The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 28 April 1897

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1 2 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 674 1 Xr '.V:-..i ye New Harbour, j 0 STEAM NAVIGATION Co. CHIN* JAPAN. PEN VNG,( EY- I INDI 2 U! ADEN E( iYPT, -.r rlectißAl rAR MALTA, HKIM f !>! V'fv sbov/VPLYMOUTH AND > s MAIL LINE^. D HOMf v, ARI I I -a .j.; Thaaea A afl ma Mimapore v.
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    • 868 1 NORD-DEUTSCHEK LLOYD BREMEN. v ii Fast and wen known steamers of tins line .cave Singapore v.i or about the underHOMEWARDS rnve Singapore foi To arrive Singapore for China. Europe. «897- 1897. Pr, H* •■> ApL jy. Ha: May 2. May 27. U May 30. June tg June 27. Mi July
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    • 342 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIf. Under CONTRACT WITH THK NETHERLANDS [WDIA GOVBRMMBHT. Agents at Singapore, Ships Agency, late F.DAENDELS& Co., 2-3 Collykr Quay Time Table for April. i»g7Steamer From Expected Will be .lespatched for Date. unborn Batavia. May and. Batavia, Cheribon, Samarang Sourabaya. M a jth. McALISTER Co. (ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Have
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    • 660 1 RILEY, HARGREAVES Co. SOLE AGENTS l'< >\< Royal Psycho Cycles Fl >R LADIES GENTLEMEN BY Stariey Brothers Coventry. IBy Speci .1 R il Wan ml ol Appointment) M IKERS I 1 I HLk MAJESTY THE QUEEN. Larg< Consignment of High Grade Cycles Road ters Lighi Roadsters Racers and Ladi< s'
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    • 616 1 LJONGKONG AND SHANGHAi iA BANKING CORPORATION LiD-UP CAPITAL >'. a KESERVE FUND (6,500 0 j RESERVE LIABILITY Or I PROPRIETORS I *io,ooo.cxjo Si. C. MICHAELSEN, Esc}.— Chairman. Hon. J. J. Bell Irving. D 8 pott Chairman. C. Bbubmanm, Esq. j A. Rjivho 0, q. G. D. Bi»\r I R. L.
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    • 371 1 TRANSATLANTIC VIRK INbUR ANCE Co. Ltd pj| HAMBURG NORTH I r.KMAN •;j. [|i HAMBURG -BREN SUR. NCB Co., HAM PH w.der big.-icd, Ager.'.b ot tlit 1 panics, an. pi current rates. rt<AK4 b Ca. THE COMMEKCJAI UN.^K ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Hrr; risks aa I (-ted at current rates. FUNDS. I
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    • 129 1 DACiriC MAIL STEAMSHIP x COMPANY AM Accidental and oi h V> iTBAMSHIP COMPANY. f-rar. ,':d Passenprrs bj ijers, who have pi b ;ng dates frc. V s;< ra4ohama v 5a -o. CHATI I rifi The Best, I Dibinic tanl I impta PR X DVN.\ ,i i j mite, h ibai
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  • 967 2 [Contribute,/ it seeSH I good thing to keep the pro ■o^r-fd Ordinance to provide Funds tor the ng of Immigrant Examination Depots -tore those interested, m all its possible bearings, as, on a closer consideration 11 Lould be given to it on its ap- mace, n your issue
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  • 51 2 UK !-.xt Tanghn Club Al Horn- hrld on Friday, the Jth May Or. trriva! troni Amoy yesterday the BriGlmmcu landed one paj^enger, m \nm -mall-pox, at the qoarantiae St George's Ball on the 23rd iost gi^en the Knglishmen of Penang and Province wdolejr, went oH very well., and was 'ouslv
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  • 185 2 We see that reports from native sources represent that the rising m Szechuan, provoked by the famine which has also prevailed m some portions of Hupeh, has come to an end with the capture and execution of the leader, who, with three of his brothers, his lieutenant,
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  • 595 2 Being Wednesday, several good gallops were done tins morning on the course, although ii was rather misty when the horses firsl came out, and it was difficult to tell exactly what they were doing on the tar side. The outside track was open, and tli gc:;-.^
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  • 74 2 The Sitnmmpati publishes a report to tin effect that the I I em Government are negotiating a loan of 100 million taels from an BusKm syndicate through the agency of Sir Robert Hart, and thai the security for the loan will be the entire liicin receipts of
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  • 183 2 AN EXCITING OCCURRENCE AT THE DINDINGS. Mr. W. C Michell writes as follows to the L"'i:tur of the PitUMg GrOMettt The following unusual incident which took place here during my afifeence m Penan g fur the Easter Holidays, may prove ot Interest to some ot your readers. Shortly alter p
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  • 99 2 The extreme western portion of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company's wharves, commonly known as the Borneo wharf, yesterday presented an unusually busy scene, the vessels at three sections being double banked, while one of the steamers which had berthed there for coaling purposes, had to take some of her bunker
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  • 1119 2 (Written for the Singapore Free Press.) Circe. VI. A sore subject with thee, my fityrus, whose bruised heart still aches at the touch of memory but it were impossible to describe the Genus Passenger without including Her. She is on every ship, and her influence pervades the
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  • 1072 2 Personal Noras, (Pail Mall Gazette.) Three and thirty years ago a picturesque scene was enacted m the Danish capital. A deputation of Greeks we ought to call them Hellenes, but we do not a deputation of Greeks demanded an audience of Frederick VII., the old King of
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  • 92 2 The S.C.C. Lawn Tennis Tournament was concluded la^t evening. Wood ruffe beating Wright m tin hnal of the H Class Singles. The winners of the various events are as follow Cham pionshii 1 Ainslie beat Egerton. Prohsssion Pairs. F. D. and J. Mactaggart (Met. I.J
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  • 122 2 'ICQ Sn J. > >K> J Straits Insurant i\. Ltrf t *'-x. .joo 100.000 i 000 10 Straits Trading Ltd £2 D «X) 000 tm*m |MH 2. tpe, coStnutclrecT 9 »««oy«o M iijm f.oo V r •5° $100,000 100,0, .n ,000 lOf. Str;u >■■>■ MM Ismm,
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  • 63 2 A Bengali dhobi named Kuman was this morning sentenced to pay a line of $100 or undergo six weeks' imprisonment for criminal breach of trust with respect to ten trousers, eleven coats and other articles. Two months ago they were given him to wash by the officers
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  • 73 2 Ihe Birmingham jewellers are working night and day m connection with the Diamond Jubilee. 1 hey have made fifteen million medaL and six million brooches, orders coming from all over the world. It the medals made were placed run to rim they would extend 295 miles, and
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  • 79 2 (CORRECTED UP TO April _>8.) On London. Bank 4 vaja 2 A>i demand 2/o{ Private credits 3 m/s 2/0-9/1') documents 3 m/s a/oj credits 6 m/s 2/0-11/16 On India. Bank demand 161 On Hongkong. Bank demand i dis. On Yokohama. Bank demand i% prem On Java. Bank demand 122
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  • 89 2 (April 28.) Tin |}4<*s Gambier... 6.10 do. Cube No. 1 ..9-50 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 14.5' > do. White, (Fair L/W=s% 23. Nutmegs 1 10s to the Ib.) $3. Mace (Bandaj 75. Cloves (Amboina) 17.50 I.iberian Coffee. 2\. Tapioca, small pearl (Fair quality) 3.70 do. do flake (do. do.)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 214 2 OCtAM S ;>. AM SHIP (Mf J .M 1 EAST INDIAN OIKAN BTCAM .^HIP COMPANY 1 M NtDEKI.ANUSCH; ITOiNi i VAAKT MAATbCHAPPIIO, hAAN Ihe < omj).i'-.\ iHMH Liverpool outward* Im t'n s i I id. ano |ap, in, and from japan homeward 1 tor f.ondor ever) tei 'iu^ ,"o 'V<
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 804 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Giving port ot departme, and (> n wo) date due here, and isame of Agents. Mkn-ok-War. AlOBRIRB, H M.S., Devonport, Ft ji-Kan, Jap., Newcastle, Pascal, Brest, Surpb isi Brest Sr hi, H.M.S., Manila, due April Uhoai n hi>, H.M.S., Colombo, due May Wladimir MoHOMACH, Russ., C rottstadL, Wolf,
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    • 886 2 VESSELS IN PORT. Men-Of-Wai Flags and Tons Commanders Arnved Kron. I H KN Bnt. cru.s,, Qmtdkig Mar. 15 Enrfmd "J2"* Bnt. gun-baa, v Cechrane \pril 25 Plymo«t«, Other Vessel, Hags* Tons Master, Arnved From ConMgner^ WkH K:^ KSr Sc IKKK «A.» 9 Ariun Marl 15 Briitdisi P.kO.«6 5 Wickenden A.-nl
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    • 161 2 PftMO|£MS tor S1 1 d r r Print Rmnn April 2.. .Mr. F Sto.,; Mr. R |< Mi Mrs. Arendsenhe.m, Mr and Mr*. 1 Otto. M,s, U ur Ir. G Mr Cw Kun* Mre.l kluyve, Mr. H. Ivdem.v m ann M iJr^nbech Mr,. L. H< .drich. Dr. X Mr. m
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