The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 29 May 1903

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 335 1 flU\)fiusrmnus. Pp. HTBAM NAVIOATIOM O OOMPANI i China. Japan, IN n hik, < lon. Australia, India, K&* n, I gs pi. m. dlterranean l*oru, IMj moutn .'v I nn.lon. Thr..u^h Hill (•^.•.t. hnhi <•"•'. i.i.:i. nt.: \a*i \meri»iui I' .rt-' HAII LI! ..n.t •..r..n.*l|.lrl Jim- J" M '-'>'•• 4 ISTI
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    • 200 1 .115. Pac.:ic Mail Steamship Co Oc identdl and Oriental Steam*- 1 J p Company Toyo Visen Kaisha VTA INLAND JAPAH \m» >• i Vtl»nt li I'nit.-l Slat*- >i nTO Xl Xi >l'h. v f < front uthcrn Pacific, Central P«cifi Union Pacific. Denver And Kio Grande, and Northern Pacific Hailways
      200 words
    • 322 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. I'n I i :ili: NBTHEK I VNI I M>IA <f< >\ KKN .M KM Agents at Singapore, Ship Agency, late J Daendels Co., 2-} Coflyer Quay ennentioawd <«-.s an >>nlv .i|j.r..xinnt»-. Steamer From Expected Mill be Despatched for on Mij ji 15. i ■•.in. k r.
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    • 244 1 The Tanjong Pagar Dock* Co. Limited. Shipwrights, Engineers, Iron and Brass Founcdrs, Wharfingers, &c I rfui I: f I and O TMI BJ 1 1 1 1 t) 1 1 ipaay »iil n. 1- 1 1 ■■v Ii in.iv due t N\ I 1 UAL I -1.-, ....1 ÜBJ will
      244 words
    • 500 1 1 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Co oration. I'xti' 1 I- mi: $10,000,000 Bl IBTI ri si. $10,000,000 1 ?1 RHBBt k l.i mm 1 1 1 <•( PIOfUIIWi $10,000, k I <.i- l)i I A J RATMOKD K.vj, Cn.ukMxs H X ToMKijisEaq Dmrvn Cbaiuij H U >, urn, bq B
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    • 496 1 Sbbrrtisrmrnts. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY BOTAL CHARTER CAPITAL i^HOO 000 RESEKVK FUND £725.000 I \nh 01 i urn BANKKUS WaTIOBAI !{\sk..v BOOTLABS Tiik Lohdom ii 1 y 1 Midland r' Hank. Ltd ■AI'CHK BRASOH [HTBBEBT OH FIXED DKPOG X... v in. .nth-, pei ..-lit j».
      496 words
    • 84 1 Apollinaris MLs MVII.MS THE M\(j H.K.H Till PRINOE OI WALLS. 30.000.000 THEY NEVER I I TRY THC M Aut I I chial 1 GRIMAULTS CIGARETTES /s Ik Th^ ineipalSt* es iSKY r ir s (i! \g nta Straii r a Hbl C^BBSMMB^^tfflßfilV- ii V Vv^ ;^b/Abbß bbsbbbbV ■KERS oi t
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 270 1 Singapore and Kranji Railway. FROM THE 10th MAY, 1903, and UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. WEEK DAY SERVICE I si day SERVICE DOWN. DOWN. Ningapore rf...7.00 7.48 i<» <«• n 12.32 j i-^ 1.50 6.40 •;<». 7:;:. y.19 v,,, )L 1; .;1 11; v 1 C 7j09 7 V 10.09 \\V> 12.41
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  • 1016 2 In Unlit <if f lie I'OUMltfi ,••-11. "ti tlm |'i' t t Moai ripaliti \nt\ int lint- to I i i v 1. 1. i .;i- '.i tii»iiiittnioi), .iii'l tht; --jlili- w.n m w hicli v. >ult] I■■ uer« by oi nil Still UM i-. .unu:>-iii«-iii
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  • 1040 2 Mr <i T I -ktl! I i tli i-.i j.t.i m.-\ ••1 tin- BelMger fm Bi i \i. 1 1 1 i •it Bnan m 1 1,,. Kimli-.i -Mi.iwak ).>i.r.l,n morning frutu X 11.*****.. '11..- II mi t. Baylor, I Hi c D Cobban retaraed bj Urn "S, from iftkw
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  • 105 2 i I ureaiaaj denite Lhaj rail .ui.j wi n ,j B raa broughi off betweea cnti Btroke«l roipwtivelv by A Boberteon and H. J White rheeoune waa froa Panaa L»dg« to John•ton a Pier aad the start WhiWi ere* ajel weU away and eataUiahad b 1 lea.l. K.,»^t•on
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  • 72 2 m < l. «> Born of i( firiti* l^r,,^ 1 111 »h»ch wmed Lore n»tenk» »1 I ttpni lt l!)t X lle pj,.^ 1 man mid !,,t h. was op, +hp v^rifa '*-VSS -v itl M (> H 11( sank. Hehuhrf himj?,^ bind om and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 135 2 AHOrrttsnnniis. Prtliminarv NoticeAu 1. P«tf „1 I 11 mm ii.:. 1 1 AMU«m. VI lION Ml 1 1 IV I 111. 11 m, 1 1 1 X r i ml ■I• 11 i\\ Kl.l v < t ■Vfti Me I K»N MAUI Ol Leasehold A^nculturjl Land X v :.l- HN«.
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    • 455 2 rrt isrmnus. CALDBECK MACCREGOR CO., (ESTABLISHED 1804.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON GLASGOW. SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG, AND SINGAPORE. Pnoe i Ist on Application John Little Go, Ltd. House Furnishers BEDSTEADS at REDUCED PRICES. SPECIAL LINES OF SINGLE BEDSTEADS .11. Hli vldr ii II4JDOL srlds ;>t II6J§O. houMi Km «i-i. .id- 1 m.
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    • 232 2 £9 Cms --nit HARMSTWS T4RAND harmst6n-s uniiiN v HARMSTONS UIIIUUO Royal Menagerie of Performing Wild Animals. lE;®* at 9 Sharp. TJif bral Clivim »hi>>' ih»l r via Mini THE VALDARES JOHN WEL.BY COOKE 11^1 .1 i r 1 < 1.1 *>t t- i>t 1 h»-m all GUILLUAME and AUCOSTE. I
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    • 309 2 fo-Hags 3D»frtis-mrnts WANTED a Building Ovcmci 1 1 Kuni-i.-iii 1 Chiiifw or T.imil. Apply l>y iHt^r Swan an'l Ma.iaukn -t .«t i»ivc ,|u«li»io;iti..iiM uu<\ r<^|uir»"l May H TO BE LET With Immkkimk Rimi Am < -ii. m gr.iuuJ loor oaW aeat ttaaaia Ren* *25u permoaih. Api.i. t., a U 0.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 151 2 i mi: WEEK. Hi«h Wat 11.41 a J3O p p lent p v x tnfantrj Drifl, ">.l*» p 1 l; Mtg.. Blair Lodge, B JO p fndi I 9;■ 1 !t p H p i I P A O '!..<•• -l1 ting, noeaj. The K*-Mt I p BRE(V Bahatiav Ran«e.
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  • 493 3 Tlw tM'it Popular < h. ill t*Lr plaaa «>n Batvrdaj J •N.- harv.s and I m the do»-ks uintiAl in*pt»ct luu tomorrow at 4 }»m. tlu- .lr.-.-. ia I>nll 0r.1.T with li«-ltuHs aad piitti«w < tln.-cni to .-.irrv nw.inln aeaa ho jaaipad tliH M.-wt m the II
    493 words
  • 100 3 ii~>u ih«- Britiah barque Joha >i Iviau the P ml itaun 1., I'xrtii^u.'s. 1 •ul v „.-.1 i> Lato tl fjMjat'a caaaadj ea i atleaaptißa; to poiaoa lii» i "ii Iha biga >.m- befeea urn |".rt I' I Louis, Mauritius. The Captain kfaa tlmt the »1.-».inl |>ut noinw
    100 words
  • 52 3 I'll.- foHowing vote ii>|-.-.-.i ..i I ■i aad HvaaUi n ahofj haaM R I ■II Lun*t< Bikit, 1i.1.l ea*eaf laa dated April I I- t S '1m.,11 for > I Lead Had i Mm. (|uil r 1 W D i H»,m 'i Mh for >
    52 words
  • 86 3 I* Hif l.iiratil I 1 i i..iw 4knrtan oaaai ka«a beea «'ili<lrHw», Teow Koi id Mr Ii .in.l 'I. i.i Y.-..\\ X..11-. bj i»rd« I m .hi. l H< li Van- |Vn_- -ILmi, mm] I -> in. l J I V. Wai!.. .1 Mi w will be
    86 words
  • 5 3 i«a 1
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  • 144 3 THE PROFITS OF THE UNTTED STATES STEEL TRUST. I Will BU( I m t i'lic j Il i i ■•II till- Ul Ml PU« I i «d the raaaai kat n of \nt* it ipitf of n n jmv i k whi.-li lit. d tke priea j^ti-l t.. rtj UUO
    144 words
  • 396 3 V-m.i.i.:\ aftaraooo Before Mr WUkiaaoa t'i.- Japaaeoa ffili— afataataiv wjw char^nl with Daring nnn-deivd a Beuntrraßaa, ;.:i«) having attaaaptad to martlet another. Mjr Innee, t>u- Depots Public EVooecaior, M -r* Braddafl and N'il.l.-tt aj.|.*ar»-d lor tl..' mci nd '-In -ye in.-. lie il evidence as t<
    396 words
  • 486 3 M I- ■'-•it- 1.- < tix ■■.rr»->|«.inl.'ii! „t ijjc I. tioa In.iii I irtwfw ii 1 r i|uut«i tli.- Mlowiag hicL i! m ill u..t it bout .if«- -li.-ni I .Mr n 'i. ij be m.iTiii' 1 H baa and rwp --..I i tin- .}j .i... bi
    486 words
  • 147 3 8t Pet«rsliury aaMaaj point out that Ku-.-i.t has lout no time and *pHred no outlay of money iv makin_' a mo«t useful navi'l station out of I* .ft Arthur RcmarkuMe prunres* hii»* l«-en made m the work tvf daapwiaaj the inner ro.dataaaX f >>r which t\»o Qoreranaßl graatod
    147 words
  • 141 3 .Maxciii kia s»-oni. Urn ii Mawn of tha BaajiHi VoluntHcr FU«'t ;m<l Norweuiuii «t4-auieni »r« roaToyiaaj troofa frooi Port Arthur t<> the fain coast Toere ara tbrea Kuaakui iratahma at tli»- inoutli of the Yalu ami strict patrol of th»- >«-.i l- ni.untnincd All ti-tliiriK' <>|>«-riitioiiri m Urn <li*t
    141 words
  • 215 3 Tli- foUoving note aaaaariag m the' li.nly Pnaa," taken from the Aawtieaaj mai;a/itie. (j<xxl Houaekaaaar." laftiiM ba encour lu'einent to the jower- that bfl m HoagSOOg .111.1 other aHtl to i-oiitmue w \\h i^i.ur the «,,i a^am-t kaM huz/irii,' j---t vexe« and menace,, our
    215 words
  • 248 3 Mkna< k t- <. i In lv* matl i«-|«.r' .11 tii.- tr.i<l»- ..t t1,.--■I.K dtstrid < 'In. M i.: •iiiti hade i rihcturing. whoL at Chi nod tlie whole feoauki 1 :t,r.J I. L ,|j, w „,u t ||,u,Hl in if-.. t/l'l tIM ..-.1-c-l i- -ii.- m whl<h
    248 words
  • 396 3 'n,.- cm.. i,. i.ii npatilm lMS«ftfc« Khiud■i..l < ■ii l i:ii,~i.,ii,T FM H to tl f:.M.|,nt »;.-ii,;r.,!. itaiM uMi|ri ..tii-r ißfornwiiuo, r),,it the t.' IWMMM Ni >.\ei Ji' liiillii.j] .Im]l.h>. J, luilliMij, „\,-r -i.tiiiiat.' ui.| million m HM <-f l.t-t w; ir an.
    396 words
  • 32 3 Iwo Chiuaiuen have btsen arivsted m couucction with an att«>mpt to defraud the Hongkong IS.nik of whiU 'm said ?o \m> a eonsideniMr miiiii of nionev Tho affair i- still beiu^ investigated.
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  • 286 3 Mr .J H;in Botirtaott'a (aanaraabla aaaaral tin- Soe'n-ty of Art's BMWtiBfJ m London on Maivli 12 evokeii consider. ililf i-ontrov>-rsy Mr Uohartaaai'a taag aad elabarata oaaininatwai of th.-f.n-t.s l»»d him to Ike noinifaawwi t the efaabaj of tin- Mints was (»n>><pf tin- awat lortaaaie evaajta m
    286 words
  • 217 3 B<ill s A»l««tocs Eastern _r>-ri--y t! rioin Bwwaw.iii <; M. (Jo ($7 S 775 Bni^-I. Hv.J X J". Ohlifcaa <.< M. Ob fl mm t I Cl<-ar Water Daiiy Fain |100) nil— $100. Fraaer and Neave '{">" $!>:■!. Hongkong A fehantfh li H.aik ($111) |»>7*>. Howarth Erskine (fl'Ht,
    217 words
  • 122 3 (May iW.> Tin M t Gain bier l.i.J.'j do. Cube No. 1 21.7% Pepper, (ordinary .Spore) „3V do. White, (Fair L. W. 5 p.c.) SH. Nutmeg 110 to the ft.) 8"> do. 80 to the m. ISt. Ma<-.e (Banda) no Cloves iAuilkjui.i) „32 Liberian Coffee l'.»."»o Tapioca, miiall
    122 words
  • 55 3 (LOERKCTKI) ll' ro M Bank 4ms >■ deiuaud I Private credit* ,1 m > I documents tmja credits 6 m/* I France, demand >|! Okkmamt, deniiui.l l^" 1 Lmdia, T I IHunokuno, (li'iii.uil Yokohama .I.' uu.<l Java, deniaii'l >i> fieui i J'- iiluei**>, SOVKRKIONS, (t.< l^y^j^Tills GyneIknk
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 23 3 > i!i|rii-,ii ilm K-.»(tl Kii^'i l.< .Ma ,it Pulo Hiuin 1.i...i X.ilL.r |V.-i.|*>i "t" «!aiin- «'luli. i|Mt lli.r.- i» -sviiimiiii^ i», IMM v KutrM-..
      23 words
    • 29 3 .Mi- f .^(.jinic BnekjM »h<< is mjmbm4 [MM li«;r liukli;i!i>l n.>» r«'.»-iv«-M t'K'»<M> a year .1-, .tliiiioiiv ilic i.ii_-.»i -MiM neari m t lii»» Mio All out of jmIU
      29 words
    • 359 3 Vw-Me Otdlbart. -till th« lIIOHt |«>pillai I'ari--i. 111 -iiii^-r writ> You. toilet prej,.mit „.ii. Kananga-Osaka de Rigaud, i- w> very r»-fre n |iiti_' that I -limll m fut me aaa it m my bath It np1.14-.— in,,,-., .'i- and .1 inoxt remarkal.le ela.-ti. it y to the -kin iv fact,
      359 words
    • 282 3 OCEAN STEAM.Sin^U^fett--A X China Mutual Steam Nay. Co., Ltd. The Oaaaaaj— 1 ataaaan aafataaaj tmm Lnerp.^>l oafevatdl for tli.; Straits, Chin., aai .Japan evory week, and from Japan aaawwanb Ear London ,>very fo.-tni-ht and for Liven 1 monthly. One ontward steamer aaca aaoeta •Ktaaii lo raaOOWMT Seattle and T taking
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 55 3 WKATHUR RKPURT. (May 28.) Taken at Kandang Kerlwu Hospital Oljservatory. 9 A.M. 3 p.m. i>.m Bar. red. SS Fal>. is3§t 'J9.792 9M3\% Tempemture... ks Wet Bulb Therm 80.J 7h.4 7#J Dir. of Wind E.B.E. U. Calm. Max. Temp, m bhade 'Mi. Mm. do. do. 7-*. 1 Mas. n Sun 1
      55 words
    • 880 3 I VESSELS IN PORT. fcTS^'"" F 'r-* naT Err*- *ri p Ambm l«l iv,. f MmttU Mw log-borg 1674 E3b v JJ Bor« BTOC7B*, M, t h,....,, M., J 7 V\ CkutarhauN Brit 1248 Khighorn M.,v ;■>,.- F:, IlLr k..k l--'-'"i"- Brit 71. M.,-, i OtafaDoe- Br« 1434 ftunbrid^ M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 77 4 Sbbrrti%rnirnt9. ITCH en Mrtl I' >ngko* In. S E Borneo /f X i 1 lc i I \l l \M I s \|.i~ M Thi- Tanionß Pa>;ar Dock Co Recreation Club M I U I M Sex >nc a M NOT I |Im «ood\ >t Thomas Hi* J t MERSONS
      77 words
    • 171 4 >lt>t3rrUsCiun\ts. \S I t I > I. nil. linn; < ml \...i-. -v an v M\< i ahi:n WANTED p i t.. X V Al- i; >' WANTED I „t Igmw ''"'I I'm- x v w il -i. Cfcaagi A i WANTED CHINESE SAWYER I-. i A •«m M hi
      171 words
    • 367 4 X.AX /v KAK. YOKOHAMA K l:l MM IL ..r; fc Kuhn A. Komor ■> K.i lt). ><|ii.n>< Art Curio Depot Wl.l MM. ..1.1.K. IP .s Art Silver, Gold Lacquer. X „T y and f Cloisonne etc Inspection i;.itcd. >■ The Osaka Exhibition libttMHi oi hibits vwll tin I it tl
      367 words
    • 221 4 Utibfrttsnnrms. BUCHANAN'S Old Scotch Whiskies. g\ Buchanac! Biend $si I■l i w j '7tU^3l "Hougt of Commons" l|a "B White" II hi -i ii|. i King. To be obtained from 2 v Ki:u BEAU >- 53 "BLACK it. 16 a 4 S,,lc !n»| BORNTO Co. Ltd. '^Hi;^ > the time:
      221 words
    • 279 4 :ldi rnts. BU. RE Mm, BOAKIi MCE. Priory." 7; i i BOARD AND LODGING Cilia" Dppei w,iu,,. i W HITE j..,. TO LET ni< «uMivi- > I.I; BR< Aj.l V, O i Ku. 71 i go m I j SBNG EN i !< L ET V. Ui ,i I: .\i.
      279 words
    • 289 4 i>N SALE tbe follow K.-ir B M turit/, iril md V.,n n,. s t liinerm aad man/ |lp Prk i iiiinlwie KONG TIONG MIN Co., No 17.; <V,-il Street. 3.6.03. FOR SALE Elliott Broa London II I. COGHLAN a <o. .V.' V I FOR SALE A Barry De Dion Motor
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