The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 3 January 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 575 1 fjlitf:^cmC!lUL P. O. STEAM NAVIG.TION COMPANY. For China, Jar.n. Pen*ng, Ceylon AutcralU, India, /J*n, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plyir h and London. Through Bills of C1 issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, C nental, and American PorU. Steamers will leave i-gapore on or about MAD./XES. Outward China) 190«. 1906 An.idi;i Jan
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    • 726 1 N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Tho fast and well -known mail stouniers of this Company Pail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Ivotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Geno;-, Navies, (connwtion Marseilles, Naple3, Alexandria and vice verua) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Ponang, SingaHongkoag, Shani»niii, Nagasaki and Kobe
      726 words
    • 720 1 flaucrn DE KONINKLIJKE PAKET Ukdii Ccmteact with thb N«: Agents at Singapore, Ship's Agency, late The undermentioned lata Steamers From Exacted de K.i.-i, Bkmw J.m Billitoa, Bait BsMSMM, H. Moeara D.ji N Ul B'asMs Jan 7 PmmmmH B PWMi Jan B Paneli, Ammi <> J'.-riiin- J.m 11 I'.-n.-ini;,
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    • 693 1 isrments. VAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. :hbri.ani>B India Govbrnmbnt. J Daendels Co., 2-3 Collycr Quay. b are onlf approximate. Will be Despatched for on ;ivia. Java-aaaat, laaaHMg SaarabaJa, tndjfrmitri^ii. K.iiu Bam, HaliL Paaaa, awa, Sitni;iiii'l.i and Pasir Jan »> randan. j ;in m. Dfli. Hajau and Etli. J a n 19 mir. Oalaa-LaaMa,
      693 words
    • 619 1 attbcrtiscmciitav. Hongkong ana Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAiD-np Capital $10,«>'X>,000 Rasßkva Futt> i Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 SUver Reserve....! 8,500,000 l y uui Rbsbrvb Liability or PBOPBIBTOBB 110.C00.000 Court or Dirbctors. If A. W. SLAM, |aq CbUIBVAbT. A. HaITT, Kr.'l I)KI'I TV lI.MI MA> Hon. 0. W. Dickson. F. lag E.
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    • 503 1 saoUrtitsrmc GOMPANIA GENERAL de TABACOS de FILIPIHAS i La Flor de La Isabelai I Manila Gttgars. A FEW FAVORITE BRANDS MEDIA REQALIA i;M\\ VICTORIA PEBFSCXOS NnN r\As ULTRA AND OTHER WELL KNOWN BRANDS. Price List on application. Katz Brothers, Dinned. I Extract from The Medicai Mm&mx ny," London. Octobci ANALYTICAL
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 36 2 Nmiim At .;<> i if i .on I. inn. iv. _'n.l IMS, it Binjfapore, tlin «if- .1 H Shim of .i am On -"Hi December, st Shanghai, the wife of I'lin.n \v Ml anil "f »n.
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    • 78 2 At Bl Andrew i Cathedral, STlli December, Wiii.iam Haaai Con i the <'!iin:i lemeo Oomnaaij, Bsarfahaa to Bmiia l.\< i Vai: l» i;< i-. yuiinn-r <l m^lit. r Ol' tbs latf ..Im Vimaao PJardrop of (!> i, Unlitbguw. lomeo papsra please copy On J'itli Daeember, at Shanghii DoVAtO B.
      78 words
    • 36 2 On 1 1 1 1 December, .it Sh&iigl I. <ks.. .Minister lo trmat 1.1, 1 II <|i t 11' t Deeambar, 1909, Thoma Bi ena rui Tommj i for awai II tuiicli iti'i deeply i-^i.-tt..|
      36 words
  • 1119 2 The Singapore Free Press. WEDNESDAY, JAN 3, 1906. -jinUiil 1 iw. m. idem :'ll .ir m < lei m m i B tain. »itb tbe eiit of Mi B I !>■ .il in..-: 1 li 1 been tr 'm t bai r. ,n Ii is.- i Kiit 1.'l .i-
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  • 208 2 'I'll'- i\ tinBupreoM Court ix-i'.m' theCbief I .t- Sir Moad Coi be tried .-nil pi I ,ii i ii. 'II- it r noi ndor, the < tb« o*u i 1 1 .11. > 1 1 iiii;il breach of ti -,i- 1 /.in_' .<n.| lii^.l. < 1 1 1
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  • 44 2 I. Ii 1 n-lv i. ii 1 1. nl)t ii: .:ll"Iit il t li* 1 I I Km I M H Mumuuiliuu. I the M and 11. ,1,,:, i the i vi I the I H ilmh. IHKI 11..---inn.
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  • 88 2 SEARCHLIGHTS AT QUEENSTOWN. beeu m i Bfution m tioa i amed to i "Win.: t., the nightli j fi -til the yueen») iwn I|lW ''"I »1 b»«wiM«rinu effeci .>n tii-.i m 'or I-m\ 1 1 j_r the harbour, i •wit >• > i|<] b»ve 1.ii.l ti. t War Ofli ■■1
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  • 74 2 thank tl contributed I lt sj, Mn v Ho«« '1 li. dunaiiuna T I 15 .1 B Vounp. Behn Mi v Oabagan, A Abraurn, ,i, der >' id) I <; I* i id« i i> i [j Hoa B.C Hill, Mm reford, MiuU Drown H" !'.-.,j .m
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  • 75 2 'I'll.' total Mwmn4 of im on nportod by tli« Lributon oa tli.- kmda ol Urn Bojd Julm>k Tin Mining Cojr. Ltd. during tbe tuontfa oi Dtm ber 1905 wm pkla 17"' Bat I rmiai WMllMr tin- omjiiit v. 1 1 1 In. I .nlar-nr. ]l1 ii
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  • 129 2 SBLANGOR RAGO6 Lumpur Jin 3 I of th.. Seln irr»-.l 1..- rr MS Ihs. |f, rra 1. Sunlight l\ v| P I -■< W..11 l,v »1* •J Him mm I' j The i kkv .Sm k Mr KUil' t Mr Lee Tom I' -..our,. r 11 .'.Mr "<
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  • 81 2 SAD ACCIDNT ON THE BOGATYR. I RBD. •■fc..v, m wfa mcl fa -I Thfll uo«iei I* killing oM m i. Urn m-t ■#> T #f v Tin Im I hi vbea i f" f> »ixuiarrk.»ttaßd»] •■.*<-•. 1,1.. I. f foil m >naul, ft) .-..v .i,l tb- 1 A I
    81 words
  • 127 2 •MilMNitfli li<fiN -f. Ymr't 1.w,t rtioa of lul T i I l.v do( lew ■"'U.lri.|a:l ititj 1 er f»>- >le evening itUCOSW. M.«*r» V.iloi.s J M 1€ ren ka MM «,w«ek«id •"•'•'"•'''•l *-*iar i-irt. Tin- w iU followed l;y t1,,. tunav -fchwanfc M > 1 1 1 I »hich
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  • 161 2 The -!nuk Kiu'l ol th,- (JvroM ln. i-t Ui.Aar< I will j.i»«v in tin- iMtaaii Clnb ..u Fiiuv .-veiiim:. Tli.-re will „i-• i* "> 1 1 il Pciiis hv iiteiuben of the 1 Club, ;in.l ih«« imusiu^ h*B| I Bchnurob* wlii, loriue.l pWtMS ol
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 299 2 Qll and after the Ist of January 1906 the discount Ul allowed off our prices as per our list will bo 10 o o Champagnes, Sparkling Wines, and Aerated Watew excepted, GALDBEGK. MAGGREGOR CO., WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Ale. Beer and 5 tout Importers. Jaa l vl l 1 Reductions m
      299 words
    • 554 2 go-Hang gtftcrtiscmruts l,>~i-i!.iii DiniinH.l.i Or— y Oim Uiiikl. Kox terriir Mip dog No 1 >''■' Anvunc l-etuin-in^ -tin** will mitably reworded. .Jan '■'> HiK\j«'ii.Di -«i boi il >■>■< "iii'nfiKli-!, returning to J?< i (»tl;inil m M 1 1-< 1 1 or A[u;l Would t ik<rliir^f of cliil'l on royafi m
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    • 17 2 IDrs. KEW BROTHERS! I DENTAL SUKGEONS, I No. l', Battery Road j 1 Chartered Bank I
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

    • 33 3 PRESIDENT OUBET AND THE PEACE. J..-.-Jsp,n. VI the N,>w Year 'l' v n at the X rornieUioai I' 11!' tbc *><«*** at tha I m. theimiar. lent 1...u1*< ntheseraaMurks, d, Lvourable I tha vorid.
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    • 35 3 Jan <• 2n {mi I .u-cu- lwo furtive artiti mihtart i *poodeal 00 Vi which the excellence umii-.iudd. comni to W2,oi that eves the Po* illl furtl for the integrity ai I the
      35 words
    • 48 3 ,-..M-t.. l -.iuty-l« I rti- uo* al. ulaat.- itb r l r 113 ;..uieut Lave ale Jan I M r Bi ap tnuded Chine^L r intl,- I I. ID is falsek>- i! m ;o leiiva Bl ran A. 8. C I .:«pt. lei .1 returu Wl>-
      48 words
    • 18 3 lei vi 1 iff E will I «Sa al ia i i .ti! It.
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    • 13 3 »e^ H-- «d nee f d' i I rtc >!■ Di
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    • 182 3 AN «or tkt -4d» tioi defi r t. l.« ou X ure *•< hei -»e< ■ti irq f !.!>•*» 1 t itir -it 100 j as an I.V All;l.i--.i'lor, 1 1,., j IKr M II Mi liv remai: t i t Boana taring loi kii'-wn tliroUL'li
      182 words
  • 165 3 B it V ith '■>>•>■■».•<• to paragraph wkiok 1 •■.-lavs data to 1 born, orMga»«d gone ..,,.sid.. territo. Vl ";r Wetclaai a«thor. »dbv the Captain of th7«Oroa»oboi'' to a*a*a ■"'•■!■> no truth ia the morl I;'" Mpre« nrprise thai inch an absurd and mwchwvoua rumour should erar bave baea
    165 words
  • 72 3 »8. R. I (.round. I I It an Walvea c GalUtan b .\!\is A.lvia Hoffmann cmb b laawi jj ■Jr c«. iliattan .1. b Jan 1 8 U a Ahin Fanybi 0 It. Alvi, not <>ut j 1 [0 J t J Y. j,, I Inaiaga 112 W. i
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  • 37 3 i". an I .i. ber vi •I II l» .i ;7 C. T. H D.M.I I 8 tt H. Marriott i A. T. i [22 I M i i I .1 I I
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  • 18 3 .■1 po- I. oand ippily ould v f. I I I a m I
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  • 179 3 I Pi I rtnitfhl I i ber DB H I P ilia. i I Mi H L ii- Haa Fobn X I I. ttb. 1,..-. Vfko NN Lady Tbunw WiiV I I I* i I Tlm Xiii/ i: y a -l: M mii I. U I Kit* i
    179 words
  • 822 3 iM^ls,,!- 1( Christmas Np., lt ;l) Klla ;l Lumpur prove to lx- v.-rv hrt<rwlJM It BJM tlio first time that the Straits Settlements QoU Onamptoßship had Ik*'ii played t,, r i,, th,. pointing mat owing to tha iaabilitv of "•"*••*?">». Singapore retain^ ,!„> bS »>y vm,, of. waft
    822 words
  • 872 3 Bcnni AT TIIK SkIII.KMINI. rMirm ia m araanrr. From theoahuaussof tha N ■<' Daily News" of Deeaaibir 19 wa tak-- tha followiag internet iu^' d.'Jails of tha raeenl riots .it Shanghai. "TheoioHeajaal which baa been liminering ajaoag the unruly native alemanta ia tha International Hettleutenl rince the
    872 words
  • 115 3 The P. A IK outward mail ■iaaaan Arcadia, left Colombo al 4 paa. oa Banaday aad i-i c\p '"I to an iv bare on Friday alfean a. The I", a O. koawward aaailstaaaaerCbusan, left Hongkong al 1 paa. oa Batanrdaj aatd m c\paotad to ivrive. ban ad paa.
    115 words
  • 172 3 I la f Pild CapiUl ue up to an VM I N F tions I".. 1" 1" I'.- |5 1" 1" I)'. I 1" Bn r. Hyd T. M L'400,000 1 f I fl"". t 1 t 1 i.r.i 1 10 Kiiuful t 1 1 j j t I
    172 words
  • 65 3 M'• HIM n DP TU .lan Bml t in > 2 3 «!i-miiu>l "J 2; Private eredtti i eraditi 6■ s Pi LSI •'.tliiall'l "J^l (i XX 1 \NY, <k-111a11.|... 11l Imua. T. T, 16) Hovokovo, dea Yoki.ii am «I< man I 1' .1 w\, '!in.aml 1 Ha\'.,\"K, ilt'iiiiiri'l
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  • 146 3 3 Tin I Gauil>ie> 7 '"< do. Cut* N->. 1 I do. do. No. I 11. Pepper, Hi"k iit 1 1 '_> 8 [....-mi i';; ."in do. Wh;t«, (Kair L W.spo 50 Nutmegs 110 to the to.) St. do. SO to tho ft. j 51) Mace (Band*) 145.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 44 3 Cwn i-i' Moi iii i has laal if* karrora m the boaaa arhaae a lottle of CimmUr'ain"* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoaa Remedy is kept. It nevei f.iils. -n m the most sever*; und dangerous cm*os. Pot Hk by all dciderv. TLo Di~p.'Uo.u-y. Guneiul A^euto
      44 words
    • 319 3 fSL pQ OCEAN STEAM S&IP Co.. A N l> China Mutual Steam Nay. Co.. Ltd. Tue < kjiHpniiiGn' Hte*rrprH are den{ atohed from Liverpool out'v;-rda for the .Straita, China and J/iprui every neeii, and from Japan homewards for Loudon •-•very fortniv;i;t arid for Li. ♦•rpool monthly. One outward Hteamer each
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    • 34 3 THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED. JUST BECEIVED EX. s.s. GXEfeEXAU. i)lin (iuitiir Stril .Mandoline Itanjo OP I 111. I l S'ESI <}l Ml I A Bag Auierivaa KrencL, Itel nd < THE ODEON' DUPLEX RECORDS.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 511 3 mails ci.ost-:. Fui IVr At Tn.yiDiiv.'iw Paaah, Ac iaaa Aaaaibe I Wataaa laL Batawiar :i M Hmh-Uii- Ac am n«.i 11 la* Poatiaaah Aaii I W Billiton Ac Bayaiarai I>M MaUeoa A liagai iTheacSaag Iw Baropa \ii Colombo Obaan I V| PaaaagA Madras TWaata Paaaac As C. Apear ru Malanca
      511 words
    • 384 3 VESSELS IN POH Mcn-of.U'ar FIa X and Tons Cl—Mfa I;:::-;: 1 BiMßijr towurwher? B I Bism.uvk n.i-r |O,«00 Wilken Titnii 0»t»,12« ke 5... M.,1.. Coj y.,..^.. A. OoLjaL.l M»<H Vi.,,,,,., Uritv.. Esmeral.U r'-l. .V 171 U»g! ¥U ft Tons Ma^cr Arrived f, 1887 H< K.y l«k«l Hnr ISI 1
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 443 4 atJtorrtisrmnUS. ROBINSON PIANO Co.. Ltd. 1 have th J«y taken ..\>t the miiii.ip'in -nt «.t li.nii i of tl»«> -A. uipiinj ROBEBT MYH \M Jaa -2 I l NOTICE (fait her th< iptala or Owaar t of tha &ultag -i A<\Mh will ho laspoaaibla lot dabta -»tfrarte'l hj tat Crew
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    • 633 4 <3DtirrtisnnriUS. i GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Taaian «iil be aivai at 1 1 Colonial -tal-v c Office, MJi to IXK3II of tin- iil t '< .lannarv. ktfC4, foi tl- I ><.< ,ir_' aaflfa 1. Paiatiag, iraifcewa&hiuK and general re■abe to taa aaebtaal Uolealal Baantarj'e Boagalon '2 Baaairiati >nd exteadiag Urn Bmbb, Bataaii
      633 words
    • 573 4 DRAIN PIPES. AUCTION SALK OF 600 Drain Pipes Ex Steamer ■V. .\i«-ai-\i Ta.v.ih.n I \ft WMAMI 11. L. COOHLAN Co. liic'nsed Auctioneers. Dec '.<• I New Year and Wedding Presents. SPECIAL AUCTION SALK Very Valuable Plated Goods. At IBMMM L. OOOHLAI A AtART. Monday. Bth January, 1906, at ri a.m.
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    • 492 4 3&brrt!snnmtf.l V. N. AVERT (Jol UNA I IST A P«aBB1 lAMII. pT«' Vaiartafeai TiaaiUH I'etitiA^ ri Tuition uork of avei) i. nptiA, and Tiimil. Terms sciy i < l <>d<»ntt& Apply at Wo. l-.T. Sewl*' 1 N 17 17.2 KHY MINGf (onfi:ctiom:r kstabi4bH ki "-i. Nos. 6i and 6: Brass
      492 words

  • 78 5 noted i.. i v, I luontii '•H»>i\»\ fr., Ul iiitr...,,,.!., in.■il i tiHU it,, 'nut. ru! '11..t I It. i i» .!«M evil ;r V. I.. I r i Id ••I I' J\ 4 ..1. hi' •I *l I i' v] |h life .1.. Ot (J
    78 words
  • 156 5 lii tli«' liu'lii of «ir.f experiments conducted during the Preach Arm) au il <\n*s- lion a* to tbe value "t Mounted iafaAtry in Beld oper dm .i new w| "t i "ii now is whether .ill the purpo ted infantry cannot !>.« l» tier w rv.-.l c taliont
    156 words
  • 36 5 x I II T I during n •ry ii'.] but 1 .'■ry lii^-li price are bow rer, thai in the ind 1 I i>. ii; tbi j> w r| coni i ISir < M I-
    36 words
  • 13 5 UYIH.J IN T, c Hern 'ii of the i 1
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  • 194 5 1871 N I U I;. thei I', <. i I n illlj red from m I-7 led, I I mdaJ In itpt |o I iiiJ. i.l ili. u did i. Hli ..iln.- i uj> .my i|iieation m which we i li. i- Bafttia ith i' .m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 40 5 pi: .milt j n.i'ttki ,o r I The Eastern Mortgage an Agency Co., Ltd \u- now prt-parod to m atl. «nccH upon MoitKaffOt .m <J BocuritifH at curler, „i,J. M Application bliould \>e ma to Paterson Simons < N*u itil^
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    • 328 5 gbbrtttefmtnts. ftfrrrtisrmrras. IIUIETI I IftPC fAAn I DIEBCTOEY for BANGKOK ft MAM I HAS BEEN APPROVED TO N° w ready. f O oo\ rvJ^.oi-... itxti 111.'..' p i %twh wit «r>« m «t r* II n n: Principal Comi •tail V £'*<• t% |H«ui«inl i .vplet.. with tafor. JT»& S
      328 words
    • 132 5 Chamberlaln'l Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Has No Equal. W H Conn'li.s. (j#Mral Btonkaeper, Tolaga Bay, N Z «>v- Ham itocked Cfaantbariaia'a bwawbold aMdiejaji (••>nt aaallj aad feel imxli jiliMvnn- m cuiilidi'iitly racfNnmeadiag t heir Colic, Cbolera sad Diarrboea Betuedj It n<» filllill." Tlmh i^ (li) Bwvanal vatdiot tin-
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    • 542 5 jUnmnstmcnta THE 11 Singapore Free Press" AM. MEW ANTll.i; ADVKKTISKU Iiillllii" Sm-.ij».r.. TBLFPHOMI No. 61. Publi hed at No jo-i Raffles Place, Singapore I 5 Bttgliali N. id tho. Strait BrtU«B Urn V nit.xl N.itive Suiitfei l'j«<nK', I I .1. P.ritisli Nortli H<>riit-.. ,Ba erkadi In.lies, Jara lll 'l Si::
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 551 5 OVH I!" < -IIKSS-IJOAKI). iii ati— 1 i 1 1 ''.y .-1.-..T...1...-1 .,,l,,r- KMW, which uM.-tt.-s him! BO I I "M_-inn ,,,..i,i. n ii.ih.t mm I NV) Mi K B I olauta ia By kit \V I i '7 J cap mien! will b« liarted irijj this ii I iT!'-
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  • 1220 6 THE RUPTURE OF THE UNION BETWEEN NORWAY SWEDEN. [All Rights Kisekved. j BT Sir Henry Seton-Karr, c.m.o., m.p. The affairs of the Scandinavian Peninsula are or should be of much interest to the inhabitants of the Empire. But Umn is <>ne striking difference kwtVMI the two countries, united until recently
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 554 6 Ifrbtrttsnttcntfc. A COLONIAL CLERGYMAN Follows Popular Custom— A s«,'mfirart sign of the tin* ntm m which roc portable people of all creeds and u hich are ably set forth below b] ;m j nwort i s of up.-tintt-d praise this thai all tin- social, menT.i..ind. i doses if I ■■>
      554 words
    • 414 6 a t 4^/JH f aas HKbh B^BmbJe ?t£^*~* v. "I had a Tery severe lung trouble and was so weak that I o< ul<l scarcely walk about or talk. All my friends believed I could never get well. I then began to take Ayer's Cherry I r.-. t... :ii and
      414 words
    • 1309 6 greater sham of pditifoj lib^rtv, and liuvp ho framing and a<iiniiiistt;rin>f of their own aws more entirely m their own l^nds than any "•urupean nation of the preßMt tiroe." When tliiugt* had sett U-.l down, KatiJohaa ried to regain lust aVsMBg other hinj?s he particularly wanted the power of ;il>olut«
      1,309 words
    • 314 6 SMrrtiflnnaus. ,1.. I Ban f Baaibi CER! I TA3L Cvr v 1 > n n-Mir iniiiit hi tho ktU fl end x^ Curr y .1--j ''Energy Packed." 1 1. 1. 11 p THE MERIT OF A MEDICINE 1.4 determined by the test. Does it cure? P WHATRHLI.MAIkSSAY? N. f. j
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    • 78 6 MARKET PRK E .MiTSin. I I©''!'i. aok dm l>n»uts 1 1 Id i I id Br'' 111 m M I I .1 1 > I 1 A. M L L k •> I 1 Sogan Co., Lrd :iVIL MECHANICAI tricalencin RS. Iron and B ass I [maud Copper S Mha
      78 words