The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 September 1904

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 591 1 r~ P. 6. STEAM PTATIOATIOH OOMPAHI For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, l.g-ypt, Mediior- J ranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Ttir-.neh Bills of Lasaag issi;t-«l f«>r Gkaa Coa*t, Persian Gulf, Continent. il. aud sVbbsvbbbbl Portn. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAII Ll Ouhmurd ftr 'kima 18
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    • 535 1 XXI. Iforddeatscher Lloyd, Bremen. QCPBRIAL uERMAN MAJL LINE. T' 1 well-known ni;nl Hteamers of f tnu'l.tly fr.nn Bi^men•bim. aWwam, South--1 bbm, ETaasßS, PoH Said. sabo, P.>n;ing. Baaßafota, Hong.^.•ki aaj Ko»ie to Yoko- > md (<n"k. m Sini;;ip<.iß on or H»«>ut the undermentioned dates rWABD BOMBWABD 1 teaaasM s-f t |f
      535 words
    • 1290 1 Singapore and Kranji Railway. From April 11th, 1904. and "until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays DOWN. I A.M. A.M. A.M. I- M p m *j M j SINGAPORE 7M KMM ItM ±IQ it* f'oo Newton a(CM2 7.39 12.44 Jl7 3.29 „7 d(C,.V.i 7.40 Iy.OM 18.41
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    • 713 1 -Ibuciusriuriub. Hongkong and Shangnai Banking CorDoration. 1 C '*'"T'.; RasßhVß Fund:— Storling Reserve $l<m hhi Silver R«*,rYe....s 7. n.14 J*' Rbsbbvk Liability or PBOPEIBTOBrt $h1,.M|..,.,. I, fV>uKT or DiKßc-Toan. A. J. Raymond Esq.— Chaikman H. E. T..MKINB Esq— l>Bl>UTY CHAIKMIH. E. rjaau, Esq Hob. K. BaWti 11 Hon. W J.
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    • 580 1 HliDnusrini BILLIARD TOURNAMENT Tirsi Prize: .Silver Cup Valued 81 50. Uunner Up: A Silver Cigarette Case a h Uilliard Cm I he Heini final*, Each a Billiard Cue. 01 Entry tonns at Raffles Hotel Rattles Tiffin Rooms N.B. The Entries close at 6 p.m. on Bth October Milkm 1 A
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 20 2 At the Peak Fl< ttnnirkom;. on tli» J!»tli Au^Miht, (;f.i>h..k m umrarow, iht H ik<»,,, Ti Itgrmpk, Al.'.-.1 y.-.u
      20 words
  • 1348 2 The Singapore Free Press. TUESDAY, SEPT. 6, 1904. Hart *h»\\ tl I r<■ 1v.. n K h< m».nt»ln, l'ni»f I l.i ilinhr.l lii(i>n; HNtfMrtal I rut) l.rr k i.ri.xK prrtrpt> dra», l",r.l K r.l i an a Law, Thk i it i i .n t 1 1 1 j to
    1,348 words
    • 25 2 lhavy Russian Losses •fipi m th»« millet inflicted ]\>-n\ lomh oa (mm i >f Coloaal OrlofTs regiment*, w hich I<*«1 1 ■>>*) m*u
      25 words
    • 23 2 '111.- »-\.i.-'i.iti.ip ol Liaojaag has >luk»-u taw pui.ii. .nfH.-n.-i- m si ivt.-r-i.'ir.' >v Geaaral Kur.patkin Another Attack at PoH Arthur
      23 words
    • 24 2 Keuta VB that ri'J pMMI iiHHiiult .if l'..rt Arthur «.n \'i^'ij.| J7 t., Wil> rt'inik.'.! »T.-rvwli#»n<. IM-iiU'sli-tii. whi-li MM firialv M- I
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    • 21 2 .rx navM Uml tin- iri-.trii.tion> of Uh meal have wfullj «Miv«Ted*to it^ Booth Africa! w^ter*. Them i» Smnleiiak
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    • 18 2 v« that Mr l» BlatfeM Co«aci!ler«f tfceJafSMM h«e>n appointed '<- he l»i|,|.. mat, hrjaai X
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    • 38 2 \I M--.'.iti. .|ir»-.t..r K.-vfiiiie IV „r l Tukkj haa ban ftpfjoiatod t \ifiser to Korea osdc* thi -i^nt^i tm Auf U'2, wli».n-Kv X i.-rtak^ .•••r into .n_' t/t'in»!. f reiifii poweri ithou .1 tni
      38 words
    • 39 2 A ;i\,tli-v HOrtC stampede I'" <»»'U«-ral Pf«adl --n .tmpinent II»MI >•. I'll.llliptoll H |B (1 MMMIM i broka I^.^. .uj.i „..*,>-] at <i ur*»l l- > for mum killed .ml mi ir-1. umt »«T«ral ned m '\f lieu.
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    • 30 2 Iws tn| 1 »Ij»- frulMrkatMn Freach'l m>.rw e» ten bit* unltr n.ttur.- .trrit-1 ..ut .luring •mi tli..n- r.-l tr«>op#. J.T'xi "»'l MM, 17". wa^ooi. wl ill with
      30 words
    • 15 2 N i 'with r >vdr-i I ■> i i..r lj<mdou M tri^ill«»s i-nrg«).
      15 words
    • 24 2 imoorxUl will >><• Cancelled NI Auxelle. declarnl i!)ilt I ajHf po-xihle. and that tli# MBnfatiai Church tad Bute bi mutual .-..u.^-nt.
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    • 54 2 Cm •..•tin. hi < r..wn I'nnoe ha» lieen heir. t!,,.<1 t,, ill.. 1»,,, h»-» <•»-, ili»»,,f M«* klenLuiy Lomd Mr L 11. \\,mn|,. turmerlv v; B^ mw«U i. 5i,..;,,,,,, 1 B«bug».B.N BbSSVfin rl S OOWI B t broaciii t,, IV i ir i r animal -S-t^rsa;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 426 2 ROBINSON Co, Clearance Sale 1904. SPECIAL LINES NOW SHOWING Gent's Straw Hats $1.00 All Sizes. Cents Pancing Pumps $3.50 All Sizes. Gent's White Sweaters $2. 50 Gent's White Dress Shirts $2*.0 0 doz. All Sizes. Gent's Silk Club Sashes. Gent's Brown Willow Calf Boots $5. 50 pair. Gents Silk Ties
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    • 229 2 3U)\mtisrmmts. Opera Stamboul THE EMPIRE THEATRICAL Co. >X SIS'.AI <>I<V I 111 75 TALENTED ACTORS ACTRESSES 75 Dramas, Comedies, Farces, (Sbc. Arrived Yesterday Wntch lot th»' oyiiag aigbl it BttA Biung Sea)i *s TlHMtrv, Vkt( i 1 \\m>. M.m I AY BOOM TACK, Managing Director. >• UC l T« If!
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    • 613 2 Co tiaus 3tJtirrti?rmrnts IK TOO wish To BUT THI KHAI, SYSTEME ROSKOPF PATENT WATCHES From the imhliim oheapMt 1•t i f- --i 1. 1 \Miir awitwx .m.l iwlaiwßoaa to M 3MO. < P 0 Hox 2»i La Chaux-de-Fonds. S w 1 I X l; I A M Sept 7 TO
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 152 2 TIIK WKKK. 11 m Towa K..H.1. Hi.;l, Ben Itssmniei "> a Maxim Beettoa Drill, T p d. ,jss p WEDNItm.AY, 7th Hijth Water j, Churab Work Aaas Raffles < mi-Is 1 Koh**]. 4 p M I Miil BomewaH i 10**.,,, j, B V K-. rwJta <Jnn Drill, .*> 15 p
      152 words

  • 541 3 Th* BavaJ '.i- 1 .ik'"'*' ■''•'.V for tli** TiiMht ii t. !■>• t details <•)' tin- ii'-w l.iii-tle«hi|>-i t'"f (Ji'.it firitain Th<*w v«*i--m>lh reinlfr all pv:k: ii:j^- l.;ttl''«liii>B obsol»«t" m rom[>:iri:»oii with tlii"iis>-lvi-7,, aril no ship ;it pnviif SBaJajßSei or under <niistiiirti"ii aMBli h;iv»- a <h;in< f
    541 words
  • 182 3 b h nUm t r 1 4 „1 th* Yokohama diatrici iv 1903 Mi A I ng CouuMlajaMml I. M Jl l>it H.ui)|xl..|] -iv- li.-n- any foraaja article baa caogbi Urn amtrra and eoaM iatu wtmtnl oaa, m.m m the ,)>*• a| loeaa, 1.-iii^in^ laatpa, birvVI k<
    182 words
  • 69 3 Th«> 2nd Gbaajaßßßt (JmnrdH turuf.l out the "tfifr dar /or fi*ld o^rati';nii m a novel heurf- tli<\ «an 'iiq.rovM.-.l nUh sun-hatd. the or-i.'i vaagfoaa loUh n «n la alaaa towaai aver t»i*-it aaaSß, Iwvteg kba end* looaa hanging i^iiiiH |ba n.-.k. ajal Ibaa to pal their
    69 words
  • 613 3 Bare i f i -in .m ill.; ■i» i w (.'aullie. I II h. a i IBS Mni'-i Miik ,i pi-, t x I ..t .ill TOOg pie, bu be >bm ii. n the childr the agricutarni Ulx -m ji» milk m tin- labourer ITicult* m
    613 words
  • 128 3 ArrK\i. raoa: ntr. .Mi 1 11 an r Ski vi- r <; 1 m. The M«-r. li.m' Q i.]. aa repmaentiag nearly Il,*M B* iUk iptaim aad I I tha iii'-i. tei 1 a, ha tpaealed I f»- f..r r ign A fY-.ii- with a
    128 words
  • 90 3 Everyone aiaat ramliae the daagera aftlaadiag Id, .ml td it it m aKvaja pradeai to M'lnain iavdoora aatil tha dajajei p hfwi ier, ao an! laa] ahla to I Iha time aad will lie haten Aad ia kaawiag tij..t ,1 wren
    90 words
  • 52 3 M mcl iuh ■MBl tIM j-.nv ooatiaaed rabja I m the D t the mtU It Ai H I- ra «d ..n n IN< U»ORK IN INK BIGHTII 1 fl I 11/ m i mi■- mm I v i t, prod •,■■ll l'
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  • 45 3 1 1 the itin- 111 I lie 111 iuil; llll.i. iii!i».|ii.-nilx when muimlh iof il,. i ibeir irun return oa I t 1..111.1 ii-..., .Hi.l m Urn ii.i-- m ..:..-i i li.-\ ,-v tli. ir i^vi.iiiiiu.- I ,k.-> tlie n R p
    45 words
  • 138 3 1 i v i. Kmav It. -.1.l .iff.- t joar k..-k. Mii.l U(^ .1 otulliness, foUowad bj diatarb tli.- Ki.ln.-y m tion b— I lit tho ki.h w<»rri»««l .iNil arm „v.-r Irilti itioa bad taa .••!>• [.ufliii. uml.T tl'- *r I' v i..n.. :I..mi;. rigU <.y Him
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 460 3 ?lo\3rmsfmrnts. kc^p cv Walsl), limited, 32, Raffles place O: Ardath Smoking Ardath Cos Cigarettes. TObaCCO. STAT EXPRESS do ASTORIAS IN THUKE GRADKS. q UO VADIS (Turkish? j^j j WALDORF No. 1 Ajply for samples. Al 1 1 A f it. 1 SATIN ETTE fl f l\QS^ SftTINETTE Special OP Oin
      460 words
    • 624 3 i THE "Singapore Free Press" a 1 .MKItCANTII.i: AI)VKI{TI>KIC Cahi.k Anr»BW Aiwrt «r«'. 1 KI.KI'IIoNK MO. §1. Published at fU> 30-3 P*fl!cs T*lac«, Sir.gaport T!i«- il r.UI Settleuienth Joliore, Ked I Native St;it--^ f.., 1 Snii_. 1 I jomg, P.ih.iu.-. Hlo tfr^p-j >♦•!■.!>■!. 1 IJril ib N.fili 14.>n:.-.. Sarawak,
      624 words
    • 70 3 Thkt STIR the UVKK, U nd Make the IIKAHT BBAT RIGHT] Jayne's Sanative PiUs. Thesie PilN ate aa aaasfaahi H|M-<:iti,- fm REARTBURN. SICK' HEADACHE, ami tl,. Mb arising from BILIOUSNESS and DYSPEPSIA. They .'re aaM <o »7 pff«-»!v»» m even of LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, and HEART PALPITATIONS. They positively CURB
      70 words
    • 158 3 JAPAN GOALS THE Mitsui Bussan Kaisha (MITSUI &Co.) Bud Olw Ko I, Mi(i(;\(ii().roKi(i London Branch: 34, Lime Street, E.C. Singapore Branch: 2, Flnlayson Green. OTHSB i:k\n< m:s— in Y..rk, Baa H.iiu' 1 r. aiaaji Si.r.i.iK.ii.i, If nail Baagikoag {ami, Caatoo, Ti.- If— waaaan, Port Artkar, 5..-i!. Gaaarakjo Yoki»ti.iiu.i. Fokoaaka,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 253 3 VEBBB Lfl i; X JM-( TED, Giving F ort o? departure, and (where known) da'e due hero, a nd name of Agent* MEN OP-WAR. TtllHlU, II M R H,ii,'k<>ii^'. .In.- MAILS FROM BUKOPEOH INDI s ft kd pt is b r z I M \i Malta «r:' ,i,niii. Bmdrik. M
      253 words

  • 881 4 > I nun Our Special Con^Mpoadaari Join, Siilu. P. 1 Ati_'u,t I9M '1 In- il«;illi of IN- Irw <'n»>v;t>. of I < tiriitiiu Isl.iii'i "t li.i^ilui. n.-s\ s of wbi rc;nli«-<i iic!>- lo 'lav, i »i 1 1 .ui ♦■m>l tn in* I ibe iii'i^t rouiiiiiiK- aareera m
    881 words
  • 288 4 It I- mill. 1-,. thai tdrantagi i« I be I il I -.-n, intent of Sir VNiJliu.ui Ma pmgnr from tbeQovwwor--I'!' M-i m.-|. ia i1,.--uiNttiou oi i l P |ter outiiern M muli I- 11. i, llliV Vl tl« Laowa ri. i»n»i«ler»tKi I uld pruUtblj iadu
    288 words
  • 344 4 KIII.KMI >M livai W.V. f.r ».,ik .in-1 to 1 w. aln E is i mm Bui I I I* cliii.jn,-. I. .pi h l i i n i ioititution re bqtfoa*, the j.-i.tij At t U.wik thin •n- uiillion Mmm i n<l frimdl Infbd if i -f.iti'l-i
    344 words
  • 293 4 Tli« "Cardiff Journal of f\imrneru« aayt During th" few daja Ruaaia haa bf#« a h*;ivy Kiijcr of South \V;il*« coal fur delivery m AiiLT'i-t and S*>jit«nib©r at port* to be here;ift.r n m- 1 n apj>r'>iinaatinj{ the huge t jnnofiil t<>nH None of Ihfl ord«ra j
    293 words
  • 20 4 I -v .n-inrrß I I «h< tt*B '•'> I hurt* u^B Ml 1 V > Xl XxX- 3 »'-K-^^
    20 words
  • 221 4 Bj J Mi i- rmk y i with, v uir ft3|T7 fl f 1K- Kit: p „n, a X .,< p.W'.U4 21' |».g» > flt (1 I PI P I "1 4»' P-VR4 r| Xt kj fCtl ,;f* I' m Kt-KB:i j- i- p.(M. ->'• I' l>
    221 words
  • 47 4 F'l.y m t1,.. i.aif y.aiU r,, im ((n !llp W M\ M. I. X i IVj >i»hip and first #V 1 X riiwiiM ..if ttnfortiuiatelj foui I mil T1... r»,.ni.i.iou i v ud M' fi Wcutn 4.. <r.,.k mm] M.-lntym 4 and M«,t- -ti» AGk
    47 words
  • 20 4 Vl<t< Ine tj b«ttbcf OtaßiUrUm-. p ilin Bal«u by «ur f 1 Tl D Mnl Aanto. r
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 356 4 SUUcvtisr mnits. ■Sowarth Erskine, Ltd NEW TOWN STORES ELECTRICAL STORES 16, BATTBBY ROAD. SOLE AGENTS FOR Calenders Pure Bitumen Dampcourse, Resists Dampness, Pressure and Temperature. Used m all the principal Works and Buildings m England i. v.. Forth llridge, Bevern Tunnel* Tower Bridge, etc, t*t<-., samples A narticolars on ;•i>
      356 words
    • 495 4 Bad Blood Hare confidence m Ayer'% Narsaj>a rill*. It has been curing jH-opir m all parts of the world fi>r <iv<t f><> years. It is the greatest family m4lmm la the world. It purities, strengthen*, enriches, builds up. Mr. QtngG Fonntain, of Mt. Torrena. H... Amtr»ll», m mli Lv j.hotOKr»|.Li
      495 words
    • 195 4 Singapore Sporting Club HMJ 1 rui \i 1904 L October i^th. ?oth. 22nd FIKST DAY. kr. 1 Turn U iimii I'i.atk. M.i l-n II. .1-.^. »ivl 1 ptioa An allowance a. liriSna -iiij-.rt.^l int.. nu-titnor Xi I 2 Till Lawi Value |4r». h 71b. to M I- „ut n t
      195 words
    • 12 4 1 1! f DIRECTORY for BANGKOK 3 J tS *-^u fr; f
      12 words

  • 412 5 Fr;,,, 0,,, r. rrmpomdtmi I li*ki: Shan, Mancliun H Julj I Ohafao au be all ▼er^ Uum ol ▼«ar f.. r the jaded Hhanghtuiander who euaaM Northwanl t.. recuperate, shake off the dust of the 1,',, i,/, an.l -throw jumps bj the l.rinv trom the fallowa like structure
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  • 170 5 I. 1.1'.H I II A mum i' I."_'r. mo, 8| i in. ii rial lor eighth boabaad. find nu lii n the wa-i\ n "l iii<l -lit- baa been buaj marryuif MBoe 11. -r linaLainl filial.,! li.-.irt d prtthia two BMaths of bin
    170 words
  • 328 5 Laal niirht the Singapore Catholic C'lui i ,t plaua&f entertainment wa DIM m the t. »i m of :< variety concert. Tins w;i« umler tlie patioaaga "f H. X Sir John Aii'l.-r-^n, Mi-- tkadttewou aad part' from the < i •\criiineiii H.'us.-wh<. WMV present There waa
    328 words
  • 22 5 RUSSIANS WANT CARDIFF COAL. Commerce 1 •d»i 1 Hepteml I m m H Pet j iiii- 1 U'llff M 1 i i
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  • 75 5 i -7 the i Cb^irn remained t.. I*- M I I. i I II U 1 ;aj nil a- Lbe) heii favour .1 M.U „f U r-r ol Itei ii.| t hat Mi I.", l-r idjudged within montha after tbe date ..t the making t the •nil I
    75 words
  • 88 5 i m i I Bcentl gave aa im( ..i 111 ol which then boMe w < 'I ini'l.-i m i i, i. lM w lEm iii..iiii,hower< rewarded bj fi: a In, I, 1,,. M>ld i tl •i. for «ln.-li he i 1 en In- loeft tmm
    88 words
  • 162 5 The Britwli Cou»ul .it Übkat^u iwya th<- in"tli ,<l- win. li at*- nx-«| m ChioHJO, m..nvli. hi uHrwbera m Ain«ii< ,i, for increAaiiitf .m.) ti. ililittin^ (r,t«lf, ali'l wliii-h li-iv.- 1,,,) much t.. '1.. with ili»- progt«M -.t 1 1n- United B( will i»- used m BMaagJag
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  • 310 5 IMon tlit> ciii-i Juatieo, sir LmnlGok. The NeptemU-r assizes opened this moraine There !i-t of nineteen rases down of which .i U '|it ,ii«. gUIMI of murder, attempted murder or culpaMe Maucide, lour of forget J, tvv.> of theft, five of cheating. There MOM? one Mini case 'l'w.>
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  • 187 5 uw iaxn roa rai Laaaaj Ka. >- <'<tl.-utu. to tUagnm tnm I ''<J Aut^iHl 15, mm.; No Further probable It v itill uacari bowerw, wli^n the Tr.Mtv will i»- rigaad. I Auilmu -tit.-, thai ihe ThibeUni have furwarded t-. bin the 'lr.iti r»-pU v impertineßt ia*« thai beretinad
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  • 271 5 Kxcntmu Xx rents] m-t vita Urn i! t Mod > 'unity t- •••ii.j.t ii- •<;ini- m»-t with 1 Mater km, ivm c|, UMI tad ■i iriad .11.. i -aol, bad I- .1 riding tl.r- w.-n. hai rioJeacc Urn m r. le, n.l- VOlu« t
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  • 136 5 IU ilm. A ,,_.,,,t i 7, Ti,,, l\u-i h .-.,rrw,pou.|.-nl <!'•• UmUl huiiv Clirom.ln telegraph-, dial Buaaia liah gma iiiNtrii<ti.,n.-, to l>uv ('ln. li. in .iii.l Argentine iii.'ii-<>f-wur, to nail under the Vtmck tlu^' from South America au< l 1.. boMl thi BwriM war flag on arrival at Kajtt
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  • 120 5 s a. C tb T. ML A. S. R. 0. Jni. XI Silv.i I. Jmekmm S Au^ii-.tin run < int 1 E. <1«? Boaai a ami b Mamlw l:» J. R. An^iii> i« Merrier < Mtfm b Jaoaaoa i AlviH <• Ooaiaai Mfnlw <• H.ut<-ii/ i. Harglar imtm^m
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  • 367 5 THE PHILIPPINE GOLD STANDARD imui oil ik i irußKiau 1 1..- Smvuh of ,uj.| Justice given out Urn follow Ilt m relation t.. currency atoveaaeaUi for Urn m..utli ..t Juli 1904, .in. l for V w-,,, bai ekpa I th»- m PhilippiM curmn van first iotM doced mt.>
    367 words
  • 292 5 tha I hin*'H«. r.tilw.iT panda, ,i« ill.--•••i 0< OOIhMMM »Mth tI.H IfoagllßtM 1I Vtm* h Ooaa lookiag> I.'. 1 1 il Ip t.. i| J( «a)d ..1 Julj Urn wmt 11.1.1 •''l" lU tWl> HiMdred aiillioa *hica ll |t 7 I" r U -I--'" I* lIMJ 11-
    292 words
  • 150 5 4 taaajnui (real fumdkm, KMAagHai, tt> 11m M He«§4aag l>aih Praai" sajri Ifcal .1 Kus■M crui.ser. suppo(w«l t<- lie th«» "Sniol.-nsk." «toppe«l an<l BBWHMd the il,< median ..ff l\»udolauti. Tlie following not« jn aMei> I'on<lo-lau<l m a country m South-east Africa a somewhat out-of-the-way place for
    150 words
  • 31 5 S»-j>t I iitif ■iaaiagto avUntaaaaMai company or financial qu<Mti<>nx an<l mattwrH, may as so l.y UdVMiaC lt-tt«rt t, Kuihmo.," c 0 tr ..tfiov ■M h*m.. hhall h-*re bi« %tt«nt i.,n.
    31 words
  • 51 5 'I KHWTEI. VV f, S«|,t Bank 4 m a 111. • i I]) F'nv.tU rrwlifa m 1 1 crtxliU m ID Feanck. <l«ui^ud 'J4| Gi»«aht, 'l«man«l... Iwd'a. tt 148 Roaosova, 'K-iiMriii JKm Yokmiiama •li<inan« '> Java, ' Hanokok, -litiuiui'l SoVKKRIONS. |1 < Bank of Kn^land Kal.- Discount month* Mil*
    51 words
  • 227 5 *r" s 1 J MINES J«5 •'<•• 1 ll'i Ml t >„ .i |O| 1 i Bw<*» 1" 7« 14*14 l»" I>ef... l(» In w,. Hru«U H. Tin |m 10 SQOuUOOJI I'uff I" w-; i ii ik». tJ> UopaagTla j «j MIOOJJWI uij |(U J-l»-bu Mm A 1 inluj.
    227 words
  • 118 5 Tl I 7- U Gambler R I ]1 ift if V, I Pepper. Hlaik fordinAiySjor*. do. White, 'Fair L vV Nutmagi r 110 to rha A.) 4; do. 80 to the ft. Mac« 'Kand*j i Cloves 'Auiljoinaj [iil*»ri*n Coffan T»pioc*. •mal! p»v*il F*ir u*lity ''o. I- fl*kr 'dv do.)
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 302 5 ADELPHI HOTEL ON SATURDAY NEXT Tiff- "SaCHSEM" DIXXBR v BE BER> ID AT 7.30 I'M Uith il, M BABKIES46HANXK.SA I-,,,,,,-,.,.,, OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co.. Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co.. Ltd. Th»> oinpanie<r steamere are denpat<hed from LHvfaal outwards for the Straits. China and fmftm H«| weok, and from
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 400 5 CL X A RANC R H S«pteml*r S. BaaPoHata, Dnt. str. ><i i n k f<«r l*«>ut ian;ik via jxirts. ffHtwalar I. lideal S.hift. f t Sudin, for Rhio. Palkaaa, Brit a> M .n.l>>i Em Paaaag, I LT'M.n aad < al.utt.i. Bri M.i.n. H,it sir Raaasa, for Maar aad Malaon
      400 words
    • 390 5 1 V ESS EL S^ IN PO it T < jmekl MM Uml > ri ;> Mun.hv ii.Ms t f ;i v „v Jh,,tl« »U« M /v/rtV.,l Krom" I x Out X KaUta i h r /.oosl-nec For h Si S Brit2lH hi? RrH MM \i" U Bril 127H X
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 532 6 atib rrttgrmentg. NOTICE Mr. KsnalMi.-y Ganwdaahhoj bafanj tarnaa,i firm. Mr Al;i-linl.lioy f. i» autbori- I t-. rfga th- arm here from aa. 1 j.t. inUi l'.'Ot. EBRAinMIUKiY PABAHKI tl 15 NOTICE Mr tl. A. Li<«n».-1 Sur.-> <r <i"l i* elltr. I*<« to notify In- onatoawjri aad Ih* that from
      532 words
    • 532 6 auurrttsf mints NOTICE. »aatingnf SUBSCRIBERS to the iiu^-n Vi inn;, M.-moiiiil H»ll will liel.l iv t\w OoaaV .il Chaaiber oa Taarnday, the x th prociaM ai f. m 1 eaß K.\.-.llen.y Sir .John An. l-rson. «i l preside. w !i PBIZBLL, Chauraaaa, BaQenng OaanaJMaa. II NOTICE f .N-l 1 VIK-i.KSEKU
      532 words
    • 662 6 '3itorrtisffflcnt«L PRELIMINARY NOTICEMorlgßgeea sale of Valuable Leasehold Land and House Property. 11.-l.ifor Ihe i" idataf the term of Wfi ymn, Wajaag Street, Lhn Bag Mm Im—, Upper Cram sn.ft. i.n.l N>-« Blarae< Road, to i« i.v Pahtte Am-tion .it Mr. H. Craan'a aaV ro..m No. IS Baflai PkM
      662 words
    • 463 6 RILEY KARGRE VE3 Co, Ltd. NGINEERS SHIPBUILDERS ■EPS v *W <^Jft\ "J.* .^^^^>^n»-i ENGINES. »Ca«pbell«Oll,PWtabta Windin*and llanUng Horiwntal -n.l Vertical, Mari...-. BOILERS. Marine, Lancadiire, Cornish, Vertical and Locomotive and Colonial. PUMPS. -Ttmgyea" Special Ste duplex, Wning and Mnlcin »nd Uentril Specifications and designs given (or all classes of Vessels, Buildings
      463 words
    • 294 6 BUCHANAN'S Old Scotch Vv^hiskies. r Buchanan Blend CT BED .HI ''House of Commons" I* "Black White" ll -^>^ «7HI a l ol'aincd 'rom ail btcre*. OLE IMPOBI K l <s I I :oHNi:o co. Ltd. Q9BI )riFICAi [ON. U AM RD FOB l)D ff f7 /J t^J Q jrijJUWt/iturio And
      294 words
    • 344 6 BOARD AND LODGING Mk- IKKIKR *n wlt i BOX< r I'reM." .11 It TO LET *-how Rooms. Apply, BOBnrflOH PI \N" Ob, Ltd. •c. TO LET Etoad Apply t-> M A. NABSIM, 1 V Btrept A I «c TO LET tnMltd l"iii«lin^ m Ilol'iii»«n 10. upany'i Offi. Ready Apply t..
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