The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 5 May 1904

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 646 1 gutofrtisnnfntg. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Tnronuh Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Peisian Gulf, Continental, and American j Port. MAIL LINES. Outward*. 'oromaEilel May 16 Chus;in July It Bullaarat M..y 2i» Biillaarat July 14 Bengal Juue
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    • 753 1 l!tt>lmtiscntrnts. N. D. L Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The Itet and well-known mail steamers of j this Company sail fortnightly from BremenHamburg \u Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples. Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki and Kobe to Yokohama and back. They are
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    • 1397 1 ajbbrrtisrmcMs Singapore and Kranji Railway. From April 11th, 1904, and until further notice. Train Service for Week Days and Sundays. DOWN. A.*. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. V M. P.M. P.M. SINGAPORE *~ML\ 7.32 10.00 12.35 210 SJI 4.54 6.00 a 6.32 739 10.07 12.42 2.17 5.2^ 5.01 167 Newton d
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    • 656 1 dDttrrtisrmrtus. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Paid-cp Capital $10,000,000 KiNikvi Fund Sterling Reserve $10,000,000) 11(i Mattfi Bilver Reserve.. ..s 6,500,000 J lb ooo>ooo Rbsbbyb Liability of PmoPßißToms $10,000,000 COUBT OF DIBBCTOBH. A. J. Raymond Esq.— Chaibman H. E. TuMKINbEfIq Dbpcty Cbaibmab. Hon. C. W. Dicebon N. A. Sibbh, Esq E.
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    • 534 1 pUfarrtiscmcnts. Ideal Milk fg^^^V-3* Enriched 20 per cent. ynpii V/frflTr with Qpssiti K^^^l Sterili2ed-Not Sweetene 'l^^j^^gl A Perfect Substitute for Fresh IVi 1 1 K. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHAR'iE: RESERVE ;'IIABIUTyV"" OF PROPRIETORS > £800,000 RESERVE FUND £BOO.OOD Bakk or Evoi.Airn. BANKERS J
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    • 831 1 If A nice bonbon I I of compressed Bwc\i I and children to lßßWl*^^ n act (tenth hut I promptly upon lUH I I the iiv cr. stomach nsflfaW I I and intestines JM In I 1 fnnt •/u/<»/i cures Hf A I olTenv. .c breath WBf^^ land Mck-hcj-m J
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  • Domestic Occurrences
    • 18 2 «»n.ii..t At .a Penan^ X.,,.1 Peuany. «-n April :{"tli. th»- »if.- wf M <.n.k..> of .i ~.n
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    • 55 2 I- 1 ii...\bAkki. On .i> tli at Cdri-t <bi.i.i. Mala.«a t> t h*- oloiua I < 'hapi.iili. H\K kt Li it«is. A4-i^tan' Suj.t of W.. r k- PW D Ma'.i.-.-.i. "Ideift BM >>t Hurt l.upton MX« Str.itfor-1 on- Amn, Wai-«n-k«hir»-, to Kl.ofcfv t Mtki Hi nr .n i
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  • 1168 2 The Sigapore Free Press. THURSDAY, MAY 5. 1904. jmtt M Ti t t n<-«« ••••iitiriu:i- .til that lia« l»-»-ii mud f tli. .l,ij. iii.-». i the Valu a.i)*l rmri l.iit tr^iu QMnl X' 1 kni-u kIN I aflkial r»-|frf >>t Tin- t! t au'i tl»«- KuiMan retirement. fli«- .la|>.tn»*-~- un<
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  • 483 2 \"i'it<- 'is now putting oui li«t caran ..f at Pblo I' A Itr_- 'inkii-.Aii MUi-r ftmmai tdr- th>- I' >n tin- m. .riling fr- .tn W <-»r t.. Ka-t A H u»;i-'.ii_- lit- *-lal«>rai»U aii-1 e.|ii..n.«l:> I il|.-l t1... »r.!i_' Admiral M The I'"wii au. l VohMtaai Uau.l pl>yd
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  • 35 2 PORT ARTHUR BLOCKED Nine Ships Sunk < Spe<iiil to th.- Sin _Mj»or#' Free I'reM.") BoaghMg^ May ."»th. A rej«»r: aa«BM from CfcsitOtlMl tli« Japam f!*« liave xiteueHHfulh >»!«*• km! I'ort Arthur, by sinking uin«" v^hh^lh.
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  • 186 2 Mh VV IV M.i.n.i n. If. 1.. Q. k »|--«-u! general meeting of the Cbamlwr OIOMUMVMWM h^l'l this afl»-rn<H.u t-.uke the on the noiiiiuatiou ..f Mr William PMenoa W«4ddl t.. re,.rv~-nt the Chamber <>v the I>^tHLttivH CoiiDril. Mr w h WtimM t.»<,L tha Tl»«- <'haimuiii having
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  • 182 2 IVt-.r- Mr H..*anl yeste n la v m the second Pylioa <""irt. AUlullah bin Ahmat «v c^r|{«d with cli»Mtin« by .lishonently inducing a friend of his t.. ileliv»T t<. him *27 j n January last. The vriimm weut r,, show that prosecutor had lod run jewellery acewai
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  • 232 2 H K. the Governor au«i Mus, Anderuoa At Home' at Government House tat* erenlIIL' at '.'.l.') pin His Rm^Mh the <iov«ruor paid visit to the Law Courts this morning and went round accompanied by the Chief Justice and Mr Justice Jones. Auiougst the passengers homeward per I* A O Palawan
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 211 2 jaWjcrtisfnunts ROBINSON Co! SPECIAL SHOW OF NEW MILLINERY Elegant effects. Exquisite styles, and attractive MODELS. Our new leading styles m trimmed Millinery are the newest Creations and we fail to express m words the Beauty and Originality displayed m these productions. A CHOICE DISPLAY of the latest productions m FLOWERS
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    • 539 2 Co-baus StitJfrtisrmmts C. A. Ribeiro Co. Stationers, Printers, Bookbinders AM) Rubber Stamp Manufacturers. PRINTING DEPARTMENT: No. Bft, KOBINSON ROAD. OFFICE: No. 8, BATTERY ROAD. Telephone No. 906. Afl AUCTION SALK OF Valuable Teak Furniture &c. Tmk i ■k.irnin A A. Bkimtm* Ks v At N.». J:::» hU-n.oolen Street. t'mltni. M.i,/
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    • 675 2 WANTED a BansptNi Diver for i^liort enugement at (Jhristuian Apply to HOI'STKAD C<j. 4fjsaia C IP. Co. May I f».b WANTED for rhri»tifia« I. land h Chinete i.rL and t mi.-- k.--|h--Aj.nU i.. BOI7STBAO A On. tflßßli C I Co. Ma.v 5 IVf TOWN HALL I MIiKH IHK lIIHS4
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    • 205 2 QToAapft aubrvtisrmrnts I j HARMSTON'S GRAND GIRGUS I iMD Royal Menagerie of Wild Animals. LAK'JKIC KM. HI/ITU; 111 |.\K|; MOM raw \imisik> i And imported Horse* from Europe. h irst appturanw m Singapore •■i i", i FRKRES BI(iNY I r'RERES BUG*? ¥nmmc Oumn And ori^inHl riiin,,i- i.Utt. v .i ,t
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    • 5 2 Travelling Trunks McAlister Co, Ltd.
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    • 3 2 Tarpaulins McAUster&Co. Ltd.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 175 2 THE WEEK. Thckmday. '.th Ffi«li Water :—l.:{ a, 2 21 p Stanley Co.. La Mawotte, Town Hall. p (Government House At Home," 9.11 p Fkidav, »>th Hiijh Water 1.-i:{ S4Sp Qaiaaai Mail Outward due Legislative Council 2,:<0 p Municipal Conuniw«ion. 2. 50 p S V A Battery Drill. I p
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  • 1389 3 The Sacred Tree. Batta rivulet that spring From hills all >>atbed m snow, And rushes forth with joy I" M( tin. ]>ar»-nt stioani below. Just m it rtwhos smiling plains, All hright with golden tfrain. The >. nl.-.l An-nJi rai-«"ci its h«nd. ■aani
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  • 1643 3 And Don"i Know li. Have yon satpertai y»ur ki<ine\ ma tht eaaa of your trouble Does the back. Ihm.l. or UasW ;m-lip:- U then rheum.itism. «.>.ik i,..ui. or dropsr [a then too givat ..r too little Mow uf the aria*, witl gmvel or
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  • 1219 3 Singapore Sporting Club PBOGIi V.M.MX POB THK BPBINO KACE .MXXI [NO, 1904 May 24th, 26th and 28th. FIRST DAY Tmmdmy, 24fi lf«y. 1. Thk Pi.atk "i- NOO, law i MaUai Bom mmi MWtM tli.-it 1, iv.- rim M I;. i-'.., S.iS.s. riiit !.,n Jrittni-. and m itao confined to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 254 3 3tot)rrttsrmrnts. 12* r :;;c$ FJacc SOLE AGENTS FOB THE Yost Typewriter The latest pattern Writing Machine is the Light Running Yost. No. 10. No. 11. I.ETTKR AND FOOI.SCAI- SIZE I; R 1; f si/, £23 5 5.2U.10.0* 5 JAMES WATSON COS SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN TliK MARKET:
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    • 410 3 I Mosquito bites prevented jj CALVERT'S 20 per cent CARBOLIC SOAP. Tho lush percentage and excellent quality of Carbolic Acid conuintd makes it tlmr -itshly i. freshing v, ihu skin, and also usefwl for insect MM <>i sunns, ntb, ttc Each tabl< t |g sold m metal box, a great
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    • 182 3 Every woman ahmiM try. at all times, tolook her very best. Hut it^ must bo discouraging to have your •"ii-rur tell that your hair is gray wtM >„„ an only thirty or fifty! i£ y ad<ls twenfy years to tb age. \M,y n..t 1.,0k as young as you are,
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    • 326 3 BTIU Uic U\ i.i;, mm! .Make the M Jay no '2 Sanative PiUs. Kdala f,,i HJSAJCTbCRN, k HEADACHB, aad tl,. Dai ■rim BILIOUSNESS and OTBPKPsI fwj effective ia oaaM of LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDIGK and HEAICT PALPITATIONS Ti uPATlOir.aad i: a bag I'ILE.S Slit tiom. Bold by >■• dii i.
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  • 992 4 Tokvu. 15+ th April.- Japan's niilitu pro- are steadily prooftxliug mid tlw Japanese military 1 spirit m North Korea is running high. The ulKtttis, the wire eutantflemeutB. and the mines laid by the KosstaJta oo the right bank n! tli«- Yalu atv re-gun ied by tinJapanese as
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  • 291 4 \V'b«n ilw St IVUribaiK <i»Vßrnm<-u'. first apjx.inU-l a highly- aalaried Ainl>ai»*ulor to represent itu btfCffeati at Bangkok, it o-rtainlv l< like engagiu.' a nhepherd to tend purely L_>|x>th*-t -h. -j. Kii»Hta never had any int.-r-htH. whether political or commercial, m Siaui. au<l tliat ia Mtill the
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  • 213 4 GOVERNMENT AND SHIPPING SUBSIDIES. A ret mi) showing tin- amount, date, ftttd the •lurat inn of any hiil»si<lics iv the past l>v Hiu Maj«Htvs Government to ibippfng eonipuuies and the Diuuoer of abipa evil. raced m t'. .irr:itiu p ''iii»-;it-. with the speed of th-.-l.i^: a1... i ln- limn!.., of
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  • 963 4 Tli. foUueriag i- .1 |/.»it:..n ..1 .m .HticN' m |Im> I'iotiHpr" <>v tii«- abm<- lop).A* our Indian fwJMTilwtrioti become atw iud more aatthjd, uu«l tli*- l".ui).litri t>i.ounti\ n-ach their [urihf I liiuiu ,1 |MU»i.»u. Ilio UftDOVlaaitMM gaining |.r.i.'i- aipatimma m th»> tUU hunci— coattautlv |«*h*.
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  • 175 4 PASSENGERS BOOKED HOMEWARD. P. 4 O. May V— Per Palawan Mn* Dunlop. Mr Ayletilury, Madam Ma/.et. Mi»« Mazet, Hon"ble •I M B Vermont, Mrs Vermont, Mr» Cook wo children and infant. Mm* H-^i-.'. Mrs Black aad ••hildren. N D L MayK ParOMaakasg Mr .md Mrs Borli, luldren .md aervant*. Mrs
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  • 322 4 LIST OF UNCLAIMED LETTERS LYING AT THE GENERAL POST OFFICE, SINGAPORE. Arniand. Mr* Juwelier, J. E. Anifiiß, G W. Lecoeur, L. Baokaoaaa, W A I>pfpuvp. Baanlimt, L Lewis, J. 1. Baaaaioat, W. M .Lay. J. P. F{""-, r|"-- I M:iren/.i. Madame E. Baraha*ift A: Co. MeKaaaW, S. Bird, R'v.l. A.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 666 4 Sfoorrttsrmrntj. W^M/« BRAND BEBHESE ALPS MILK RICHEST PUREST q pnrF bran-DMIIK 1- ii« 1 CONDENSED m lib TINS and NATURAL mi PINT TINS '•>'' r ]t „,ik,n,Mt parfccil? aale t.. -ive t., tl.,- oaoal iMieata infant, or imalid. HORS CONCOURS--ffIGHEST' AWARD, at PARIS. Used m the State Hospitals of Perak,
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    • 509 4 Pharos Pharos Pharos Tim IViaros J>i-iuf. .•tin_' |<'ini<i is a prepum- j tion containing nil tli. wvll known proßMftiM of Carbol'u- Ari.i, < 'if.isoU' .iml uth^r BO WM Ml i disinf.-ctin;; bodaM, foinbin>'<l m a fora wlih*li rea^en iv *M a.s ;i DIBIHFECTAMT i DEODORISER" and "GERMICIDE" naa, OTtuitl. •llill
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    • 118 4 Solutinc ih .1 g<xxl 1 hi n to -I. mv eleahea and kid glove* it ia <■),.-,. j and doe« not take Hre like benzine. Dec o NOW TO AVON) TKOI BLE. Now ir. tb»! time to provide yourself and family with a l».t t of < 'liutu •••-i-Jii in
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    • 58 4 Grinding, Sharpening, Polishing. Mr. <i. S;i!>ittier U-gn to infuruj tlu. pubii*' tli;i> Un lia.-t iv.-..j V ed tlie latent HUit tuoni «-ouij.Ii t« 'iMcliinery foi grinJin;j, scttiug, uhui-pening and folishing an/ kiaU oJf ditrgicol inatrumenU, razors, bair olippent, b*rse clippera, hair scisaora tailord soiiworH aud others of everj dencription at
      58 words
    • 188 4 NOBEL'S Explosives Co, Ltd GLASGOW Manufacturers of Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine Detonators, ALL KINDS OF Safety Puses MB Electric Blasting Apparatus The aboTe Explosives, being all mauufac t ire<l m Great Britain, are made to pass the high standard of safetj and puritj tMU imposed by the British
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 994 4 VESSE LS 1: i. i>( pifSU Giving port o departure, and (where known) date due h-:r<\ a:i-J<: uf Agenti MEN-OF-WAR. Anl*." Kr.. TciloOalabi v < larlo Ai:»-rt... I May!. |V, '1',.,;.., JtM> Hi Curawallla, H.M S .v, 1T D Pr. i. 100, tla-M Diana, :i.M B,Ua I i.
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    • 2 5
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      • 31 5 The correspondent of the hails hroni.-1.-" it < I ejoo emjl that the Japanese landed tn-ps dt I ukow on Sunday md Bttachod aud t.N.k Niuchwang on Moudas evening.
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      • 10 5 The Russunß retreated t.. protect the railway.
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      • 27 5 No news of the fiu'htini; uu the Valu wa» publmlMH] at Petersburg till late on Tuesday uigh:, when the denpj»t4hes of Kuropatkin w*re published.
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      • 73 5 LBiff Alexeieff's Report I.enter'* correspondent »t Peterwburg wiree tha' Alexeieff, who peixmally dir»> ted the defence, reports that the attempt to block Perl Arthur 'jq Monday was repelled The hif»hipi«,'" »hi«.h were anneal with Hotchkiss guns, maint 'int-i a hot lire. Wh*-n sunk, tlmcrews to«>k to
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      • 26 5 Keuter s correspondent at Tokio wins that th*- attempts t<- Mock Port Arthur made ou Monday evening .irv believed to have l**-n ■nneoonfaL
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      • 43 5 Negotiations are approaching a oonchnnon th »»-Teral financial bousee m LoadoOl for the isfcue of a Japanese l««n of rive millions sterling, bwnring interest at Ml p«'r cent, at '.*3. The tecuritv will \<n a first charge on the Customs.
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      • 62 5 P O MAIL STOPPED Russians Examine Mnils Thf Knssutn gunboat "Krahri" tire<l a blank charge at. and stopped, the < > mail -'earner Osiris nine hours after snaring Brindisi. After two hours' detention, during whkh t\y mails were sorted. th»- Kuskuuik deniande<l the Japanese mail, but th. latter VM uutoii<li«l,
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      • 60 5 Mil Hah Yet Active Renters agen-V kjarus tegardiu- the fightmg SomaliUnd w^tioue.l on April i7th that it has improved the poeition of the Mulbsk The friendly Mi>rUins having iaile-1 to ehool him his power is by no means gone. He ha- -till \..~S*> riHes Tlk- British try >p* are
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      • 19 5 11»* t»«ult of the nmning m the Cbeeeer up is r<#ilows:— fciandU.s 1. Mark Time 1, Thro«-*sr»y 4J
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      • 38 5 Tbo pilgnm steamer Teenkai. •mvnoi ber.- y«terdHv from Je^ldah with 7M hadjis .11 «-«/>! Kiglit deatlm .iccurred during the fOfOgi The vessel was .pianuitine.l ou arrival here "till the pil^n™* ba 1 been Un<1 H <>U John's for ob^rvation.
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  • 743 5 The Wheck of the "Scotia." This morning a Marine Court comprising Mr J. B. Klciini, President, with Lieutenant Uewett, R. N., Pilot H. S. Hauxwell and Captain Bell of the s» Charou sat to enquire into the stranding of the cable steamer Scotia on Guam. Mr
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  • 171 5 |Mv \.\i\ >s 1 1 h s ii'msi. b'r- okp Mi Kobert Lute teiu v. li.a 1 nWasetoa'a will arrive from Peaung bj tho H I mail steamer "n Tuoodaj next and will open --n WecßMadaj nighi with a progiaaeaM be has novel s.-t u|iailtnd 'llie odd turns
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  • 195 5 Hi --1 s s Inthi'.i kK«ut*>r -tat<- the loßowhnj advieee ba«s Suf-n receive*! at Peshawar from Cabul. daUi.l March 1" The flewora of lalH :aid Herat i report that .nsidpral.l*- nunibsrs of Russians ar* entfrinL' t !i>- aoio^bourhood Of P'-njdeh and j Bal.ih Masijab, jii«l that tin-
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  • 145 5 Uinn Bavta Tsanej LtMti Bnvomr. The annual report of the I'nited Umpire Tra/le LeOgVO, which is signed for the OOUncil b\ Sir Howard Vincent, the boo se< retarv. has lieeii issued. It states that the League will alssass coiiimue to work 111 the greatest amits, and without
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  • 18 5 The damage done to the engine room aud stokehold of the oil steamer Volute' is assessed at tlo'.<HH».
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  • 1368 5 Its Possible Lenoth. At first there was a very general opinion that the war would last long. It was understood by most well-informed persons that Russia was not prepared. Her Government had been so convinced that the Japanese would not dare to draw the sword against it, that
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  • 390 5 i Via Hou^'kou^i. H*»rlin. April "JX. Th»> K«icbata^ htm \>us<*-,\ this alt^rn<K>u the vote for Kiauohow without del>ate. Emperor William will return U> U»-rmanv nil Ist of May via Venice Euiperor VVilliatu had t<> l>r.-;ik his trip on account of a Sir<K.'f<i rain, and is now Ml the wav
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  • 211 5 Th<- good •■ffect of the Su^ar Bounties Con\fiition gradually r»-vealin^ it»elf. One of the *i^iih is the re\ w of the Britinh sufpu industrj. which is einer^in^' blowlj from the lou({ s|»*>ll of depression under whi<-h the hostile tariff.--"f the auiptr-uiakinK ••.,nritri''n had lai*l it und
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  • 203 5 Th« Navy LmM pul>li*hen the order of merit of pri/.e tiring ol the Hntisli Na\ v for IMW, contributed Lv Mr Arnold White." The Majestic i Channel) «Utnds tin.! 8" 44.«. Then follow three China »hip*» Albion, (ioliath (ilor\ from 7!«.5H2 to 72 7-.2. The (><ean m sixth
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  • 270 5 Daasucn m thk fW*ei >>v 9mtmm« The China Navigation Bt«raiiH-r Kashinu'. on arrival at HoiigLoiig from the North report* that when Kupchi I'oiut lM>r»- N. 23 X diHtant hix tuilets. |i.t->»-- 1 a large spar floating vertically, evidently attached to a submerged wreck. Sikli a
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  • 93 5 The Staulev to played "My Sweetheart at the Town hall last m-.-ht with fair succ^hh, Mian Fanny Stanley lieing very good a* My Sweetheart Tina. «lni>- Mi-- Hamilton as "Mrs Fleeter and Mi-- Dolly Cliilds .1- Mm Hatzell acted their partx well. Mr IMi ill i(.|- plavetl
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  • 158 5 YKSTFRI>AYS PLAY. Championship. Wither* l«at Kent. »i 3, 6 4. A Class Sinolk. Sal/tnann l>oat Saunders, :> ♦>, X— 1, U 1. B Class Sinolk. Brown l>eat Criswick. ♦>— 2, ♦> 0. HeU*rt 1-eat (Jray, 7 :>. 2 4, •> I. Rucliwaldv ittat H.nrett. :l <•. 9-
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  • 210 5 n»sk*sci uni rAUura. wHlwHlgl there have bapa one <>r two rather ix'vcri' losh4'». Lloyd's underwriters who issued policies against war risks have, «»n the whole, done well out of the business The "KaMfftwa Maru" and the three other nteaiuerH of thfl V K. m European waters
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  • 81 5 <^uit.- a touching "Uies r»'t«-l«J. A st n«J«-nt of that city \\m- summoned before a magistrate <»n Uh -J*th Mar< h for brawlmu. H»* happened to ha reading f«»r au examination, and found he lia<] no tiin<- to attend. X-> ha M-ut hi* ri'inr.f instead, m a nuit of
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  • 83 5 CHAMBERLAIN'S COUCH REMEDY. l» the mother's favorite. It i» pleasant and tf>- for children to take and also (MM It is intended especially for •ou^lih. colds, croup and whooping cough, anil i-i th*» hest medicine ma<le for thes* disease*. Then- it- not the leant danger m giving it to children,
    83 words
  • 25 5 May naaiagjti BMaWaafairiai iM uuml>»ny •>. iaaa ialfaaatfaai mmimmttan, m*j ,\<> hy --.n.- IaMMM to Kin^nc..." C/1> thin otti HQ.I SHlll*' -lihll liavo hi.- ;ktt.'Uti"ll
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  • 62 5 i oaaaenm n ru \ia\ Bank ;u.i ' 1 |n; Private rnxliu Am s cre-lits ii mi m Fra.nck, immmi 5371 Okkmany, d»> p.; India. T. T. 1;,. HONOK«>N(», 'lolliilU'l <£ 1 TnaT— i mi aaaaaanl Jwa, -leuiauil 114.. j Bajiokok, demand SOTKRKIGNB, iio.r^ Bank of England Ka»<- t%
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  • 130 5 (May '>.) Pin 77.7.-. jkmbier Mt do. Cute No. 1 l r > do. do. No. „15 Pepper, Black (ordinary S'por»> „tt 45 do. White. (Pair L. W. 5 p.c, „47 Nutmegs 110 to *he ft.) 4:5.1". do. 80 to the fc. 90 ICaoa(Banda) 145.15 Cloves (Aniboina) 33 Siberian
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  • 306 5 MINES. j jMatTin ...*k> i,> 300,000$; 104 J o HMmkOoUord.... )>> 71 75,00u if, j Do Dtt... n> 10 40,***** Hruwh H Tiu 10 1O 600,000 »i »i j .J..l«n« .Tin i;l XI XIUO.OOO lejirtj .lolebuMin. A l.inhq. 5 5 300,000 10c K.'xUn.-t <i"M ••!-<]. 10 IO 200,000 3
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 226 5 MAILS CLOSK. To-MOBBOW, l-'or Per At Shanghai T'-«nkai II AM Muar k Malacca Farfalla 2 pm Bangkok Deli I pm Malacca P Dickson Hye Leong 9pm Hongkong A<- Pundua I pm Pal'-mliiini; Ophir 4 PM Satckdat. Laboaoi \<- Tringgauu ax PfeloßhojßH Ruhr 1" am Indragiri Aing Ann noon Brooms Ac
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    • 756 5 VESSELS IN PO R^ AhmJv 'SJiSn Sr" V' 1 7 K hin OneEwoHai Mtag Carl Ma> J H Nla Dw.n.ielH Batar.a rh,L r> T," v" irlHt W 2 Kll<lli1 B. K.ii B hu Uncertain d!m Mil MlUil:i **mlUjm Manila .s SS SS &f^s: ssSUS' bf M g£ H r 5
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1056 6 attomigfmfnt*. are you ACTUMAO TROUBLED <wth §\Q ff IflM i If you i- ii ..l.tain INSTANT KELIKFaud yiir. ihnmjfli using Zcmatonc Powder ami Cigarettes. R«'cotiiincn"led by entire M**«*si«B MmMgkfMrt Kurope. Writ.- t.«r FRJETRIAC BOX t.. rOKNFORO* »o. la Coronation H-mis. bloydM Ati-iiii. 1 l/.<nU"U. X.<'. NOTICE. Pera bin Subtiban,
      1,056 words
    • 860 6 gt>bfrtisfinfn». FURNITURE SALES Satunioy, 7th May. ut 1 oO At the Detective Station. Robinson Roud. Household Furniture Ac. The property of H. F. Perrett Esq. At :U. r f>.m. At L-tcoinl. Cottage. Gilntead Roiid. Houseliold Furniture Ac. The property of T. Eldridge Esq. S,i///r./ay. 14/A Mai), at 2 p.n. At
      860 words
    • 705 6 UlltS far LEI PEisllS' «*A^7 M m WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. BY SPECIAL WARRANT Jg^XpSk.- HIS MAJESTY 0 PURVEYORS TO THE KING. CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES^ 17, Wilkic Road. m j IUIIU- .««a«% Ow AN Room to let. with private family GenUemaii 1« 111 1 I l/Q af^./ I o\ I OllllJUljrCt OC
      705 words
    • 459 6 Owing to the judgment of the Tan nan case, the most rei freshing <md wholesome natural mineral water well known m this market as ARJMA TANSAN will be sold hereafter as ARIMA WATER The Injunction restricting Messrs .McAlister A: Co, Limited from calling their water Funagoya Tansan also applies to
      459 words
    • 806 6 JOiJGR'J AUCTION Vatuabßc Household Furniture &c A LARGE NUMBER OF VERY OLD ENGRAVINGS AND VALUABLE ETCHINGS. To be held at ISKANDKK HALL, JOHORK, I.v ogdtr <-l llm Afliniuistniton. at the fst.itn of I Hi: !.\IK DATO MKI,|i|,TM On Saturday, 7th May 1904, at 1 1.30 a.m. .M.X.1...,, I ,nii.
      806 words
    • 412 6 .».o GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. T-nden. will U» received at the ColoniV Se< r-Ury b Office, up to noon of the 1 4 th May 1!«<U. f or the following works <1 < "ii»tniction of a Mezzanine. Audit 1 1- Krection of quarter for the Government Veterinary Sti^'eon Kr.Ntiou of .juarters for
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