The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 10 August 1904

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 510 1 Sbbrrttsnnmts. P. O. ISTKAM NAVIGATION OOMPAITf For China, Japan, Pcnang, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Eg^rpt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Thr>'ieh Bill- lor Cluna C/oeiit. PeT«ian <i'i f. I .1, nnd An P.rt Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAH. U I MM Bentfiil .in.!-! <>, t I t'r-im
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    • 493 1 fltittnusrmrnts. NIL fforideutnher Lloyd, Bremen. nmUAI GERMAN' MAIL LINK Tlie f.wt and wßhlll mail uteamers o£ 5""l -rhtly from Bremen- Antw...j,, SouthI f.-rt Said, Bg, Sin-;ijM>,v, Hong- :vi K.-Us to Yoko'll'l liack. n Sinpipore on or al-out the '"uierniPnT -.-s *M> HOMEWARD ,*>nau An.; I 188en AllL _.j igf4 j:.
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    • 660 1 Singapore and Kranji Railway. From April 11 th, 1904, and until further notice Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. DOWN. SINGAPORE «...JS 7*2 tSo IS* Mfl 5£ SIS SS a ffi ci :[a a as ssp a s a Holland Road •jj^j J«g |J^J U fftti 7. r ,4
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    • 356 1 N Y K japan MAif. imnnr uum^-l.Ttli.- foil .win SK\\ TWiv SCRBW BTIAMBBfI 1 H m.ui. .I',-., huh rn Imrt ■I*MV( K'ir»i>Aan with fKfllent aoeommo f „a immnf^H. and titu-1 «itn all th< modem im(>ro\eaMß«i f<.r th.-.r I Capi. Awa Mar«: Tr»-nnt 8i.v,,., Mai.: I 1 Dariea Hakata Makc
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    • 512 1 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking CoiDoration. i Aii.up Capita: $lo,o<. Krnbkvb Funi gjaiilf, Wmm n $10,000,0001 Hilver Rssst.i.. 6,500i000j 116>5< j KBBBRVB LIABILITT UK Pbopribtors QOVB.I OP DIKKCTi.RH. A. J. itAVMoM I M ,.MAN Ji. E TOHKUni I r Y Chairman E. dumrz. Is*. I Hoa R Bcawaa Hon. W. Ofjaaaasj
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    • 425 1 fltrtirrtubrmrntf. RAFFLES HOTEL Criterion Dinner on Saturday 13th lnst. BY SPECIAL REQUEST A Criterion Dinner will be served on Wedn*»cU Aligns in Honour ol I In- Birth da KerMajesl> (j,,,,,, SARKIES BROS. Proprietor Pharais Assurance Uompany Mmited, The Uanton J .-e, Limited, ITon| i C>: |l f VD A Co,—
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    • 108 1 tragnnt with ill FOR BGR LATEST PttFUBS. RIGAUOS USER IS Extract RIGAUOS LOUI RIGAUO' ALTESSE RIGA UD WHITE VIOLET RI6AUOS SOU! A M Mi r M VirtMM. rillS TRY. TRY. 3IQITQ lAL RESERVE I TK ('iK Hi r Qi. SCOTCH P| Jg^j WHIS^ \i. :!t me MerSole^i KimHin&Co., Sii "WHITE
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
  • 1122 2 The Singapore Free Press. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1904. fhg hg jgh jgh il svi. to .|.n w ill l»- hi I I 1 1 1. i .ii,l hintorical c >i \n.l trim Scotland I .ui Kii U .tflir-. ..i Kirk u than minded pel mm to watt warily, leal be
    1,122 words
  • 31 2 SPECIAL TELEGRAMS. PORT AinniH |{cpor:«'(j Kbotbom sick LM (Special to i lit- BaagapOM Fm Pre*«") Buaaftaag, 10.19 pm. It in reported lint ih.-r^ .«r»- I".<nh» sick auJ w<>i-n<l<-«l ;if Pnti Arthur
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  • 87 2 41tO thai tfco ■caaßaM -ir« n^'otiaMntf with IhtJaMMM '"-"ill iw.iv tli<> (ic»s| -hi|> .|i;i" with Ihe Pod Vitlnir inv.ili.l* JipMMM PrOffVMI Tli»- .(.i|.i.-- Inw ueevpM ill* 1 l'"' latiJD.' '•> (be BuftlMMl "f l'i_'«-'i> B panic m rapm tod to Arthur General Stoessri Hi nsatiunal Keporl it i-
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  • 57 2 i in- wt-n-Kii w arrireil i will i;iv<. t« •■lit.-rUininenU i" Mall '.ii Frid tad S*t> N r r> d artinU whi.y> H speoiali- memur *hfn he i not tins- .i I' tioaal «>n»--in ui eatcrtauuaent, i»-tin»-.l and humourous, with never i .JmII ainaaaart in the baa
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  • 350 2 a Kn.Uv transacted 9a Ntarj 1 > M of UIC XI "I" v v 117,521 i..t. i»f military contribution 19 renewal „t ih,- contract with the i lM ,i „,^i le bHwwa Ma inn r t, and i»n the t.-rin. -*-t ..ut in Cuueil Paper in- ot Mm
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 290 2 aDDii'iisrmnits. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. ESTABLISHED is<>li Wine Spirit Merchants, (London, Glasgow, Honkong, Shanghai) SINGAPORE. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION.'J lwf RAINPROOF YET POROUS \Sjf\. WvSSff^^mmmmmmmm KOMEYA CO. JAPANESE CURIOS AND GENERAL STORE HAVF MOVED TO No. 23 and 24 HIGH STREET And .In-! Unpacked a Lann i Porcelain Wares, Riimi)
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    • 533 2 'antorrttsrmrMß. The BankrujUcy Onli nance, \HHH. In Iba BapMBM ioari of Um Strait* ttltruienU SKI! ll)ll\! Ol I s N'. \I IN HANKKIITi V H 7 of I*o4 (1) Tan POBI K.'.'S Gfcop N H-..5,. K.-.-..i\ in- r n, i.l- Ist \ llHil. Dat*> of ()nI.T for Siiiiiin -try Ailmiiii
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    • 454 2 T"o^nr«j SMtntterntntts r i(»WV WAIL Frcear's V/orld-Famous Frivolities I n«ler tli.- [i.iti.j.i ..I l!i- K; t.- .I' .-r;_; i|..,ic. T/i/s Friday andjSaturday AUGUST l^iii and 15th. FRIVOLITIES. roaad 1 1..- «..tM. .i >] i i K 11/I 1 ii. -fn, K ijmi r mi ,tii BoUmkn PI .i,.. I |{i.;ti-M
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    • 222 2 WANTED TO BUY I ""(i hvah laado tlmmm BnaiUen we 1 SEA-SIDE PROPERTY FOR SALE in PRIVATSTBBATY A plMMUtlj in lt) ,l I'.iH-ir I'.inj.n/ OOtnjMWiag MM of ;.l-.nt MfH, «.tl, 1 ti.;.- „11 ti,.- m MM* Hiiit.iKl.- f..r :i s.-,i--.i't>- mUmN. II I- 00OHLAH 00. UsMmd Ant i,, n
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 57 2 THK WKKK. V* Ki>MMMI l"tll Hi^li WaUr I ■>'. a It K I Hail HoaMward otoaat j. Thcrmi* y. 1 1th Hiich WhUt 10 |<i j, PailaanMßM Orch j Wwtm 11 17 1..:,i f K Call DBBI p iTMI I \y. 1 Jtl, Hi^b Water lomt, r.rh Higk lfa*art- •1*
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    • 43 3 BT. PBTBBSBURG KKPOKTS Ar. online l<> .i Peter-l'iir^ telegram, there Wdh a tiero* l>attle on the lan<lsi«le of port Arthur >n Am, 1 "i The Jap:m--.e li;»v.. Im-«'ii repulsed with ■'<>■ killed .il"ii being l<t.<Nx». Tin- lohl alxiut a thousand
      43 words
    • 123 3 Btnes*el telegraph* that tin- JajKiii- .'ii Port Artliur "ii Juh H and W were ivpuls.-d with ••imiiiuhis lotisee. Til* 1 KllS-i.lll losses nil tilt' three tl,i_\s W.T<u> oaVera ;iu'l 1,140 bmb Tin- Japanese, wli> li.iv.- mam oaptarad Wolfs Hill, are Bow entrenched in val mile from
      123 words
    • 34 3 Siberian Railway The Circum-Baikal Railway Doubling Postponed Kautef oorreapondenl > I reuai IUiL I K^iUar will l»>..j»-n l.v themidd Th.' intended d >al ing I tbe Siberu i i.,- t^n-ik'n oontracton have therefore beea 'Wliue.l
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    • 79 3 Tbe difficult w:• re<>t tli»- frw the Purto to the whrr»-in ifqu n>i man mdartaJciag Destruction of the "Sivoutch" ir*- l'_v t}.. and r»-*- bed i N Neutral M» n •> tntmen Tka H c«)s« booking statt-mf-nt by tli»- Premii i Mr H<tlt'jur »*1 owl thai 'i,.-
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    • 14 3 A ure Trillin Ars*-n,»: ha eetiatated at a millioa Cm
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    • 46 3 Rail way Accident in America engine and Iroad M! r J'^ p*r Hritain's Occupation oi Egypt I Hair, And Riimui. aot oaly t h*Khe<iivial Decree, but had aadertaJua i ob»t rurt. the action uf Cir^.r by a*kmg fora time linn tmn .r m any other manner
      46 words
    • 42 3 The liaily MagMaA' paritd eßui.-ncy diaplayt-d by all rank- ia the Tibet expedition in MBMovatiag iaprriifrhi b rd-lup* And difficulty, hu'l prompt hi<l satisfactory settl^m-nt The Mornjn^ IV^t' and ti i r«l equally eulujrise the tr
      42 words
    • 58 3 At the Tibetan Capital Dalai Lama Absent I'Ik» Hnti-h tr«-.p- at I ha— have camped oloaai t<> tha I>al*i Laaiav'i Oardea Lhaaaaeity m put out of hotaadi to ail rank* of the force Tha lulai Lama Inn either departed from Lha -wi or i> s*M-lu<lin(,' hiinThi 'I'ii*-t,in aaWak an i.ij,.
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    • 118 3 Mr Arnold lAwaten J{f-pl\ !,"r<l <;• h peakiag ia tka Hm.i** ot Couiiiioim, itai<l tbal Mr \rnol<l Patatar'i v ii. m.. atwvided aothiag lik«- tfca hun<lir«l thoiiuaud in. n th»- am. .nut ..I raja ft>ruein»Mits r.-.|inr<il lu-lm m ..-rUin ••meiHe deprecated |hj Btaaiiamtioa "t At
      118 words
    • 25 3 The Kasg has approrad tha laapawintasant •t Lord Curaca as Viosroj <<\ India, and it is underst ihi ssikioa Rovambar '>" Londou, Au>» I<>.
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  • 40 3 Before Mr Justiea B L Thornton Two Chinetw policeman a|.)..-.i1.-<l .lu'ini^l tli«- magisterial oonrietion in which thaj adjudged have, togathar with a third detfudant, received stoma pmpai'ti Hi Battenburgh was f«>r up|*-lhuit. and bii Lordship reversed the deoistonn.
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  • 269 3 The Municipal Coarauaaionen apu .i^';iin>t ,t 1'..1n-»- Court daetaioii Mr Napier by ..•iwin ..t tha Attorn-\ <i.-n til. ■pneerod for tha Crown and Id I B l\ for the nsepon -1.-ut Mr Niblett. The <m-.-. ..-it appeared, bai M i \i1.1.-n wma owner I lane in whiek a
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  • 18 3 I l 1 j I m nit a v i .%_■<■» ii.i.i a b, ;iu-l •lini !»-<l
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  • 354 3 ■»irc That th>■iri'l' win- the <i-rni.ui H I A i burcfa 1 be bald «>u Sunln- bkh i be lubjei buil lni_'. ■rill preoide Hm iu»-ii i for i !i<- i' t li»H _'i-!l« I .11Mit in prt-tty I nin.'hauand A i in I of Ikg
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  • 1291 3 Tbo Singapon: Diskj baa > !<• le ml ei\>l The mune ia perhaps a littl.- maaumjilii oua, l>iit it is the rule shoot inn mesiang of th»w.ii baaa and baa ■ueosedad in giving a fillip to shooting', drawn out soane aaw ntan, aan •hown how theoldhaßda baap wp
    1,291 words
  • 64 3 TIEK F<»K TO-DAI Ml t l> M;'l'iil iii'l Mis St-\,.||-, i Kn ui'l Mr- difiatio omm I Mis >„„,.., a.;l- „i,,1 M,s I", x Tli- Mi»^e» (iimn on- Mi-- l,l.»yl .iii.l Mi— KawtoH i'-. !•'>•_' i Mn Napiar .ml M TulloHi un
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  • 88 3 TIES FOR TO-MORROW. Mixed Dou bles. A Clam Hn BmUiad CU»4 Balm i Mi .m-i Mr. A K'lla-rtHim Hn <; BnuM ..n-l Mr DtrUaMti i Hn M.ntn. „m.| Mr nooaoi Mi-- -I 'iuiiii an. l Mi nniii|. <.u v Mi- W.i.l .1-11 .ma Mr f Balxa Hi H-lUit ..n. I
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  • 168 3 11" wbo quftlifiad for tins ••t lint. ii»"> in id. ni.-i.ii ouaipatition bald OB s.inii.|.i\. J'.tli .Juiif. li.i\«- j.l.ix. durinir the pa»l noutb, with tIM n-*uit tWI Mr M „iit victorious, whoa th»- n :(<tt|, Julj, t—tiag Mr .1 B. 1 up ami Ito play. 'I'd. r.-.
    168 words
  • 211 3 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANK. r"IHfwUIJ »'ll I ••■l^lll II l»'lH»ri M I (|4» <• >nrt of .lirv«f..o tli«* ••nlinarv Lilt i^neral u u hoMero t.> U- beld .it H .•K-M.r. "ii Um A ut; n-' Tat diraelon h.iw aov t.> mbasil t<. tp?u*M:i! ntHtrnifiit <i1 the .it!,i.r- .f tin- l«iiik.
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  • 135 3 WARREN SHIELD COMPETITIONS. The final "i Um lag af-«ai ia Um .ilh.m- <-•>■■■- petition >v.iw j >i 1 1 1 oaTon Pridaj laai batwaai Um •'-ill I.' A iiixl tin- K K .it K'.rt f^aaaJß|f Tlm Artill.-rv wan Um li"M«-i> aad aftai .1 g I pull m.iu.iui-'l to ur*" 1
    135 words
  • 140 3 The pNMMMM tor Um S V A I»nll k Seanon li.u- Ikh'H <\n ii{r .ni'l will nliorih l»e is.-ut-l OoaUMMOg hwn to-day, till S«'pt *JH will U> recruits drills Moiklhv. \N i-du»>wluys ami Fn davH, and trained ni.n'n drill (witli h >jhhi;il coiirwe for H.CO's) "ii Pl'Uftfm.
    140 words
  • 6 3 f'innno'," c u thin <>f!)OM
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  • 36 3 ba.nk > 1 II ..111. i' Tit ..111 ..111 r, <1— trii»f. Oikii.'i lei lidu, n yk m Java 117 I'V.'.K'.K, <l«in<Ul'l S<)VKI»» IiNH, H«' Ruik -f Kn.'l.n.J jr..'.. Diaooaai Boathi H r j i > r
    36 words
  • 263 3 i" h MINES I I l">i 111 BanawsJiOuU oH. 10 7| 7S.OUU Hi u io m n/m i Hru~.r, H Tin .1" !■> I. <J Muff I tl XX 4Mtf*.U>J i j j ■„■»> i i Kadar.^ I l<i tOOfiOU D Tr-f IO au.iMlpitr Kamn^an Tin I I ■>>,'■■>
    263 words
  • 136 3 Tin I 7. Gambier m 8. do. Culm No 1 IS. .1.. i« No. 2 11. hwr, Blast 'ordinary S'pore* M do. White, (F»ir L W 5 p.c, :i"> M Nutmegs 110 to the ft.) 42. do. 80 to the ft. 90 Uv« (Bandaj 145. Cloven (Aniboina) II liitjeriaii
    136 words
  • 81 3 (Auk. ».j Taken at Kand&ng Kerbau Hoapital Observatory y A.M. 3 P.M. P.M Bar. red 32 Fan. IMM ItJM 29.919 Temperature "H." 81." 7M Wet Bnll> Therm 77J 7t.fl 71. J Dir. of Wind W.N.W. W.N.W. S.W Max. Temp, iu shivde Bl.Jl Min. do. do. 7O. r Max.
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  • 78 3 THnjonK I'aKur Dock Co, K.m l'"li Q«M. Vi«-ti)na <«rtt\ing l)o«k. Han Wli.ilt M in AM-rt Graving Dock. Calyiwo. Section No. 1 Patr-.1. /."1., '2 Yatsliiiic :t J W Tiiyl^t Sm. I Sultan I H 1 N,l I Nil 7 (B. W.) C. V. L.U1,./.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 11 3 Tin- first Russian army curjm la on iti> wav tv Vladivostok.
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    • 194 3 r~j"V^. Breakfast THOMPSON THOMAS Co. THK AI'STKAI.IAN BTORB9. •luljr J!» rl 'l'!i*><- who kare t.ik-n Copaiba, CaboW aad other n.iu*-i>iiK ilrn_' >\il| >«• ({lad t<> kn<i« that Santal-Midy Capsules an matt, aaMaabw, ;iii.l Mi«f fail to ii:r- tli« sanif .li-«-,i«eß in M boon II imjm K\|k-. »..i ,uit is tli.-
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    • 70 3 ADELPHI HOTEL SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, the 'JOth August !QOU, ,i/ 7..10 p.m U I Til THE M W< HESTBB'S I'. \M> I a I i \i» i SARKIES, JOHANNFS Co Prop MARTIN'S UIPIOL &STEE Jb YV^irJ**! di i f C £^\i* Indies. l l<l<iii 1 n«Mfc lfll»<l lor «11
      70 words
    • 253 3 OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co., AN I» China Mutual Steam Nav. Co., L' I The Companies' ateainers are deflpat< lied f > n Liverpool outwards for the Strait*, I i Japan every week, and from Japan hoioew* U for London every fortnight and «r) .1 monthly. One out w. .id xteainer
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 616 3 VESSELS I N P OR T r:.r;:: f S Alting D>*7Mr" M amii .h.'ly^' n..,',.!,.'".,..- a K Wh J-W^J Mnt ISM M«b,j I < 11MOT1 J-JoHo,- ),,t 111 OM July II P I. y, fi rt..«i 1.- 1, u nt Slllifll Ja| r ]f Poh Dfekaoa We« Bia ■M Whatt
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 580 4 attorrtiscmtnts. NOTICE I haaalg _.\.-i. kkal "ill ad hold our- u l ble for anv biiaimi— ooaßfaat 'in-; in our nani(« BHXNigk Okaa V»*w OUf mi s tin- conti.i MAGUBDAB PUBBHOTUMPAB NOTICE V.'» nave appoint •><! Maaan Githkik A Co. S. Agftntß for tbe sai.» of Poi-tahle, V«»liial. »0,l Fixed
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    • 545 4 aptocitbimnits. ART NEEDLEWORK DEPOT jit Orehard Road, Nr.llU OMB -'.-th.- l'n sl.vt.-li.Ui fl.iin ll DRESS-MAKING I \TI >i FASHIONS. IWM IWB The Merchant Service Guild UTEBPOOL Tha Siafaaora Manehaw' Osild am l^> n i( |.]M.iiit.'.| H..ri Agann of tko abora Uuild. All daai <-:m n<>« \>r paid to and receipt
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    • 675 4 abUcrusnnculs. FORT DICKSON Auction Sale of the Valuable Beautifully situated Seaside Residential Property at Port Dickson known as LANDQUART,' ksajaftbaj with ooooaajl j>l.tntatiou <>f aboat 58 ACRES attached thai at u, ;iiK>nt mil.-s fiom l'ort Diakaoß Atvi roMuaaaiiajd ohanaiag aad aßaaaaiva view ol tin- Stii'itn and the \>ay nf Port
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    • 596 4 attortttsrmciug. I Valuable To < Furniture Auction s.iir it Mi LIFUBi "i. 1 BLIZADEI I (The prcp'rty of C R. S. "Walker J! On Smtunlaf, 18/1 \utj ■•>. mi ■'<*' Solid Taal ITariroLca, 1 „,h--ataada wfth ni.irll.- t. j i .1, Bod in axaauad eaajaWon I i;.-nt-wood .hairs, luui'l chavd
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    • 541 4 ttjlintior incuts. Tansan THE RENOWNED TABLE WATER OF JAPAN. An unsurpassed drink where a Superior Article is required. Medically Recommended and Chemically Pure. Bottled in its natural state at b] prings, Takaradzuka, Japan. J. Clifford Wilkinson, KOBE, 1 > V THE YOKOHAMA DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. No I DOCK. 1 no
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    • 469 4 3lilintisfinrnts. LAURA VILLA sidi i ROAD, HOOIIB to hf lot. July I TO LET, FURNISHED Tlih Uumli ■'< Qaampoag Java Road. Kent moderate. Apply to I, P." I M.i.Ken/ie Road. July 19 no To be let for immediate entry No. 84, Institution Hill R*»nt $7. r monthly Apply TOM UN
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