The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 21 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 733 1 Pa af <> n Telegraph St. 1 &tjL WhmrvM. Keppel Harbour. CD STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Steamers CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, ■NDIA. AUSTRAL A. ADEN SiXK. JftfcSS^*^BSJ L %o LONDON. If Through IBs of Lading issued tor /»#r«*i. Cm//. ConttJ^tsl and American Ports, also tor China CoastWk Bmail lines, outward homeward
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    • 725 1 PACIFIC MAIL STKAMSHII* COMPANY ACCIDENTAL AND ORI JNTAL I 0 STEAMSHIP COMT > \NY rpOYO KlbftN KAIBHA IOKISNTAkS.*. CO-) VIA INLAND SEA OP IAPAN I AND HONOLULU. i Through Passage Tickets granted f» England France, and G*rnunvb> all irans-Anar.tiC lint* of steamers, and to the principal ciUM id United State*
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    • 1011 1 DF. KOttINKLIJKB PARaVTVAART MAATSCHAPPI]. Ageicts atsSSSIwSISIS Ac«»« 1. DAENDELS Co.. a- 3 Collvbr Quay Vmmm ■■■aiaii will bKUwt^^w v Campbell Oil Engine i e*^^^^^M^9^maj3r^ r^r Mism 1* n MaY Mw\ r*~~ :T^^ s^nV^v^aY^Fa HSmumlmHml t HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF Any Oil Engine m the World SIMPLE ECONOMICAL RELIABLE i
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    • 735 1 I tTONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION PAID-UP CAPITAU. fio,ooo,Goe RESERVB FUND.— Sterling Reserve 7* *****0 Silver Keserv* S* J> RESERVE LIABIUTY OP _sio.onoooo I PROPRIETORS i *«mwmw» Court ok Dibbctobs. ft, Shkwan B«q.— Chairman. 1 Hon.] J Bicll-Ikviho,— Dipott Cnairn*-v H. E. Tomkins, Esq. I R. L. RiCHAfioH Ev,
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    • 687 1 MOTHERS SHOULD REMEMBE' when «eicctitiK an artificial Food for their babkTHREE DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTIC. FOOD tt Is easily Digestible and very AmimirHe mn4 Nour.sning. Ie readily soluble and may be prepared m a few seconda. I free from husks and indigestible matter, which would cause Irritation am l-OOD for lofauU and
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  • 16 2 Domestic Occurrences. BIRTH. Ot;tlie2l.t insfc at "Haftou," tho wife of W. ynhi oi a s< ii.
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  • 693 2 The Singapore Free Press. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1901. iMtkm "tw I L> .ji.n dra» i f:opk s on th < v«« i f wit e-sing »n- < r nttuiri ->tit r-rtffi m.iiio .of f><* Dv «l Al anc' m r i > i«m v\ itli i!.t- 'uritM \Wu i
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  • 1608 2 1 c to'al ni:m l er of d> aths for Sin^apo c f r llie »vt ek c c;"- -unlay, Au^u^t 171 b, is 197 <« iaii*> |>cr mulr ot 41 51 The rrt«M s ihua «w a d -ci led an sati«fa« tory drcicis-. Fevtr ?till i asi'y heads
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  • 558 2 The Manila Times has it thit rich deposits of gold, coal, and a variety of gypsum have been found arrund Montalban. The •pi mr ens of i oal are said to be of excellent quality. Montalban is a mountain town (out eighteen miles Manila. A New Press telegram of
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  • 181 2 TBW FOR Traaw* f und u Reuirr's recent 1 elegramfr"^h M paRe 4 of this issue.] V^^WfcANri.THE TSAR'S V18IT TCM a^ W Another Pledge of Fri* y W The French press rrgarcM .ViJer.|pf td > the Tsar to Fiance at afrel'*friendship. lalue $400. 1 THE EMPRES|J x .G*nffin? #r
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 375 2 TOILET SOAPS POWDERS PERFUMES LOTIONS. CREAMS- 11 he abov. art c'e i are highly recommended by the Medical Profession, TLo Soaps hick o ttain leo or./e-l I l)t!.>ol, are the Sk-m IV.fumeJ AntUeptieSoipson tl c market bo.c Agents. THE SINGAPORE DiSPENSARY Ltd. 40 BAFFLES PLACE. July 18 ~Mc ALISTER Coy.
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    • 362 2 NOTICE Mfh^T' tbe3l~td*jr fti p «t I 1 hint* Valley I a:.O 0 i r <ls poles Of .ii .'»u <i So. 71 193 00 1 «U i: IV* 1.000 o Total A, 2/U4 1 froci hi t I*l I;. .ad, in''•R ■i C>'Ti .ii \*-arb ar a!-». plant *1
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    • 856 2 VIOLIN TUITION. MU. Thomas A. Kyle*, late oftka Vl«a- regal Band, Sydiuy, will receive pupils. Address l J o> h\ st me, Singapore. Aug 1 VIOLIN L,KS B QIIPENTS miy reneWo laatruutfoa m the •J Hi h s,-i....i0f Violio PlayingK. bALZKK I 11 00 II < Nv/rlli Lral c iiord.
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    • 663 2 TO-DAY'S ADVKRTISRMENTS. WANTED. A OOVKIJN'Kss, v.itii n .viod oof mn-ic for ft c-hiM uf neve.i yo.u-, d A eom.o.tablo home offered Apply to Oilicc, KafTes Hotel. An A» TION S-I.R OF Tl. VALUABLE I'i.'EKIIOLD UE-lORNTIAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS LA UEtfA," QA.MPOXU .JAVA ROAD, NKAIi THi Hl>»; Al'Ol.K l: uoCii To
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    • 46 2 A World Wile Re- utation. Chaaseerlain's Colic, Cholera an«* Diarrhoea I Hi iiie j ha« a world wide reputation for its earea. It never I ills and la pleasant sad safe to take. Fut jwle by all .leil r*. Mf .'ibl'KN>ARY, SINGAPORE, 'inlll' AaMtl if 16
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 139 2 Wednesday, list UmU Wat" 2.13 h., 2..VHockey.— S CC. pick-V S.V A. M*xim Drill. 5J* Town HalJ, g p Bioscope, •> p. V Australian Vaudeville d_. o yw Thursday, »nd Hi^t «Vaiei —2 57 a., 7. 5^ P. *O. Mail Homeward* 3, wn Hall, o n Moon First Qi^rtcr, 2.47
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  • 127 3 The above Company arrived i.y Ue Kumsang at a lale hour last horn Hongkong and open ion _;!it a* a Town Hall. They wtredue h> re M.j j^ie day. but unfortunately monsoon wratli- r dr a>« d the Kumsang anjd ionsrqu<-nly the ptifomance previou.>lV -dveniscd
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  • 142 3 The new Bluel Funnel steamer Tydeus the eleventh strVmc; built by Messrs. Workman Clark &VCo., for the well known ship-jwntr Alled«Hoit, of Liverpool, a.rived from tnat M>ort yesurd*). iik Tydeus is a vesstM of 7,500 tons gro.-», her dimensions being 452 it. by 54 it. l»y
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  • 225 3 Citloh As A Cos ve^BfiKi, Li«.k. London, July ai. A B '<^Kh inter dep* t'Tiental commute is considering i^^e qiKsion o( laying a cable btt*een Ce> lon and^H^e Cucus Isl md», m the Indian Ocean, so zz ..j^Konnect with llie submarine cable which is bein^^^aid between the
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  • 494 3 WftRRIN CH'LLS«GI S^^^n.D. R. E. v. 35TH Co. R. It was thought that the wculd easily brat the R. Ea <: f^^V**' >' only a question of h w ma<>^| L al.s the\ would win by H;«tv-r, I,'l'ju v-> uncertainty of the e waJ^Y" nee ra° r e
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  • 101 3 The Lords of the Admiralty, who are seeking to acquire the uninhabited isi.nd of Krrguelen, m the Indian Ocean, are rot sanguine of the possibility of obtaining possession of it. The island, which has an area of about 2 500 square miles, and is of very irregular shape,
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  • 28 3 Reports from Germany state that the fk° r i? Sea Canal > n c making of which l\\l r hM ukcn 9Uch dee P «B*erw». 1 silting up. J
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  • 346 3 The China Mail d scants thus on X uit-r's \.\g t ffo i v.-r »he CMia »lr pr iii' «t ions and drco atii-ns Kcuter's lel', ar>: b Vcr linn M teleK(«iM M all, and thy it aboal all tin' s*n be said f.i ut r'ss-r-ic r>> nj»hr,
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  • 248 3 ft will be rrmcml>»-rcJ ny* the China if ail) tha' m com Tiding our auiclc defending there prkrsm tie Sanitary Boa id from the stricture* of ih- Hon. F. H. May, we said the wor»t pun■fcnniil Ih .t cou db, f ill In m at
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  • 1340 3 (FROM A COMtrONDI'T Ostlca. m Mu]-J.ipt<i. i-. the f.iocip <l -<c it of the lexi'e manufacture ard tie m <m c it.t-oi tride I i t >c I'ervr*! .mil We*.cru P.ovi :ce*». h« sni'Ut b..i '.ing esUtl shmrn:, of thi. iiU.;r iliy W. I. among
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  • 114 3 Sjv aking a baz »ar m yd of th«? Tri^ff Goli Club, Mr. St oy M. I.. >-a:d H»r lame-es wne vny u.uch givm t" j»l <yin»? I if, r*jjfcially Jnme I I Jan«sVl of Scoil*'i*i, and t'i'- b au if il Qj«-rn M rv was called
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  • 416 3 Caprtiwn, Thu-«d*v, )<>\» 25 T«»\> frbeU w<re cl cutrd at Ke thard- »eviro •>■ ..liei on Th« Military Court at Dotdrtiht tt^s sniteni ed fliir'.en r*b« to impriso li.enl I N life *"vi (WO lo five and ten ye »rs lesp.t'iv. ly I afi-'n. C>p»o«iri, Th.i'*r'av.
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  • 645 3 The reference made f.y Mr. F. VV. Htin, m hit < letters to Mr. Steyn, U •fi ;.l p t,y ,h e «>*!>* va*l Gover. merit, are b.<iev d to fo-esh-d w „n appl ca'ion for an arn.u Ic -r m order t o c ,nso!(
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  • 1229 3 Th« Lps» iv of tbi Sooth African War. i liul.-Cl. Mend, rsoi', lie Director of Intelligence «>n Lord Robert*' Still Sou h Africa, ui<« and rendi the conventional C >niinewa| mill *ry c:i'ic m a fashion which will delight the bcWl of M.
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  • 130 3 L° >c ",JTKROAVS PLAY. I "\\ioK Mrs., 3— 6, 6— i, i- I *C«. |>ractioil senV ?*<_.•♦»-' Vta*--...wif wain's n, blks H\<ioic*r. >f i '"n-r. r.r-1 >'?-^r- Okies'! beat Mrs. Pr^slon and Mr. Rajnnie, 6-3 6—4. Miw Gunn a <\ Mr «^i<i brat Mrs Lovell and I Mr.
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  • 67 3 Tie wok« m i-nnne< ti"n with the Hanoi iO/>2 6*bibi'ion are vrry wr|» advanre.l. i T*e l.uildit'gs »'i I »c standing next month an! th»» tout ensemble is already of a v«-»y pleading apj.ewrancf. T»ic exhibitor-, will be ve»y nuniwiu*. Trad»* and industries of English po-srssions near French Indo- O-if>a
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  • 88 3 R-ffle« Scho >1 opposfd the Recreation I C] ib on the ground of the latter Ust Sa'urday and succeeded m beating the Club, who made 56 runs, by 21 runs. For i the School N Clarke scored 24 and C. Cooper 22 runs. Saturday's Fixtures. The rri( ket matches
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  • 223 3 Among late news items from the north ate tl ese M»i>nte I brigands and dish^ndrd so'diers are harrying M.inchuria f oui Moukdeit to the Cor> an frontier The Ku>sian f in es are unequal to the ta*k of re*t< rin^ order. There ar<- repeated reports to thf eff-ct that Tun^
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  • 64 3 (Corrected up to August ai.; .11 ll P. i '.>'.- a documi s^s i mi- .1 1 1 1* credit* <5 m/ }S .''ranck, (it-man i JRRMANV, <leina!:<! lO^l im l l 146 Hongkong, demand... >«£ p m Yokohama, Jn.ia 5%,i m 'ava, Heroand 1 p.' I la. dtn.Dn
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  • 110 3 (August M.I |66 2 S be No. i 4 '•»cl> (<-.rdinarv 'imrr 2g do. White, (Fair L/W -5% 43 7 5 Vjtrne*s f no* 1.1 c 2 do. (80s to the !b) MUc(Banda) Cloves (Amboina) ?3 Libertan Coffee 17.50 (ap'fca, small ptarl (Fair :ualitv, 56; do. do flake (d».
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  • 218 3 Quotation. P md Dividimds. Banko. China and |apan. Uu. Li Nominal. f x "itidimds. Deferred. f r ;.S/ Well's Asbestos Kastern Kger\<\. Nominal. 7| Bersawah Gold Mine Co. 1j.75 Seller- Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. $100 i, Fraser and Neave Ltd. $84 v 6% Debt.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 173 3 A Cure for Cholera Infantum. Lattt May AJ aayt .Mrs. Curtis Baker, of I Bon«<wulter OU. S A\. an m ant child of our ■el lilKir'g was suffering frffip cholera infant um The doctor had iven up all bopoi of recovery^ I I took a bottle of ChaniU rlaln's Colic,
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    • 352 3 The Standard Time Halls A Time Ball at Fort Canning and one at Pal»« Bran) fall every day at I i\m., Singapore moan tune (Oreenwich m«;in time 6 hrs.. 4 tnin., 35 sec Doing nouted five ruinuttw previously. If either ef the balls should fail, the fla" W will hoisted.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 252 3 Bangkok Ifachew 8 am l ixisnn t.s Island, Btc. Kunmond Jo am B i **ok Pan, am II am 5.V0" AJ II AM vl.uich.v I-inum //<• i rM i J (»ui, dkv Billiton Van dtr Parra 2 rM I'o i ,i. Ik Jcc Ban to Soon 2 ru tlougkung Sut
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    • 424 3 VESSELS IN PORT. Mci-of-W« Flag «nd Tons Arrived From Hot Who K^'mm X-' lt< >a A <7 Ran^ ok Certain Other Vet.elC F .p. 4 Tons M.ters Arnved From Cns^necs For When Aker N«rl«« Eu,rg,eca Au« 1h kJhinoUu B i. Amhenarden BriW^° ft"" W M<<jl vyeshmh P/' I 2 £2!"
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    • 44 4 T'e attempt fi a rm* to boycott tht public te« >•'*■■ ba-; <»le.«l 19.000 packages of C« >!• n t« a v pubicly )eiterda> at >pi. n.lid p>. 25,1*00 pack.^^es Indiai I t '< Monday. Only 11,000 package.- remain for 10 morrow's secret Sale.
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    • 22 4 The Duke and Du.h s of Comva'l and York have arrived m N'a ai. and are visiting Pietermar tzt'ur^.
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    • 228 4 four hours' fight took place at Fish River between three hundred Biitish and three hun-ired B uts, who loughly resisted but were diivm from kopje lv kopje. Tiie Briti>ti !os= was c ill er and one private killed, auu vm men w uodrd. Ihe Hoer 10-s is not
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    • 37 4 Marry,, newspapers are condemning the bo tstflsificss and aggre^iveneas of Court \V«ldetsee's fpet-ches They r>|» cially dej.r* cate the assertion that whi'e ii c n^me> of other rations have sunk that of Geiman\ ad risen.
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    • 96 4 The House of Commons h*!> read the Royal Titles Bill a third time, and the Naval and Military Works Bill a second time. The prorogation or Parliament expected to take place on Saturday (to-day). I Parliament has been prorogued. The naval and military works bills have j oeen read
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    • 19 4 The fcf-tzsaarmttee Tea Coropany'* premises on Tower »ill :n Luudo.i l.a\ b »-n by fire.
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    • 37 4 eTl.e Kaiser and the Mikado have exchanged c r^ia' tt'e^'am- *» reference to Count Wai i eption (at Tokio). GF.RMANYS* CCLONIES. It it stated that Germany das d< riJrd to form a colonial >rmy.
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    • 29 4 The fire reporte I On Twer Hi!l was not en t?-e p.- oi lie Maz;a*aUee Tea £oin> Walker and oma<, Dcnsham and Sons, tea deal rs
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    • 56 4 ,'tan Picific steamer Islander Vukoii fttrock <eb.r.< and sank Au« 10 •>■ iminu' 'Htftde*, a British twin sere* Kramer of SALE C^^, wm j,ui t f OT lne Canadian HaciJ2^ hUK 1. by Man. Napier. Shanks, BcK, r::<»l I.T n jMB> Hrrdimcnsi rs wwe le..Kth, "VK ;r
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    • 11 4 Ihf r*;i! -uend> the Frttcb manoeuvres -it Rl.eir.i'-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 107 4 NOTICE f by others of the word TANSAN m jnoection v.ith MINEKAL WATERS, th« Publk rebj infurmed that the ptopriet r f the original and only TANSAN SPRIN now registered the namtf -Tansan his exclusive prepCLU'*"Tn tl.e above comie<tiot». 1 his Mineral Water is now on sale at all HO
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    • 620 4 FOR SALE. \7ICTORIA.| Horse and Harness, complete fo* V 5 275. Apply to J. J., c/o Fret Press. Atu 17 FOR SAL*A QI.'IKT Cui'suut Mare, good for riding pw- [x>*-s. l'rioo ?U5O Apply SEAH PECK SE Ml, 56 Hi h Street. FOR SALE. A SINQLK RMsha, m good order, complete
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    • 175 4 PORVEYORB TO SVP^ EMPRESS C? INDIA. b% CELEBRATED OILMAN'S STORES. A Katz Bros., LIMITED Have pst unpacked a large] assortment of the following new goodsA New Electro lat .Cii and Silver Ware vlang «ng Lamps Table Lamps Lamp Shades Cricket Bats I Cricket Ball* JFoot balls Lawn Bowls Gclf Requisites
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    • 279 4 I 20 carbolic; carbolic SOAP I r HENT Oum»ndp WVW rt,ln M ot i for •l M tObltOS -"nert.. Sold by a i F. C CALVERT >y< Bb ~r«n r»—^ i" [AMES WATSON CO b SCOTCH WHISKIES, SffiOftl BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET. I Flag Brand, 10 years old. $12
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    • 354 4 G R. LAMBERT Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS i Grsshvm House, Battery Road. < i&6, Orchard Road IHIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHIC j MATERIALS I Framing j l(Tr.t3lTiBH NORTH BORNEO. fa< lory d<-< ica. Hie list as tiie mo\^n> Invited for the General Farms j V^ Of /JET 8 •ornmemtlag yp, IW2, as heroin
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    • 823 4 WANTED. A SKELETON Mail Phaeton. Lambert's or European make suitable for a cob of 14 hands' Two HOfoml-lmiid Victorias, with horse and 1 >arne>M complete. Apply MARIE," Offioe, Raffles Hotel. \X7aot#d a three or l ur roomed house within two miles of town Apply to H. W., c/o Free Press.
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    • 1255 4 Siiigapoi^^ J AUTUMN RACE ME:M Mf r,N G, ioo, October 22nd, 2^rM y MM an <* Jit/,. Tuesday, 22nd W<tob tr Bam'luc Satam Ban First Rac Wk "MM mar P^wm MM Thb Maiobh Plats.— Valifl -(iriB W Je *+<*>■ ARa* fo Maiden Horses— Weight as Br Natifl F'x*k IOst An
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