The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 10 February 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 20 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TniRD SERIES. _3 SIMdAPORE, FRIDAY. 1- ,,»ritai,v w _S__ DAILY ISSUE NO. 5296
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 542 1 StiDftiiscmfiits. STEAM NAVHJA'I \nv For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon Aurcralia, India, Aden, Egy r t, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. _h Bills of Laa!,:_. 1 fur (.j,,,^ Coaat. Persiiin Gtilf, Contii. Ports Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Oulv v I It Ohm Apl U v i
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    • 383 1 3ulifa.i„,ri)irnb. N.D.L. No i Bremen IM D_ LINK th.r, *~-«-4 s.„, tl ■Mn.-.ti, m I 11 1 riot >ingato V..L i Kobe IO Ink *""> Pm, J P .i l 10 Prin 2H hr 1 Ani a Bitol Fried- ««n M iv 1 Mal A! l* m I it. J
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    • 1450 1 SINGAPORE AT^tfRANJI RAILWAY FROM ist NOVEMBER, .904, AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Train Service for Week I)»v* *<. i AAAAjn an.t Sundays. I A.MTMA trains on SUNDAYS ONLY Trains 1 SINGAPORF ,V' ~T_~ ~7_ 1 Down Trains. Newton h!__ r Io <* S£ Iff M_ **> _i* J* 16 46 7.60
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    • 427 1 Sfffitorrtisrmrnts __F^__. V 9 MMmmm UT /inll____RQ|D Vn :<JI liA apß| "'•"t «^/w.^,--^*a^ a«n-__r p /Mf RELIABLE ROOFIXCm ble 1 \c__\ S.O Cll I M «p i_» $1 9 J 7 a ADAMSON, GILPILLAI Co Ltd Hongkong ana Snanghai Banking Comoration. Pai„.up C'APiTAr 110,000 Rb.bkvb Fund i ne I. 1
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    • 145 1 ulia i urn CAPITAL £SOO TOO «&R? P *«>0,.00 P Ol" v LTD. BRANCH. latf- fir r ir Uowed ,5, •"'••aai a at a •*m application N >«.>■.. mo, i r. -vVB. .CO 1 rj 947 2 to. .1. Pank -vuslne^ Tr .nsaeted. 1 and -he U w nnm mm.
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  • 996 2 The Singapore Free Press. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1906. tr-mata, 1 i'y g*r\ j Haw a^». ffm*, I .AW. A s Indo-i 'hiiia j aal dioeaaeea the qaaotioa ■■t i Baigoa>Poat-_aa- cable wbieh wißgree Indo-Cliina direct i iiß-Maaie itiaa a ith BahM ia, and ha- jual I-. n sanctioned l.v the
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  • 675 2 The F O. intermediate steamer Alalocrii left Penang at 4 pin on Thursday, and ie OSneetad te arrive laaaal d.ndigiit la^aanvo Sat ii i day We ate oorrj to hoar that Bey A.J Aajen i>f the Methodi,' Episcopal Church is aa Mrioaob ill thai ho has had t., bo *ent
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  • 273 2 THE CHIT SYSTEM IN SHANGHAI. .Tho Bha_ajhat oorraapoadeal I Mail write* 1 woador if then iaaavaapaaar pabbahal m Bhaaghai winch does u..t ragaki month seize boom .pporf unit* to ra tt .hit lyotem tad attribute to it the msa; dowafaßo -i yoaag fellowi who "tii mi mlanea whi.h at boon
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 372 2 at>\jcrttscmnu«. r Caldbeck Macgregor Co. (BBTARLISHRO lHtili Wine and Spirit Merchants, LONDON, GLASGOW, HONGKONG, SHANGHAI.) r SINGAPORE. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. CALDBECK MACGREGOR Co. X RAFFLES HOTEL. X Saturday, nth February, 1905. A B .ND IN ATTENDANCE. T 1 BBB— lM i—misrr^- GLEANLIJVESS AN ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALK y~v rValuable Furniture
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    • 490 2 So UauB JTUbcrtiSfmrntg Dallas Bandmann Opera Co. FOR A SHORT SEASON ONLY TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Friday, I'Ybruarv 10th THE ORCHID TO-MORROW MONDAY "THE GIRL FROM KAYS." The ch.iiiiinu' musical Coni«.lv from the Afx-110 Tlit-atifi. L'iiklou Satni.i.iv. Teh, llth) tup: <;iiu. from Mnaiaj. Kak j KAYS T.'"T'''r X ItS] thk oißoaun .'(III
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    • 370 2 gottacs flrifrfrtisrmmts Drs. KEW BROS and HAHN, DENTAL BURGEONS N... I Bath irj Bead, Ohartered Beak, I'all I |j C...S -I I.i I■ BOUBfi: I a m t<» I t Jf. aad TM. t<» 7> TM. Teleph me No. 2! 6. WANTED ailh n (Jwi aeaat kaow Bag* Uah Goad
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 217 2 THE WI.KK. Hi_i. WaMr —1.40 a 1.47 B v a X J lab Heel ng 1 M Drill, 5.15 p Dall Satii.ihv 1 lr!, Hn_'. a p 111 r X lat I Chin a Kew T I <» 1 r.. -r. r r tenma*, Uth High W ah -th after
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  • 148 3 Tha "Japan Dnih Hail" mjt that: Mi lakahaahi. Tine floies aui of the Haul. <»f w, w ut t.. England last spring aciraapaaiod I.y Mr Pakai Ki_... haa jual r.-. t'lrne.l to Japan Heaaya thai wheceaa the Inl Japanena lone wsa subscribed broody a few rapttelieta, th
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  • 207 3 The M Ti-Ma" eon-epoadeat mi faking lata ia daylight, this i v n 1 1 r i _r uj. .a r v aaaaa trick which is being pla yed upon the Chinese Goweraateul by three of Ike Enrupaac and Chriatiun Powera, which are eadeuvouriag to give the
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  • 165 3 Oa the thi _.ih ult ilimgti t.. th.' exaaaf .t aoaaa 1 11 i,\ _ra which brok it at Shanghai Tha locus of tbe i n-dagratioa waa No 1 Yuen-miag-yuea ipied l»y Meears U m I; fi I I Mormon d Co.. aad Mr B A
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  • 420 3 4 tare aaa ia eatlj dachill, v. (jl The lecturer h M aM It TOl ir .l W un I ntv iii fa.r thi c ••f ti Arm} aad wonder for the Uh itri-.t i-m which U the mains] a.f tba a a lim.. I a we tion
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  • 79 3 ft W'vutt, Kaq public aehoola, Baadring> ham. Ef, S. W.. -ays After suffering some time i.f .1 rary had attack of dysentery, I wai induced I.y a local h. -mist t>. tiy (^hai'iU-rhiin's (,'olic. Cholera an.l Diarrhoea Reliably. It only ta.ol. MM to r.ll'i-. a.'.l aft«»r I few
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  • 62 3 raaoi PuTuwrn i r -,^K v:;, r ;;;r'r tha w.ll.ka„_ n ,i, Laudar Brunton "^•oa-atCambridua '"••■>'•■'. laa-. "Wa oagfal to ba abia to i -li-»w,., wi,,., Boar wubj bor.of_o_^r d k ne ll,thew *7^fiKbtinK ti i.uiai,-. Little bo* i wcaaß, tha- .bould ba N M r tlllS W..T
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  • 82 3 MR. BALFOUR'S GOLFING STORY. "**"**-*< If, '7 .iuiksaaalce, Hrn beat .ton- m tkie: 1 u.r Vt\ a r I,V nli^* And they V rl v, t Kin *k* warn*. wb«_ do thing, rer p.„ rr.i'ir" 1 "long thai thei -nt m it. track i ball had gone. The ll 111
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  • 175 3 11 thai wh., be* bee* ,'v among tl unual pria Hia I to audi li.v V*Y .1 I kaow tbat the boyi then vi ort erlv. I a m i. but t.. oa t r heai words do not ma-ter to eaplaia then t..
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  • 350 3 With nyard I rith the Far I thi Bgaree for the aaoath doaat pnaaat aai au4a»urthy feature., aad it will be mon iater- to oonpare tba maulta for the rear, for which the r.-t ut ii- ii. na.w <-- >iii|>!»m. thoee -I 1908 I ttoa
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  • 75 3 7 ittr 4, nd SO rw U BUcbaa 5 Bra U Bittevia d...s. 1!t ..,i M ail So -v nil (V *«k n,l P»«am lv i a Oml g M Do, l M s ,i 30 I (.o. 10 nil m! I I 9 i an ml
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 725 3 KOWAh ERSKINE, LIMITED. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Sole Agents For the HORNSBY-AKROYD patent Latest Improved Stationary Pype, I 1 1 Wr\* 8 _rv 1 Oil Engines FOR ALL PURPOSES Oil Engines with CRUDE-O.LS. KEROSENE or w,th ANY ordinar petroleum of working LESS THAN ONr F-\RTHiwr- dco o_.A_.r- r_inu__uw U TrT
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    • 55 3 Wheii y.nir dealer tm. t.. (.aim off .m imitation of Rigaud's Kananga Water <>r any old thii^" which is not what you want, then is the time to throw a little "ha.t air" into him and k>eep away from his store Dr. S. YAMAMOTO JAPANESE DENTIST, Nty 352 Victoria Street,
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    • 265 3 -ftrjn.tsrmrnt-. f J Bengers Food j For INFANTS. INVALIDS, and I the AGED. I i The Lancet describes it as Mr. Bengcr's admirable pre- The British Medical Journal 1 says lienper's Food im by J excellence <>t..nlis„edl a repu- J 1 MMo* of its own." S No further testimony is
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    • 29 3 .Any itcbiag -km as p,v>. acaaaaa, chill.lams, s.urvy. pfaaffln W of v. i- .|ui<'kly relieved and permanently cured hy Daaa*. Ma*mAm% *AAtktt*fht had of all eho ■lata j j
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    • 110 3 Buchanan nm**** tircnt r_ I THE PC'VLAA amMii ink /i £fik% Amm .-AMES BUCHAN/^ scrrri-fi mksKr MM. I) KVKIIVWHKi.K. JaaU Fraser and Cumming. Ovucbs 7c Battery Road. Sawmi'.i.S: Johm Bharn Briok Wo__i Bai. Timber Merchants PRIME HARD-WOOD, cut Uy our cwa moa m tho district*, and steam saw_ te
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  • 442 4 Paoa I N\II"M vs 1. I MIMtM.Xi. (''UN 1 .'I Vii I have followed with inleii f ii many ablak tiers and edit i nt. which u-p! ij upon ll Sue/ Can ,1 and it. director.. "'> 1, iv. Lperu* ll1 a.i .'II .'I -a your
    442 words
  • 196 4 I I a > I I I > tbe i aaeiil id tlie I D THE rTLES ROI i Li ia not n< tba i wbetl I- II I I M Me r a ab ti.-. i i l: I ai while tbe .i i
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  • 73 4 iii- ii i i in-- oa diarrhoea I' ui,.y aaperieaeed trai ny a boi < '->li.-, rh.,!. ra tad l» inlioea Beatedj -iili then Ut eater geacj Tin- prep ration 1... no equal •.ii.. f.,r bowel ooaiplaiata Iteaa aoi I-- altaiaad whik oa board tht care or
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 231 4 ;..'oria.-cmnus. YOKOHAMA GOG* COMPAHY, LIMITED. No. 1 IKKK. ,^lnsideollf. ..(,t..>St-, Hhofentn.K .p— >•■ on blocks WJ rt. Ie to pump out 4 hours. roafa-r-rr adaacrmtio-u tad plant and ge atock uf material is alwars oa ra). n lakJwarful twin aa u g veaaela m or out of ihe bay >l
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    • 149 4 minis Sure Cure 'lli.. debilital I a aram «lim;it. azpoawe to ull kinds ol ,ii 1,, a.! ,1. r of tho Mood and weaken ih_ .s.-teni. Mr i v i rd ..ii.l waal AVER'S Sarsaparilla lias. I I f*«M.t« *>> Or J C. A>crL» Im*** U.S.A. d s MiTiT
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    • 85 4 WO EN AS x x Mai I 3 i Mood -< rI N Th COMP. NERAL de Taba< <pinas' thi -i i- i i wit gui te. Ow sal 4 Recor n A ;i--chial er GRIMAULT S CiGAPETTES M c a SfiiatULTiC t* §fia ASH __•_>-__ D Ouiir. not. I
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 517 4 nptng. V ISELS EX IM.c Xl) of departure, and (wher* known) dato due here, and name of Aoenti OF-WAR, 'I t. duel MA i i I KOPE (»l{ |\h| x i •rrj I I B tpold _i VILS FOR BUROPK. a Si Feb B I .J A r I .MERS.
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  • 381 5 THE DALLAS BANMANN OPERA CO. ight, at the Town II efever ixmmw* l )Ut Orchid, oae ol tbe m ,„r t.iviu'iti* (iaiety prudoctioae of thai entarprii eg nma«ger Mr Gaorgfl Edwards Then at be expected throughout thebriH Ickml aeaeoa of this company, a full hoaae, and v |o tiui*li there
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  • 18 5 i Pea <■ w in II v. kl M lb ba "a" i i "D
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  • 37 5 w MM liners Tl l.uild nally •i. 1* norn Tokio. and as ho i l.c laid D the join' lently •..'Terent run. Instead of runt. beea an.l the O j.ort. of t
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  • 90 5 t DmruT at I lackWdlj of tie- tirm, and nahag I _a_: r Aa the viae. •et a I ace will aboa that i I ttod eaeapi the viaado aad the adaa pretty leral fold a-hilal the ...i.ufa't. der of the Ina, the tame ieaf sii
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  • 644 5 FROM A LONDON CLUB SMOKE ROOM. mdoa, '.'th Jaaaary 1901 1 ""'iii"r Ii re ti rs a pro-leaa aol to Ismet with within l_etr_pi d aoaa Om n.rk jhe far. li is. m ,l„. „f tll)Mll>rt.^ bard Fast bound ia winter's iraa -ham the chata referred to reaehiag, ia oue
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  • 53 5 Thfl told value ol 1! Ban* iaeladiag munnmmn transaction, duriag October bet, milium to lakhs, I >,;l lakha aad Ift7 lakh-, reaperiag tha coiioopoadiag Btoath- ih, imam thiayaarhaa [ll HI fiat m geueral imi foi wtn.l. Ue the tkem ,1 lakhs. .41 lakhs and _.5_ lakh* tha iaaraaaa bata* iv
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  • 223 5 !\V,ilk out with your heads erect, my Lords No doubt ye will hold them high. re had never had pluck to enter the Court had ye not full faith m your lie. The Foreign ConiinisHioners all Iclieve an ye full well knew thoy would, And they'll clear y..u
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  • 257 5 Sii-.i Bai M -f lit. W'nu ill- Fkki TOW AIM'- M X v A Bangalore nruiaapiw-daal af tha Delhi B-oraiag I'o-t baa obtaiaad aoaaa reaaarhable datailaaa to tha ret— l murder of Capt Bowring, at Wan. i. Wa/iristati The raptaia waa aleepiag oaa aightoathfl roof of
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  • 537 5 THE LATE SIR GEORGE. CAMPBELL. I irtbei j irl i rul urs r 'i.i- former I laU 10, .1 m tbe 'I iaa impbell waa born ia Caaspbelgyllahire. m 1 aad al ti of J" l»- .m tbe irgi 11 and B Bea A lea months let ana prom bed
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  • 130 5 i im i.k il MuaieipaJ In"d H ct "r_ might Mnke .-asioiial bahery raida al night on atheae linea: Imstjmkot G M Ooyoh oahaaad ooavialiaae again-t thi in. ist. -r- a,t .-leveii hat .-houses at Wni.-hai. Bl the Hongkon. Ma_istrau-v this morning, for allowing more than one man to kl<s.|i
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  • 320 5 23 VESSELS ALONGSIDE T. P. D. WHARVES. Saturday last w,-.s a universal holiday f.-r I Chinese New Year, and work was knocked ..IT even at the hub of Singapore, Tanjoag Pagar Company's property vviih the result that on Mondas there were m. 1, ,s than "JM vessels alaiiikj-ile the Wharves
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  • 341 5 A w.s-k ago the Malayan Brand of the Britiah Medical Aaaociatioa riaitedthe Paaaag Munieipa] Abattoirs and passed many en'itn- "ti their aorkiag Nol many peopk ia Bingapora have had tha opportuaiti ..f aeein-.' the uorkiag .1 the Bingapora Slaughterhouses, under ifr A BoOev, the anpariaten dant, tad
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  • 520 5 ienna, Jaa v. ba eallad .t l■r 11 t._ 11 v candid opinion aboul Bueaia •to ba foaad m yea&arday'i Peeter 1.3 •v• 1 The writer ot tha article, wh..- innaclioa with the Piaaa Raiaan "t tha Viaana Foreign Offioe ia aoi "Public opinion m Europe ia onca
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  • 48 5 A Chinese coolie working on Ixxird the i bride, was yesterday ini'ired whilst unloading rice. The aling slipped aud I baa of rica became disentangled and fell "ii the Bcfor- taaata coolie, ataaa-aj him. He was brought ash re iv a sampan aud conveyed to tluOeuerui Homtonl i
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  • 187 5 That l lie Japanese are L,'ainin>; a poweriu inHueU.'e over Korea is shown by the follow injj The (,'hief of the Japaaaea Oaadammt m Seoul has issued a proclam itiou concerning the establishment aud pr>. liaga of aocietiet iv thadty, 1. Any oaedetiriag toaatabliafa a BOciaty must
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  • 235 5 Mr Edwin F. A A1.1..-V haa aim fniabed hin picture of the gorgeous coronation scene ia Waatauaatar Abbey The final bruahstrokes m this attempt by an American painter. to N present the atedisßTal pomp which earvives m aaodern England were deferred, alleges the New y,.rk World,' bj
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  • 329 5 a i -3 II.. IJ a a- Cap.UI >. a f I in s i i f H»l»t i in |M M tOUfiOO 7 7"> 7.75 Burxawah ■■•I-i ..r. I. 10 71 7 I3.<i" Do Def... 10 10 40,000 I Hni--h H.Tin 10 10 h.:aj Duff DoTel -tl XI
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  • 29 5 ..Illi I so Paaßoa, thm m.l GItKMANY, 1..., .U Imma, i ■1 aaaad Java, Aaaßaad S.'va.„i-.v-. v lliiik of Ki> ..unt i mm Bar Sil-.r L>n laa g
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  • 115 5 -Fc'.. 1-' Tin (iauibier dO. Cula. JSj, 1 j,. do. do. No. ]2 Pepper, Black iordinary S'pomt do. White. (Fair L. VV. 5p r Nntmega 110 to ♦ho 9>.) do. (80 to the ft.) *80 Maco (Banda) i_|s Clovea (Amboina) liiberian Coffee Tapiooa, small pearl (Fair .i__ii»y i5O do.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 505 5 Victor Singing Machines, REPRODUCING THE ACTUAL VOICE OF FAMOUS SINGERS, differ greatly hum those giving mere phonog nphicimitatioAS. We hmve just received a large consign m 10l line rc<ordi and machine* embodying 1 1 the latest Impr i ments The) m.iy be heard at No, 33, Raffles Square. THE ROBINSON
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    • 53 5 LLI... i 1 and r f I M.i x. II on< V.t Ti. BBKTU.. t i m wii \i:v k_ 10-DAT < VictAll- I'.i--i I Bull I'liani. T 7 (B W H 8 (B '11. ird •I U'i I. Bagfat Har-oar, l{. JT.^riaMan^jfor, Mayn't II .1..- I Su- ''in <ivan
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 371 5 1 »ne oi the oldeel t ata m China. and aim tbe oldeel m Sh;. haa passed awaj m the peraoaof Mr- Clifton whose death at the age of -7 i« aaBOUBCed Mr- ('lift, .11 came to Amoy m and went to Canton m 1842, an.l was of th*
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    • 176 5 I V_SSELS^I_J PORT. r>aa aad To«»a t'nm.-»n<-T k 22" Brit erahar WOO 1 5" omtr v,sw; I la I .ns. i 'ivier Brit 216 M-llor r SSL* I _vTI N J* "I Kakard Aadareaa Feb 811 g. X «haat Jaa 1" M •..,,1 Keaaa Bril 2303 F \i M> S"
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 379 6 -S--n.tsfmmiB. LOST liith ImtkSSJ, while laD.lintf tr..n. .1 v.'ll'rtv Japnnexe w00.1.n >>o\ lag 2 ft. ii m by llt hy I It "-ntaiuKtapha, laooka and negative- Kin-ler Mitahlj i-ew;ir_e.l on returning *c -k-M ,tf, f !h.» Stivif" Tradinir Co. Ltd. wt'lll 1 I ingApore A Kranji Railway. 1 j „-v
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    • 505 6 flDVjfrtisriiin'ts. \\_ut-d atOkriataaaa laMad n Cnineen okt_^ must writr well and bn smart ut Igaiae. to BOfSTEAD A Co. Agents 0. I V. fo Ltd. VW-I \v ,nt-.I al OMeteane leteal a Chinese dreswr. Annly t.» BOBBTBAD On. A^nt- C I. P. On. Ltd. 1.-; H«i Wan-ad rnbaar tyred
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    • 663 6 atjbfiiisfmcuts. FOR SALF. (iliai ry and Tony with Bat— naa «t< l oinplet.. HOBINSON PIANO Co. Nov 10 nf N>r. English hunting saddle t.r Bale, Pri<_« Si.o cr auy reasonable offer. YV y to A M OOODB, n. a. Pulo Brani. laa 11 IM FOR SALE I D»'lln l'ony Gharry
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    • 189 6 _Urt)r.itsrinrii.s. CENTRAL I LA A I >- I BOOK < a WARDS TBB HOLT CITI OF Caitle 9**o LHABBJ 10.00 BaMIBFO Q f FISMIBO. I.j oa v «'l- 00 thk BAT IL OO! [OB b* DUTOH POTTER. .iD G Biaj r I N lULM I, AIX i P PEN UO
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    • 455 6 fHUWifIULHUnS Coghlan's Hottse List 10 BB LIT THB rOLLOWIKG Goldburn," Serangoon Ko_.. "Budleigh," Seran};j>n R id. "Sandilands," SeraagOO- Road. "Sheen," Rive.- Valley Road. Three furn'shed houses m Tanglin. Two new houses, unfurnished m Tanglin. 11. L. COGHLAN Sco, < o, lie Ajjente ISMALIA. TANGLIN To l-t fanuahed liabed froai l-t
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    • 518 6 Sbumisfmnits. TO LET A spaciou-H fOdOWB Kb Oil 1000 gqiu-rg I. ,t n.a, i Por further ptdticuUn apph to S. C. K. i Hobinson BOARD Sc LODGING I ionifortable raoou with -.1.,.. TO LET. A eea-aide hnng-low No 1- I „*_j Apply R Api IPr, ,r r TO BE LET
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