The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 12 January 1906

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 571 1 p. 67~ STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon Auttralta, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Thr^Ti^h Bills of Lading issued for China <Joast, Persian Gulf, Cuutinental, and American Porte. Steamen will leave Singapore on or about MAII- LINES. Out&aiJ 'fur China) lyOti. 1906 D«-lK -Jaw SU
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    • 716 1 -Ibtmttsnunus. N.D.L Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen, j IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The faat and veil-known mail uteamers of this Company sail ln»s»igfcst» f rom Bremen Hamburg via Rottswflsjsa, Antwerj), Southsmpton, Gibraltar, Qsjaos^ Naples, fconnection MHi-seillott, Kmglm, Alexandria and vice versa; Port Said, Suez, Aden, Coloml.o, l'cnang, Singupore. Hou-jkong, blianj{hni, Nagasaki and
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    • 645 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU. I'nijbb Cuntbact with thb NatHBaLANLm I.nuia GuvaaNMX.'.T. Agenta at Singapore, Ships Agency, late J Daendclt <fc Co., 2-3 Collyer Quay. The undormentioned Jatee are onlr approximate. Steamers Fr(.m Exrccicd WJII be Deiritched fo» on raa der Lyn B'raassia Jaa Paaffkaha Braadan. .(,,11 I_* Broowai Paaefa Jaa
      645 words
    • 480 1 British India Stc^a^ 2 avlgatioo Company, Limited. TO PENANG. bVAbTQOOsI i CALCUTTA < >r."» of tLa C-jr^par.y's Btaai an i» inicaued to e«.»e Tanjcr.j{ Pe^ai ffaarl .7 »oek. P*ssf)C S 'f?r. and OaBBB a* y the a!xjTe •teaxners at ttrou^u rate* V, all ports m Indis lad Ce/lr.n also to
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    • 523 1 Bttrrtisrmtnta. lioyal Insurance Company. i'ire Life T<>T4.l Iktchtbd Fukos £3.722.885 THE LAiiGF.ST FlitE OFFIOB IE THE WOULD. BOC^TBAD A Co.- Afsss>, The London and Lancashire Fire Ini:uiance (,'o. tS.ItT.Mf Paid-op Capital ;12.75U itasßiivß r r.ND i. ,073,580 BOUBTEAD A CJo.— Agenu. Canton Insurance Oilice, Limited, Hongkong. Capital Scubci'.iiibd $2,600,000. AMOtK*
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    • 487 1 J^tL Ibbbbbbbl* a j with Milk forms ZVSpifcHS^VL 111 a dainty. iciu(i mK|M'2^lbb^bb^^^ H|l and mod rasily^Sß **Si% \i |J^ di?«r?t<xJ crcim. "jSMBSIff BBJBJBBBB~rBBBTBBJBBJBjBT»T** i"»BBlBJBBHBBir r I iUBBIBI il II I. "j I I COMPANIA GENERAL eie TABACO: aP"! Manila 3i£ars. MEDIA REGALIA fOKIA PERFE< TOS N()N L.UB ILi LiA
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 393 1 anurmsfmnus. S'NGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY FROM Ist AUGUST, 1905, AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Train .Service \ov Week Days and Sundays. I Ejttrj Trains on Sundays only Down Trains Down Trains. C¥ T/ AM AM- A*- 9M. I'M. I.M. ML, l-.M. T.U. aJL KM I.M SINGAPORE i...«. 00 6M 7.40 10.00
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  • 870 2 The Singapore Free Press. FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1906. i Uw IV Ml denoi I II m x r«riff f Til. B i;» f -•li Ml mi. It ia ual d M i "■I I'- that d ■1 HI 1 I I M pi vi i- ipplia 1 I > biaui
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  • 171 2 order m l:.m--j ..1\ 1 1 i. '•II li f ID W. II i i rabruan is to uikt m ,i unuiUi bia H m m...- i 'i aieotio— J the I rV 'fai .'li crisis i ft I I BUlploj Ol Khmi .1 l 1 1 In- viabttt] i
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  • 218 2 THE HISTORY OF NORTH BORNEO. rin futtwoMj ln-t..rn\il bolm regarding N"itli llune.i mi. iv ml<T«ol 111 OOQMd "li with niir corrmpondnnt'M l*-t t*-r to-day Tlm State of Worth Borapo bcqwU ia.mi U) >■..;!. ni'J. .in. l its ln-tory ■■MAnto4*(« tiMin ill.- ih-,. ..\.-r\ of Jlniuei m J:iJi' BrVBM ■pn—
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  • 358 2 rJaderthii bnniiafthi Mn'-j*-— n Ural tad tli i goo I i 1 1 m i.| m ■ba v. hich imk up r.i!nn_' with Si 8 inl'ilin •Jreadj I I >rai our r»*« ers ill. i» seotioa ■•> r !lin !l latter i mpl U
    358 words
  • 405 2 i. I. 1 A ha 1 tian- Mr. G th M the 11 fedhi« .11! .i of the I. tfi bat Kr. Hi. i' y been I b lor I th- 1 1 v 1 "m m H tnd m carrying „,,..,i. d/iag M A n tims w
    405 words
  • 406 2 \i -IKUIW ('KK4TBS A DIBTCRI This 111 .runiL.' before Mr Seth. an A n. i 1 William McCororiok, wai pbai m- ;i iietarbaace .it the Esp m <1 iv fNtiiin-. ilain ijiii.' t«" riki* i saulting p iliflt constable. toed pleaded -uiltv on i I he
    406 words
  • 231 2 p I p i will, hinj. D with tli- it ka on Li m J.'l'.'n -h-y sjot him there tl.-. unl ttvaaloMd to kil <.-nt "luDttin^ tint I »itli a u., m .in .'i the riha with i F k! H -»i- »-ond In
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  • 23 2 KaJaaa Behool plaead i i-im tn>ni the Club r l.i> avaajiag W m tta Esplanade, and were UmWmi by one <<m1 to uil
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  • 22 2 Sunday 1 It! Joajaatoa'a rSai O.tO, 11. Li I** ;:<u r«' Tl..- <'!uli 1O.:^(. 11 :<O. 14 A P"
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 323 2 atmntisrmrnra. QM and after the Ist of January 1906 the discount allowed off our prices as per our list will be 10 00,o o Chant|4tgnes, sparkling Wines, and Aerated Waters excepied« CALDBECK, MACCRECOR CO., WINF. SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Ale, Beer and Stout Importers. Account Books. C. A. RIBEIRO Co. Stationers, Printers,
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    • 431 2 Cohans flEbCTtiSfmratg JOHN LITTLE COMPANY, LIMITED. BOLI AGENTS BURBERRY*PROOF GOATS THE MOST POPULAR OF WATERPROOFS AS WELL AS THE BEST FOR -JrQ* PERMANENCE AND RELIABILITY. ''^fcoi Burberry Proofs ..i tii.n- i«in- i;i.-i ti.-..r. > .-i.k is^'&?''-%U'\ cU'uuncil from .ill iiupnrit ics. tin' wi-j.tim.t' iiiuirl:. Nt s Mfit'^ *fi ANDTiir.
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    • 40 2 Anyone who Ims ever ClMaibwWtf'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy a trial will tell jou if m unequalled lor all stomach and l>owe. bvables \t nn\cr fniU and is ]>lea>saiit to tdke. Form.; ».y all dealers. The pUpensary, « Ajj»uU,
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    • 45 2 m mmki; OMHPUn thecLiUren ■__■«< dan^ enemy tlw inotl..-r 9 lunst <!««*-• f.M. r 11 11 if .n-l j.ropef t.MtH.«t »1»V n CbaaUrtriri 0* DivriioM Keuicly, given llin to i« tbe most ..ffe.-tual rei iv »>"';» D r (J l.y all .leul. 1 Tic pi*j>en«irj. OeaerW 4f»
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 151 2 TUI WEEK. itire Council. 2.M B Haaietpal < aaariaaiaß, M y V. P. .M-. I .yterian Oharah, -M B.m.i m Urn QavißjM, I j. bUn ;.i-av. l.ith High Water —t; lt k§ j, B I Mail Outward due daylight Hide Clv)., 2.-i'> j> Baal Clv)., Cluny Station, 4.4"> i, i
      151 words

  • 196 3 Mk Oaon I v i i; 11k- it ij.l ;Mr <' I Cfcopi »il rrj hear of an a«. i«lfut iti whi< h he t). i>- I li»' ■••uing, aud whi'.-h m of m Nriow i ii'um'hat he i*. a« .i iv-ult. m \»-.l willi
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  • 612 3 A I'i;...misin,, Snow. >miim Win Chi v Povft. Therein* quite R MtaaiUan at the North Bndau-rd Theatre Hall but ereaiafr. to see Urn much adv.-iUs.-l bOKOMj niat.-h 'betweeu Christie al Bhaaghai and Banta of X <. A. 'Jhe hall was the -nlv suitable oW unable and gare
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  • 321 3 "THE SON OF TOWKAY SAIGON." Hoeli .tii'l Ko« led wita Dtied m i i ii iN-i- i i I. m MeMH I'r itiog, n I I*, rkiuti d 1\ tad Mr m Cttflenburg, Cku Am Chu (who w.i- ,i I ito ba ii- i K'mu Peterpei ited iht i Idell
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  • 33 3 1 ImxJv "1 (lie OhiMM ilnM wliicli was Jr.. Ai.t-<1 iv the, Vict'>ri;i -.-,t dram has uot U»en n-covtretl. The orrmu \n thmi^ht t>> have been wa«lif»l out U)wi Uv the rw-«liug tide.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 315 3 I<> Tilt KDITOK. Dear Sir,— l ropret that sickness prevents! "i" from calling your attention t<» ;i sniitll slip m your tine m*+] oa the United Bta&M aud Moroooo of the Btk mst. Speaking of the Ha.Uiry States, brfote the splendid exploit of Decatar m 1804 You
      315 words
  • 619 3 An Imkcimin.. LBTTU At 4 j,m on I).. 87 H,. Euallaaej Bir I Im An.) iraoß, k m and staf aaibailed ii board H M s. Plora to carrj out auaeioa which was t.. add another eokajr to th»- Kmptre, perhaps it would be atore eorreet
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  • 189 3 Tin; aunual BMataßfj of the Singapore Cbom (Mill, m bald la-t «'\»-n infill tbeTowa Il.ill. Mr I" A KaataaM prenidf d over a ntnall attendance win. ii iin'lij'led .M-"r« '.rlfii t'r.iik. ii»tt». .hulk. Melatjn*, H Rmlnm tad Bmttßm. The Secretary Mr Craik, remarked with i. .'i.- 1
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  • 1883 3 (Saftirtlinj lurifir.) Our enemies, if thiscouutry Imh any enemies, > m i-t surely lad delicious entertainment m WHtcliiiitf M fulfiUiag iti our own poraoaa, the kiiKJlv prayer we. are bad of tinging with so 111 nil fervour for their bowflt Tli«' eOTM <-.- tainlv <
    1,883 words
  • 224 3 i L. i l.ssue Paid Capital VaJuc uptj MINI .<!" 1" f: In |o 10 1" I" 1" H LI LI I).,;l UOO, f 1 L' I 1 1" I" K-l.-i- G 1" \< r>, d I" I" K, I! I" K.: I 16 I), i 1 t 1
    224 words
  • 44 3 I 111 v demand i li i\ m ui^. Ml. Hi' l v. A- tad j i Imi T. I 1 Boaoaoao, fcaMad i 1 il.uvl II ■K\ •>, (i.'ii, .mil t i i Uan.kok. il.maul Sotvbki 1 I li> •.■inn awtlw Mill Loadi
    44 words
  • 121 3 T.n Gaail.KM d>. C«U» No. 1 1;, do. do. No. 2 Peeper, Mml utriianry S'pon) do. Whit«, (Fair h. \f. 5 p c. Nutmegt 110 to tba fc.) do. M to tb« Ok. Mv^e (Band*) 1 t L:'«oruin Ooffoa Tapioc*. imaiJ po»il (K»ir qunUty) do. do flake (do. do.)
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 34 3 I<. U.,.«i» i.f vioWtH. A th.maun.l l.un.hes of moIKb do nut k'ivcu fn'iilH'i. i>tronv,"'i <-»■ l.mtiuß perfume than Rigaud's White Vtold Extract. Ai«k for Rigaud's if jou want th« Cl%i— l and bett make. 13
      34 words
    • 69 3 < h\*h«klaikb Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe» Reme<ly i> everywliere a. Wnowle<l^««l to l>e the m«.~t hu<-< •■KHftil medicine m use, for l«>wel conij>l.iint- It ;ilw;iyH MM •ir.'l OMVM 'piickly. It can U« de landed ujx<n even iv the uiont wvere and dan^» ivi cai4«:» of choleia uiojl'U.s, ily^-ntery and di.trrli<*M.
      69 words
    • 117 3 BKHKBVMBN W H oiinellv, < ieneral Storekeeper, Tofcafi Bay, N. nay» Have stocked Chainlierlain'M household medicine* continually and f»-el much pleasure m confidently recommending their Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has no equal." Tkis is tin universal verdict the world over with people who have become acquainted with the
      117 words
    • 173 3 OCEAN STEAM SHIP Cc, Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co.. Ltd. IiINEH IN OPERATION FROM SINOAPORR. i'lint/t'iuj lit and 2nd itouu, and duck pa»lenyrrt.) Dbli, Sumatra, (ffa Penan?) the Calypto and Hebe are despatched every four dajs for l''M,.ii_; and Deli. Western Australian Ports. The h. s. Charon and
      173 words
    • 46 3 EXCHANGE TO-DAY tt inj^ won, wm will i rMOST \IA E I BXCHANGE PlANil i IKAK mm ij UANI»S4iMI i»:>i-.\-in Bl I I .iii.l \.inu,il n-.-.-t Mm lII* ll I I. Dl RABILI f Prices from S3 SO. EASY PAYMENTS ARRANGED The Robinson Piano Company, limited.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 453 3 MAILS CLOSi;. T' i-.V. .UK..A X.., FV, i, Poatjaaat Valcaftja 7 wi M. lo xm Palembaan Babj 11 am l'">iti>i,.,k WiUo' til-: WMf II AM Sal>,iU l> Stiplim II'". 11 Pon< Am! no<jn ladfagin Ta«« aooa B h v.1.,1.- I M BandjflrauM ia A- Taaaaa I i.m Bahak .v Djaabfa
      453 words
    • 563 3 VESSELS IN PORT. Hen-of-War Ffa«t *ud Tons Commander-, Am. 1 Whea n n H Illis r !l Jm I! r_ gift??; Awmml fcHl» Boot! Jm 10 Poatianak VTw Ka n liH,,1..,|,,, D.SI 7 H«l Dec (u,,,,.,,.^ D^IWJ Kop, 7 8, i Ohartmfco— Hrit 127 s BwrnbrMga Jm 11 v Wee
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 481 4 Sttbcrtusrmctitf. TU". Ann-.i .1 ■aaoja t I Urn <»M ioya <t'<> Cliin- 1 •S. ioi sril laVt ptaiM. nbjnl 2Q€fa 3« f'-v.- liti U be D"'i:ii>rl) All < >I<l I! »ja «xj)^-tiii la bfl p Bl Ii -i»!, I BOtit'j Win l'rincii«al »«t ..11 .-f in o; >l-'
      481 words
    • 680 4 1 r at>lifrtisrmcms. Waatai bg UapoH Finn BbmH GUaflai ..r Eurasian ''I.ik If aat ba fjOOd "I'ter and .(iiick I at lajajaa, Apply T .1 Prat Pnoi d«v ia »<• A LADY WANTS oM <" i»- <i"ntleinen aa paying gtMata m har ajataa haaaa m laajpjHav First elaai sakiaa, uuifmtahhi
      680 words
    • 614 4 atiVirrtiSfmrnts. FOR SALE OR TO LET Latpja OoaVwa <■» auiia thomaghfara •uitahk an ;i latif.; Bkom boaat QtwMal Saw wfi 1,M6 square feet for pafti'iiliiis AH)lr to L B. SNAPK M BjaVal P Dec :l at FOR B*LE CBBAF Om BogtUa-baitt Prlon |!00 )n»* s^t ..f tifiiily new liumcss •"'I*
      614 words
    • 532 4 gbtomismmti TIOTEL deT'EUROPET FANCY DEESS BALL. (FANCY DRESS OPTIONAL) i Hll.l, BB GIVEN BY THE MANAGEMENT Ol 1 THE ABOVE MOTEL I On Friday, the 20th instant at 9 p.m. AT THE TOWN HALL. Admission, including Supper, Gonls 9% L.idic, Ij, Cther icfrcshments will be scrvcJ by coupon. AppUcatloß for
      532 words
    • 371 4 ttotontiMtuunta;. aaa^A- W^aaT A aaRI SlvCrVrfsaV^BT 8,9 Refined s^>cicty appreciiites something instinctive, rare, a suggestion of fine lingerie, fragrant with iris, amber a:i i dry rose leaves. ASK FOR OCR LATEST PERfTIB. RIGAUOS LISERIS Extract RIGAUO'S LOUIS Mill RIGAUOS ALT ESS E RIGAUDI WHITE VIOLET RIGAUD'S SOU I A V.
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    • 603 4 9T>bmisrinfnts. Vacant Uooina at Mt. Roaie D« If T<» M No. Iti l).-\.,naliire li Apjlv t.j M. H B I 14 M I).. X 1 TO LET X Course Villa, 17 lUce Coiii^ J< Apply C. < H H It 1i... J_> TO LET No. 90 Institution Fiill. Apply 1
      603 words