The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 1 December 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 727 1 F&tobrrtisrmrnts. A Jjr OWBI Telegrai'l Whabvbm Keppel Harbour STEAM NAVIGATION CO SUeuaan t rIUNA, JAPAN. PaOfAJfO, R, INDIA. AUSTRALIA, AteV, EOYPT. MARSEILLES, OIBRALTAR. HALTA. BRIMHSI. I'l.YMull H k LONDON. Through Bills of Lvling issued for Ptrtian CotUmetUal ami American Port*, also for Ck,na CoaH MAIL LINES OUTWARD HnM X WARD
      727 words
    • 708 1 illitjrrtisrmrnts. Pacific Mail Steamship Co Occidental and Oriental Steams** 5 Company Toyo Kisen Kaisha ;<»ki» vi. 8S Co) VIA IN» 09 JAPAN \.m> no.\ui,n,r. uifh I'aasagv Ikkanl granted to KngUnd and Oermanv Be all tran»- Atlantic lines of steamers, and t.. the principal citi«a .>f the Unitwl Seam* <>r Canada
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    • 674 1 DE KONINKLUKE PAKETVAART MAaTSCHAPPU. IM.kk Contract with the Kkthlki.andb Inhia (jovkunment. Agents at Singapore, Ship Agency, late J. Daendels Co., 2-3 Collyer Quay. The undermentioned dates an- only a{>proximaU". Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched for on Houtruau Bat.i M.i No\ 28 S<n*iabaya. Siiim naj>. Bandjennasnin, P^^at an, KotaUiroe.
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    • 607 1 The Tanjong Pa^ar Dock Co., Limited. Shipwrights, Engineers, Iron and Brass Four.edrs, Wh. mgoi>, ie This Company «x.-«ut«-s >l,ij. nn>\ Marine En^iu K»-l«u.-- „11 immif&mm, m t)..- ni<ist aaWaal nu.ijn.-r, unH.-i tli- nj. 1 n 1 n. <»f »;x]>.!ri.-ni:.-<l Kuri>|ic«n Miipwritfhtri mu<J I..i:hi«ts. Onwlag l>.«;ks uj. to 600 !in i.nifth
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    • 713 1 anbrntsmintts. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cc Paid-it Cai-itai, flo.odit.ooO Kehekvk Fund :-iSfcerlin^ rUwer^e |10,000,0 M") „1-,,,^. S.her R<»erTe....J 4,750,000) u s oy Kr.HEKVE LIAUIUTY 0V I'IioPKIKToBS $10,000,000 CoIRT <»X DIBBCTOK*. Hoa R Shkwan. <"haikma.v A J Haymi>si) }w|, Dii'ctt Chairman. Hon C W Dickson H Schubaut. E«q E Goetz. Esq
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    • 522 1 iltjurnisrmnus. j Nederlandsch Indische Handelsbank (Mm INDIA OOMMBRGLaL BAKK). Entahi.ishki> ]->■:: Paid up Capital -f7,200,000 (abt £600,000) Reserve Fund -{1,468,000 (abt £122,000) HeadOkkice: Amvtkudam. 11k >.i> A<;kncv Batavia. BkaK'Hks i C<jkrks|.,.m»ents m Java, Soerabaya, Saniarajijf, Indtam.ti,'!)^. (')i«-ril«n, Tegal, Pecalongau. Li>si«>\ H\\ Williamb Deacon a IJank, Limited BUfOAFOU UITEBBBT ALLOWED. On
      522 words
    • 234 1 iUjtorrtuurmnus. TRUE HAIR 6ROWER Wh«nl waabald I »i f^S^^^^hW M i.^irjj'r. j^ t I'■ ll' IlKll. >- C M«.i<«r carea. lam I A^BM^ aft ■"< VL< u^arvrli j^J^^V |it you a trial boi f «?^ll only 4 umj*. Try It, aa I 414, and convince yonrMtt. addrtu. JOHN CRAVEN BURLEIGH.
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  • 191 2 Births On N..\ 14. tk» wif.» of K. F Own, .-1 HBM.h Consulate. Kob*, of a mm. At Spring (it-ov.-. Qtaaaja I<*>;<<l. ou Nov the wife of A. von Ri.shin.j. of Marriages <>nNov at St TnUii fthniiai, Hoagkontf. Wm.j.iam Frank H.uiikv Ktiikl. eldeHt daughter ..f BOMOUCI Fkaskr. of
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  • 379 2 The Singapore Free Press. MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1902. I"I»»J bx <r- llrrr raf.ot Tfu'l .<■■: Al.l. IMBg the lin»- the WNWmI i» faff m..rt<J .liar- 1.. o fur tli.- t'.tl! m i-xdutage Tli»- 'I «-l«M_T.ij»li < '..ii]}wn\ hi- ilr.-ii.h uiiii'.iiiii»-<1 it* iiit.-nt|,,n <.f revising tl,.- tariff fr.,m Jan 1
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  • 1441 2 Th* m.irria_'» .irr.mj--l U-1 v\.-.-n apt .->t li.-.rj.- QmUMU, i: I :ii.| IfiM Wimtr.-'l M*r\ f!iitt«-r»..rtl. w,,» UUMMIDrvd x- la '.il>.ptm tli.- Abbej, BftUi oa BToi -T In* I m). »;.-iiiiui Mail >t.ain«r Ketipj All*-rt having l«»ft Oolmblm "ii th.- Betanbj it I fnii, may 1* .-xri^tp.l t-> ..rriv her*
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  • 4 2 SfSS
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  • 16 2 Nn-.»n at nw,nt,,.,hv y aietta left tor ol MaW,». 1.,,. t'lJtl™"? "V h<! J
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  • 28 2 lhe Nov,.,nl«r Monthly Medal w«e pUved t .r i;i,,udav.,li,2,«., wit. the folQ^ l»r G.lmor., UOk 4*; 44 87 K. 3 g |J g
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 182 2 awmisfmmti. CALDBECK MACCREGOR CO., (ESTABLISHED 1864.) WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS. LONDON. GLASGOW. SHANGHAI, HONG-KONG. AND SINGAPORE (Price List on Application) JUST ARRIVED THE EOrnPT9TiKY3"?BI THE TYPEWRITKK THAT WRITES IN SIGHT FROM "Dear Sir" Yours truly," Five Strong Points VISIBLE WRITING a-jpß^^^Pfc^ im:u 11 1 \ih.\Mi\i Hit Mai«»fv th* King S times
      182 words
    • 85 2 KnitNi. r |i Mi t.» Ami Ai M H r S' I International Banking Corporation Hi., n. I, „f ,1,,. |„t,.ru.,ti..n..l (■r»>|...r. .Jt.. KIIH 1 tli- following Ml..lltl>- V Si» uoiitli- i Tlw» ntl,. N..i GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. I m b— hj „;»^n that ..II «at.t..uding ii-t tli-«;,.»f|-niu*iitßb«iiil.i l«pr.-i<»nt««d I r
      85 words
    • 760 2 vTo tap's auuraisfmrms Federated Malay States OOfUnOBR OF TKKAK Applioatioim for tlw poitta of tbrv«- Student AftMiatant Sun^ona will he rtsfiTed Ht tUe <>ffii-«» of th«» Stat* Surn«>n, Taijiintf. IVraW, u\> t.. Dt^-^ni c*r. 1 [Hl'A. < an<li<lut«-!< ruiiHt aot )*>l<>ir 17 -nor aboM Jl jf»m >>f a^. Th»*y
      760 words
    • 924 2 CoUao's ailibfrttsnnrnts Notice of Removal We have from this day removed from No. l!* Cecil Street to No. »> Malacca Street. L. ANKEKSMITH A Go. IVc 1 :\.\i NOTICE We li-'rel.v noti.-^ that mt lia*>» tliin .lay appninte.l MeHwrH. Hong A Co.. No. ti! Otx'hard m our Ai^'iit*. from
      924 words
    • 26 2 Auction Sale of Christmas Toys and Dolls. To \o* held at our SaL'-rooiu. Trfttltitj, 'liiti Iteciiiiht-r. .it 11 (T/11. POWELL k Co. ftinHnaill I)'' 1 l.\l
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 157 2 THB WEEK. UoKDAT, !)>•■ 1-t Higk Water -1" .ill p Q ""'lj Hirthilaj. uommry Heetiac Prin«wp.« < p Picsbjtmaa Caorch Ms. p Ti saVAT, Sad Hi^i. Water:- 11 10a M.,h:iiiii 11 Bulun Puh,h «-..inni^nc-ei*. Municipal Elertioa T-iuel-.n- Tin C... Kachaai '-oM aTiniag, i_> WaonaDAT, :<r.i High Water a 11
      157 words

  • 637 3 COLLISION OFF PULAU PISANG. MANY UVSH LOST. Ne*« .'t anot h~i > -lnpi.iuj{ diau w«m bruii^ht t.i Town enrlj tin* utorniuk! '!>•• ««hmcU r. •m-criM'd \<v\nx tlw Kian Yang owned by KhwTlaal >udth.- iaM lal II „wn.v| In ili.- Opium F inn-. Details ol ■lie «.r. V t\r-t ».-r\ \.i-u-
    637 words
  • 324 3 V>>nt»>nl;i\ i!i..inii:_ tli- Imai MC* IoT thf mj. k !ili\ ii. -.-nt.-d bj ill- IVeM-le-it Mprtitiou Kuoapri the iueuil«l» of tfce mi m_r < 'lul. v. i- >\miih .'IV under favoutal.U- i-in'iuiiKtaii larg** atton- .t m. •niU-r*. tli»- l.nm.hes U-m_' BVOMNIad and th.' u'r«
    324 words
  • 122 3 X i i i s <■ I VIA II I K«>K I •1 i SKI. >M\|, HI. ..II IA W s I Simla Novembi Mi l>.ii.ild. Ibjaatf 1 MaakOMr, reports from <.umatti that th» "Utl.i« -i determined stand ,|.,n»-| T'.un.M i mm* hrts l»-»-n killed aai
    122 words
  • 94 3 1 I] .'round I flub K,r tli- old hands Sir PranA Sweti Mea MatAMJMMi and I. tod well wl .1 four k.t- lot 1 njatield fm Y» i H I I.- irWlahari I Karri I IT Btadhary I I H Km b Haanatavd M l»(i
    94 words
  • 46 3 >.v- i i'i_i' vi. T>in_'Jiu i aad KalLm^' W n n minde*! „1 the. irds tomorrow j Mr lafO aW M \rtlnii I'.arkei -s| f..i the two former wards, but -J" I X illali. il 1 \f, I.. \l I X I. uuiu-s at,
    46 words
  • 80 3 I 1 1* >JMM*t .lUMljjwi lt\ ill*' > X A Wilti .11 1'..«1.-ti.T Kmii.'h oa Satunlii\ nfifrrnxm un^ t,i\i>urHl>l«' •-omlitionH The t<>ll<i»i!i_ *»»p- tb»* tbrv»- j.l.u«-<1 nw»u. r..rj-.ial X I v 1. pin* 2<». nan .t. t l '.'4 > _'»-aut Mhj- >r Mii'/lihtoti |tlun 'L w>>r«- 87,
    80 words
  • 1310 3 li'>ivl'ii N>>v 17. Th»> Brwaaali police arrest ■I Mr K-ir Hanli-. M P. Uria BiorMMg m the SOOTH I t a search lor ari Anarchist i'l OOaae* ii--ti« ..f Saturday's outraife. Hf w»c released I jMirv. Lord QeorMJ Hamilton, m reply t<> Major H.i-.ii Mud the pmamkaamt >>f
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  • 28 3 r h .\i i.T.v vu. Port Full I' 1 IttTU P X i' \> M■ I Wi i I I > ti r i i IR]
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  • 323 3 ('alcana. B m ..f Urn :'tli 1. mak- an BUit-m-nt ..f Urn full knnwladM aad Oa I Urn :'th 1.-iD-.-i, atUfdat Biall i lid heavy di.i.kui- m bar- >».| l.v two i Hi-li with I aaal oa Af I Pj Urn d tttoaMrf
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  • 75 3 '1 Ii- team of Oxford nck-tevs n«>s\ iouriag India opened Iheir tour al Boatbaj oa No\ 17 with a nritcli agninat tbe E*reaidearjr The home t«-ain Mand 904 and 4l"_' wjncli is a re. ord. Mr Gfaig -< The \i»itors made SlSnad _':.7 ThaVf mti ad Match
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  • 85 3 Tin' Canadian M.inufartuivrV Association, considering the s]<u.i\> al!ott**d at OmUoI Exliilpiti<«n too lii:iite<i to inukv a reasonably good exhibit, asked t he .J a pa ue*t' Government to ere. t I MBHjaal btiildin^r for the exclin»ivt- vise ot Urn Canadiun (lovernment. at the same time propTlftfl to contribute JkTT>< m
    85 words
  • 23 3 Soultine i* a [good tJiiu^ to clean etotfui and ki<l gloves, it m c'li«aj> «nd does not take In like >«imn< Dp I
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  • 503 3 It \va> a tataty i l<'-i f> f il' (i eiecutiv* of tli«> Sio^apure l'l)illiurin<>n Society to make the <■%■»• of Scotland's Patron Siint th< uccanioa <>t v, fflWWlrt AS Wad la I v made up of Sottish music. At the 1 Town Hull "ii Saturday n i
    503 words
  • 229 3 I ••riiU't- 1., Bella AsbesboM Eastern Agency (£1), norn R<T>.iwnii (J. M. Co. (5f7.r,u; norn 2. Bniß.-h Hyd. E. Co. 8 Mi TTHaitM G. M. On. (ll] 1. Clear Wat.-r Dairy FHnn ($100) $100. Fraser and Neave ($5O) mßm* $I'>". H..n-kon- Shaii-liai Rmk ($l-25) $6 i:J. Howarth Einkine
    229 words
  • 110 3 j?» ••*.*> Uumbier p, do. Cul- X.> I o.V— I Pepper, Bla.k (onUaaty 8'po*«) "|4 do. Whit.-. Pair I." w. p t Jj Nutmegs r 11<> to the ft.) 4*' do. (SO to the ft.) .11 JJ Haoa (BiiniLu ct< Cloves (Anil».iii.i) LiiN'i-iau OoaTee "20 50 Ta]'i(j.-,i. small jhmil
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 48 3 ■i rnoi ..i.. d it indi.jr, U j p treated ,i|»p^.tr- red rimnhai lain- < Jj.-m-lv i. pf.K-n >ri'l»-rf iilljr -ful. ;i n I u'.uii'-il ita wide repatMttua ud i nrini» tli»- ■li-rf*;ii*'> wlii'l. It „i v care* uid it. a Hi: DIBPKNSABT, 1 >• ml A.'-uu. N 1 7
      48 words
    • 331 3 OCEAN STEAM ship |pSi^ co Ltd AND NEDERLANDESCH STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ OCEAAN. Itara T...5-. Peloiif. 7441 Hector IMO Tydeu- Till l)iom.-l ».;7I IWlaauehiM 711! M.n.-1..u- l.; 7! lana 74H Nev|.,, :{sir.t A^aui'-iniiMii 7010 L'K 9626 A.iav 7n;{<) Pyrrbus ,;<;_'u Achill.-s 7043 Tautalu.i M^> Deucalion 7030 Ition :irtl2 Idouieneiid 8763 RhipeiM 3119
      331 words
    • 40 3 JtpiQL&STEEL Ladies. Pf LLS A Remedy for all IrregulaHtles. Ku»- Mi nj 11 tter Apple. lVn 0 y,., y ,1. Ml c^ch «c w >ld u y bincapoie Dispensing Co., Ltd., RnfTlo. Plaoe, Su^.por*. Hiopott r «ABTU(. Ck— •OVTMAMPTON. Un,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 227 3 MAILS L()S%; T'»-M"k];' >w fm fm At i r ' J im r \.rf;illa I'M t. I'.il-liit (i(, M.-v.-i TM Ij.- Koel 4 I'M Bat.v. 'ii.-iii^: Ann t I'M ■'■.■i.i t J >>i t m.i n i pm U I'M.-IpAV. It.',. 11 AM l':il'-!iil.ari'_' litii tt.iU. ll'poll i'- tag 'i
      227 words
    • 760 3 VESSELS IN Poir ■jjj- f Flag and Ton, Commanders Arrived From For Wbtn K i i Brit pa hMt 107« Battoa Not IV.mTT,' I r'"^l s se s i r r::;i sat. O» tiro M.,11.., K« i i s til., a,., -i,i." ik: Col i v.., si pTi LATEST ARRIVALS.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 253 4 NOTICE Uuin^to the *\ee|>tionally \\r\\ r;ite«»J exch.inijt* lo .Inpan, »ei^ to riiise our price* l>y II \H'v rent from ami »fier the si Duriiihrl'. IIHI-2. (j. Otomune Co. Y. Shibuya Yiimato Co. Komeya Co. i j NOTICE affaiaaad Mewur* QvMaVi A Q» V«enU for the mli of PortmWe. V»rti. I
      253 words
    • 646 4 iltjorrtisfmrwts. MUNICIPAL NOTICE Notkv ia hereby given that the AiwetMnient li^t •••>nt.iinink{ the anuual valuation d .ill house* *n.l buildings nitiiat«d within the Mnaiopulitj of Singapore for tln> reur ll><>3 Ii open to the inspection ot Rate p;iv.t>. at the Municipal OfU-e. EapUnade. daily (SundaTM »i>-ept«d) Th*' Mum. ipal t'.>mniiMioiM>ra
      646 words
    • 1715 4 2U>bcrttfnnnrt<« j K. A. J. CHOTIRMALL CoT Jewellers and Silk Merchants "51 52 HIGH STREET. TELEPHONE No. 254. Have Just Received a tine! Japan.-*- «i)k Kimonm for la lies. lavo just received a hirtrr col lee-eollec-tion ot new ifoods i r IJent JaiMtnew whmluh^ cn-jx- Eomim for tion oi anton-mnclt'
      1,715 words
    • 921 4 Sale of Household Furniture &c At to 1 n Orchard load Sa/wrrfay, <;//, !>■,-. L 902, ot 4 t >i».| writh dfaaOH and cuji'«iar<l teal dining: t a). le t..| !.entw ■taajdafd .lmirs. rattan t.iu-\ chalra. reaaYe tahlea, Java-made t4-ak alin.'iiah>. i-amphorwood «h«^t-of-drawerB, ladyH teak writing table, dre^iii^' tal-le
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    • 500 4 fltitacrttsrmfnts. Horses, Gobs and Ponies. Three large shipments of Horses, Cobs and Ponies are due to arrive by the following steamers ss. "Comeyanna" on December 4th ss. Argus on December Bth ss. Apirima on December Bth All specially selected for this market and ready for immediate use. I'ri/e c;n ria^e
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