The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 1 May 1905

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2 5 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2525 2 ~~P. &O. \T MrntS T~^ SINGAPORE AND^KRAN^II RAILWAY. tTftM navigation coj 1 1 FROM Ist APRIL. 1905. AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. AfittaJ^fa^aafe X V L,. T,,,, 5,,,, 1( w,,u n^ 5,,, teK°" lrl^X/^i? -31—°^' I g^s Irs, 1 1 1111 I |J II I shot Illlj They are due m
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  • 1033 3 The Singapore Free Press. MONDAY. MAY 1,1905. \ii. the icduetioM to lit ilmwa frwi vhml seem* fviili-ij.-i- t< trust worth} informal iou from vanou* (uarten an le pNM the (-"I! lin 1 1— I BiaMJBM "t ili»- Haiti.- M.«-t iv •liviwous. on |"itit- .11 the Aimam BMSti uorth of
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  • 101 3 The steamer Sabiue Kickni«*i> haa arrived here from Palcmbun^ m balhmt A ImBI steamt'i |*otMed tlie I'oii the ea»t*ard yesterday. .She showed no rolouM The Hospital ship lukulu with Bmmlm wound»'<l onward, left lor <><les«u yesterday evening Paul Kilwr, chief wtewurd of the M. J't'li. nports that his raKiu was
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  • 1097 3 'l'lirtv inmrpuN were killed m-l >i\ w..iiu»l- i »'<l MMof Urn n<] v niti v Mi l>ill«'<I. t!ire«' wounded and 1 t inUsiug m an i-ncountiT at Vnaki In-s. 12 uulen »■•>' of Cinoa The Foreiju < »Mi I. .irns w.i- 'he Aiiil),iii Mkl Urn mmsl mt
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  • 1228 3 Thi* morning before Mr Howard V|,. Antonovitch Horrit/ wa* .harmed with tresi,," sin*,' >»n military land at Pulo Bmm an j bein* found m th* vicinity of a fort m, *r n with skutohimr material m hi* poeaeasion Mr 0 E Uaine Hj.p-arod f,, r t
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  • 50 3 April ;{o.— Per Isla de Panay: For Manila Mr J. H. Barytas. Mr Franci*« Anaud, Mr E I«rael. Mr V. Cfenato. Mr Kaufman. Mr FimwMt Oilohrist, Mr C. H Hawkiiu. Mr J P de Tarara. Mr* G G P deTaTera, Mr. B. d« Tavera, Mr Zaldirar, andMr Mo*«.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1934 3 fU'Haps 3Tt>brrttsrmtnts Qomrfftir ©rrurrrnrrft Ca ld bCCr< M3CSrCgOr CO. Opera Yap Chow Thong a,.,, ?w;,. >^ «M >^ n ,\MHI TONIGHT I <'Cii.ii. of a dautfLt.r (ESTXBLISHEn IWi-D TONIGHT NIUHI On Apiil 13 »t Be 14-^; Ko«d. Wine and Spirit Merchants, w am rann mngprMn "Sr;;!;;'],;!"''"".!"*!:;! LONDON. GLASGOW, HONGKONG,
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  • 59 4 THE BALTIC FLEIi Still on Annam Coast tiei man Steamer Stopped Hongkong, April 30th, 0.30 pm The Stettin sighted thirty to forty Baku kers Thursday afternoou iv Honkohe Bay a i, m dreJ miles north of Camranh. She was stoppe.l by two cruisers wtMM were sUcked with
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    • 17 4 Tbe Leister midnight services at St IVtent-bm-i. have passed <>ff .juietlv. andno disturbances »r>'*'ir»ic'«*d to-day.
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    • 22 4 Fr^ii. Washington it is roportod that the Ambassador home tomorrow, and the Germ m and French Ambassadors follow.
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    • 37 4 I* it believed m diplomatic <irrle* that they will unofficially communicate to Kinj Eowaid, the Emperor William, and Pre>i<lent L^ubet Fresideut R<>'>sevelt's eurneat desire r.. en 1 the war at the earliest possible moment.
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    • 24 4 > bbM beiiered tliat the mip«u<ling uaval «U*a»t>ment, what«\-er the result, will offer an •pp'rtuuin i«T initiating pe-koe neijotiatiuu*
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    • 58 4 .••■r^ Pani "rrespon'lent ?Utte» that the I of tran-fernng Bulgaria into an aiafaadaal kiagdaaj baa been brought l»e--:re t.. I <»o\ernmenU auJ ha<- not aith auv htr'Urf dial The Kin^f m Kran« An Ovation at Marseilles v M.trseille- f-r Far« iii-1 met with a great popular jvatioii The Entente
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    • 51 4 Mr Lord of tha> Admiral' J, <pe«iii laid th^' t]j^ Admiralty -..ltumu <if I'ortsmjuth •he fir-- ■>> l»-*tti»»»hij>. iht.- m<jmi yw." nd wil! r«. bniJt m II will embo-L ai ktioaa m i the Kusso■}«.\MWmf »ar aaaUa ai dei»-.l dC i itilisod. 1 nbralUr for pc
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    • 268 4 Ihe NorwtgMa I'^mcr Truwt hat arrived "lphia wjth &,V.*) <-<w#» Of ••»fir>-J px'- f r Hongkong In; p. <ifriiiH.n m:ul liiiyern t4DL. „ii tnii 2Vth ult, at 1 lain. mk) )x BipKtad t<> arrive ban ..n Thursday nut. d t mWmI I f>iii TV itaMMT Vitt/ina Lv MM m tn.ui
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  • 233 4 Putting together tw.. and two, it is pretty })lain that the law resulting indicate that the llnnl Dallic Flei-t paaaad Singapore on Satur'lay night. Tlic report of the Catherine Apoar at Penang ou the 28lb was to the effect that ♦wo divisions of eight and seven
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  • 636 4 Ifavßßg Hlruady stated that the Army Estimate's for th<> vfar ••n-lini,' March tf, l!»«'«». amount to ett.Bia.lwt, a-ainnt L'2B.9U4»,hi>o lust year, a net incmtiite on ordinary and eitraordinarj service* of ttlS.loo, we give l«l.w the details for the Btraits SettlemenU Regimental Est^)>liHhinent. -Onrrison ArtilIfiy
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  • 254 4 The r*j>ort of the Director* ir <i«ntl«imen Th»- progrens of the work of con--tru. tion during the year han liom highly un«atisfai'tory. Bad tha BaAieifwtioßßl of la«t y»^ir tia%'e n'»t >«*en realised Otlier airiiiigHinenih to. carrying out the work had of ue«^x*«»ity la I* miidw auout t*o
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  • 1436 4 Russians urr Hainan. i ABU TO THE ISLAND BROKEN. Says the China Mail A Reuters cablegram mentions that it is reported that some of the fleet is coaling off Hainan Island, but no confirmation of that statement can be secured looally. On Saturday we endeavoured to cable
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  • 299 4 The hon Lie John Tiiruwi left for home on a holiday l.y the mail uteainer from P«,nang <>n Saturday Mr Turner spent »ixtnen years m the West Indies, and haa been sixteen years m the Strait* The Echo" says 1 During this period Mr Turner— himself an
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  • 328 4 On rSa.tur.lin afternoon th»- ne^h orKamn*-.! J.liur*- VolOßtMff Corps wa-, insj^.f.-! l.v H H \hf Sultau ..t .J.,hore m th^ btaM glMaii at JohoM liaiiru 1 li« V(,lunt««!rs. who numlinr-•-1 '.ver twi. hun<ln-.l -tr.u^' n*»iv&l their JSulUu with the royal sal. it. tli.- J.,hon» Ban<i pla»in^ »lie
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  • 249 4 Mr I. M JVII, Municipal Kn^iuw-r of Penan^, ha* a<]<Jrein*d the Municipal ('..tnmiMinners on thi« fHaliM a* follow*. I ha»* the honour to Kriny to yoar notice the serioua •■ondition of the wider supply m this town. During the re<;.-n» 'lry WMthai it t M 4 n
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  • 187 4 e— The tablet iv memory ol tlie late Mr (Jhas. Philips will be unveiled at Trio Hep-it Church at W pm this eTening. Mr and Mr» H. W. Sharp arrived at Penang by the P. and O Malta on Saturday. The Chief .Tuatice Sir Lionel Cox, came ba<k to Siiiffaporo
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  • 72 4 L«st winter 1 contracted a aerere .old, the only one to my recollection that ever gave me any trouble. Mr. Peak, our chemist, suggested a trial of Cln.nil*rlnin'» Cough Remedy. I procurrsd one bottle but did not finish it tbei-e wan no necessity. Tue remedy iw an
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  • 295 4 *ri j||f(-*p.u.i f B«l»t Tin 110 10 mJU.(X>> 7.60 B«rmaw»h <}oIJ 0ri. 10 7i 7S.OU' if 10 Do Dti... 10 10 4n,000 8.00 Oruimh 11. Tin 10 1O OOU.UJi ■>«« toreloptnent Co. Jt\ Jt\ 4)00,000 J 1 < 0 '\~tiz Tin ....£1 £1 4100,0>X) lfi.oo {•■Una (fold ord. 10
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 339 4 WE MANUFACTURE IN SOLIO TEAK. UPRIGHT IRON GRANDS $100 Cash. and 17 monthly payments of $25 each. $475. Absolutely guaranteed tor this climate. THE ROBINSON PIANO Go, Ltd. 33, KAFKLES PLACE. II. lr^ OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co.. Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nav. Co.. Ltd. The Companies' steamer* *re d.e».p»ic-B,©d
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 101 4 1 II X WKKK. Monday, M^y Ist High Watsr 1- f laaiatf »>»n M^ TCBBDAT, Jn'l Huh W»»er t y Wbdkbiiiat. ird Hick WatCT 1 >„ 1 1 p a Ibbbm Qsrla' Bahaal, I VM C.A Tbcbsday. ka Hifk Water 1> 4«. a M y v V > Homeward closes.
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    • 636 4 MAILS CLOSE. TO-MOBROW. For Per At Palenibang Ruby 11 am P. Swet'hani A Penang Avagyee 1 pm Sabak it Djambie Hong Ho 1 pm Sarawak Rajab of Sarawak 2pm Muar A Malacca Sri Muar 2 PM Hongkong Ac Charterhouse 2 pm Bengkalis A Bagau Betsy 2 PM Palenibang Opliir 3
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    • 203 4 U L A M A N <; M H Ajuil |9 Zam.tnu. Hnt str, Tilling, for Ranj ,,n and Mala Carolina. Dut atr, Salleb. for Paliau^ TriagBjans Pin Seng. Bnt. str. Davidson, for Port Swetten ham a i. I JVnang. CsVaang Ho. k Kian, Dut „tr. Qasssha, k) BSBBSB Will
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    • 483 4 BKKTHv A I I Ml 9FHABVBB TO DAY 1 *n ion* PesBBtr I lot Ka*t Wuuit. Nil. fasmrhl QaavaBfl D.* 4, L Albwi OrSBBBJ Do. k. loei 8ection No. IK r lad Moas N I MbbjBj .1 i I Manila 'UK 7 B w ■■iBin (B W,P I B B
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 2025 5 €ltit)rvtisnuntusT lUbrii«finnu». aubnttsrmntts. v; KbfrCTtfccmqrti. iM^i^MM^iiUb B.s.A CSy F?e^l^itb f«. PRE"MINARY NOTICE j L v .-ntlemen wheel. W-k-pedalHn X brake. a.-et,Uwe lamp and AUCTION SALE OF |"I I 1 on lir,t U k^u I' Co., Apply... Mrs. HENDERSON«orie>. Price $130 THt WELL-KNOWN JELLANI ESTATE, lAIt It ITTIA d€
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    • 367 5 aubrrttsfmrnrs. T/v SI T0..,., D. V. U.yd rd Apply X Ami Apl J!' Oib*H«lli MM 1 »l-<iBe near tornr. A1 rA||nMl|. fOMPAMA fIFWFDAI VVl'll /lllln ULIILK/\L de Tobacos de Filininas Singapore Agency No. 4 Banery RM We beg t« uotity our im-nda :i:.MANII A lTl^^l^ileW/^ 111 |J nn\A kw —a?.
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