The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 30 November 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 725 1 Jl O Office. TeUgrapb Bt. XT Wharves. Keppel Harbour. O STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Steamers for CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, INDIA, AUSTRALIA, ADEN. EGYPT, MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR, MALTA, BRINDISI. PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills ot Lading issued lor Pertian Gulf, Continental and Amtricau Ports, also for China Coast. MAIL LINE. OUTWARD HOMBWARU
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    • 801 1 Pacific mail steamship COMPANY ACCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL O STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND rpOYO KISEN KAISHA (OUMTUB.I.CO.) VIA INLAND SEA OP TAPAN AND HONOLULU. Through Passage rickets granted to England i Prance, and Germany by all irans-AUantic lines of steamers, and to the principal cities of tht Unttmd Stat«s or Canada. Rates
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    • 735 1 I DJE KOMIMXf.IJKB Fs%«3BTVAART MAATSCHAPPI) Uhdu (.aeilWiCT vmtM Nstmbrlahos India GovsamcsjiT. I AobrtsaTSingapors. SbipAmhcv, lati J. DAENDELS Co.. 1-3 Cou.yrr Quay Thb uMDSJiMkWTiairBO datSS <tR* ohlt api-roximatb. Steamer Prom Expected WIU b« despatched for on Van Rieinsdijk Batavia via BilUtofi N»v. 27 Bflliron. BaUria, <<amacaag. Soerabaia, BoalaleDg, Ampon- 1 Maosasar
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    • 724 1 tJONOKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. rAJD-UP CAPITA I Ji0.000.000 RF.SttXVH FUND*— Starling Reserve,ooo SilvaTfWve 3.750^00 )*'3.7.V>.000 R2SERVB LIABILITY O» I PPOPRJRTORJ .Jioowmk* COURT OP DIBBCTOX* I 9. Shiwan, Esq.— Chairman I Hoa. J, J. Bbll-Irvinq,— Dsputt Chairman. H. E. Tonkins, Esq. I R. L. Richardson Esq. A. Haupt Km
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    • 603 1 KTOSVv'ICH UNION FIRE INSUR T* ANCR SOCIETY OF NORWICH AND T ON DON. vi. i« ha n i fCH PIQ& INSI'R.»Nrc a.V. Ai»o.-i.t o^ ««««P*i».. u.6^0,000 il^!!* 1 s.-06,000 Insurance ci- Hon almost every dMcription e4 oroperty j t rates cf premium. )HNP.O Co.. Ltd.— A. ent fPHh STANDARD LIFE
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    • 488 1 NATIONAL AWARD of 16,600 .u. It It an HHttb t and ***Vmhtgln,ttk,»iovtnm*,' iTnLwen.) The Ideal Tonic MarrclloiM m cn«a of FEVER, WoknMi, Lou of 4ppetiU, Kerroain»t», ExhtviUOß. Also prepared with IRON tor Dyspepsia, Anemia, Chlorosis, «tc or tv chiu'trt ma trout. __TAIM^: ao, Bo« <«« f«wu si J««ym Sept 28
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  • 16 2 Domestic Occurrences. BIRTH At A. Bungalow, Tmgliu, the wile ol Franc is Piars, of ft daughter.
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  • 656 2 The Singapore Free Press. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1901. r.»weJ by nflurncc »-< t.r.hc. W bf gam Hcic afllft Tratk b«t |':«r:«ut prrcn>tt )r»« PMotTW iUIWrUn. ii. Law- The Hartlepool steamer Eastry\% reported ashore on Sibarn Island, near Padang. Mr. Neubronner, and Mr. Nathan arrived here yesterday by the Primalxom Bangkok.
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  • 98 2 The following telegram from Hongkong was communicated yesterday to a few representative Scots m Singapore To Prtudint tf St. Andrtw'i Socuty, Sirtg*p re:—Chi»f o Whdehtad mnd bnther Scott greet you. Dmvtd Wood, Secretary. To that, this reply was forwarded Kindly greetings of Chief Whitehead and Hongkong
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  • 470 2 To-day is St. Andrew's Day and right worthily was it ushered m by the Marine Club Ball at the Town Hall last night. That the Ball was a success, hardly needs to be related, festivities of this nature on a public scale are not so frequent
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    • 18 2 MAR QUIS ITO'S TOUR. Marquis Ito has had a special audience of the Tsar. Count Lamsdorff was present.
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    • 69 2 Mr. Ritchie, speaking at Croydon, stated that Lord Salisbury's pronouncement that no shred of independence was to be lelt to the Boers appears to have been misunderstood. We were unable to offer to the Boers again the terms they had rejected, but if the Boer general accepted
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    • 54 2 (Later.) A Friendly Discussion. It is announced m Paris that the French Minister at Bangkok has had a prolonged audience of the King of Siam, m which questions affecting France and Siam were discussed m a friendly spirit. FrencrT Consulates have been established at Angker and Battambang.
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  • 81 2 *ht Russian Transport Nijni Novgorod h°™js\Yard bound, is due here from Vlaaivoslock nexf "weeT^ The M.M. steamer Tibre arrived from Saigon this morning, and will leave after the arrival of the outward mail steamer Valet fa. The Russian steamer Mtrcury is expected from Odessa shortly. The outward Spanish
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  • 417 2 {From our Cornspondtnt.) With reference to the new Customs Tariff brought out last month by the Government here, public opinion has had some little effect, for the Gazette ot the I ith inst. notifies the country that (a) The Expert Duty on Salt Fish is hereby abolished during
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  • 54 2 The current issue of the Goiemme*i\ Gazette contains a King's Order m Council re merchant seaman deserters to the R*i public of Honduras, also a circular desparffl from the Secretary of State re application I of the minimum French tariff rates andfjj acceptance or non-acceptance of preif^Bj by Governors and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 524 2 KATZ BROTHERS, (LIMITED.) GREAT CLEARANCE SALE. Commencing Monday, 2nd December. Ending Saturday 7th Deo. GREAT BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Special Lines must be cleared. OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT White Shirts From Jl5 per dozen. White Dress Shirts £24 per dozen. Cottella Shirts with Collar and Pocket $12 per dozen. Oxford Matte Shirts
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    • 451 2 Keilp St Vtolsb, CtaffleO, $2, Ranks Ptoct Christmas AND New Year's Cards. IN GREAT VARIETY. The German Mall leaving Singapore on December 3rd will probably be delivered m London about December 27th ROBINSON and Co. Special Show Christmas Before purchasing your Fancy Goods, please call and inspect oar Departments. Steam
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    • 498 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. Auction Sale of Valuable 999 Years' Leasehold Town Properties I TO BE HELD AT POWELL Co.'s SALE-ROOM ON Wednesday, 11th December, AT 2-30 P.M. Tcluk Ayer Street Lot 1 House No. 37 Teluk Ayer Street, aroa 1,974 mi ft. Lot 2 House No. 38 Teluk Ayer Street, are*
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 242 2 The Week Saturday, 30th v High Water 1.12 a., 0.29 p. J St. Andrew's Day. Cricket— S.CC. 2nd XI v. Next XVIII. S.V.R. Class firing for Casuals, Tanglin R., 2 p. S.V.A. Competition for McCallum Trophy, 4 p. Sunday, Dec. Nt High Water 1.59 a., 1.17 p. 1M m Advent.
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  • 176 3 Quotation* Paid. Dividends. Li Nominal. £4 m jfes.s/ 2l Nominal. £l M $4.75 Sales. $5 ftoo $100 7 $96. Sales. $50 10 for year 1000 1 Par. < v>/- to/- bonus 30/1 a/o |6 w. lUS Uye* r 14.30 Sales. $5 5% '<» I yw»
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  • 1471 3 TOPICS OF THE WEEK. Quicquid •gumt homines nostrx tstfmrrmgt liktlli. I JUVBMAL. A poetical friend has been rbyming m your columns on the Ci.b.efe Volunteer," m glowing Pyrrhic periods. But the Topicist has not found himself able to divine, on such internal evidence as the poem itself affords, whether the
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  • 244 3 A new York despatch of the 13th ult. saysMr. Knox, the Attorney-General, had a lon* conference with President Roosevelt on Saturday regarding the apolication of the Pactfc Commerc Cable Company lor authority to Uy a cable between the Un.ted States and the Philippine*- Mr. Knox advised
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  • 490 3 |(Z?«>7y Chronicle.) Sir Frank Swettenham's name is so well-known m literature that it* signature to an official report j is guarantee of greater human interest than »uch documents usually possess. This expectation is abundantly borne out the Report of the Federated Malay States, which has )u-t been
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  • 1441 3 A T«ldtt»l.« UUFTSK I* AWWB" FW™' I (.By PfcofitßOsv Sca«»o»wOw".] j Ai a people, tbt United States. has reached 1 high water mark m all thnt nation* ewe*. It j prosperous above aH others, ani it has secured that which nun seek moatwhe pletuHtt. the approbation of
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  • 38 3 The Japan Mail says the conditions that have been published of the Manchurian Convention 'are obvious violations of China's *overeignty, and they are moreover difficult to reconcile with any genuine intention of ultimate evacuation on Ru»»ia'« p»rt. f
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  • 51 3 Writting from Mosl marks -."The awaken\ Russian Press referred si r#ceive confirmation frona of Russian Mahomedaf Turkish frontier on pretel mage to Mecca, not ten lv. turning of late. During C' thousand Mahomedan fal into Turkey with duly af a passports, and of these,! families are reported to
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  • 222 3 Though born free f roi Or. EUe Metchnikoff, m 1 extensive fl'»ra. Germri m tf ie follicles of the skf membranes, and within n different kinds of micrl m the intestines, altho i observed between the ti The digestive organs de Dr. Miller, of Berlin, has,, species
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  • 533 3 For a number of years the question of women riding astride has bee" discussed m America. Some time ago an enterprising physical culture teacher, with an eye to K ratottous exploitation m Ihe newspapers, advertised that she would mount her horse man -fashion and make the
    Wowumhood  -  533 words
  • 73 3 (Corrected up to November 30.) On London fteQk 4 a/» demand i/9i Private crediU 3 m/s »/»<>A 4ocumenU3 m/s t/ Io t credits 6 ra/i i/iof France, demand 3291 Germany, demand 186 India, T. T 136 Hongkong, demand pm. Yokohama, demand 10% pm Java, demand »»»4 Manila, demand 3%
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  • 116 3 (November 29.1 r«.. Gambier «4-«o tic. Cube No. I '7-S« Pepper, Slack (ordinary Spore) 30.50 Jo. White, (Fair L/W— s%) 47-N..-tinees lios to the Ib.) 52 do. (80s to the Ib) 64 Mace (Banda) «o Cloves (Araboina) 3* Liberian Coffee 19Tapioca, small ptarl (Fair quality, 5.35 a<. do flake
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 120 3 FBfiE PAWS, rUESnil bA p ORE F KEE PBKS^ SAIU Walsb, Clmite^LiS^&Cc CHRISTMAS Christmas BAZAA AND j^MOUS SELECTIO ENTib Year's Cai Dolls. BISCUIT CHINA AND CEUL-U^Oir GREAT VARIETY. B SpMk in g w.n.-mg mats Elephants, Bears, Sh. il leaving Singapore on Dec C*O«* L °> WHEEL s with voice. m
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    • 231 3 TO-DAY'S ADV£^ tf% iTft MUSIC WAN A LARGE BKLBCTIOW OF pOß MUSIC BOOkS 1 r ly ooBpeU»tRo»dl YEN DISH WlUS!** Town. Liberal salary wilf^ A j-r\ rents caCll. Kot particulars appl At 5U ccn V* EXJSCI INCLUDING Pianoforte Album* «P»1 I DanteA sr g A^ua, S «cc. M "stLc obtained
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    • 439 3 Important A I'ATKIOTIC Sor f\ Pr<*bytcrian C» Ni THW Lxebang* Bar In f onour of Her N' THK K*«f<* Libra 1 on Monday, I* N T X have •ppoia V V Hole A^euto F rial? .3lT**HTi* n^ *r* $emn. Octmki stdck of our ImPC /win 4 to 12 ooinii Signed,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 108 3 HONGKONG WEATr\ Rob»-fls n^uV^BilHa^ Cues Barometer, reduced to I atx* u> the lerel of the ser^- 1 I c*> haadMdtlu. Man'la baro. t)CT l-^l» Temperature m the snadqa. heit. Manila temperature t*\ CO mmented Humidity, m peeoenta«o^!3L. commc I humidity of air aaturated with moisture being iuu. Direction of Wind,
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    • 604 3 •SSELS IN POST rons Commanders Arr For When 200 Uotninicas Oct Djarabi* Uneertam Masters Arrived Prom Consignees Por When tattock Nov 29 Hongkong Itoustead Java Dec I (cardman Not 30 Hull tt raits SS Co. Uncertain iamiltom Nov 28 Batoam H'bach Bros Bangkok I Kx logers Not 29 Mauritius Boustoad
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    • 374 3 CLIAIAIOII. November j Pinna, Brit., Mows, lor Saigon. I Laertos Brit., Parkinson, for Hongkong and I Bormida, lul., D'Costa, lor Hongkong. L Victoria, Swed., Hellbergr, for Hongkong, AavA I and Swatow. I Novembct Wilhelm, Brit., Richter, for Macassar, via port*. Calburga, Brit bft., Douglas, for Boston. I Richmond Castle, Brit.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 405 4 KATZ BROTHERS, (LIMITED.) >■ < GREAT CLEARANCE SALE. Commencing Monday, 2nd December Ending Saturday 7th Deo. GREAT BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENT! Special Lines must be cleared. OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT White Shirts From £15 per dozen. White Dress Shirts £24 per dozen. Cottella Shirts with Collar and Pocket £12 per dozen. Oxford
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    • 187 4 .75 each. $3 *ach. Smttlrmm Scent Cbanna Tie Chp%, &<• John Little CO., LTD. Nov2Cf v.c John Little CO..LTD. Gentlemen's Outfitting Department. New Goods Just Arrived. Fancy Silk Tie» m ail the newest designs and colours. Large Assorted Stock of Washing Ties White Straw Boaters. Soft Felt Terai Hats. Singapore
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    • 282 4 n f Raffia pt*t I 1 Christmafc AND RELY NEW. New Year's d j faced IN GREAT VARIETI The German Hall leaving Singapore oi probably be delivered m London about Decet M Rop^ qoet Sets V"t v^ v m»^^ Musical Roller* ROBINSON au "-ss- ftity Cars Special Shi ORS Es
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    • 135 4 *W*at«*«r putlmlui »pjjy to f. BOUSTSAD Co. Church of England Zenana Missionary Society. CHINKBB OIRL6 SCHOOL. THE ami Hrt-yjt*l? feferf Vmia) u+ Pun Sefcocl, will taJw plM* (D V, ia Urn» TW» IfaU m Krid.y, theMk of DmW, f™ 4 to? p.«T Jij*SjJY«Uy.t*e7tfc <rf Deoiber IJi 6& T*JSNDBW win b«
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    • 1057 4 I Municipal Notice. GAB SUPPLY. "THE Ott Works were transferred to ta» Hn»i--1 clpaHty on the 2nd o/ Nov.miber, And the public are nforaed tbt s the Commissioners axe *tepa«idfo. supply fittings and I*7 on service* Aao»'«»mw"l be openc 1 by the Comausi sloaerrfn Mm Municipal Office*, where intending nasiuatMs
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    • 797 4 \V r ANTED tot Kual" Lmnpnr, a Chinese VV citrk mn»t be qaiek a; flgares. Salary £30 per month. Free passage. Apply POWELL ROBINftON. A N efficient Compositor for job work. Onejablo tj read rovwscrlpt. Apply P. X., o/o Free Prttt British North Borneo. \\7 ANTED. Slerkfor the Gaol Djpartaent,
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    • 764 4 For disposal Privately A FJKST CLASS BOAKDING ESTABLISHMENT f^ONVENIEXTL? situated m nice locality near town, twelve large Nsdrooms, gas and water laid on, tennis court and good Stabling. Rent $150 por month, Loose for one year from February 1902 with option of renewal. Furniture I to !>■ taken over at
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