The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 19 December 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 349 1 atjlimisrmrms. j? O_ OnMi IMapaak^lj Ow/^V Whaevks K.pp»'l Harl STEAM NAVIGATION Itmiiwr. lot CHIMA. JAPAN. PKNA INI.! V US'IK \l.l Ah \|-l MARBEILLEB. OIBRALI MALTA. BRINDIBI, PLTMOUTHAU |H)N. Through 3ill» of Lwling i^*M«l for Pm Continrntal and Ammriewtti Poris, al* OMMI I-" v MAIL LINES TWAKD BOIOWAJI i i Det-
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    • 413 1 Pacific Mail Steamship C twur Occidental and Oriental Steam-' Company TO, EN. AX. Toyo Kisen Kaisha OJJ (Omkmi ss [A IN' 9 lAPAN ofo, A- >' 1 Through ra**Hg«' Ticket* jfr;ti:t»-! to Kn. Vnu mi '..niiHny t > All tfan*- AT Untie In rj unit I I th«- I
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    • 436 1 doornisf meats. DE KONINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAAT3C Ann i iik N' i im::-. i Ag.-r.t- at Singaj-ore, Ship Ajjcncy, late J. Dftcadels C' > Collycf Q Tin' iiii<lcrii!.-iiuii:<il daAi Steamer From Expected Vv ill be Dc .patched lor M"- li.ll.ivi.l D'f I'< Hut.l\l:'. 1 r.iuj.. \h V.iv •iitli<H,rn P... M.i
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    • 135 1 The Titajong i'".- r Dock i Limited. Shipwri^h:s, Engineers, Iron and B Founedrs, Wharfingers, Btc nine 1. neper BL bai Iron I Ik* i._ i i of it 1 SATU KAL i- I y "I t I IAMEB I i I 95 Horses, Gcbs Ponies A.BKIVED IN SPLENDID CONDITION Ex.
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    • 679 1 aWjtrtlsnunxtL iiai Banl Oc )u«7 :».mi'-i r Capital. 9H*fid on •err* (10,000, Silver Reserve....* i,75O t OOO > •<• 19 Rkskkvc Liability M Pkoi'k I KTOBB $1 0,00 Sons ok Di 1 If.n R Shkwan. ''haiuman A J Raymond Ks). Dkn iv Chaikm lion G W Dicnoa il, X
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    • 546 1 ?ti\jfvtisrmrnts. ling Ne cb Indische Handolsbj (NKTIi. INi.i v COMMERCIAL I:\SU ,i „1,0 .:;i.i-.!i;i> !>-•;.;. Paid up Caj-i: J -(7,200,000 (abt £6r^j,( Reserve Fund -f 1,468,000 (abt £i22,< Hr..\- Ol lld Am.vtkki.vm. Hkm Batavia. 0000 Hka\< wtrontmm m J lakafßi SMm.iraug. Indnirna^K', 'li.-i -iU.n, Ti I Pecidon^un. Lomm >n Hank'
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    • 241 1 StitnTttsrmrnts. I I k Apollinaris I »o> I lt.l7'A7,'> 9 Boa- Lpollinarls is of recognised I >-n' '> purity ii- long continued and I vroricl-u'ide use <<tt<sts its merit. THE NEW YORK MEDICAL I D JOURNAL. l*i IB j ***** I recent and chronic discharges. I H THEY NEVER FAIL-
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  • 22 2 Domestic Occurrences Birth Moti.Hi.Al.E.— On the 2Ath November, at 7 Fairfield Crescent. Liverpool, the wife of W. E. Moruu>ALK, of a Bon.
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  • 685 2 The Singapore Free Press. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1902. ll'-r .1:.l! i!i» I'rr»« the Vrnplr\ right maintain, I uawnl by inDiiencr anil i.nt«ibec! by |ola llrrr ;.itrwit Truth hrr Klur.mi* prcrrtl-. (r,i\», t.. i.>!i L-,0t,. Urakf The very low tides of the last tew days, occurring as people p hoine in
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  • 1312 2 From private advices received in Siugai>ore we karn that in Noveuilier last the orders that the 1st Baatlli Manchester Regiment were to leave South Africa for Singapore had ls*n rated to leave for another twelve months At this afternoon's meeting of the Legislative Council H B the Governor announced OH
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    • 35 2 The I. S. do not Object to War. It m animuTK-.s! at Washington that Aineriia will n<>t resist the blockade of VenecueU if the Powert* enforcing the blockade will recognize a utate of war.
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    • 53 2 Owing t<> pressure of work on Mr. Bowen, the American Minister ha« instructed Admiral Dewey to send a competent officer to Caracas 1 as Assistant Minister, on board a destroyer which will serve as a despatch boat m the event of the cable being cut.
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    • 63 2 The Japanese Alliance. The Kinjjfu speech proroguing Parliament mentions the a^rreenient with Japan, by which the two Governments have bound themselves to assist one another iii certain eventualities for the defence of th»'ir respective interests. His Majesty believes that the agreement will be to thy advmitatce of
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    • 47 2 The Speech uluo mentionH the commercial tmxt/ witli C'hiua, which proiniftfw to secure uof only U> (jrreat Britain but also to the com-uu-rct* of the world some provisions of great value winch, unlike others, do not require the asxent of other Powers. London, Dec
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  • 138 2 •ikil turn has beeu xi\vn to the [mtpector Hendryx of the Philippine .il .ljiHTv^^Ji.) was rec^rtlv founAwoamL M !^t 'behind by onV nißWif^inen TWT kwerted. Investigations are proceeding. The Manila cable news state*, though apparent 1\ on blender mf < >nuat ion. that KingChulalongkorn of Siam will risit
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  • 497 2 Bangkok advices up to the 13th contam I particulars of the conference between the rel i-resenUitivert of the Banks and the Financial I Adviser. It seems to have been conducted on I the m<iKt friendly footing, the bankers receiving I a cordial reception and, according to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 245 2 ?KATZ BROTHERS, Ld. GREAT INDUCEMENT CHRISTMAS WEEK TOYS and GAMES REDUCED £J} Per Cent to Clear the Stock Note. 25 -auction on $1 Purchase. OIATELY. vr to nLKT roan m tou bask *(l brothers, Ltd. CX MACCRECOR CO 111 I ;t ><: i i n f I (ESTABLISHED 1M4.) 3E
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    • 432 2 AUbrrtiSfmentt, Preliminary Notice Auction Sale of the Valuable Freehold Kosidentlal Property Known as CASSALA, Tangiin, fnontiuu Mount Ech<> At present m the occupation of Mr Urn. WedufMhtf. 7th January, IJMJ3. POWELL A. Co,— Auctioneer*. D«- 11 7.1 AUCTION SALK OF Valuable House Property, Pineapple Factory, Building I Land At Hack
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    • 833 2 m Co hao'n 2U>brrtisrmcnts f THE RETURN of the FAVOURITE J THE INDRA ZANIBAR THEATRICAL Co. ;V J of Singapore. (WAYAXd KAS6IM) Has arrived per s.s. Charterhouse to-day direct from Sountbaya after a successful tour in the Netberland Indies. will perform on Saturday December 20, 1902. At the Company's Theatre,
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    • 86 2 j iakox or Water oft«-n brings on diarrhoea. Or skis reason many experi»-ni-«»d travellers carry a bostl* of ChamljHrlain'- Colic. Cholcr.i and DiarrhosH Remedy with them to be uned m case Jof an emergency. This preparation has uo etjuid I m a cure for >owel complaints. It can not be
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 185 2 THE WEEK. Friday, Ittk i High Water l.!> OJtt p I>»i^«liitive Council, 2.30 p Municipal (.'oiiiiiii«sion, 2.110 p J*ri/.- Distril»utiou. Raftlew Inutitution, 4.45 p Horn*- .''.rtl«, Aomius. 1.1 l p BVR Company Drill. .1.15 y En^in«'»Tti Ahwxiation, 9 p Saturday, tOtt Hi^h Water s LSI 1.27 p Cricket rVnann i
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  • 242 3 rTWnew* ..f tb« t*rnl»!.T midden dwitli ..f th» ap-rninr vtillioiuiirv. Mr H if'C'altnont. t wi n |am i!M tli.-usl»vnun *l>. atf^.| i; n*a«' *>«li th«? (J<.v«Tnor-<M-i»«T.i' ©f Aurfr*U*ia 11,.- .-Hinu-uf .l»-at»i MM JM btbly heart-failurt- He wa« boru m 1H«»1. aul ni t*u» ampntinA?
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  • 400 3 As •iinoumfM \'>terd.»\. «<• h«n no Preach mail thkwtvk, owiu« to'th.- d.'lt\ to ih«- uarttir.- at Urn "Aruiand IWii. trom Mar MBVw m «'iiso.iuen>-e of lit- l>«'v ro Stiik.The M M boa.t not dm- at Colombo till Urn 23rd »nd the will not com* »n til! that
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  • 494 3 MORE SURVIVORS FROM THE "KAIN YANG." The Tin»e» of Ceyioa The German ateau tona Cnptain H Brehuier. which arrived ter> lay from lli- I put ashore t href di»tnasrl seamen 4 Chinam .11 a Malay and a Tamil turriron of thn ateaiu launch ■Chen Yung" which «si o« nnanian oil
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  • 1759 3 London. December 7 Mr Clmmberlain had. an audience of the Khedive yesterday afternoon. Eta \is l ;^d the pyramids '>n a tranicar. T!i.' Khedive, his liruther, aud Minister*, and tin- Staffs of British aiid Egyptian Armies, received the Duke and Duchess ..f Conuaught .it the station ;it Cairo. The
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  • 393 3 Al 'I 1 X Lionel COX, a Cbinaßß OOolie j i Chief Ji^'f/mi Keng W PWWafh< uj> t<> .-li >t_< 1 with t lj»- ii(iir<l«-r of an«.tli<r eoOM wbilht <n tPH?e«I m epyttng buildiagi— I>ire<ti(.n i^!;iii«l. m tha Coeal Keeliii^r _t..h|.. for tin- Ka«t«-ru ExU-n*ii>u Tcl«vn*p''
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  • 177 3 Naneroaa atone* of I -•>!•' I Kitcbenur are >^oqgbt by fellow paueu^rtt, few <if whom saw him. All looked out for him at Ismailia hut he did not board. Wheu n^aring Kuez a Mtiiall laMlcfe 11x1 ilong»ide uud no one X n>-v. he wat« I Uil
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  • 34 3 l( i /ipvune cnapoteaut mftnot to or i i »i ..f j-niiy n/val and i» zWe reme*l» ladies. ,J* Reo<»muiende<l to remove j>;t- t j JO x i an>l the irregularitien jjec\iliar Hot M
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  • 145 3 Amusing In ir-iohXTioN by Japan. The effect which it wa» hoi^d the Bebring S#a arbitratiyii wouM lia\«* liaw heen amusingly nullified by tho Japanew. wii'.i th^ rt-sult that the United States authorities are at their wit*' en.l to know what to <\<> It wil) l>e recollected that
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  • 76 3 (Corrected up to December 19.) On London. Bank4in's 1/7; demand l/"i"» Private credits 3 in s 17' documents 3 m/a 1 7 credits 6 m/s 1 7 j J France, demand 201 Germany, demand... lt!3; India, T. T. 118; Hongkong, demand J pm Yokohama demand 29 J pm Java,
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  • 125 3 (December 10.) < Tin f 85.56 i Gambiw 15.13) do. G'ulw No. 1 2.'. Pepper, Black f ordinary B'pore) 3«.:57 do. White, (Fair T. W. p.c.) 61. Nutmegs 110 to tbo Ih.) g] do. 80 to the ft. H>o. Mace (B&ndu) 90 Cloves (A nil -'ini) „355 LiU'rian Coffee
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  • 216 3 (December 19.j Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency (£1), norn Bereawah 6. M. Co. ($7.50) norn 2. Bruseh Hyd. E. Co. 9.50 Chindras G. M. Co. 1. Clear Water Dairy Funn ($100) $100. Fraser and Neave ($5O) 1 Hongkong A. Shanghai Bank ($125) $630. Howarth Ernkine ($100) $147.00 Jelebu Mining
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 207 3 riOI.D ASSERTIONS T e e .-yarding Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I It ejhada onick relief in cases of colic. cholera morbus and pains in the stomach. 1 It never fails to e a can In the aaoat aevere cases ot dysentery and (Ban hoea. 3. It is a
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    • 328 3 OCEAN IWSte STEAM SHIP jlfciW CO Ltd NEDERLANDESCH STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ OCEAAN. Tons Tons Peleus 7441 Sarpedon 4663 Tydeus 7441 Hector 4660 Teleuiachurt 7441 Diomed iti7l Jason 7441 Menelaus 4671 Agamemnon 7010 Nestor 3809 Ajax 7039 Ulysses :5H20 Achilles 7043 Pyrrhus 3620 Deucalion 7030 Tautalua 3620 Idomeneua 6763 Ixion 3612 Stentor
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 921 3 MAIL ITEMS J,»»Or« MATIKKH IN AiIKKtCA.. ThnlE*! St h »ofLa which holdkßff iU annual aesH.. .N. h-leans. haa rejected th« inniJiitsnns aubafjlawl the Miner* rniona,onthe ground uf their sociaHstio tsmdenoy. Tbe voting «t the deiegatea *w «*oee, 4,171 votes having t<een cast for aud 4,8f against the miners' raaolutions. COMIIINATION
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    • 173 3 PABSENGEBB LEFT BY THE MAIL. De,. ly.—lVr XD L Prinzes* Irene tor Hoo«kouK.— Mr and Mm Frank Coiilsen, Miseea Ethel and Jesaie Cooleen. Mr F Zamoni. Mr and Mrs Hiahida. For Nagasaki.— Mr E C Bojia For Tokohama.— Mr V Tani m THE "EYES <>F THE AKMY The teaching of
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    • 323 3 IVIAIL.S ULUft^J TO-MOKBOW. For Per At L.iliiian Ac Tringganu 7 AM ChrbtßMU Ihl;iihl Inlander 8 am .Femng A Cohariv Shanghai 10 am I'.-i!.iiii_ r i Cotoatka Kiutagawa Maru 10 AM ludragiri iJngHiag noon PlMBf Ac Van <>iitli.M)ni 1 PM DJMBBM KiinAuii I PM Penally Tantalus 1 PM Sarawak Rajah of
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    • 1460 3 VESSELS IN PORT. BJ Men-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When Espi-. Bri* gun boat lo7" Barton Nov 20 Hongkong Uncertain fl Argonaut Brit cruiser 1 lOOo Charry Dec 11 Hongkong Uncertain H Gaia* Oar cruiser 1700 Berger Dec 16 Saigon Uncertain H Other Vessels Flag's Tons Masters
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 137 4 NOTICE imt JTT** Tnihiii "ill '„.I^-, jl TW W <^» r. it*» tt ALBKRT LTON ""••*y. Ca^in<Mr« A**<» NOT K«»d, »> v v v^-tiu »1,.. i,, f...-!. f'lrtk^rifrr,. hlati i.lmm- m| i>\IIO KAUM NOTICE I iiINULI 9Oms *>:■»»•• INNI \V..,k,. „1.,,. IU .I. X:,,- ,n.l NOTICE Brofci HiIIANi, y^.
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    • 192 4 3t)t)frtiscmnu3. SINGAPORE RAILWAY Taadera mn !->r tin- n»- -.f Sin^ I 1 1 .s«t 1. 1 ,1 Smtfu]M>i-)> Station ■Hiat'tit; {nun tn >.m.- liM m;iy In* onUrwd. ■lali 1 tmfm i- 1 >i Hi- > f Sine- :»JJw— i-l to llf '..-11 Mill KVtlprut. I i Kll .l. Luinpor. DwvmW
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    • 771 4 aitibfrtisrmnits. Riley Hargreavee and Co, Ltd. Engineers, Iron and Brass Pounders, Boilermakers, Ship Bridge Builders, and General Contractors, SINGAPORE AND IPOH. Boilers Engines Pumps Marine "Campbell" Oil a, r lv limwMhlw Portable -'v t l < 1 s l 1 l>l x Cornish Semi Portable «w < l 1 ll
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    • 378 4 1, Sbbfrtigfmcnts. CEMENT THE FAMOUS AALBORG BRAND. Report of Messrs SWAN MACLAREN, Singapore, 22nd September, 1902. Duau Sim Awwrding t.. instructi<MW oonteiiwd In your letter of September sth, we have '"I h*ta "f tl.e Aalborg Cement itond m your godown m Telegraph Street, and U g t,, report as follows
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