The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 25 June 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
  • 15 1 THE Singapore Free Press and MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. THIRD SERIES SINGAPORE. SATURDAY, 25™ JUNE, 1898. adfasdfasdfasd
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 131 1 O ST VIGATION MAIL LIN I m 1 %t. Ittlv Crusar. f Iterme. 1 i1 I Km Boh f ETt Hmk mm i p I Ik -i ■I All JMBJWS "■Mia A Sadre m 1 Partibus Jte i- tern Archipelago HeS G. M. W A t y IS I /<
      131 words
    • 147 1 BRT EAM NAVIGA. LIMITED. lA. :-d t« I kH ports m India and N. CO. jN COMPANY. }be ttjo oa »o Co., B RTH ERSKINK LIMIT iAWAHa Be THE I YD .ne. PI MPS fc: avor.te olchcstCl Pumps. Brush Electrical Engineering Company, Limited. HIGH. RADE LUBRICA :pro\ :.ery i o
      147 words
    • 381 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART M AATSCHAPPI} Under 'ontract with thi OnTHiRLANri- India Gotirmhii Agents at Singapore, ships Agency, latb I. DAK. \D llvbb Qvkv Time Table ior June, IS9B. Steamer Prom Expected Will, be despatched tor Batavia lune »3 Batavn, ('heribon, June jj. ir. Bylandi iya, HocleWng, A Gulf of Hum
      381 words
    • 274 1 I XJONGKOrG AND SHANGHA BANK NG CORPORATION ooo.c<o 000 000 I r ..J10.T00.000 Hon. J. BELL-IRVlNG.— Cmaiuub. rMAN C. Belrman-. A.J. Ray DaviuGuhb I R. 1.. Ksq. A. H hsb, E»<j. A Met N. A Sm If MAMAOIK Honukoho— T. JACKS..."., Ksq Manaoib i '.ADc-GARDNEk Ktn, Liuirav EST ALLOWED OpCuiiin.
      274 words
    • 151 1 DHOXNIX A^ USANCE COM °ANY OF LONDON The i.' are NSURANCE COM "■ID THE TOKYO MARINE INb ANCE COMPANY LIMITED. T"* '-d agents pared to ■pore j RILEY, HARGREAVES o The Cycle of the future. icatcne Chainless lyc\ RILI HARGREIA o. -oyi Psvchu 4< Pathfinder vcles RILI HARGREAVES Co. ents
      151 words
    • 53 1 QCL Fraser& Neave, ArtiLithogrraphers Book. and Account Book M; w PUELICATJ^ T S,' Ri THE S I N G a ROl HAND BO^ Fraser& Neave, Ltd.. lOC SIKGAPO&£. COM! SKILL: DIEKTS TROPIC I WATL RELY No order 100 No order too I Ask for Fraso' d fc*> J. M. LV
      53 words

  • 490 2 The Singapore Free Press. SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1898. H. lin- lin ime dU inI >o long -tiling Icbs, in > we itic women, over to a li!' ,p<; of rew I betti i nslavi m< oi of women and g epithet for this change. How well justified PrOt( I;
    490 words
  • 36 2 wi. ihe pul |J i pr i n< i sn v n wi< E Xi t i it it md unll, •ut tlie i u|> i; trins|jar<nt alioul a i emnants -pect.
    36 words
  • 30 2 Ie is repotted to h.<.. L be. I pica o! ceman v was taki.n oui of a boat when going I b r. undi year.
    30 words
  • 5 2 the means
    5 words
  • 24 2 i must J x**re k trom ike ■at the attendqfi with'th^ >th C aotn mitteto bring Mack ra *">g auihu. photo-
    24 words
  • 6 2 Id. a com
    6 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 LIPTON TEA MERCHANTS BY SPECIAL APPC NT TO HER MAJESTY THE qUEEN LIPTON'S TEAS drunk everywhere m air-tight tins. LIPTON Limited are the Largest Tea. Coffee and Provision Merchants m the World. 'JITS TEAS. Largest consumption of any. Can be purchased from all Store-keepers m Singapore. SOLE WHOLESALE AGENTS Messrs.
      54 words
    • 32 2 BOREMASTERS. Borneo. I fcID AT ONC WANTED GRI KHN'MENT. :iPAL NOTICE \LA NOTIC IFICATION t DISPENSARY. I Kegoj The Fire Insurance Association S gapore. OLD LTD. W. A LEAIH. h ■»pore« «47
      32 words
    • 218 2 ATC riON SAI.K, at our Sale-room. Monday, 27th June at 11 a.m. A modern enlarging apparatus, comple c, witi km (new], A Dallmeyer patent rapid rectilinear lens ncerned. POWELL v Co., Auctioneers. June 24. QB NNcra r s iurnnhed by the week o r i- Apr... 1 VMON I. I'ou
      218 words
    • 128 2 DAY'S ADVERTISEMEN WANTED. Tanjong P Prye River 1) *k Co.'s Shai Municipal Debentures. I FOR SALh;. .(invliip (Jo.'s Shares. FRASER ov 0., vnf/t and Shut Broken. |Un, v i I i< )N s ttl tin, at oui sale- roon: 1 1 a.m. 0., AUCIIOIU.TS. Jam ANTED. A hurnisl < ntleman.
      128 words
    • 32 2 REUTERS TELEGRAMS Contagious Diseases at H enactment of Legist Authorised. THE WAR. THr INVASION OF CUBA Admiral bamps n Landing HArtillery. Admiral Car: .uadron. Omcial Declaration. Proceeding to Manila. ADVKK NTCOLUMNi I
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 136 4 John Little Co., Ltd. Champagne. Pommery and Greno s Champagne I x. Sec. Renaudin Bollingcr do do $> Geisler Co.'s do do Jouet do do X i.ouis R do do 1 P arklingSa £CIALLY ECOMMENDED Dry Royal. De Sparkling Moselle do Hock J by C. Meynac Co. Burgundy Bcaune Bi;
      136 words
    • 37 4 Liquid Fuel. The best and most economical form of fuel STEAMSHIPS. EAM LAUNCHES. LOCOMOTIVES and Steam Engines of every description. -d to supply this at our .ation can be had ppiuances for v I unt j. lUi.
      37 words
    • 362 4 Katz Brothers, Limited. ARK NOW SHOWING A LARGE STO( UK FOLLOWING GOODS IN THEIR Furnishing and Drapery Departments. Black m> tiu Cloth^ Fan Ladies Hosiery. Under Vests, Bathing Dresses 'un Linen Table Napkins I. in. Bentwood Chairs I oucln i, Marbl Bedsteads and Bedding Air P '•lat->. Bamboo Suites of
      362 words
    • 145 4 TO LET \7<> )THBRS. June 1 u.f. TO LET. A GO DO try lrom Ist J al hi 1 1 11 )un- 1 TO Lh eet. lur Rent aiHJ PA I June >\ 1.7 TO L THK M imsioh,' Riv« 1 1 nro lei ices the »ea atu TO BE
      145 words
    • 111 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. i M. M P. Hi 1 Salazii I Me- < 1 J. M. 1 and threnii. the hum 100. cloud- Nail, tally, r rai wet). H .Sky Rain 10 a s^ ORCHIDS. J. d' A. PEREIKA, Horticulturist. ROWER, In Koad. April 22 PSYCHO I.ACER, WEIGHI J4 Price Si
      111 words
    • 254 4 The Singapore Free Press AMD Mercantile Advertiser Published at 30 3, Rafles Place, Sibgapoie THh nents Johor< ung, Pahang. h North Borneo; Sarawak ,ind> Indies, Java and Su: irculated m Siam, I I eylon, India.. will) a weekly editu Thursday b\ th> more generally ure m n... <>f local t,
      254 words