The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 30 April 1897

Total Pages: 2
1 2 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 743 1 OOcr. Coiyer Qoaj fiV Wharve,. New Hatboor. 0 STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Smm hrCHlNA, |APAN, PENANG, CEYON IND1 V. AUSTRALIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MARSEILLES, GIBRALTAR, MALTA, BRINDIS1, VENICE, PLYMOUTH AND ON DON. rhroueh Bil!> oi wldm^ issued tor Persian .;.>, a.i. Jrri;'. t* -jia H ngkoKs. MAI m LINES. rWARD HOMEWARD glim
      743 words
    • 896 1 LLOYD BREMEN. J HB Fast and well known steamers of this line 1 ive Singapore on or about the undertin Dtkmed dati Oin WARDS HOMEWARDS To arrive bin^a;. o:e for To arrive Singapore for China. Kurope. 1897 1897. Pr:\,sseu Maj 17, Bayer* May _>. June 24. P May ■em July
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    • 354 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPI J. Under Contract with thi Nbthkrlands Inim* Government. Agents at Singapore, Ships Agency, late I. DAENDELS Co., 2-3 Collyer Quay Time Table for April, 1897. Steamer Krom Expected Will b<" despatched tor Dale. r.tmljor.i Batavla. May 2nd. Batavia, Cheribon, Samaranj( ?c Sour.tb.iya. May 4th. McALISTER Co.
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    • 649 1 RILEY, HARGREAVES Co. SOLE AGEN I S FOR Royal Psycho Cycles FOR LADI€S GENTLEMEN BY otarley Brothers Coventry. (By Special Royal Warrant of Appointment) MAKERS TO HtK MAJESTY THE QUEEN. Large < on signmenl oi High Grade Cycles Roadsters, Light Roadsters Racers and I. ,fiii >' 89.3 Patterns, II E
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    • 594 1 f-JONtiKONG AND SHANGHAI XA BANKING CORPORATION PAID-UP CAPITAL |iojooo,oac RESERVE FUND i 6 RESERVE LIABILITY OF t PROPRIETORS I 1 0,000.000 Coukt or |)tuci >« St. C. MICHAK1.SKN K-,.— ..airman. iiun. j Bell [eviwo. Dkpi n Cuainiam. C. Bb ikmanm K-.j A R womd V. -i G. U. Boning
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    • 533 1 TRANSATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE Co., Ltd., of HAMBURG. NORTH GERMAN Mkh tNSUK ANCE Co.. HAMBURG HAMBURG -BREMEN FIRE INSURANCE Co.. HAMBURG. *T*HE imJenigned, Agaats M the above com- pan;<s, art prapMsd to I pt f.rf: ',sk- .il current rales. SHJ 1 I I'AKt KEN Ac Co. Oct. it. THE COMMERCIAL UNION
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    • 276 1 DAC1I iC MAIL STEAMSHIP r COMPANY AND OCCIDENTAL AN!) OfcUENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. IW< UH| i Hgfand hranct. and German Steamers, ..i t< aai <■ innr. Co other Bmpean pt. kl rcdw ad ot Hw 4t« NaV) .,m; > c o htain«>H n r p. raaaaqg n v m, qpiM ptc
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  • 4482 2 I*HUItSDAY, APk:l i|th l8Q7. Prksknt H fc the Governor (Sir t B. Mitchell i.i,., The Hon. the ActMg C..! Secretary W. S Kynnerslev theActg Col Treasurer r- G Penney. > the AdUM Colonial Engineer (Maior F Anderson, the Attorney-General \V R Collytr I L M. B Vermont. G.
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  • 549 2 I In- <j!it r telegram rea< he& the S iig<»n papers Movemeni til British Cruissrs. I'm-., April 14. Fourteen British c< uta 1 passed tfirou^h the Sue/ Canal during its. month of March. I'his unusual movement is attributed to the condition ol affairs in
    549 words
  • 109 2 APRIL 30th, t« v f H,,, e. l AII <JN Capitol Paid i %Mtt M Shang 4wi i-.;%prem *io ooo.Ov.. ,< ,v. th 1 24 £500,000 44UO.IJ f 99*551 8u Se >' Prv h t Dcferrf JJ" 1 f X UjO^fc .ys,,^ A fdirm I »>' 'V'
    109 words
  • 760 2 First let us have what the doctor said, then the acts upon which he based his opinion, and finally we may ask whether the facts justified l! al opinion. The doctor's opinion u,ss this, The man ts suffering from chronii inflammation of the brain.'' The
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  • 80 2 ORRECTED II' IO April 30.) On London. Bank 4 in/- 2/0. demand 2/0- 6 Privati credits 3 m/s j/oi documents 3 in, s 2/0-9/ 1 6 credits 0 m/s. On India. Bank demand 161 1 1\ Hongkong. Bank demand i dis. >n Yokohama. Bank demand i% prem ON Java
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  • 96 2 (.April 30.) l*wi $34.00 < >a?nbier 6.i<. do. Cube No. 1 y.50 Pepper, Ulack (ordinary S'porej 14.87.4 do. White. 1 Fair L/W=5% j 23. Nutmegs 1 10s 10 the lb.j 63. ("Handa! M 75. doves fAmboma) 17.50 l.ibenan Coflee 2 Tapioca, small pearl (Fair quality) 3.7. do. do
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 305 2 OCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY. Ltd. AND NEDERLANDSCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJOCEAAN. The Company*! steamers are de-piuned Iroin Liverpool outward-, lor the Straits, China, and |,ip.:! and from Japan BOBBewafds tor London every ten days, and have aeeommodau >n for third class passengers only. The Company's steamers
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 209 2 A'eather Keport. (April 89.) Taken ai K^ndane Kerbau Hospital Observatory g. Im. It. m. ot. m. Bar. red. 3a d< 2y.i>i 1 2<j.i>4 i .'y.904 Temperature S3 9 90.0 84.0 Wet Bulb Thermometft' 80.0 81.0 79.0 CMr.ofWind W.S.W. W.k. s.W. Max. L'emp. </ 1 Mm. lo 7;. Max vi 151.0
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    • 654 2 VESSELS IN P o K T Men-of-Wai j and Tonb rimmwhn Anuud i w he i*"™ mvr s I," w, !(1 Bnt.tfun-bo,! v Brit cnmer 7^ 1 Other Ve^eh, Flags Tonb Mabteis, Arrived From f kMlfN< >4 ipril 19 P.Brandan I < SIraI^L 8 SJtS Se erS Apr.l^Mu,,
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    • 228 2 if I Oft i < m i RMU. 1 1 p P«:n.,n^ ,v i < l.abii.n Bengfc NEXT MAIL DUt I-R...M K«MM.%«H r MM M«| 4th wnl. Kn^i V ■m >> i .<, Match Know mim< 1 1 i i Mails already despatched Em LoMkM April S.I). M Apui on,
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