The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 27 August 1904

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 602 1 Sltorntsrmnits. P. O. BTBIJI NAVIiiATKtN COMPANY For China, Japan. Penang, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden. Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. f'oant. Pf P tig. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. omtmmr4 i f«r < !»mm) Baag Pcpt I- Simla Malt» ,:h Ckaaxa Coromaadel i\-t ■1 Singapore, aa
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    • 520 1 slilirn[bnnnu». NTBTL Norddeutschor Lloyd, Bremen. IMI KHAI MAIL LINK Tat ha] »n,i aaß.kaaav Mail steamers of thiß nightly from SouthN Port Said, ft, f.L.mU,. Pen ....r,^ H()!ll ;ind Kol* I < and hack. Tl^y are due m Sin^ipore on or u»«out the andernientioned djl. pwrwA] BomwAn ept \9 I
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    • 705 1 Singapore and Kranjl Railway. From April Mth, 1904, and^tTntil further notice Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. DOWN. SINGAPORE *...«S 7^ loSl lS ff 0 Newton »{%M 7 M\> I<».(>7 \j 4l •_> j 7 gjo d lf** 7M) l«J08 \2u; 2.18 |.«0 o_< Cluny Road jfH! !$J 8
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    • 669 1 The r»njOttg i\i-ir Dock, Co. l.imitfd. Shipwrights, Engineers, Iron and Brats Founders, Wharfingers, Ac < mpanr executes Ship and Mnnne Kmrir. Kayaira of all d«cn, .£s„„ mAnn^r. uml >r tha «uperi&te&di>nce <f zi»n«noed European SKij,» n <l v and Knxnu^n Orann^ bock* ln l«|wrth and 21 im t OB Hill.
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    • 707 1 3*3t)ausnnrius Hongkong and Shangnai Banking CorDoration. Paid-ip Cai-itai ||h,000,0<»0 Rbkbrvb Fund Sterling Reserve $1 0,000, ()i)» Silver Reserve....! 6,5«K),00M W*MM Rbsbkvb Liability of Pbopeibtorh $I(>,.«hi. Court of Dibbctokh. A J. Raymond E^,_Chairman B. K. TOMKINB E*,- Deputy Chairman. E. GoElT.Eaq /Ton R Shkvsan Hot. W. J. Ouhdox N. A. Sißßn.
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    • 547 1 Jtil'ntisfmrms. RAFFLES HOTEL to— BY SPECIAL REQUEST A Criterion Dinner wil] he terred on w.dn ii August m Honour of the BlrthdUj of Ih, lUj«st) Uue, Wilhelmina. SARKIES BROS. Proprietors. Tke Liverpool <V London and Globe Insurance < Joy, Iwntnn 1 ruentioned Companj mi** Policies of y u laasn m
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    • 173 1 Pho i.i m <■ I'omjuny f I. I <!(,!:. I 1 Recommended by Medical Authorities for the immediate relief ol Asthma at i Bronchial trouble Hay Fever nd Imuuon of ta GRIWAULTS CIGARETTES |btMH across i he chest and give a relu rcath. BBIM4ULTA C 8, r. V,o*nns. PirU HORSE
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  • 26 2 O» AujpiHt 'Jtitli. at <iov»n, <u |Tlf. BnlT" Hknkv Fkkpinani', mm .l.aily h«lovA<l infant son of Captain and Mrx. R T. <>U.-u Ag<- months.
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  • 1222 2 The Singapore Free Press. SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1904. llctt »haM tl.r I'r.- Hrn \-<-,. v \r\ riiflit tuaintala. I 'named by inflnrn.-r and i.nt.ribnl by f* n Krrr patmH Im r.cms prrrcpt* Jraw, Plcdr<--t '<■ '1 i U». With the outing >•' thi mlm, th»- <l>-n-.»> evaporation from II '.<■•{
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  • 737 2 Two spaciaJ arttclea on our innei j d.-i\ ,i well kaown ooatributor'i riewi <>n ltHii.'l»"k .< 1 1 I hi irtici 'iftiu.ui dipton Mi I! A Liatou b m IVuuii^ and I-. attaehwl ibe P I Miperiot«D<lMil 1 li«- Ifntti .iniiiiti. <•( i ln- Mati- lu-Kter BeyiniMit, »il! Ik- ptMMd
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  • 194 2 II M > "A-tnu-i Captain Li<W Tntin-11. arrival here thin morning from Uokwbo, ui<i m. l)..r««l m tka Road*. sh« will coal at Tunjini: I'agar «>q Monday, and later m ili»« wtH'V mm lor Haagbaag Tlih maami BM miser *.Htrue» ih sister ■Up t.. tin- 'F«>\ MS
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  • 260 2 Tkc Dim port fcotka aWaaWaklan i^ Boati iMolf«d the < .inpanv's statutory PMral rneetiu^' held on December*, 1%??. D clo»e.l the Companv'a acaoMM to the :{mh .j, ID^ \< M> 4 WU)< j^^ua^ tkaf now sul. nut herewith TM whole „t the expen<liture to
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  • 171 2 Fbom Naiivk S-.i k. Hi KDKh, Uia re,., ted that TarUr C*eaenil Tseng h, ka. U-tt Mukden. <W eictement pr t •a.U b t1... „,n. and it w feared that the 25" "III" >»ill rol, and plunder the official vameuH and the hou-ea of the wealth r
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  • 52 2 the but P. aud OKi f r Xn X **d by ■My at st ELS SSEiTSL S >• take up meJl ci n M aj^gjM^ Md The tormatiun of H«f orill A Keng her* will *o ffSSS^ f" Boon i «*BuUUon. O f the 2Z ation Kule<l Md drawn up.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 370 2 JBtorrtisfinnu*. Hotel de I'Europe. GRAND BIRTHDAY DINNER ON WEDNESDAY NEXT. THE 3ist INSTANT. 'IN HONOUR OF H. M. QUEEN WILHELMINA'S 24th BIRTHDAY At 7.30 p.m. Austrian String Band en^a^ed (by request) for the OBOMIMI T. (lIAVTOK, Manager. Au« Katz Brothers Ltd. have irsr SBCBIVBO A HNI assoktmknt OF Goerz Binoculars
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    • 183 2 WANTED G<>.-i.- si trT«rj dneriptlsas In < uiiaaion m Bmd/loV bJ j^ainrt v.ill- '.f-!aduifcj mmrj 4m iptha '.f OoosalsflMi undertHlcri m .ill [>art« of Mm world Agent- for the hi -and <t )\nt>>Kif Su-aii Indi.i. :md Aineri'-.i For loth p<i««eop>nt and freight faiit line of Bt<utmera t>etw>^*n Bangkok and
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    • 404 2 gfobcrtiscmrma. The ist Batt. Manchester Regt. WILL <.IVB AH ASSAU LT-AT-ARMS GYMNASTIC DISPLAY Under the rittr««n»ee of Brig»di»'r-«» > ««r»l Sir A. R F. DORWAKI*. k.c.b., d.b.0.. U.S. ommnndiuir the Tp-'l*. StntitH Setf.-inentii) In the VOLUNTEER DRILL HAL!. Singapore With th«- kin.i permixnion of t'olonel thf Hon. A MT'KRAY. v
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    • 715 2 ITnuaus <a[UtJfrttSfmfitts FOR SALE A Victoria m good order. Set of harness and strong Australian hor c thoroughly quiet, price 1350. Apply to KELLY it WALSH Ltd. Aug Z7 M NOTICE. We teg to inform our SMMMMI .iixl the public generally, that Mr. E. 0. I*" Qaj i^ not and
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    • 5 2 Carpenter's Tolso McAlister& Co, Lt.d
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    • 3 2 Guns McAlister&Co, Ltd.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 155 2 THE WEEK. Sati'bdat, 27th High Water:— ll.3B 11.25 p Cricket, England vs The R«at. X ('< Annual Meeting. Manchester Regimental HportH BUNDAT, 2«th High Water 0 2a, 1 1 5h p 1 3th Sundaj aft*«r Trinitj. Annirersarj Maaa. Catholic Cathedral, 9 a Launch**, 10 A 11.15 a. 2.15,3.30 p Swim.
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  • 1146 3 GERMAN DIPLOMACY AND THE WAR. Hussia'6 "Traditional Friend." Bt A. II Th" mitniu'' I |>»-r|Hstrffl»'<i by the VokutMt Fl»'ft art* .1 tliiuif ot' the pawl, l>wt ulthi.uyli I lie inciileut is doMd^.i! isinstni'ti mc hot« ibe comments of Oio Oternmn »«%iiiiofficial prOMS ou (lie affair <•! the wljk-Ii
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  • 1053 3 "The Btom-i<-!i.' .j-. S i,.. i-, a a wUeh is <>lilii^H<J t-. \thiiig imposed iipjn it; hat finely af«aaai r- aaji with the Hljnesn ,111.1 Cl'lfltv ••!:.<.- The eminent fieauh aathoi baa happily ex- an ss.-.i ,m mi .i; i i Than i aaaMtMßaj aaio«M and pitiaMa
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  • 721 3 roa iy> I;, i tmu I i \'.y Anmaai mk B B r v limi In TLr I>.uU Cknm j" Admiral F'r»-iiiiiiii!»- jrou ■Honed M uiakr s<>intf remark* on tbe fll'llsst skips iatlM K*-d s«»a t v Uh namn iad Li how I,*^ .i Ivan when it inav
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 371 3 al)brrtisnnfnls Howarth Erskine, Ltd NEW TOWN STORES AMI ELECTEIOAL STORES 1(1. lIATTKKY BOAD. SOLE AGENTS FOR Calenders Pure Bitumen Dampcourse, Resists Dampness, Pressure and Temperature. I'sed m all the principal Works and Buildings m England i. c., Forth Bridge, Severn Tunnel* Tower Bridge, etc, etc., samples A particulars on application.
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    • 195 3 GIANELLI MAJNO'S NATURAL MILK. SOLD BY The Dispensary, British Dispensary and all provision Stores Antr H ue ASK FOX 'DAGGER" BRAND Guinness' Stout. hfftti Alexandra Brickworks Go, Ltd. BRICKS FIREBRICKS The Alexandra Brickworks Co, Ltd is prepared to book orders for Common Bricks at 91 50 per laksa. Firebricks, Fireclay,
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    • 829 3 attbrrttsfmrnts. ART NEEDLEWORK DEPOT 217 Orchard Rood, r»KKSS-M.\K!N<; LATEBT 1 ISHIONB J M Singapore Kranji Railway NOTICE T»-n<l<Ts im 1 uj, t., n.~.!i ..f Wmim v .(Us UK '-"i-.'l-n. i- .ii o< ,-,«,|i ri^ Hf Hll l»w'- Ilaais' Si.,-•i<-.iti«.ii~ i,,.,y U. -nen and "lli-r I»:irti.ul.n oUaiaal «4 kW I{-iil».iv lit-
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    • 215 3 ■I ■Vintf I H MS. 1 II MAILS KIMM I KOPI I I I I in*. R 1 S. „t 9 X I) I■• M M U I: I 1 I **l Bajl 13 N D L Zi« f J M \ll.^ I (,K i:i ll ■7 I. 1 7.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 63 3 PABBKNGKKS J >X lllKft^^, M I i ■> M W J thoaiu To r i P AO Mai 1 I* i I" J M M. i \V* M I I Mi .1 H V .i I' Per M M > *1 Mi rah. I'.r PtOO ■■d child, Mr ,nd Mn
      63 words

  • 1634 4  -  B r Joss Chinchinjoss. For mauv ftari man MM 'I' 8 CIRI lo count, v hurt been ni» cuatoa to pretest lo the Pablie through tin- medium ihM TBtaaWe journal, thp r. rls and im| iv-siouk <>f mv travel- m unknown ami BBjMplowd r. That limn kok oomet aadar
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  • 588 4 TUB I< I ->'AJ* Snl I.IKI D.i ly 1 ••I'-kC a] i -p->ii'l^nt with th." !< svm Army, Mi A << BtHPSOI 1 ft ii i i >t.-,tiny 'l.i\ .tml w« jog »]..wi\ l>ohin<l r ii>- Im_. Id, o-liii.nis Cliineae m Mnkdvn to taw ■toooaj all kn«»w
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 365 4 !>hi\ Little Co7Lt>d. Ot CHOICE SELECTION OF SEMI-PQRCELMN DINNER WARE yflJ^^.^^W C 870 PU1 C WhiU SCmi H^jr .ffjj&f**^ Poicelain Dinner Set i(>'| Bt**i 'lion **l |)n*«)r iHE- BELT fhe Belt isih< outcome <»t many year's constant experftr^r, aiui \\< Bdently assure users th»t ii Is one of •st driving
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    • 181 4 1 HKV STIR the LIVBK, and Make the HSABT BEAT RIGHT] Jayne's Sanative Pills. T)i''>-»* Pills iir- ,/j :il*(ilutf> np*;ci(i<- ff»r fIEARTiUUN". KICK RIADAORK, :in<l the m\t «W*g I mm UII.M H'SNESS and DYBPEPI SIA. Tiny i"<- .iU> vory <;ffectiv« m case* j of LIVBB QOMPLJIjrt, JAUNDICE, and I HKAUT
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    • 337 4 Impure Blood When tbo blood is pure and tha bowels axe regular, tber« need be bet little feaK>f sickness. Keep two grand medicines m tbe bouse; and iue them when you first begin to (eel poorly. Recovery will be prompt, and wsrioua sickness prevented. Mr. Fr«l Ptoroe, who rf*l<i«-« at
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    • 438 4 the rare frlitnpw*'- eaagat of habitations ap«rt tfefl railway line. How tin a rountry engaged m tae continual upkeep of bag« armies find tim^ or money for the education ot -X- 11 tl,.' iir< uniHtan<-'H it is almost ■atoaiaaißg t,> Uara tkal aoaaaaya 18 percent. in-, i m aaeh eomtptMj
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  • 128 5 CONTRABAND Deputation to the Premier A deputation wan appointed as an outcome of the meeting mentioned yesterday (of the Indo-Ckina branch of the Chamlier of Commerce) to which Mr Italfour intimated his willingness to receive the deputation immediately. <'oal and Food Mr Hilfour declared that whilst aduiitttine that ood
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  • 130 5 ■ml Kuropatkin teleirraphg that Hst li^.it is causing a re<firren<H of dysent.-r\ Skirmishing at Vnshanchan TIMM have U-en bvqiitMf OOtfMMl ,iHur> sotitli oi Aunhanshmi THI PORT AKTHI X FLKK I The rasualtics I'nuiv ("kthoui-k« r»-j.oti-. that tkl v.-»>..U which returne<J to I'-rt Aithur after the figlit r>(
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  • 275 5 Chin*-- t A i«. .i« at la,-t loiin-1 his way into the Lori In raatesnaate; wit. neat this, from tha m >.! p.ij»-r Three OrMßtali m i ,iv m>i*-<trA! at MarH>>rouyh-street I*-.1 1. when AMuU Khan an«l Ing-- Khau, Indian k\ti-hen porter- *jtnj.lo\»-l at. rh»-
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  • 52 5 Urn Alpine Guide Well, here «c msj on the pea> at last. The Touriat Oh, |«lia\ do you iu«MX to saj «re can get no higher Don't bhj t»«i» i <am aiic«nd no further. Th- •niid* Well, jom rjii dim up this .tlpenHbx-.k if yon want to. It'« «even
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  • 79 5 Whilst we are overhauling our sy-.U-um of edn< ation it might t<e bsJ| U> consider tV ■i. u**lpl*aM»neM of the average educated KngHshiuan «< carpenter, builder, rook, odd job, and all-round handy dud. It would \<9 bard to om-*ive of an unhnndier mv taan a course of
    79 words
  • 136 5 'I liiHse* *re n-p..rt*!<l to ha\»- \i-«iU*<i tv«» rvHiden.-e of Mr K. L X rock man n last .iiu'ht, and Htolen a gold chain. The Hiudu Temple diHputf <-a«e came up l>efor* Mr Colman aguin this morning Mr K. W Itraddell app«re<] for the exrw^iver of tbe Temple and Mr
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  • 252 5 Obdinart Meetin.*, Fridat, Am. 26th. PrSMBNT I His Excellency the Uavurnor (Sir John \n<lent»u, k.c.m.m.) Th« Hon'Me th« Colonial Secretary (W.T.Taylor, cm..*.) the Colonial Trt»«urwr (F. G Penney the Attorney-Oenl W. R. Collyw. i.5.0.) the Col. Kntfinevr A Murray. the Auditor-General (B.C. Hill.) J. M A l l
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  • 158 5 i I.i r. 7/,,« j A special aahli fern Mm Pioneer* orre*;.f. dated Umiam, l"»th August, Uji that Mi* The Time* *«tim*t*» Mi* total Ru-aian k.IIM „nd wounded, with 113 guns an 1 1- ijuxiii, It further estin..,». «,.-ueral Kuropatkine's present strength I > 11,^1, „i,.i „rer *<hj guns,
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  • 237 5 The I^vUu-J BkippiDg t'omp*nj *u«nier Wl.'ifh ii, t \,r Ima fr.iu »wo*»tl»-, Australia, witli J7<<( t ,f <o«l for Bainarang aud Bour»'.;iv;t, -tru L an nknown rwef '»ff Ko<>ke Isl&i.'l on Jah 111,I 11, m had to be abandoned l.v Mm- -.v m|,o t«. n th« boat*. On
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  • 235 5 THE WRECK OF THE "AUSTRALIA." A» I.VTKKBKII.V.. f'oiNT KaISRK. PknP(*At,TONtr THI VKTOKIAN IMMBR, Sydney, Anoint ith. A preliminary meeting of underwriters interested m the cargo of the ■MM uiail steamer Australia wu held today, fur the purpo«e of t nsidering the advittaMenert* or otherwine of instituting legal pru-<M*-'iinKn against the
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  • 814 5 Ordinary llbetino, Acqcst 26, lf>ot. Pbesbht—Mr* E. <l Broadrick. President, Col Pennefather, I. G. P., Messrs Lee Choon Ouan, Cboa Giang Thye, R Allen. A J Watkins and C. J. Saundera. Mr F. J. B«>njan«ld, Acting Secretary; Mr C. R. Willi;tni». Acting Engineer. President's Remarks. The I*re«i<l*nt ku<l
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  • 366 5 A dUastrotiM fin- m reported from Ilsfeld. a town of Wurtptuhur^, m (jeruianyJ Three hundred houses, the town hall, and a church were de«troyed. Russian placard* at Harbin, stating that the Japanese will he (|iiickly driven into the sea. have provoked the Chine** rexidenU to derision. Dr Gladstone
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  • 48 5 TIES FOR TO-DAY. Ladies' Doubleh, Final. The Misses (iunn v Mrs Brooke and Mrs Evans. LAnitV Singles, Final. Mm Sal/matin v Minn Newton. TIKS FOR MONDAY Mi*ki> Dmni.M, Fixai.. k Oun Mid WtuMell km! Mr I Sii/inHU.i v Mi«s Gunn and Mr (tsiil^y
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  • 24 5 The inviution of No 2 O>, S. V. I. t.. \>>\- —l»»W IvtlM Otab-kMBM to-uight bsWUm Kout« March, extends to all units of the Cri.-
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  • 73 5 ■THn CoMMTNIty I.hh l>eeu l«uefitte<l by the introduction of Chau brain's Colic. Ohehra and Diarrhoea Remedy into thi« country. There ih scarcely a neighbourhood but that someone .an found whot»e life has J>een saved by \t» uk«. It is the beat known medicine for all form, vt stomach and rowel
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  • 90 5 < >ue of the uiodt useful Institutions of this country promises to be The Diabetic Institute of London, established for scientific research into the origin, cau»e and treatment of Dial*-ten and the secondary symptoms gout, rheumatigui carbuncle*, etc Hardly any disease is so little understood, and at the same time
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  • 217 5 To--..i 9m P<»r At Hongkong Ac B-ily»«-- ru Penan^' 4 Calcutta. Ap>;ir :i ru IUhh v Mala. i>m Pfin».aK Deli Hel* 3 ru Hongkong A Amoy PalamootU i-m P Bwrtt*>nhani r. ir ljle :t ph P»uang A Coloml". Mojune A m HoD^kong 1« Telema< ha* .1 ph Bangkok
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  • 125 5 Sr Andksw'h Cathbdrai. 7 am Matins and Litany. 7.45 am Choral Celebration. ■*>.;U) pm Evensong and Sermon There will le no Servi.e at St Matthew, Oajujbbobl Chi k. n InfMn ii/i T mglin 9 4"» am Bhikang M:.': 10 45 am Pulau Brani Holy Couiuiunion each place
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  • 32 5 Aug. J7. Correcpon<lunt« wishing to male* enquiries on company or financial questions an<l matters, may do so by addressing letters to Finance," o/o this ofios, and same shall have his attention.
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  • 63 5 (COEEECTID DP TO Aug. 27.) B*nk4in/. 1/1J demand 1/11, Private credit* i m 1/11,:, crediU burn Ill; Pbancb, demand -J4J t Qbbmant. demand..« 11.".'I1.".' India. T. T. 144J Honoeons, demand .>• dis Yokohama demand Jata, demaad 116 Bangkok, demand 58; SOTBBBIONB, $1" V' Bank of England Kate 3 Diaoount
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  • 137 5 < August 17 i Tin 7".. Ownbier m >.>. do. Cube No. I I^. do. do. No. 2 11. Pepper, Black (ordinary S pore> B tt. do. White. (Fair L. W. S po., 38. (Tatmega 110 to Mm 45. do. 80 to the IS. 82 Maoe (Banda) 145. Gloves
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 20 5 ~zr A Ice Cream Creezers ~z r r Cycle Accessories Tarpaulins .McAlister Co, Ltd. McAhster Co, Ltd. McAlister Co, Ltd.
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    • 341 5 ADELPHI HOTEL j I "Oran/e" Dinner In honour of the Birthday «.i H M QUin U lI.HKI.MiS- 01 11i.1.1.W1. Special Dinner n On Wednesday the 31st Inst. at 7.30 p.m. tUM MM I \.m> 7;jbi. \k.n uj. ist wi u\ m\r- In attendance during dinner and a»terwa ds on the
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 1077 5 TOPICS OF THE WEEK. Quiequid a-gunt homines notiri ettjarrago libtlli. JVVENAL. 'Xt -/'Kcipa/i i«n/." Words on the medal commemorating the dispersal of the Invincible Armada just two htsMrod and sixteen years ago. The Mikado's government can to-day issue some memorial of the same kind. The Russians, from the Tsar downwards,
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    • 155 5 Malayan diploma, and admits you to the noble fellowship of all truo Straits men. The French Government Commission appointed to ascertain the causes of the diminish ing birth-rate recommends abatements of taxation to fathers of large families. Why not improve on Ihis suggestion and give direct State-aid for each young
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    • 248 5 VESSELS IN PORT. i :r Iff i£fcg I: se I 11 ti Ear*. £S Sr 5St r J5 :E g 1 E II g hi 8 Rirkm^i It II 1 v v Uin ss s: gsa LATEST ARRIVAI II g: r el ■SST Sri U; t r BriW... Sut? r"
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    • 381 5 SSKNtiKKH AKHIVBU. C I. X x iK1..1..11 .IU i ■■■■■<< -7 Konir H. Manil. Reaident Sliiff. I) t [{1,;,,. N Bangkok M-n.. i H'l*-. Hi I l-'.ri. i'.,\ D.'h Fartta, it.,: f M r.irlyl. H A i L 00*... iltaea, fvr Baut-t I r^.- k s. i- mat.- if M
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 355 6 attofrttsmunts. NOTICE 1 n that we will not bold ourMe for any l.nwint**- ooaftrael m .Mir i.iiiio through Obuu Yew Obifi v u-i OrRDAB PITRSHOTUMDAS v < NOTICE W% have »ppo<Dt«d M««6rt< Qfiun <■■ **4m A^ut* *at KiM,i Kn/iuN, Uoil»-: I i- ila^SuuuktrH. Sin m. Mam Oi THEii A Co,
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    • 570 6 atrorrttsrmmts Kcppcl Golf Club The Abiiiul Oenerml Meoting tA thaKeppel iii, «ii; be h.-hl i.t I p in jit Urn Clnk HoaM on laCardaj kMg*M -'Tid. Tronoh Mines, Ltd. NOti.r i- aataay gi\.n that Mr. W. Omß Payaa l to be Au.lit..r ,m<l Ragietnr tothe ■kota Obainaßy from the l^tli
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    • 599 6 'anbrrtismifitß. MORTGAGEE'S OF A NEW MOTOR LAUNCH To m; Hki.ii at Powku, (\»'s Blalk-boom Oh \V,,},l,^l.njjL. SIW [»,J. l'.H»4. J UM;. .iw. An oil motor luun.'li luilt of U-uk t t lie l»urilien «>f three ton* of th«* following diuifiixioiu Laagkk J'j feet Mr.M,lth C, feet Daatk 3 hai Caa
      599 words
    • 547 6 BOARD ANl> LODGING CoioMH*h!e rooian v>i ant al 2 Clumxm Miml...;u.'. Apply to Km CVBBtCE. Auy 7 it L AU R A VILLA MI)TTS H«>AD. IM)OMS to !><• let, July To be let for immediate entry No. M, IriHf it nt I'.n HUL K'-ut v r".. m. .in lily. Apply
      547 words
    • 343 6 Ktjferrtisrntntte. ISLAND LINE OF STEAMERS Regular six-weekly service between Sydney and Singapore. For Brisbane Sydney, via Thursday Island, British New Guinea, New Britain North Queensland Ports. Tin; British Bfe urn AIRLIE," •2,'A.'<7 ton-. '.ij.fain Wii!i..ii,-. «rtil !<• iHß^lhai for the ;il«.\.- parti M Tkuradujr, tu.- I t B V>«-r. Mi.-
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    • 250 6 mbsteaws Caidlaw c« Have just Received a New Stock of Art Serges Art Mushns. and Cretonnes, Suitable for Purdahs, Curtains, Draperies, covering of Furniture, Cushions, etc. m s —AqtigSS? r". merges V'' 1 1 1 v lor hM /SF Colour,. CrimKr»i,n.lin K H «i,!, j .aß^^B M md Wi.itl, ;i
      250 words