The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 25 November 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 740 1 A Office. Telegraph St. gg Wharves. Keppel Harbour. O STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Steamers lor CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, INDIA, AUSTRALIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR. MALTA, BRINDISI, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for Perrian Gulf, Continental and American Port*, also for China Coatt. MAIL LINE. OUTWARD HOMEWARD j
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    • 901 1 Pacific mail steamship COMPANY ACCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL 0 BTSAMSHIP COMPANY rpOYO KIS&N KAISHA j (ORIBMTAL S. 8. OO.) VIA INLAND SEA OF JAPAN AND HONOLULU. I Through Passage Ticket* panted ta England i Prance, and Germany by all ran s- At Untie ttnes i of sieamcrs, and to the principal
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    • 846 1 DE KONINKLXJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPII. Ukbkk C*«ntAOT vtn nts Nmmmr&avm India GommMBMT. Agents at SiiMtooas. Ship Agency, lati I. DAENDELs Co., 2-3 Coulver Quay THI aMDIRKIITIOIID DATIt Aft* OVLT ArrROXIMATB. Bteam«r From BxpMted Wai b« despatched ior on V*n Rientdijk Batavia ri» BUliton Nov. 27 BUUtoa. BaUria .Samaraog. Soerabaia, Bodeltmg Ampenan
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    • 713 1 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAfD-UP CAPITAL 410,000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve $1 >,000,000 Silver Reservt 3.750,000 J »»3.750,000 RKSKRVE LIABILITY OP PROPRIETORS ttojxo^t R Court or Oikbctou St. Shkwan, Esq.— -Chairman lon. j J Bbll-Ikv mo,— Deputy Lhaibmam Tonkins, Esq. Ik L. Richakmom Kko OFT. Esq I H. Shubart,
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    • 597 1 NORWICH UNION FIRE INSUR ANCE SOCIETY OF NORWICH AND LONDON. K.UIII.ISHID IJ FOR PHiF INSURANCE ONLY. A«oo»t L3\s.oon,oa* Io«*5P» 7 .1,600.000 P&«MfTM IKCOHI 906,000 Insurance wlfectad on aJmost every tUscrtption «i fr^p»rtv contnt rates ct premium. <NEO Co.. LTD.—A/ent THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, Kite m;« i.too-.ono. 'onus h :ru,;iD
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    • 330 1 *mf»i coxgxstmox utwtional l»im*,de,*crtr,.H tjuaM Mk ATOATMf /Htnn/i ISTKHMMTTMIXT FtTEH CA CHBXY of Paludal ,Hg,n *H9 ttninutif to long ittiDtne* m hot e'/mifei The prescription m tb« Pan* and Vichy Uo- I I from M> to 100 drof* BOLOO-VERNEI fc •r 4 Iti-fpMfiJf of EUXII IStDa-rEin t <»y. 9 io
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  • 1342 2 The Singapore Free Press. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25,1901. Icr* »h»'. ihf n »'?ifi i. gt t Tt-fnaifi UnawH by tnfciencc and unW.b«<J by «tm H«M paln-x Trutk hrr gtarxxt* pc«c«p(i draw fmm v p .iiciw. i^r*iw. bM law THE Empress Dowager of China has conferred posthumous honours on the late Ll
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  • 136 2 The extra M. M. cargo steamer Charentc arrived here from Saigon this morning, en route to Marseilles. The outward French Mail Packet Yarra arrived from Europe at v a.m. yesterday and left for Saigon, and the Northern ports, at midnight. The homeward French Mail Packet Annam, arrived from
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    • 36 2 £170,000 Gone At Liverpool. The Bank of Liverpool announces that defalcations have been made by an absconded book-keeper to the amount of £170,000. The stability of the Bank is declared to be unaffected.
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    • 47 2 j British Support Advocated. The Times urges that it is necessary that there should be worthy representation of British manufacturers at the Osaka Exhibition of 1903, seeing that our trade with Japan is now as important as that with China. London, November 23rd, /pot.
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      • 19 2 The offer of Canada to raise a corps of 600 more mounted men has been accepted.
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      • 16 2 Eighty men of Ackerman's commando have been captured m Orange River Colony.
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      • 168 2 The death of Count Hatzfeldt, for many years German Ambassador m London, is announced. [Count Paul von Hatzfeldt Wildenburg was born m 1131. His mother was the Countess Sophie von Hatzfeldt, the patroness and companion of Ferdinand l,assalle, the Jew philosopher and social democrat. In 1862 Count
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    • 14 2 Three field batteries are returning to India from South Africa.
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    • 40 2 Students Object to New Translation of Gospels. There has been an extraordinary fanatical outbreak amongst students at Athens against the proposed translation of the Gospels into modern Greek. This is regarded by ihcm as a profanation.
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    • 16 2 The noting students have attacked the offices of the newspapers recommending .Jhkpjroposcd translation.
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    • 22 2 They afterwards retired to the University, from which they fired on the troops and police surrounding the buildings.
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    • 16 2 Seven men were killed and thirty wounded on both sides. London, November 24th, igoi.
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    • 22 2 Press Violence Subsiding The German Press has now assumed a normal tone (m regard to Britain), although Anglophobia demonstrations continue.
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    • 13 2 Pastors throughout the country are delivering Anglophobia homilies (to their congregations).
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    • 14 2 Athens is now quieter, but cavalry still occupy the streets.
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    • 40 2 Railway Pioneers Attacked. Commandant Buys has attacked and captured a patrol of 100 Railway Pioneers near Villiersdorp. Major Fisher was killed and two officers wounded. There are some prisoners. The Boers lost ten men. London, Novembtr 2sth, 190/.
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    • 70 2 The returns from the mines for the month of October wr < follows Sungei Ltmbing A ons of stone crushed Oxide of tin produced 55 tons, with 35 heads of stamps running for 27 days. Working expenses 121,500. The Pahang Kabang Ltd. Tons of stone
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    • 74 2 The November medal was won by Mr. J. H. D. Jones. The following are the scores IThe heavy rain was the cause of the poo? scores handed m. Ist round 2nd round H.cap Total. J. H. D. Jones 57 46 4 99 Capt. Winter r.a.m.c. 55
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    • 8 2 The Greek Cabinet has resigned
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 120 2 John Little CO., LTD. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CARDS. John Little! John Little j Gentlemen's Department. New Goods Just Arrived. Fancy Silk Tics m all the newest designs and colours Large Assorted Stock of Washing Ties White Straw Boaters. Soft Felt Terai Hats. Singapore Helmets. Four-fold Linen Collars. Coloured Soft
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    • 1012 2 Mrs J. If. ANQUB. I67 Sefttfoon Rd BEGS to inform h«r easterner* that to w prepared to receive orders to* Vm» New Tear Cakes. Oiden will also be kindly reoelred at If eaars. Alex. Fox ft Co., High Stew*. Nor 22 m Marine Club Ball. To be hold m the
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    • 596 2 TO-DATB ADVERTISEMENTS. Singapore Philharmonic Society, SULLIVAN MEMORIAL CONCERT. tTOWH HALL. TO-NIGHT lay, 25th November, 1901, 9 p.m. Philharmonic Orchestra will play the following Grand Selections Patibho," Go*. douses," and Mikado." It wUI also provide Ml accompaniment* for "The Lost Chord," (cornet solo), and for the twe toogt "Orpheus with hU
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    • 102 2 PARSEE THEATRE TO-NiGErr HAUAI MUJLIS AND FANCY DRESS BALL TO-MORROW GOOL-E-BAKUVLI j Great reduction m admission fees. Nov23 To the Public Allow me to say a few words m praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I had a very severe oongh and cold and feared I would get pneumonia bat after
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 237 2 The week Monday, 25 tb fiigh Water 9.1 a., 10.7 p. S.V.R. Coy. k Ceremonial Drill, Recruit* Drill, Casuals Musketry, 5.10 p. S.V.A. Maxim Gun Drill, 5.15 p. Philharmonic Orchestra (Sullivan Memorial Concert), 9 p Tuesday, 26th Hi X li Water 9.43 a., 10.56 p. Full Moon, 8.12 a. Land
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  • 70 3 The following program. it will be played by the massed bands of "ie 3rd M.L.I, and 13th M.I. on Tuesday t i r M (to-morrow) at 9 p.m. m the Botanical Gardens Grand March Blake. Selection The Gondoliers" Sullivan. Waltz Ma Belle Adoree Rit/ord. Selection
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  • 119 3 At the Assizes this morning, Charles Gallop, a Eurasian, and Mariappan, a Tamil were charged with impersonating public servants, and cheating. Prisoners were found guilty and Gallop was sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment on each count, the sentences to run concurrently and Mariappan was sentenced to nine months'
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  • 358 3 HIW CABLB TO THI C4PB AWD AUSTRALIA. The important work which the Eastern and Eastern Extension Telegraph Companies have for some time past been engaged upon, with a view to improving their cable service to South Africa and Australia, has been completed. It has involved the laying
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  • 501 3 (Thbovgh Riutir's Aoincy.) Auburn (New York), Tuesday.— Czolgosz I was executed this morning for the murder I of President McKinley. I Czolgosz bad a slight nervous attack I yesterday, but remained sullen and stoical I up to the time when the prison closed. He I saw some
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  • 1301 3  -  Golden-Rod The best place fat summer, and the only place m winter." Whe her fie above sentiments, voiced by a club habitue, will find a responsive echo m every breast is ext uely doubtful, —but certain it is, t' at to the man or woman who
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  • 749 3  -  Frank Warrack To the Editor of the London and China Extras. Sir, I observe m your issue of 25th inst. that m your article on the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company you refer to the proposal of the Colonial Engineer that the Straits Government should take
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  • 384 3 The report ft r the year ending June 30, tool, states During the year 36,123 tons of stone were crush* ed, which produced 555 tons 3 cwts. of black tim of a value of .£46.707. This output compares with 37.220 tons of stone, producing 807 tons 13
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  • 778 3 (Viß Ctylon.) Calcutta, Nov. 7.— The Government of India has appointed a Commission composed of Mr. E. M. des Champs Chamier, b. 1., Government Advocate of the High Court, N..VV. Provinces, and Mr. A. L. P. Tucker, Political Agent at Haraoti and Tonk, to enquire into the charge against
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  • 529 3 Some interesting facts have recently transpired to show that mosquitoes are attracted by musical sounds. Mr. Brennan, of the Public Works Department, Jamaica, stated that mosquitoes will respond to such sounds as a continuous whoop or hum. He had tried the experiment lately and found swarms gather round
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  • 288 3 A correspondent writes to The Times to protest against the Siamese view*, set forth m an article from its Correspondent m Bangkok, relating to the extension and consolidation of Siamese influence m the Malay Peninsula Such extension, he says, has for many years been the persistent policy
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  • 68 3 (Corrected up to November 25.) Bant 1 m/s »/»<►& k-mand »/i<>T*f Private credits 3 m/s '/!*>« documents 3 m/s */iof£ credits 6 m/s 1/11 France, k-maod 2351 Germany, demand igij India, T.I i 39 j Hongkong, demand p m< Yokohama, demand 7i%pm JAVA, demand i 4 Manila, demand 3%pm.
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  • 113 3 (November 95 ****** i>»mb« n 14.20 jo. rubt No. 1 17,50 r'MSpar, Miacfc (ordmar; 'yore) 30.50 •o. White, (Pair L/VS 5% > 47. tinegi lios to th* lh. 52 ■to. (8o»tothelb) 64 vtace (Banda) 50 loves fAmboina) H 33 Mberian Coffee iq, r apiota. small pearl (Fair -uality, c.-j;
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  • 251 3 Bank o. and Japan, Ltd. OITIDMM. Deferred. 2i.V Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. 7, Benawah Gold Mine Co. $4.75 Sales %J Gear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 Fraser and Neave Ltd. $96. Sales T 6% Debs. Par lo for X** '9 00 Hongkong
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 93 3 The Best Remedy for Diarrhoea Soiao years ago while at Martins burg, W. Va., I was taken with cholera morbes, which was followed by diarrhoea. The doctor's medicine did me no good. I was advised to get a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I did, and
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    • 315 3 OCEAN j^l STEAM SHIP \f^^ Co. AND NEDERLAN SCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ OCEAAN. Tons. Tows. Athillts 7043 Myrmidon 2870 Agamemnon 7011 Nestor Afax 7039 Ortstes Alcinous 6743 P*troclus Anchises 2739 Peleus 7500 Antenor 5531 Polyphemus 3613 Calchas 6748 Priam 3845 Cyclops 2066 Prometheus Dardanus 4653 Pyrrhus 3621 Deucalion 7030 Rhipeus 3065
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 313 3 MAILS CLOSE 'O. MORROW Por p er Al Labuan Manila Chiengmai 10 am Tringganu Jtc. Redan* 11 am BiHiton k Pontianak Ban What Soon neon Muar 8c Malacca Farfalla a rM Penang ice. Nevasa 3 ru P Dickson P. Swet'ham Balavier 3 ru Hoihow &c Pakshan 4 p M Bandjermassin
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    • 834 3 VESSELS ZN PORT Other VtlHll FUgs ft Tont Masters Arnved From c, n ces For When LSa-Sa "HSU S"* Brit 6057 taoM Nov 22 BaSL T^" o^. '-•"■ertam v^l^llir Sii2? Ml S° V ?n Hongkong BohnMoVor New York Nov FatholHair Dntsch.26l Nacodah Nov 10 Samarung Abd-1 RCker Madras Nov
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 800 4 rii!- ■n ■■■L.t -ir *r—r-~ Estate ot TAN CHIN HOON DECEASED. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable 999 Years' Leasehold Land WITH Spacious Mercantile Offices, Godowns Shops thereon situate m the Commercial Centre of Singapore adjacent to the Banks, the Dock and Shipping Coy's Offices, Legal Firms, Telegraph Office, Consular ft Newspaper
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    • 390 4 PICY GOODS SUITABLE FOR Christmas Gifts c Albums Ash Trays Bag* Chaielain Fitted Bag»Hand Blotting Cases Brash Seta Card Cases, Calendars Chatel-ias Cigar Cass» Cigarette Cases Despatch Boxes Electric Beading Lamps Klectric Machines Fans. Hand Painted Fans, Feather Field Glasses Fancy Timepieces Glasses Opera Hand Painted Placques Jewel Cases Inkstands
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    • 602 4 i i ii *W" T» -I co,, im Presents for Home. Christmas j 1901. I The first Christmas of the Century. Manila Cigars. Bb 5 US Imperial** i 2' J* Ia Insular HabMW 2**o *5 fr Bonquets *> »P BflUa Victor* »on «i7~«-i Pins Utt» |fg tt( 2° Bamahs, N
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    • 702 4 Iry Jewellery Jewellery Genft ringt Mt with brilliants and gems. [Us set with brilliants, g*m«* cbes MR grift brilliants. gtmiH pearls chaias aW necklets. Gent's lockets. watcbecJfc chains, ▼ar trinkets, and brooches. es and belts. Bowls, Photo Frames, Sweet Dishes, Cruet Stands. Mugs, Jugs. Tea Senrices,~Tra.£«, &c, &c. M.
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    • 210 4 Church of England Zenana Missionary Society. ciflNKsK UIKLS SCHOOL. THE usual Half-yearly Sale of Usdtl add Fancy Articles, m aid of the fnixU of the above School, will take place (D.V..) m the Town Hal! on Friday* the 6th of December, from 4 to 7 p.m., and Saturday, the 7th
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    • 360 4 John Little CO., LTD. Tailoring Dept. This department is now replete with all the very latest goods. Dress Suitings Angolas, Worsteds, Cheviots, Vicunas, Saxonies, and the NEW GUNPOWDER COATING Vestings Silk Damasque, Pique, Marcella, Suitings A new selection of the latest patterns, specially for X'MAS. Tennis Suitings Ex. THE 5.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1088 4 V EBSHLS iXPECTED. Giving Port ot departure, and (where kn*wm) *4to dvo bexe, and namo of Agents. Mennrf-V7«r. AmpUteite, H.M.S., Sheeraew, doe »ov DXwcaoteaux, Fr., Toulon, dne q Not_- Daphne, H M.S., Honglx ig, Fearfrw, H.M.K., Sheerness, dno Deo (J2UOVO, Ger.i Kiel, due Nor Internet, Fr., Toulon, due IVo* T"i
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