The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 11 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 751 1 P Of*ce Telegraph St. *jj Whorve*. »Ceppel HtrOjj.. O STEAM NAVIGATION Co Steamers for CHINA. JAPAN, PENANt-, TEYLON, INDIA, AUSTRALIA, ADEN. EGYPT, MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR MALTA, BRINDISI, PLYMOUTH ANI« LONDON. Through Bills ot Lading issued lor Perst**. Gulf, ContinenUl mnd American Ports, als« (MM Coast. MAIL LINES. OUTWARD HOMKW*.KI' igoi 1901
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    • 854 1 PACIFIC NSAII S7EAMSHP COMPANY _^_CCiDfiNTAL AMD ORiiNTA \J STEAVSHIP COMPANY AN^ rpoYO KI^BN KAISHA VIA INLAND SEA OF lAPaN ANU HONOI ULU. Through Pav^ife I icttcis framed la England Prance, and Gi' many by tran-- Atlantic lines ol steamers, and io the principal cities of tht United States or Canaaa.
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    • 753 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PARKTVAART M AAT.SCH APPI Undir Contract witi tmi Nith irlanos Ihdia Gotirmhut. ■'Gf.nts at Singapore. Sh«ps Agency, late I. DAENDELS Co.. i-y Collver Quay Ihi i-Ni.t mvrniNK" oatbs ari only *ppruiihati Btean>er rom Eioectvd Will b« detpatchrrt lor on Nienhuys Coti© Tia porto Oct 1 Handj Trnaasin Kota
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    • 747 1 NOBEL'S Explosives Co., Ltd GLASGOW MANUFACTURERS OK Dynamite, Gelignite. Gelatine Dynamite, Blast* ti& Gelatine Detonators, ,v |UM or Safety Fuses, Btttric blasting Apparatus The ihove f.xftostit:' f>etng a*/ m<2*u- ->'.- 4 Ml Great Rtitain, are made to :h: *i£ t tintlard of safety and punt\ i.-i tmooi'd by the Brttttk
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    • 703 1 fTONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL iiooooooo RESERVE FUND— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000) Silver Reserve S i^^ j 1 3.750,000 RKSKRVB LIABILITY OF I PROPRIETORS .-1 10.000 oot Covn or Director*. Shewan Esq. Chairman. H*o J J Bkll-Ibviwo, D«ruT» Chairman. H. E. Tomkiiw, Esq. I L. Richaboson Kso. A. HAUr
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    • 572 1 VORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY OF NORWICH AND LONDON. Established 1707. FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. Loss«sPaid fn,*****0 insurance effected on almost every ci«»criptior <A property at current rates of premium. THK BORNEO Co.. I.TD.-A.ent, THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, g« T u 1,100,000. Bonus Diclarid n0w.,,./ 6,000,000. AccuMiHATin Fluids ZiQ.oooooo
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    • 247 1 tit "if tOMEsTIOA f* Me «<■•>» -rferaorrit&f fCK ATO.Mt i,\stn si 4 4 IMI H>lii it j FEVEU CACmSXT of -mm MHBMMa U 'ong rti tone, m of c mifM Th« *M»«ripl,oo id th* P.n. and V,ch» bo.piUU I i» from SO to 100 drop* boldo-vernel A Ul iiHiiil,
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  • 869 2 1 ■»< 11/ Prn> t» d 1 1 1 mj Ml.g. Uttt patriot IMfc ha (fvi pMHpM dra* P timti 19 R» »o. 1-oraliT. and law. Wk beg to acknowledge receipt, from the Imperial Japanese Consulate, of a copy of the Financial
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  • 753 2 Fairplay's letter, now duly authenticated, will appear to-morrow. Major P. B. Hanham, R. G. A., has been granted leav of absence from 14th inst., to 9th prox., on private affairs. launches will leave Johnston s Pier on Sunday at 10 and 11 a.m. for the Swimming Club Bungalow Poof little
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    • 34 2 THE OPERATIONS IN EAST TRANSVAAL. The Times correspondent at Dundee, m Natal, says that it appears probable that Botha has escaped the cordon that Genl Lyttelton was endeavouring to carry round him.
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    • 40 2 Shamrock Ineligible Next Year. The New York Yacht Club has declined to permit Shamrock 11. to compete for th» Cup m 1902, as the conditions of the original Trust Deed (gifting the Cup to th»Club) forbids this.
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    • 26 2 The New Amur's Accestion. The accession of Habibullah Khan, thr new Ameer, has been peacefully accepted by his brothers and the Sirdars at Kabul (Later.)
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    • 22 2 Botha Escapes Capture. Lord Kitchener telegraphs that Bothi has crossed the Pivaan River. This means that he has escaped northward.
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    • 103 2 Mr. Brodrick's Action. No Effort Awanting to Terminate Hostilities. A letter from Mr. Brodrick to Sir Howard Vincent, who is just starting for South Africa, refutes the charges of apathy made against the Government. It says that there are 200,000 men ann 450 guns now m
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  • 167 2 It will come as news to many people that there such a person as a professional lady billiard player. There is, however— or, rather, one should say there are, for there are two of them. One of these, Mis; Grace Fa.rweather, whose biography is sketched m the
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  • 82 2 By the Natal leaving on Sunday *jfer noon Sir Alexander Swettenham roes home before proceeding to take «p hk new appointment of Governor of British Gu.ana. At Colombo the Natal will tranship her mails and passengers for Europe into the Tonkin coming from Aus tralia for Marseilles, this is the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 394 2 Katz Brothers, Ltd. Have just unpacked the following NEW GOODS. White Piques Striped Muslins. Serges for Ladies Coats and Shirts Black and Navy Blue. Black figured Alpacas. Plain Alpacas m White, Cream, Navy and Grey. White Cream SPECIAL LINE IN WHITE LAWN 44 inches wide. 10 yards for $3 New
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    • 279 2 Corsets, The Straight Fronted Corsets, are most ttn and comfortable, they wear beautifully. Gloves Gloves m a'l the newest shades, White Black, Tan»Grey, &c, for day or evening Wa r. Silk Skirts Silk Skirts have ceased to be a luxury, aid I aye become b«th for elegance and comfort, a
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    • 496 2 Estate of GAN ENG SENG, DECEASED. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Freehold Coconut Plantations and Building sites. BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED AT Kampong Batah, ofi Gaylang Road, Singapore About 4 1/2 miles from town. TO BE HELD AT POWELL k Co's SALE-ROOM ON Wednesday, the 23rd October, at 2,30 p.m. Lot i Area
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    • 769 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS Estate of TAN CHIN HOON DECEASED. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable 999 Years' Leasehold Land WITH Spacious Mercantile Offices, Godowns Shops thereon situate m the Commercial Centre of Singapore adjacent to the Banks, the Dock and Shipping Coy's Offices, Legal Firms, Telegraph Office, Consular Newspaper Offices, &c. TO BE
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    • 266 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 Auction Sale of A BRITANNIA OIL KNGINE 2 horso power) m good order. AT OUR S A L X R O O M Mtnday the 14th Oct at 1 1 a.m. Now on view. POWELL 8c Co,— Auctioneers. Oct 11 11.10 Auction Sale At our Sale- Room
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    • 213 2 GARRISON ARTILLERY CHANGES. No. 12 Company, S. D., R. G. A., com manded by Major J. Lewes, now at Singapore, 15 to leave for Malta just before the close of this month. It will be relieved by No. 25 Co., S. D., R. G. A., from Hong Wong, whose officers
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 168 2 The Week. Friday, nth Hitfh Water 9.44 a., 10.0 p. S.V.A. Dismounting Drill, 5.15 p. S.V.R. Preliminary Drill for Muiketry, 5.10 p. Saturday, 12th Hiijh Water 10.14 a '0.39 p. Race Entries Close, noon. French Mail Homewards dotes, 6 p. Star of East, Temperance < Inb, 7.^0 p. New Moon,
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  • 142 3 A successful bazaar m aid of the MethoHist Episcopal Church and Parson >g funds wasndd m the Upper Town H ,i yesterday afternoon and evening. The numerous stalls were prettily dressed and the ladies m charge seemed to be doing good business, whilst throughout the evening
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  • 1130 3 The "fragment came to the Editor m a curious way, m the form of two or three ,tray leaves of a book, apparently a notice or biography of Arthur Laurenson," and his studies and researches m Norse language and literature, and particularly as these exist
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  • 1569 3 Written for the Singapore Free Press by Rev. G. M. Rbith.) No. LVII. Inverness and the C.v kdonian Canal Inverness, which delights to call itself the Capital of the Highlands, is a picturesque modern town built upon a site which has historic associations stretching back if
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  • 303 3 The writer of MuMcal notes m trie China Afatl -a) s "It would really be interesting to know if the Hongkong Choral Society ;ind the Hongkong Philharmonic Society exist otherwise than m (!.c local D.rectory The Choral Society RtM a valuable music library stowed away somewhere m
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  • 140 3 Says a home paper .~There are those who stilt believe that the strain of a civil service examination injures the health of the candidate. A part of the report of the Civil Service Commissioners, iust itsued, is directed towards rebutting that belief. The mental strain may be presumed
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  • 254 3 There has been a correspondence m the N.C. Daily News on the alleged magnetic effect of a kerosine oil cargo on a ship's compasses. The following letter by Landlubber appears m our Shanghai contemporary If you have not yet closed further discussion regarding ships' compasses and
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  • 32 3 Amongst a list of about 40 new hooks announced as ready for issue by Raffles Library last Saturday will be noticed The Chinese Crisis from Within "—(Wen Ching), a very desirable addition
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  • 427 3 Gentlemen, to solace tbeir wearied minds by honest pas.imes, p'aye at chesse, the astronomer s game, and the philo-op ier'B game, which whettes thyr wittes, recrertes theyr minds, and hurts no body m the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singapore Free
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  • 124 3 As anncunctci Iml week the Solution Journey resulted m f;i\..ur of Mentri." K. being a good second. The full scores are as follows Mentri," 41 X., }3 Ltpt Cobb. 24 ;J. B Elcum, 22 .S. K^enbaum, 21 and CE-lpus," 16. Bacillus," a non-(.ompetiior, made 32. Ihe scores will
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  • 166 3 Corps Orders by Major the Hon'ble A. Murray, Commandant, Singapore Volunteer Corps, Head Quarter Office, Fort Fullerton, Singapore, (Jcicber itth, 1901. 1. Duties: Orderly Officer for the ensuing week Cap-. (.J.I) ivies. Orderly N. < O. f»r the ensuing week BOflikr. 1). Miller. 2. Parades Moni'AY 14th,
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  • 346 3 I. DITIES:— Orderly Officer for the ensuing week 2nd I.ieut. P. M. Elliot. Orderly N.C.O. for th« ensuing week A Coy. Sergt. T. W. Aschmannp. B Coy. Sergt. R. S. Butter. 3. Parades St'HDAY 13th, at 7 a.m. A. &iB. Coys. Class firing at Tanglin Range 200,
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  • 33 3 Black and White (Sept. 7HI) contains a picture of several modes of transport at Singapore, including a bullock cart, two Chinese coolies with a carrying pole, and m the back ground a rikisha.
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  • 105 3 A "WHITE BALL Sir Antony and Lady MacDonnell inaugurated the Civil Service Week at Naini Tal with a "White Ball." O»er 270 guests were present, and all the Services, and nearly, if not quite, every district m the Provinces was represented. The scene when the company assembled m the handsome
    M. Mail  -  105 words
  • 11 3 YESTERDAYS PLAY. D. Singles. Baddelvy v. Chancy, unfin.
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  • 354 3 The Norddeutsche Zettung announces that Germany has placed the looted astronomical instruments at China's disposal, but that China m consequence of the difficulties of re-erecting them has renounced possession of them Succulent is an adjective much m favour with high administrative and legislative personages. Sir West Ridgway m Ceylon has
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  • 77 3 COKKECTED UP TO October II.) On London Bank 4m/s i/n> demand 1/1 1 r A Private credits 3 m/s documents 3 m/s l/l 1^ credits 6 ro/s 1 1 1 France, demand 241 k Germany, demand 1 95 i India, T. T 143J Hongkong, demand }%pm. Yokohama, demand.. Java,
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  • 113 3 (October v.) $64.50 Gambier U.I7J do. Cube No. 1 13.50 Pepper, Mlack (ordinary Spore) 30.50 do. White, (F»ir L/W-5% 46.50 Nutmegs 110s to the Ib.) ej do. (80s to the Ib) 64 Mace (Banda) 50 Cloves (Amboma) 33 Liberian Coffee 1 2 Ta.p'cxa mall pearl (Fair quality) 5.40 do.
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  • 234 3 QUOTATIOM. p AI DITIDMDI Ha.k ot And |apan, Ltd. Ll Nominal. 4 Deferred. 2s-5/ HH' s Asbestos Eastern Agency. Nominal. Zi Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $5. Sellers. f r Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 f 100 Prase, and Neave Ltd £4 $*> U for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 179 3 A Typical South African Store. 0. R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sundays River, of Cape Colony, conducts a store typical of South Africa, at which can be purchased anything from tho proverbial "needle to an anchor." This store is situated iv a valley nine miles from the nearest railway station
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    • 332 3 OCEAN If^ STEAM SHIP |P™ Co. AND NEDERLANDSCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ OCEAAN, Tons. Tons. Athilles 7043 Myrmidon 2870 Agamemnjn 701 1 Nestor 3809 At ax 7039 Orestes 4653 Alcinous 6743 Patroclus 5500. iincAiM* 2739 Ptltus 7500 iinfrnor 553 1 Polyphtmus 2613 Calchas 6748 Priam 2845 Cyclops a066 Prometheus Dardanus 4653 Pyrrhus
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    • 16 3 Kodaks!'' ir'AND F m n Film«; x *****0 GEORGE MICHAEL, 1 ROBINSON ROAD. June 21 f
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 63 3 TO-DAY'S TIES. D. Singlis. Baddeley v. Chancy, to finish. Tyler v. Baddeley or Chancy. The Standard Time Balls A Time Ball at Fort Canning and one at Pnlan Brani fall every day at 1 p.m., Singapore mean time (Greenwich moan time 6 hn.,4 mm.,35 sec.,) being hoiated five minute* previously.
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    • 1181 3 VESSELS IN PORT. Other Veiseli PUgs ft Tons Masters Arrived From Consignees For When j i» l iSi tl k iH YoU "hania Mansfield London Oct 11 Anna Aos Ul7 Sept 13 Moii Hbach Bro«. Shanghai Oot 11 Anna i'M UD^ g 9^l Mojl Bonstead Sil Bangkok -r ISVI
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 757 4 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. LORD ROBERTS ON THE SITUATION, Lord Robertsrspeaking at Liverpool, declared that Lord Kitchener, who possessed the implicit confidence of all, never made a single demand for men. horse* or stores th»t was not immediately comphed with. This would continue to be done He asked the nation to f
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    • 866 4 MR. George Laws, ''•"."•A?^ 1 Road. Singapore, having had 17 years minin^experienco m the East is now open to exatnine andreport on or survey mining proper t"s or astfy minerals and meUl. at short notice Terms reasonable. q Aur7 Mining and Forwarding Agents DREPARED to take up agencies and underi
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    • 541 4 Immediate Entry gTHKLDENE 10 8 Malacca Street Aug27 'po LET No. 3 Lloyd Road well suited for a 1 boarding house or family resideuce Apply to N. N. ADIS, 9a Rafltea Place. Aug 3 TO LET ATBARA Bungalow m Tanglin, 3J miles from town, rent $65 Apply to Messrs. Swan
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    • 474 4 TOILET SOAPS POWDERS. PERFUMES. LOTIONS. CREAMS. AH the above articles are highly recommended by the Medical Professicn, The Soaps which contain Deodorized Ichthyol, are tbe bost Pcrfumod Antiscptie Soaps on the mark* Sole Agents. THE SINGA* OkE DISPENSARY Ltd. 40 RAFFLES PLACE. July 18 18.10 mwf. K. A. J. Chotirmall
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    • 968 4 E. WALLACE Bronze Medalist Briti h Hjrologalic Institute Watch Maker and Jeweller. Repair'; m |M Rr.u-rhe*. ntf^r* HEMEE Co, HIGH STKKET. HA VK now received and unpacked their new seasons goods c< n-istin,. 1 of Toys tnd Do Is of all descriptions. Ladies' nd Gent s Straw Hats Shoes children
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    • 475 4 For Pontianak Direct The new and handsome steamer SA MBA V Capt. Btircho will he despatched for the abovr port on or about the 18th instaut. Sho hat good accommodation for |issi tigers For freight and pa.s»age apply to BEHN MKYKR Co., Agent.* Oct 7 18 10 HAMBURG-AM KKIKA LINIK
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