The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 11 October 1902

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 231 1 iltjunusrmnits. >^ STEAM NAVIGATION CO Hmm for CHDIA JAPAJ PSVAJrO, IM»1 M-1 lIAII Ml N. I OIBRALI M 1 BUKPIBI, I'M M"i m I LOI .t 1. i afl aaal f i r> MM/ Ar»- 1 MAIL 1 INfcS UU» M.'Mr.W aED IT BaaVa* v s I Jatti n v<
      231 words
    • 213 1 ittumtisnnrnts. Pacific Mail Steamship Co Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company AM' Toyo Kisen Kaisha << »ki >s I. B 8 VIA IM.\M' EOEA 01 I LPAH AND HONOLI LI I Fn^'lAnd V r ,n. ,t. 1 t'i 'i .7 \«1 illtli 1 7i.-- ■taaiii' hawamjaw hoMn. m i "»;l>KKs l<>
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    • 549 1 :lliucmsnmins. DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. I'M'l i: COVTBACI uilll JMK N(.MIK I: I \sj Im-i\ GrOTIKVIimi Agents at Singapore, Ship Agency, late J. Dacndels Co., 2-3 Collycr Quay. .ii'!. run ti' 1. in 'I ..ills approxin Steamer From Expected Will be Despatched (or on I'.ihui^ \i. W.-t i" I. IL-.ii-.
      549 words
    • 483 1 I Suumtscmnits. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Pais-cp Capitaj 110,000,000 l 1 ri l-'i mi St^rlinc U,M«i->e Jin, 1 BUt, I I ftl -kkvk LIAJULRT "I PBOPunoaa 110,000,000 < '>i XT <>!■ 1)1. I Ron 1: >m < a uutAa AIIM 1 1 Bag Dircn Cbai i Boa C W
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    • 459 1 :lt)Viriusnnnus. Norwich Union Fire EnsurftVnce Society of Norwich and London. BtTilLllim I 7'• 7 POB FIUK [NBURAKCE ONLY Amour [vbukbo L'335,(KK>,(H>O m Paid t i i Pi to< oan v lii-.:ir.u,. .■i}-. on ,i Ill( k t -\.-vy deacriptioß of property at can I I of premium. THE BORNEO I
      459 words
    • 126 1 xltiliniisrmnus. N^n >j^/?d of 16,600 fr.n« iHiUiKcaT.) The Ideal Tonic FEVER, W'lknui, Lost i.: Appetite. NerTou»n«t«, Exhaaitioa. A^ IRON for Dyspepsia, Anemia, Chlorosis, etc "jjOBT^riSTHMT W GRIMAULT'R INDIAN CIGARETTES liOTIOtLTY I'AkIS ;tts a— MAT ICO WATiCD 1 m recent MATICC wchraaieetflMfe t.i.w....— ...1,, The WEWJREWCH fitMEDY THERAPION Noi THERAPION No
      126 words

  • 39 2 Uirr sh»!l t! r l'rr« <).r I'rnp.'r's nphl maintain, I "naw"'! hy mrturiu r jn-1 unbrAtd J.v if^-n I If re [alr;ot Truth hfr i'.>ricu* |*f. tptl draw, l'lr<l£T<l tn Krli^', 1 lit] ail I
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  • 917 2 Ai.i. Urn Local aoaaplaiafla ai«>ut Urn rate of esebaaoa and the apathy af Oovaraaaeari m the currency ijuestion *«<«mii to lead t<» no practical nt«'pn l<eing taken [adoad it it difficult > what can PC doM That Other placoa Ml also having their OMVMMJ BNmbleO ■f.wtioii
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    • 8 2 oi Bulgumm m MMttitmm. It
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    • 84 2 Mr Doaaia Kilhride. late >I I» for NofU H.ih\a.\ li.ts U-.-ij „miuitt<;<l for trial at <>cfh. lcii«- ..n a charge of inciting to murder. IfMr Kill.ri.le is an Irish tenant hnwr ni I jj middle age H« M P tor Boaaa. I 1 tram 1887
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    • 18 2 < '.i|.tiiiu MaJoMf, tli* Rritjaa Btaident F? N rili.-rn Bnpjarii was TiiiinlnnHl ogj (),t 4 H
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    • 25 2 Ifta Fr.-ucli strike is l)*«con)in^ Mora ft Banotai .nil llraig f'.m«s of troops have J-w-n I Pripriritiioaxd I li tu.. aU
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    • 23 2 m batman ptoftiaton L nuaen eaatißw t<» \*> futile. Id, Mr PSerpoßl KorajH kaj aaw t.. Pr iatervaM bvl ha refuel
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    • 40 2 Qa Wad—day m tfca Bfiiat Chuun<rl thp VoridsuUeher Llojd Liaar Kronprin/. WU- k: h»!rn aolfidad with and sank an En^lihh ml ■taMMT, two {*»r«<>ii« balOßfiag lO which WM« F drovaad. k LoMoVam, <Id 1 1 a?
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  • 438 2 me a Class medal *a» played tor on R Baiotdaj by a lar^e number <»f members and R WM w.n by Col OakM with net. The fol- P U*riag handed m cards: »3 ..<*,„ «cic *i>eu »or me winner ana MM lot the Messrs VaWe who after
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 701 2 I 3Etirmsrmfmg. H. L. COGHLAN Co. Auctioneers, Estate Agents and Valuers. Auditors, Commission Agents and General Brokers, Insurance Agents (Fire, Marine and Lire) Fire Loss Assessors, Manufacturers' Representatives. Sept 15 uo Messrs. H. L. Coghlan Co. HAVE BEBN APPOINTED SUB AGENTS OK Tiy! Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada KOI'STKAD
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    • 949 2 Domestic Situation Wanted. Several respectable Eurasian widows seek situatiou aa A\.ih- or house- keeper*. Apply to the Secretary, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Supreme Court. Oct 7 ttU '21.10 MARINE CLUB. NOTICE The Half-yearly General Meeting of the memlen of the abore Club wiU be held m the Club
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    • 511 2 Co-Uan's SUbrrtisfmrnts WANTED A <l^rk fully conversant with Fire and V rin« In»uranoe work. Salary (to commence with S3O. Apply >.y letter to INSURANCE c o 'Free Pr«*. _O«tH 13 1. TO LET FURNISHED, Immediate entry Mablktow' Mount Elizabeth. Apply N». §a RAFFLES QI'AY. Oct 1 1 1K CHINESE ASSISTANT
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    • 42 2 OotiirejtT '"cntrrrnrfa Birth Dunn. At "Gfaagar Honae, M IVnanp. on the 6tli instant, tin- viffl nf W. S J>i.v.\. og a son. Death On Saturday, the 11th ins'uut. ;it Latham Houw, th»» infant of Mr and M™. H. B. BAUKWB Ayd M ■!'>■•
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 195 2 Sati rtiav. 1 lth K| Hit:: 41 7 p B| Daj of Atonement Jpwi^fi f M By}; 1 K\-:. iaa, p. m Am.Mi EaapaeCioa, 4 .3«» p. fraaek Mail Homeward <-lo»ea, 6 p B it at ihaßMua Clul.. p. flbj Royal Bbaeopa, T.,w-n Hall. J p H Clak Ifei ttag,
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  • 219 3 l-'ntrict for Autumn Meeting. L**mUu. OctoUr Ml 1 Tmw KajMl PiATk ,4.. v BBkVlMi Ho«#» »«|rf»>t »|o IH-Oibop. KEj II M BM -Urk»ee Itl.i-jw t M 1 >«..ttenham Mr r.yne Wmk I. Kni|.r#*ii MTssVaok Pom BBSftfJ Ka. r nd M.<rae pmvideW -.r- il^ r 'J»-rl\ "f
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  • 1843 3 and %'ibti to thu S»«cool H«-rw providud thcr* ara five •tartera the i>ropertr of dillcr«nt owpern A Handicap for Hunea that have »uwt«d m Tb« Autumn ■MtUieap (lUce No X) on tLe V%x%\ &•>▼. Katmaoa >J5 rHKii. U mvle T Sarkiea Sweet Krinu Mr St John Klimbo
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  • 1490 3 fVin Ceylon, j London. S*pt 27. The Prince of Bulgaria and the Grand Duke Nicholas, representing the Tsar, have arrived at the Shipka Pass to att«nd the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary ut the liberation of Bulgaria from the Turkish yoke, and the oontuyration of the oontly Runwian Orthodox
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  • 62 3 Xt A\lil:t»- ('AlllKlikAl.. 7 am Matin- ua !(••.> Gonunonion (Cboralj and Bena>oa 4 pm Budaj Benoolaad Bible < I •1 S-nnon Si M.MTMKW (||l K. M. BtTPOI LISM B 1"• pm Bvoaaoag and Banaoa. iiuwaw j;i. B«sua*Ba I am PTonWp and LonTl S'ij,[--r r.rii Bible Clasi and Sunday
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  • 168 3 ilarda) a Mr Bamtta reported t.. the l'<>lice That the r>--:-len<v of Mrs Kn^ki-r. 171 :._'.-.i;-rd. hid l^»-u broken mt-, bj _'lar- OB 'Ihur-I.iy BJs^lt and ibjp i.tufitv •w-Herv and .tlier articles, tsjtaad al $l.l<-<' had' UOn Mr >iiuth deacribiag of the aniclai the polaoi fosad In-
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  • 330 3 BOOi If M s The r;j|, l«.; ,n their football wa«on with iiij'toiiL'h h^'hi },r»,-.l rietorios«o«ar the v men l.v „]i.. bjml to m) H>" I ibould now i». hsajaa puactoallj at ..'«-I.M-k nllmaiati the tabb BU !L l The team- fa.-..' OtfcarM foOosil H M b Ai.k.
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  • 149 3 The Navy Department will s..on call for 1.i.1s for a huge floating dock t<< MpMßMtd^l a 16,000 tO« battle ship, to be built m the United States and Moated over the Philip- piii'-. saya the Washing. »n Star This will lie one of the largest floating
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  • 42 3 TH E STANDARD TIME BALLS. A Time Ball at Foi Psjasj Brani fall every day si I mi time (Gnaanriab m.-an tim>'»; hr- 4 ih'h.. hoisted |ssj m.irit-, j,re\, If either of tfcs baffli »hould fail, the fla- W will lih hointed.
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  • 206 3 0 tot* 11.; B*lN AgMBJ fl), norn G. M. Co. (96) t "2. Snook Bjd X I filers I<>. <■ M <■ 1.1 f 1 |I<K>) *10<». $M. Boagkong Shaagbai Bank ■<i^.") l jh«h». How.trtl, ErmkhM $147. .'.v Mabii Mmii g Ti I 1.40 Kadan.i O. II Co.
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  • 74 3 (CoRECTKD Cl 1 TO October 11.) <)N LONDON. Bank 4m5... l« 4 dfiiLin'l 1,81 Private -re-litM -1 m 8 1 docw— ti <i m s i credits 6ms \l%* Fkaxce, 'leuiaiiil 211* Gkkmany, <lfiuand 171' iM'iA, T. T. \2T,\ BosOKOBa, <l><i |pm Yokohama <l»mand £U p m v\ (1.-in.tnd
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  • 136 3 1 foner l i.) Ti 78 Gambier 15 do. Cube No 1 23 25 Pepper. Black (ordinary S' pore) t 34; do. White. (Fair L. W. 5 p.c.) 1 54." ValHMp I 11" to the ft.) "45 do. (80 to the ft. 80 Mace (Banda> >-t "90 Cloves 'Aiiiboina;
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  • 122 3 HONGKONG WEATHER TELEGRAMS. Barom.t.r. reduced to 32 degr^a Fahrenheit, and |p tbf 1.v,l „f the sea m inches tenth*, and hundredth. Manila »«im. readings m millimetre* TmgntaK m the shade m defjreee, Fahren-' neit. Haatti tom]<eniture centigrade Humidity, m percentage of saturation, the I'".? 7 «»turated with moisture heiag Direction
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 352 3 OCEAN "^■Wfc STEAM SHIP PS^ CO. Ltd I AND nederlaA tds ,che stoomvaart MAATSC^/ Ap PU OCEAAN. To«V ToNS Peleu. 7141 tx*, ctor 4hV; Tydeus 7441 I)ion.- pd 4671 T.l.rnad.iis 7441 Menelaus 1 74 fj fTjaJui unun 7010 l'lysi^« Ajai 7059 PpTbtM *V? A.hillea 7"V.» T— tajui .S«^NDaaeafioa 7096 Ixion
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 528 3 VESSELS IN P^bTt^ Men-of-War FIa X and Tons Commanders Arrived From For When Hril.-ruiH.-r 4SOO tin Sepl It Penant; H r lle 0ol»00 IhddMl O,:t 6 Mali.,. Eoads reBtal Brit <tmi, 1, «8U F;.r M ul, ir Oct 7 Pnnan X Other Vessels Flags Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For
      528 words
    • 65 3 W I AT HER R EPORT. (OHofcar rtken at K.tndang Kerl.n, HoiyltoJ Ofwnatorj Jar. red ..^tah t»Jfa o M g leuiperature... M.5 MS B 9 O rt'et Bulb Tlwrm 7»0 77 o of Wind ft s Js® fax. Temp, m u4 de *<7.!» J'«- d<>. do. 7J..". 'lax. iv Sun
      65 words

  • 55 4 BILLIARDS IN INDIA-"UP COUNTRY." In I] •>■ li<-a>hu_ i apital »k«'t> li.» of I'llli .rkt-r. I I J Uadoubtedlj if I W..l||.| ...iir- i 1 I I i ii 1 A ft l I km I I I ft, ;iii'l Wlfll Or i.ll lllllllU I tli. hum T In-
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  • 240 4 (jiving port of departure, and (where wn) Jjte due here, and name of Agents MIN 111 \H MNlk, '111 1 I An I Aakoid, Bm Croa -t ..It l»'.iii.c Ran < 'ronatadl i, doe < »>-t 1 1: ixspoß ra i doc < t.t H M UL SI
    240 words
  • 93 4 pre led many an int. mmitting liimn dealing wil hi i Dr 1..v.1> It has fly accepted the arch-schemer will eventual!} one of lbs otioned In rsar IW Dxttrh Indie* :tr«- apparently n»gardi 1 1- I- 1 1 full rich posta to «!ii<-li fn..iliit m Efollaß Ih>
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  • 12 4 1 1 i 1 I. IS I
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  • 253 4 f t m m I 1901 "•I i i •■f 572,249 L 2.342 m 1891 irelj \.y tf..- true eoloajr i' urn. I, iamt Th- principal 1 1 1 1 ..f nun, ,j i liria «.f land nil -111.1-- i •>f immn I while tb< n ..i" tb«
    253 words
  • 264 4 FRENCH AND GERMAN MAIL STEAMER. Urn Boho de jiut Japan, going m the French oier PoljneMen. and returning intbfl 'i.rm.iii mail iteamer Prinxesa Irene," ami lif publiahet m hii ■■]••< ■< oomparuoo tii.- two linea The nrvioe "ri the M PoljaeMen," he .ill. l be wiabed, tlio table m excellent
    264 words
  • 420 4 1.. for niil--men \xmli m wl Ji, v I '"1 if The PACIF* CABLE Vh '•I Loila an«] China irithii the between 1 :!i]il-t--:ti..| I. f I iti nighi M 'I'll.I mercial Calde son iti the late John W M laid heiii Itation v.:: jit ...liu
    420 words
  • 144 4 I ..v Peaim I Mainly dependem I price, and there is n I wible diminution f mineral deposit* Altl _'l, i|,. si.. i11..« vorkingM an> gradually Btw tniiiiiiL' cenl ...I qi ''V 1 '"^■'>~. .v,. being opened up. )W Vhose utilising hydranJi •lr«|l_'.ri_' tnachinerj dimtly tend I r
    144 words
  • 188 4 Tub Eli j U:n I I England tIIP.U- 4 i ILr J j( j i<lca)x '.f the Oenuan bureaucracy, and is i I'- bought I uauerning I. J I elderly mldt run. n' m P He Imrne the weight I i.i] .11. I I I I 1
    188 words
  • 496 4 ution n. .v. i..in_ paid to the i I Be »hooting I Home inbound t.. 1.. w*~:K effect, it' »*> have. Mr ChamU i* thinks, to reh ultimate!* on voluntary wu \<3 X the Spectator send* Iff '••.mi of urn,- „,,-u firing fur th I I time on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 116 4 THE ROBINSON PIANO CO LTD Manufacturers I OUR OWN MAKE f "STRAITS" MODEL ivmili <>t pin I inn ill < Inn i. Prices $280, $435 $475 $500 ill The "APOLLO" The Master Piano Player \SH OR MONTHLY I UTI rx\ an tmmt tmusen PLAYED DAILY I BECHSTEIN WERNER, COLLARD ALLISON,
      116 words
    • 333 4 Sftbrrtisfnirntf. THE "Singapore Free Press" UiO MERCANTILE IDVKBTI8BH C'abi.k Ai>i-uk.-.-> A'1wi-1i«.t Sm_r;i|. I I I I.J'IK'.n i. No 01 Published at No 30-3 Faffles Place, Sinj^ re Tfci leading English Ken paper in the S Johon, the Federated N 8 nik. Sdangor, Sunget Vy ili- Negri Bembilan British No 1
      333 words

  • 636 5 MUNICIPAL COMMISSION. K|allT _Mr J <► Anthonie/ iThairnian and llr».r< K*»na. *>**•. < }liu^' Tl T U ('h.*n l>uan. Th M*rlan?n. and U*rker Alma nt Li*ut-v\.l IVnnef.thar Minutes. Th* minute* of the prfmoua meeting were The-Fin»nc«». \nth»ni«i aaid that the financial atefh> I .i l..iUn.- f $377 ao pooi »Mf*d
    636 words
  • 382 5 OIUUAKT rBIi'VT. TOFKR 1". I'kk-». > 1 H.- Kaeaßanejr the <i<>vernnr (Sir Swutt<-nh«ui, (c> h I H I -rti.-.-r .ii.m.iM.hnu tlu- I H..1 I Oahaa. n l»a alaatai tfca tatankl Iw lalaij i i I '•>! -i.> th.- >■• I: Hy.-r thi I < Ii Hill I
    382 words
  • 92 5 o,i th« authority ai tha Jnpun<->«- For. _;n < »ft<-«» it i« now i-tat.-.l tin- Cluuew <i"v <• li^H-iil*"! t. <;-l, .1 i-ariiplmr i-.i» (Mem 'a I- .iik> n i M-iog Um ■KaMfnlj iphor '.n i- 1 tl.f r ..j.r r.»l «»f th« .1 It i-
    92 words
  • 1361 5 Q.< tqnii ItaaWißJS mtttri rtt farrago lib>!f> Juvenal Yin few i-ltTf of thi* rc.linim but hive had at hum.' line <>r other to carry through a little tmnaaetaOU with the curio men \s h< fanten on t th.- MV4MM m Singapore After :i lit' experwnre the
    1,361 words
  • 381 5 Tli»' X< -"ii-'iu. that the movements m pig-iron of Int.- ii ,v.- l.t-n the most remark■Ml i" ll"' hMOiy of th»- trad.- .Hid. t.. the ordinary onlooker, iiio-t hewildmni; m th.-ir i-(. t iij,J. utj It is pvohsWl (Jut fliiH ye r more iron nil! he >m«lt«-il m
    381 words
  • 260 5 aaan afsariaa aanda >iy tii- .1 thjrr r mind 1 1 l ->dy >n t: All coiuinuni.-atioiis -hou! -~-l t<. th>« 'reaa." Orig aal tl.'-r .h'-s itiatt«-r of local int»-r.-t ia Proa 1 N Ml M arvad l.y Q-M Problem No 343. Bj ivi Game No
    260 words
  • 504 5 Ihe !Sover >i-_'ti h,i> Im-«>ii JOinpmn on the Daily >l;iii beoaaaw it has bean talking about the diffareaoe between the Aiii'-rn-.m and Bagfioh atjlea of lawn tenniM, taking as its text the result-- of the recent matchria m America. The Sovareign* 1 raja ;i a 1 many aaoavble
    504 words
  • 64 5 m compuaaos witij the. th- worn- n{ tiip Jl'^int M M Thi- i u.ou- niij i-iu-nt i- intended rock and orarbardaa bjtheton, it i- BOa m.-v.-.l tl.'- pick It will h will run on a 3| ft railway, and will booVaWB l.y t«.. LO-tOB lot rt to
    64 words
  • 133 5 .-Fitly of a ..-i v far-re .uati\.-l_v acanij axmld aot be raiood ia a court, hut the in.iiii f.- itnrea I 'i bad honoured t n ,,tt. i iper f'.r MO 17, 1901, i j Th- BTned out to be Corgi aaaplojce had ol iI.U-r »tamp u-
    133 words
  • 170 5 ChamUrlain's Pain Balm m a liniment, and whilf> adapted to all the ordinary uses of a liniment. In- qoalttiea which distinguish it from other r.-iu'di-, at thirt <laas. Pain Halm is fxporiully hgnaflcyj tor iheuinatiHin Thousands of cases can ht ek*d m which thin rwnedj has
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1236 5 atibrrttsfmrntg^ j^f INDIGESTION JKa I -^^^S^ 1 meAn» t.-rtorini; j.-iin. inf«aMiit jffl^^s^^^jgP^y^^M yß^n^^^^^*—^^^'/ wainDHf*. wrt-Trh.wt days and VN><r~^~^^^BBaBBBBBBBBT ***** wpa9^^^p^^<^^ wakeful nights. It meant beinff I \j^^^*'^. -""I e^ery <l»y It muans starved blood, gaai X*/ /W "tarveil nm^los, v starv.-l »»*ly, anil a Bbbbl mbW [W s'"rv..i drain m
      1,236 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 202 5 MAILS CLOSE Today Pcs p p r At atalanos fta jsappfca 4 i-m Bangkok fm Poatianak Del 4 PM '■m CHsaa PM B btan rs ggghnngli fja, j-m Ei """Ik- Oceanien >; f>m Montr. <r;aix ftc aVrgas 8 am Laaana A. Manila CUangaui 11 am ■■•>■* B'.m.-., noon i Ungl
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 126 6 1 illilKiti&rmmt*. HOTEL BELLEVUE i i, Hbalimi am> i H -'kinj; -I I" ROVI HOTEL. TANIONC. KATONi, i II \\l> LODGI OFF II E TO 1 I X \1 poll GODOWN TO LET ■i \s TO LET lAS Hr LET ft' AS 1 RNISHED C S MOHAMED ft CO. m
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    • 183 6 WANTED A •m.nt jiMith wlm .an Manipulate the Type- I 1 iv with reference* to 1 PtH v I WANTED r ii Tulik iu>-t.inat; 1 iJm.ic a li.»>pitul drmer A; ff > i' IKWANTED un<l floiiM' t'>i kmi.ill t.iiinlv v; i" WANTED >.nt Sal»-Miiali. ■r> >m{h knowl^lt ri. ■a WANTED
      183 words
    • 444 6 iUrtmtisrmrms. Riley Hargreaves and Co, Ltd. Engineers, Iron and Brass Pounders, Boilermakers, Ship Bridge Builders, and General Contractors, SINGAPORE AND IPOH. Marine "Campbell" Oil Bpcclal Hi i\ Marine Tiu Mining and Hydraulic Installations a Speciality Passenger Steamers, Launches, Lighters, m Steel Wood LARGE STOCKS OF ENGINEERING AND MINING STORES ALWAYS
      444 words
    • 394 6 Singapoij Sporting Club. AUIT.MN i:.\. E IfEETINa. 7'»-" Tkmniay, 23rd, mmd tlmturdmf, iStk 0,i,,i,, Tickft>. ■.f iiltii i-,-,i. 11 to til-- Grand Staad "••.m now be Lu<i <»f M»-^sr o John Limi.e a C-j. Ltd Dialy Ticket $2 Season Ladiea' TiekeU FVee oa application to the Banatarj (>y Kembera of
      394 words
    • 353 6 Selangor Turf Club. PROGRAMME W)B -"m DECEMBKB, 1901, AND li AND Sbo JANUABT, 1903, UESTUfU FIRST DAY I. Tut Maidsit Piati VatawSSOO 4 Maiden na Weight .1 j«t Kate (10 tt) Fn trim. ••s','. I'.-t.m,-.- RC An all-.wnn. lolb for all hone* imported int.. tli..- 81 lrnU or Fed Tut
      353 words