The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 11 February 1899

Total Pages: 6
1 6 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 365 1 Xtj Wha I bour O STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Steam brCHIN V BY- INDIA, AUSTR VI VPI, MARSEILLES GIBRALTAR, MALTA, BRINDISI VKSK PLYMOUTH, AND LONDON. Through Bills of l-adm^ issued lor Fenian Gulf, Continental a>: ioi China Coast, and sa/. MAIL Ll> I rWAKD pa:-amatta Feb. v I Feb. r« Chusan
      365 words
    • 350 1 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION CO.. LIMITED. \N',, RANGOON bCAI CUTI A 's stuanirrs is intended to p v- r Vk'Kirf i v ry week. ■agora and' rf»o are booked by tlie abo\e I ■>• .t iiir •ii-h-ates to all ports ir India and also to F. /\frir-"- T '-.rts.
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    • 473 1 HE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAAKT MAATSCHAPPII Contract with the Nituirunks Inoi* ljf>v«Rs hint. ai Singapore. Ships agency, late f. DAENDKI.S^ .<».. »-3 ollyek (Jvav Time Table for February, idgg Steamer h'rom IMMN Wili De Ocb^atcbcU lo Br uw. 1 BeiiKkalis S- lk-"^k.-il;s. Siak, Panch, Bila, /Vssahan ft Deli l-<b. 8. M. V.iji,
      473 words
    • 369 1 ABRAMS HORSE I REPOSITORY HandsoajM I i wi i' }«s| i n .].<i Ex. BUCEPHALUS Anotl er -I ij<n.i i i ain%ci by th«s.s. EURYALUS, On ti:, :,:t. With a Four m hami ol MU< ks. l'air> ol arell Broken HORSES. COBS ot PONIEb. Ladies and Gentlemen's Hackb. All <>'
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    • 564 1 UONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAJIMir capita' tinaai.i o SSRVB KUND ooooorxj RKSERVE LIABILITY OF > PROPRIETORS 1 1i0.000.000 Coaaa ur Oißßciuks Hon. J. J. BELL-IRVlNG.— Chaiknan. H. M. Gray, !;sq Dhpoty Chaihman. C Bblbmann, Esq. A. J. Raymond, Esq. OaviuGubbay, Esq. k. H. Hill, Hsq. A. Haupi, Esy. K.
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    • 292 1 PETER SYS WONDERFUL SPECIFIC THK Ml, remedy M pn Sprue Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Hemorrhage and Ulceration of the Bow KKCOMMHSOK,,, THE PETER SYS COMPLY The China Mutual Life Insuran c Co HK AD OFFICE: No. 13. Canton Koad. Shanghai JAVA UAilll Mtttt.l. HI \N KIM riAN Phe C tr,|..m terms and
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    • 77 1 AT PIANO COpACU O. ORIKNTAL HIP COMPANY M 1 T OY :abushiki r r about an ■MM] J Co.. June 3. JULIUN 8, rue Vivvenne, PAh. MATICO INJECTION ,M4TtJO C ;,PSUL t -i cnrouicc— \RD &Co.,i Wholesale Retail Chemist i I stood Perfumcryjic Toilet Kequii tes Photographic Chemic Homoeopathic Medici
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  • 9 2 10 Region. Lor».t». I a.
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  • 390 2 Pi I ,n M a vi-it '.o t Im Singa r. turns fo» areeli ratio per I dcatl.- tn -pox It ii rep Governs. i Fhe annua i Kpi" I m I ti..- >•. fir. Tbo gone to tlic i t- d Mala i lay, i
    390 words
  • 807 2 hell i. 1 1 VI- SAL. Wi: \<t England doei ia wrong I clearti hei i (MM< iew c m the doin^ of it, r the wrong So brutally deihm d i.. i- the \n one, thai the d wrong m tlu: iinu,--iuji ,i!» bow deli
    807 words
  • 236 2 Tlip Daily Mai! <>\ the 14th \nn. Ins un.ler Ih /> M six •j'l'lt ;1.,1 I J |,l). (.)f Hook, the City S 1 ur.i I. ive owe f Press tl>e oih it I W« heai thai Mr A. I Collier, o4 Ihe 1 i .1 iik ly ti> coaie
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  • 16 2 I ad toad to I iT I md 4 d. returned tr >vi Official
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  • 65 2 A prize presented by an anonjmous lor on Saturday 4111 •Ist B»gry and Miv i<i tw< M( Mrs. Kose .^jbertson. Th- 1 \--y heavy. down. crat. n 4 r. H. I Rolx ftson t j licrl^nd I 1 I I. K6dk < I'l »et >> I Gr«H|
    65 words
  • 237 2 THE FIGHTING AT MANILA. SPECIAL TELEGRAM THE NAVAL BOMBARDMENT ruTHE SUBURBS CONFLICTING VKRSIONS Op THE TROUBLES FILIPINO LOSSES CHIEFLY By FIRE OF CRUISERS (Spatial io .Vj/ ;> Hongkong. Kb. nth. it is asserted here that r version of the trouble betWCCI and the FitipiMM is not .n accorda the tact
    237 words
  • 150 2 THE DR YFUS CASfc. The Court ol Cassation Vindicated It is understood thai the report ot the Committee completely whitewashes the Judges of the Court o» Cassatior. M Beaurepaire cbarg on lllt inferencr oi witnesses and the gossip of a PARLIAMENT. The Address m the Commons Trade Facilities
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  • 112 2 The Government and th; Bill. Ihc version ol the CommiLce > report yesterday is continued. Neveitheless the Government insist- on passing the Or. yfn PARLIAMENT. The Debate on the Acdress. Romanising «n the Anglican Churth. No Legislation for the Present. An amendment to the Adire- moved by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 439 2 Powell Robinson Civil, Military and Sporting Tailor. JI'ST OPENED. .1 shipment ot tli- nnv Indian fibre cloth "KARROO KARROO KARROO What M "Karroo y Karroo' (ioth 1- a n<-w Indian rrnnulat turr KARROO CLOTH m unsurpa^Mi- lor Wear m the Tr->|>ics unshrinkabN- canmt fade. For Sportsmen For CfcNstl For the
      439 words
    • 501 2 TO LET N' N 4, Prince Str.xt. 1 X l-or K. Nt at ci PartM 111 .r-, apply lo PAIERSON SIMONS k Co. I J ( uc. TO BE LET OR SOLD. A \Pri k FA4 TORY m cci pine ■rith European ma- chine v Appl> P.J-., te t t
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    • 642 2 want d Municipal Bonds 5% South Raab't Shares. FOR SALK t'atalmt; offee (o. Lid Sh;.rt-. Pcn K erniK Planting Co Shares. FRASKR ft Co., Bachann and Share Brokers, l-eb uc Victoria Par?i Theatrical Co. To-night, fit February. The I'imcr v! Uomancc NAZAN or IMK DISPISBO LO\ I I he unrivalled
      642 words
    • 287 2 TO-DAY ADVVRT'SRMEN S A ir,ister's L'te Saveti. Dm Klv. \v. H. i ostley, i S echo idge, Ge while attending to his pastoral duties at Ellen wood, that stats, era* 1 1 ked eholsra motbus. Ho says By chance I happened t> fet hold oj h bottle oi hambettaift'i olic,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 236 2 The Week. Saturday, 1 ith -In. .1 1 I.2 p. 1 1.1 row uncut. I M Outward*, p.m. ..'ii. and 2 p.m. 1 i (>.'n r«mp«r inoa < ul.. I wn H ill, <) p.m. rett, 9 p.m. Sunday, nth 1 1 1.56 p. Quinq 1— 1 ly I lan
      236 words

  • 425 3 All travellers m the tropics nonce- with more or less surprise the short duration of vviligh t. Thr nearer we get to th< Equator the shorter the twilight, the further north or south we journey, the longer it is. till at places within the arctic and
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  • 3 3 V
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  • 76 3 M i pin iii f i Uttftll Vl> w fr' m tl r i c I Mini td "Just 'ii i i> x I. :i fly. 1 bey 'l.ii t-< *%n sure y m t the i i^i t j> t'i en. i,l Wkmi v cl
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 104 3 Katz Brothers, Limited. HAVE 1 1 M Ki' IP LARGE MO< X 0 -> T «r I D: d: roq: v < ha b f ■'*j > i w II i BENTWOOD Black. Vv'alnu' M v. 316.00 N VVdoll »J i 1 1 L! o f::- r: y{ M^^o^r \_s
      104 words

  • 884 4 .>/>'• :ator.j The dominant tact ol the year iHyS has been the rise m the position ol the Kn^ksh-speaking peoples, which has been so great that ia a quiet week like this it is worth more than a moment's examination. And first as to the
    884 words
  • 378 4 LORD CHARLES BERESFORD'S MISSION. I Poi i I I 111 tkal and I i i X v.,.1)/ pr.,. I>!,1 I nn^ my claim to sphereP. ji-nci:' that may b- pat forward eitti. r j.-Uvvkoi.^/h/oj baliaaafraihmj w ing fir,t Mil HIM and Ml Md ■< r s:> A W ,H br
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 399 4 ROBINSON Co. Are Making a Special Show of 1899 "Premier" Bicycles Which embody many spc .on nish and d> nrf very important combination, vif, Lightness with Strength. ALL UP TO DATE No 1898 patterns offered as New Machines. Jv Sales during 1898 Season EXCEEDED 40,000 Machines. V* MODl.i. YODEL O
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 308 6 John Little cS: CO., LTD. OUR FIRST SEASONS SHOW OP MILLINERY Varied assortment Choice Novelties Newest Styles FashioMble Skapcd Stra* i s Hati Win. Cokmrcd F< it- and Piqaes. Trimmed Miiiiner\ m French Xt Mod -ens Washing v\ Ea»broieterj HaU and>. Flowers. Feathers. Pompoms. White Skirt- Nii;ht <- n
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    • 524 6 Singapore Sporting Club. SO IK H. As, ,a| (iiiioral Mtftin^' nt the Members of th. Sinsapon Spartinc Club will be held ;u the K\< :i inge Wcdtv <1 iy, Pebnurv the 15th, at sp. |n p ;i;>s a prajfaawwe fix d.ues for ihe Spn^« R^e Meeting. 1 1 <■ Lommrtce
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    • 203 6 John Little Co., Ltd SING R E. WE j: w i>Hi< will' H Wf i.y Remington Cycles. emmgt n Higl $165 Net Cash. Do Mod 15 Golden Rod Cycles. CHainlets < yclt atic Net Ca-h. Golden 1 > C olden I od Qenl Rover Cycles Rover Lifcht Re lard !O
      203 words
    • 155 6 ANG BAY CO -LING STATION Polo Way) M< iet Si unu, BR\^ I.fUHT)DESI S maira Nnfailea 00 1 -l hitch Maii-vi k Iji undi 1 -luil-, ■1 1 111 the Hay, I tide, b> day i r 1 par iiour. >rt or .me &h 1 wd provisions obtainable at mo-
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    • 611 6 The Singapore Free Pre?? AND Mercantile Advertiser. *ulk A»*mmm,—AJ9triim S I I rii!)SK \i MBkK.~ Nl Published at 30 3, R.ffle. Place, Sin gapore ■pHEleadiag English N. li>< r ir A Straits Settlements Johore-. ,h e Federated \aiis.- States of Pena, Selan. gor, Saagd Ujaag, Pafciag, the Negri Seaibilaa Britisl
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 223 6 VESSELS KXPEC T E D. < t known) c due l-'cb. b R I S I N 1 I ..on, Mai! 1 Pcb. IK\ 1 1 I 1 I K. 1 I! I I. I I. 1 I tli. St. 1 m Kk. 1 1. *•>.. dredg 1 Poti mouth,
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