The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 28 January 1898

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 158 1 P Vt Wharves. Ne_ O STEAM NAVIGATION C eT' RMAIL LIN. ARD —A'ie |a« 1 Verona INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVI .NK COMPAC MARITIMES D T>.e maa steamers hoid -.-emCOMPA I nterder.c- ol EartV-' 2 Gbavino Dck O__ir-c-liou» V.**Ar- tut-tmmmmamm, w,.n W Mram, alao Shears complete tc WW TYr- of -rorkrr
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    • 149 1 vQYD'S STEAM ON COMPANY. _!TH THB V iINT. a on which the Co.'s 1 \RD. FOK Tr via Poar* Amphitrite Feb Maria Valerie .-aid good oiombo and Calcutta 1 every outwan 1 corr e war h STEAM NAVIG CO.. LIMITED. inert is inter.ded harf every week. booked by the abeve
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    • 539 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAA Under CoNTRr\CT with the Netherlands Indi Agents at Singapore. Ships Agency, late I.DAENDELS »llver Qva\ Time Table for Janu-r,, 1858. Steamer From Expected Will, be despai.v uate. Siak Deli Jan. 21 Paneh, Bila, Jan. ■>• del Pada g Jan. 8 Penang, lOehleh, i jan K-ns Padang
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    • 456 1 UONGKO' SKANOHAI BAN JN. 'JOO.UOC 7.000 .KO j RESERVE LIAI.I'.ITY ,v*«nr_* PR< ..J. 0,000,000 Uißßcn-aa MICHAELSEN, Emm. C_-__m«j_. Hon. J. j. Bki.l IBVt*M .AN C. Bbcb-umm J A.J. Rat-MMa G. D. li j R. I-- Rich i G. B. U j R. Sh_w/.N, Esq David Gubbav N. A Siebs R.M.
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    • 185 1 DHCENIX ASSURANCE COM PANY OF LONDON. The undersigned Agents for theabu. ire prepared to accept I johore and the Ma Nov jo SOUTH BRITISH KIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPAN\ OF NEW ZEALAND Capital i,a.CH- re and Marine Intrranee* effectrr ao rri.t CAAt on MarioVVv THE TOKYO MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED.
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    • 133 1 DACIITC MAIL STEAMSHIP x COMPANY AND OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPAN I tirou-*h passaf*. loot' lonatr raurr Special redu, hcers ot tr» to be obi Haiser.k;. r' prt ■___m OveUi C 1 ai P*-f_engcrs, whs have paid ful versa within one year, will be allow ol lu% Thi: lots not
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  • 7 2 \r v 1 .aiaa. Prnawi,; p
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  • 559 2 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1898. It lit to know exactly how u any ver-ion forth to the world, of private political con-Vi.-rs.itions We can of co.; without reserve ir eches at Kit 'ma verba are recorded b) I ocamao seated at full length to the prr e
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  • 363 2 glin lilu* t* not al Duke I be mortality retui -nded death rale of 38 24 per mille. a the preceding week. The numb'-r of deaths was 114 a* against i louse inform, ing Johore that thev might just as well take their with them, as there are some long
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  • 56 2 The arrival ol with Prince H vs. il l be about mx d nally by tl to be for waul D would i">p'} tion to duty who ii r d that llie r. don n of some kind in t The order, .m at a not 01
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  • 10 2 I dunks. It m-v work, -.ent
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  • 5 2 know
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  • 2 2
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  • 7 2 A li ear, a
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  • 15 2 mem- It was pr at a t< officergentlemen who education in Lor,
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  • 58 2 I- rom a i r^n of by people omprehen- h'ran- have the Christian e oni*h some i v[_ m ii hard will not ha. d till th* April, 190a .1 m. If Frani laid aside ute sit not ha. hai to lie war ind rds of fianc*
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  • 165 2 About 4-15, yesterday alurnoon, a Chinese named Lim Ah Kwi stole a head ornament from street bj t|, e m-n Irom the Fin ltM j by -able wir n c Police (Yuri, the t in the Su!i and the constable, who had seen him throw something into a ditch, went
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  • 13 2 VI Russia and Japan Th. private gathering of ei London. Jam,
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  • 357 2 rh N. usen K.. cided to increase the .freight ing t afternoon the Court re I th the h' t The defending re in Chief I nsular corps and the man n d th- il to a beam w and burned thf theatrc to get a n es Lamb's -nan
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 83 2 Lists will close at -Jay the third d.ty .bruary, 1898. Fraser and Neave, Inmited. unancr tSAo bttag Ordinance V. of the year ISS9 of the Ordinances of thr Shareholdr- I to the amount of his sbSHARE CAPITAL, 5225.000. DIVI DED INTO 4.500 SHAR S5O EAi TH DEBENTURE--. Present issue
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    • 58 2 The above-mentoned certificate dated 17th Januar\ n and Mr. Evatt and I S he Printing < r. I rade A. A. ind the retain g n ful NTED BILL COLLECTOR WANTED GOVERNMENT OF PAHANG. 15th LE OF )F FREEHOLD LAND. LOOK OUT FOR Prof. Bosakovsky. BAN CHEN BEE \KMi* 1895
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    • 335 2 WANTED. 1 anioi'k- Pagar Dock Deb* S-raits Trading f FOR SALE. lanj. S are**. Sport im/ Club ti* Deb*. PKASKK > r K,„u ci U.C. General Repair Fitting Shop. 154, Or< h ,ri> Roan. C VCLES, sewing machine*, musical bo.v repaired, under Kuropean management. Jan. 4 4-» A CHALLENGE. I
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    • 240 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS The Bankruptcy Ordinance, .888. In the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. SBTTI-BMENT OV SIN't.APORB. IN BANKRUPTCY Adm. Order of 1896. A'E L m we Bros Ki V/iilK K is hereby given that a Fust Dividend! intended to be declared in the above matter. All creditors mu*t prave
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Correspondence.
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  • 44 3 ample and rxpor about moving on to tour hur.rlr- me" i |I,CI haxxUd up the -itwoori: n contain a propc their a ~>attalioos glad to on to go Iront in Eg naintaio the credit of tr-, any-.h-I hat phrase jldier could des
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  • 1146 3 l) Jan. .7, 1898.) Ihe tortnighVy meeting of the Municipal Commom, Mr. Gentle pre- resent Mr. Th. Sohst, .-father. Mr. VV. Evans, Mr Tan Cheng Tuan ye. ghtly financial statement showed, copper S urrent accounts, d fixed deposits, $190,000; a total ,1-93. the balances Pmsio. \ti-l Statement. pew
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  • 51 3 I The Band of the West Yorkshire kegt will play the following programme of music on the Parade Ground, Tanglin, on Sunday at 30 p m. Overture Montana Wallace. Air know that my Rtdttmtr liveth. Handel. Three Dane- K. German. Reminiscences of Mendelssohn F. Godfrey. .oi) SAVE THE
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  • 136 3 Every cricketer in the will be glad to hear that the game is again looking up in Penang and, particularly, that A S. Anthony has once more taken up cricket. The Pmang Gazette says It was distinctly a pleasure to see Mr. A. S. Anthony at the wickets again. On
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  • 621 3 u'rom our own Correspendtnt.i The lava sugar planters are looking forward to the abolition of the export duty on sugar. In introdu. ing the bill in the Dutch lower house the Minister of Colonies mentioned that at the Governor General of Java'.; reception the Vice President of the
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  • 463 3 I hb Co.l Scri-iT in ihb Fast. Mr. »-f~hairman of the Japan Society of (ajnd he is the founder, m an interview with a representative of Reuter's Agency wuh regard to the present situation in the l-ar that the present crisis was naturally creating considerable exutement among
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  • 59 3 Mi>. Watt, an old lady of Ferr>den, near Montrose, has just died at the age of .one hundred years and four months. For halt that time she has been a widow. The number of her descendants n extraordinary, amounting in all to 269 sx sons, six
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  • 225 3 It does not appear to have been generally known, when the S.S. Borneo was here, that there was a suicide off that vessel two days before she reached Colombo. A soldier belonging to a draft for the Royal Lancaster Regiment at Hongkong, who had been ill
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  • 444 3 F The new Chapel, which ha* lately been built adjoining the Convent at Banda Hilir. was consecrated on Wednesday last by the Right Revd K Fee Bi*hop ot Malacca. Ihe building of a hapel outsid** the Convent has been < ontemplated for some time, and the work m ago,
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  • 86 3 I he progressive ladies of Westheld, Ind. a Woman's Kdition "of Westfield Stmt, bearing date of April 3, 1806. The papier is tilled matter of interest to women, and we notice the following from a correspondent, which the editors printed, real /"g thai it I al importance to their
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  • 85 3 (January Tu. $37-75 Gambler do. Cube No. i 8.25 Pepper, .-.lack (ordinary S'pore) 1 do. White, (Fair L/W=sst Nutmegs I 1 10s to the lb.) 78. .Mace (Banda) 75. Cloves (Amboina) 17.50 Liberian Coffee iy. Tapioca, small pearl (Fair quality) 3.75 do. do flake (do. do.) 3.00 do. medium
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  • 6 3 EtCBH.I Sri Po Kbismn Harr
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  • 5 3 doco I MA I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 OCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANV. Ltd. NEDERLANDSCHE STO VAART MAATSCHAPPIJ OCEAAN. of outward -nd from third fortnight for Sourabaya. Through B. China, AV Auatra vlalay North t .orts also lo 5ai..,..,. and and Other Contine The rates oi freight and passage mont, and all otner
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 263 3 SHARK LIST, JANUAR.Y aBth, 1898. c r, Plid«p P4. rtoog. isittvar iB7lpre-n tinoooooo $io,ooo.or>c Ho.uoc t_, ot I .23 h an, Ltd t Non-ir |-BttJ»7*: Deferre B T_so /l *>*■•■■ >3b7> oc 15,000 u.-r. oecil do. -.X Det*. .Up- $70.. Ne* nb ,)ock Co., Ud. $3,0 f iSBo loc N
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  • 56 4 Passengers for Straits, China Japan lue Jan. 29 Mr. and Mi Ir dough, Mi. I K, m M r j Hinds Mr. D. fi ms. Mr. H M Mr. W. Halliday, Mr. John, Mr. H. W Mi (three), Mr. B. A. Mr. W. I r o. i 4 ._R ev
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  • 81 4 Kirk: L.TIMI nons. ,NAV Han. I UMT Ml sfield. id. teat Kakanoa, Calcutta, d- KoMMBV Harry OMS S A L A 1 Shamghai, I us;.: I ANTALUS, H BR, l.ivcrp U S ,KI tn'.dt. due Jan. «j Co. Wtxtu due Feb mon*. Wall*,, Hamburg, doe M nidt ilcanma,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 86 4 ACH HOTEL. Aug-o J LET OPHIA R' Jan. 26 GODOWN b aad floor of Nos. sc stand or *jbd vided. TO LET Calvert's arbolated creosote. Once tried alwa> H F LOR I BRAND OB GRAND HOTEL JAVA Lj Kelly Walsh, Ltd. WHITA .CK xBoo Kelly tc Walsh, Ltd. NOW READY
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    • 103 4 McALISTER 8c Co. K The New Victoria Cycle Manufacturing Co. of Scotland, Ltd., Glasgow. The Victoria Special Roadster Detachable Brakework, Mudguards. Special Victoria Gear Case each. IP- ON YUSEN KAISHA. BW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, 6. 151 tons 5.013 6.151 i-nt 3 r -'< S 3 5.790 5,800 5,800 NIPPON t~
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    • 263 4 Katz Bros., LIMITED. ARE SOW SHOWING A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STO. K of- NKW IDS IN I HEIR Drapery Furnishing Departments. INSISTING OF I heck /.pi Spoti.,l French Mus! < ..thNew Prints IS| tM Striped Muslin* Whit, < hec* PLAIN FANCY SILKS SILK VELVETS. NEW RIBBONS. I_adie* Ladir* I
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    • 416 4 UsSS^ IT (_Tf *ti frj-ffiTfl-ffll VW 1 1 1 Wffrß k •2 ss *ss» _^^tP\\ m i it _i i: [ii _-t»T n iei iKfili jj^ 33^ t( /_^J_T7_rf \S-*-b------------------_l-__*-______^^ GIIATVS t\ d^dortaiF The most convenient ana most oatiaepuo uf all laxative ptlls de .SanJe )J CONSTIPATION HEADACHE CONGESTIONS \t
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    • 165 4 The Singapore Free Press AND Mercantile Advertiser. Cablk a ■Hi Japan, C«. with h ■vard mail. The 1 of matters of general CORRESPONDENCE i -US, t-C wnter .ho-Idbe.ddre.,ed,o,heE: s---dD.wrme.onor, P-per only Injected Mar ed m to the Manager WALTER Cheque, and P 0 OSUBSCRIPTION (in Adv.-^, -8. em.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 119 4 *a HONGKONG WEATHER IKLEGRAMS. Barometer, reduced to -52 degrees Fahrenheit, and to the level of the sea in inches tenth, and hundredths. Manila baro. readings in millimetres. Temperature in the shade in degrees, Fahrenheit. Manila temp- raturt centigrade. Humidity, in percentage of saturation, the humidity of air saturated with moisture
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