The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 3 August 1904

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 627 1 Stoimtisnnrnts. p. o. stk\M RAYIOATIO9 OOKPkXI For China, Japan. Penang, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mcdlter- i rjnean Porti, Plymou;h and London. Tin .nab Bi'l« r 1 L.i.iii i -ur-d Coast, Peisian Gulf, (Joutinentil. tai AjMfi Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about M \M. LINKS. Ontmmrd (or ,i,
      627 words
    • 654 1 N. D. I Noidrlputsch^r Lloyd, Bremen. IMPnUAL GrBBKAM MAIL LINK i m .-Mi-. -An sj ii| skMBBMi r,l tlli ;htl>- Bremen- Antwr-ij.. SouthN l' S^iil, H'.-it;- ""'v. E Eeha to Yokoh:ima und ■n Am m on Off .it«out the rWABD HOMKWARI) !'i li l.nitp.ld A". Mi y. m 4Mfj|
      654 words
    • 786 1 Singapore and Kranji Railway. |j From April I Ith, 1904, and until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. DOWN. A.M. \M VM. IV. I- M I- M I'M. SINGAPORE I SJU 7.:i2 10.00 18.35 2.10 *M 4..t <;n<» I Newton m(€M 7.:ff 10.07 \2AJ. 217 SJ9 :»<'i
      786 words
    • 368 1 NYK h ikTAM MAIL STEAM.-ISIP (<>. Limitbi. < i 081 M'.H I LI Bm .Hi ..ii'i r.'ji' j•• Ky tl,' followng nil TWIN SCHKW BTIAMm If mi. Ommbjoii v* i Tii mlmuu .1 M \NE-I Bpecially dea fnadto\ tbe Company 'i Kir lighted throii^hrmt I with ..nil l*tMtvn%t-TH, .iri'l htr.-.l
      368 words
    • 713 1 .atiuausrmcius. Hougkoug and Shanghai Banking Coii>oration. •aid f[. Cahitai IIOjWO.OOO iBPBKrB FUNI> Bt'>r!in.r R-wcrvo I lO,O<M».(vi«> > Silver H««erve....| 6,',00.0i».» j Ibhebvb Ltahilitt ov Pbopribtohi llMwMwi On it uk DnaovoN. A. J. Ravmmni. K*j, -Chairman H ToamiNH E.-v, Dbj-lty Chairman. I. <;.-Rrz. Esq Boa 11 Bm lon WJ. Qaaaaoa jj
      713 words
    • 488 1 SfttHTtisanrtitf. j\. RAFFLES HOTEL, v^l OUR NEXT &ft(fe?^v Musical > y/^OH SATURDAY, 6th Inst.^V. Phajnix Assur.ti;. b Coi Limited, oJ London. T\;f. ande pun/ are pn pore b 4 -6 Vhv Lond< n .< •9 In a QftPfTAli I'a s fgihMRVB Ff.ND... boc Canton Insuranre til Limited, Honffk I 4&
      488 words
    • 177 1 RIGAUD'S or EXTRACT The only perfume of white ncnt V cat llttk v M RIGADDS WHI, MM r. HISAUD. 8. rut Mm* hh is fjl l>ock, Iron and Bru^ \Th..i fingers, Ac ■r. 1 Marine Xi thm most *fici>-r. m Inn^ti. and II auim and a quarter. n \mmgVb, B
      177 words

  • 1468 2 The Singapore Free Press. wednesday, august 3, 1904. B- I I Will l»; |.-|.1.-!l|l»MV.| ill.- .itli.-r <l.l\ 1 1' X i KMki t rin I- < ii/.ic' 1 "ii .1 1 1 'm ibe M-.ti.nlni_' Tin- 'liwm_--iil .i\\ ii|..- M iii 11,,- r I Utt.-i I, ill.- I iij.»-
    1,468 words
  • 524 2 Att.-r loag jM-r,..l ..t paciaal mutiag \f«t«»pla\ Hi- Impernil II IV: l-un of China, unived I the Preuch mail, ,m«l oaViallj .it J 1',,. r k. )Uk > ir.l ..t Honour from the 7 ;r"i < '.irimti.- liit'.uitry. Th* laadiag iii.-iul-tli.- Chiawat < Soaununitj ombhw]
    524 words
  • 825 2 The fullowias properties were diapM i'.\ MHtioa at Powell A Co s MMMMMI navauld lav.l v ipoa ßoad ana cacb 1,600 5q tt. Boogaf 1 j Miaadi PUUj for 14,800 aad l&iOO Piwaoli bad uwl ■hopaooMn m '""> Boad l i-^i iq ft. Hqaaai l.\ H.h.«. m-ili Harieaa
    825 words
  • 256 2 T!i<- ommktm'» mmnl „t tii.. s. C C -nfrn BO ■tartljag statements The inemWrship mm >ad mom mmktn *»«>O. whilst the h m balance «l asaer* orer liabilities of. n.. !*■>- oeurlw eleven dollars riMWOftiag „f the .|.,1. .Jurmj; tin- Mtf re■tilted m h hdnei ->t
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 428 2 atjtorrusrmrnts. Macgregor Co. I BTABI is Ml I) 181 M Wine Spirit Merchants, (London, Glasgow, H^nkcng, Shanghai) SINGAPORE. PRICI LIST ON APPLICATION. RAINPROOF YET POROUS O 9 jrf *"f% V^T*'lam j *A" LaV* 1^ «BBF irand Illumination! Grand Illumination!! B HOXOI'I OF 'THE 2» .IJiMYKBHAKY <»| N S Ot" HIH
      428 words
    • 520 2 'fllitorrtisrmrnts. NOTICE X..tit« ib herel-y nivi-n t tint tli»- ap^Mnt •nt made by me ■hgnty I aj.jx.inted Lim ,Iv> Si n^ IOBMMMBiaI <««!i<iii.f t lie himineus en ii- 1 <>n at No. <)8 Nortli Boat V/mmv Sini;iii«.r.-, nn.i.Ttlirt nann- uncl ttjh»d < liop Boag [<H (Ii m ■>)' «lii«'h 1
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    • 366 2 Co 6no« atJbfvti^pmrnts AgpaJ vaatad to ra^raaml n Br*( i In trai of Cork Matvaaaai »ao aaw aaiaaUalwil naamw tiou with l!r-»rrv Baar 1t..: t 'n- A" 1 llrd Wtttm Ma—fnitiiniii Winf M -i i.irjt < i.c. l Wii.-'i'H.lo ('li.-iiii>t, Addtrai A-i-i:.^. HvMiagtua, U«o«ji Btaati, Tvw i Bill, LeaAia, BaglMd
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    • 5 2 Wells' Lamps McAlister Co, Ltd.
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    • 5 2 Tents McAlister Sl Cn i
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 93 2 THE WKKK. Wsdnbsday. 3rd High Water 1 r >7 J.;i^ p KiiniY aaaaar, Caahaha Cluh, 8 p Thi ksd*y, 4th High f/aaar t.4S a, nil p P4O Hafl Hiim>>w.trd due Kriday. lih High Wiil^r j, P am Rosßßward naiU. DaUaa'a 4aotioa S ih BOC Anniinl Isastiag Tow» Hall, .5.15
      93 words

  • 331 3 [,Al> OK TkN WH«> HAS f'KEACIIM> -!■,<* Ml SKKMOSB. I Daily Mit.l. Jm -2-2n<] Thw Mi indeed, tli»- ,i^>> nf prodi Laul ni_'lit, hi ,i lai_'f t<-,it, ulii-ii v.vt»«i l n-.-ar HolloWßJ Station. LoUlrffl L. I >.*lini>, tin- .tun) i m bojr prearber, tea, hei I
    331 words
  • 624 3 TMI I»i-k\si whkh TnM lIIXKHI mi t(Kl\'.!\ INI" >•■! lil At ill- Bl AN 'I'll- Tl^ I !.|||H»<- i»,|I ..11 til kmtmu m kakkc ill .l.i| I ii tli'- \\n:A il '<■ II :11 ati, aad it .Mi. b»i i. tli*" n i iaataai t- tan** tioa t.. ili«-
    624 words
  • 359 3 An LUuatrated report >-i td.- aaaatrieal tin.liii^ ilt'uKin <t ration rtM-.-ntl.v t,'iv»>n W.-.tiu.ll-t.T 1 1 ;i. Hotel, m mmH Iwfag Ins aariaa i>f m... >!i a. ir _v.,i ..l'.. I ..ilk with ;tn iuN-rri.; < •rr.-rit of iiiM t«l«v'i'"| porpoaaa, awl rtadfaa 1 Mm Maw <«f
    359 words
  • 233 3 I.»N|.- 111*1 U W..N N 1.,,. rhi tl.«? I. i thai iec«w»om of Kn. m -f theae reuluib t M II with tan I I I of lil- kin-l In t I th^lr lord n1 U i> |.-.»««r. t i 1 m th« >■ tineal j,,^ ii*<l
    233 words
  • 181 3 WHY KIDNEY DISEASE IS SO SERIOUS. Ki'lui l)i-. .1 coaaaa on so „'iii .i]y. It Ikim 111:1117 t*Tmi>t- >ni~. bol oftaa t!i.'_> art atial ikaa foro adaehaa, iiiii. aarrooa, .otidiliiii. weal lm:taa <l> <>!■- ileepli Mneaa, an alwaja tir»-d feeling jtiiom i oaap'exion, uawalaral nrin<'. t'x> aaMfe or
    181 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 313 3 Sbtorrt'scmfnts. CARBIDE OF CALCIUM SMALL LUMP Packed m 21b, 10 Ib. and lioibtins. ACETYLINE GAS. FITTINGS AND GENERATORS Bieycte lamps, llotorcar, ami carriage lumps. Phos Hurners. Hrays Buntwa ami accc«s«ii \i sofi very description. ALWAYS IN STOCK COAL GAS BnMM nr.d pollsheti |M»ml;»nlH, chuntU'Ucrs, brmrkrt*, i^lolu-s, gAtVMlted Iron piping 1
      313 words
    • 368 3 Bad Blood Have aaaMaaaa m Ayer's Bana|av. rilla It has liei-n oaotag P*opli tn .ill parts of the world fur overtwi It is the greatest family BMtdieiM la the world. It unties, streugtheui>, euricbes, builds up. Mr. OoorßO FunntalD, of Mt. Torrenn, S<>. Aim trail*, aeada Lv |«buf '(jraj.h aod
      368 words
    • 214 3 -v jfiiisrmfina. BELTING TRADE MARK PIRACY. TO BUYERS O 4 iLI TINC, AND ALL OTH a'.IOM n- MAY CONCERN. Will Tli- 1..,.,. JMf 11 Ooatpaaj 1-tjJ«t«-r---tii". 1 t h;i t nihLANCASHIRE," .■.•iiuitK- .in. l i tii.. 1 id. -i, 'THI LAS latfnti ..urKeuoias ■HIRE' 50 1 a thai RILEY
      214 words
    • 520 3 MARKET PRICE LIST. i llf 1. 1904 per catty 5 .1... Fnn.-li d o |2 f*r p.. nii.l *q Steak do. f4 B< nit* p*r .ittj H.i:iil«». >|.. do. 4 Bl.uhan jj ■Is do. 4 do- ail do., < J 1 1 11 do. \2 BaHsd il-> j C'ain.ts. lm]M,ii,..l
      520 words

  • 488 4 The* were <lvii Him ia ffja^tfj nrr at tax Uyiimii of Aiiu'Hnl 1885, iu<l a Marat Voi newi doubtlm drove the Editor to comment anew on tli»- (nunbtiag quaftioa. Bawra] Uttan had Uh-u in>ert»-«l mmm ur^'in^ o>utr«>l, Oihen aboliabaatwl and UMrtHHH NN < H••• 1 frOßl
    488 words
  • 379 4 I M 8 lil.v. who li.jj* tun tfikola" UJ'l I j<iilar ;ii'l. .tn-l tfau v K.B. 1 r i i,»m x.llh,\ fn»-ii I •1 iin'-i thai ii t In- Mill" 'I be 111;." II :•■>,• IWJ 1., t1,,. piasdei mv '1"I world i i ji.iij,. and
    379 words
  • 616 4 Utrtmtisrmmts PBOGBAMUE FUJI I back MKi.i i\-.. am October iBth, 20th, 22nd FIFST DAY Tmmimy, 18(1 n, 1 Tin- Ma 1.1 1 ]'i \ik Vitlu. MOO i; r< M iMm U« m, v 1 mm I Subacriptioa < intliii n I; import •> ription Qri Kni
    616 words
  • 608 4 .1 \r s LKtSa .i w i PoKI Ak i :in: •I.' .M \Nt II I 1 HI (l»,iil\ Übroaiela W > Don apoadcot.) It In pj m pi.iu:itiir<' ;it tlil^ DIOBMa to speculate .-n wlwt will U* t h«- cixl ..t tln war. Inn f
    608 words
  • 352 4 It ix iiit.-rv-tnu' to m ill the fart tint oa Aj.i il I I -'.'l ..r nearh t.-ii v.-ir- t.. the da\ before tli.- -i ukm^' <.t ?),.< l'i-ii-pn!.iv-k. K< v Admiral .M ik in>ff delirered before .1 dietiaguiahed audience m Bi. Petfburg a leCfW upon tln>
    352 words
  • 22 4 Matico Capsules Injection rtifl m.mitain their reputation for Urn MM of taWM iii<onvenirnt diaeuaw, alout which tbt J<\i»t mM Un better, o
    22 words
  • 31 4 II I I bro ltd, Iwu v J .IL •hip wb» A I iijiiiji /y I .•■.inn. V I l j I M I I ..r th
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  • 26 4 x 1.. yeare. Omumbl i. t.j bin f..i Ah -I I th.-v- 1, .I'l-'inti... I ■ed t. k ar«c»U, iaTolria J niimw) M til- Oi-.j.t
    26 words
  • 12 4 1 Diarri,.-., EUmedj wiUi 1 obuiMd i Buy a boitln l. ."g
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 300 4 Stftmtsrntrnts. K< H ,h, Ci.mited, EAPLSi Mi' X HATOBOOK. 2 v,.U jliM't. rai aSED'fI LIGHT MABIHE MA« U!D Nl l<Y A RUBIBO CHINESE BMPIBB, »-y TOE HONE* MARKET, bj BUCCEBB AMONG NA THE AVOIRDUPOH WKK.IIT -■•> \i.tTL.\ I'oK. bj I E King 18.00 H\i)K> A( tivity. bg P. B "I'ly
      300 words
    • 68 4 Thbt STIR the LIVBB, and Make the lIKAHT BBAT BIGHT: Jayne's Sanative Pills. TheHe Pills are an absolute HpttciKc for HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE, and the ilia arituntf from BILIOUSNESS and DYSPEP--81 A. They hi- bJm very effective m caaea of LIVKR COMPLAINT, JAUVDICI ;uid HEART VALIMTATIONS Thy pewitively CURE CONSTIPATION,
      68 words
    • 41 4 THE UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER A new principle Kivin^r Increased simplicity, Speed and Durability, WRITING VISIBLE CUTHRIE CO. SOI.F AOFNTS NOW_ READY. THE TRAVELLER'S MALAY PRONOUNCING HAND-BOOK. Pal the HM at Tr.»\fllers *ntl NatBCOBMI to Sin^aporr. Seventh Edit/on. PVBLIIHERt FRASER AND NEAVE, LIMITED
      41 words
    • 303 4 Sntiritisrmrnts. Grove Hold <md Sanatorium. BITB I. K\ir TAHJOVi Fresh Air Sea Bathing Good Table Best Wines Large bedrooms with private bai li rooms. CALEDONIA HOTEL. 77 BRASS BASSAH ROAD. tine Spk v.lid With I ;i1!;,r|,,.,t (Charges Moderate) lllliV T. M. CONNOLLY. .Illli. TRY. TRY. TRY RISK'S BPEt l it
      303 words
    • 11 4 "WHITE I HORSE I CELLiI To be had of all DeM
      11 words

    • 125 5 Russians Driven Out The ..rres|H.u,leut of the I)aily Chroni.le" with Ueu Kuroki'a army states that th«re wan a Japanese attack upon a strong position oa the hilU south-west of laataaaKag. The jaaaarai bft »^s ■troaglj aaaaaod but the right made a splen-li.l tight, while the CSatiaetJfaaai
      125 words
    • 101 5 Some tiHd |uaa w.-te caplorad. Reut«r'i* c VTBaaoßdaai al Tokio, aadai date .All,; >iv« if i< r<'jHirt.^i thai att«-r t'irf fightiag, t|ie JayaMMi haw caaiOTvd Bhaataikow, an important .lefen.-.- ..I F..rt Arthur. The Seizure of the Malace.t Kussian Official statement The I i. i'j^eruiii.-u' iia- iss
      101 words
    • 71 5 The term of .mvi r wbkrii EVajrob irq and 9 «ut •cd. The it'i- of the iv.l tb* >4ue n"t I isati>ne«l RADICAL VOTE <T I SHI \<V. Defeated by 7* Votei Jl I mipUil H. ■niineii' tO -'1" Mr ("haml>erlain An Important Declaration Heady for Action
      71 words
    • 35 5 He gad Mr B pnetj '>! cailiag t.i a- »-rt«iiu whether ;l. the t ol riu h»- h<fl 1.-. himself >>v r»3al knowl*-Frem-h Klettions Confidence m the Govei'sl— l rallj mWw a**'
      35 words
    • 13 5 U<tLit> ha-> l^ateu Boawrsol uiu»- wh Mtddl* bj aii inniu_'«n3 1
      13 words
  • 276 5 Bt M H I J \I Kuroki's AiVIMM iwi) Combined BaHl< Fighting on Two Dfcjn Kussian Positions Captured Gun 1 Taken Flight or the Kncmy Reueired at 1 am M 1 o*MraJ Kuroki rvp. Our Arm* coinim-o«-»*J >tpnmtv juh .i' t.r»-.ik <jt July XI f'»r th^ attack
    276 words
  • 1123 5 fae bhootin^r m the Singapore Biaky ha« _'■>!>•• <>n wit >i< >nt a hit<-h. and the merest ••I -Tver will 1 i;t not.-l a ■•onsxJerable impivivenient over lost year In the Governor's <'up, <-<trreBpon<ling to the Ktag'a Fri/<- at H'-tue. the thrai sta.»{e> li.iv.- l^-n »-<niiplet»-l riaoa lawt
    1,123 words
  • 590 5 I'miti.ak <>k< hehtrai. Oowcßw*. Last night m the Town Hall there wait pjhaji by the Orahestra «>» the Philhanaoaai Bnciotjr. another „f |k« aeries of Popular TTrthortial Coaoorto, with wh&h the publi,- have l«"en familiar for now about ;i aOBBI v.-.n- Baa] Til*- Unhestra uumber.'d :<7, |».rhap«
    590 words
  • 352 5 The -ii]. J. -I. death ol Mr W n Browatidgr, B. B TaJafraah Cv ha- easi a giooai >>\»r tliH Buropoaa eoaiaiaaitv of HaHeea. Ho li&«l U^en ailing for .1 fnw' da\s, but not ■wiaaalji it w,i- Mpaoood. on the BMraiaaj •if Aagval I he w^nt t^. oaVe a*
    352 words
  • 1244 5 HOW A SIEGE IS CARRIED OUT. A SiMi'i.r i i"N <>y iiik Mkihmi. Thk J4PAWH Ma> \i...ii vi !*> >X I AkIMIK The pradteliou m t.. tli.- knujili limm Port Artlair will buU <>ut van '•.>ii^nl.-r.iM\. but if BaaaiaW wfaai v aaWM t" talra a l>niv.'ly-1.-tt'iidf.| (.Ttiti.'.! pferc l.\
    1,244 words
  • 79 5 < rreopuadaafl imm Malaaea telle v- tin' living ieaol alluaataui' eaaaf Lit- ThPhml wa^-s inlmm, 45eta par day, M Ihe r:ul w.iv work*, hag .ittrj.<t«'.i ;l ««l many .-..oh*-* <>» all clmkim-m t.. the |.lii<.- .in, Hi MMaqoaaM tra«l<-r» hitv.- r;tis«Ml il i( n „1 ail Htklal "1\ .•oiiMiiiijitiou
    79 words
  • 27 5 I I -nto winhin^toinaku^nquirittpany or tiaancial que«tionB and matters, may do *o by addressing leMafi to Fin-uioß," c this office, and name -hall hare )>u att*>nti>n
    27 words
  • 62 5 ((JofKKCTKO ft' T<« Aa%*. I Bkuk 4 111 ft 11l deiii.ui. 1 11l PriiraU* crodit* i tv 1 11, credits om Ill; FEANCI,dt)IU<Iud S46J 0b»M ANT, dtfiWMld I l iudia. r 1 n HoN-iKON'*, dem-tnd 5 dis 7<«KOHAiIA duillMnd Jata, deman<! 117 Ranokok, dumAud ■<'.' Sovasaioßs. $10 Bank of
    62 words
  • 327 5 tag -i "fas- c» P it»i 5 a MINES. I > ffel&t Tin ...|K( 10 3iii,iiii |<>4 m Benawfth «iol.l 0r<1. lo 74 7ft,<Mi U| ji Do D«f... )o 10 4ii.ii>> h Bruseh H. Tin lo 10 tiU),oUu:<4 M (iopen^ Tin ...Jt\ Jt\ jeiUO,OU> IK4 IH4 J«l«lmMin.4T. inliq. 6
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 332 5 MAtLfcJ CLOSK VO-MOEROW, >■•" Per At rooagaoaa] Pakia am Bangkok inilok 9 am BaUvia 1.., Bayaa am Brr>oin" A. I' ,i |0 AM Maaj I Kahuataa Owabahaaaaaj II am X Pahaag A<- Ainu Hiu^ n.«.n aaaajhah Tob aaea Mala. Hon^' Wan 1 pm Hillit<,n v. D- Cafpaaeier J pm Poatiaaaa
      332 words
    • 449 5 VESSELS IN PO RT. UhikmbboMa Si mii T. wV.m I*;, b U«^4, Driitai V l>iU «:-■•< a,,,, m, H..,,, V Sag Mi.t«k4 J H 7 r IHI U«ince JalJ 3 I; Mv iw. Er r BritlWO Ma^iv iT X Si.,k nut ~t» s i y y! H 1 k "U'
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 481 6 ITbbrrttSfmfnts. Singapore Cricket Club ROTH B Tbe laajaal <i lend If cctiag of th<- Haaiban C tho Bingai on I b will ha !i^l»l 'i'^ 1 Town H.tll or fridiiy the stli August. ;it I II „ni aaMatMall] l i T" aMMMf tii>- < d-i'Miitt'-. Beport aad tM Tffaam Urn
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    • 586 6 at)Drrtistmcms. PORT DICKSON Auction Sale of the Valuable Beautifully situated Seaside Residential Property at Port Dickson known as "LANDQUART," t. I. .'i vv j 1 1 i ..xoniit alaatatinw ..i aaaaA 58 ACRES tt.i.licl tli.r.t" „U,iit i miles j fioni Tori Diokaoa aa4 toaiaiaadiMjc ehafiMi .ml nteaaiTa rlra of Urn
      586 words
    • 819 6 SDbrrtifmtfltts. UNION STEAM SHI? Co,, of NEW ZEALAND Ltd. For NEW ZEALAND PORTS (without transhipment Also calling at SAMARANG FIJI Tin ('.(.MTANV S SIEAMKR 71P71RIM7\ i,703 ion*, < 'oimiian ler, i^ 1.-'l to arri\f hen "H tl»' Ttli Au^uhl, ;.n 1 .ill luiw BVOaßpi '1' I ii t..r th.-
      819 words
    • 699 6 ilt>urvtisrinnus RILEY HARGitEAVES c£ Co 7 Limited. ENGINEERS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS SINGAPORE. bESVv Jf hHf 6m." mONTRR* TORS PLANT. Steel Rails uith Fittings. Tip Wag I I wheel and axle boxes. Steel Spikes, Stationary and Traversing Screw and Hydraulic Jacks to lifl up to 20 tons, Patent, *Kclipmj w Chain
      699 words
    • 622 6 MOTOR CAR FOR SALE Of tbn well known OldiMiiobil* runabout type, complete with t<H.|«, h«»o<l, laafi and m Rplendid condition. The Motor > H P ci t!i»- Cylinder Type. WItVMoW with rin nlatinjf pump and radiator placed m for>> »'n'l of car. Speed from 'A mil*** to 'Ju mile« per
      622 words