The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 22 May 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 757 1 'Itinntisrmnus. I 'p. &o. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon AurcralU, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Tfironuh Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American ■feel Steamer* will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for OUas] 1905 PsJWi May
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    • 752 1 3&urnisrmr;us. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE Tie fa,t and well-known mail steamers of H. > Lipan7 r 1 fortni B»>tl7 from Bremen Hambu.jj v,a Rotterdam. Antwerp, Southam,,t<,, (ohn^r, Genoa, Naples, Connection wSStJSfT^^S'^* ver^ Port Bali, Suez, Aden. Colombo, Penang, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki and Kobe
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    • 1324 1 E u?»S£ B PAK n T VAART MAATS^ HAP^' Hongkong and Shanghai Banking U»DM COHTBACT W,TH TH. N.7HKLAJCD. I,, DIA OoTB.K ««T COrDO«ltiOIl. Agents at Singapore, Ship A^ncy, Ute J Daendels Co.. a- 3 CoHyer Qua* Carai. $10,r t ,KV>OO The undermentioned dates are only approximate uoll T er Rbmbmv.
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    • 651 1 Stobrrtisrmatts. KATZ BROS., Ltd. Indoor Outdoor Games Groquet Games FOB Ghildren *»</ Adults KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited, of London. U •x **t m. (Establish^.. 1 IBf^lrm 1^ 1^ C SuW-ribedr.pitai t. 1/vIImvI W Annunl In. t'l 38^,000 < hmsCM offwtud n^iu :iimo«t ev^-rv riasj ■^^^^■^■■■■■^■•■^■■■iM^^BMßß*. of ri.-«
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 167 1 SINCAPORE_AM KJTANJI RAILWAY. FROM Ist APRIL, 1905, AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Train Service for Week Days an Sundays. extra trains on 9 wmmm^w, SUNDAYS ONLY Pojvnj-rains Down Trains. SINGAPORE d SjM 7^j Jam .VS. Mb Newton "d6M 74M i iX2 !o?5 'V" H 6 441 5J9 (i 5o 10:W I**
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 50 2 OomUACa avfi.->n r >n ti,- J'.tn n- PmU I ■ri'li, E'liuV'nrtfb. \>j the K»\ I>«.na!<l Lacnont. Ma il^n I'rquhurt, h--»i»t«d hy tLe K^v Dr. BUir, minister tt th-Chnn-h, William Pbtbii COBMA4 k. m.b b b K-i n Wiik to Vj.iLBI. '.n:r Jm^htr •f J Hmlh mm" Xurth^rn Burtftis
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  • 18 2 r, r M msinttK llwptf, -to t «yu draw. JVdaarf ID tr anJ law.
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  • 1283 2 Tii..i ..h we wen- to pile Pelion .>u < )^,i an<l lump tliv two tagplkw "ii 'ljmipim m the war <>f accurnulat;ii_' »-\;i *>\iU t-nlureJ )>\ ili« ii.i, r ;iv ..f householders at the hatid« >>f th«- HaiUui servant* kuiM that exploit* einpl"Vt*r». th»- in»-Un
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  • 313 2 TW Colonial yacht Sen Mew return. -i ir m tin- morning with ii X the ( Tli.- J.'.tli mt will U- Uh Urti.dai. ..f 11 H. thl Suluu of lVrak. and i|] bi <>lw*?rved as a |>uhho holiday m that St H M S. Amphitrit<- w.-nt t Tanjonc I'agur
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  • 265 2 Ipoh. M 1 M r Krewbter at .1 publi. m^tiuk: <laj annouuivnl that it was th** intent <M,\«-rij merit to mak>> 1f»..1i rl,. mercial c-»-ntn- .<f the 1 M Hi.- Had Ha..- WWk V H v Tanglio Club will beh«-Mou Friday, Junn H M B >utlej tirv.l
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  • 377 2 It Hxp,-. te.l tha: im !it Koomm Maaila, s. r -t<try Taft, wk liim will let..rui;ne the gnata m the island's, and enter r.-utri. t* with the promoters of the new tran> i.n lines lo kruarantee four per cent uo r the construction of tk».onstni.tion of the road*, as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 424 2 flDtorrtisniirata. laldbeck Macgregor Co. (ESTABLISHED 1864) Wine and Spirit Merchants. LONDON, GLASGOW, HONGKONG, SHANGHAI.) SINGAPORE ancTPENANG. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. 1 (O) C'ALDBECK MACGREGOR Co. RAFFLES HOTEL nrom the MBnirooiBHKD patbokagi H. E. Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.g. A SPECIAL MENU WILL BE SERVED ON Empire Day, Wednesday, 2Uth May. BAND
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    • 1353 2 aubrrtisnntnts. ro-ttagg aEfrrrf.scmrntg Messrs. Powell Co.'s Forthcoming Saks. Drs. KEW BROS and HAHN, DBNTAL BURGEONS Sut a r Jay, 27th May, at 2 pm N<> '2 IWtt;«rv K.-ui, C»i:uten-<1 lJuik. At Hathorleigh," Tanglin. Household Fur- IThJMIms nitons. The propertj of E. F. H. Edlin Esq. ()Nf rLT lN(> I|lM ;s
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    • 313 2 glo-tiaps (n>t?ntisrmrntg WANTED A B«:ret:iiy fur an En,'ineciin',' l>u<ineM. O lj competent men n»- 1 a ;>'.y LiL-ral Salary. Apply BCD. "Free Pnaa." M«y 22 ff 1 1 NOTICE All intert-.t nd impoinihilitj of Mr Ali-xan-der von K'>:.«<.n.' m our tiiin oeu«e<] on tajt L'"th day of Mi. itO*. BEHN
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 213 2 TIIK WKKK. Monday, 22nd ■ajfc Water 1 ."> b. Cmivpnt So i !■>'■*, p Harms ton 's Circus ope&o 1* p Trmm 'Jttrd Hiffli Wnt^r I J'. 1 1 'ii> p M H Mail Homeward nail*. 4 p. I V I C.n.p.tnj Drill, SJI p Fhilh. Orchestra practi<'». p <
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  • 840 3 A Comparison. (Specialist Written fob the I hina Mail.) It is now »early three years since we— a quarter of niillion of ua— returned from South Africa m the full belief that we had b«en fighting our country's battles. We ««ra almost broken-hearted whe we found
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  • 378 3 Abe Made Mi-ek\b(k hv Kidney Hanj MMI 1. 1- UMMy ti'.ul.U-. l.ut unf.irtunatelj th*-j do not know it f.y that naen«\ T)>*y think <.n!y ji^i, sll) troubles, and that th»;ir >>\\u <]iill. \i-.t\y liea<la<'k<?*, <i\//y. tir^'l fwlin^'-., fiint -j,.)1>.. au<J irregular )i»;irt. ■•mi" fr'.in X
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  • 723 3 RI'MFR OeO— AND Ta is the Strait* Set i.kmkniMi. Turner, wlm frnfaf Ihioaah O»laaa '"ii...,];,v,; in .l hawiag by thoaj "MoldaTio oa •lit- of liis l.ionnnl visit* to Europe, is at tho Mi 1 <.f horix'i.t'ths largo* planting ent-rpn..., kn..-.Mi to Hi.- tropiei ,ngmr
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  • 300 3 COLONIAL TRADE WITH ENGLAND. Tlj uf-.itn;iti<.n IMflili I. T Mr 8., „,1.,w |v S,i H V tat, ir .nn,vi, nn with kM nteraal Imit m GbMA tad Raw Z«.«ian.|. "ill t u.uiv miii.|4 WOBiMtag .11 t'i wd^t th^ Ml* 'f IWal .•n.-.un-.-m^nt a.-... '■> the bu,i,.-. Kv.-n »itt,..ut th;it H'liiniliih
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  • 88 3 SEVERE ATTACK OF INFLUNZA CURED. It (,'ivea me great pleasure t>. add my u n•elicited testimonial to the ninny virtu-- I Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 1 was suffering from h very severe attack of influenza and bronchitla and was advised to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which I am grateful to say,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 273 3 t Hfebrrtisriamts TANGLIN AUCTION •EtV GOOD HOUSEHOLD FIRNTURE &o. THE PROPERTY OF Mrs. M. RUGHWALDY (Senior.) "SANS TERRE," No^He, Emerald Hill Road Saturday, 27th May, at 2 p.m. COTTAGE PIANO BY THURMER K r£Xr^ y e;: n z 1I i ni inciudi Plants and Minor HotMehoM Requisite* OB vi< w
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    • 27 3 Try Our Luckwell Cigars. La Corona 54.50 per box ol 100 Universo 55.25 do do THE CAVENAGH BRIDGE CIGAR Coy. Opposite Gimbbai. Pom Owes. W«7 2 uc
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    • 291 3 1 •gtuttugiMJaoE W IN HOT CLIMATES J ICAI "'EST'S [1 20 r.«- Bant Ms I I iroount of its I Bad the pnnec- I Mo u;ain->t nios )u i(o I Car I bites r itci), <vc i Dtoteltetbd Powder lichily ■t .1 .■!!;.>»,. PI cf ■4^ F. C'-A'. M.nchWer,
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    • 640 3 VESSELS RZPBOTI hSUSH and (whe 0 known date due here, and name of A en TRANSPORT J Harding Ft I It, M..,,^.,,. illt M y Khein, BrenierlMVoii. due >I ,y B MAILS PROM BUROPI OR INDIA May 2-2 M M CM :u May 27 v 40 Nui,. v M«aa«aa ■ay
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    • 519 3 1 oom of mi si'\ D f X us i ihull we never icv.nrth. IIIP Bk/taaue d Bong.o ,»v«r. and A 1.. II ;M: JubiUat iftaa aad aombn tan ..m>1.i...... ...,U X,,,-!,,!,. d«ring. tmrail „,.1 HoYS Ui r J«arrm i 0 Hlii-' i. Ban p.!;: Aadwoud, I r...-.! luu l»'t
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 111 3 PASSENGERS FOR THE STRAITS. Per P O Nubia, due May 27 —Mrs Wileman, Dr R Dane, Mr W C Weir, Mr R Campbell, Mr C R T Turner, Mr W F Travew, Mr B Traver*. Mr M Cuoko-Collia. To Penang.— Misa Fiaken, Mr A T Dew, Mrs Innes, Mr X
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  • 1418 4 Tho Singapore Municipality liau not forgotten tlie ruction lwtweeu itself and mir antcpe'iulliinate Governor. Sir Alexander Swettenham, owing to the Iml when tin* wind was m a particular direct i«>u Sir Alexander, cou-ti-tutitiv: hi* BOM as an infallible analytical deter mw. declarod that »he
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  • 27 4 Million** of niodetit women suffer m »ileu<« from those painful irregularities peculiar to their »«x who can be easily cured ly a few capaolea, \4 Apiolinc JO
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  • 842 4 Kadium lafoetioa- Van. i.-Ii of Old Violins -An A»r I bed Bread A Lk-ht ftfvatcry Bird Bataff Spidan A R»coi.^ I!- nfall IVk-1»- ii; Hun, .in Plesfa I Bajef ;ii t SoaaW J. I <\j riw Bis ia 1 are<- 1 si i" bs Hoarded aaj^ti curio—
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  • 250 4 auoptro. ;ft l,\ alounHide Westminster v wi n better.^ g^ Wl rt ttn f. l( u^- N a.« ii u> Tii'» amooal of top-aaaßßßt au-1 vo-wurf funnel, which appeared a few iucheH above BWtopaaaV Slu- »aa,aaa BnUtarof f;irt, tli«» Naparini 1. a new f,;-t .sliali.H
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  • 50 4 Pbotbct Yoobhblv and family against attacks of pneumonia by securing at once a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. If this remedy is taken on the first appearance of a cold .ill danger will be avoided. It always cures and cures quickly. Sold by all Dealers. The Dis pcasary, Gvuentl Agents.
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  • 361 4 Thk Stras t (v-t. „i nnCLATI fntmhar, ami, parkana, uni-ju.- M.i i \mmu n. i timm to tin- Li!.- tin ht'|*-Ujsslv CaftverdsJe, i, Hove 1' vii 1 for Via uii<l which I i- 'i i she liuh ben lost is immmJ alilps. bj bet l!:. nderwrit«r--j .:ii.' i-
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  • 342 4 a Hmmmmh m ludi.t mmli i ,i|»-r th« following r»-in«-lv 1 VMM MM I MMwMIMMi ni»re thau uth v.ur paper an enquiry about a fined* 1 r MM HMM "f white *ut- m former veara I bare MMI I moat Hiinj'l- niH.iii" .1 extermim p«Bt- -»c*.
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  • 42 4 A Sobe Theoat may 1* quickly MMi '7 applying tiannel tmndage dampened wkk Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A lame ba« -k m the tide or chest, shonM be tr»Mt»-l m .1 »imi lar manner For sale \<j A\ Dealers. Th« Di^penaarj, General At^nt-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 285 4 rlourru<scmrnts. S' MELLIN^S FOOD THE" FOOD for INFANTS MECAUSB IT SO MODIFIES COWS MILK AS TO RENDER IT HUMANLIKE. MELLINS FOOD Famous for its Reputation. H£ YOKOHAMA DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. So. I DOCK 2 DOCK .i.9r>n. w.uih of entrance, top 00 5 rt.tmtt. 46.8 ft on btorkl 2-. I
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    • 518 4 'afobrrttermcuta. WEAKNESS and bBH to (Jo illß build r. i,^, Slid I Her* U xparieaea saya I; iJ-ie* lbs. K. B. rv.i, .''i. > .-torto, •endsuA her pk* 1 v' 1 "I have t«« r. and I uk- pr.,i m r.lip* mv e«i*rienc»* wnh 1 Aj«r.Pill». 11..> dfffen-ut |.art« ol
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    • 612 4 THE "Singapore Free Press" MKKCANTii.!: kDVEWTiBWB Cam.- A:' i.K-.., A. !>•■•'> r" TBLBPMOmi N*> Gl Published at No 30-3 Pafflis Plact, Singapore i i En 111 hfl Sirai t X.iti\t Pa it Rakaajg Ua •mi il.-.n Hritisli Hotik ,vr.i» b I JaTa ai:>l Sumatra. 1 iniihMil ia Sum, Japan, Cochin
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    • 119 4 \J HlfiH CUSS JAfAJUttI ART CURJOS mGENERAL D GOODs| Sfri27, HIGH STREET^ j^ SINGAPORE. M£ Mar 14 Fraser and Cumming. Orricas 7c Battery Road. Sawmills Johora Bharu. Bbick Wobks Balestier. Timber Merchants PRIME HARD-WOOD, out by our own men m the best district*, and steam sawn to any size. WORKED
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    • 24 5 Japanese Affain Active TeleKramB from St Petersburg indicate that the Jap**** s re assuming tt S« neral offensive IB Manchuria-
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    • 43 5 Cruisers Affain on Annam Coast tf leuTAm from Saigon to Paris states that Admiral Rozbdiestrensky's auxiliary cruisers returned to the UmMM cast n Friday i»ht 1 V* t li ad anchored at Port Divot (Vanfoujj Baj) outside bsjfiUV al waters
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    • 35 5 Main Fleet Reported at Hainan The* are apparently seeking for colliers ■list tbev are instructed to convoy to the jhud fl**' wn cD reported to have gone to incb-r near Hainan.
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    • 46 5 Twt-ntv-oue were wounded, three seriously m tlw bomb outrage at Warsaw Xh»' workman responsible for the outrage was a niHul>er ot the force section of the Socialists. The police are conducting a house to house h and have made many arrests
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    • 35 5 Stater's correspondent at Peking says that lha Imolm CtaMgc -V Affaires has informed China tha' .I.ip;in i- pvoojoOaVß to ajajaaj thtcf Kooam to Japan, hi contravention ci the Treaty ..f Slnmouuseki
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    • 100 5 Prize-Court Confiscates Cotton In reference to the caae of the "Ca (rrp. on J«lv -o, 1904) the tit Petersburg raptMßO pri/e-vourt has decided to confiscate the cotton ana wooden beams on bowi, ami to ascerUin the de^tlnation of parts of machinery i declare«i hB be
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    • 57 5 Christians m the Far East France's Protectorate Questioned The Kuela:s. he Z^itun^ m an inspired arti- lares that GonMßf dies not desire to be Kvldled with the endless annoyance* result- of the Christians m the X not recognise the ri^'ht assumed by France. It psaßta o ■■it.
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    • 32 5 Tatt«nh;tch"< Mission fCuuut that he pnfarad I a propoaais to the Sultan to continue to make v •> question a subje. preoo-upation at i London C'tnmunicatioi.- intly pacing bet*een th«- two Governn.-
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    • 349 5 Kum''.rs of the impending resiKtiatiou of M bd iW are re^ Japanese House Tax Decision Announced To-day Tn* Jdpawae House Tai Arbitmti'<u award I MhwJ m Mnv Tut A .-trulians liare beateo the Gentlemen •.•Im'l at Lovifl by an k inning» and 189 r.r. b vi 3 t
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  • 648 5 I'iif. Macaethur'h Experience >":■■ 'Vi'Eii by Japanese. A representative ot" the "Singapore Free Press" went out &M morning to the Clan Macarthur lying beyond the man-of-war anchorage. He was courteously received by the chief officer of the steamer and told the story of her stoppage. The
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  • 271 5 Tw<> v»-rv l">"'1 »-\»-nt<* characteriaed th»* proce. Mmming Club yesterday, and tu#»re was a »l att»-ndj»n'-e >»f members t.. wi'in-" tli»-iii 1 .r I'" *\<\* aaw night take t|j.- w.»r»r. Mr Th ■tnnou as OOMtH and the haudicapi that when the luagcjd m. the limit man iuul aJloal
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  • 276 5 A change <>f s'.in- magnitude will be made this year m tteltNlllk, It »ill no loni^r the "oth'iu] programme' but the official liat of *-ntri«~ Jhe -»auie matter will 1* contained n the book, except the homes will net l*» numbered. But each day there will
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  • 76 5 U are m receipt of No 2 of the Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums. A note on the sugarcane rat and attempt* to inoculate it furnishes an interesting short article. Mr H. 0. Robinson gives a synopsis of the birds at present known to inhabit the Malar Peninsula
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  • 1241 5 The change m the position of the fleets wrought by the stop at Kumranh has been so great that we should l« wrong now to expect any decisive Japanese victory. Admiral Togo lias only four battleships of the first class and one of the third, as against
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  • 468 5 NO MIOMS OK THE I IKK i TII3 s.s Hainan, which has just arrived at Hoihow. reported that she passed the Yules tan Bay (on the south i and Leong Soi Bay, and came round the coaet to Hoihow without sighting any men-of-war or other steamers. THIKT) SQUADRON. The s.s.
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  • 316 5 Seraml*in, May Uk Mr D r, CampMl, R. M l.rit. NVyri SomJ.ilan, arrived l>y th<; ovenin^ train tn Wednesday accompanied l.j Mr J»-If A gat*! of honour wm» drawn up «t the X M S Railway St.ti.m under the Attaint <nt CoimiimHioner of Police. Mr Butler, for
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  • 515 5 When a prutuinent journal of St Peter»l»urg •Jiun<'iat«<l th»- dot-trine that *-xt«riiiination, nn one exterminate noxioas vermin, was the onlj appropriate manner of dealing with Ruuia's present foe*, write* the Tokyo c »rrv«ipon<lent of Th»- TiinAK," an outburst of indignati>»n might have )**>a expe<-ted m Japan There
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  • 78 5 In a rifle match at Balertier Range on Saturday, RE. versus S BE. (V) teams of six, the Volunteers won by 31 points. The I'iO homeward mail steamer Chusan left Hongkong at 1 pui on Saturday, and is expected to arrive here at t> am on Thursday, the 25th inst
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  • 91 5 THE AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SHOW. From thff Hon. (Jon be, Mr Water Fox. Penang, we hare NMitad a pamphlet relating to the second joint annual A /h- horticultural Bhow to be held at Penang on Aug 9. 10 and 11th. The Committee is a large and influential one. and Penang has guaranteed
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  • 123 5 Undbe Sbvin Dvcr Shvbn. Played on Saturday on the Esplanade and resulted m a draw greutly iv favour of the Junior*.— I'.VDIR 8«V1N Griffiths Jones c Ah Ma<'tngt;,>i t 3* Odell c Spronle h Duninan <tO Cantrell c Craig b D«lay M Ree* c Benjafinld W Afactuggart MaHon not
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 346 5 We hold a Superb Stock Of New Pianos, pei 0 i the factories of the most famous makers. Mteh a^ BECHSTEIN COLLARD COLLARD WINKELMANN HOME PRICES. HAAKE RACHALS KRAUSS Second hand pianos, best make, m tplendl I oob i Uob, ihorou ily overhauled, from $250 upwards. THE ROBINSON PIANO Co
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    • 7 5 MARTIN'S 'raach ItwaadT tor all liixj IhMh
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 739 5 MAILS GLOtfH. To-UOBEOW. h*r Pel At Sarawak Kuching 7 am B«agks«fl A-- Glaucu* f» AM iMavfa La Seyne am X Pahang A Hock Chuan Ann 0 am P. Swefham A Penanp Avagyee 1 pm Bengkalia A B.t^aa Cbml 2 PM Minir A Ma'.iK < a Sri Mtlitr 2 PM Sourabiiya
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    • 971 5 VESSELS IN PORT. yi,r-.. Tar FIa R «n<lTon* Cnm-iv der< rivr.l I tnphitrita Brit eraiaar ***** VTiadbaa UmS6 1f.,,, [pWgwia Brit miiwr .trtUO Pawckner Ap! 12 h \J a Brit cnn«er ***** QnaJ Apl 12 Hongkoßj? Wwcßauw Brit k.ttl.whip 1296.J Adair Apl 14 Oolombo Hon WUaa Brit cruiser ***** Herlwrt
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 671 6 3&brrtisrmrnts. Singapore Sporting Club. NuTICE. No M..t^. i or Motor Cycles be allow- m tli# IJpevtMg Tin). Premise during Race P OWEN. SeoreUry. II g 1 M SAGO FLOUR Aa .»ui letsM'Mhai Merchant nrm m Londun, -v ia Tapiooa Flonr i* ..pen to r«pr*Lou^e far the *ale on o<jmmi>Hank refereaces
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    • 777 6 2tt>i)rmsf innus. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Traders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to noon of Monday. <l tli May. 190 i. for the following works 1 1. Quarters for Station Masters. 2. (tatemen's Lodges. •i Level Crossing Gates. 4. The removal and re-orection of that atrnctu*« known as
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    • 647 6 SRjDrrttsftnmts. BICYCLE FOR SALE B.S.A. fitted. Nearly new bicycle with free wheel, Iwok -pedalling brake, acetylene lamp and accessories. Price M3O Apply J. K. c o "Free Ptess." May M uc FOR SALE A newly bnilt fast Steam Launob. For par* tivilars, Apply to GACOINO L C«. M. 15 no
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    • 667 6 gUtifTtisrmmts. TO LET Light am con,.nient office,,, .iffipie .t. ->n first floor arore Robinson I»i a n Rnflk-s Plars. Urn 14 TO LET The hu-ge ami rommodioux dwelling aooaai situated at No 28l Thomas Walk suitable fc Boarding House l ui mediate entry Apply to BARKIES v M >3F> May
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