The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 19 August 1904

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 21 1 THE Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES. SINGAPORE. l-lUD.u, M list in. IQnT DAILY ISSUE \Q, r> l j^T"
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 562 1 P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION OOMPAJT] For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon Au-.tralia, Ind.a. Aden. Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Ttar-viKh Bills of L.uling issnwi f., r China < oast. Peisian Gulf, Continental, ami Ami Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LOI C'huuin BUnl, Malt., kit Olm go
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    • 508 1 3&brriisrmriit&. N.TTL Norddeutschc-r Lloyd, Bremen '•""K'fAL GERMAN MAIL LINE Tfc, f.,, t and well.ln.own mail HUxuaen q{ -'■•tly fro,,, Bremenh "Lin,. Antwerp South *hZZ Port fiSl' ,"*k.and KobetoTokl u J';. HOMMVAKD Am n s Zi'ten o,. L 3] i'.in/H B .s Aii.« Km j, i 10 ilMh and ticket* r-it<^
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    • 440 1 Singapore ana Kranji Railway. From April Nth, IM* and until further notice Train Service for Week Days and Sundays DOWN. Singapore tS &Sb ,ti a a pm Newton 7 lou7 12-fc! fg «00 <16JI 7.4^) IQjOfl 12 jig sb es S Li 33 3 a? g Sj Woodlands •s£* In
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    • 497 1 anurrusrmrntb Hongkong and Shanghai Bank^ tonwration. SiS^FSn Sterling Reserve 110,000,000 Silnsi R«f»rve....s 6,*****0 KHHI-UVB LIABILITY OF P«OPB,i,TORH $i0( OOVBTOf DIHBCT.JBB. tGoL F WS E^-r>-^rr Chairman a LTJr V H S A A. 11* TIT E«Q If ur rj. Qran Man«o IR; HoKo«o K a._j B M BMITH, Es*. Mana<jbr Shanghai
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    • 403 1 aournisfiunus. RAFfS hotel :O BY SPECIAL REQUEST nit r >!»"-'■- ierved u.,i,,,. ml;u SARKIES BROS. Proprietors. Hx Royal Exchange Assurance. m- i i mi i. \f) Magdeburg Fire Insurance < Company. i-m i', ''.KHV MI.V! N"ith British ,v Mercantile Insurance < <>. a BBHH, MK\ KB I 1 The Liverpool
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    • 87 1 Company I London. in Sin* J? 1 at A. A I ROBUST tj^jf YOUTH Leads m {JmdJmjm to ■■'-'-r» i I I I I I f BEWARE Or IMITATIOIfSII! TRY. TRY. Vrv RISK'S SPECIAL RBBI i THREE m CTAD STAR VERY QLD OLD I crniru ■JSk/*^ «f< ov.uiLn u/uici'v WM
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 22 2 MVBUO On t li*» .'nd ii.-t;mt .Vitional H(mihh, K.m k '.M,n, tha w.f.. „f J v M of h "laughter.
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    • 75 2 Ei)wardB-Bbik<orf:.— On Saturday Mtt July, at Rangoon, \.y thr YmmmkU. Archdeacon, J. P. D\or, John Wii.i.iam. FtaiJway Police. Shwelio. to Isahu Mail, .-ldett <lau^ht»r of Mr an.l Mrs A. M 1) .s|,in-..nj. GriKlinh iin-1 / p>p»n pla«M ">i.\ MacDoHaU. Jh.lAnust Ju'n* .loth at St. JoLn°H Church. WmUtloo. by
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    • 40 2 Tarlki.-n. At MutHiMii-i... „i, t1,.. J it h July ItHi Mart Rkatkm k. tl,.- hilou] «if.. o f '"■"'r VT«Moi Tbrtefem, B Omvbi ItMinj H(,u,.- Kii.-. 7ti, ultimo. Tuomxa OsAan GbovaK. t; lit.-■t-Hn,n\*y Md „f Muunt OnuiiM,, MHNJ
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  • 538 2 4tmla. Wun !>■• I-1 r f|j. Mm j;. i,,. HutMN Lordi daeinoa ia Proa Irareh >• ■ti.iU'l Immt CoorU f rii-I'm'.-.i Praa Chaveh of aVutiaad, tin I •■i i i -nit Wt tom know t., I.- r .-.i!i'\ It If tha
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  • 330 2 Descbiftio.v ok mi: Sa. hki> < 'itt. Simla. Au^iiHt 7 Tb* Thil*-t Mission rea<-h ■i T.hansa. without further opp «ition, at nooi on AujfUßt 3. All are well Ui.ik.-m, Au-u-t :>. via Qjaati I When w.- aaoaadad tha Chaaa| to-<bv tu.l loohad domi oathdritj ..t Uiatisa, thi th»-
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  • 362 2 rof M. J iMr All building had of our Urgwt ratbedn w of Bam u culture Ho induced n in.-,,, mmd ■UppattlMa Km. whm th-y wnUd km Rh »,..,K|.. in ,i r and expenditure met w,t!. t(l;it „''ii,li^ all Sir AUro I ;in .i 1B 1 r~TTlllj
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  • 252 2 Hoawwanl Dm.h ui,,! rtMw fv.n---1.. Borrow ,t P 0 -t.-.u.i... i V| Spin, w.,, r T an u J wmk tmdimt I*9 II tk««M ilbi n Singapore u t* 1-' few ""1 1" ti..m l»-r JohMlM PI r §m tLe (swimnisg Club ua Bundaj BJouj 7*» r ifi Loadoa
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 240 2 Btofrttsnanm. Caldbeck Macgregor Co KSTAMI ISHKD IK(U Wine Spirit Merchants, (London, Glasgow, Honkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. ROBINSON Co, NEW STOCK OF AMMUNITION KYNOCH'S SMOKELESS CARTRIDGES C^^V jfia^SlT^ r <f h vv 'th rxlra sirrl lint*<l 1 'f V |M' WWiYpßa! Ik. ill umlcr lli<- bras*, which \l«?^^*3
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    • 515 2 'Sbbrrtisfinrniß. AUCTION SALE OF i Twelve VALUABLE HOUSES SITUATE IN THE TOWN OF SINGAPORE I'D HELD AT POWBI.L Co'* SaLIC-Kim.m ON Tuesday, the 23rd Aug, 1904 at a.30 p.m. ROBINSON KOAD. All that WttmMt 'j-Mitie \jj<»wn M \o. 25 Hol>inson Road, Sing-]H>iv OKHL BTSUI Ail thiMM* three rahuMi |omh kMI
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    • 632 2 i r o bans ft&ferntemtfnts TURNOUT FOR SALE Brown Geliiiu^, Hitni'-tH ;tn<l *i i<?. <..ini.iet« Price W <• Apply t.. a. B i',. Aug 1 ji.s ENGINEERS' ASSOCIATION. The inoiir >>1 v Oiami Hwii i.- uf tai A^m-ia-tion will 1* L.;ll in Um Mai.n. «'!.ii. „u tlif nun- oi Saturday.
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    • 32 2 LOST On lHth. from Bninksomc in^ar Tantflin Clul.) ;i Fox Terrier ***** Puppy a>>out 2 months old. No oolhir. Only m:uking on right Hide of h*ad. Pl«aw n-turn to W. E. (LEAVER.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 134 2 THE WEEK. Fbiday, lJ>th Hi*h Water r—9M a., 4.3 p 8V A R^ruiU Can Drill. 5.1 5 p MurkensM«n-jl©eH Contort, Taatonia Club, 9p BATrRDAT. 'J<>th Hi<h W»t*r V2J a PA <> Mail <>utw;ir.l .InCrulrt. Si i S K r BC < H( Jn-l 1 ittl 'a vm Ruffl.-« Laiim h
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    • 69 3 The Japanese Only Two Miles Off R-iiiterV oonmtfomimt at Chifu wires that siu.v the cnpture ..f Su«hiyen by the Japanese, mentioned on Au« 16, th* Japanese hare pushed „u „v..r Mils and are now bejond Palintfchiu*. win,], i, tw,. miles from the city. ■mMmt'i cri.-spoudeiit
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    • 18 3 Natives Hostile •ifn» Kuropatkm report- "here, .iii.l the situation uuchamred The Chuuehuses av.- in«-rva~ »•_'!>
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    • 31 3 •Japanese Coercive Squadroa Expected Keuter'* BHUeSfHiail— l ,u Slian.-li.i, that h fspaaei M|u*dtoi sd to-day, 1" .-lit. t. tli.. .Ihiu.iu.l tint th»- Artk..!.l and > "i- Ik- dismantled.
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    • 39 3 RuasU'i Keply t.. Great Britain .\gvt-r* in Principle m- amafuadaari »l lv 4 M f ni I; Britain will raoogajiaw the validity th« British iti.l rimra, diffaraari •»..-n «li. lit i- >T: lute c..iit r Ml
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    • 55 3 The -p^itir Ml I winch <. .uplmue.l «:ll probaMj servfl for ••>nsi<lerati-.n a < orrection la v.'.rLn d v 'tne-Ura!" for WO l.«*i>; .ill,) 1.. UiL'i .>i war t'.-r tnu HusM.m CruiMi oil I ipe Inceni A B the ■<)■ V::. Another oilier liTMled An cimiLRising
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    • 40 3 TRANSVAAL IMMIGRANT LEGISLATION. the Tr« a Cape in r*"\- •t*t** tij^t <i#-j,ut,it;'.n of British In I ■:■l.aß^ bw -jti. Ar *int? oScmlh <lou}.t what Miciw;]l expraaaed sjmpathj with t: t'lon. j bVlp thfftii if i it without breaking the law
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    • 10 3 <j H kei.) an llltlDli .ltl'.
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  • 301 3 I'he i.'.ent activity of the Russian commerce ■leatrovan ..u the European wide of the Canal. n is added considerate interest t,» the .question of shipping, and also tates anl freight*. Il will U- remembered that earlier in the war, the British ttOMMV "Allauton" m captured
    301 words
    • 44 3 inniflf-r ,f J' ri Arthur '••f-ort» that he vr. 1 16 ta the «*wiv oataoeta, u }>*r\fuif>niiurt- mmm aakatwa Mabodrißg I!.- M tor th»* MM Bone tubmt i and a letw i«l».ThA^ doeMMM taded to the chief ff of (ptrrijx.n
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    • 16 3 <>n A Bf 1 7 the en<r UM| witii a raplj raftN
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    • 211 3 H'.W A Wa IKKhJOI I WA- < HE" KI ;u»v .1 il v l:nh. Captain bartaoa d tha b •»,.<•. land and N«w Guhum. in <>f the ii<J-.u ibla ii*-u. ui a. dead -a! in, w ben a wafer* ich«d, and appear. -1 lik.*'lv t<jorerwh»-lui Um mweL
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  • 121 3 MISS MURKENS AND MISS MERRYLEES. 1'• iciKATtn Tan raaru Clob Hi aiban ol tfea Vmtoaria aad Taaglia Chaba ar»» reminded 'bat Mim, Raaviatta >I'lrk^•ll^ aad M m Edith Marrjlaaa, ol Uha LeaMloa Ladiai Tho, will plav t- niirht at the Taotoaia «'lui>, ..u whi.i, onnaaioai thej will bava tba ir
    121 words
  • 95 3 A QUESTION OF PETTY REPAIRS. I Hibk M h faililii; with r hicli be .ii [1 will I- b the BBMNU M Mr N rebut r All tb Tbw broken tilea :a f h»- back Mr Nil Court t Mr] that in tha ApfM t ijr»- a. ri<l -Mr K
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  • 121 3 OUR TWENTIETH CENTURY ROADS. rma r 1 I ir»- tii»- ttomdi wp know r ■vfln'-'.s. irhieli «-af> oaee our t r ;imwi M rt-l Hhook- -»il) -i i r u-*-i]i tjivo chattered. w<- know •it ]„n. h'-U VO'l A lw.iv mi to lad I nu\ WT< tr> cotnpl rbaa Aut
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  • 85 3 EXPLOSION ON A FRENCH WARSHIP. JuiH- 27th. The uteauier MaripOMC tvhich <;t!ii«> tnitu Tahiti, brought 1 Innler eiplobion M th«« French onUMT DmMMBj reiuhtug in th< death of nfun-n »i«"U J\ irr*yj whilf tb« warslnp wai ou h«i wa' to Noumea from Papeete. an<l th»- la^t th». Kronen officials at
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  • 39 3 A sanitation Municipal Sub-couimittee at Rangoon liav*- a<hi»»-<l that Mr Ault, of the tinn of Shove ta4 Ault, whose «y*t»*iii ih at work iu BuaHßi !>♦' 111 v u«*«i to visit the town, report upon the drainage, and recommend anv
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  • 408 3 JKOIMIW CokAI. (iKOWTH. SOSM [WMIIIUH I'aBTIOTLAKS. There is ui> doubt that the discovery of the rovk noar Uoadia Head, on which the (ierrnait steamer I'rin/ H.'inncli" nearly came to grief short time a.'.. u.iH moat fortunate, for lvinir M it doe-. rii_'lit in tin-
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  • 156 3 r t> CirrtiptnJtn'.} Tfc' i* 1 w.ih »-v»-ij ri 1 tli.tu tli*» Hr-t 'J'ii.-r.' wan 4 ■ea, an.i iha tii)!-i,,-s mmt Um in..-.! f r r e\citin_'iv elaaa The <iall..wav Handicap f> «'..i Knr- I, Tb«»- j. Miiii .•1 <L'J Tim« 1 mm M ■utar a
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  • 420 3 I'wil. VLAM Ot Al Dl«**m KU'PKT 'i eft A limn- i I, 'i irrMw] h*Tf thin in-- tram >ln h Jk rvttorta he left U iacual 18 sad when pttM I 1 i- 1 ti Hainan 1,. <Hi i; bet *>" i b« tac BritMi iteaMM
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  • 57 3 [■loffßMftaM ha« ban laoaWajl that the British steamer Tenb\ from Kngland to (JhiUa, has HH MMM off Kmmash;iv<-n near f'.t'laut;, iiinl th<; Tanjonj^ l'agar I)o«k C'\ an- srndiutf the tug Mercury to her Maiataaai T'u' Tenl>^- is vessel of 2,559 torn net .tii'i ia ownfti in Meh«rs
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  • 58 3 Ihil iiioimuu U-foiv Mr Mkhell. All and Akili two Miini<i|>al ittmthm w.-re charged with MOMvißg an illegal gratification .iu<l aHHaultiu^' a Police Detective. The case wm j»oHtp»n»vl till AsiK -'♦>. Yesterday before Mr Mu h»<ll. a < lnuani<tii wu sentenced (-1 two tnunthn hard UU.ur for entering a ihop in
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  • 446 3 Ht li4jßi. RoBBBTI Lord Roberta is the master-worker"' selected l)V Mr Harold JV^hie for < J>;«r;i«l«r sketching in the July "Pall Mill IfagHiao" "a neat little m;iu, with»l»- forehead, hair, heavily lidded OfM ;i prominent ■Booth ii'iMf, it ltr.ia-1 wirv m 'ii*ta<lie, ;iii<l 1
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  • 725 3 'I'"* Nivcawj Julj 1 1,.- battM I obiao tuii-h.-l ..u Suii-Liv .•.»-nuitf At dm-i.r-.ik on Hoadaj amraiag .1 gaol iru tm-l 1.. l|)H -I hut it elicited ft ti^ r tinr. h.-.ird ;tt Keweawaag jaaterdai 1;- B :nit that th»-ir lad 700, l.m oa g tbei Luow «.xilv
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  • 140 3 (A'ii»u-,t I' 1 Tin 7;U7i Gambier m r». do. Cube No. 1 m 1;;. do. do. No. "2 11. Pepper, Black (ordinary S'por*> 2rt. do. White. (Fair L. W 5 pc, Natmegs 110 to th« ft.) 4_> do. 80 to the ft. 90 Maoe (Band*) 14,. Olorea (Amboina) 33
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  • 12 3 1 pauy 01 *'>' 11<J ir this often »nl Miuf ill h»v
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  • 41 3 1 Baufe 4 in !)i 111* Pnva' mi 111* 111 FtAMK, doMMMI j;j Germ* i India. j j.j Jata, dsßMsvl 1 1 x, 'l«'in s.u.l Sovbrk: ii Bank vi Bag Di(*<-ount I in. -u- B*»- Silver 1... n .1..r. -'i
    41 words
  • 220 3 '.sl.ltHl. SB tl m-s >_s r ii l _a i'l I 1 In TJ [Jj H. 111 Brii-.1. II Im |o |o 1...0 Deeyel..] «>ophii« lin ...Xl XI Jeleb-oMin liq Kadaaaii..ld.*rl IK, rr, Kar-vn-ran lui In Kinta. As.,. i>i 1 in 1 "O0 Kinta Tin M flj H
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 275 3 HERE WE ARE AGAIN AT I Hl] Australian Stores. L. L. T. C. TOl KNAMKNT. I KSTKKDAV > J'I.AV MIXH. Dol HI.KH. A OU Wm '.mm and Mr Hailey l* .t Mr- Plhwi an. l Mr H.-lUrt. H :t, >i 4 Mrs Cliri-iti.' ;.ti.| Mr 11,]. Wat In 5.,1.,. 1
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    • 335 3 ADELPHI HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, the 2Oth August H)OV. at 7.30 p.m. UITH THE M\\( HKTBR'B BAND l\ \ni.\h\ N i;. SARKIES, JOHANNES Si Co. OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co., Ltd ANl> Chma Mutual Steam Nav. Co.. LW. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Strait*. China
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    • 7 3 MARTIN'S <APIOL &ST EEL w 5 S
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 244 3 Best of all l*Loni> PUBIFIEKS is .laying Alterative It cures Scrofula. Hole Ageata for th» straits THE SINGAPORE DISPENSARY. Mar 1 M \ll> I LOSE, l; Tolv aM K. B«jmlm II AH I"' 1 I Ann Hcmgkoßg I ...ui SaUilc 1 I)jauj|,j» Hoag M I i» I''irt S»»-tt<!iihjttu \o Pin
      244 words
    • 344 3 VESSELS IN po iTr 5." W Fl*e*ndTon, "i MM "iili Rm:il n.MB.|aW»W)W«k" \7 WSfHM 8 now \9W St. f'nc«rWin Knn Wl,;,te Hin Bntl!'". For 1 jv H t", n Batavier Brit SM M.. r IS M 5St! K lanU CWPVy. lf Tl h r;t ftJJJK '^'"M-.-r M, R i),,t i3ii
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    • 24 3 U L l. H v c K m I via B U.,- ■BBTIIM \I IHI WTHARVBS TO-DW IHI I I BSBtkM •tiol. K H
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 534 4 gabrrtiflmuntg. WAR MEDAL LOST. 1»n ?un.\4J afternoon. V»iwe<>n M Mt/ .l^-1 1- ri i Ho'jbl, .1 Booth Aft W«r awda] (Qaean'a) witk ribboa aadtwo l»:"^ v th th«> inscription Lee -forpl. A. E. O. DeV.r--f *-vlon v,->unt»-*>r t omj.AnT. < Moaaaaw aVajaaaat. A reward will l-> jKtid, if necessary. 1
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    • 522 4 ajurrtuaiiiifiiis. NOTTCK Thf public are Informed they can obtain the best Kerosino Oil as suppi lod by the BurflMl Oil Coy., at 05 cts per tin. It can be delivered from DattS which fro out daily, to any address. No extra charge. The sub Agenta, < hop Soon Seng" Beach
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    • 722 4 MORTGAGBE'd BALS Oi Valuable Leasehold Land and House Situate al Clyde Terrace, Singapore 'I'm he hfi.l' at Powrix A Co's Hai.k-koom On IStanfaf, /A'- :J'»M l!»<»4. ai I 80j».M. All thut vau;il>l»> aiaea al laataaoU ha4 Hituaai .it Clyile Terrace. Sin(japor»", estimated to contain un area <>f 1,025 square feet
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    • 317 4 TMtfrttscntnttf. John Little Co Ltd| FOR KVERY DESCRIPTION OF HATS \SPECIAL N. show HELMETS NJ«« ™X BOATERS\ SPECIAL^ PAPQ show V^«r lohn Cittle Go., Ltd. THE YOKOHAMA DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. No. l DOCK Ko 2 DO R Leo«rtll Insui" 514 rt. I -i^th lnsi.h- 871 WUUhof entrance, top M ft
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    • 293 4 ISLAND LINE OF STEAMERS Regular six-weekly service between Sydney and. Singapore. For Brisbane Sydney, Via Thursday Island, British New Guinea, New Britain North Queensland Ports. AIRLIE." Mai 1 I BOJSTEAD& Co, I gents, British India Steam Nav. Co., Ltd. PENANG, RANGOON CALCUTTA. 1 1 TAROH'A, fui the ii i. dooa
      293 words
    • 324 4 Jlnufiusciiicius. GOVERNMENT 35 I IPICATION. T.-ii n- < '"lonial tnry'M Offi. \U"I, for UM follow in v Erei'tion of .c N". M PlanH an<l B^ieoificationii may l»- Meav and printed lonM of t. i,.'. partictiliin oi/t.un»'<l <t Um Put. li«- Worl I». rtaMMl Oak*, BkMfBaOM, iin.v -1..v i. ,urn of
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    • 496 4 9Htoriusrnu*iiui. L AU R A VILLA »TTs BOAD, KOOMS to be let. July I To be let for immediate entry Pa M, friMtitution Hill. Rent ?7*». monthly Apply TOMLINBON A LKRMIT. 1 Raflea Pleee f 2> ur TO LET^ Claughton f'at«?rnon Roud, fumiaked. Entry Ist Septum )*r. A|>ply to AH
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