The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 5 December 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 472 1 aDtjrittsfmntts. X eLflßWflCfll Telej*rn»pl **(j Ve'HAI Ke»pja Harhe.lll STEAM NAVIGATION CO RflEflßflkflfl t..r CHINA .l\l'\N. PLNW. cy\ I e-N INDIA. AUBTRALIA, kDEIN Ys,\ I-, fIfAKBF.II I! 8. OIBKALTAK Mmi BKINDIBI, PL. MOUTH I LOIS DI Throa-fh Bill* of Lading iawued for fflai Cnmitwtnlml and Am* neon Porit, alao foi ■fl
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    • 377 1 iMMllßll Mllll. Pacific Mail Steamship Co Occidental and Oriental Ste.ims^ 5 Company Toyo X a. 1 Kaisha > 1 I A IN 1 I "X .lAPAN 1 1 Ll l ',l Pran.e and BBBflra, and to th« ipal citi, t tka. Ui ta 1 -I „n rappli. a "I l'i:K-
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    • 521 1 XifcucaU-srinrnis. DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. I' .'.n.i'.; wiiii ihk N 1 1 n..;:i \n 1 v 1 Agents at Singapore, Ship Agency, late J. Co., 2-3 CoH er (jna y Tlflfl Ull'le-rille lltlol,— l dates aie o-i,. Steamer From Expected R ill bo Da-spa'.ched for en Tfl 111 111
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    • 233 1 The TaWJOtlg Peßgar Dock 0., Limi: (L Saalp«rr%btß, Ln^.iisjcrs. Iron and Brass Fouracdr.a, Wharfingers, &c i'l,. l i11..!,,.. f I M I'h** i I Ml. I' tl,e < I 1 Uil I I I I BELLAR Apl JAPAN GOALS THE Mitsui Bussan Kaisha (MITSUI A Co.) Bflafld Oflflei K.
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    • 592 1 KtotTiffirmntßaL llw. Kong and Shanghai Bunking oration. -.1..." 110,000,000 I I 1 1 LiAsn Paoi I r; OF DIBI 'l"K-. 11,1, R BflflWAß, CUAJBafAI .1 Batmobd eßaq, Dvpi ri < bah bai Hon C V.' Dl. >XflOfl H 8. m BABT, Ks.) R< N i I < il Mi.,.. I
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    • 518 1 -.ttiunuscmfius. Ned 11 Indische Handelsbank BETH. INDIA COMMEB* lAL HANK RiraßLßamm 1 Paid ur Capital -f7.4|0«.,000 (abt £-600,000) Reserve F-ind -f i,46b,c00 [ami .£122,000) Hi: ai. On iei; A M Head Aoaflsei Hi rarta. Bbj I. i.s-, ia J mirißAj, X"i' d ..ii. T. gal, I'e.'.l! la. I tie >B
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    • 312 1 afc&mtsrmmts. j The*ac CAPSULES su:e I recent and chronic discharges. I I THEY NEVER FAIL ■j\j- TRY THEM m I I ti. EaTF\AZT! SS ia la i nt la the iO.'JOO t.s{ Jaaiiit. vS v- 'I by the I HURL B-: ■'tLX 'fl S > ,{Cl t-r SS S "t-'eePty
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  • 1084 2 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1902. llerra al.all tlir Tie-.- »'ir !'r,.p>'v r, K lt. enainum, I n.-as».-e*H hy inM.t-erire* .iti.l „n1,r,1*,l b>- nam: 11. -r r-'lnei. Truth hrr mjum tw ftu !raw. mg k r a to Rrl,i;,oii, 1 <-a*aM) B»el l aa Thk rteriauis ooctirreii.*<* m
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  • 711 2 Mr Kvans Attacked. Two (hinese Shot. A serious affnn pla,«- m fVavaag sir.'.-t this niorniiiu' which n-sult.-d m the- death of i two Chinese and tho serious wounding of another, fljflwi put .M r Kvans of th<- Chinese. Protectorate, m a --.-sitiui- of serious dano.-r
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  • 763 2 The j the f.,|--lowin-e -p— iai tele—ram. <tate*i Lein.lon. No. •t.-ithit tha \ui-r;. ,ii iiihfl— ihw hflfl iflhed fur „n .\pl.i ifion for the refuaal of I 1i,,„ rt,, ne i r to all :..larel •opany- a footing m Hut una. It i- ni.'l-i
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  • 25 2 Lord Kitchener m India. Le>rd Kitchener arrived at Delhi and has started In. in there' te. feille.w the (fraud i num. iu vres.
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  • 54 2 The Triumph of Government. Th.' Kdu. -ation Bill was Hand tor third Iflfljataaflj m tin- House of Common, by 286 to I l'o4, ami was r»*ad fe.r a first time m the House j ..I I.. ere|> at a special midnight sitfiu^. Mr rhamberJain's Journey. Mr Chamberlain
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  • 61 2 In llie- .as.' against .Majeir Stnddert of tha 1 remount department the Qtflflfl] Jury at the Minister Assize, threw out the Bill. The China Medal. I. .I.i Ueor-e- Hamilton said that it has flflflflj d.., i. 1.-d t>. -rant ..nlv la.. lasf* |„r lhe 'hina •a. v.
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  • 29 2 II M g" In.l. laliw'al.le stationed at Trii 'In., n. I- Iss. ii „r.1.-r.-<J 1.. Venezuela on iir«ei I business Loll' leell. IV. S I
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  • 401 2 f.di.-win- pennon has .'men draau up. 1•" 1"' bis Kx."!leu,y th--Govenior. It may la- siu'iiesl auy time till pm, t.-morrow at the i >afflofl ot BaflflNfl Paterson Simon. A (Xl. ..r Messrs Little A T<i Hi- BBtEI. I. >.-*.. V Sil: Franc; AIII X 1.5T.l V
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  • 120 2 The Norwegian steamer /la.-fr-l Ifaji ves.erdav with a, a™ f i -eui t* w «in a cargi. .>f about 1 M t one Japanese coal f., r this p\>rt Ihe Russian steamer *> mr bT»T. The steuuier Aj-trima from NewcaatU lmt!m3%j& ESt Ohfla Long and Udfa Tiam Chye
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 559 2 aWfrttsnurnu. iALDBECK MACGREGOR CO., (ESTABLISHED 1864.) WINE Sl SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON GLASGOW. SHANGHAI. HONG-KONG, AND SINGAPORE. (Price List 01 Application) t 11. Ml' JUST ARRIVED THE THE TYPEWRITEK THAT WRITES IN SIGHT FROM "Dear Sir" to -a-afl Yours truly," L Strong Points hlltl.i; \> Kill Mi -y r I! VS\
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    • 1084 2 AUbrrtiscmnUi. Sale of Household Furniture &c At No 1-H On-haral R.aaelr I i-tliiy, tiih Itcrtrinber, lfO*., at jun Si.lel. ,.ii,i with drawer*, and ciip-Soard t-«ak dining tuhle (M feet). laaTOtwdod frtanelard ohuir.. j rattan inn. v ehaira. e-entre table* Jura-niaete teak aliiieiraha, caiiiphorw.M-d cb<*.t -of-dra w.m, laelj'B teak writing tahle.
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    • 513 2 Co-tiaij's SlJbfrtisrmnits tDonir*atir ©rriirrrurir?. Birth Nans Ou the ttli Det-einlwr. tbe irife of P. N'ai.ib Villa Mahhilia," Singapore, of a daughter WANTED A (.'liiiajwe Shipping Clerk. ilmnl nalmry offeraad to flflaflflßßßflal man. Apply t,, KATZ BROTBBBB Ln>. Bfl*! i..|j GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION Tenders are invite-sl up to Iflfl litli instant for
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 217 2 THE WEEK. Fl.lUAy, *.th Hi„-h Water 1 .2 7 a 9.4J Muni, ipal Commission, 2M" v S B B Infantry Brill. ">.lo v Prlafl Qi-eiag, Beafße. <;irls' S c l..e*il..*,.i:. v Maria Loßage, 8,41 p Saturday, Ith Hitfh WaU-i 2■'a, I 2'< p ,bl. hu Tin C... I J Vi.-ke-t
      217 words

  • 1146 3 ARRIVAL OF BRITISH WARSHIPS. f Visit of the Second In Comnuiml of tho China **«t.-ition. i Early thia me.rning aan-tie.n >t the China fleet eMflßfliat'ing of H M > Albion" UttWhip. 9*Had 11 M S -Creaav" and Blenh.-un." BaEiued into tbe harlaa.ur and t.sak up an>^p.>rage m the. r.-wls SaK.n
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  • 329 3 V TaltMit tht- Wrcckiil. Tlie -team, i M IsilloW 1.-lla- is still Ofl the Ifcilu Herh.-uti Shoal. I ul an attempt will hfl via.le t.. K 'ct her ..fl high water this J pf Willow. l. -llee rep.. rts tl, W.eln.s.lav evenill.; when ..IT Pc ,c officer
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  • 146 3 INTERNATIONAL RIFLE COMPETITION. l ,-h r I •-T,t a 1I. le. a E ilr er-. and -tr.- Ihfl Fill i .;11 1 nt ..f hir- run lem ben- el that th- 1 flg H eflfl t! ..-rniana. 'I atif_,,l|J to F rail-.- oil the whole, -in.-c the glflnt prtMfrrnu
    146 words
  • 215 3 An mtereating exjaeriineiil which may 1.-., r- mug up lal al-.ut t,. I- iijiii^m-ated with rp Mathilda- on Th- intention ih direct 11 -Mil, Siiigajsare Mai... Port -ss. idiain. Teluk A nd 1',,i1 \V.-i With tl fae ilitie-a Bflgahv trade U-ts—n Bangk <k and these
    215 words
  • 532 3 Aj i Via Ceylon, j Iflndoii. November 22. Venezuela has preseiefl.l v str, ,i protest atrainst the- despatch of .sl.aop Fain.. mc t, Orin.a-o asa vi/....eii of Venezuelan sovereignty. jit has laeen aii.-'j-ffn.-v'' m the- ItVichst.i..' that Ivnn.iiiv's 'I'-jeait fair i,"" flMl'lall yenr m IM million mark... which
    532 words
  • 392 3 Opinion- vary materially w to the v ehae 1 It ha- u-.-n from hat was one-e I like it Bflfld one ..f t bflflfl t.. in-* >aanflflfl tls»re are leede-lotl.e. and bridge ami mmmt M i l-e admitted, however, that I i-ee-n living ..n liarlaed
    392 words
  • 134 3 utl, -iii-iii, to Milat-e their vs,,trie*ei minds by honest p.'ist ones, playe nt. chess... the asrre.ntimer'fl Is^wne, and the philo*je^>hnr's game, \vhi,-h wh-tte. thyr «;tt»-s, recreates theyr iniuel.-. Inu ts n» Istdy m the mean season." All e -oui in unica lions- shoiiid 'a- nddreflflfld tothe Clie^si
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  • 328 3 l.y Faani Scmrvkkk. Haml-rg. BThil p|,,_. at, -1 !..,i i i,r.-<. a,,, a,-. <mt "f th- author'- f. s au'it.s. Games Nos 328 329. Ts\,, 1,v.-lv and IriU.iiit uaea, thfl like e.f which are of rare i-aaofl ii,,w.,,i... from Th- Phoidoila-i „t 11.. i,,|..-i\ Is;;; Xv xs-
    328 words
  • 431 3 La-t lilr_dit Dl \l r Xat I'at'.-rsoll. w1,.. Ii v .--s al Tan; ,n_- Katoii'.', v.a- n-t urn irii_' home- he- sia a tigun* m black en tne otrl .ef his buagaloe aii'l on hi- Afab.v a ClnnaiiiMii eLtnh.-d leut him He- puisu. 1 the man, thinking
    431 words
  • 454 3 V -I, ihi PAOn AVr'.lUe A A litile? ready wit is no l'.ss te, I I<< turer. ifl the moral e-e.nve't-C'l bj thfl follow ill'_' yarn of I i- rv id orator who waa ibflßwin. iiijj, the evils at ten. elrtlil Ofl the' 11-e' ,t' tobaOOO. The
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  • 156 3 l-e. -emia*|- '.i.-tein Ag.-ucy t'i,, norn ■fl <». M Ob r 9 7 ne.m J Bj Ll'Oj s 99 •-'l/ I l BP it. i Danrj ttmm 1100) |100 Fraser l.uv-r- §1"". lb 5j,;,,; B -I"" n,41 r.o I MA I 1 J.", I aa«3 BL Oo ll<
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  • 51 3 A Time Ball at Fort Canning, and one at Pulau Brani fall every day at 1 i\m., Singapore mean time (Greenwich mean time ti hrs., 4 mm., 35 se?c.,) being hoisted five minutes previously. If either of the halls should fail, the flag W will lie
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  • 129 3 December 5.) Tin 9 M GamV'ier <-# Js_ do. Oabfl No. 1 M i Pepper. Black (onlinaiy Spore) 3.'c do. White. (Fair L. W T, p.c' tie*. Nutmegs! 11<» to the BY) m "i.i do. 80 to the Id. j m inn. Mace (Bam L i... 90, Cloves (AmUaiiuij
    129 words
  • 76 3 (Cokkecteii ir t.» hei-ember On London. Bank 4 m s >#t j ileinanl I,Prival.e iiflflilitß 3m 7' documents 3in \7* civelits 6 lfl 1 Kkani k, .1.-iuai..! P.c' (Jkrmanv, ,h-in,tii,|... i**** India, T. T. I|, Honokono, ilnaiiml p la Yokohama demand 1 j >nj Java, demand 94 Manila, <h-nia.ii.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 38 3 afar^lfor Ladles! PI LLS A Remedy for all IrreC.ularltlca. M,p. reed a| Bitter App!.. I'cun r.,y«l. I'll Ouch a. Ec. 9 aid t»y ben^pora Dlspunslre-f Co., Ltafltsj RafTleß* Place, Slnt^upoeea. I Top- iv j BAEUnN .a..-.. •ase-aJIHAVIIMo-s, >>M1
      38 words
    • 336 3 OCEAN ?pM^I STEAM SHIP IpGA CO, Ltd AND NEDERLANDESCH STOOMVAART I MAATSCHAPPIJ OCEAAN. TOBJI Tons TtU Hector |e;e;o Tyd.ri- 74 tl Diomed U. 71 atflflflflßßOhnfl 7111 Mem-laii, 4.71 ■FbBOB 7UI aTiaflor 9909 Agamemnon 7010 I'll- ;f«;->-i Ajni 7.>0:» Pyrrluis 9990 Achilles 7043 Tiintal'is 3620 Deuialion 7i>:>'> Ixion dial 2 UfIfIfIEBBBBBB
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 322 3 MAILS CLUB* To-aflflflflOW. F.r IV, At 1.-ai.n Kedah I %m Hongko ifl a. k-aaa 7 KM Hillite.ll A Pontianak Bflaßflhafl sVM D hie Ruhy am Bißflglni-e, Aye ft" naif IBbbl vm Pflflflflflfl V Iv, Wa .aava Maru I>> VM Rajah of Sarawak I" AM ttfl Mllttra 11 wi Hen V.,ik
      322 words
    • 1044 3 VE 3SELS IN PORT./ Men- ji-Var Flat; and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When ■**g? l...:.t l.,T.. B*fo. RarM Hongkong Uncertain M 11 (.,!.,<.., du»b«Wn Dm I M ,l; Roads A &&tmL strip 129.V) .l,, r i,.... 5 Hongkong Bugkok £*"f. .Mnt.rui,,rl_' lu.i.,, Hongkong Unoertoia Ml > ll<i 11 Mrit
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 144 4 SDUntisfmnus. The Tanjong Pagar Dock Co.. Limited. 1 ROTKI 1. tia l'■ nil-silll tlUala It Otsa-e-Uaar-i n. '..rill I I ra. -Alii la. HK-TBataisl laj J" n or 1I ll 111 <l. I MB9 IILI \l< M ■ag Pa-far I> l.'i ICE a-p-fa-aalaMt Sl*-- Gl nil siflflia 818-flrlni' hm* >
      144 words
    • 397 4 ItJUrrtisrniriiti. I GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. i.'l.a nive'n ..II .iiit-atall.tilli; I It.- 1.. lint.lll ll* |.l'.'-e-111.-.l ll D.-cc Hilar l|e-\t All t'llla 111. ..It.-r 1 1 flßflM U* pe-eease-llta-,1 f.-r )..!> 111. it ft— > t sa.m.. ,|iathe '-I-t l> ml- I l'"'J S.*.-r-.tar*/'*. Obbv.. 1 J..ti. a. 1
      397 words
    • 628 4 Sfctorrtisrmrnts. I Riley Hargreaves and Co, Ltd. Engineers, Iron and Brass Pounders, Boilerma;kersr Ship Bridge Builders, and. General Oontl^Jors, SINGAPORF. AND IPOH. J^H —L J 1 lfl W m ■afaaaamj-l^-^^^*'**^ Boilers Engines Pumps i M; n,i,U „< l ,m l 1 V B "SpHi.l-SliMmDiinli'N L; MJ,s, ,,t ,,,i,,,, y >
      628 words
    • 728 4 xltJUrrtisnnrnis. WANTED 1 w »W. kno. ledge d Trmlaeraad -aajMn] Bare arork. Applieatioru te, i... v..,. t t 1 Di O c j- P| (S v v WANTED A BBBaTart lontla Vho 1 Biiai|lßlflH the- Ijrflfl. .vnt.-r (Bflaßßflfjiaa) «itl, IIfIIHIIH |v M <• o Fie*.- I'l-s., Aag 7 WANTED
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    • 356 4 iltitifriisrnmtts. INUKf .irsj mn i;ivj;n a LARGE SHIPMENT OF SINGER'S HAND TREADLE SEWING MACHINES OF THE VERY NEWEST MODELS With all recent improvements. Prices on application. Dec 2 en j_> BULLHEAD BRAND a^||^ V^ aaaa, Jfl i <Q^a-|. jflflT SUPERIOR TO AUSTRALIAN BUTTER ro B E M i li FROM
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