw dettpatcho] from Liverpool oatwards for the Strait*. Cuinit *i Japan overj ww'e. and from Jh; -u homfiwurns for liCndnu Hvory fortnight und for Liv«rpo< month iy.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 733 3 PRNANG SWIMMING CLUB. The annual general meeting of the memi>ers of the Penang Swimming Club is to be held at the Club bungalow and Tanjong Bungah on Sunday. The llHpor 4 of the Committee states that new moin l )er« joine«l during the year, and the number now on the
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    • 387 3 VESSELS IN pi)u jm"^" y"\ w Vc Flasrs Tons Master^ Arrived i< r mi CWn <?C**l« Brit2B.'H Smith Apl It JhmcZh fsJS^ Clam Brit 2310 Bram^u Apl 17 B P,,,, m rtil n C Hock Kia. Dut 1020 V der Ham A? J^Sl BZ En Moh B^,^" CWi Hal 2718
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 813 4 iiutjfrttsnnrnt». i rOI'XD A material increase in th« profits of I Um h TRAMCARS as t lv,,ti.inv n.ed.uu,. Apply to THE ORIEN. TAL COMPANY. Ltd. SS-M Robinson Road. Mar IT 1T Lloyd's Register- of British Foreign Shipping. 7r. BM M kio.w. I ivsuuied eaaifa of the u»x»ve Sooiety at 8
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    • 774 4 glfttorrtisrmfnts. I J'lo.oim. t«. I.i.d on Karl pm\ S W. BUCHANAN SMITH. Apl Is -2oA LOST. At Gajlang, one white Fo\ Twrilar Doy with 'I'Own j-j.l «t on head. Municipal l>ad£O No. -11, n«wers the name of Spot." Finder will be uiUilily rewarded on returning «anie to WOODBIRN HOUSE, 3.
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    • 731 4 atjbcrttscinnus..: MOUTRIE CO., LTD. (Em rial nwii 187.'x ff Pianoforte Maaufactu««er' t HOKOBX>FO AND tSHANMHAI importers of Pianos, Organs s« and Every Description of fc Musical Instruments. Bah Jfaaai /<••■ LYCEUM THKATKK. SHANGHAI •< <«IR A..KNI* VI 51NGAI**>KE auk afaMBS. I'OWKLL (.0. j At \vhos«' Saleroom sonic of our Pianos
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    • 709 4 awwiiuiiimu H. L. Cr.CML/VN CO'S wißKxniniG rußsrnnii alxtions. tiirtl'iy. 'l^tlt Aftil Kinr.iia.Ortlind EUI f WttaMJ B.n k.-r. Es.|. \tu,d,nj. Ml A r H IK. Sopliia Road O. P Thomas, E>-[. itardkf, •"></< Moa Labrador Villa, I'a^ir P.V.i... inu *'< T. Hare, Esq. (deed.) tt>inl<tij, Ifaf Bunvood, OiMJi R.-.'i— H. L
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    • 663 4 atibfrttsfmrnts. BOARD RESIDENCE. Vacant roou.s mi private laipfy. ili;. S. OoaT> cKK ao, No. t Wilkie K-.atl, Cool A ,iiry locality. Mar 24 1.4 "recreation hotel" Air/ Room*. V ;l ;m). I'KAKKE BROTHERS. I'roprieton*. Feb 27 uc To let Son. l'> and lo", l)--\.-n -i,ii.- Iload. Apply to M. 11.
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    • 357 4 Obbrrttecmrno. Kiky t Hargream^r> ENGINEERS GONTRAGTORS. STRUCTURAL IRON AND STEEL WORK. Engines. Pumps. Boilers. GAS. SOIFR FEEDERS. VERTICAL. Oil. H, COLONIAL. STEAK. ISFEGATION. SEMI-PORTABLE. ESTIMATES FREE. mm. n*i~., HARGREAVES, «.]\K.n thai Chop fee Nam UenA' oi 17 lloji^-kony v,.,,.| ie .\^onts in the Straits Sett lcmcnts ;ind the i <
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    • 106 4 BAROCYCLONOMETERS. The most uselul instruments to navigate through the China Seas in the typhoon region n showing the sure way how to avoid them. LA NATIONALE Antf-corrosive and Anti-fowling paint, highly recoT mended. UTLY TO Ga££ino Qo., AGENTS. The Cavanagh Bridge Cigar Gemptif. Oi'i'osrn: thk (;kxkr.\i, PfWTOFritt SINGAPORE. •hi a.
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  • 738 5 De«r Lucy.-How «,rrv 1 au, tu you ba.t agiun in md h,,w,ltl,a» „,1 UeVe,-."^...t i.iF» wn metwU-,, lvvou., s( •the great bell of rW However 1 must le.v «.ff maun.Wit,* !in<l i tell >ou wha, we are ***f. Krerv,.,,e' \ul lvecome a ,u Omjm U|
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  • 312 5 I Tsuan v- v Cuai m« Btatum it iias b«eu au }»u •»-<_iet for »<jiiie t. 'bat Germany has l*»-ii activ* ly at work iu tlndirection of oMaaasßg from Turkey the concession of a port wln-li sjoalsl M turne-l iut<. a naval station and coaling -uti.u Tli^
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  • 284 5 The French MiMai department at kas just done a graceful act, which we S. C Morning Post commend to our friends ia .Singapore and elsewhere, who are i»o keen on enforcing a loag quarantine against vessels from Hoagkong when this px.rtis <le<:lar»-d lulected with plague. Tließriti»»i
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  • 794 5 Some Points to he KtMtMiiKKti* To tin Edit.,,- 01 fta mmwbl IYmnm. Sir, A f«w remarks from tin- EWliml side may not 110* U out «f |4W, anJ Bkfty be lh« inc.iiiM of drawing nlittutioa la pomis wluo'ii, ii i-.i>iv.l. iii rt y 1.-i.l
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  • 355 5 Tut Il< mn r>». |,i x». Tbe Hiinkow l>aih New» «»f March M »tate*. On Thursday afteruoou c very interesting trial of the Tram de I, tine whin it intended to run between I'ekiup and H.inkow and vice NM on the l.u H.ui Itailway, took piare A number <>t
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  • 97 5 A judge s little daughter, although she had talked several times through the telephone to her father, had uever gone t lirough the formalities necessary iu calliu£ hiui up. The tirst time she tried it she took up th« receiver as she had seen others
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  • 333 5 REVENUE AND T ARIFF REFORM. As ev<»n lliem^t o>mv,iiv; <-;.•, .if, init MmUmmt prapli** -'•>•»' > w perm to impose duties "ii import- to i.|.t lM MMWfH imi-Titiv- ;ni.{ m, U i-. pasMiitf iuU-re.- to l^.ir «...< .\|> A«q U ith das fo my .>n 'lie m.~ »t i
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  • 539 5 PATRICK O'BRIEN, THE IRISH GIANT. A ftiri.ius diw-»«vr» as ma-!* 1 Urutu :i Htirfa I I'll. wh«-u workman en^r.'fd on -arations alongside an .ni<-i»-nf Koomo Catholic cbapel uneartiied in a «Wp tren<li tli.- itin of Patrick O'Brien, a _'i*n' ffOM Kin>.ile. irbo «1 i**«l iu IJr i>l« >l one ]i<iixlre<l
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  • 162 5 A IMMOTIM \Whmh fill ii Iu uoticiii- the Cmkmimt bf IflOti ..f tha College of Me<licm»; far Oliiut-so at Hou^'Lout; the Journal of Tropical MadkiM MfNMM the wish that the weaning and iafortaawal this College cuuld be brought houif t.. British folk, »o that wo woul-1
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  • 118 5 A Ukiiish Firms BsmHMHKjb, A report ha» Ikjbu circulated iu W'oolwici aaid KnOi that Messrs. Callender were likeh to removu tlieir cable norks to Ct^ruiauv Mr CalleuJti, iu rej>lv |o iu.|uiiies »Uti-<l tin! there was «»>m« fouudatiou for Ilio rumour but u<> deciitiou had V>veu ■■■■in.' to.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1318 5 gflfocrtiscmtnts. Food ■----^bSbßlblbbHbbbbibitpi**-^- Conditions, vvhirh are necessary in a perfect food adapted for QHILDRBX OF ALL AGES. ME YOKOHAMA DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. No. 1 DOCK. No. 2 DOCK. Length inshie 514 ft. I Length Inside 376 ft. Width of entrance, top E5 ft, bott. 75 ft. I Width or entrance,
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    • 20 5 MARTIN'S #riHfei3ss3 PILLS/* SS&H* int I»r^»U»H. of Ib. ■1111l Uatlr tam BS.*** 4 lhaoau tbtn NMMai »l 1 1 >nrl
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    • 1227 5 aUuCUisriHcnLSSingapore Sporting Club. ri:<x;K.UJME FOB THE SPRING RACE MEETINO. 190o\ May 22nd, 24th and 26th. FIRST DAY. Tiiendtnj, Mmj 22nd. I. The Maiden Plate. V«luo$)>oo. A Race for Maiden Hor-e*. Weight tfot. all». Eatranoe $20. Distance, K. C. 2. The Lawn Stakks. Value $4U». Handicap for all Hor** iuipji ted
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    • 104 5 Khkl.MATl.sai fa a btnl. l)oin diseas..- to tij^lit. but Chuuiberluin's Pain Balm has cured it many times aud will do so whenever opportunity offers. This remedj is a genentl family liniment and not only does it quickly relieve rheumatic pains but it also cures lame back, stiff neck, noivnesi of
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    • 110 5 European Agency. INDENTS pivuiplly i-. iitcd at lo» >„t 1 Mm for all kind-i •<( BHsM mi] •'■ j»ood^. itK'ludiu^: Bat)ls\ s%M ;ind 1.-atlni. Clieuiicala uud DruygiutH' buiiili i<-^. China, Eait hen ware and <>Uf-:\wiiT. Dtmfmj, Millinery and Piere (itHxl.-, Fuui-y (ioodri. Perfumery abd Stutioneit. Hardware and Machinery. Pl.ctoyraphii- aud
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 865 5 *ESSE LS 1 XTKCTKI) r oi depirture, .ind (wh*i« MKN >>l-\\ \U. l: il ■>„-. .1.. J,|l|.Hrii ei imt, mm *<%IL£ KfM* KUKOI'K. Jl MJI M N .in,.! K Willmh II ■AILS i j; )A| m ROPE OK INDIA. Mj M M IrwMd lt.-:i. Jg B I T-. P <•
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  • 1525 6 la few part* of the Inlo-Maluy cwniiii. are tha indiire.noiiH mees of the human sp. >iet ..1 ji.^tci int»M^t to t1... .niiln.<M->lo.'i*! nn<l (!i>> ttliaologial lhaa are tho»u »f tbo }!aI».T l'<minMl! I ,lll"1 111 tV\V iWMUMV l>e ad-llV 1 kit! th.'iv -ivAt.-i- difiealtiea neoualared iu i.i.'.:i.i:Hnu the
    1,525 words
  • 1048 6 THfi r n in:. Hi Tin: Bimn tfo*. Ba Omablm VV. J;ii.m.. U.ykt.. M. I' Visitors to tii- i > i\.i i: ,ii..' pusi« tlnuu^ii s tii I'iu'.i laid t'.v ■einbei i. i.--.,-. ,i.i< of Mi'->. lin mix i.. oi Uh Mitfii -ii beaut) i; i
    1,048 words
  • 528 6 Tk <>':• fi'itr <>f ill" \:'ny" \n th* title of in Um <iii:»nt nuru'-r of the Ri m 'v < l P..1W1, The ml .1 iapottM r.. ti I W«H '1 t.;- f,,r ;i littl*» M -i'-n. 'I'!, «so w|, li«itry nil t »V;I t^i
    528 words
  • 218 6 BATUTIGA (SELANGOF) RUBBER COMPANY. tl ■■Am \i l'\* 1 'ni.'.ri ÜbharGoMpmr, I. in m formed porcfcaM <u fr.jin [I. I i mi Ik* BaftMfjOf I'LnUti «n« Sjudh I. .j, ,^.| m England ..i 1 .iill to fnrtfcf .l^\.-i. p h||h l-Tiij'T.ti'.ii-l properties situate iu 6>!in:r. Federated Mil.ty Sr.ites, which ;ir^
    218 words
  • 176 6 I I'i av rn <-v i Pmmv tfotMl r.ipi<lly Ac-uinuUtinv: mass of infor malion al»«,i.'t rubber planting. has been added ;i sh^rt .-.-viy by Mi H. M. Alleyn. of M-.-ua r.rt.j. ii.i>k«-liv.i, (.Vyl.jn. Kepniite.l in painplii.-t lota truni ll';ecoluiun«(.f the "Till*-" of <V\l,,n tha iirti.les are If a
    176 words
  • 50 6 l'».. liifiuw gf tbe Japui Agric-artum/ O U,. p hum .Ii 9 ,-.,v0re,l proceM bv which t.. |)r...iu C gum imdm-ruVbrn tu>m Mochi rict' ICtberto baa Ihh-u exp*>rtet\ to Enijland, and nn<U> |n import^!. »»ut it is now expwte.l JapueM nwkuvifivciured gum will be s"nt UNNMi
    50 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 392 6 3UutitisfntrniM. f Weak Lungs, lh -cv to Con<,umnt r>o will 5 1 mtroftnirtP :1 ->•«'' f r ftßßtif-H h e I Ir I J* "7- i:L '""<* in the I PYDCDTORS.! I J HOSPITALS. gJH U I <- 1 HH I P WITH Hy»CPH;r,PKiTE». B E I h«< IhH supreme
      392 words
    • 217 6 AN BDITOITS Tl STIMOMT. 1.. ti v rue to I w r ;i > li y tro'i' itl < I ..ii boiU* I ■'i U i ti- n«HM»-:.-.ity. T* <• i :i i> M \><ll«nt <>w fo*in > it lif'i Hot thwrm VN.W. <■! f -'-J I f». i;<r- Tlio
      217 words
    • 67 6 IiIS(OLI) CURED BY CHAMBERLAIN'S COUlill RKMKDY. Air. W. .1 >. «,f UitUimi. Vii-loria, write-., Al..oMrn. ('haujU-i).iiu Ufldiciun Co tJoi.tloiiun U.ninj,' cij'itr.iclej fQfj WWii cold 1 trio<l your Couyli IV-iu- dy. It couil»!et*!y cured ino Bft** ')<• f«T»r uf juo»iiioci.i when jou nun thir rt< i c<ly. It oun-oi act*, t'no
      67 words
    • 369 6 Gilbert isrmrntft. m== "Grateful Results" A life of suffering and misery, Without r'ecp. without appetite. Rtstortd to nealth by Ayer's Sarsaparilla ••i vm mmm -w afflicted witu biikm«tongue 1 1 ■> k:y coaled, luy bieatb wa» off«n•ire, tat iMMMMi »ne, J <"ir*«xi tr,,l, W U Wt f! ommended ::in u
      369 words
    • 175 6 A LOMttlM ***** may result Id cob"Mlßtioa CUMiMtliiß'. rough tteawdvcunMoMiyu*. ooldt and influenza. U contains m> harmful h-.!« ,tance and i« pleasant and safe U, \rnkm. F..r Bil le l.y all Deplore. Tlie Dispensary THE LONDON DIRECTORY, CONTAINING m« i».000 puye« of .-ondensrJ coukmertinl matter, enuVJaK eaterprisinj,' trader* throu-huut tlm
      175 words