The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 23 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 610 1 P\ Office. Tell ft k O Wharves. fcarbour. 0 STEAM N AVI^^»W Co. Chin* C-*. MAIL LlNfcS-H OUTWARD H M^^k l ii ol Aue 25 Corom*ndel« Wag. 23 Palawan S*pt. p Tr m atta H^^toi SSL* eh» w 4^: ass sss-m-r.; 1901 Rand Seot 9o^ Canton Aug. 30 b^» ,8
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    • 723 1 PACIFIC •gafc*™?"""' 1 I o^asss&g&sssss* 1 I rpOTO RISEN KAIBHA 10RUHT/U.S.S.CO.) Throueh Passage Tickets granted t» England Prance, and Germany by all trans-AWanUC .nei of steamers, and to the principal citjes of the United Slates or Canada. Rates may beobtained I ""fISSST' holding through ORDERS TO EUROPE have the cfcw*
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    • 837 1 UR&f 11 "tsu^ 2 SSL*** 1 Ch rlbon> ""a.** r Campbell w Oil Engine t IRiley Hargreaves&Co. n,, i «.,i itfinv and C''w "•"Witf TANJONO PAGAR DOCE COMPANY. LTD. Shipwrights, Engineers, Iron and Braai founders, Wharfingers, ftc. TTH ls 'Company executes Ship ar.d Marine Engine Kep.iri o» all descriptions, m
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    • 705 1 IXONGKONQ AMD SHANGHAI r* BANKING CORPORATION. AID-UP CAP1TAL........ #io,ooo,oae ESERVH FUND.— Sterling Reserve f 10,000,000 J $I3>ooo<ooo Silver Reserve 3,000,000 J* Jl KSBRVK LIABILITY OP j PROPRIETORS 1 w Court of Dirbctobs. H. Shewa.< Esq.— Chairma*. Ho* J J. Bill-Uvino,- Diputy Chairhak. I. E. Tomkims, Esq. I R. L.
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    • 566 1 TVf ORWICH UNION FIRE INSUR- ANCF. SOCIKTY OF NORWICH AND LONDON. *EJLI S H D 1 7 9,?HOR KlHIi INSURANCE ONLY. Amount Iwv. ?u -.35.000,000 Losses Pah > u,6oo,«o» Prihium incohi Insurance effected on almost every cUacription property at current rates of premium. T! 1 HORNRO Co., Ltd.— Assent* *T»H.
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    • 194 1 This delicate is persistent as an #rv% [EXTRACT KpP^l Handkerchief. Jj-T. ft lm/"tftlir\ /Ma I Each b«ttl« U I |nIuAUUetU I equivalent to the pj=vßlS IWHITEVIOLETSJ j AN IDEAL TONIC I SERRAVALLO'S TONIC. (BARK k IRON WINE) Nov. IS mwl^ MA YNARD Co., Ltd. WHOLESALE AND^KETAIL CHEMISTS DRUGGISTS H BATTERY
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  • 1284 2 The Singapore Free Press. FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1901. Here »nail the Crew th» i'rjpie't ngr.t mmU'i. iwed by influence and unb'ibed l.f gam Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw PlUmtd to Kdlcioß. I^raJtr. and U«. A great deal l»as been written at one time or another about (he states
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  • 946 2 The Tientsin Waterworks Company pr«poses to pay a dividend ot 20 per cent. H. M. S Albion is expected here on or about the 27th instant from Chatham. Hongkong is to have a home for quarantined dogs costing $1,600, A case of double murder and piracy has occurred at Capsuimun
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  • 109 2 The French^^Hidi^ 8 j;; > u 'P»*d at c rupture with T ■Gfc /n > en S of an amicable sc fat^^^^^^ temp., .o g«W J O ccc« fu( and t^ U tations m tM m oatoum are flourish^ P R IN^r| CE C UN S MI SSION. Prince
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  • 250 2 i This excellent Variety entertainment at trac ted another lar^e audience at the Town Hall last night, when the enthusiasm dis- I played was as great as on the previous occasion. The programme was a repetition of the first night, every item again securing lan encore.
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  • 149 2 The Liverpool Mercury has received a letter from Watertown, New York, m which the writer says I am looking for a good Wife a good Respcctabe Widdow or Maden Lady Without Children. From the age of 35 to 50 years of age if you know of Such a
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  • 105 2 MNGM Ys/urlo!K s by Major the Hon'ble A. Murray. C»rps Ordjy w .^JK^"' 1 m X a P° re Volunteer Corps, Singapore, August 23rd, 1901. Suootimo Match A shooting match has been arranged between the S. V. Corps and the Ceylon Vol. Force to be tired between 31st Augu*
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  • 111 2 i. Duties-.— Orderly Officer for the ensuing week i Lieut. L. A. M. Johnston. Orderly N. C. O. for the ensuing week Corpl. E. E. Key worth. a. Parades Mondat 26th, at 5.15 p.m. Maxim Gun Drill. Wednesday 28th, at 5.15 p.m. Battery Drill with Maxim (plain
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  • 88 2 i. Duties:— Orderly Officer for the ensuing week Lieut* D. S. Carmichael. Orderly N.C.O. (or the ensuing week A Coy. Corpl. Sgt. Glennie. B Coy. Col. Sgt. Haftenden. a. Parades:— I Friday 30th, at 5.15 p.m. Company Drill (drill order). 3. Attached .—Bombardier L. J. Wilts, Rangoon
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  • 221 2 Miss Vivianne Dag mar is now playing Mdle. Bon-Bon m The Gay Parisienne at the Theatre Royal, Calcutta. Her chef I d'orchestre is Mr Geo. Trimnell, and her Company includes Miss Bertha Hunter. Miss Amy Childs and Mr Arthur Stanley, all well-known to local theatre goers. The death is announced,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 822 2 TOILET SOAPS POWDERS. PERFUMES. LOTIONS. CREAMSAll the above articles are highly recommended by the Medical Profession, The it!* which conUin Deodorized Ichthyol, are the »**t Prrfumod AntiseptieiSoapsonthe m«ket Sole Agents. THE SINGAPORE DISPENSARY Ltd. THE ROBINSON PIANO Co., Ltd. For Musical Instruments of BK^P EVERY THING KNOWN IN MUSIC." Aug
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    • 842 2 I VIOLIN TUITION. iVA regal Band, Sydney, will receive pupils, r Address Porte ResUntt, Singapore. VIOLIN LESSONS. OT I' DENTS may receive instruction iv the »J High School of Violin Playing. K. SALZER. Union Hotel, North Bridge Road. NOTICE *T*O be sold by Public Auction at Measn. 1 Matthews Maxwell's
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    • 618 2 TO-DAY* i ADVERTISEMENTS. I EMPLOYMENT WANTF.D A THOROUGHLY reliable and competent *»> Miner is open for employment. Has nad experience m the East aud spesJo Matty. ApplytoGAGGlNOfcOo. Aug23 iILFor New Zealand Ports Direct British India Steam Nay. Co., Ltd., Steamer UJINA, 3,426 tout, Capt. Robertson, will be despatched for the
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    • 88 2 To-Night! To-Night! To-Night! BIOSCOPE BEACH ROAD For Ladies Only, Will exhibit a series of moat interesting life-like pictures. A Grand Opportunity for Ladies DON'T MIBB IT. Prices) of Admission as Usual. Doors open at 8 p.m. Commence at 9 p.m. < hildren under 12 will be admitted half price to
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 238 2 Friday, 23A xHl^ 1 a 3-40 p. High Water -|oif t^M<*lc« InKl1 n Kl Unll Hall, 5.15 p. S.V.C. GencraltaV^HP ?W ar B^s PLodge St. Geors\ Co., I own Hall, 9 p. Australian V'auS^L Bioscope, p. Nt~Y^^^V Saturday, 24th tEL^^^:' PHigh Water i-vMJyg l^ due. 7 a.m. P.&O. Mail OutwCWX-^TP
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  • 77 3 I The next concert of 'hie Society will be given on Saturday 3'Vst, lorrow week) when Alfred Gaul's Pk*to.-I Cantata "Ruth" will be given by voices and choir, supported by orchestral accompani- ments. Mrs. Wynter sings/ the music al- lotted to Ruth, Mrs. Hooper that of Naomi, Miss Ellershaw
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  • 105 3 1A correspondent writes to the Sfi^Lgfmj Sler~ M ry:— The Rev. J. D. Liddell oft c London Mission and Mr. May, mining ei^^jeer, have gone to the district west of Chinchow i^Bfanchuria* To show the extent to which the '^Kr is open,' even on the
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  • 219 3 A Tokio despatch to the Aaahi sta(^^H| at FieldMarshal Marquis Oyama, Chief oflK General _VB Staff, wilt shortly resign. In this <^^Hection it is H noted that the Marquis, who has^^^fcgy S een foremost m entertaining foreign v fl^Brs of note _^B was not present at
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  • 179 3 WM A circular issued by the new|^K sU rted Shanghai Stock Exchange to members on^Bhe 2nd inst. reads Upon the requiJtion of te^Kn cm bers an extra-' ordinary genera! meeting or^fche Association is called for 5 p.m. on Monday th^^ 2 th inst., to consider and, if approved,
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  • 647 3 fMaulmain Advertiserj. Of late years one ol the most remarkable things .n Burma has been the nothing-short-oi-raarvellous growth of Association Football among the Bum.ans. Where io years a there was hardly a s.ngle Burman team m the coontry, they can now be counted by the dozens, and
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  • 1477 3 Two Houses Collavsb. Great Loss or Lir*. (China Afat{ Aug. 15th.) Never m the his'ory of house collapses m Hongkong, which is now an extensive one, has I there been recorded such an appalling catas. trophe as occurred late last evening, when houses Nos. 32 and
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  • 223 3 At the monthly meeting of the General Committee of the Hongkong General Chamber of Commerce, held on Monday, iath Sir Thomas Jackson, Chairman, presiding, Mr. R. C. Wilcox (the Secretary) read a letter (rom Singapore Chamber of Commerce stating that as this question —now before the
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  • 261 3 The utility of thumb impressions as a means of identification was foaiMy exemplified m a case which recently (xcuir, d m the Nonh-West Provinces. An ol<J man of economical Uabits and possessing s.m« property, lived ent t." alone, his food l*t n.j» prrpared for him by a I
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  • 488 3 (From Annual Report, 1901.L) Gimbral Policy. The general policy of the Bntf 1 been to murfere as 1,,-: 1 m r« specti 1* w .ffctnods and prejudices x>f the f i different nationalises composing the population of the Sutet to interfere not at all m matters touching
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  • 108 3 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Ladiss' Doubles Handicap, Final. Mrs. Salzmann and Mrs. Coleridge beat Miss M. and Miss J. Gunn, 6— a, 6—3. I TIBS FOR TO-DAY. Championship, $kmi-Fiwal. j rs. Gansloser v. Mrs. Saundera. I Championship Pairs. I rs. Adams and Capt. Dewing v. Mim 1.
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  • 573 3 PinUemen, to solace their wearied minds by t pastimes, play* at chesse, the as ronogatne, and the philosopher's game, which thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and 10 body m the mean season." All communications should be addressed to the Chess Editor, Singmfiort Free Press." Original problems, games
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  • 455 3 1 S.mla and Calcutta are at present engaged ia a I (fame, a Danish Gambtt, (alcmta appear, 10 have the position all m their favour; whihi in the £cood th^hliTclub O> lhC dvanu c l e «ns to re« with A o-rre^pondent of The Timts recently werted that
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  • 36 3 Though not m especially wea lc health those who have interviewed Li Hun^-chan^ recently state he is undoubtedly breaking up. He Pies into paroxysms of rage on the slightest provocation, and these naturall leave him prostrated.
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  • 725 3 Here is a quotation from an old friend of mine i and of yours doctor, one of the wisest, moat kindly-hearted, and successful of tho men who compose his useful profession. "One think'," he says, I have been telling j niy patients for che past
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  • 89 3 I August 33 i «W iL^'Z .Tf? Pepper, Black (ordinary S'porV) J> 5 do. Whi««, (Fair t/wJ^I g Nutmegs i ios to thr1b0...... 75 do. (80s to the lb) M*ce(B*nda) Clove* (Amboina) Liberian Coffee 3 Tapioca, small pearl (FaVr'q^Viiy" Vg do. do flake (do. do.) f2 do. medium oearl
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  • 210 3 Bank of and J.*pan, Ltd. l^No^'ina!. A Dividimds. Deferred. Zs-5/ 7i Bel 's Asbestos Kastern Agency. Nominal Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $3.7 <; Sellers *r Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. Jio? J* Praser and Neave Ltd. $84 S'°° 6% Date. Par. 9S «<>% for
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  • 69 3 I^ORRECTBD UP TO /W UHt huk 4 m/s Private credited m/sV.V.V.;" '//"t documents -i m/ s J f m credits 6 m/s! ''/'ft France, demand I ll ti Germany, demand. 2 43t India, T. T J 97* Hongkong, demand ,'i 5^ I Yokohama, demand. P m Java, demand.. sj/fcpm.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 194 3 A Cure for Cholera Infantum I Book^W a n''r t y a M S< V" rti Baker, of uookwaiter, U. t. S. A., an infant child of oar I SS! BWmB suffor^ torn cholera infant urn me doctor had eiven up all >"W of recovorv I V?°iv v Ch ""berlaiuV
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    • 84 3 OCEAN H^ STFAM I VAART MAATSCMAPP,, <k EAAtv Tons. r I gx. as*- 7039 0r«<« Mo-nwiK 6764 Sultan 8 *ss. aSr S «.*..<.» Tain *fc «<«/.«. 46,, fMau Line, ia Op«r«tion from Siigapore. ut&ZF 1 m mnd nd ct dt<k <>••' Diti, Sumatra (via Penan £.>—/•»>«. cw«* //M* are despatched
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 60 3 weainer Kepon (August 22.) T«b» lUndang K.rb«u Ho.pi«.. Ob^rv.tofy. s££iS> Fah IK'S" 1 9 Ttmptnxare 86.0 84 9 «i o I Wot Bulb Thermometer... 78.5 70 0 7«r! Dlr.WWJnd 8-^.E. SSJS Max. Temp, m shade 88.4 Mia. do. do. 73.5 Mas. m Son 146.0 I T«r. rad. Ther. JUtofiOl
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    • 156 3 MAILS CLOSE To-morrow. or Per a i n K«ok p m Ki ao 7am Hongkong be Am Jy Glimfalloch g am Colombo Bombay Yamaguchi Maru 9am Bangkok Inlander 1 1 am Tanglin II AM Batu Kahat Macassar noon i. enanß 2 m Muar Malacca Far/alia 2 m Manila Japan Land*ura
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    • 226 3 VESSELS IN PORT. Men.of-W.: Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived From P or When Cnerinon Dm g.b., I»« hron- \u-23 DeU fun Other Yew.l. Flags* Ton, Masters Arnved From Cons.gnee, Fo! When AllxTtH Au^ J.>.t. Bussanicli Auk 17 Moii \i uv v <> i ban Lion* Dut 275 Koenig \uc kJ?.
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    • 40 3 The Standard Time Balis. BrtJ ,a?l i OH Canni^ «"1 one at Pulau 7^ 1 M Singapore m«£ beinV h«7t^T- h mean tuno 6 hr 4 min^ seel j being hoisted five minutes previously. beltt^ C ba,U th U «a«
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 670 4 REUTERS TELEGRAMS. COL. tIARCHAND. 1 Col. Matchand, ol Fashoda notoriety has been appointed to the command o. the French troops m China. THE TSAR'S VISIT. The view prevail, onthe Continent that j the Tsar's visit to France is meant as rebufi to the French reactionary. LORD KITCHENERS DESPATCH, i He
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    • 611 4 FOR SALE. .Ji-L-i \7IOTOWA, Hone and Harness «<WpWU W 1 Apply to J.^o/o/w/Vm. FOR SALS A GAM BIER Press with Pump complete hf FOR SALE rv N E "Premier" High B^i^* 1 111* 11 \J o«arCa»e, m first olaa* condition. fw» Apply MANAGER. Fret Prtu. FOR SALE NE Victoria, horte
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    • 956 4 I Edited by the Rev. G. R****' i i Tiw. remarkable and instructive series jcv** p«« of la*t y ear have 2SMta b°ook JL by the we^known London publisher, Mr. f rt *cTe S is that they° gfve an estimate of the situation m China, from a Chinese pen TO
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    • 406 4 ARE THE B«ST VALUE IN THE MARKET. Fbgßrani, 10 ywn old. $12 per case, duty extra. (Specially Recommended.) V V, 0. 8 per case, duty extra. OBTAINABLE FROM RETAIL DEALERS OR MoALISTBB 00., SOLE AGENTS lyi^USTEßrBrCoy. i i AMERICAN OABTS. WELL KNOWN FOR THEIR Strength, Lightness, Style Durability. ALL CARTS
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    • 1117 4 Iritis oort of departure, and {when known) Men-of-^ aT Albion, H^.B.,CJtW 1 due Aug i Infornet, Fr., Toulon, A ™*y. Irene, Gei., Kiel, duo Aug Mutine, H.M.S., Sheerness, duo Aug Transports. Kiev, Ode*a. doe Aug B. K(>stroma, Odessa, dw Aug -,»•>£ V- n^t. Sohilka, duo Aug Veronej, OdeMa, duo Ang
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    • 683 4 potSw about R^KBrf;" 1 3 pi wreß j did accommoda* nc ONe^^Bw» "C'ffhtappjy t0 reduced rates an^ r ■^■Jbbhn. MEYER *Co -A* SEAL of mniotAMh CUT TOBACCO. PLUstrian ji«») TToh o *»t i-ipo TobaSeal of s tBV 4 I m two strei North Carolina Plug Cut Seal of i c
      683 words