The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 13 October 1905

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 558 1 auiirvtisrmrnts. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon Auicralla, In<»a, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Tbrongh Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, und American Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. o%<vaid 'for China) |M5. 1905 imdk (Kt u
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    • 584 1 -Itiurittsrmrnis. N. D. L Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Tho fabt und weU-kaotra mail steamers of thin Company fortnight \j from Hiemon Hamburg via Rotterdiim, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Nur.lee, donuectinn Marseille*, Na] i aim and ties vana) Port !Sai«l, Saei\ A«]on, Colombo, Penan^, Singaporo, HoQ^koni Nagasaki
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    • 1168 1 3titornisrr.iruts. SINGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY. FROM Ist AUGUST. 19Q5. AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Train Sii-vire for Week I'ays ami Sunday* i txtra Trains on I Sundays only Down Trains jDown Trains. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. I-.M. P.M P.M. r.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M P.M. SINGAPORE 4...6.00 6J6 7.4<» lo.(M) I%M
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    • 336 1 STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPY (STEAMSHIP COM! 'AW. "MEDIBLAID." Furtnljrhtly Mall Service between Java and Aftnter^am, via Singapore, S.ibnr: and QlM*< l I Of n^out th' •::rl<uivaItOSMj i it.-K i WUkmll iv .v ii U ndrili D«e 1" Kn 1 1 <j Dm m U u.i!...,. 11 1 Rate of passage to Genoa
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    • 686 1 tJUini lim mi nil, Hongkong and Shanghai Eankin§ Corpoi*ation. Paid-HP Capital $IG.iioo,o<M Rbbbkvb Fvitd Sterling Keserre HO.OOO.OftO o SUver Heeervo....! fi.-'iOO.OOO j 18 >o>oot Rbsbuve LiAiiiuTT or PBOPBrBToas...^ $10,000,00(1 COUBT OK UiKBCTOBS. H. A. W. SLAM, E-.[— Chairman. A HaITT, E«q IJKIITY CIIAIIJMAN Hon. C. \V. DbOKSOB-. H. S<m :.\i.i.
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    • 407 1 J THE NEW DRINK A m ?l »>1 *^i(F J[ 1 CONTAINING ALL THE I n v i go rat i ng_p^ropgj^g^ DELICIOL'SLV FLAVOI 1 GINGERAJ i. KIT l^ HKBTUVC I ITU EVERY WHEUE. Sol^ CALDBEC4 MACGGOa tMJL Co., 1 an i nang. MORWEGimv PURE &OWS' MILK. The only canned
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    • 98 1 l<^commended by Medical Authorities ior the immediate )t Asthma and Bronchial trouble HAy Fever. LarvnKi Irritation oj the in GRIMAULT'S CIGARETTES c .ing 01 tightncti •cro 1 tnd i:ivc a rtlu »r breath. 6HIV4ULT &C,B, r. Vioienn; Paris. Alexandra Irickworks Go. Ltd. BRICK BRICKS 1 is j 1160 p- Arc:\
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  • 9 2 jri! by rai'i; i l-iw.
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  • 562 2 I 1 BMMJ ni.'s t.. If. I »ki \>-i I 1 tin 1 thai bie lapp we 1. lut tlieriaiaiod. inopiratioa of thn jfufi 1 had n .'icitlv dtettirbed the e^uaotmitj ..i the Oanßaa ptaas aad peopk WbUalLDi aafltiaM anv ihani is the aatkonhjp of tlie
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  • 535 2 ProMoutcd ImCon Mr Karri U Ihaa nrniiM for punbUag iu Joaota-rd, Iva CttaaM uf the ouolw daat, v.. re ••.mi i.-ue.l tad dithargt I. It m 'lit« fir-,t tini..- tin v had aaWiad I In I'lii.ii;. < n/of ti- HadbnUadi Unit Mr A I.' AJum will In Mtweadiag i<> iiaflapon
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  • 33 2 TRAMWAY DRIVERS STRIKE AGAIN. I IS I). Ill' 'i. the w !ii-'i pat in ir- bat :ni!i.-mt, .ui<! aa th tl,.' now ly drivw by resum Mr C. P. 0 1,, aai ua|
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  • 93 2 <;-•)!. *..illi.Mi! hujtut pul. lished the uuuies •-f OCioer. and men who bave distinguished themMlrea .luriL^- i:. outbwdi ucvr, Am tag 1^ i, t Kl „f ;i i Ihe lird S wnow case will I (I i( rs of all uttoni The x ;i m mtupin lipe •I
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  • 229 2 Bbtu>ativ«j M IIM (;t; \i.. N u Palkr putiMbn ol tl i tnt u oeaw .-viu.l. Fr l:i M ,1,,,- ;l I Um tun,. Captaiq Ijichi bei kg on tltore '1!,.. 1,,,.., lk l v lp r; dkiff m mmm v..., 1,, ..i. bol iha u.i taken Um
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  • 32 2 Tlu..\r,.i,liant-thol' 40 11.,.. w hi,:h u omn-rlv n the A.istr.,l,.. mm] Aden to Bom bay KM armed l,er« >>-l .> with the mails' Tim >i her Br«t joan<7 i. o U ew rvu(«!
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    • 31 2 Penaag Ott Ii 'Her. 1 iia- liwn au.'tli- i HMflf 1•v.|r..|,1,,,| llil h« ire. A Kim.: MM .i'lmitti'l '■> ll<>*piUil t....L, v mmhmmj 'rum a 1-it- bj Um >•■•_' dheW
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    • 34 2 A Win for llon^konp. {Ft* Hon-kon^. OM IS in tilt? Interpori Bifle match Shanghai li n and Hou«kou^ lias total!*} Singapore onl) n 1 F{ tin- wiiinmLT team tor l'.*<'"> >
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    • 30 2 (I'fun: our MM l'v> csf<ondent.) BoaghMfOc I A I. ill liin ban introduced int.. Council authorising a IoM <>f two uiilli>ni K"u >u -< Viuton and other r.uhv
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    • 234 2 dghjhdfhjcfh The sphinx Smiles. M Dai mi in u interview with a rfpre»«ntati\.- ..1 hi I 'j l'.iris «Jis<Lii mr «J hail Mrthor of tli- M it in revelation*. A-k.-il if tin- revelation* were mia^iiurT he smile.l ;iU'l bajajai the interviewer not to »»k him tuv in' iv
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  • 218 2 I li« iVM.It of the running of motor omnibui* 1,..a.!0n. remark, u Ceylon pupw.fa of nome iuterwt to,. Ll t| .if.uua.l fW ruM*. tyres t 1.--marked ellect on market price... When motflr fil t Bt .,rtcd in I. m *i '""lyto wolutkmi*, the traffic
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 190 2 ITttbrrtiSfmtntg. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. ESTABI IS?BBU Wine and Spirit Merchants, (LONDON, CLASCOW, HONGKONG, SHANGHAI.) SINGAPORE ancl PENANG. fit If K LIST APPUCATfOK. c;aldbeck macgregor ca ROBINSON Co. ARE NOW SHOWING THE LATEST FASHIONS Dress Fabrics. Handsomely Embroidered Voile Robes. Hand Embroidered Irish Linen Robes (8b Blouses. THE LATEST DESiQ^S IN
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    • 1369 2 £o Daps atbrrtiscmrnts RECREATION HOTEL, SERANGOOJV ROAD. i::u«- K.iu'n |4awun iii inivi: I'iin..; tho Pnna tlio l-"tli Ovtaaaf, a« *&ioyaß« »o fur I public ii:;it xv-- ;:;<; boildinj;, ";i Um Banagaaa aowajui, in tkaoM 'mll.lin already nloUag lload. ;.t tlirt I'l nuiii-i of the K'.'-' tv 'I'.iMMWi:} s, i>nt!:» ii
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    • 65 2 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK Co., Ltd. NOTICE. The E\!ruonlinavy (jen»»r..l Haatiaaj of the ahave aaated Ooatpaay hahl tiiis d.iy. 19.90 f>'clf>-l> has baaa adjoaraad hi io aaorrow Batar> 1! iy, th<- 14tli i:i-t. ;.t _':'>' j .1.1. f>>r of taking BoH. J. B. M. KKNNIK. Baeratary. T. P. Do«-k C
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    • 31 2 Be hopeful y,t.-le Lupp, ,^ll,Jf«««« one cure for eyirj ill. trough lan K th and hreudth of tf* fair bM row, forwt deep to ocean strand, And that ..-Wood.' Oivat Pepproitat
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 120 2 THI WEEK. Fkiuay, l:;ti, Hich Wnter:— l < a lv.4f p Fun H IWa Hall, i IATVBPAT, Nth: Hijjb Water: ]'>,:• a ijjj ' f Jewish Kestiv. .l Paper Rwat, Qe^iaM k.4i p. V •■i.l-vill,. Co. To»n Hill. p Hjuh Water:- 11 8 UJgp N D L Mail Homeward due.
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  • 87 3 RKCOMM«NI»FI) a .1 AI'VX. Shangli ii, < k i The Japanese Privy Council held an i'lijMrtant meeting yesterday at whi :b they cod- red jheiiuestion of the rai itVoatioa ofthep leetetaM. \tter long consideratiou the Coaacil decided to recommend the Throne to ratify the ■SfBM »ureed upon
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  • 166 3 The Autumn Lava IVnnis tourn;iin tbe B. 0. 0. laaaVad laai avaaaat wbea (Jaunt aDJ Salzmann beat Webb and 11 (Teleifiaphs) in the final of the Profession rain jhi> tournament has se^n a very gaaaral ehaage n the winners of th<> different classes iadudiag
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  • 341 3 THE INTERPORT RIFLE MATCH. IfMgfrlMg N Bfcaaa^ai Singapore 800 lin_' aiin' rifle iut' ii !>••■ uirkouir. Shanghai tad Siagapore rr*l rwu'lv with the al tt, all tbtCi MMU inag aail r Tbe Biagaaora wura oaaaol in aajr w kl representing the real ■hooting H>i!it n>> iraj u iati tin-
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  • 329 3 Skmi-Kin.u. Tik. <« aa i li Ooa of tha Flharaoods deeided their roplayed tieia theseauiaal for tha Warraa Shield •'i Wchi iday. Fate tessaed agaiast <; n plaviag i roand, as than had again beea a beavj do bpoarofrsia, Making the turf vary bad Cor \\m tooi told.
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  • 174 3 The n. s/s published bj the M 0 by •■.ins dear Renter*! woald sX s: I;| Jap ia aas takiuu' a part ia tbe establ baeai ofaaavalbaa Singapore tbe French telegram Great is Japaa'a nonanal It i» deal that every iaterpretatioa of tana kind r
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  • 52 3 ii •bl of re, the total laai .'h rite of Ot 1 1 !:.-,irl\ 23 1 >■ attritii a new krryiag ■MVasas aarlj nuer, tbe Mr <ieutle ia- th>- numl quarter were pobUsb- Oovsraaaail 1 refu] perusal of Um lee! two 1 i>! in_' this return I
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  • 62 3 HAUII.KH' the Bi i I a tbe 28th uh, vhile bi the Qulf of Tonkin b< id i very tbe (deck iittiaga pipes i'llius of D '(jress i bed "ii" d'Jllar j i t in the hops :i^ tlitir This nrieh Um l.auk''-
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  • 187 3 WHERE WE HAVE LOST GROUND. ideatlj ba \srii*-. fruia Tnnooin.ilie. writes as foOowa to t hoase papoe ia arotth a toaoi gaaaaat. 1. atthaai i iatha Cbiaa, sad I>\ <•.> [waa iog EoglisbaMß, > sa tha ia lbs I. i- narivalled Pifteea I sgain visited those pifts, aad foaad tl,
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  • 1126 3 THE ACCOUNTS QUESTIONED. HON. .1. ANDEKSON ItULED OUT Off OKDEK. A <\< i MnUMIJ meeting of the shareholders of the Taajoag Pagar Deck Company was bald in th» Exekaag* t.-day at noon to consider reaofotioos rugardiag the diaposalof the profits audc by t!,. Company dunag the
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  • 623 3 There was ouly a m<v)erat« audience at the Town Hall last, eveniag, when the (lii^tv Stars v&udeville comjmny pn UmbT ioitial jx'rfonnauc«. Tliis may aaailf a* aeoooavi I t<-r by the fact ol their foUowiag tbfl Rtml— mi Opt^ra C»mpanv so eteailji DV| Um reruirk will doubtless
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  • 518 3 I■■• M I i ifthi Jri M aar whttot on the waj bore fi> u Mala reporta Uml oa Od 11 al 1.35 am Mi-mii biu JfArrin, the I ini-'.-r. ..ri_ f t'i<- i»-ad *!ij.p»- 1 and f»*il rha life buoy wa» aiai ai tar him
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  • 174 3 My three cliildren. suffering severely frjsi whooping eongh, have Wen entiiely earoi aft«M using l^ro bottles of Chamberlain's Cou^h Re medy.- John (Jkainueb. Grafton, N 8 W There in no danger wbateyev '»ou* vvhoopin§ eoiu»h v hei\ thy e^i^h ia kept loose and expeoto. i-.nion «^t»y by lh«
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  • 117 3 Slight i jini<'-; of tl iacl% r ai biandl f» qaaat >■ urenoa m alatoat arary ).■>,«■!■.'-y i" not daa i 'ji wlwn Li lag raaaki fraa t!ie inju.-y. Uiaj ara <.n« a .(n'.t.paicfal ;m<l tmaojiait. il:i-y earn \*> qaicklj baaj I by tpprjiag Oaajal arlaia'i
    117 words
  • 198 3 C piul Value p't., rißfuy. MINES I M-. In iu l M Co. 1 «Il*,< I" I" *4©,< 1-. hi 8 i" hi n r C400.0< -1 t 1 I 1 K 1 S I" i" K 10 D 0 10 Sl2fl 10 |0 i, >:■ i" 1- Do
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  • 52 3 < OULECTBD T<> <_)< i I Dank lin I l -tcm.iii.l Private ctvdita -j credit! 6ui a Kr \sc>:, iMMad < ifKMANY. iamtmi Im-ia. T. T, HoNOKuN'-,, .l»M-.ii:\\ Vckimia'i .l'inr\iid .1 v\ v, <]etiiuDil IJ7 J i> -i. u demand Botubk va, Bank of *"g*M I Kat.« Discount I
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  • 113 3 vOct 13.. Tia MM Gambier do. Cube No. 1 \j do. do. No. 2 j i Pepper, Ula'-k (ordiratrj Sporei do. White, (Fair L. W. 5r c ~t:, Notmegu 110 to ♦he do. 80 to the Ib.) m, Haoe (B*nd«^ Oloron CAiuboin») fjj Liliorinn Offeo Tapioca, Bm*il paiirl (Fair
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 39 3 Wo are proud of our aj^, And u!l it can do We are proud of that wonder. Great Edibon tooHut lift t!ii» we u uy \nwr*e\ Mint certutnly utoiu Tin tb« I<oou vi our race Wwdt' Great Peppermint Cut\».
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    • 335 3 OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co. Ltd A M D China Mutual Steaiu Nav. Co.. Ltd. I mio«' ht*amer« ;,r* dwj b-J from Liv>j-jo; oulward* for tbo Mraitg, Cliaa »ri«i Japan avory week, and from .Tgjvn hoaiewoiV be Tendon overy f»»it^n(lit «nd fur LHvnod iaont:!y. (>n« outward Bifczmcr each nion!) extends V>
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    • 70 3 BARGAINS IN PIANOS. PIANOS BV RACHALS (I) BRINSMEADd) HAAKE(2) AmimiujUkui, ko kaaoU #200 haaiwl I i below o I'i.'ii'.s h.ivc li.i'l ;.:tl u good as new. OUR OWN MAKE TEAK PIANOS From S3SO to $535 Aiil Ibkt mforted thib <_ lini..t. miny THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED. Mil on» of
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 388 3 MAILS CLOttK. Tll-MnllßllW. rof Pw At Baiifl 'ok Niifntung 7 am Ananil a A NattdM L-i] Batf lai >^ am HbagkiaujA Aawf laMa II \'i Mai l*la rl»' I/1/..ii 1 1 r-.M [ndragkC Aiag Tbjre aooa I'M I <t .1 1 Piuf^aa Boj aie Pal v Mak i RaMaa n
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    • 376 3 I; VESSELS IN PORT star s^ !ssl a«iSS Mil,:: yj Rif- Ef« S»S e.ii» BH.J74T vfe M TriflO.. Dut «070 P-uell t l Van {{i ,..,h. i,, It „;;j 5.,, i t ;s,. iir iri bid. BHIS9OS W.lhs Od 11 I LATEST ARRIVALS. Aunr.,l P.,,., y I, KBl BfaMM Od
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 704 4 :iulurtisrmrms. MONEY TO LEND. OS FlttftT CLASS I'vJW.n PROP£RT! Applj Thf Straps Enqiiir) Registration Agency. i THE TANJOSC PAGAR DOCK Co., Ltd. Nutii'4 i» _>! ...iit'.i! tin Traaafi tDi "•f tht- .iN.x-i- 'i i'i -.1 < ■■i>p: i .ny be ("•in i»it' fill iO ahar IMS i ath '1 ft
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    • 848 4 3l)bfrttsnnfius. SHOO Reward. I ill ha i-'-n by tha iiiidcr- 111 or penoaa aiai «HM iiitv>rn::'t .--i rarj of ralaahhi from the ipaaaM Hotel ;it 1 Bradi ii.ul. un pek »h»on MUNICIPAL NOTICE. WANTED. In the Elcctrirlty Department 1 Joaior .lit in tha rih-atathM to attoad t<> tha S»i'.'n'"Knd an.
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    • 613 4 lUj'jfitiSfmmia. WANTED For Bopooeriug EatiUi«hn ml r iinart Eiira- -I. hi Clark to taha chargD of Bbool !>■•.'■>- mi 1 ,i. t u Qearral Store V- 1 i.< A. Übnal aalarj will be paM la eaaapoiaal n a». Apply M." e 0 Picea." <ia II l» l" WANTED A n'li;il>i<'
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    • 410 4 A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Household Vegetables. Endive jj Andijvie Cauliflower Bloemkool Brussels Sprouts V Brussels Spruitjes Green Peas Doperwten Turnips I 1 Gele Rapeu Cabbagre Lettuce d®~ HB I I Kropsla -ugariear, m uA Peulen Sourkrout J5 Jps<«.« 2 Zuurkool Red Beet y ?1 w* Roodebiet Savoy Cabbage t i&
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    • 181 4 DR. S. MOTOSHIMA, No. tJ9 Bencoolcn Street. Bin ;.i 1 :'i'.") Di ur Sir,— l in .a liiakiii^- in at V< '-unary ■fully ari'l tbo- you 1> :.i THE INDIAN DAIRY FARM. i;..m. y that tL»-v i,i I'm it v tad i KWONG SENG Co., No M:t On Singapore.
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    • 583 4 aoutnisrnirnus. Board and Resid^n.-e at LM»iM .1 Bo] Road, centrally sitmtoi, tnd nnder F.n.-uiana't-mont from 1-t Septoml-r. 1 !•<.•:, Apply PREMISES Au« :il mw^ Rooms to let with Board. TelepL Tennis Lawn. Apply at BARGANN Y HOUSI, O_kf Oct «i One room vacant for single ffentleman with private family, residing
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