The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 29 November 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 554 1 ~P-% Office. Telegraph St. Wharw. Keppcl Harbour. O STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Steamers for CHINA. JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, INDIA, AUSTRALIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR, MALTA, BRINDISI. PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills o« Lading issued lor Persian Gulf, Continental and Amencan Portt, also lor Chin* Coatt. MAIL LINE. OUTWARD HOMEWARD 1901 1
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    • 784 1 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY I ACCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL O STEAMSHIP COMPANY JUND rpOYO KISEN KAI3HA (ORIENTAL 5. S. CO.) VIA INLAND SEA OK |APAN AND HONOLULU. Through Passage Tickets granted t» England France, and Germany by all trans-Atlantic lines of steamers, and lo the principal cities of the United States
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    • 537 1 iTTij DC KOniUKUAjKJL^AKETVAART MAATBCHAPPII. UmDBR CoimcW WITS Ab NsTMBStAMDS ImDIA GOTIRMMIMT. Agents at Singapore. SrtiP Vg»HCy/T^e I. DAE N DELS A Co., a-a Cou.ver Quay Tac v*D*Aau.m\riowßD o*%s ark only irmoxiKUi. Steamer Proa ICipmM be <te«»«te**d tor on Van Rienudijk Bttevia tI» BUUton NovX27 BfflWmi, BatittrU. Aunanng. So«rabaia, BoMMang, ioi«u,
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    • 720 1 TJONQKONQ AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAiD-UP CAPITAI 110.000,000 R' MJRVB FUND.— Sterling Reserve Silver Reserve 3.750,000 J #l3>7V t RESERVE LIABILITY Off i PROPRIKTOHS i Court or DnscToa* H. Shbwan, Ekj.— Ciiahxan Hon. J J. BitL-IBviHO,— Dapurv Chaiima? H. B. Tom kins, Esq. R. L. RictiAauso" A. Haoft Esq H.
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    • 746 1 Q Tb§ most Refreshing Drink In Singapore. I "montserrat: iA Lime-Fruit Juice 2 H 1 and Cordials BB\ i either with water or aereated water is a I delightful thirst quencher. I^PH ilSr^ nm LA *CET mmym 111 11/ "We oonnMl tha public to drink LJm«--fIVCISnvH nl^Wa/ Pratt Juic« whutTti
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    • 376 1 tAYNARD Co., Ltd. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HEMISTS DRUGGISTS 14 BATTERY |ROAD Pure Drugs Surgical and Patent Medicines Optical Appliances, Toilet Requisites, Ships' Medicine Chests supplied and refilled at lowest prices. Dispensing Department— English anu Foreign Prescriptions made up. Country orders promptly executed. Goods despatched by return steamer whenever possible July
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 17 2 On the 28th instant, at Spottitwoode, Neil Koad, the wife of A. Kitchfug, of a daughter.
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    • 35 2 On the 28th instant, at No. 41 Waterloo Btreet Mn. P. P. Mclmtyri. widow of the late Robert MacKeuzic- M.lttyre. Agod 67 years. Fnncrfcl it opo to-day. (Penang and Rang ooa papers pleane copy.)
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  • 1326 2 The Singapore Free Press. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1901. Weih»ll the PMM t*f VtOfit'tr, f r» nt» n Utmmt by and unbriWJ by gain Hot* |«H Tratk k*» fUriaua rncf** PlateiJla Mlcteo. Vmnttw. I-*- A friend sends us to-cay a curious little pictorial memento of the past history of the
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    • 39 2 The Boer Commandoes. The Times correspondent at Pretoria says that there are still seventy recognised Boer commandoes m the field. Of these there are 26 m the Transvaal, 31 m Orange Colony, and 13 m Cape Colony.
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    • 24 2 Necessarily Slow. The task of capturing; these would necessarily be slow, as Kitchener's striking arm consisted at present of only 45,000 men.
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    • 57 2 Mr. William Cowie, speaking at the British North Borneo annual dinner m London, stated that he was more hopeful of success than ever. Mr. R. B. Martin said that British North Borneo had set an example m the abolition of slavery within its territories, and he
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    • 12 2 There have been ten cases of plague at Honolulu
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    • 42 2 (Later.) Reported Death From Exhaustion. A report has leached the Turkish authorities that Miss Stone, the American lady missionary who was recently captured by brigands, has succumbed to the hardships oi her captivity. The band ot brigands has dispersed.
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    • 12 2 The French Chamber has passed the China indemnity loan.
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    • 448 2 Four more Militia battalions have been *>mpo9ied. t m London, November 2ftH, »fot. Mr. Duke, the leader of the American Tobacco Trust, declares that the Trust i» willing to lose £1,000,000 to capture the English trade. Mr. J. D. Richards, an employe" at the Hongkong Hotel, committed suicide
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 666 2 KATZ BROTHERS, (LIMITED.) > GREAT CLEARANCE SALE. Commencing Monday, 2nd December* Ending Saturday 7th Deo. GREAT BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Special Lines must be cleared. OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT Whit* Shirts From £1 5 per dozen. White Dress Shirt* S~A per doren. Cottella Shirts with Collar and Pocket £12 \>< r dozen.
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    • 431 2 ROBINSON and Co. Special Show for Christmas Before purchasing your Fancy Goods, please call and inspect our Departments. Steam Toys, Wood and Indiarubbcr, Musical Toys, M^hanical fin Toys. Wool Toys and Tool Boxes, &c, etc., Ac. j DRESSED and TJNDRESSEIJ^doIt Wax, Washable, China, Rag, &c. Leather Goods A f Bgs
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    • 466 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEM "PARSEE THEA7 TO-NIGHT DILARA^A TO- MO*"/ TALISM/!?> sioofcei aA-TF Great red* icotchmcn Nov 29 action m m tIM jj;h, on Sunday next, at r .mporta*— plf K)TI aBon i c Club j>4s p.m. JAY, ST. ANDREWS DAT. IPROMPTU SMOKER. MEMBEBS AND GUESTS, Sy Entrance free. 2t 1.12 To
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 207 2 The Week Friday, agtfl High Water 0.26 a., 11.45 p. S.V.C. Parade, Practice for Inspection, 5.15 p. Marine Club Ball. Town Hall 9 p. Saturday, 30th Hi«h Water 1.12 a., 0.29 p. St. Andrew's Day. Cricket— S.CC. and XI v. Next XVIII. S.V.R. Class firing for Casuals, Tanglin R., a
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  • 1072 3 The half-yearly Director' Repori for te six months ending Sept. 30th, toot, states intthe nett profits for the half year nt 4- f ,10,431 53 which, including 185,812.- !vo o «ht forward from the previous account, leaves <496.29.v78 for appropriation on 30th Sept. 1901. The Directors recommend That a
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  • 89 3 A C OUNTY COUNCIL THEATRE. Tlie Daily Telegraph says A motion will be brought before the London Trades Coui tii meeting this week suggesting to the London County lou "ie desirability of erecting a V* tic > c new avenue between Holborn an me Strand, or m some other suitable
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  • 210 3 The Manila Times ol the 13th instant says We regret to announce the death, after a protracted illness, of Mr. Geo. F. Armstrong, an old resident and late secretary of the Manila Club. The death took place at the Women's Hospital m San Miguel, and
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  • 204 3 The M.M. steamer Tibre, connecting with the Outward P. O. mail Valetta, is expected here to-morrow morning from Saigon. ■fiie extra P. O. cargo steamer Nankin arrived from Kuchinotzu yesierday afternoon with a cargo of about 4,000 tons of Japanese coal to be discharged here. The Dutch steamer
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  • 273 3 Contwubd KtsiSTAHce is Crime. The Rev. J. F. Botha, minister of the Dutch Reformed Church at Richmond, Cape Colony, has issued for circulation among the members of his church, a statement concerning the commandos m Cape Colony, and the Boer refugee camps. Of the former he
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  • 1328 3 (Glob«) Evfc since the grip of the British closed more or leu firmly on the Bast, old Anglo-Indians have been a feature of English social life, drawn by I hundreds and thousands from the upper middle class, not alien by birth or breeding, yet with a certain outlandish touch
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  • 590 3 A correspondent of a home contemporary, writing from Kieff last month, said > Shortly after the truth of the massacre ef the Chinese natives m Blagovestschensk by Russian troops last Auswmn became publicly known to all Europe, and was demonstratively confirmed and proved
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  • 63 3 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied mindfl »y nonest patti nes, playe at chest*, tue astronomer't game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes tbyr wittes, r creates taeyr minds, ane hurt* no body m the mean season." Ail communications should be addressed to th« Chess Edi .or, Singapore
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  • Article, Illustration
    247 3 Problem No. 314 (Gahtzky) is solved by y-Kts By P. Sikdinschn'-r. Black (8 pieces). Game No 300. One of a 1 games played by Mr. Gunsberg simultaneously at the Reading Chess Club re- I cenlly All«*ibr Gambit. I White— l.Gunsber K Black— F. C. Bird. i 1 P-K4 P-K4 iott-B4ch
    Yorkshire Post  -  247 words
  • 300 3 We notice that the Glatrovi Wetkiy Herald reproduces the score of the Batavia-Singapore cable game, together wiih Mr. Elcam's notes thereon. Referring to the much talked of Lasker-Pills-bury match, Dr. Lasker announces (hat No challenge has been issued." In a sense, we are glad to hear that. We
    Meson  -  300 words
  • 201 3 Corps Orders by Major the Hon'We A. Murray, Commandant, Singapore Volunteer Corps, Head Quarter Office, Fort Fullerton, Singapore, November 38th, 19*1. I. Inspection The S. V. Corps will parade for Inspection by His Excellency the Governor on Wednesday 4th December at 5.15 p.m. 11. Presentation of Medals
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  • 153 3 1. Duties:— Orderly Officer for the ensuing week Lieut. L. A. M. Johnston. Orderly N. C. O. for the ensuing week Corpl. C. E. Keyworth. 2. Paradis 1 Widkisdat 4th, at 5.15 p.m. Inspection by His Excellency the Governor, Battery horsed. Dress Khaki, helmets, belt and frog
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  • 199 3 i. Dorics j— Orderly Officer for the ensuing week and Lieut. G. A. R. Glennie. Orderly N.C.O. for the ensuing week A Coy. Sergt. Ritchie. B Coy. Sergt. Christie. a. Parades:— Saturday 30th, at 2 p.m. Class firing for Casuals, Tanglin Range. SUMD4Y ist, at 7 a.m.
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  • 105 3 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 1. Paradbs Monday 2nd. at 5.30 p.m. Recruits Drill for No. 1 Company at Old Gaol Site Brass Bassa R»ad. Tubsday 3rd, 5.30 p.m. Recruit* Drill for No. 2 Company at Telok Ayer. Tmursdat sth, at 5.30 p.m. Recruits Drill for No. l Company at "Old Gad
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  • 72 3 (CORRICTtD UP TO November 29.) "n London Bank 401/8 1/10A demand 1/9$ Private credits 3 ra/s 1/10J documents 3 m/s 1/10^ credit* 6 ro/s i/ioj France, demand 330 Germany, demand 186J India, T. T i 3 6| Hongkong, demand pm Yokohama, demand.. ro%pm JAVA, demand 112 Manila, demand 3%pm.
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  • 219 3 Quotation. Paid r» Hank of na and Japan, Ltd. Li Nominal. f A Uitidmds. Deferred. £5.5/ Hell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $4.75 Sales «c Gear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 «L, Fraser and Neave Ltd. $96. Sales. L? 1 6% Deb..
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 283 3 LAND SALE. The following properties were di-.p ,»ed of at Powell Jr Cos. saleroom on Wcdnesda) No. i Malacca Street occupied by Hilty Ac Co. Area 3104 sq. ft. E Meyer, fy 1,000. No. 2 Malacca Street, occupied by Lee Cheng Van. Area 2261 sq. ft. K. Meyer, $37,000. No.
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    • 104 3 The Best Remedy for Diarrhoea "Some years ago while at Martinbbarif, W. Va., I was taken with cholera morbas, which was followed by diarrhoea. The doctor's medicine did mo no good. I was advised to get a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy, which I did, and ifc
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    • 311 3 OCEAN lE^ STEAM SHIP |P^ Co. AND NEDERLANbSCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ OCEAAN Toms. Tons. AthilUs 7043 hlvrmidon 3870 Agamemnon 7011 Nestor 3809 Af» 7039 Ortttu 4653 Alcinous 6743 Patroclus 5500. Anchtses 3739 Peleus 7500 Antenor 5531 Polyphemus 3613 Calchas 6748 Priam 1845 Cyclops 3066 Prometheus Dardanus 4653 Pyrrhus 3621 Deucalion 7030
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 76 3 weather Kepon (November 28.) Takao at Kandang Kerbsu Hospital Observatory 9. A. at. 3 p. ii. 9 p. m. Bar. Md/32 Pah 29.919 29.805 29 017 Tsmparatur© 77.0 82.5 74.2 W«ißalbTh«fmoaMtar... 76.0 77.6 7:t 8 Dir. of Wind W.N W. W.N.W. Calm. Max. Tamp, m shade 83.3 Mln. do. do.
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    • 887 3 VESSELS IN PQ RT. Mei-of.War Plag and Tons Commanders Ar For When T^T* V m PJ^ 5 200 Dominic.., Oct ujmMm Uncertain Other Vessel. Flags Tons Mcaters Arnved Prom Con,,gnee, For When rhSrS.l,. S G,esche Nov 28 SwaUm- Hup Loong Penau S Xov 20 Hong Wan I irit 2MO Pentney
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 445 4 John Little CO., LTD. Presents for Home. Christmas 1901. The first Christmas of the Century. Manila Cigars. NoevoHabsno per box 100 eacb Sefloritas «lo 200 12W do Regali* CWcas do 100 18/ do Prin£*L do 100 15/ do HJjthLife do 50 10/6 d» R4aUa Orient* do 50 10|8 do La^nsnl«
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    • 355 4 JBUlff FANCY GOODS gUITABLIPOB Christmas CJifts &c. Albons AjhTnn BsfaCtaatolaiD Fitted m BagsHsad Blotting Caw* Snslßtti GsoiCsMaj OalendMS Cl»telaißB Cigwr Cmss Cigarette Cuam Despatch Boses Eleetrlc Be*utog Lamps Electric MacWaea Fans, Hand Painted Pans, Feather Fi«Jd Glasses Fancy Timepieces Glasses Opera Hand l^intod Plaeqnes Jewel Cases lakatsftit Letter Cases Military
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    • 388 4 Jewellery! Je^flery# Jewe^etyiM Ladies' and Gent's •*2S!* I NißS!££?i!? n Ladies' bangles sat wtth b'3Bt oo f* f *Z-2X*!l2Z5' L adlea' broocbea set with brilluwts, fejsw m pewna Ladies' long chain* ana^eclsleta. Ladiea' and Geofa t uCWI Geata* Oc4d wa.che* ffCMlna. Gold and •WXbnt tnmka»s. Bilver Uolct aad bnOflS}, Bilvef
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    • 316 4 NOTICE THg FKehsaaa Baato will be akwad 00 Mcror dsy, SadTteeeasber 1 BtiSl? 00 Bir <*«*■ Alexandra 1 BlrtlMsy. Notra> aj2 THX ItaSk* Library ud Muees wUI bo cluscd m Monday, Deeeabcr 2ad. M. HKI.I.fKB, Ag. Cantor and librariaa. 1 Mli*&" N O f t v V\7K haws appointed Meears.
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    • 658 4 BANS SOUCT,»» i ST. THOMAS WALK. *TWOfOili_TMM-Kti»«, both fit for Bachelor 1 or Married Couple*. Mrs. LOKF. Not 8 8.12 To Let. ONE room m a flnt c_*m Boarding Hou*c doaetoTown. w, Apply Z. H., C/o Fr«e /V« Nov 16 Co TO LET j fIODOWN No. 9tßobi_aoo Boad. Two Bteriec
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    • 926 4 I KOMEYA Co. 34 HIGH STREET. Dealer* m all Kinds of Japanese Goods JUST IMPORTED Tokio Beer," tht best that brewed m Japan. A TRIAL IS SOLICITED Varieties of Japanoso Goods suitable for X'ma* Presents ALSO Tamatoya Crepe Shirts. Not 9 IZcALJSTER Co SOLE AGENTS FOR The Anglo-Egyptian Cigarette Co.
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    • 785 4 For disposal Privately A FIRST CLASS BO All DING E^ABLISHMENT CONVENIENTLY situated In nice locality v^ oemx town, twelve large bedrooms, gas and water laid on, tennis court and good Stabling. Kent $150 per month, Lease for one year from Februa.y 1902 with option ol renewal. Furniture to be taken
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