The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 23 December 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 680 1 wuuumnumg. T> &AY Orrica Taisgraaa^i; IJ Wiiaitm Keppel Harboar NAVIGATION CO INDIA AV>n:Ai.i\ aW B«»TPT. MAKBKILI.I OIBRAI MALTA, BRIM.I>I. PLYMOUTH!! LHJN. Tkroagh BUla of Lading iaraad for "—rim Qvlf. C<mi,n~Ul and A^eriean PorU, also f k C*.aa Cms< MML LINES OUTWARD HOMEWARD Chasaa D* 28 Bengal 0.. B| Itoi GflaaMawaaai
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    • 652 1 Pacific M^ 11 Steamship Co Occidcn>? a^ anc^ Oriental Steaj?^ v Company Toylp Kisen Kaisha §i(ii 1 SS Co) VIA IX* '>** JAPAN t»rfh I'mbv Tick«U u'runt«l t-. Kn<U/id and <»-rmaii> l.y trSaa-Atlaatk linen ft rs, and to the principal oiti.-^ •»f tin- United or Canada. Kat4>« miyl. obtained on
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    • 753 1 :tUDcrtisrmtiits. DE KONINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAaTSCHAPPIJ. I ••N.'.A. VMIK HI,; NhiMLM.AM.- [*D] An:■.M SI Agents at Singapore, Ship Agency, late J. Dacndcls ft Co., 2-3 Collyer Qua' Ilk- undenii«'titi.,,i».,l ,Ut«., 41 „.,N a r Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for O n \..n 1),.,.,.-., Baagrta v, fj BUliton, 1 Bamarang,
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    • 696 1 3liUfru&rninus. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cc; oration. Paid-i 1 i'aiuai....' $1U,00«>,000 BIIHTI 1 .5 t.7',0,000 j* 14 50 000 7 liK.SKIi.VK LrABILITV <>!■ Pmn himm 110,000,000 < nl fti <>t DtKEf.THjBS. Hoa Ii Buwav, Chairman a .1 Raymomd E*fc Dmrvn Ohaibmajt Hon i' \V |)i. von II BCBVBAM F-mi ■w,
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    • 691 1 atiUfvlisrmnug. I Guaranteed I Full Cream. I L,ar«esfe Sale m the World. °"i7.^ I neaerianascn luaische Handelsbank (HBTH. INDIA OOMMBRdAL BAJTK). Htf >■! niiin l-'i.; Paid up Capital -£7,200,000 (abt £600,000) Reserve Fund -fi,408,000 (abt £122,000) Hkad (>;n, A.m-tki. lit: vi Age.v.'y Batavi Ml \.v JIKS A COKKES| ,M,K.MS ii,
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  • 23 2 Birth Gauntbr. -On 17th instant, at VI Anson Road, Peniin^, the wife of H. G. W. Cauntkk, at a hi .ii.
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  • 1991 2 The Singapore Free Press. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23,1902. H<r« thail »h» Pmi th* l>op*'» rifb« maintain, I'mwd by influence and imhribed by pa- I Her* urint Truth hrr irl«r;uti» prrrrpct tow. C r 'r^l m Krif|!i<Mi, loyalty and IjW Such h tlk- -r.ivity of the housing question m Singapore that no
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    • 211 2 MarCOnieT^ X tllf> "ream«>rki. .-'t^^ntSSSSK! i London ■'ii"' B Marconi luu. e«t*bli»h^ii*«^^gH|^» «li/.intf t». it j» catiou betw«en Cape Bwjonp^«^»g™||^^ l,. ri l!j m I number of iiiAUguml "^^^^^^^rattj^^Und m -v. L. ted. including ooe fro» uCru T'r^^Vj^fc m^riue f, KiDg h« firat tioie thatji*«^i^A li^^S I tuigofabU Jum ,i»gl»lett«w.
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    • 132 2 The Standard's Shangliai c*rre*ponJent *t*te» fUg,,;) H that General Tung Fu Hsian£. who wi sen- v^H^n' tent**! to l>e executed iv connection with the r > ft,.- Boxer trouble, rawing a force of 10.000 troops m Kaoeii for the purpose of extermina- urn vl ting th« foreigners m Shensi
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    • 24 2 T!i»- It.ilian thir.l rlaas cruiser ftioranni lUusan has captured a Venezuelan schooner. bj*\c&. The Earthquake m Turkestan. «r»w« I
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    • 54 2 It m estimated that 16,000 houses lure been v ot i de*trt>\.- 1 aud 2,500 people killed at Andjian. <: >4 fnnce (I Buinblin^rH xtill continue. "t^^-v 'i! The eicavation of the ruin* is prooeeding. A De»pit.> <i .v.-riiin»nf ntnusturn-e, the inhaU- a girl." ll Unta are ttufTenn^
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    • 39 2 Th<- ..1.1-Btandint' »mnk of .T W PeMB of eA till V«»*- j r l>arlin«rt.n ha« made an arrangement witk it* tn «V«. .< V cr*?<lit<»rs. the liabilitLd )>einK balf a million. ,il./t!i I>mdon, Dec 23. nmi, _'.-h. an.
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  • 46 2 soc. s tJrrelS^up.- 1 5 reSUh Wf fo" Bowes rec 6 beat EUL. rec 5 -^Uru Teven.ham n,- 11 beat O»ke« we a William, rcc- 5 beat Allin»on r£ 5 Fowbe »cr beat Stireu scr. 2nd Tr««. liowe 8 beat Tever»ham. 1 I-owhe beat Williams 9
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  • 124 2 a m, s nakt 8 fc^,, b m turned to the State" Sw^! J"* I waiiuii. broken m bwhfc «rf tf* 1 at h O^t which W hlTbe^ J iS^ Of tb He dKiM h iSTtSrysS; f civiliw tLat Mrt of r«Ki«- ««Muty to W 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 499 2 TO-NUIHT TO.NIGHT i The Royal iloajfml To- Nlffht, Tuesday, OSSMMtJPMIp Grand Christmas FeteA «i^i»l |.r.»)franiuie ha» l*en arranged for TonnK raw". Bvrrjthing n*w. fn>sh. mHt^nitio-nt. eitraortliniiry iii'l bright to unit children. Prices Adults Si throughout the tent. Children under ten 50 Cents. A n«v«r U> be forgot*** Exhibition. TR» KmST
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    • 517 2 *o i^L^l L^L^b* a-** J 'Wanted *j&eH vi. She wiU he despatohasf fi«>*W^Bß?wEr j Singapore Merchant Service Guild. A GesMtvl Meotin^ o* the (JuUd will be beld m thp M:.riiM« CTub room <m Wwlnesday. 24th Deceml*r. 1»<»^. -«t :> p.m. Biimuwmi.— Wsk»« Question. By order J <i BOYD. aeoratwf. MUNICIPAL
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    • 118 2 l* A Ul m*» fftborttefincntt ttITED SINGLE HOOM, loard, Healthy position. Particalarn Kn~ T. T. C. co Frse P»*s»." Una sit 20 12 X' WANTED n*n>p«an Teacher of many years experience tious to meet with a tew private pupiU. InOitm. will imparted is aU tlie subjects of MraMs Bdocatwmal Cods
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 257 2 M.V mint- I THE WEEK. I Tt'ESDAT, 23rd fl Hi^h Water 4.21 a 4.40 p H\ i Prize Distribution, St Josephs Institution, 4.30 f Pri/.e 'Jiving, Telok Ayer Girts' School, 5 p La Bs»«feiag Oonesft, Drill Hall, 8.30 p l j \I 1 Wednehdat, 24th BL-'liv I W* High Water
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  • 508 3 I you angHMt to me an* V»ch of tbr Town, where an J B*V taken for a quiet drive 1 i»l this, yi«t».rday afWaoon. I ♦ne-! bb« rJspiaasw \nt was futeed to clear -ut sO« tbe I JBond. with my ftajifi— «mt. a I Imty vi 4 »«f hytWna
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  • 538 3 Tw Citu. Sbbtakt -Ivdia. \uia, Tub Colo*ik» Gentlemen, chaff/a jvar kUmm yiasem Flushing with w*l< vnH, tiriaa to l.riiu, I > >ur »h-tv*» k^v- v* toned tiUeaam. i»k. y* charge U> bun Who to the end of your Brit .tin- U*u*th Jssule. tW bast roar Britain we .r-th
    538 words
  • 998 3 Currency m Relation Thereto. (Voftni.ft,... S F I had n<>t it.t<«ndn«l \>ritinp funbvr on flu> •übjsjct bvt the differ. nou which lias been put upon tbe attention i A to tbe adoption of a gold stax>>l.trd l<v Eiani and <•'" amount of misconception *hi<!i svijl ewa rvgarding the
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  • 300 3 The Kobe Herald of the 6th give* tlie following account of the death of Colonel Buck, the American Minister to Japan Intelligence wa» received here la*t dmU\ <>i the death of < olonel Buck, U 8 Minuter to Tokio. Tlh- newt m altogether un*-i; the
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  • 1235 3 Silvsr ha* dropped to a rc^xird* prio*/ hi mnw, and of course all inaweettfj or Cliio* or Spanish Amerva are "htv^SgGgflMfl Scores. They cannot help fearing t\ fall m the value of l< currencit^^^J i !»e world currency, uiuat bornbl^ J countries which uae silver, while the < •>f
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  • 209 3 11,.- »v>ttuiu at preneiit iv *Vg9| aud diwcliargiug <>m1 luut iaf being .«]>eniedeJ l.v a pat*, v.-ut.-<l m Rangoon by Co^^J Holland. Principal Port OffUwj Mr Henry Johnstos, CUwf Si and < i<: vernaosl EMMS* I Sur»*:vwr (•> th« "(Jtvotji It m
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  • 69 3 1 DVTIKH:Orderly Officer for the ensuing week Lieut Gleimif. Orderly N.C.O. do Id Sgt Christie 2 Pahadkk Monday 'J!»th. ;it R. 14 pm ltecniiu drill Fbidav January 2, at 5.15 pm RecniitH and < tot drill. ; Mi W W Fegen having hmm duly elected m poBte<l
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  • 110 3 1 Dt'TIBH Orderly OfhV.-r for euxuing week Lieut <;iennie, 8 V R Orderly 8T.C.0. do do Sergt Guest. '1 PAKADES:Tusbkav at i:, pm Thursday .lan 1. at Vl5 pm R9cru l|nlL 3 Stubtoth Pt« H(» Pennefather having U-ft the Colony i» -.truck off the ntrength of the
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  • 153 3 Ckiun Mail., Shanghai, Dec 16. An Impark*] Edict w.,-t I \e*t. -i-dav traiiHi.-rrir^ iln- .-..ntr.l of the Chiaeaa kes*grap)ir< from tlie lui|K-rial Chiu<— Telegraph Administration to Uo\,rnm»-nt. This change is due to the recommendation,. •»f lit* Ev.-llrucY Toaa Bkukai, Tieamj <•! Chibli PWriae*. whoalK<> dti»nud>» tin- transfer of th«<'h!ua
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  • 996 3 Au lii-lian Curpiv ICeform J>-a«»ts Jia*» Uf«u (graad ia 800 l*i aad »li« «tatein««it of aims >ir<ulMi<<l \> m r'&knv/m wr* tint the gricvuuh <fft<ts < tl.. artifinal cunvucr vatem adopted l»\ ih« loTcnuMßl <>J In<lut m I*W^ h»%< > tm-.jn«* a re« gnvf> aaxietv i<>
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  • 169 3 (December '•Asbestos Eastern Agency (£1), norn israh O. X. 00. (97.50) now 2. nrMgtHjf E. Co. 9.50 I Bfo^) t i. r Xaaa ($1(W) >10°- Pa&ing Corporation <*U) 9 7.50 IPaluag Kitbang 1. TPtrajom Mining 00. (810) norn 4 2.50 do Pref (SI) norn 1. I Q«— Mlitnd
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  • 73 3 (Ookkectbd vv to December 2U.) OW I/ON DON. Bank 4 m s iy7/. demand 1/7» Private credits 3 in'» 17 document* 3 m/u Iff* credit* m/s 17* France, demand 208 Gkkmant, di-in iul... I«iJj Jjoia, T. T. \so HojfoicoNo, demand pj». Yokohama .lonian*] 2$ pn» Java, demaixl Ot- Manila,
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  • 121 3 (December '2:?.) Tin 85 a ~nbi«r I.' IS do. Cube No. I m Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 36.60 do. White, (Fair L. W. 5 p.c.) 6J. Nutmegs 110 to the t>.) A\ do. 80 to the Ib.) 100. Maoe (Banda) M9O Clove* (Amboina) 32 Liberian Coffee 22 Tapioca, small
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 201 3 Tliom> wty "^lSve taken Copail*, Cubebe and other jMaiueous <lrnj{«, will be gla<l to know that JrtUl-Midy Capsules are small, rf^reeable, and iK-ver fail to .ure the same dltteuAe* m 48 bourx. Not 17 TEW BOLD A.SSEIITION.S Regarding Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I It affords quick relief m
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    • 318 3 OCEAN STEAM SHIP |PHR co, Ltd AND NEDERLANDESCH STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ OCEAAN. Tons Toae Peleus 7441 Sarpedon Tydeus 7441 Hector 4660 Telemachus 7441 Diomed 4«>71 Jason 7441 Menelaua 4671 I Agamemnon 7010 Nestor 380ft Ajax 7039 Ulysses 3620 Achilles 7043 Pyrrhus 3620 Deucalion 7030 Tantalus 3620 j Idomeneus 6763 Ixion 3612
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 1249 3 rr -TT^r- a VB8SELS IN PORT. I at.--- I Men-of- War Fla* and Tons Commander* Arrived From BW I Espiegle Brit gun »M« t t lo?.. Burton' Nov 20 'll-skvaV -^^^ftiu^^ I Argonaut Brit cruiser ***** ('harry Dec 11 IIo'iSbT rr"*^ I (i>ir cru er I uo Berger** Dec 16
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 466 4 <*.aiVW UK s *'"•*<» 'luahmrd. u> •«»V < 1 h.ll u» v,t- .♦l* tbV >t l« avaiaaaa kaa bek i,,f,,iX "til Ul >H j^^^HF All mi%aUadiaM» Vui be c>w WHTTE v (ih\\ li a— m. NOTICE vy ifi" Batata th»f wv b<i*«* tin* day V FARM --.•a.lH.r IV I I
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    • 737 4 3T>V)frti»fmrnt». GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. p. «ti|| )*> rett>ir«d at tba Ooloarial Bvrr«Urj"« oftj,,- ap to avon oa Mondnj the 2f>th rv,-.-Ui»»r ItHW. for th^ farm <>f Omaraaiiiat Quarry No. '2 at Pulmii I'Win for tli»» period of «m, tar««. aad aix jsmtm fnnii Ist JaAuarr 1903. TLt. <t..\eniawa> do«* not Kinil
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    • 462 4 9W)frtisrmfnt». H. L. COGHLAN Co. Auctioneers. Estat«- A >fent» niuh Valuers, Auditors. Commisuion Afonts And General Brokers. Insuranc.- Agents (Fire. Marino »nd Life) Fire Loss Assessors. Manufacturers Itepresentatlvco. Sept II «c FOR SALE A full viz« aecond-hand BILLIARD TABLE, with acteitAonea. H. 1. KMiHI.AN A Co., A«eitoaasta aW LiOid Aucnw.
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    • 635 4 a li^mßP^ HERS, Ld. I FOR CHRISTMAS WEEK ALL TOYS and GAMES REDUCED 2 5 Per °ent to Clear the Stock NOTE. 25 Cents Reduction on I Purchase. THK LABOEBT STOCK TO SELECT FUO.M IN THE EAST. Katz Brothers, Ltd. J. LEPELLETIER'S BUTTER The very BEST. The PUREST. HIGHEST AWARDS
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    • 1079 4 pupping. VEBSKLB EX PKCTED. Giving port ot departure, and (where known) daife due here, and name of Agents MK.V-OF-WAR. Anton, Huh pronatadt Boilzi. Cn.nMadt. Ruh. Bouniyi. On,ii«hidt, Riw Diana, Ron., Croustadt Gzo/ovoi. I'n.iistiidt, Run., HortLa. (J»»r untiaar, BhUvui, alx>ut Dee 2'J PaflMa, Ku<-., Orouutadt Pafca4a, Croaatadt, Bw Retvisau. f "r«»iisitadt.
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    • 284 4 gfttirrtisctttfttqL »t\ Abrams 9 t Horse Repository. f Cobs and Ex. s.s. "ARGUS." I 09 Horses, Cobs and Ponies all specially selected for this market, amongst them are several very handsome pairs also single harness Horses and hacks. This is without doubt the best shipment I have landed for a
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