The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 22 November 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 749 1 f~ n Office. Telegraph St. J»j Wharves. Keppel Harbour. O STEAM NAVIGATION Co, Steamers for CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, INDIA, AUSTRALIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR, MALTA, BRINDISI, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports, also for China Coast. MAIL LINE. OUTWARD HOMEWARD
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    • 834 1 Pacific mail steamship COMPANY ACCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL O STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND rpOYO KISEN KAISHA (ORIBMTA- S. S. CO.) VIA INLAND SEA OF lAPAN AND HONOLULU. Through Passage Tickets granted to England France, and Germany by all trans-Atlantic lin-i of steamers, and to the principal cities of the United States or
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    • 675 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIf. Undbr Contract wrra tbs Nbthbrlamds Irdia Uotsrkmsmt. Agents at Singapore. Ship Agency, late I. DAENDELS Co., a-3 Collver Quay Ihi UNDtRMBNTIOWID DATIS ARE ONLY APrROXIMATK Steamer From Expectea Will be despatched tor on I Van Ont lioorn Padang via ports Nov. 30 Penang OlchlcU, Poaloe, Uaja,
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    • 739 1 (HE TANJONG PAQAR DOCK COMPANY. LTD. Shipwrights, Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders, Wharfingers, Ac. THIS Corrpany executes Ship and Marine Engine Repairs of ail descriptions, m the most efficient mannc, under the superintendence o experienced European Shipwrights and Engineers. Graving Docks up to 500 feet m length and ai net
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    • 704 1 I UONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAD- UP CAPITAI Ijo.oooo* kKSKRVH KUND.~ Sterling Keserve $10,000,000 7 3i!ver Keservt 3,750,000 i 1 3.750,00 i RKSKKVR I.IABMJTY Ot 1 PROPPISTCxS xio-ooo.'" OURT OF DtRBCTOCS. Shkwa.v, Esq. Chaiimam Hon. J. J BbLL-IrVINO,— DIPUTr CMAIkMAIt H. E. Tomkins, Esq. R L. Ricmaeusun K»< A.
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    • 505 1 W The most Refreshing Drink la Singapore. I "montserrat; JA Lime-Fruit Juice H 1\ and Cordials BBU eikher with water or acreated water is a delightful thirst quencher. "SI WTIB r LAmO£T X|yWH> 1 *N^Hf EVANS, SONS A CO., LIVEMOOL. AOMT« i Jobo Uuk 4 Co. «nd Th« Di^peu^ b»
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    • 472 1 *inr..t VUKVKHTIOA »»em functional i>i*nr4e rm o r t»,LI VKH ATOJHMV UYHtEPSIA 'NTEBMMTTKXT fI.TBK CACHKXY of Paluttal ongm Tfc« praKiiptioo id th* P.rn ,nd V.cL, .i..;..u.. from SO to 100 drop* BOLDO-VERNE •r < ui-titoitiii »i mil loue-mn 1 i^ Depot VERNE. Profmor j m Ac»de«y of Ueteuaa ThLs delicate
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
  • 1374 2 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1901. H«fi nil* Trntk h« ilartatn p»«««»«» r ifT- IUJl«too. VmUr. l** M to construction, custodianship, and protection of the projected trans-Isthmian Canal that is to link the Atlantic and Pacific. Nothing now remains, one would say, than to secure the ratification of
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  • 607 2 H. M.S. Brisk left yesterday forenoon j for Pcnang. She will probably return here on the 22nd of next month. The Italian cruiser Lombardia left yesterday to join the Italian squadron if. Chine»e waters. The medical examination of candidates for admission m the Eurasian Company of the Singapore Volunteer Infantry
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    • 28 2 ETo be Increased, stated that one of the methods by he War Office proposes to increase mgth of the Array is by raising new battalions.
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    • 30 2 BOER ARBITRATION" APPEAL. Rejected by the Council at the HagueThe Council of Arbitration at the Hague has decided that it is incompetent to deal with the Boer appeal for arbitration.
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    • 35 2 {Later.) An Explosion of German Anglophobia. Mr. Chamberlain's rt erence to the Franco-German war, m his speech at Edinburgh on the 25th October, has produced an extraordinary outburst of Anglophobia m Germany.
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    • 28 2 The semi-official Norddeutsche Zeiiung, commenting on the speech, describes the agitation as a justifiable resentment o( inconsiderate and offensive words. London, November 22nd, 1901.
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  • 289 2 I The history of the umbrella can be traced beyond the classic ages of Greece and Rome into the I dim and doubtful twilight of Chaldean antiquity. Layard, m his excavations on the site of Nineveh, I of which so many trophies are to be
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  • 288 2 The Royal Dutch mail steamer Van Diemen, after receiving the European Mails from the Konig Albert, left for Batavia yesterday evening. The opium steamer Lightning is expected here on the 25th instant. The German mail steamer Konig Albert left for Hongkong and japan at 1 1 this I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 284 2 CHRISTMAS TOY Bf^ZAAR. ENORMOUS SELEdTIOV ENTIRELY NEW. Dolls. biscuitVhina and celluloid faced /SpemWng, Witting «od Unbre»k«ble. Goats, Elephants, Bears, Sheep, &c. jf ON WHEELS WITH VOICE. ■-•<»„ """^E.,..- "SSSV-. H^sesft Sword. &d,U»d. Barr^,. Btc *c- c< noils Cradles Wicker Cradles Fairy Car* DOU Crtckei Set. DdU Trousseaax &C ROCKING TRICYCLE
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    • 81 2 G. B. Lambert Co. INTENDED TO BE SENT.ttOME <- >R CHRISTMAS -,HOLII> BS TAKEN HOW Sittings -4 SHOULD BR ARRANGED AT ONCE. CHRISTMAS CARDS with high Class Photograph* of the scode printed on Card*. X mas C ARDS OF Singapore Views, THE VOLONTKKB CAMP tWIMMINO CLUB ho., fee. X'mas Cards,
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    • 744 2 SULLIVAN MEMORIAL COHPEHT* j TOWH HALL. H Monday, «sth November, MK^I- The PMlbaraoaio O*ooo«te» wffl P** *j» 1 towtolO«MdB>lectl>»Wl--"P*W»»iy> r <?o«- I teU aoooapMfaMot* fat T^-jSp*,.] («nat solo), nadfcwth* tmj •"JJ." JI'JJJJJ with Ms Lute" and HjrfJogjT yP^**'^ wUI be by ifMawf^Wp^y Quhi*«n» torn H T«# GMi»o P?*'t the Vtom)
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    • 375 2 U v ISAHBA luAtala I T" I °CMMck, Btow, Cawnarvo*, CeraldtOA ft FretnantlfS IWOeewa fflMWrtfc Compenjr'e HnM SALAD IN, LJW too.. mWh, Captain L Brit la ftiUiiirt SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER IKFANTRY. OOKPB OBDJERB MAJOK THE HON'bS A. MURRAY,\V. D., OMUfANDAIfT V.C. Sinpport, Nov. Mtk, #90/. The foOowWw G o9 I feevffo
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    • 51 2 To the Wblic Allow Mto«y> lB^ I wot^ 4 *ff :tl^ji2!fJJ 1 I bafeln'i Coagk **J*iIX2ST ootff h Mdcddand feared I«»«|f^g»mnm», tart rft* toktaf tfce *«fi to oM^wwm^ I felt baUer, tiwee W^mMM*""^; mm** tk* ->«*««■ In AmMmHPVW e*"*^*** L^Sl?^SiJjSsi3 St., Wli«fl«p. W Vfc KS.A. ForMle t>7 »U <^* lert
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 195 2 The Week Friday, a*nd High Water 6.36 a., 7.6 p. S.V.C. Lecture, 5.15 p. Chinese Christian Ass*., Prinsep-st, 8 p. I Teutonia Club Concert, 9 p. Saturday, 23rd High Water 7.30 a., 8.18 p. Furniture Sale. Grange-rd., Powell, lp. Cricket— S.C C. Ist XI v. S.V.R. I S.R.C. v. Raffles
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  • 1851 3 I Mr. Clifford's new collection of sketches I 1 no unworthy successor to "In Court F and Kampong" and brew* Humanity." Bush-whacking, the fW-i <.; the series from which the collection derives its name, is really a record of the author's own experiences during
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  • 114 3 This morning, at the Assizes, the charge of murder against Tan Ah Jiuw was amended to culpable homicide. The prisoner was found guilty on the amended charge, and was sentenced to five years' rigorous imprisonment. Lim Swi Chue was also charged, m the same case, with voluntarily causing
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  • 1320 3 The Ophir had a stormy passage acrid* the Atlantic, and during the journey passed an iceberg. The Ophir met the Channel Fleet ai day* break on Wednesday, and steamed between the lines of battleships, which saluted as she pan si! Owing to tbe fair, the Ophir
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  • 21 3 l« hit iatoMii«Hß&nMMt to tbe Wetter* A mT Sk tMttfcu^ifc fS j Ami M JU^*Tt
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  • 1000 3 I Loads*, cv— The Ports has acceptI wh o has replied that ajiii^l)sJtUjiM> tree* Mitilene as soon as the Irtjffijisjsfllii! 1 decision, bat tbet the Fleet wffl iHnjiifci the riemky until the toJnlment has tytiHAii? his speech at the Guildhall banqpsst, said it was a matter for congra- m
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  • 76 3 QnMhnwß, to solace their wearied minds by boawst psorlmss. play at cheese, the aatroaoSMr*s game, and the philosopher's game, which whettes thyr wittes, recreates thsyr minds, and snete so body la the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Simgaport Fvm Press." Original
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  • 21 3 By Dr. Galitzkt, Spaask. Black (4 pieces). White (5 pieces). White to play and mate in two moves.
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  • 265 3 Here is a game played in the London Tournament of 1899. The notes are by Hoffer. Giuoco Piano. White— Schlechter. Black— E. Lasker. 1 P-K4 P-K4 i2B-Kts(d) KtxB s Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 13 Q x Ktl>(e)R-Bi 3B-B4 B-B4 i 4 KtxKt Q-B 3 (f) 4 P-B3 Kt-B 3
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  • 214 3 A special general meeting of the members of the Singapore Chew Club is announced to take place m tbe Town Hall this evening at 5.15 p.m., the business being; the consideration of the proposed amendments m the rules governing the Championship contest. Solving says Gittins, is eminently practical,
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  • 71 3 (COftMCTf D UP TO November 22.) Oh London. Bank 4 na/> 1/104^ demand 1/10 X Private credits 3 m/g i/io| ioaimtata 3 mf* i/io}f credit* 6m/»... 1/11 France, danud 2354 StRM4NY, demand 1911 India. T» T 110 X y «jy HOHHaOMBk fleOiaBo* 3,tl nm Yokohama, demsnti.. 7^%pm I l
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  • 163 3 Bank of China and japan, Ltd. Li Nominal. r/'* Diyidimds. Deferred. 2.5.5/ BaB*« Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. 7, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. $620*. 1, f J o^ 10 bon 3°/"/« Kadana Gold Mining Co., Ltd. »io I 0 Fully paid.'" KechauGoldM.Co. »?o. 7S Sales So
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  • 148 3 (November 33.) ur. c^c. No.;::;: I 4 0 do. v h ,te, (Fair L/W—sX) *>s°.* tons per N tn.cps iios to thr Ib.) tl' of coaling •'o. /80s to the !b) P. Mace (Banda) feel at Low Cloves (Atnboina) w Liberian Coffee w **Jfin be supplied at Tapioca, small
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 4 3 i I A SSnULS
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    • 322 3 OCEAN U^^ STEAM SHIP IP* Co. AND NEDERLAN OSCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ OCEAAN. Tows. Toms. Athillex 7043 Myrmidon 2870 Agawumn** 701 1 .Vestor 3809 7030 Ortstts 4654 AUinout 6743 Patroclui 550g Anckius 2739 PtUus jyyj Antenor 5531 Polyphemus a6n Calchas 6748 Prw* ,84c Cyclops 3066 Promitktui 5570 Dardanus 4653 Pyrrhus 5621
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 286 3 MAILS CLOSE P«r Ai I *c. Tringganu o am Hongkong kc CheangChew ham PmScng i pm Pomianak Will tbe WUp i ru renarg fee. Van Outhoorn 2m I Z**** Laertes a pm I Penan? Jc Bombay Bisagno a rM I Peoang ft Colombo Kamakora Maru 2 r M Awhan Ie
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    • 675 3 VESSELS IN PORT. Other Vessels Flag, ft Tons Mastera Arrived From lgr .r CB For When Adalla Bxit 178 Smith >< T oy 10 Hongk. A Wood Uncertain B»«kh<«we Nor 15 Anamba Is. Joo Hoo Lye Uncertain Sl^wL^Hln S,Vi« vk- S° vl6 Doendel^ Sonrabaya Nov 26 SSi^S 2?»JS.> w° Y
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    • 188 3 CLEARANCES. Ntvtmber ji. Teck Soon Chcang, Dut. »chr., Nacodah, for 1 DSii ..inak. Baboo Raaok, Dut. schr., Nacodah, for Siantao. De»i, Ger.. Cassens, for Bangkok Victoria, \or.. HellberK, for Penan«. Br. Wongsee, Dnt.. Nacodah, lorßhio. Novtmbtr Repton, Brit., Hook, for Marseilles. Said. Brit., Deacon, for Palembang. Wy, Dut.. Naeodah, for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 775 4 I TAN CHIN HOON AUCTION SALE OP Valuable 099 Years' Leasehold Land Spacious Mercantile Offices, Godowns Shops thereon situate m the Commercial Centre of Singapore adjacent to the Banks, the Dock and Shipping Coy's Offices, Legal Firms, Telegraph Office, Consular Newspaper Offices, &c. TO BE HELD AT POWELL Co. s
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    • 837 4 FOR SALE ONI "Premier" High Grade Bicycle. with OouCaae, m first class condition. |100 Apply MANAOEB, Frn Prmt. Aug3 For Sale. r> AY Australian Mare, Victoria and harness D price |350. Also Cottage Piano In good condition price $200. Apply to P. H., c/o Frtt Prtss. Nov 18 26.11 For
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    • 582 4 I Jewellery Jewellery Jewellery w I Ladies' and Gent's rittft fte* with brillumts and getnit. Ladles' bangles set with brilliatfts, feme ft pearls. adies" brooches set with brilliants, gems ft pearls I Ladies' long chains and neckltts. j Ladies' and Gent's lockets. Gents' Gold watches ft chains. Gold and Silver
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    • 199 4 A LARGE BKLBCTION OK CAVENDISH Music Books At 50 cents each. INCLUDING Pianoforte Albums Dance Albums Song Albums &c Music obtained to order from Europe I'UBLIBm£D PRICKS Diaries 1002 Boys Own Paper (new volume.) G.rl, Own Paper (new volume.) Chums I niA nt- Magazine. if. Children's Friend Violin String*. Colour
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    • 751 4 CO., LTD. Gentlemen's Outfitting Department. New Goods Just Arrived. Fancy Silk Tics m all the newest designs and colours. Large Assorted Stock of Washing Ties White Straw Boaters. Soft Felt "Terai Hat«. •Singapore Helmets. Four-fold Linen Collars. Coloured Soft Front Shirts. White Crepe Shirts (Best Quality). Brown Leather Boots and
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    • 489 4 I JL dllodll I Price $6 per case of 100 bottles Stoppered with Crown Corks May now be had from all dealers m Singaporefand Native States. J. CLIFFORD|WILKINSON, Kobe, Japan. Nov 7 cue I NEW YEAR SPORTS, 1902. NOTICE. A PUBLIC Meeting will be held m the Exchange on Wednesday,
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    • 230 4 jjiiiiK FANCY GOODS BUITABLE FOB i Christmas Gifts &c. Eajfs Cb»telain Fittsd a *g»Hand Blotting Cases Brush Sets CardCMe^ CaJenuars Chatelains Cigar Csws Cigarette Cases FieMGluae, Inks tan's i^tto Cases M ff Sets Menu 8tr nda Man'om j s©^ Photo Frames Photo Bcroens sail*)*SmoJter'a Sets Scent HUnds F mma Seer.
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