The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 13 August 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 627 1 f !>-,<.'' Office. TtftgnphlU O^'TEAM NAVIGATION Co. Sieamers 'A* *MNA, JAPAN. PBNANO. rEYLOfT ll&DIA, AUSTRALIA, ADEN, FOYPT WWARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR, MaT.TA, BflTTlNDISl. PLYMOUTH AND BaT* of Lading issued for Ptr$imm CfttV* Coast, f l^iAIL LINES. outward homeward^ INTERMEDIATE DIRECT ifsERVICE, With excellemli accceamodatton foe a Mailed PnfmM Aue 90 1 'llaUcea
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    • 698 1 PACIFIC If AIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY j^CCIDBNTAJL AND ORIENT AIu 0 STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND MOYO EIBEN KAISHA (oaiSMTAXS.*.CO.) VIA INLAND SBA OP lAPAN AXU HONOLULU. Through Passage rickete granted ts »ngUod PrancTaod Germany by aU tranft-Allaiitae l»ss of Mesaisn. and to the principal OM sf 0w United States or Canada. Rates
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    • 423 1 kDft KONIHKLIJKE PAMM.T*A*WT MAATSCHAPPIJ. Ubdu cemnucT vinm NmauiM i»o** Goti*bm»t. TSnS3w,S«WAoSlCT.IAl«I.DAENDELS&Co.. 3 Collyw Quav M IJ Ampanao MiMNtr Doa*»laBwool P»lebleh, tJoeoalata, AaMenuig, Mecado, Ternate, Ooron- I tilt, To*ok. D. M. Aug. 10 O«a Pel Pedanevlroorts 12 OWU*h ad Padang vi» poi-u Aag 17 »»derP»rw States 10 PmHfliwlr and BilUtoB Aug.
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    • 686 1 HONGKONG AMD 8HANOHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAU.....^.......... $10^00,000 RKSBRVB FUND.— £**«ft Reserve J 10 *****0 Uil 000.000 Silver Reserve 3.000,000 Jvi3.«*»i«» RESERVE UAB1UTY Of > COVRI Or 0IBBCTOU 9. Srkwan Esq.— Chaikmam Ho*. J J Brll.Irvini,,— Oiputv Chaikman. H. t. Tomkims, Esq. I K. L. Ricnabdson Eh» A. Hauh. Em
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    • 456 1 Milkmaid BRAND iSSdensed ip H/li I 17' oi |^^2p fc Guaranteed Full Cream. i UDEVUK Largest Sale m the World. MUKWltH UNION KIKt IN5UK- ANCK SOCIETY OF NORWICH AND LONDON. HiTtinsHio 1797. KOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. Amount Insurbo 1 335.000,000 LossssPaid T 11,600,000 PRSMIUll IICOMI 904,000 Insurance effected on almost
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    • 241 1 liVVTbT^V These tiny jKft^J^^^J^^ Capsules jHflB H|Hl| superior < >^^^^ Cubebs. and 1 the same diseases as tlu- 'Iruj?-. in forty-eight h^urs withoiu v inconvenience. >*"— v Each Capiulc bear* the mim HAIO FOR IISCA8S8 3* THl WEST GRIMAULTS SYRUP Of Hypo-Phwek.' Pre--no*i in Krttce for th« Ual I 30
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  • 505 2 The Singapore Free Press. TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1901. Here thill the Prut tht P*opJ«"i r, X t m »,,,i Uoawed by mAurnct and unhcibed by (MMI Han painat Truth her ftoriout fnctpti dra« PMarf to lUlifc. Lotmt. im v«. OUR poetical contributor, Joss Ckimckinjoss, has a ready-made fiscal policy for
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  • 439 2 Ihe P. and O. Intermediate steamer Malacca left Hongkong at 4 p.m. Un Monday, and it due here at noon on Sunday (18th inbt.j Mestrs. McAulifte and Slavin arrived today from Penang by th* Catherine Aficar, by which steamer th'-y proceed to Hongkong. The hist tie of the Warren hoot
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  • 90 2 The probable date for the next Choral Concert is Saturday 31st August, when the principal item will be Alfred Gaul 's 1* .storal Caniata Ruth for solo voices, choir, and orchestra. There will be a miscellaneous second part, consisting of vocal and iast'unv nu! it'-m-. As already notified
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  • 594 2 A special general meeting of the above Society w is hrld m the E<c' ange yesterday afternoon, the business being to consider, and pttaM if approved of, c rtain n'-uiution* rrla'ive to the dissolution of the Soci«ty m view of th« d' suability of its
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  • 361 2 tk* Bill for tht Pretectiou of Chines, Immigrants and to prohibit tktir importation except on ships ftfing the British Flag." There's a Hutt r its the bf east of the Cuckoo ir his i.est, (Htin\ Hai-git!" satd the German Junioi lerkj It is snug and cosy
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    • 55 2 Delay Over Th^^^h mil ?*3L T\ The delay m the --"g^K^on^! of thl Pr tocol is due to England <<(->■■ IR to Power>, with merely microscopic*,™^ J* itM® k toe «"C)al inter ests enjoying an equal er L; on the proposed Interna/* W h h f rseJf J
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    • 41 2 Still More Russifc^J Lord Cran borne stat/P* dorff, the Imperial RuJ.V nl Utnsinformed Sir Nichol-fifi 1 rv haQC dlor had Ambassador at St. ER fc British Tibetan Mission hadt V^\ the matic significance. Vrevcnf leal or d 'P'<>.
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    • 21 2 The House of Com J report I second time the R#^C r a Pacific Cables Biljß!iil3 the London, August 'Mj;^^
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  • 21 2 It is Mr. W. C. Michel;, not Mr. 1 who is acting as First Magistrate ffl S M Brockman H- S
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  • 413 2 'I he Austrian cruisers Aaucri'H|| r|N| and Zenta, arrived from Hongkong yetf^^ terday evening on their way home. Lt j E. Reid, r.g.a., who has been ill lately, goes home as a result of the decision of a medical board, by the Stuttgart, leaving Singapore about the 16th inst. Lt.-Col.
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  • 82 2 This morning Chua Leong appeared m the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones, charged with murdering one Ah Koon m the harbour on April 9th last, when it will be remembered that Ah Koon and another Chinese detective named Soon Kay, whilst approaching the Teresa on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 798 2 Kelly Si Walsb, Cimitcd, 32, Raffles Place Recent Books on Mining. Practical Treatise on Hydraulic Mining m Prospecting (or Minerals, by S. H. California, by A. J. Bowie $13.50 Cox *3-00 Hydraulic Mining, by Capt. I.on^ Prospector > Handbook, by J. W. ridge3vols Aod r B >•/» L fo'« Ore
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    • 716 2 $10 REWARD, LOtJT on the night ot the 11th in«tant. .1 day) a Brown I.eathir :B»i»»;Bao bearing the initials F. W. G. containing Surgical Instru- ments (loft m a hired Ricksha.) Anybody returning same to Dr. F. W. Goouetillek, Central Dispensary, Xo. 59 Victoria Street, will receive th* above reward.
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    • 754 2 TO-DAY'B ADVKRTISBMENTS. *OR SALE. \\7KLL kjwwn Polo pomr Bozar." Price vv $300. Apply M. P. c/o Fr« Prtsa. Aug. 13 VIOLIN LEBSONB. STUDENTS may revive instruction m the High School of Violin Playing. E. BALZEB. Union Hotel. North Brid K e Road. Aug. 13 I3_y. NOTICE T*HK let-tin oi the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 205 2 Tuesday, 13th Hit;!' Water 10.21 a^Aj Md Empress Frederick of C^K for tK c Xo Philharmon,c Ch o itM^n«J s.V.A. Maxim Drill, '^K^/r Bioscope, i) p. BK I N^D.^Mail HoMH-fA 0 Municipal Commi^P l^ 1 1^:" c Land Sale, PoweJ^K* 1 P< New Moon, 3.22 p^^K V S.V.A. M^xim Dril^^BT"™^i
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  • 1540 3 This^.-orfrin?, ir the Supreme Coun, c Mr. LaJ».the case of J. viuteaiJ 1 ■v.E. afoourned (rotn \VcJ. j resumed. J *n Mr EU\i »aia~Uhat when ihe Court rose on the last occasion he i»d intended 10 call another witness. He} did Jjw* propose to do so now for
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  • 750 3 The following report h-s been received from Mr. George A. W ri»jh m i m.m., dated Temelong, ath Auju t 19. 1. vi*. Having inspected thf 1 emclon^ Tin Mining Concession situated m Upper Peruk, I beg lo j submit Ihe following repo<t Results of Samplimg.— Having sampled the
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  • 265 3 Th<- fallowing is an ••xtra'-t from the r '-n-ial M^ißafer*fl o I ot ihe J-. ebu **iaing and Trading C >. L'd. for tV monh ■»l Jui>, 1901 Our returns *huuld no coo inut ti 1 npr >ye as we i(et ore from the low«r levels, our r< turn
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  • 192 3 The late H< rr Stcinitz a-serted that ch«-t-s- I placers are g he.i! y long-liv» d. but a com- I p^rative tab!e m the Deutsche Schachzei- I tung, Com put «d on acvrnty-fiv 'ives of (ji< miuent men m each o the v trious pursuits, give the average iifr-time, m
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  • 639 3 Rin Lode Mining, te^rt for the month ending 31 &t Juty, 1901 No. 3 lode behind winding Engine. Driven 1 63 ft. 6 m. Total distance 151 ft. 6 m. Lode averaging 1 ft. 3 m. of fair quality. This drive has been stopped for a while,
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  • 682 3 EOuke of Devonshire t«, not a brilliant ■n by as ynv ans but he tft.i SM V sire <>;ili 4' <S tomprt'i >.^.».nt o> I is ual tf'ap ot .my sjtj ct he handle*, and >\ ]us nr-is »i'h«l ich he expresses reciali""*. ts
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  • 64 3 An Inditn contemporary announces the dVa<h kt Cawnpure of Mr. James Bell, who hid been for ra<*ny yens a resident m Cawnj.o c. engaged ia the roauufarture of tents. He was vt-ry p pular as a good sponsm-r, and enthusiastic fislierma» a very kiev billard |.la\er. The S. V. A.
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  • 1164 3 tiii mwii ivr i'tv «">x a vrc fC€ fvts& by Rev. G. M. Ruth No?tXiV. "Oh, Todgem'B could do it when It cho*e Mind that." This sentiment, called lorth by the unwonted sp'endours of the entertainment given m honour o( the Misses Pecksn ff and tl
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  • 137 3 According to The Universe (London of the 13th July, M<s. (.hurl -a Weld, of 18 Phil irnore Ga'dt ns, E rl's Cmrt, who died on April ***** last, ai^ed B>, brquea'hrd among o'her b«-quwts to other members of t' c family a- d some charitabl.- institutions, the sum «>f jC4.
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  • 246 3 In spite of all the changes which hive taken place during the past few years, and by ihe K<eat advance m the Far East, Russi position is not j so favourable at the present moment as it was ten years agi. As Calthas poii i* out m tl>e
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  • 193 3 YKSTEKDAY'S PLAY. Ladies' Singlss Handicap. Mrs. Adorns beat Mts. Lovell, 6 5, 6— 1. I L»Di»s' and Gcntlemkn's Doubles Handicap. A. Class. Mrs. Preston and Mr. Rainnic v. Miss Gunn and Mr. Penny, 6—4, 3-6, unfinished. Mrs. Saundersand Mr. Mulholland beat Mr. and I vlis.
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  • 87 3 The oniy itrli-<ble preserver and rtiioier r>4 the hail is KowLAt.n'.v Mai a-sar Uil, which dourly re it.-tiiijlcs ,tne oily mmiVm naiuie provides for i»ourlahii'g and MM— t«liilM il>> giawih, wuhoul wliilk iiie tutir becomes dry, ihin aad brittle. Itpievenis uiildxeas and ->cail, Mrei^ftheits the hair,
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  • 59 3 (Corrected up to. Au^-: i (j^T fcfadraa. .VAttcri=tT T cakutta, B«-H»* *-inaiid .1 n| Pr.vaic crdilt, 10/*.... I/i 1 docunii-ntb 3 m/s •< credit» 6 ui/a '/"M IiiKMANY, demand i 9 6| '"A. I I 145{ Hongkong, demand pm OKOHAMA, demanc 6% pm. ,AVA, demand 1 16 ttANlittA, demand
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  • 305 3 fHO. UIVtDINDS. Hunt* pi China *nci Japan. Ltd. Lt Nominal. £4 Deferred. /.«.S/ Hell I*.1 Asbmtos FU«tern Agency. Nominal. £l Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $3*75 Sellers. 95 Clear Water Dairy Farm Ltd. tloo $100 Fraaer and Neave Ltd. W.S Sellers. S5O 10 for year
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  • 87 3 (August 13.1 V; 1 1 >* Nt u«7' ..v (ordir,ar\ S'pOrr do. White, (Fair L/VV-5% N nmees uos to the 1b.)...... do. (80s to the 1b) Mace (Banda) m "oa Cloves (Amboina) Liberian Coffee r«Mea, small pearl (Fair quality. do. do flake (do. dc do. medium pearl (Fail do.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 175 3 A YOUNG LADY'S -IFE SAVtD. At Panama. Colombia, by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Dr. Chas. H Utter a prouiiueut puysiciau, of Panama, Colombia iv a recent letter states: Lust Marcli I had as a patient a young lady sixteen years of a«;e wbo had a very bad attack
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    • 320 3 OCEAN !K^ STEAM SHIP Co. AND NEDERLANDSCHE ST'JOf*. VAART MAATSCHAPPI} OCEAA Tons. Tons. Achilles 7043 Myrmidon 2870 Agamemnon 7011 NtUor 3809 Aiax 7039 Qrrstes 4653 Alcinous 6743 Potroclus 5509 Anchises 2729 Peleus 7500 Antenor 553 1 Polyphtmut 2613 Calchas 6748 Priam 2845 Cyclops 2066 Prome'heut 557 b Dat Janus 46^3
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 188 3 MAILS CLOSE '■Momo». H»* Per At Muntok at Palembang G. G. JVry«r 7 am X Pahang, ace. Eugenic 8 am K. Pahang, ace. Amherst 9 am B. 1 P.ti Benuit I p\ Bitu P Sultan* 2 pm K. P.tha'it;, flic. Axng Htn 3 f vUUcca. arc. .««j- j r
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    • 713 3 VESSELS IN PORT. Mon-of-War Flag and Tons Commanders Arrived Prom Lizard Brit tf.b.. 71f> Watson tain Cneribon Dut g.b.. 18.» Krone Vun I. I'ucorUin n ta Aa* cmix.. 2M9 Kunste i «g Usoertalo Kalserin lllz-»beth Aus crui-... 4000 Wllhelru V 145 12 Hongkong Vaea other Vessels F:ag«|4 Tons Masters Arrived
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    • 273 3 CLKAhANCES. >r 12. hat Mima. brit.. Ctabb, f..r M. niia. Hoaakonc •ShaDgliai. Kobe «in«J Vjj< o h an a Amgms4 Honflr <Vau, Br't.. rfndaon, for Mnmrm*4 Shti i.r. Brit.. Meilor, I', r Klang Ttirb,., Brit., p«fr*«M, far Sue-?. Calypsu. Urit.. Lomn, L.r IVnan^r ao4 I Zaru.iiia, Brit.. Aobeson, f,, r
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    • 29 4 a general strike of American stcel"^Thr'general iron and steel strike declared by the Amencao Stedworkers A«sociation has begun. The Labour Federation and the Mineworkers' Organisation are acting m support.
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    • 56 4 Lord La»sdowt,e, m the House of Lords, stated that the negotiation* .espectmg Art. ti oi the Joint Note regarding the question of commercial facilities, would be possibly transferred to a more conven.ent place than Peking, and be remitted to a coherence Including rep,- s,«.Utive, of the
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    • 58 4 The funeral o( th. late h.nyress 1..".--crick will lake place at Potsdam v.. the 13th inst. Three weeks mounung tor the laic toopress Frederick has JMM ordered. The remains of the late Empress r rederick havr been removed umpnranly from Cronberg to church, pending conveyance 10
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    • 60 4 The House of Commons has unanimously passed a vote of condolence with the King and sympathy with the Kaiser. A new closure rule was adopted on Wednesday, enabling the Estimates to be voted by groups instead of separately. This rule was applied m ihe House of Commons yesterday evening,
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    • 10 4 This included 45 millions for the Army.
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    • 231 4 Sivty nnj| columns are now operating m Several skirmishes arc reported. General French states that -his operalion* are beginning to tell upon the invader? Commandant Fouche has re crossed the river Orange northwards. All Boer prisoners, as well as Afrikanders and Uitlanders, will b-. reinstated m the Transvaal
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    • 18 4 Count Waldersee's reception at Hamburg to-cl^y was of a purely military character, and was very quiet.
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    • 29 4 The 7>ai« correspondent at Odessa states that Russia is endeavouring to colonise the Amur territory, and intends to plant a Cossack Colony on the Chinese border.
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    • 20 4 Mr. J. X. Jordan, British Consul-General for Korea, has been gazetted as promoted lo be Bmiah Minister for Korea.
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  • 338 4 The following announcements appear m the Gazette To be Knight Commanders cf the Bath, —Sir Claude Macdonald. Cols. A. T. F. Reid, E. G. Barrow, A K. F. Dorward, a^d *>ir Pertab Singh. Companions of the Bath. Cola. Norman Stewart. Cummins, Lorn -Campbell, Bookey, Gartside- lipping and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 655 4 WANTED. A SKELETON Mail Phaeton, Lambert', or European make, suitable for a cob oqi* hands* Two second-hand Victoria*, with hone and harness complete. Apply MARIE," Office, Raffle- Hot«L An/ 0 WANTED SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING CLEKKrKiRAsmi or Chiwbsb.) X/fUST speak good English andghaTe general i»'A knowledge of office work. \pply, with
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    • 950 4 Really ExcdtentH! j Ind Coope Co. ALE STOUT Price $1.80 per <*°*- P**** j Price $1 1 per case of 7 do*, pintt j Delivered free within 3 mile* radius. W. A. Wafford Co. BOTTLERS, ANSON ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE AUTUMN RACE MEETING, 1901 October aand, 24th a*it aith. FIRST
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    • 901 4 sue ofMiJtid^i a 19Ot junounttnk; to $1,000,000 Knalcfral d™wfatifls)ar» <* jht go*** Singapore, hariag decided to oarry oateertate 1 lai^iittt^^^rttadlffiWifiw^^U affirtiw of tl»» Goremor is OonneU of fee 6380% NNnfiL"^* fAVte Mafclptl Ordinance 1890 W- 1 ■jgfaOTiat 189*^ sypSat H^Qfitajggy^lW» hsUbj h»^tenders for a loan ot For the ioaa now
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    • 852 4 T^ZPKRIENCED Kcroume man is open to I 8. T., c/o Fr*t Press. Auj.9 that uc NOTICE INFORMATION regarding the conditions on which the Auctions of Government Ctffee will take place at Batavia during the current year, may be obtained at this Consulate General. J. C. T. REELFS, Consul General for
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    • 815 4 H JOSEPH ELIAS, V Mai a^^l Jane 13 ur| d on '^^^B sitting rooms, near town. WaU dfl Apply X. X, Y« LKT FURNISHED. p ro J^'^Hj N. N. ADI to Powers, Kalami^B |h Ang3 aercial inter- I H^^fl *TO I*ET No. 3 Lloyd Road with herself I A Kat
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