The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 3 June 1904

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 695 1 gtiocrtisfmcntg. p. Bfa STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY For China, Japan, Penang:, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Port*, Plymouth and London. Tnrooiih Bills of leading issued for China Coast, PPisian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward {f»r Ckiiui) Ben^l June 12 Nubia
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    • 789 1 illilKitisrmmtjSN. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Tim fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHambiu--; \'m llotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, Port Said, Suez, Ad^n, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki and Kobe to Yokohama and back. They are doe m
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    • 1243 1 agmiscmrnte Singapore and Kranji Railway. j From April 1 Ith, 1904, and until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. DOWN. A.M. A.M. A.M. r.M. I'M VM. t.U. I.M. SINGAPORE d...6.2-'i 7.:W 10.00 12.:« 2.1« *M IM «.oo a 6.62 7.3J* 10.07 12.4-' 217 .i.W &.U1 b'.O7 Newton
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    • 631 1 iUiumisrinnus. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Paiu-wp Capital |10,004),000 KasKhVß Vi sl. Storlinx Reserve |1 0.000,000 MM4 Silver Reserve....! 6,:»00,000 j |10 >U0 (HM) Übsbkve Liabjlitt or PkoPHIETORrf 110/KMI.K.Xp C'oUBT Ot DIBECTOSH. A. J. Uaymonk Esq, Chaikman H. E. Tom kins E«q Deputy Cuaiuman. E. Gobtz, Esq N. A. Sibbs,
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    • 634 1 .StilHTiisriunus. Charterc-d Bank oi India, Australia ixnd China. INCOBPVHATKD HY MOTAL CHARIES CAPITA' £SOOOOO PESESVK U ABILITY OP PROPWETORS £SOO.OOO PES2RVE FUND £800.000 U.avk os Endla;*!'. BAN'K'F.lts) National Bank ok>. I Tub Lonuon City Midland V Uavk, Lti>. SINGAPORE BRANCH. CURRENT hiiiibbsßE sire opt tied and interest allowed »t
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    • 366 1 3t)brrtisnnrnts. ~Food For INFANTS, INVALIDS, and the AGED. Tlic Lancet describes it as Mr. Bearer's admirable pre- par."t.on." 1 lie British Medical Journal say-> "Beagtr*i Fooditasby taodl ioe c I shed a repu- tali- > 1 oi Hg own." S I^o t. 1 imony is orv. BENGER'S FOOD 2 is
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  • 368 2 The Singapore Free Press. FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1904. tali j laile iacadcal i» rt-\-r\' i 1 1 ah m thai migbl U red .1- ludtoal u. i;--- I I portaa thai rhiefc ouamm from Mukdaa, the ku' i theeaVel thai ii l-T-'. -j mi,. -ril X i BMTATKIk i» iwadrto
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  • 1137 2 Katrine fi lawfUaagor Tarf Clvb naßntnag doaa at ii.~.ii to morrow, .Fnue 4. TheßMwtalitj n tarae for fliaajapnta let th.we«L aadad Maj •> >h-.>\ J7:« deaths, a rati-. par null- uf |H.|,iiiati..n of S&M I'lm 1 <terniaii mail Seydlit/ with ajdvieea Irani Bavojaa of May arrived last evaaiag. th»- ■;.iiuir
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  • 481 2 Dichkbh- ok Batmwatkr A Co." Boaa <>X AnvERUNK." Last nitfht, at lha Town Hall, a Company of dramatic amateurs, apptan-l m th<- aMva iw.,' uaaafeg oaa-ad BMeaa, \<vU>n h andieaaa. 'II Doehawol Bajawatar 4 Co." i« real- U i hraa of tUgbl structure, being iataaded mer.-iy m a
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  • 121 2 It M I iU ,I aunibei i wh« Mew V-.rk •I i; m m ißsequea I -t. m „i pd\ .l-,,1 'li>- bealtbioHl .iv.l the world, nod iia\«- ■ftaimil I 1 In tb« IrMiiu: budj Thia b «lue I fie iii.-tlr triu,.. j ,i. ,n of Ul
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  • 116 2 Id. M 'iin- i|.. iGm I }..iiiiiu-iii mi^'ht kaop their eye upon 'lu^ reported n..-* iUuminatißg "^••h'i-ii I- m.ii ,i- the outcome -■I lung > \|«Timelit, .m u|.pdlatu- li t U^-ri ■•••I U .i NeWOMtle in^liam. u.n.i.-.l 9Un uitli the a>M>i. tti.»- of Mr Ki.-hard
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  • 231 2 i mtoßl HI Aki U LI LVtenilHinc .M. The Koweti tl- leading Liberal v-.r.,.) i,, st tVteralwrg, m ;in article «"-d;t\. ivl.iikt-.- ihoM i..iiru;ili>ts «1i... m MMoaaud out of tho Xomdo] -I .•niiiitv with «iJ i.. En -hiu.l Wlu (adta ii,.' writer) dv m n..t like khi
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    • 47 2 Spnrial to the Bingaaoia Frw I'resß. 1') Hoagbaaf>Jaaj :<. Mi am. Rueeiaa diaaHioM tun mii la U takinz plwse daily. Supplies Short at Ncwchwang lUn<iitN brag Nawehwaafl for Yaoc^hun ha«« laaortod Uml lha Xu RMian MjaafM at New. ehavag a,-., umiiiiiai, am] mn lirin^ b, n,,,],^
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    • 92 2 JAPANESE AT WAFKMiKAI (Jeatral Kurupatkia report* thai rflar the tmm ■i._'..»'.-i,..-i,i m.v |v the fapaarai baleai vitfcia t\ Mibi ..t MTafeagtai statioa tad entrenched tbrUMelfi I Ku>«iai. r,,,,,,,!!!,., hilfcartu a.**rt,iiued f* fp f' |M p*MHM are tort\ I '..n-1,;,. 1...-i,;,,, .-.,i,tluu.iiK.u .-t Mm Japan- fl\.lTl'>'. Kuropatkin to Advance
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    • 95 2 X| -iLiuu' -v the aagfcvlkjawdi neat, iaridaatallj nafauad tothaaeeei t -ii.-i. H^k: Maaeal aa<] aud it wan i T.rv mm nit u*~. i c.n .11 bet if Praam tad niiraoliip, I' i- qucatiaa had worn bjeu ajfanad la M,j Tribuaal Hrßilfoar, is Urn saaeeh
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    • 24 2 i laeneiml Approval lii vaitcvUaj e«aaiaa;'i dehale ip«jn tiv \n_'i--Fivii. h BgreeaMatthaie aaa.apari bma iaoUtwl irrtifiaaM. afaacml aMaaaai aarkaih fat<.iirat.i# upajnai
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    • 22 2 Warships at Tangier en*at* ami irvca ftainricaa aaiahiaaai Tll'.'l'T Tha ItaKaa i mbai "Daaah" 1 l>.i- Htn»] r1 TaagiaT
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    • 21 2 l.t'avin^r the tttafe >:i Uearj Inriag hai iutiiiiai«rl fhit h»- m ratiriag aft^r titty \»-,,r> oa taa itaga.
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    • 23 2 Mr AiaaU Pontcr aud that tbe Qewam-mt-ut .lid n..t iatrad t.. pur iiwaaid my pr.«. P ..I iii tar..ur ..t ouaaiijatiua.
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    • 57 2 S MOex lias l«»itteu Somrrsw .it Brighton h\ '••u viekota, LmcmUm '-eiit K«-ut it In. haMM br au inning .iiki 1J- run-, CamIwidgß PaiywHj itfmtai Loaioa Oaatlfal Caafaridga by an iuniugs aad 36 nius. Tlie mat -lif»> botww Htddkan an-1 <* \> an. l Bomb, LoicMomlMPj mi Surrvv
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    • 13 2 6i Ahum mm \^*>d mntxmi lot the &nu I Prix.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 500 2 SliUcvusnnnug. HOTEL de I'EUROPE After the Amateur performances on Saturday *V- Monday Night SUP P B R will be provided at fchfl above Hotel Irom 1 1 to I J |KIIL Intending Guests are requested to reserve their stats before *> p.m. on both nights. C. CHAYTOR. Manager. June I
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    • 338 2 Cohans StJbrrtisrmnUs TOWN HALL, UHOAPOW Amateur Theatricals Heathcote's Comedietta The Duchess of Bayswater Co .M. OFPBKB \<t: s OPKHBTTA "ROSE OF A.UVERGNE For 2 Nirht,c Only. I/A. P«rf< ii i nee !l p. I": f-i \l i;.. u m_- .it ibe Rokiaaaa Pki Co ■ay 21 -1.-' i. :<'.--.■■>». I
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    • 436 2 ■To.tjaus 'atibcrttermrnts FOUND In front ef the Hotel I X ">■■ Biaal For i .irticiihir- »pa>l; I < '.i t \v i i Urhx Murtit 1; Go. JWM WANTED VN APOTHHCARY Por hii. .ii-v Itri V""ii B e«eo B:iiu;\ >7"> .-i i.i.. I. ;t:. i ff- I i ilt'-i Ki.r
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 170 2 THE WEEK. Friuajt, ;:r.l High Watoi :-<•!.; it 1.:,.» Prisce of \V,|..' Bhihdaj Pablk »ad Bank Hoßdaj Polii-e JSport.-. Fiaffien Ro. lamaliou. A Cajaeae Boawyaooa," Town Hall. I \> India KoßJbf Theatre, j, SATUEDAY, Ith High Water I ._-2 141 f <.f Goauaorda] >¥■■!— tioa V R,rt« Qab Bhoot, 2
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  • 582 3 RUMOURS AND REFUGEES IN SHANGHAI. bT—oti amd Baftmaah wm tha corral ptoducts of Slianuhai. There is «•> duty „mh md the niuj-k»-t is ovwatotk Suaiiichai w the f.H-al poiut for two Ucw fields Russian I ress agmwim lomrmh like the bay-traa, and yo»i realise that the CK»varam ni the Isar—
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  • 385 3 Th*M« i m un-i u-cis at n-Wr-i-.i;- _r*-!jer-< X especially .i- H.ii' i g ■rt»-i with If i^n*?! .11 h* lnanh tber«- H- entrain m* \ihrmj tnw--r*»*r\«;'l t" l rin_' »upj A. ;tt Mukden, wht !»iD ';*ke« The rapid ly Oka'l ■;-rr (MU (M the Liao-Tun^
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  • 110 3 The most extended tour that II IVierewski h*« mi >eutnred upon bm jn-t baaa arraagad, and "he will f r m Vufim "i< May •>:> r Halboone. Alter liaitif Um priadpal crtm of Australia a»d Zealand, he will giwa -tak at Haajkaafaai Hkaaajaai lapaa •iueh months ago
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  • 112 3 A Baaiaalai iia Tjm Cuiiaapiiaifalri mum i., Urn l>aiK Telagrapb" thai he i- <>ttVi. aaH intorm.-.! Uml larptiokaal da»ln>y«r nhich is un'iei umrm m eo»atnioti«ia <t I'dlmei s Work*, it .Jarrow-tm-Tyii.- i- Im-jii^ waltlwi by Urn Boavi «-i Oaatoawi I"' 1 Uai not baaa anaa! aj Urn Admiralty.
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  • 216 3 The Police are taking advanta^ of the holiday I >-day m honour of the Prince of VTales birthday one of the few holidays they g it— to hold limit annu il sports. Excellntit arrauiieiiit tits liave hevn made for »he Sports and th«- BaJka Reclamation <i.-oiiud, an which
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  • 447 3 'oinuar BouLoojvißi m mi Pia (t VZKTTE Thai the Singapore Sportiaff Club's Spring ateetiag, wbicli Bniahail on EkUurdai li~t, was .i diatiaet *ooeeaa txom atatii to tini-h goaa without Mjing. Tbia anaa duaflj due to the line w.-ath.-r, the ist'ac'toi .-ntries. aatd cou■aqaeatlj burn ti>-lds, but more
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  • 222 3 N.- beeii bruutfbt \>\ mabugaaj the < i r BritMß Honduru of fjj<- eziateocv of it< duvc ruiai deep ia sa impel •M■ K\ elkaejr reg I>r Colonial Bargcoo, t.! riart aad t the retulta of the inv.-iii.Mt i "ii wer»' deecribed m ail, which wae
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  • 234 3 Ur.MAS ()iaiiim\n '.i BsCBBTC WoMTU Mji.m-.n-. Uoo uf th» ■blwi fill iiuieiN m Ani'-n-i i- i wonii'.n. Miv Kathenw Harris.. n. Doriafi the iaTMtigatioo m New Jforl uito tmnwutv 11- hetwaw Mr H II Rooen. of tha •ip; .1 < '■.:iip.iii\ an-1 Mr IwMi W. ;i. TIM
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  • 729 3 The meeting of this Hoard was held yesterday instead of to-day. Dr W. R. C. Middleton presided, iind there were also present Messrs R. Allen. A. J. Watkins, Lieut Col IVrmefather LO. P., Dr M. Robertson. Choa Jiang Thye. A. Barker. Minutes. Tiie minutes of the pMfl
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  • 234 3 Dm ulh-w- iin- .n t !i». An> .ii-r'l Ktouad Uwl ••v«-iiin_' m till.- weath.r Tlm DoAm «♦•(<• without Noble who li.i- Ufl Em bobm, t|,.- IJuwr- \\>r>- trviii_';i N« «-*-iit r»- and Hi- n_'li' who haw recevth irriTid iathe 11 y. i ii»- grouad wat rather ilippan
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  • 271 3 ritm^' mi tin- April iiiiinU-r of the F<«rini'.'li'h IJ'-vicw Om Mttboritj on Km* tern iiueatioM win. hides hi* identity under the ps**u donytM (Edipos." mjt thai though the do. BMatie situation m ussiit is u«»t likel\ to aflWt the war, WA Urn war ■•H affect the
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  • 589 3 Tue Tim^s of Ceylon m alluding i,» the Crown Aifents systems a.- an auomalv and au anafhroiiiHin declares that alr<ad\ is "1110 writing upon the wall It m,VS:— The case for the kboKtioH uf t i><- I'mwn A^tntu Kvstein BM b*m 'leiii"!i«itiated over and over a^aiu ainl
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  • 305 3 In ooavenatioo witli a rYaai iaataeaata> tivc m '..luiiilm.. .Mr frauci* 1..,v.|l BMaAioaed m coaaectioa with bit aiieetmi totha Btnuta S'ttlem^nt*", that he wan verj fofftunate m netting ir«n BMterial help priaeipahVr froai the Cbiaeap who, lif aud« taoruunli appreciate the ol>jocta "t tbe tcbo^l aad BMMIe
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  • 264 3 M"- I OBaTfKATI \ii ■I-i s. i h\ r>n KN M < 'alciitt.i. M.iy S.'t. A t 1.-^ihii fiimi < iyaiitw, l.«U;cl May -.>_\- 'I'l.i- tin. ruin.; Goloml Urand<M- !••<] <>ut low OoMpUHn of PiOBMn -uiil two gun- to -I'm i Hi.- riUa^H m tin- n-ar o<cupied
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  • 159 3 O»:ylou has U-eu ou the very brink of a social MMM r.'-l.'bre, \>ut au amicable settlement has stuve<l off souie uiysterious revelations. One paper says, m leaded type too, at the top of a "linim i We Mi wry dlmm! t<» l>e able to stat«. ou authority, that th«- art
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  • 308 3 i Vide -Mb vide tlu- .Sui/apore Free Prutus" of Ist Juue. How down. Ih>w <I<«wii to the Telephone <iir] Kead, mark, aud iudi^st. That the time of |hj Ihihv TeeßpaOM Girl. la uot as the time of th» rest. Fn*t not, fume not at the Telephone Girl, Who
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  • 99 3 Thai Kaiser (j, t d a ungularh narrow esca[>e trom a mioua injury during In^ »i->it to tttna* bar*. The authorities uonoeived tho idea offtring tho aalnte *A l"l gune on the KaiaarV arrival from four m >«■ leeiilli oeatun u"mjn. m«ath oaenrthed n»-,ir the site the
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  • 199 3 Mots. Will. Ills mviv, i-fTAHI.. An smuaing incident happened some rears i ia Poena, when the fortnnaa ..t that popular -teru meeting note being guided bi an I er, since riaen to the higheet ranks iit the profaaaioa ol mne. Henri letter tea were in fall
    I.P.G.  -  199 words
  • 103 3 Mr beafjSooa), Paaaag Babe faajej, iettl« ••■I m Baaatooaia bosiaees, h;t«Jre<-fntl\ to\indieate bk eaaraetaf before tbeAdditioaa]*. nf the latter aJaee, bi eharyiafjthe aatire anaeajer •'f |*i*l»li-- press kn' >w n v the Fnrer l'n->b for liavinif printed, published. :m-l •li--*'tnm:ite.| BotieM said to be^ooehed m
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  • 63 3 iUMMMCTM) 99 tV Juiit- J BuuL t ;u B J I 1 ilttiuaui l/10|{ Private cruJitH 3m i 11l iTe-lit.* 6m 11l Fkancr, Itiuaud -\*> Germany, <lein<ui<l... 195 India, T. T U_'_ UosrtKoxn, •teiiui fi.l •< <1m YOK-'JHAM V Je'Jl.Ul'l ''4 Java, <leia.LU-1 11"> Bangkok. >lein:i'ii •'>'.'• Ibwhti. 110.40
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  • 306 3 •In... 2 ~S .1 fi MINES. l*»l»t In. |I0 i'. :»ii,iii..i, Kl| I Batsasrab liuld ord. 10 7i 1&JWU 10 I.' D<- Def. 10 Iu a-i.tjuo ltruseh II. 't'ui 10 111 80 s j QopaaarTia ..£l xl _loojouu i»., .»>» JeM)iiMiu.i.'l. luli.y 5 5 800,000 Me Eaa_aa Gold oad.
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  • 130 3 (June T\v. Gambier jj.1 do. Cube No. 1 It.. do do. 0 I J I Pepper, Black (ordinary S'po»w» Jdo. White, (Fair I,. W. I p.- I Nutmegs 110 to 4 he It.) do. (80 to the N Mace (Bandai 14;, Clove. (Amboina) 8" Iiiberian Coffee l!« Tapioca, small
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 149 3 l>AN(.EKOI S DISEASE. Every one knows that cholera morbus is oufl of the most painful and diiiigerou. dis.iasos kuowu to humanity. The fact that it is n o swift and ho often fatal in its results-* maker, it more to be feared than almost auy other uialady. It often tenuinulen
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    • 278 3 OCEAN STEAM SHIP Co.. Ltd AND China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Couipaniey' steam era are despatched from Lfowpool outwards for the Straits. China and ttftm IMJ week, and from Japan L.niitnvards for liondun evoiy fortnight and for Liverpool monthly One outward steamer each month extends to Vancouver Seattle
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 228 3 HONUKUNO WKATHEK TELEGRAMS. Barometer, reduced to M ■iegrnMs Fahrenheit, and to the level of the sea m inches tenths, and hundredth**. Manila baro, reivdings m millimetres. Temperature m the shade m degrees, Fahrenheit. Manila temperature Centigrade. Humidity m percentage of saturation, the humidity of air saturated with moisture l>einp lUi».
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    • 926 3 VESSELS IN POKT. t2:" Kr:;:;:; f J»ffc <-!,.,.■„.>... Al, ;i ,.a i. li m.v t^X 1111 y«« ht Murphy Mar 1« MalaOM Roads Oaldarlaad Dat. oraiaw «4I Koek Hay 14 Bafaaag Baaaaa ■oalaaia Bigeai— Daft eraiaw 495U Caliaayai May M Bakaas l'n.»'tain AldwMM Brit 1278 Pulford May SI rokotuma MaaaMd
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 707 4 3frtifrttgfmmts. NOTICE ii;i\»j xf.pointed Mcsers OcTHBIB A Co. t Ai|eiiT(i lor the i-ale of PortaM^, Vei-ticl. Fixed Engines, Boilers, ±<5., for Malay P»-n--■i.-'iU, Suiuatras Siaiu, and Cochin China. Htiairs Gothki k Co, have at present a stock •f ur improved PortaWo Steam Engines fron> 4 to i 2 nominal H
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    • 451 4 3t>brrtisfnmus. FOR SALE V Biiii*ii btmaier Uroas Taaaaga '2,**k\. Miaglt SB3 Puiils* W iVa* S awkaa. Dei-th fcH SaeWsi Kr partieaiara afffy to POWELL .v Co. May Just Arrived QBiruiHl Italian tablk wish. A t-hfiii' iind wholwnif dink »t ti.2o per dozen qt-. 'lutv baa. Muscat of Syracuse, > saaal
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    • 606 4 SSbtrrtiftYßUtrt* Bbippiog Rrm ia >f aimh *»i«i 'Kii^-i.n •I > r»- q*irea ttrui A_ 'u\ i.i c ir:r,j>oi. Mn-i aaaatataad Textilea taunm^Jilj aad aajl uoqaaiatad a ith bttjan Bai ks full partiealara akk isyoriaam n-l wferenoes to Box W3 <j.l l .*>. UuuchawV ifiaajlaad). May N r< Board want*-.! by
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    • 761 4 •STfornisrK.nug. f aisan THE RENOWNED TABLE WATER OF JAPAN. An unsurpassed drink where a Superior Article is required. Medically Recommended and Chemically Pure. Bottled m its natural state at the Springs, Takaradzuka, Japan. J. Clifford Wilkinson, KOBE, JAPAN. WHISKY AS MEDICINE !u tli. .1 1.• i---i t, ri in.|iiirv int.,
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    • 593 4 3lt>i)crtisrmrnts. Board Lodeing 111 .1 ...111J....M..1 1,,.,,- No H. f-.-i,,^,|,,. ;ll p Ooavaa. lt.«.n,H aHaea«4 to Vwaadaka For single gentletiien. Apply t«. A. C. c Free Pr.jbH." May 12 12 H I7 f Wilkie Road. Room with board, with private family. Gentleman preferred. May 2 1.7 Ground Floor Show Room
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    • 617 4 For Pen^np. Rangoon Calcutta. BritJd iiml.;, Bsaaa Bar. Ltd., Steamw fTAKOI 1. iMHUm*, < w .u despatched i« lac or« porUoa Taaalay, the 7th ingtant. For FmsjcM <<i (aiaiaM apj-ly to BOUSTEAD A Co.— AiwnU. 7.6^ "APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS. For Hongkong. MeHHi-s. Ajnar A Cob steamer CAT HE RISE
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