The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 22 February 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 690 1 o Office. Telegraph St. jfe Wharves. Keppel Harbour. O STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Steamers for CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG. CEYLON, INDIA, AUSTRALIA ADEN, FGYPT, MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR, MALTA, BRINDISI, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports, also for Cham Cout. rM AIL LINE. OUTWARD HOMEWARn
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    • 862 1 Pacific mail steamship* COMPANY OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND rpOYO RISEN KAISHA iUKIBMTA. S. S. CO.) VIA INLAND SEA OF |APAN AND HONOLULU. Through Passage Tickets granted IS England France, and Germany by all irans-AUantic lines of steamers, and to the principal cities oi the i United States or
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    • 706 1 HE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contract with thi .niih brlands Iwdi* Oo«irii>mit. Agents a i S.ngapore, Ship Agency, late I. DAENOELS Co., 2-3 Collybr Quay Tub undirhintionii) datb* ar* okit aPP«oxikt*Tß. Steamer Krom Binrcted Will he -«r»'cn»i< fnr on Jelu ci Bativ'n via Feb 18 Rilliton Pitavia, SatnaraiiK V i-oeral
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    • 726 1 UONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL #10.000.000 RKSERVB FUND.— Sterling Rr-serve $10,000,000) m o.lver Reservt 9 3.750,000 j •«.'».750,000 RBSERVB LIABIUTY Of PROPRIBTOKS Count up Uißßcroaa. R. Smbwan, E*q.— Chaicmam. Hoo. J. J B>LL-laviHO,— Dbpmtv Cnaibham. H. E. Tomkims, Esq. R. L. Richabosom K»q. A. HAvn K«<i j
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    • 604 1 JJORWICH UNION TIRE INSUK ANCK BOCIETYOF NORWICH AND LONDON. Established 179 FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONI V Amount Insvrbo 4vr».000,0«* Los> BS Pa!D llt ooo iOO Pr«iiivh incohb 7 ooft.or*Insurance eflected on almost every dwcnption property at current rates of premium. THH HORNEO Co., Ltb.—A t T HE STANDARD LIFE A
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    • 228 1 NATIONAL AWARD o< 16,600 l<m<% •*<•••»«• m«*c«m i» iaw m lmigm t The Ideal Tonic Mtrrrllo^ .1, r^M „f Ft VII, W*tk»*«« Lots u( Appcuu. N*rvootß«M, Tifciwttif Also prtptrrH with IRON for D/sptps.a. Antmta. Ckfrrtu. ttc. PURE roi ASTHMA V ORIMAULTB INDIAN CIGARETTES v i •rr»l»sio» M4MCIM i »irricu.rv >.
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  • 975 2 The Singapore Free Press. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 19 02. llrre -hali tl.r J'r,^- (I •*M maintain, I 11.-IW.-.I l.\ mtln^n. r in<] i n br<l I > llrrr W^lcra t<> Kn I 1 1 M>t- ii <<( 1. iily a matter ol a iiti't- N >i (1.-r hi v, why
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  • 639 2 Those who per. hance hay passed by a > certain angle ot Fort Canning of late may have not ctd a somewhat curious embryo btructuie, not far distant from the Hag- >»iaff, m a northeasterly uirrction. A I may not be a*ar of the fact
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  • 214 2 *■•■■< t ,me via V.y M<f Bi i» 1 m 1 t,t II Mr L%* i• 1 I •1 r. r -v I 'n^ lo ihe I r.g ot l)r H <k|i .\n ii| p om|.la da«C< lolluArd tSe MM m ita ri Oa V
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  • 38 2 Competiiion fur the usual monlhly m-cl,| «ill Jake placa thi- afternoon. T\v V lv t'<r.-,td l|«airtMl Mand will pay a "Ir.ton ol mu<K nt thr (iolf P««vi. lun M Kri'fay < veiling the jVh instant.
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  • 71 2 k 1 Irgr— lr m Hanoi. <latfi „tl, I «b- to t!i" Opinion, of Saigon, >..^s Lillie, I'anci^n <li c- t< ur du Siam Free P** •Ml it Mfttia I tviijital d Ila 01 <!• »uii«-> <!>- la <l\-- It v\i,| be rfmniihetcd that Mr l.v
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  • 132 2 Last nicht a iiuuiln of the m^iuben of the Rowing Club entertained Mr Soott Russell and thy Dioiubem ..t hit mesa at dinti.r at th.- Kalllet* Hot.!, to wish Son voyage to Mr. Kus»p I, u|,., leaves for Europe within the next w -l.iv-. About twenty fiv.
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  • 77 2 11. M. the V;,,u ot Siam, H.K.11 }»rince Nak-.n S:«w»,i, K .H. the Siauif^ Mini. -M for \V.i.- i.v.l ,1,. K'irhpJiei, ■H Mqwct»J hoiv ir*>m tiaii^k.k toujoriow m th J/a/<o CUakkti. Ih^ third engineer o» i| 1P (i erman sterner Tetartc, named W eguen. < was n-purtrd at Saigon
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    • 45 2 ROSEBERY AND CAMPBELL. BANNERMAN. C B." Thrown Over. l.or I m .1 I. r r«'|.l>in/ to Mm r.-inmU aiii}>l»'ll-l >;ii;ii'riiiiii i}m,i, l>*r\ i.-i-.Mit hj. Hmt,' MfaraUni b«a iha R un«l»T ta«« Campbell.Hann.i *hi|> ..n ac.omit ot Sfr If. m v th»« ' Wai ;tiil I!
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    • 20 2 A Heavy Casualty Li IktlW Wl two Itunli. pl«' LiII»mI an«l wountje<l in the mil 111
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    • 12 2 [Later Agitation Spreading Iv- IfMfcfafc Li'- '.r «tnk» ha^
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    • 13 2» > eatio« < II Mi l-i m iu(jurat»- !h»? pontifi il
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    • 32 2 A Great Building Prograi Airwld-Fo, »t.-r Adrniraltr, m n tllliilt^i, fAtfl fd* 1 "7 > p« it tinder construction duru g IhmU ye*r. H> h<'p»»'l that aIgkHSM 1 •r. \>, .tdd-d t>.
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  • 1063 2 U are asked |t sutr that the who were atretted \rsierday werr r.ot Mr. ku>s t -|i b "bo)v' (,ut othrr HyUm boy» who wrre tropassing .n his ground* tn<* w«-re R ambhn K at the back ot hi* > crwrt '(uaittrr* The Chinese barber who was brought down from
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 167 2 John Little Co., Ltd. GENTLEMENS OUTFITTING DEPT, "AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK m all leading lines of this Department has just been opened out TURKISH BATH WRAPPERS. Turkish ~1 ;1 "Tl iV^' Bath Ttwels ll)^tv»i !f l' l/ i\ Towels M -fe Mvtk Honey- ijdi!.^ -a) i 4 Hue- comb TT»'-
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    • 235 2 Reddaway or Camel Brand Belting jpjfkjp Twenty years' experience without a single mpFjy failure is its record. I IWijyft!^**^ I ""^^j^^^^ff J Excellent tor Hot Climates iHBtI^A I fjlT^Fpw^lf f dmirable 'or working m Heat llnll' Ej^ >:::^|i Paper Mills' 1 Saw Wills Bly^ fry Rice Mills Sugar Mill s
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    • 333 2 TO-DAY'S ADVrRriSEMENTS. Art Needlexcrk I Dressmaking Depot X l*n i. i im Bloom mmim up la Urn mtrnmtH umi 81 )i.l>,H VAHMOSti tnm I. i rials, all \*ijrW i:inJ«-r Kurofx-nn Supervision, Sir. |.rov nl«-«l. Art eedleworlc Ac Dressmaking Dep^t. W ASTRO 1 »Arit«r atMkw* Kacltek Uirly vali. X pplj i••
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 269 2 The Week Saturday, ttnd M»• 1 < ><, 1 1 1 p A rsaiy o( ir>« H nh ul <it *ga A M.M N1 •'>•■■■ iTii P SO. M< I Ou'«»arcl 1 J p. P p. 1. I mm<■.■ < bunJ«> 13 'tv W««« 10 4J a 11 and
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  • 100 3 Ihe K. P M< learner Japara which collided with th- >*'«« »•> Souraoaya, arnvrd here >ester<i»K evening and i is »n» m dock. Her bow fo cama^^d and three of h-r propeller blades P« rtl y broken. The M M. steam-r Qmtf**l*w C«mne« tin? with the outward P.
    100 words
  • 199 3 Here is a story told m TL* v Navy ud Army Illustrated," red >lent of the quaint humorand ready wit of the sentry < .11 cern*d, which may please those who Lav* memories of K.ppel Camp. A friend, .m ofticr m au irregular corps, found
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  • 2485 3 Quicquid agunt homines nostriest Jarrng tlli. Although the Averment btaeen Bii-t->in am! Japan will pr«t\a a s -r«-t y;• 1 1 1 1 1 force when th^ y'xwi h torn' \e it» it fl.ience i' \hr. meantime is if a nv.ial chaact« r Wl en
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  • 86 3 The entiies m t F>e above Tournanvnt h*v<- diod. The numhf-r is quit*- up to tli»- av. rge In "Single Handicaps" no le>b ilnn nine'y-t«o na<nes are doivn and (or ih^ Double MnndicHps" Hlty couples havf t'lteied. M st /nter>.st wiJ he Cfntred m illC?-
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  • 47 3 Le'te'a patent liave he»-n issued a| pointing tic 11 -n. Dr. \V C. Bmwn a mrmticr ol il.e Eda< ation Commission. Mr. E. <>. Bro» Itick, Collector o{ Land Revenue andUtfic- r m iliaiye o( Frfa&ury. Malacca, ie|joit<d UU iriuru Irom leave of absence on the 19th inst.
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  • 306 3 Two iMipf"«-<in m t:"e- •> t-vri. M. 'V S v«son a. dJ. P. M*«m .k m 1.\.<1 tHe H. I VWtora, S>'i i.iirnbfi l <1-..\e v■. on od y 1 41 h J..n. I'M (f s aMW il ci <\ iniiic- owny 10 the i' r
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  • 203 3 Mr. J W. Gibson, of Mroome, Western Australia, m a private lft t*>r received m London s.iys Ihere is j;if»;it excitement here m consequence of ||m finding of what is probably the most superb and wonderful pearl the world has ever seen. AH the fid pearlers m
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  • 204 3 11,- I' i re <t \\V i e I, a g 1 »tor| of h m >rniit|| rvicc ■> -|< .il»-<l on ie (o Su «)a\” \<, k« c,i ife OpJ,,r. 1i c c i i» «-v«ry po t< t rj li j'icrI'OO I i• i !ir--
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  • 151 3 Yesterday ■•ruing at it o'cl tk two Mai ,m were rdWMNg m a pIUm i I >' I Ha'i v. whtti >l r r L i c j>}>o*»-a li# t c Mac v-< a >- f ru-h' il np biml m.c <>l ih--tn >• iz (1
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  • 75 3 1 I)I7I X Ordr'l) (Jffi < r f.>r (he pmsui g eek Hd l.uui. H \V S .ip. Ordviiv N.< M. jJo do St't. I Hildih2. P» »L>> S: Mmn'Y 14-ti Re'.'ui'N MusUe'ry, A H ■>.'■, >-i.ti •>> hi rsu d<l <td Whi.-mmy 6t „t s 1
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  • 169 3 CcrpvO'.'erv byl" n. M j r A. Mu-rav. V.D. Lomm in<la<n Sr *ap" r» V'uu ''e» r < <>rps, H -d Q.I it- Ofti X n Ku'l.rion, .m p. rt I- b vi y J>ln, 19JJ. 1. P*R»D-S MuMut 24 'i. M 1 j p. m Nos.
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  • 124 3 {2'id Sunday m /.rut, St. Andrew's Cathedral. 7 a.m. Maims. 7.4^ a.m. H> ly Communion (Choral). 4 p.m. Sunday School. 5.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermo'i. Garris -n P»rapk Sirvk is. 7 a.m. St. 'Xndre* 1 Cathedral. B .k j" Mati. 12 no'>ii 1' .1 1
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  • 190 3 L ADIES' LAWN TENNIS CLUB TOURNAMENT. YKSTFRMAY I V\.\\ I. Ml SI) (i>MUM^'s|/lUBL S HtMlli r A I t A*N. •Vr a. ..1 Ms r.vsi s r t-r .1 M.s I. v. 'l and M' «i. Ma. t ikK-ui. 0 -4. 6 o. Mi i J. un a d Mr.
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  • 105 3 »liO lo Ihc lev. I ul IL« h IIJCIJc 8 v ulfl atid fc T"' iu> M niU »-^.r«iaii^» lU u Jll i 111J tre UiuiM-rature .v the .UaOo .v d.- H r»«»,, l-au,,.,,: nt'll. MmuiU U-uip«.*nttiir>.- c«?utigr*tU.-. huujiUitj kjl air vitur^i«d with moi»turw beiujj |uu HMMiH
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  • 79 3 CORKECIFD LP TO FrtIMMJ jj On London Ba- .k 4 m,- 1 mand 1 Priv 1•• Mit> t n»«N 1 1 I dorurnrat* 3 m/ 5 credits 6 m/s 1 10", FkANCK, tll.ti.O G-JKMANV, <]t-iiiarni |^g India, 7. 1 3 G.' Hongkong, !< mmd j% m Yokohama, immami iij%pm
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  • 123 3 (Ftbruar) 22 I I*" f;v II .-s 1 '7 50 f'<--. r< ".-ic> i.- mm M wn »<^ 1 v- x > s< 1 IM ••»>.' 51 do Sirs to thr \b> '9-SO Man (Band*) v o 'nves \fnfon .1) M l.ibenan Coliee 2j Tap.c:c», sm.-t) 1 prai'l (F*ir
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  • 110 3 '•'l' IP U' o I- <-r B»r«».. ■> «~,-M M.I I Clundras Cold Mn -ip« Co. L'd. /I £t n Ct» w*« Z m J, li<x. 1., Mow.irth Ltd. X Kadana (iold Mining Co., Ltd. *i I fio h. t 1 Rr\. Maynard and
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  • 446 3 i w«>la. v \m it Imnm rater* Mir i i l>. N •mi .\.r gari i Mif Pfcf I PW lowiha Mr i Mi. «t,,i M A«"il I |> r 0r,.-,.' I LoMkw Mr. V .1 m r X I I y >lr- v.i Uir. Air
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 86 3 Mr. Whe ler Git Rid o' His Rheumatism. During tlie winter of l*:»s I was <<o lanie ii my joints, m fact all over my body, that I couh hardly hobble around, when I bought a bottle o ii iui'h-i Imi > I'.nn K.ilui. Kroiu thu tir>t appti cation I
      86 words
    • 358 3 OCEAN j¥^J STIAM SHIP Co. AND nkd^rlan &che stoom. vaart maats:happijocf.aa i i r««« t« Pt'eut 7IM r°r mtti.t,. ;.:,7'i r«nf« lt() ;w;.'o rVaVw 7HI r». fr,.f/,, lltg ti Mil: TtUmtmkmt '<•• '<««Wi .Vi 7.' VHiftmi .(ill 7■» on 7• 1 Icfm I ttmmtm iMXiJ -t^dmrinii... 701 ')>--t\ <»^>.l Priam
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 231 3 VAILS Cl OSE To-day. Pcnan X BtC,..kuiU Inium ifM r n;l "i 4 Cayi.vj I'm -u-an HI X >-' o ni AlLhi. 4r¥ *K»^« V Am v LmUM 4 pa '-•■■'V i M.mOHy H, .m.da 4 P%< B f> B 2 %K c— 4 m H«h«fSMMril N S'*"-** 0
      231 words
    • 212 3 VKSb X L S IN P Q Mfi-ot-W«r PM^aaiTlM Comm-nJpri a- ..the Vetttl. Pl.r**Ton. M-Wtl Ar-.vej rom t N Al'.un Hr,, I, rrv Ay.-,l .h I r I Attorney .l»n 7 \i Ik-I»;ilca Aim l .ne. llorm i It ,1 n <■• IV-l I H BroJ K«Mi i<>t><iiii«M*al-VbM Ha./ fc
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 610 4 REUTERS TELEGRAMS. SOUTH AFRICA. I* oof EUtofeft colamus •■fagfJ L»e j Wet rift* uuuaMwwWr ft««, ou the 16tb. Ibirlj miles to tbe northwest ot XVii 111. v japtured t«n Boers. THE BARCELONA STRIKES. jjVlll—l wuwixn aie taian^r-laoo b«kai«ea the troops v..d thf at Baiveion--* ther^ .«^s been levei tightmjj m
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    • 743 4 $10 REWARD. STRAYED on© Female Siamese Cat at No. b Cjvanagh Koad. Feb 18 ••S-a Firewood WASTKD Tender* for about JO.OOO pieces Bakan Firewood monthly. Length Ito j feet. Ap plyto THK BORNEO C... Ltd. Jan 22 House Wanted. TO KENT, Furnished or Unfurnished, tron» Ist March. Varticnlars to W.
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    • 264 4 Jthe old reu a'blel ■&apomi -sz>t^amt& 'I I r** d& -Jl McALISTER Co SfMOAfOBBIf HDfAKO, J* ith* NOBEL'S Explosives Co., Lt^ GLASGOW WANUFACTURErt^ O^ Dynamite. Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine Detonators, ISA t\iMS or Safety Fuses, Electric Blasting Appa^atufc The above Exf>!c:nei. being all masmtsctured tn Great Britain, are made
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    • 1070 4 r l s iiMotiii < i i vi n_r port of d>-|. H tur<-, :u>d (vrb*re kaowa) dale due h«re, ;ind n > a.- o| A^eiiti. Meu-«rf-\N.ii, Jap., I oi don, duo Mikasj Jap. Portsmouth, due I. b Paaawrlai fcav Oaaaakaat «i<w- i-eb Oolabvi, Ku» Croiistiwlt, due Mar o--eir
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    • 779 4 Per V. l». 1^ Baram, due Mr. <;. Kohu.lel Mr. P K.n. M fart-ken, Damn von d.-r r.|T/ T r Arthur TiepclM-iu Mr. v..i, Napier and ehiid Mr and Mr U Mr. and Mm X U. Br-nm. Mi-s I luoes. Per M. M. rniest Sim«.i,. I Hraddcll. Mr. J. I
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