The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 27 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 755 1 P_ Office. Telegraß L. W— Wharves. Kepfl ■arbour. O STEAM NAVIGA^^ N Co Steamers for CHINA, JAPAN.^R*ANG cEVLorT india, auStral^Badrn RGYPT MARSEILLES, G^» L TAR SIVLTA. BRINDISI, PLVMO^K AND L^rS_g?Bilb of La^ng issuedjß^W*. Gulf7c™ti**»fl d Amencan Pd^mlm for China Coast. WK MAIL LINES M OUTWARD HmMF.WRI) 1901 19 01 _SS
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    • 803 1 PACIFIC If AIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY r^CCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL. O STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND rpOYO KISEN KAISHA (oaiBMTAk S. S. CO.) VIA INLAND SEA OF lAPAN ANO HONOLULU. Through Passage Tickets granted ta England France, and Germany by all trans-Atlantic lines of steamers, and to the principal citw o^ the United Slates
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    • 743 1 Acetylene Gas Illumination. "THE NEW LJGHT Howarth Erskine, Ltd. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SOLE AGENTS FOR THE "Freyr "Patent Acetylene Gas Generators and sre prepared to enter iota contracts {or the SALE of these improved apparatus or or the INSTALLATION of complete plants. FOR THE BEST Permanent or T* mporary Lighting
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    • 714 1 HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL..... 5i0.000,000 RESERVE FUND.— Sterling Reserve 110^00,000)! Silver Reserve 3,000,000 j'^' 000 000 RESERVE LIABILITY OK onr PROPRIETOR. ~.i »">4»0,30. Court or Uirrctou. B. Shewav Esq.— Cnaibman. Hoa. J J Bull-Irvino,— Diputt Chaibhah H. E. Tonkins, Esq. I R. L. Richaboson Em, A, Haum
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    • 674 1 Milkmaid b jgmmm&uamm*, BRAND P^^STmPI lWi IXT *i^'i iij^^r i Guaranteed Full Cream. ™1S« arrest Sale in the World. ""nLT ISJORWICH UNION FIRE INSUR- m***^^*Z********^^*** ANCE SOCIETYO? NORWK .^flM^Bßw AND LONDON. \/9Vlsfifk These any '1 "■"iiiisiiiii «79/- bKI f A Capsules KOK PIRE INSURANCE ONLY. §^«IBBbM < I .'.MOUNT iKSURBD
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  • 659 2 The Singapore Free Press. TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1901. lieu it.i-i Mm PrAa V t People'- -inht maintain. Unawed by influence aid tinbribt A by tram Here patriot Troth her gloriout precept* draw V\timt* to Relit. on. lotaity. an. Law. I HE chief point of interest in to-day's te'egram is the
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  • 1217 2 The Siamese Government is arranging to jjtt a man of-war built in Japan. The Ru«s»an cruiser Varyag has left Cronstadt for the Far East. H.M.S. Centurion reached Portsmouth on the 1 8th ins. and received a hearty welcome. The Canard Steam>hip Company propose to build an Atla uic lin^r with
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    • 34 2 Return of thWM£? Instruments Called For. There is anlt.iW Ration in Germany against the removal^^V of the astronomical instruments from Wjkff ekln g' The Preljft* ur ges their restoration to China. I r"|o'
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    • 15 2 Prince O/f ls dtJa > ec at Basle by i ndispositiorf 1 1 r ™J
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    • 44 2 fk I§J- sw eeping Reduction. The FrOJo! nch sU S ar Aunties are causing a deficit J fc o1 4 million francs: and the French \f Mj nisler of finance has ordered the bount»lJ7 es to bc red "«d by 55 per cent
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    • 41 2 JWW {Later.) f Boers t^Bir^P 1^ a British Detachment. A supJHl-' 101 Boei force *>** captured three officers arrVMf 5 men north oi Ladybrand. One waJULI k !fcd a d 4 w °unded. The pris{WH Oners have befn re 'eased.
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    • 9 2 Lord Ki«S hener is h^ding an enquiry
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    • 55 2 B OCr «rjßWpetsrmination to hxght. Lord Kitcwß^P ener has rece 'ved letters from Steyn and D^^fc Wet con taining an argumentative statemlSßp 1 of the Boer <-ase. stying that they wouieMTßL continue to fi g h tA letter was /^^P also received from Botha to the same efff^^F o*'0
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  • 57 2 The Ladies Lawn Tennis Club Tournament will draw to a finish, weather permitting, to-morrow evening when Mrs. j. D. Saunders, runner up for the Championship, will meet Mrs. Lovell, the present holder. At the close, Mrs. Kynnersly has kindly consented to give away the prizes. Members
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  • 69 2 The homeward German mail Konig Albert arrived from Hongkong at 6 yesterday evening. She is conveying home a small number of German troops and will leave to-morrow morning. The French transport Amerique left for Marseilles this morning, and the Austrian transport E. F. Ferdinand 'left for Colombo yesterday
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  • 340 2 Important Discovery. A writer in the Nineteenth Century gives an interesting account of a relic which was recently found at Bhattiprolu, in the Kistna district of the Madras Presidency, and which is accepted by experts to be on the whole, the most authentic remnant of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1192 2 I BY APPOINTMENT TO H. M. THE K\NG BECHSTEIN ROYAL PIANOS as supplicdJo_Govcrnmcnt House ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd., Agents. TWO to arrive per S.S, k^eSwaßD Tlf exhibited at Paris and supplied to H. M. KING EDWAKJJ yii $950 ttbs Aug 27 _J^ IKcllp Walsf), Cimitcd, 32. Barries place NEW COLONIAL
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    • 516 2 WANTED. EXPERIENCED and reliable book-Veeper with good testimonial- I*.1 Apply to H 999, c/o Free Press. Ang24 m WANTED. A GOVERNESS, with knowledge of music, for a child of seven years old. A comfortable home offered. u_*_i Apply to Office, Raffles Hotel. Aug 21 WANTED. A SKELETON Mail Phaeton, Lambwt's
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    • 646 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. TO BE LET ETHELDENE, 10 Sophia Road. Apply to B. M. A. CORNELIUS, 9 Robinson Road* Aug 27 uc WANTED. BY an English Lady, two paying guests from September. Apply S. T., c/o free Press. Aug 27 tths nc. WANTED. BOARD and Lodging by nn Englishman in a
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 152 2 MBThr Week Football "vat^^BrL" Shicid K-K. v. 35th Co. R.A. Philharmon.c^^BV. hoir S-IS p. German M^^H d °T^ s c Oie6 6 J>-,, Australian V^^K udeville Co Iow Hall, 9p. WedneJ ft y 3lh rittfti Waier^^B:'-- 5 1 4 9 M PWar licturc Town pTbur^^HtT h: li.,i WatS |K 24
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  • Correspondence.
    • 902 3 _W To T» Editor- Sir,— ln your issue -fL you quote the following V i; Mr. G. Whyte is now »*TS Kh Kuala V Lumper after paying \T I" 7 e H^fcre hear O n good authority that Mr h £B^K S.. K .pore Directorsof the Raub V Ed
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  • 226 3 Another excellent programme was furnished by this Versatile Company at the Town Hall last night, when encores were again the order of the evening. The opening chorus School Days was given in good stvle, after which Miss Warde sang I Was Dreaming with marked expression. Miss
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  • 871 3 Th« ordinary half-yearly meeting of the £tar< hciMers of tlit- Hongk/ng and Sl>ang. .ai Banking Corporation v»a- held at Hongkong on the 17th inst., Mr. R. Shewan, Chairman said. Gentlemen, the report just read represents a very prosperous state of affairs of the Bank. It
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  • 739 3 fChimm Mail We hear from outside source* that the btia.ts think the H n^kong Cricket Club very sporting to challenge them a i n at encket Hits season, so they are sending up even a stronger XI. thnn ihree years a>;o We al>o hear that a
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  • 541 3 H. M. S. ALBION" ARRIVES. ANOTHER KITTL-MCf >OK THI CHIN* Statiom. His Majesty's fine new armoured battfeI ship Albion, (apt. W. W. Hewett, arrived here fiom Sheer ne> s .it nine this morn inland proceeded t>. Tanjong Pagar VVlinrf Section N > 7, wheteshe is 11 jvv hunkering. The 1
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  • 85 3 A telegram to the Hongkong Dmt/y I Press 2 oth Au says:-The Rati-pay-rs' Meeung closed htre to-day. After the discussion on the tramway scheme, a vote was taken by a show of hands, 9 be.n* w.', M a^ a J M i 57 a ainst A
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  • 69 3 The agenda of business for to-morrow's ncludes thequertion. of ve andah obstruc•on, pacing boats on tfe Reservoir, a site or a temporary ho^iul, amendments to the Mumcpal Ord.nance, road, and road djpd., and the con^dcti,* petition nki*h4 owner*. A ddl for .be following p0.,, will dlft^S!
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  • 53 3 The American* are tackling the education problem i» the Philippine? Jth njoroujhnes. The transport, Them J£ Vuford are bringing over from America upwards of 600 male and fi-male tead, J wub their families The «ct3 fig Ure ar r *°<*»s> 400 men, 1 70 women, 30 children B*ford, 12 teacher.
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  • 1206 3 {Pall Vail Gairtte Corr.) 1 SFKBADINO THC I.IBHT. The period which has passed since the countr was opened to foreign trade has given the inha bitants time to become accustomed to the peculia differences which distinguish foreigners, and ha afforded them opportunities to select for them selves such institutions
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  • 48 3 YKSTER DAY'S PLAY. Ladies' awd Gbntumin's Douilm Hamdicai-. A. Class, Fimal. Miss J. Gunn and Mr. MacDoupall h*;n Mm Adams and Dewing, 6-i, £5* bnb Mn TIES FOR TO-DAY. Championship Pairs, Final TIES FOR TO-MORROW. CHAMPIOMSHir. Mrs. Saunders (runner-up) v. Mrs, Lovell.
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  • 385 3 Singapore, August 26, loot. Jhe pruts quoted art generally those current mt Clyde Terrace Market. At the other markets then may be small variations. Beans, Long per catty cts. 4 Do., French do. 16 Beef do. 20 Beef Steak do. .28 bean Sprouts do. 2 Bamboo Sprouts
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  • 68 3 (CORRKCTRO UP TO August ONU" tonh I/Iti f-ni....i] I/I l| Private (-edits 3 rn/5... illli documenr 83 m/s.. i/nfl credit* 6 m/= I/Illj France, demano 241? Germany, demands, .Zz\ ind.a, t. t ;j 7 i Hongkong, demand i% did Yokohama, demand.. A%: »m lava, demand ?;f, P Manila, demand
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  • 92 3 (August J7-> **s° «fc rub* 4 °j° do. Wh.te, (Pa.r L/Vvi 5 < do. (80s to the Ib) L Mace (Band*) Z* Oove* (Ambom. j Libtrun Coffee Tap.oc a small p«»rl (Fa,r quafty" 5.^ do. do flake (do. Z!) J^ do. medium pearl (Pit. ir f^ do. do flake
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  • 198 3 SHARE LIST, AUGUST 2 7th, 1901. Hank o< and japan. Ltd. D,v 1O M Deferred. £$.5/ I «*eH's Asbestos K astern Agency. Nominal. I Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $3.75 Sellers •> j Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 2* Fraser ,nd Neave Ud. 184 CJ l a 6% Debs. Par.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 113 3 HAIR PRESERVED AND BEAUTIFIED.— The only reliable preserver and restorer of the hair is Rowland's Macassar Oil, which closely resembles .the oily mailer nature provides for nourishing and stimulating its growth, without which the hair becomes dry, thin and brittle. It prevents baldness and scurf, strengthens the hair, and for
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 70 3 weather k, (August 26.) Taken at Kindang Kerbau Hospit.; Ob»crv««ury A. K, 3p. h 8 r m Bar. rod. 32 Fah 29.918 ***** 29 894 Totnperatare 83.9 86.9 Wet Bulb Thermometer... 75.0 77.0 7«ji Dlr. of Wind s S.E. BJkW. H Max. Temp. In shade 87.5 Min. do. do. 74.7
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    • 641 3 vessels in port. Aywhah Brit 112 Mutaa Aui 1* pV?'i JJ au »«eld I n.-ertain Balgis Dut&4s Kadir J3JJ S2L ""gj, P«t«i A«g Ban-kok G,-r1237 Khl.. A U g->-> 3K33? nl?^' r V U BanLiong Dut 978 Koe^ft iZfl K ti M^ r Canliiia Dat2ol Taylor J«r>« PB t Back
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    • 143 3 1 j K A K A N i: e s Hon u' Wvol1 fop Bangkok. Patroelus, fir,,.. D L^ ppo Z A i S\xe r^ut r<fOllVUail -gate, Ans., Vidowuch, for Shanghai h^ Meyer< Dut V Muntok and Palom- Thea> Ow Otertek, for HongkoSJ: HONGKONG WEATHEK TELEGKAMs.'" 10 32 de ree9
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  • 795 4 Programme for the AUTUMN RACEjMtEETING, 1901. October 22nd^J4^_ nd k FIRST DAY. I Tuesday, 22nd October. Fins* Race. Maiden Horses-We* as per sea Entrance $I©.— Distance. K.»~. Second Race. ur Tmi*» Race. Tm Sag. G^ &an l EfJT^^««clud«L Weight .ost Tib Distance R. C. and a distance.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 559 4 I Ytns 0. Bungalow, Tsnjong *aw»* Aun 26 TNFORMATIO^^^ST^S not. 42 and to ti« iaw» Any person the JK*?* Uoansiug Justices forthwith. «*^wi Messrs. Out BUI* fc Co., Peninsula, Sumatra, s m h e at present a from 4 to 12 nominal H. P. j vi 4 RKHALL SONS fc
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    • 678 4 -if .inimtV^^^f toa*** ***_^j?» .^L^a of the under«iiin«d be ore -vi A t0 understand ffohtOn»y those who are abi« bMtnnl drawings need »PP>>- By Order. Lanekat Ice Maat^b^PW In Liquidation X?ttsl Company, oomprlrfnx: One lee Manufactory- capacity «wi i— day driven by stoaii- I oUsMpwaywitb^toßlta««^^ ine La'.ae jf •J^vtoe^^Fo'rtl •**>•
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    • 365 4 OT SINGAPORE Issue of Munich 1& 01 aniountin^ to $1,000,006 at spot cent. The Umm^l C B m^^'^^^^L^^^ "/oST taMftut aaM^Vwkt wri "E^StJ^wStooa oi t*e Mwrfclp»l Ordinance 189tt (Ordi- B 1930 D 19M SJ^Oo^lMio^iy^jJJ^^^j^^ powers oC the Cormnisrioners. The MortflfW t» be taMtt $?*C SLted, »tter taking iato mccount tue
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    • 695 4 AT^- Ng Ko- R JS Ts. 18* Cecil Street, at a Cr I—TkiofflO J onthl y for each. NoforStared »£l "I** l except rent. ApplT to KH C i»" te. T OBl0 WAN 17 B«it Qm r Aq an i3agit» ~~~~~"7^^valJ7 of f Lloyd Koad, weU suited for a T
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