The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 13 February 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 734 1 g--frtisfnuntg. p. o. STEAM NAVIGATION 00-fPAVT For China, Japan, Pcnang, Ceylon Aunralla, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Porta, Plymouth and London. •_h Bills of I„_.lii,_ iaeaa- foi o___a Coft.t. Persisn Gulf, C.nt_oetit;tl. Am«»ric_n Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward [f*n l'.'»b. M Feb 18 Chaaaa Apl
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    • 696 1 3ft-rrt.grmrn-_. N. D. L. ffonMeutachw I'ovd, Bremen. IMPERIAL QERMAJf KAIL LINE. The fast lv .d vall-kaowa mail steamers of this (on. puny *mU fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg rie Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton Gibraltar, iple.- (connection K_a and rica versa, Fort Said. Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore. Hoogkong, Shanghai, Nag __aki and
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    • 1505 1 SINGAPORE J^HI^KJANJI RAILWAY. FROM Ist NOVEMBER, 1904, AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Train Service for Week Days an t Sundays. extra trains on SUNDAYS ONLY Down Trains z; Down Trains. SINGAPORE „.4*\m 7.2 KMM |IJ| 2."»4 Vt* im Vt* lit* it B S g| BH B Uk ..P.»|.„. Ut* AU »S
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    • 790 1 -iMiritisrincus. IL RUBEROID fl ii rn **mk II FiivPr -t il___h^ fllnn il RELIABLE ROOFING yS^L IMI Supplied m ROLLS Containing 21(5 s4j. ti (8 fl lt\ .'l.\il-) II M fo-baiag r r..1l *0^ ADAMSON, GILFILLAN Co, Ltd sou: agents. Dr. 7 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Chartered Bank or India
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 29 2 Al X ial i L.-ia,i K> ii.t.ii. the wile "f Mr Paai v IFtaa, al i iaaajhtm At n Feh Itth, the ntfe >t .1 Dow, '.f ;t
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    • 31 2 <»n Batwdaj, tbe llth iaat al lb" Ueaeral HoHpiul. K'ivii.ami Tani.u- 2nd ra.n «t the Revd. _lohm< Taylor ..f th.; It .t.iy ll, nk Heaaldea. CaeUa Bdaa, Nu.thamberfa.nd <__gei lo
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  • 1115 2 The Singapore Free Press. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1905. Men i a maintain, I na*. ,1 l,v inHnriiii 1 hy tf_m H^rr rr n\ntinus pmatfie. (In*, l'lra!j_'d li> KHa.irn, riynlly anil l_w. lii ait. .ther i-oliiiitii appears a plea on the |,irt ot the Malay Mail tor a i-loser
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  • 383 2 •urn I It i- I I the.1 md itbe I Hin I tilt Mr i 11 rie li I i h-r lv ad million f three intei illi appi nl I. the iue ill i. N't' g -h ill ij*- tver ii i -Zemin- -in.-.- the I. b, bad to
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  • 27 2 EXCITEMENT IN CROSS. STREET. I 111 1 I the dwi Dumb tba p a few nun anl j .l and inflict ugh wounds on I m t|
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  • 423 2 M. 8. 0 > tin I l Hil X I- M. 8. < liah {-.m •It- li'if. H fourth I from MeP <»n board thi arm- laylighl this __oraiag numb I hoi tie nl rut.mi an admin cc, wh,, .li^l n J; oa April t 1904 i Mr r I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 408 2 a-Urrttsrmrnts. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. BBTABLISHED 1H()L Wine and Spirit Merchants. .ONDON, GLASGOW, HONGKONG, SHANGHAI.) SINGAPORE. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. CALDBECK MACGREGOR Co. HOTEL de I'EUROP_7 Before drivinil Home To*ni\\\ht AFTER THE PERFORMANCE AT THE TOWN HALL, Drop m the above Hotel and enjoy a Good Supper. BAR KEPT OPENED TILL
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    • 547 2 -10-aps ■C-bfrti«f ments Drs. KEW BROS and HAHN, DBNTAL BDBGBfUfS N... SBattor] Mees*, CkeHeeei Baak, Build inga. < 't.NS.L.I NH Hi, I K> B I m l r m ami I P M to :> P M Teleph-n. No. 216. Dallas Bandmann Opera Co, FOR A SHORT SEASON ONLY TO-NIGHT
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    • 436 2 To -aos a.frfrtJsrmrnts WANTED A Chinese Junior Clerk. Apply K7B" i Free Preaa'Pah II ll To l^t. tarnished aftei 2Utb Uareh Deann>*K," Pateraoa Boad ia ttioe „f Ur. W. J. N.lJ.i.-l Aj.j.lV taM* DRBM v SAPIEB. Keh If m«f T-i let. from 1 -,t M,,,!, I, ,11... Bo I BeeaU
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 122 2 THK WKKK., IBth High Water i— 3 57 a kSBp M H Mail Homeward _afla, SVc Bearer Be. I on, •"> I p m Drill. 5 ;u j, Th' Girl I 1 Ith Polo I I. I. T i BVII !omp my Trim f I). ill. i WaonaattAi 1
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  • 1348 3 hn Paa n.vM.a. oatiaue I Hrn man ..ti thfl bicj^j •nn t!i* m.. tor ciir iini-.t n Caiiopo to Wool Liatoa by the hurapike road; oad, it it w hie first riait to theee tagioao, ho will not bo this t.. reotiaia ;i Itttlo i,'a_j>
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  • 184 3 YOU MAY HAVE IT, AND NOT KNOW IT. 1 ,1 (taw t.. into "tr t1... .mi. lns water aad »li<- 1..,.| v -s imparities, Yoekaoa Mow well :«n.l -t i-. ..i_r ii..i robmit tod when the ttdaejra art working rigkt > B -.s-1 f'l t ,y But ho* do yoo
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  • 2 3 w. i
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  • 568 3 »ucj iOl laroa. tai In A Taa Ai mili. i. ..I rai I .r_i Govt aaaaai Ooiabbi Ywaaaeaaaaa'a Dieaaaaaa 01 laaravcTi 1...n,|,._, J«aaai7 -oloael Va buefaaad, ma despatch dated tbe ISth Sai bar kal defended tbeindeniuii ""I aai I tbat a smaller indemnity i Ihree 11W s|i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 557 3 Fhe Tanjoaig Pagmr Dock, Co Limited. Shipwrights, Engineers, Iron and Brat a Founders, Wharfingers, &c I a_n.l Marir.aH Kd^il,* ka ii. it frfi<_».nt f r..-nc«d Enainaova. 1 a j f.<-t m lcnifth acd net lo -nd quarter I m ard fot taking j Ac J r. j-irwd l.l»x;tnc .M.»'-ry and
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    • 274 3 F CARLYLE QUINE, R.N.1.. m \i.ini; BCRT-TTOB, Inspecting, and Exporting Engineer Refrig. Mining Machinery, &c. Hr Qaiae iato a poaaatoa aether to y""te, ,n ~I f K'\ i,. tha latere I'KTKO.. HOTOg LAUNCU Wt* a BM to MM ioliveead m kkmf plats) Kngiam from f__ sad apwrda >'... j Applj
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    • 32 3 Dr. S. YAMAMOTO JAPANESE DENTIST. No. .52 Victoria Street, 1 sIN 081 Jun M MARTIN'S MlPIOL &s TEEL 4XlS____-_-____i PI LLS °n ir nr* ajifn a/ »«rmouMl«. At. .axia.7H__.-_ c_*_-_ aouTti^eHV. iW-AiuT
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    • 205 3 'ngapi HI W INTU ;u I Ull I'll, a", Pu "I lVr.l M_. th, N Bonmo; B_-uwak, Netherhmda I 1 report, I 'art, tk___ ran- Jdrc s of .h_ mu,u Iwl SUBSCRIPTION (la Daily I Lima A m Depai i and I. S i The Lromestic lit currem Advertisements. -nts
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  • 118 4 Kvi.l.-ntly th" hf -tiontf li.|iior- is not coiihnfl 1.. thf human NNt story of Urn oBtler"n >; witli a weaknaas for bottled stout, recor<l-l m tba Bapram bee bee-gM btem Dr William Hen y. ..f Efovtbfieak, Keari which If It-fria thai I irda md awmi ins .i-bli.-t.-.l t-
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  • 130 4 THE GROWTH OF THE HAMBURG-AMERICA LINE. Tho Eastern mat ba* proved tery beneficial ta. German sii ppii German boti m- f* -j .T i n_r i|iw>_tion 1 1 1 would bt for tv ir .<t i. intri 'uii. an On.- of the great Q mjmen Mom* >.t ■teamen wliicli h
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  • 105 4 COMMERCIAL MORALITY IN SIAM. N >na to Pat AvTTmi l«-\S .)a»s ,it< a S.allU'sC 511.'.l .m India-: aond merchant, m Ibe Britiah Court t'-.r 1., recover T-ca !_,-00, tbe value o4 dia monda aokl aa i -i- livcred by ins annul to tbe raat ire, h«- ,i> an order t>
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  • 18 4 M-I J ATI 1 a proi I a '•11 t: p tb I Inly
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  • 19 4 H I'kv« L J 1 iboald k on I for 1 1 I i of I I
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  • 306 4 illi. A Mil: .1M!..!. I'or tbe ..'li n of tbe dat tioa lij the aad li' I a tilC illal w j|| I n;.r TLi tbe ili.jnii .our-bly d n'l that .m.- 1.i..- already inatructe«j tl ,j eat i with ..nj Britieh n an *.ir tii*-- m
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  • 84 4 (ift.-t. I.rint<* on <liai rii<*xi. Wot thi* reason may mfssismnei aerry .1 boMh of C'ha.mU'l l.iin'-i Ot**, tfhthtr. mmi Dimrtham Reui<.-<l_' with t li*. tn t<. bo n.i- I m ,-n^^ „t „n emergency. Tin-, tmftrtikm baa ammanml amm mt bonel <-orii|< It _ol I* __W_ai while
    84 words
  • 145 4 1 11l I-I A. I li', I .1 U like susami aeatioii onlj eh ta Wrs me rue, an I which i aurprieiag ii is int ng t.. tha hrn 11--ato i. ach A mim n ran bo il i'_m, enmt out from Ban I ed to a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 484 4 aubfrtiscroadi. THE YOKOHAMA DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Nu. 1 DOCK. No DOcK «...n*th Inside 514 ft. Length Inside :J75 It Width of entrance, top 95 ft., boll. 75 ft. uuh ol anc^to„6o.s ft.. bott.4 *n Water on blocks 27.5 ft. Water on blocks MJ ft. rime to pump out 4 hours.
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    • 321 4 I Sto&frtisrmntt*. A Life Saved N.v.-r aire •.")>. fh aaattar km w >.ni ._r.. Araa i Baraaparilla baa cared aonio terrible cas'.'S, and it willcur. you. Mr. T>!<ai. II CMS I. «'rc.k, Lwlp- _loll>'. HA. S". Itll I I il my dot tf****** i ulnt a. a. 1. -nil t.1.-.-l|.iirifyf_|f
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    • 7 4 ASK FOH DAGGER" fflSfflk BRAND Guinne3s Stuot.
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    • 211 4 tl. \m and Dust, C. RT'S CARBOLIC Toilet Soap, A I Calverf G .u^T.nt y _lJ w Dahl's tfVlllk NORWI W H MILK li lIJI IK Ided to c 1 I v/ay I- it la l di he mi j. and no cr 'NI M.S j T "a-..^————— mmmmmmm. RICAUD'S
      211 words
    • 505 4 r ESSE L 8 EXPECT] 1, diving port ol departure, and (wh.. known date due here, and name of Ap?^ WKN OF-WAB. •h. I I ia, M 11.8, 1 _ILS I ROM II ROPBOR h I-l. I.: M M Oeaaaiea 'I Feb 17 X VTillaa I I Pab I3RDLP.&I a
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 271 4 PASSBNGEKJj BOOK I I) HOMEW LRDH. v Hi I M \I 1 Dr E11... C U y Mi QHI y B A; I I J H il i G M M k 1 M P I. M 1 M Ml'- M child Hi P B M I Mr H Bi
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  • 33 5 JAPANESE CONSULAR TELEGRAM. Bi Mi 1 .aaa v H I .1 M Russian Dead Near HeikoutaJ I lai M ports Up to the l'"l; bad burn i loiiu iin th.- lirection I II
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  • 259 5 X i plaj m 11 still further public I 1 the S i light- 1 rera ln-r M I home be h'll.-V- froal ;n 27, tif a H Wiw tbe from I iwbile ri I "iii I A vivI H tei, .ut-.. M il a life,
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  • 233 5 I Later. Tho th. i B-Iti s haa beea ordered t" b r. a lv to sail iiiiinediatelv >.- p i too I |q X at St Peterebnrg. toe atriken wore oeorawnd by the 4iaplag of milit. ii y i Theottnati mm Poland is, till aoriona 1 im' Rnaoiaa eruiaorehave
    233 words
  • 100 5 Q* Saturday Bight, la'- hour alter nnd- eK.PM ilmi m lv 1 oming m i" hai -anhnraan. Aa i boa '-I th. Telegraph Bmaaaar 1\it,,,1 AfpemaUj Iha tide .swung her aleaar thma she knew for tl.e baa of I l.c 'at roi scrapod all doom thn
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  • 598 5 In Mr Ghaaaherlnin'a great Bneeali at [.00 t"ii on Jan 1<», lie made the following remarks which will interest those who know thit "Olllltl Bwitaariand i- aa nrtiaordinoiHy oettia. taatt* getic ooantry j the aaooanl of ita trade io very largo m proportion to it- popnlati
    598 words
  • 176 5 M Mail '•I l .n Peti ing u_m n about tbe -un.-. "i rather m a jii 11 i-.r the F. H B a here Mr Ebden v. t 81 M W lll'll nOa a 111 I.;* W itll it the powei life n l I lie <
    176 words
  • 139 5 Carl) >.--•. -c1. morning, a Lbefl »j- '-'iiiuntied it No I.' I .t.l Quay. Thfl thmt a Chinem aaaaaged bj aoamaaaaaa or ethm le _.-t into the bouoo and atahi ofl with rarioua urticlm of clotbiog, perfumer} et. valued .it Tbe watchman, a Kling, was unable t.. give
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  • 117 5 A [.link ih puller at I {..v»rniii«ut llmi.tu lias lii,|v deraloped .1 taafa tot :_.»..<l weeim,** aii'l ••■ii?i'.|ii«'iitly purloined a uiiiiil"! „i Hi? Eiorilency'a Iwst Havaaaaha apdalm added t' 1 hia collection .t i|uaa(ity of Egyptian Not content with eariching nimaelf to tin? extent be though!
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  • 469 5 The Chinese Hem*lea* BpOftft, which were held on the _ia.uti.l of the Strait? Chinese Recreation Clui.. Hettg Kirn Green, on .Saturday, were unfortunately niarred l.v very wet weather, which prevented them l>eiiit^ t ho MOOflflfl whi.h the afforte of the Coaamittm deaereee.. The *3 I,' i
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  • 608 5 M M .il i Tha ifeth for the aaa '1 hara n it oould .trutbfull thai all th.- i. undei Brit I levoted to thfl I m. Nt "t the Bultans domiaiona Than came federation, win. t., ,i,,|, for rh- territories With uiu-
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  • 120 5 Till. HABh'll It Ai Kmuk.n. li.'ilin. January Uiti. a .i."A lo flnlanj-Bg tha harham ami t.. 111.1 k in t_r aaa -"a -Imce at Eiudon, whit li ia on the pic.:.- ..f water known BB Thfl Dollar!, on the North- We.t Coast of MdeiiLurg, the German QmamaaaMl
    120 words
  • 99 5 From San Juan, m the island of Porto Itioa. now lielonkfing to the ("nited States. Major Se man. the speolel sanitary commissioner of thi New York Herald," sends an _l__m___g report to that journal, m which he stHtes Miat the islan. is ravaged hy disease vised hy
    99 words
  • 143 5 Si pataeebarg, January i A new play by Maxim Gorky, entitled The Raotiee," am reeontly peodaoed baaa The ffollowiag aeeoanl f its wms pabhahed ia the Jeamal dv si Peti ohm g Tho pie,-- ramn t.. aa aad m a scene of aproer. After the
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  • 272 5 m I i.i tai I k i: 12,6 4 4,5.yj Fn-Watwl Kntfin. ...100 lm 100,000 ICO Frs«ttr k Nh»t« U X tSKjOOO IUI lOU 101 llt>nt;ki>D/ Hank ...IJ.; 126 *****00 ~i>t HowMtk Kr-kiu« ...100 IOOIJUOJOBOai 2!'» Do. l>i»»/a. :*pm M tyrifirl A <"o. lv In 3t,'««' Biiwi iiMgiMwunHion tioo
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  • 136 5 iF.-1.. IS.. Tin t4M Gambler MSfl do. Cube No. 1 IS. do. do. No. 2 ISM Pepper, Black (ordinary S i>ore> 2»J.2'> do. White, (Fair L. W. 5 pa, .St. Nutmeg* 110 to ».he lb.) W. do. 80 to the ft. 80 Mace (Band*) 145. Cloves (Aniboina) 33 liiberian
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  • 36 5 irrctkd vr to Pel I 11l 11l ii" lita FaAXca .> i.. tnd Ujsrm IM 1 l>. I i .:i 1 •I A'. jj-? R-n.kok, Un ub I 11l a. J B a fß*e T 0n,1.m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 256 5 Victor Singing Machines, REPRODUCING THE ACTUAL VOICE Or FAMOUS SINGERS, differ greatly from those giving mere phonograph ffi imitations. We have just received a large cons nl «>i line records and machines embodying all the latest improvements They m.iy be heard at \<>. Raffles Squ THE ROBINSON PIANO Go, Ltd.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 343 5 The homeward bound tYaneh ami! fltflamer Eraml Bifl-om twired thia aaorning and goea on to Barope thia -ftemooa MAILS CLOSK. To-nonaow For Put At Beolfllang Sali.lakan AH Barawak Kaehiag 14 m Baaghel Toli II \m Batu I'aliat I im PortSwal T A a Baa Wl -M Booa Ira Baoagkoag I
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    • 438 5 VESSELS IN PORT. Mcn-.f-W^r PU* aad To«M Command- ,iv«J fc T, B omiearHOO -Wilkinson .1 II H Bornhng D 1040 Am Mew Oal vacl,- M,„ h pV. s_.\o_T hma Krc» CJaaaaneaa rr I I £l Peb .1 M .•-uwer Brnnhil.le 872 Bdeh DeGerpantie. ut 7*3 Bilbrachl Peb .>,.„„.,.. -'"I- Make
      438 words
    • 228 5 Win; SHIP m. UKPtI V.1.-II I k"ii_» i Feb B BKttTHM i rUK A lIABVI S I. n N I i i I v\ v BiaH R \l!l(| VKI). M P .1.1 nk p M Pi 0 1 Mr H 3.1 Hi B s M I Hoi Clare Ur H
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 729 6 Wrt.rtiSfnifnts. LOST <»i l»ith Junuiry, while landing from ae. m_or a yellow Japanese woodvn K>v .ng 2 ft.i; m. b* lit by 1 ft. -nlain- j.hotographs. i.x>ks and uegativw. Finder M ta suitaMy rewarded on returning the B_fl_M tha otSe- of the Straits Trading Co, Ltd. wfm 1 IJ NOTICE
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    • 731 6 -flUtifriisf ments. Wanted at one<«, experienced Bill Collector. Must i»ive (food security. Apply KKLLY A WALSH, Lru Feh 11 IM FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. Wanted small furnished honse or bungalow, from early March. Rent about $75. Particular, to E. R. F. co Free Press." Jan J7 27.2 WANTED Two gentlemen aa
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    • 718 6 a_-frtisrmrnt«. I "TV AUCTION SALE OF HORSES CARRIAGES To hk warn* AT H. Abham Hobhe Rkpositoky, Orchard Road. tin Thursday, \*tk F**bruar,j, 190">, -it 7, |f pms. The sale will include a number of excellent turnouts, and some first claas backs. POWELL Sc Co, Auctioneera. Feb 10 I*2 AUCTION SALE
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    • 304 6 _r__«_r?^_ T___r_Sl_. -3-_E-_-___B_______________________ > J for LEA REMITS W3HCESTERSNIRE SAUCE. I mJP CELEBRATED OILMAN'SSTORES. Mjk I B^^ ill _Mff_3_riNt. _•.<_. 'v -I** r ia _?._i__^-«__*;^____ __T .J^HfIH ___E_-sB-^ .-i fr fln— >p— ij| SCOTCH 'WHISKY m UNIVE&SAL^DCMANr.' BUCHANAN BIJEND 3\ leWm.i. a.— an T 1 J I_^__ B THE _n_Sw
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    • 154 6 I A LAD I If*?) fl l^ i Al Mf I". 1 S .f*J Su-lUrci; l"* r f* I Mr r~*__B -?B ***w _^_B w. TO BE LET. I 1 Bot-Bflaa Beet, aaaa ft Co _pj BTEPHJ Vfi PAUL k Co. JJ IB aaa TO BE LET B ..a.f'.1.l X,
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    • 537 6 Coghlan's House Li.t to BB i.ktthf: f<. v Sl "Goldburn," Serangoon P« 0 Sandilands, Seran^n R o4d Sheen," River Valley Ro d Three furniahed, Two T:nriin houses --i,h f f I H.L. OOOHLAM Co Feb. BOARD At LODGING Comfortable leeaaa wkl available at 8 Oilej i Feb 7 ISMALIA.
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