The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 2 June 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 260 1 A. Q QHf bour s OsTfcAf ATIONCo. Throofh I td for Per 0 for i Coast, and 5«» Fr*>. f ngkong. MAIL LIN rWARD \KI) Verona Coromandel j. C.-.usan Bengal Cc" INTERMEDIATr DIRECT SERVICE, (1 excellent accomrr. -.ted number of Passenger tes for Europe.) 'Japan re Malacca ■Manila Java st
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    • 217 1 BRI 1 S f \M NAVIGATION CO., LIMITED. iOP kLCUTTA. Huan is intended t* cave Ta ionp Paj^ar Wharf every week. Passengers ai.d Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon aiso to East African Ports, Mauritius or London. \ll>r MELBOUrvNE
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    • 431 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKB.TVAART M AATSCHAPPII. ibu Contract with tbb Nbtbbrlanos India (iov krnmrnt. Agrnts at Singapore. Ships Agency, late I. DAKXDELS Co., z-y, Collyer Quay Time Table for June, 1898. Steamer From Expected Will, be despatched tor BawMUl Hatavia May 30 B;davia, (ihenbon 5 |uiu M. Vajinmhu Pcmum May 38
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    • 197 1 BRASSLiiit de i NTOMVILIi THL WELL fcS'iWN TOURTELS BEER, PRi A BE SM Ap r .;> MOIME COMT: ngapore I. OrrfHRBtMBR X CO., P*«l« b 1. th CERTAIN CURE IM INDIGESTION. 1 1 U -11 M and water Boass 1:. taj t<>« w cfa 1 The Old Blervd timer i-
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    • 433 1 UONGKONG AND SHANGHAJ BANKING CORPORATION. PAiD-UP CAPITAi *****0 ■ RESERVE LIABILITY OF J PKO -.$10,000,000 COUBT OV UIBBCTOBA Hon. J. J. BELL-IRVlNG.— Chaikman R M. GkAv. Esq Duon < haikman C. Bbubmann, Esq. A.J. Raymond David Gubbav, E&q. Kichakom>m, Esq. A. H\un, Esq. Esq. a. I R .St- I N.
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    • 222 1 DHCENIX ASSURANCE x PAN'. 1 OF LONDON. The und<-r--are pi Joho- Nov SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. AfM'.- *****. iai Manse Insrrance* effected at tmmm I so per cert cask Discout allowed ob MtnM Honu. THE TOKYO MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. "7" H E undersigned,
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    • 61 1 PACIJ COM Pa I qp Li* t ,«t»or> o4 pr* i cee«l»ntf i)ve'Ui.>; n M mtmj wkhin ont yt a; Oct.. PRITCHAhD Co 1! iEELE P. S The la had ad. j leather PRITCHAi 1 PE\ THI W DA AuRA I R^:po^ 1 Veterinar* HC HAF \1 1 i j
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  • 1064 2 The Singapore Free Press. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1898. GFGHGFHGFH- HlSl repeating itself 3 o far that the lir.-,t official n.tws ol (In: a< lion begun by Admiral S< MLtY at Santiago <le Cuba likt: that of the Bay of Manila is made public through despatches to Madrid. As might ha\e
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  • 23 2 Thr u<ua/ Monthly Ifedd tiAndi<*(> itas iih June-. Tlie pLy for the Club Competition h -tpuir<l to Saturday. iSth |un«-
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  • 17 2 THE RECTIFICATION OF KOWLOON FRONTIER. tht edification o L\ including ll lo Miii Ba the i' Chit;
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  • 76 2 Mnnks heavier irmed an<l better protected ships art- lequireii lor the mainMiance of Dutch Mtbonty m the East and dwrlls on the va'iv New material is lo til out 10 brin^ the squadron up to the required righting strength It is intended to build barracks on 6hore
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  • 111 2 Ih' MtenMlg ready f.>r oc< upatioe ten d.«ys <>r a fortnight A neat ib-l.inti,. will aftur i mucli nredrd accommodation, and will Marine Dr-p^ on Comment" d about June last l! have cost 515.000 to erect, the work having been well and satisfactorily carried out by the
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  • 510 2 1 he n> the (jcrman tr leaving boun-: p m A Hokien tr^ihaving m t o Mo> (or the arrest of a ma ag at the fa ners from Hankow will be the iJobra V.ilna Flo which left on the 31 -t. She is the hrst o! some half a
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  • 14 2 MAT SALLEH QUIET. The "Plover" Gone to 110-ilr. H \1 S li-
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  • 1 2 vis
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  • 94 2 ENGAGEMENT AT SANTIAGO. American Admiral Bombards Forts. Alleged American Repulse. Official despatch, from Adn Schiey began to bombard Ui< ing the town and harbour i Cuba q ua and lie tire ot the A; were American Version of the Fight. ■n- admit that auxiliary truibut claim to have
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 201 2 Robinson Co. CYCLE ACCESSORIES. Lamps. The Microphote The Silver King r plate, the most handsome r. made $0, 00. The Toura The King of the Road Jap.. ir Shape to Silver King but Japanned $3 75- re Thr -Little Fire^ The "New Lito' Japanned rr plated 9Q.00 Lamps Wicks m
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    • 432 2 TO LET NO. lf.J KatHe-^ Place. Apply 10 MF.YEK BKOTHEKb. June i. v.c. TO LET. A GODOWNat No. yi Robinson Road, entry ftom Ist July, 189 S. Apply to ORir.NTAL S ULimovr at Kl«< tru C<>., I.rr>. June 1 uc TO BE LKT. L'KO.M isl |u!v, 1898. JosirHiMi Lot raei
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    • 461 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS Singapore Philharmonic Society. A I HORAI. ORCHESTRAL CONCERT Will be given at the I own Hall on Thursday, gth "June. Admission, Si. Members, Free. Plan of the H.i: .it the Robinson Puno Co. June i \I7AN Hi) at once, tn>t c ass full sized English Billiard I'. it/It-,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 371 2 The Week. Thursday, 2nd ■d 8 p.m. P^rsee TheFriday, 3r Public Schoo Mon^; Hong Tec* p.m. Saturday, 4' 1 1 a S. R A. Spoor p m i.m. Temperance Club. Rest. K. X P. ItO MailO Sunday, sth 1 p. day. Monday, 6th A^r» l urn. Emulation 1 p >m>
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  • 159 3 Pbr»» Si MiOR. F.rsi l> 1 E. oetween the cket ■nmenced on the 301 the enormo com oted to the pitch by thand alt< -mall M taken up and although I a bl' n to n m to know that the really excellent pitch prov ded. boc though cl'
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  • 228 3 ootbail match, contrary to general nded m a draw, each team The betting wa> very favour of Selangor, as the Perak not suite a representative to rtunate absence of hail Denn\> md George The game and well •her team being able to secure at ♦taee a lead of
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  • 562 3 Accocsr by a Late Resident. DkPLOIUBLE STATS OK THE SrAKISH Soldiery. How the Chinese m Manila are beinu Utilised. ■gkong Daily Press. J Among th se who accomptnied the Japanese Ti-m Manila to Hongkong was a Mr. P., who temoved into the city trom up cjuntry
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  • 56 3 STEAMERS ON THE INLAND WATERS. eceivrd ,n Tsungli m Imperial dated the 24th day ot the ?rd moon (13th April) granting permission to use steamers m all inland -rder to exII jljh ;at ts to the mercantile community Empire. The Impena. ye noted he local au,out the Empire an
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  • 10 3 Crates i> introducing into the lock-up were fined $3 each.
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  • 856 3 IFrtm our awn Ctrrfftnmmt.t A telegram from Macassar states that tbr small Sunda Islands were visited by heavy storms at the end of April. There j was considerable loss of life and destruc- j tion of property, especially at Bima (Sumbaw.^ and Timor Dilly. Ilie Nitwwsblad says it
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  • 276 3 THE TAKING OVER OF WEIHAIWEI. :aking over of W'cihaiwei by the British, which was generally understood to have been fixed ior the i.sth May has now been put off until about the ;ih June. The Japanese, it is stated, asked for a fortnight's time tc complete their evacuation of the
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  • 985 3 11 Gentlemen, to solace their wearied minds by honest pastimes, playe at ches c, the as ronomer's fame, the philosopher's game, whic>t whe tes thyr wittes, recreates theyr minds, and hurts no bod> m thr mean season." Problem Mo. 50 (Km?) is solv. d as follows
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  • 103 3 A rather amuMiig Kene w <s> witnessed id Battery Road yesterday afternoon about 4 p.m. A couple of "West Yorkshires," who were carrying their rifles and were apparently coining off <luty, fort-gathered with a group of German blue jackets. The Tommies asked: "Are you chaps Russians or Germans
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  • 366 3 The first of ihe Shanghai papers to get information of the railway concessions to the Synd represented by Messrs. Jardine, Matht and the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank w*s the French paper L Echo de Chine, which pn--,um-ably obtained it through French official sour The first mention
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  • 101 3 iines< b< lore the Magi--•rat«- thtt morning for gambling were fined ihc pro-ecution of Beattie The suni fuifeited, an<i §10 awarded to thr infonirr. And yesteiday the same officer prosecuted Other Chinese, rikisha coolie», for a milar (jfff.nt were all fined m Mims of $2 and $3 each We hear
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  • 69 3 (Corrected up to Jim On London Bank 4 m/- .1/11 demand 1 Private 1 n Hits 3 m/s documents 3 m/s 1 credits 6 m/s i/ll Fra Germany, demand I N 1 J 1 I i I4lj HONt.KONG, demand 1% di*. Yokohama, demand pm. Java, demand 114 MANILA, demand
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  • 98 3 (Jui i"' l4»-"i Gambier 5.35 do. Cube No. 1 8.30 Pepper, Black (ordmaiy Spore; ji.l2--do. White, (l-air L/W=-s%> „38. Nutmegs iios to the Ib.) 80. Mace (Banda) 75. Cloves (Amboina) 17. Übenan Coflee 17. Tapioca, small pearl (Fair quality) do. do flake (do. do.) 5. do. medium pearl (Fair
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  • 91 3 JUNE and. 1898. s C 4NI Hank I )et« a md Ncave 6% and Sha. ;)r em. Mining and Trading to. Sv7S BI'nallotted. X i ohtvation Co., lad.Jj. s t itt Norn 44,000 \om. 2nd I nalloiled Second I Nt iU> Peninsula Pros Co I U: Maynard and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 96 3 It is Remarkable," SAYS MR. W. WILSON, THE POPULAR Chemist at Rawalpindi Murrbb, How Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has attained a pro- I minence m this district, and though it has only I been introduced a few months it has taken the lead. From remarks made by my customers who have
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    • 50 3 COLUMBIA BICYCLES Weight 25 lbs. Gear IDunlop lyres, &c. complet< guarantee. Price $180. Payable m 12 monthly in^talmci' LVON at iv May 7. u^. Parisian S<xict\ ib very particular iti the u:>e o! pertumci this season >nung ladieb rs^cially niust use nothing but he bebt people delect Mfi oreßrand»»t once.
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    • 76 3 OCtAN STtAM SHIP I EAST INDIAN OCh >Hr* COMPANS NKDhKLANDSCHIVAAKT MAATSC Tht Comply M<m» despatched trflii Mkwn MHtlMgi Sourabaya. Thro^. h Ml The rates ot freight and |MMaft •ther particular can beaacertait. tke undentcned Lines m Operation from Gorgon, Crrr yor\. and Ganvmt.i Man erery 2> •!.> m count. Time
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 143 3 Weather Keport. 'June 1.) Taken at Kandang Kerbau Hospital Observatory. v. Ip. m. t. v. Bar. red. 32 Fan 29.902 29.791 29.835 Temperature 877 860 854) Wet Bulb Thermometer... 78 7 79.0 78.0 Dir. of Wind S.E. S.W. s.\V. Max. Terni*. -il- 88.0 Mm. do 76.5 M<» i Ter 73-4
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    • 340 3 VESSELS IN POI Mer,-of-W«i FU|i md Tom Commaoden, Arrived Fron. h»r Hkkv Other Vessel* Fiaiti A Tons Matters Arrived Krom onswjnce* aei. :*l! B'l a» Brit Bkagi t BtLL^ Hkkas Dut BOYKION Bosh, No Chow Brit y,o LoaiMißuvi (-own D»R E>»MfcßAii.« Sel. Brr Fas>^ G. G. Hai v Kms Kirn
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    • 11 3 The Standard Time B A flint b. (Greenwich it hwstec I^ed.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 124 4 John Little &jCo., Limited. Have Just fr Stock of the Following ~t^*i ms^ AkJI ftj^ I -.^wi>.l4L» '.....m ry Heat: Henry Heath's Single Terai HatsField s Single Te: Christy's Single Terai Hats Roytes S Bltwood'a Sun Hats. cote* wt>e/> Knitted Wool|Sweater^with turned-down Collars 2 C 1 12 16 bore
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    • 142 4 VESSELS EXPECTED. rwn) Ha M Hl^HI X Ba. Pah Y«i- An«v< \|.Kl», \< MSH mburg, Apr due June X Btl Brl C»i CHII X I I )k Dai 22 line v n Wo ia, Yai- nkow, dv 1 1 .na japan. and Mr. P. Mr. T. M. Aood t lune
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    • 197 4 The Singapore Free Pr Mercantile Advei Cam Published at 3c SeibiUa i at noon on homevs mend, for sutj of local of ma' CORRtSPONDENCt Literary matt> thenticated should be addressed to thr X munications should be writu paper only. Rejected Manuscr,; »d SUBSCRIPTION (m Advan, Daily $30 I v I)
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