The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 21 November 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 651 1 P* rt Office. Telegrtph St. Wharves. Keppel Harbour. I O STEAM NAVIGATION Co. cuss? r v s& H Sb^z Ei^. SoYPT MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR, MALTA. BRINDISI, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bilb of Lading issued for G*lf!c?nti***Ul *ni American Ports, also for Qkin* Coast. MAIL LINE. GUI WARD HOMEWARD 1901 M o
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    • 850 1 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY ACCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL O STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND rpOYO KISEN KAISHA (ORlghilAk S. S. CO.) VIA INLAND SEA OF JAPAN AND HONOLULU. Through Passage Tickets granted to England France, and Germany by all trans-AUant.c lines of steamers, and to the principal ciUes <«J*s United States or Canada.
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    • 631 1 D* KONINKLIJKB PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. U«J>BR COVTtACT VITI NmtUMKUUDt IIIDIA GOTBKVMBMT. .OENTS ATSiNGAPORI. Ship ACKNCV. LATE h DAENDELS Co., 2-3 COU.YER Quay TUB UaIDMMBMTIOrfBD DATBS ABB OMLT AP?ROXiItATI. teamer from Expected WiU b* despatched tor on rouwer Deli vi» port* Nor. 19 Bonfkalis, «Uk, l'anoh, Bila, Assahau r.rdDell Nor. 21 ut
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    • 136 1 Millars' Karri &Jarrah Forests, WESTERN AUSTRALIA. WE the undersigned having been appointed Agents for the above Company, are now prepared to quote and accept orders and indents for Jarrah and Karri Woods of all descriptions Railway Sleepers, Piles, Telegraph Poles, Scantlings, Ac. 'Tdfclerm&aQdhmher particulars please apply to "■>• SHRAGEfftMROSisM. oust
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    • 706 1 tTONGKONG AND SHANGHAI n BANKING CORPORATION. PA.'D-UP CAPITAL 110,000,000 RESERVE FUND— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000') ikomco Silver Reserve f 3,750,000 j* 3>7:> RKSSRVE LIABILITY OF «,„««.<•'* PROPRIETORS 1 -*io.<mF» Court or Dikbctqu K. Shbwam, Esq.— Cha'bwan Has. J. J. Bkll-Ibvimo,— Dapuit Chaibman H. E. Tomkinj, Esq. I R. L. Richardson Rvi
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    • 478 1 Ideal Milk d^flflS^^ Enriched 20 per cent. fe^^i Sterilized-Not Sweetened. E>^*^ca^ll A Perfect Substitute for Fresh Is^ten> Not Sl^V IVI ilk muiMnriwn uniun fikz. indUK ANCR SOCIETY OP NORWICH AND LONDON. KjTAIUSBID 179 7. FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. Amount Iksurid £3^5,000,000 I I.ossts Paid T 11,600.000 Prbmium income 906,001* Insurance
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    • 201 1 jr% rigaud's I iLj OF JAPAN H TOILET WATER t 2 Rigaud sßamugaWaj£ ter !;j the sweet perfume jj flT^ft™^^^ of the Kanxnf/ I lower of I* fV>^^H Japan and a soothing and B^^BaM^S^^ c I r^£f*~iLM rel cve mosquito bites. JfiJ'^B^" jjlA r-spiratioa. MERS 8. rue Vlvleane. 8 I
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  • 1550 2 The Singapore Free Press. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1901. ".'.tr < t n a mm Ur.awtJ by mftucncr > I n Hrn yMriM Truth her f lor*j» pccc»p(i 4ra» Piiljil la Ralfcta*. \jurmin. an 4 I»w The departure of Mr. T. E. Earle from Singapore deprive* the Colony of uire will)
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    • 48 2 [Campbell-Bannerman Despairs. He Wants Chamberlain and Milner to Retire. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, speak ing at Plymouth, said that he despaired at the peril facing the country m South Africa being overcome so long as Mr. Chamberlain and Sir Alfred Milner retained their presen t offices.
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    • 13 2 {Later.) The re-assembling of Parliament is definitely fixed for the 16th January.
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    • 10 2 Colon Captured. The Columbian insurgents have captured Coloo.
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    • 17 2 A hundred American blue-jackets have occupied the railway station at Colon.
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    • 21 2 Boer Casualties. Kitchener's Scouts have killed six Boers and captured 54, including two field cornets. London, November j/st, tfo/.
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  • 72 2 A Womah's Wowdirh/L Fiat. New York, October 25th— A Sun disInatrh sa ys that Miss Ann* Taylor performn unprecedented feat at Niagara yesay. She entered the water some disc above the falls m a barrel and safely gated the Canadian Rapids, where the ;r runs
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  • 85 2 Commandant, Singapore Volunteer Corps, Head Quarter Office, Fort Fullerton, Singapore, November 2ist, io«i. I. ArroiNTMiNT His Excellency the Governor has boen pleased to make the following appointment m the S. V. Corps, with effect from the Ist inst. Qr. Mr. Sergt. H. L. Coghlan S.V.C. to U
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  • 242 2 i. Duties Orderly Officerjor the ensuing week Capt. C J. Da vies. Orderly N. C. O. for the ensuing week Corpl. J. L. Hope, i. Parades:Monday 25th, at 5.15 p.m. Maxim Gun Drill. Wednesday 27th, at 5.15 p.m. Competition (or McCallum Trophy. Fri»at 29th, at 5.15 p.m.
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  • 266 2 I. Di'Ties:— Orderly Officer for the ensuing week Lieut. F. M. Elliot. Orderly N.C.O. for the ensuing week A Coy. Sergt. T. W. Aschmanne. B Coy. Col. Sergt. J. W. Haffenden. a. Parades:— Mokdat 25th, at 5.10 p.m. Coy. and Ceremonial Recruits Drill for Bearer and Ambulance
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 582 2 ■IH^ Katz Brothers, Ltd. BEG TO ANNOUNCE Their Great Show of Useful Articles SUITABLE FOR X'mas and New Year Presents CONSISTING OF A large assortment of iBct Gold Jewellery. Rings, Broaches, Brae lets, Earrings, Set with Pearls, Diamonds, Lmeralds, Upais, 'p'ain^old^Rinjs. Links, Studs, Tortoise-shell Side Combs set with Diamonds. Plain
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    • 930 2 I Singapore Philharmonic I Society, SULLIVAN MEMORIAL CONCERT. TOWN HALL. Monday, 95th November. 1901, 9 p.m. The Philharmonic Orchestra will pl»y the fol- lowing Grand Selections "Patiiiics," "Oohdolibrs," and Mikado." it will also provide full accompaniments for "The Lost Chord," (cornet solo), and for the tw» songs Orpheus with his
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    • 364 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS PARSEE THEATRE TO-NIGHT MAHMOODSHAH, TO-MORROW •INDRA SAHBA" Great reduction m admission fees. WANTED A N experienced Chinese Clerk for Mercantile Office, Typist preferred. Written applications to A.E.S., c/» Free Press. I Nov. 21 27.11 Corrections and Additions FOR THE piIBONICLE r\ IKECT ORY Should be seat at once
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    • 365 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEHN. THE IMPERIAL TURKISH CONSULATE No. 94 Robinson Road Begs to notify the following for General Information: ALL Ottoman subjects residing m Singapore or trading m the Straits Settlements, are requested to call at the Turkish Consulate to have the names of themselves
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 127 2 The Week Thursday, aist Hi«l> Water 5.35 a., 5.39 p. Philharmonic Orchestra, 8.30 p. Friday, aand High Water 6.36 a., 7.6 p. I S.V.C. Lecture, 5.15 p. Saturday, 33rd I High Water 7.30 a., 8. 1 8 p. Cricket— S.C C. Ist XI v. S.V.R. S.R.C. v. Raffles School. I
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  • 59 3 A correspondent of Le Courrier iTHaiphsng writes a long letter from a small town m Yunnan giving information regarding coal mines m that Province. He claims to have found a smokeless coal of good quality m a Lo-lo village named Toudza or Doudzako, about a hundred kilometres
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  • 55 3 The Australian steamer Saladin arrived from Australia this morning. The Portuguese transport Africi bound for Macao, arrived from Colombo yesterday evening, and after coaling at the wharf left for the roads this morning. The German Mail steamer Konig Albert with the English Mails of 28th October arrived from
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  • 82 3 This morning at the Assizes, Samy and Mohamed Lee Chin alias Kassim, charged with voluntary causing grievous hurt, and theft m a dwelling, were found not guilty and discharged. Chin Ah Koon, 'charged with highway robbery, was found guilty and sentenced to 3 years rigorous imprisonment. A Chinaman
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  • 101 3 The English type of beauty— which is near upon six feet m height, and the same width all the way up, with extraordinarily slender arms, long cool throats, and narrow feet m high-heeled slippers has nothing like the suggestion of vitality and almost aggressive robustness
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  • 352 3 Hongkovo v. Thi Straits. At Hongkong on the afternoon of the 13th Nov. it was arranged to play of the first tennis match of the week, Hancock representing Hongkong and Green the Straits. The match took place at the North-west corner, and the court was lined by large crowd
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  • 409 3 Thi Visit to thi East. Sir Francis Loved, until recently SurgeonGeneral of Trinidad, who is about f start on an extended tour m the tropics for the purpose of making known the aims and objects of the London School of Tropical Medicine, will leave Marseilles
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  • 26 3 The P. O. Intermediate steamer Soeotra left Hongkong at 6 a.m. on Wednesday and is due to arrive here at 6 p.m. on Sunday, 24th instant.
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  • 2546 3 Ordinary Mbitimo Wednesday November 30TH 1901. Present Mr. J. O. Anthouisz (President) and Messrs. Maclaren, Evans, Sohst, Moses, Lee Choon Guan and Backer. Absent Messrs. Cuscaden and Wee Thiam Tew. MINUTBS. The minutes of the last ordinary meeting and of various Budget committee meetings wet* confirmed. President's Statbmbnt.
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  • 1246 3 (Via Ceylon.) London, November 10th.— Admiral Caillard will probably proceed to Syra and remain m Greek waters for some time. He only landed sixty Blue Jackets m Mitilene. The Governor protested m writing and removed 500 Turkish troops elsewhere to prevent a collision. Fourteen more Boer leaders have been
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  • 212 3 At the autumnal assembly of the Congregational Union of England and Wales Mr. Frank T. Bullen, the author of The Cruise of the Cachalot," said he was not a politician, but it was a gigantic scandal that every bar-parlour was a Conservative committee room. (Applause.) He
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  • 122 3 (November 21.) do. Cube No. 1 17.50 Pepper, black (ordinary Spore) ao.w do. White, (Fair L/W— s% JJ. Nutmegs uo» to the lb.) 52 do. (805 to the lb) 04 Mace (Banda) Cloves (AmLoina) 1# (t -jj 'Litwiar Coffee 19, Tapioca, small pt.iri (ban quality. r;r iV do
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  • 246 3 Quotation. p AID n Hank J China and Japan. Ltd. Li Nominal. f A UiriDiWDS. Deferred. £S'S/ Bed's Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal, Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $4.75 Sales. »<; dear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. ft 00 V Qa Fraser and Neave Ltd. $95. Sales. 7
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 311 3 WILSON Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS 17, A KM EM AN STREET. Telephone No. 272. The Finest Studio m charge of skilled and experienced hands working with the latest a*rd best appliances. All descriptions of Photos taken and finished as XMAS and NEW YEAR CARDS at emr ordinary price*. Photo, can be taken
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    • 323 3 OCEAN IKM STEAM SHIP \f Urn Co. AND NEDERLANOSCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJOCEAAN. Tois. Tows. Achilles 7043 Myrmidon 2870 Agamemnon 7011 Nestor A tax 7<>39 Onstes 4653 A let nous 6743 Pat rod us Anchius 3739 Ptleus Anterior 5531 Polyphemus 2613 Calchas 6j4Z Priam j8 4 < Cyclops 2066 Prometheus Dar Janus
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 209 3 MAILS CLOSE To-morrow. fror Per A 1 Pontianak Sri Pontianak 7am Bangkok Saga y am Hongkong Konig Albert 9 am Jeddah Mohammadi 11 am Batu Pahat Henuit 2 pm Malacca kc. Ban Whatt Hin 3pm Penang Jeddah Nestor 3 pm B.lliton ace Houtman 4 fm Palembang Ophir 4 rx Sourabaya
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    • 853 3 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-of-war Flag and Tons Commanders /Unved From For When Brisk Br?t crnis., 1770 Martin Oci I i;,,,, s fn^rfain i^ I^-' 2380 Novi:, i gSSS Other Vessels Flags Tons Matters Arnved From Consignees For Whe g£ k^ sl gs tesasu ess c^fs. gu-j No.- f sfc-Kyssjsas t
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 714 4 Estate ot TAN CHIN HOON I DECEASED. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable 999 Years' Leasehold Land WITH Spacious Mercantile Offices, Godowns Shops thereon situate m the Commercial Centre of Singapore adjacent to the Banks, the Dock and Shipping Coy's Offices, Legal Firms, Telegraph Office, Consular Newspaper Offices, &c. TO BE HELD
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    • 784 4 Wanted Immediately J AN experienced Engine Dmer, (ttstjgraae cert ideate.) ultftnl >p I Apply to tte MANAGER, Netherlands GutU X o< »,r™' Paslr ranjang. Nov 20 23 11 WANTED AN efficient Compositor tor job work. One able to read manuscript. Apply P., c/o /*>** iW» Oet3 WANTED I BILL-OOLLECTOK ft*
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    • 594 4 Mining Machinery and Appliances! WINPJNG GES^s^NGINES, BOILERS, PUMPS, j STEEL PIPE LINES FITTINGS. The Pulsometer. (TRADB MAKX). STEAM- PUMP WOEiiD-KNOWN, TTNETVALLED j Please write or cad an* give us particulars of your requirements. HOWARTH ERSKINE, LIMITED. ENGINEERS SINGAPORE, PERAK AND BANGKOK. S<"Dt 24 m— i t, Jewellery! Jewellery!! Jewellery!!! d
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    • 492 4 Tohn Little CO., LTD. Presents for Home. Christmas 1 901. The first Christmas of the Century. Manila Cigars. ..&WKQ.Uaten» pei'lxn.-vr 100 ~20/ each S«r~oriUu» do 12/6 do ItanlU Chlc&n do 100 18/ do Londre. do 100 17 do i I'rincesa.s do 100 15/ do High Life do "h) 10/6 do
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    • 974 4 For Sydney direct TKe Steamer MARY PARK, will be despatched for the above port about the enu of November. For freight apply to BEHN, MEYER Co.— Agents. Nov 6 U2 DET OSTASIATISKE KOMPAGNI. For Nantes and Baltic Ports. Ht. RI*SS I A STSAMIR MALAYA, Capt. Ahnger, will be despatched for
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    • 522 4 JIIIIKP FANCY GOODS SUITABLE FOR Christmas Gifts &c. Albums Aah Trays Bags Chatelain FltteJ n Bags Hand Blotting Cams Brush Seto Card Gates, Calendars ChateUins Cigar Cmss Cigarette Cases Despatch Boxes Electric Reading Lamps Electric Machines Fars. Eland Painted Fans, Feather Field Glasses Fancy Tin jpieces Glasses Opera Hand Painted
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