The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 18 November 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 752 1 _f7 a Office. Telegraph St. AS Wharves. Keppel Harbour. O STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Steamers for CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, INDIA, AUSTRALIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR, MALTA, BRINDISI. PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports, also for China Coast. MAIL LINE. OUTWARD HOMEWARD
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    • 860 1 Pacific mail steamship COMPANY -ACCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL O STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND rpOYO KISEN KAISHA (OIIIBIITAL 5. S. CO.) VIA INLAND SEA OF JAPAN AND HONOLULU. Through Passage Ticketb granted to England France, and Germany by all trans-Atlantic lines of steamers, and lo the principal cities of 'the United States or
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    • 664 1 DS KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHA PPIJ. Under Contract witb thb Nbtberlamds Ihdia Ooumk it. Agents at Singapore. Shii- Agency, late I. D. .ENDELS Co.. a- Coli.vkr (Jvay I'hb umdbrmentwved dati.s ark o«ly approximate. Steamer from Eipectea Will be despatched tor on Bronwer Deli via ports Nov. 19 Bengbalis Siak Panch, Bila,
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    • 866 1 •HE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Shipwrights, Er,ginerrs, Iron and Bras» Kocndera, Wharfingers. &c. THIS Conrij ny executes Ship and Marint. Kni; ■■>• 1 airsot aril ~es ripiions, m the most efhcitnt n ,utr' under the superintendence o exj rii. iced Etuopean Shipwr and Engineers. V m length and 21
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    • 721 1 fJONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PA O-Ui CAPITAL lio,oooo/c «r >&RV2 KUND.— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000) crt/ o.lver Reservt f 3.750,000 j 1 3.7.50,c00 RKSERVE LIABIUTY OF PPOPOJBTO 1 *****0.00 C 1 OVBT OF UIRtCTOiO Shkwan, Esq. Chaimmah Hon J J Bbll-Irvino,- Ocputt Chaibham H. E. Tomkins, Esq. I X L.
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    • 493 1 NORWICH UNION FIRE INSUR ANCE SOCIETYOFNOSWICH AND LONDON. ■SU 1 1 I.■ o i;fl POR KIRE INSI'RANf R r>,JLV. Amount Insuvit LOSSISPAID.. 7 .i.v.^.OTO PkHMIUM (■COM ;<i,OOf insurance e£Fecr> v on Almost every wnperty U curr. I rates 1 f premium. TV KJRNgQ I c. Ltd.~A T^KI STANDARD LIFE x
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    • 312 1 *lt, <O.\(. I. < functional itisu,-,1. m C I.M% atomy mstt-.t'siA a iXT*:K.niTTt:xi tr.VEK CACHEXY of l-alurtal ongm and toiit€ijt»t to long r*t>d»r,se ,n hit chmttti The pretcription 10 th* hrn and Vichy bf.jf, ulj It from SO to lOv dropa BOLOO-VERNE •r a tin»««iih »f rum lono-nm 1 4i
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 19 2 At "Hey Tor," (Jrmage Bo«d, on the IGth iasUat, the wife of A. M McN'cil, at a sou.
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  • 1395 2 The Singapore Free Press. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1901. MM «k»n the f'fett the f>«p.''t < jit mamtaia, Uaawad bf mtanec and unhr.Wd by »«,n Hart attriat Trsth ker flartous ptveeft* 4ra» PMm4 to WMttlii. UfaJlr. Ml Urn It appears to be not too much to say that for the fortnight
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  • 38 2 Shanghai v. Simwapori. Shanghai won by one wicket I For the Straits team Mackenzie took iix wickets for fifty.vine runs and Billings hree for forty. three. The fielding of the Straits team uj detcrflbtd as perfect.
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    • 16 2 together twenty militia battalions arc r asked to volunteer for the front.
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    • 25 2 Every effort to procure the release o« the American missionary Miss Stone (captured by brigands) has failed. London, November lyth, /go/.
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    • 16 2 During last weeks gale there have been 61 shipwrecks, and 177 lives lost.
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    • 61 2 All the available drafts for the following regiments have been ordered to be m readiness to sai! for the Cape on the 15th December The Irish Regt., the Cheshire Regt., the South Wales Borderers, the Hampshire Regt.. the West Surrey Regt the South Lancashire Re
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  • 153 2 Sugokstsd Retaliation on Hollavi, A Naval Officer from China write* to The Times ls it not time that Bngtand took some »teps to square herself with Holland? English people have forgotten that for the last 30 years the Dutch have been trying to deprive the Achinese
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  • 265 2 After a stay m Singapore of a year and eight months, the 16th Madras Infaatry sailed to-day for Madras by the R.I. M.S. Cine. At an early hour this morning the men marched to Tanjoog Pagar Wharf accompanied by the regimental band and the
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  • 199 2 Autumn Cur." The greens were heavy and the course m many places was under water on Saturday when some thirty pi > rs competed for the Autumn Cup a iacGill's score of 45+ 4 1=86 was consequently a very good one, equalling the best scratch score handed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 425 2 John Little and Co., Ltd CHRISTMAS. TOYS LARGE VARIETY, JUST RECEIVED. For Boys tfti^ For Girls Rocking Horses. >>Ol>S I^Lm Cradles. i ricycle Horses. I >I^^H^^U Tennis Sets. Gig Horses. 5 Batlledore Sets Cricket Sets. Trousseaux. &c., Ac. '^HHIHfIM^ Ball*. Wheelbarrows, Garden Sets, Engines, Mail Carts, Perambulators. PRICES AND ILLUSTRATIONS
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    • 400 2 Sale of Household Furniture &c. THE PROPERTY OF J. A. DELAY Esq. .1.1 Rannoch Lodge, Leonie Hill, Grange Road. Saturday 2jrd November, at 2 p.m. THE ondfffigned have been instructed to sell bj^Kuction th«- household furniture ftc, < <jO^spag of a polished wriah sideboard, dining dinner wagon, bentwood standard chairs,
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    • 680 2 Estate ot TAN CHIN HOON DBC&ASED. AUCTIONS ALE Ofr Valuable 900 Years' Leasehold Land Spacious Mercantile Offices, Godowns Shops thereon situate m the Commercial Centre of Singapore adjacent to the Banks, the Dock and Shipping Coy's Offices, Legal Firms, Telegraph Office, Consular Offices, &c. TO BE HELD AT POWELL Co.'s
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    • 604 2 to.daV'B ApygrnaaiißNTs. j AT THE PARSB THEATRE. i WE&N ESDA V NIGHT A Special Programme. Under the kind patronage and m the presence of Honourable Ahmed Attaullah Efiendt| Consul General for Turkey. To-night AN ENTIRELY NEW PLAY ••SHAKUNTALA," For the first time m Singapore. Nov 18 For Sale. RAY Australian
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    • 170 2 TO-DAY*B ADVERTISEMENTS. John Little I CO., LTD. Gentlemen's Outfitting Department. New Goods Just Arrived. Fancy Silk Tics m all the newest designs and colours. Large Assorted Stock of Washing Ties White Straw Boaters. Soft Felt Terai Hats. Singapore Helmets. Four-fold Linen Collars* Coloured Soft Front Shirls. White Crepe Shirts (Best
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 186 2 The Week Monday, i3tfa I High Water .—2.34 a., a.o p. I S.V.R. Recruits Drill, Musketry Casuals, 5.10 p S.V.A. Maxim Gun Drill, 5.15 p. Philharmonic Orchestra, 8.30 p. Tuesday, 19th Hi,{h Water 3.30 a., 3* p. Moon, First Quarter, 3.18 a. Legislative Council. 2.30 p. FootbaH-S.CC. y. R.E., 5
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  • 689 3 {ContrilutU.) Mr. Mathews, the Engineer from the Crown Agents, has arrived from England. No doubt he comes well read up m the requirements of the place, and as a new arrival he may see things m a clearer light than the older people of the Colony, many of
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  • 117 3 H.M.S. Bargeur, the flag-ship of RearAdmiral Sir James Bruce, arrived here yesterday from China, homeward bound. She will probably continue her homeward voyage on the 20th instant. The Italian cruiser Marco f'tlo left for China yesterday at 9.45 a.m. It is understood that the Brisk, after her trip
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  • 378 3 The following report has been received by the Secretary of the above Company, from the Manager at Seremban. Dittht.*-~ Since the damage caused by the big storm of September (fch was repaired, there has been no trouble worth reporting and since November ist, when sluicing* commenced
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  • 16 3 Lieut. A. J. Woodroffe, R. E., foWAh I stationed at Singapore, is promoted tc|| be CapUin.
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  • 207 3 Although heavy rain fetl during the early part of Saturday and the afternoon was somewhat threatening; the rain kept off and the weather was decidedly favourable for the open-air performance of the masted bands of the 16th M.1., the 3rd M.L.I. and the
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  • 1113 3 The Romance er Miss Jessie Bain AND LIEUTSMAMT ClClt. The romantic love affair of Miss Jessie Bain and Lieutenant Cecil recalls the palmy days of Gretna Green. The interesting young couple first met when the amorous subaltern was undergoing a course of musketry at Carrickfergas
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  • 1336 3 (VU C*yUn.) Canada hat notified to the Imperial Governavert that Canada's offer, made hut May, of a further Mounted force for South Africa, is still fPPfta IMWar Office will probably accept the offer strong Canadian Cavalry contingent. Ie New York elections indicate the complete »t of the Tammany candidate*,
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  • 953 3 Major H. G. Holmes, commanding a battalion of Mounted Infantry, has captured Commandant David Maraii at Rietviei. On the appearance of a small commando at Saldanha Bay, on the west coast of Cape Colony, residents boarded a passing steamer and from it signalled to the British gunboat, which
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  • 221 3 (Daily Chronicle; The appointment of Mr. Reginald Tower, of the British Legation at Peking, to fill the long vacant post of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Bangkok will give satisfaction to our merchants interested m the trade of Malaysia and IndoChina generally. They have
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  • 75 3 (CORRECTED up TO November 18.) On Londo i/iofi demand I/10,» Private credits 3 m/s l/l<4 documents 3 u/s. i/iofj credits 6 m/* i/ni France, demann 2364 Germany, dnwnuj ,q 2 .i India, T. T ,J O J HOMGKONG, demand 1% om. Yokohama, deman 1 7/6 pro. Java, demand >i^\
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  • 113 3 (November 18.1 I'm Gimbicr do. cute n«. 1 ™..r.r-35 Pepper, Mlack (ordinary 'i-«r V j to en A,, whiu, (F»»r l/w-,% fif Nulin*^! f no* to the Ib.) «i do. (80s to the lb> Mace (Band*) f'toves (Anboiiia) Uherian Coffee fZ Tapioca, small pearl (Fair 'juality, c. 15 do.
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  • 214 3 Bank o, < Japan, L tu. 41 Nominal. r 4 DiriDirafc Deferred. r.5«5/ Bell's Asbestos Kastern Agency. Nominal. 7, Benawah Gold Mine Co. 14.7S Sales c Gear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. *ioo JL, Praser and Neave Ud. $Q-?.so Buyers *»T a, Debs. Par $5 10
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 82 3 The Best Remedy for Diarrhoea "Soneymn ago while at Martinaburg, W. Va., I wu taken with cholera morbos, which was toUowed by diarrhoea. The doctor's medicine Sl!^L n HL i, 1 vlaed t<> get a bottle of -hajaberiain'n Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea w B^? dM. a"* it cared me sound
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    • 330 3 OCEAN fcfi% STEAM SHIP IP^*-, Co. AND VVj NEDERLAN' SCHE zvnM^ VAART MAATSCHAPPIJ OCEAAN* Tons. Tons. Achilles 7043 Myrmidon 2870 Agamemnc-. 701 1 Nfstor 3800 At** 7039 Orestes 4653 Aldnout 6743 Patroclu: 5500 Anchistt 2739 Pe/riw 7500 Ss3i Pohphtmut 3613 Catenas 6748 /V**** ,845 Cyclop* 3066 Prometheus Dardanus 4653 PyrrAa*
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 300 3 MAILS CLOSE i a-morkow. Per Ai j Djambie Kian Ann lo ah I tv Pahat Henuit lin Malacca, kc. Bintang Timor ipm Penan* k NegapaUm Zaida a pm Muar 5c Malacca Hong Wan 3 m Muar fc Malacca Farfalla a pm PDicksonk P. Swtt ham Batavier 1 pm Pontianak ke.
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    • 812 3 VESSELS IN POR?; Men^f-War Flag «d Tons Commander, Arrived Prom Por When f i BrUec NOVI7 Ho^kont; England Nov 2» Other Vettcto FUgs ft Toot Matters Arrived Prom Consignee? Por When Ayeshah Brit sen., 112 Mnstan Oct l'J Kelantan S rkiM, n p.,, ni w nv B^boorKazak 57 Moh s
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 580 4 AN efficient b One able to read vi; luacctpt. Appb T c'oFreePrtss Oct3 WANTED A BILL-COLLECTOR for the Singapore C -..oUeCltfu. Apply ou the premises, 73, Bias Bar Road, btween the hours of 7 and a.m. an- 5 a ju 6 p.m. >TO Nov 13 WANTED 19 11 Nov 15
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    • 980 4 Furnished House WANTED from January Ist for small family. A Apply MANAGER Free Press. octjn SANS SOUCI." ST. THOMAS WALK. XWO rooms vacant now, both fit for Bachelors 1 or Married Couples. Nov 8 812 Board Residence CX)R two bachelors. Large double room. Private family. House m good position. Apply
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    • 441 4 Jewellery Jewellery Jewellery Ladies' and Gent's rings set with brilliants and gems. Ladies' bangles set with brilliants, gems ft pearls, j adies' brooches set with brilliants gems pearls Ladies' long chains and necklets. Ladies' and Gent's lockets. Gents' Gold watches chains. Gold and Silver trimkets. Silver links and brooches. Silver
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    • 106 4 SPECIAL NOTICE, NOTICE is hereby «iven that BRUNNER MOND& COMPANY, LIMITED, Winnington, Northwich, m the County of Chester, England, Mkali Manufacturers, are the sole Proprietor.-, of the Trade. Mark Empire Brand which they use to distinguish the Bicarbonate of Soda and other goods of their manufacture, and that any fraudulent
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    • 542 4 John Little CO., LTD. Presents for Home. Christmas 1 901. The first Christmas of the Century. Manila Cigars. Nucvu Habano per box of 100 20/ each Stfioritas d" il Regalia Chicas do 1(M» 18/ do Loodres do KiO 17/ do Princettas do 100 15/ do High Life do 50 10/6
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    • 416 4 For Sydney direct Th<- Stoam'-r MARY PARK, will bo despatched for the alx>v<- j)ort about the end of November. For freight apply to BKIIN, MEYKR Co.-A««ot,. Nov <> 1 .i-j I3ET OSTASIATISKE KOMPAGNI. For Nantes and Baltic Ports. hk Russian Stianii MALAYA, Capt. Ahnger, will be despatched for the above
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 892 4 V EBSELS EXPECTED. •iiviu* port of depaiture, and (where known) dalo duo here, and u< of Ageuts. II i-<rf-War. Barflour 11. M.5. Hongkong, dae No Ij"; I roe* A ux. Fr Toulon, duo Nov c, H M b., Hongkong, doe Nov. Gcr., Kiel dne Nov uiiurnut, Fr., Totlon, Cuo rf«nr
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    • 361 4 Geo. Thompson, Mr. Valentine, Mrs. Samonn E3njaavn and children, Mr and Mrs. Atkins and children, Miss Atkins, Mr. Banmann. Mr. and Mrs. tor Brngge and child, Capt. and \fr- de Lercbe, R<-v. s. S. Ornwood. Mr. P. Sjlumoo Mrs. Strlr^or and servant, Miss stringer Mr' Sturwoeggei Mr. Tan JiaV Kirn,
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