The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 27 April 1897

Total Pages: 3
1 3 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)

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  • 620 2 The Singapore Free Press. TUESDAY, APRIL. 27, 1897. Ihe I -.<■.. Main, ribed by gaiaj Hcrf patr ot Trutl er 1 >lraw, f'lfdifrH to Religion, l.oya!ty, and Ijiw. X v i those >\ ;,u feel Greece has 1 1 1 r 1 mi tiir wro ig Hi iif-r vainglorious
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  • 1625 2 An extraordinary meeting of shareholders m the above ompany was held at Hongkong on the -,ith instant. Mr. D. Gillies presided. I he Chairman said, before addressing the meeting' on its object, he would ask Mr. Blarney to read his report, lie was r >rr\- the
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  • 155 2 I it R» 1 v i'ai krs Mlll life. Resignation n\ rue Mchicii'al Cockcil. Special telegr im lo the ha Shanghai, April 21. l"h< Ratepayer* Meeting held this afternoon "to consider (lv; question of tl-e collection of ihe lioei whf-elharrowi plying for lure imposi-d by the
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  • 582 2 I liouse Mr. Keiinedv on lostitu* ii hi Hill was entered by means ol a ladder nigbl and two silver belts and sundry other arl ides stolen. fhe name of the new Spanish Consul for Singapore is Senor lion I .vi Marina. It is not _\et known when he will
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    • 29 2 THE GRECO-TURKISH WAR. Lanssa Captured by the Turks Six Days Hard Fighting. I Ik- i atka ,'..iv. r U |)ied l,an- v six days constant fighting.
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    • 51 2 The Greeks Routed Pursued by Turkish Cavalry War orrespondents m Danger. i dei n attic was fought If I yrnavos. and resulted ir. I on Pharsala, which MU a rout. I I.' lurki^i cavalry do>elv purged th. m and did great execution, i !<• liter < orre«|KHi<ieat
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    • 24 2 I he i/re-eks m Epiru-, have met severe check. A- Pigs^a they lost killed and wounded London. April 37th, rtf^y
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  • 423 2 case* of plague have occurred a Hongkong this year. The area of foreign municipal b merit m Tientsin has been extended b> *oo mow. The Grmphu and B/'ac and tain picture- oi Capt. Bjm Millar The great Pittsburg firm o! Carnegie Co. has secured another Chinese < ontract for steel
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 327 2 BELL'S ASBESTOS EASTERN AGENCY LIMITED. (CHINA, JAPAN AND STRAITS SF. I rLEMENTS MERCHANTS AND ENGINEERS. Dal Aitataffll FacKing, ni e^er% dtscriftioa n M nea fo» H,^r, o r km pnssw**. BLLI S ASBESTOS NON-CONDIH UN*- I OMPT«rMOX or wwermg »cam Botiers, npOttAc uni fimnling mlTi'ir CAVIMr IN PUEIBELL'S ASBESTOLJNf 1
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    • 422 2 NOBEL'S Explosives Co., Ltd. MANUFAC 1 I RERS 01 DYNAMITE GELIGNITE I GELATINE DYNAMITE BLASTING GELATINE DETONATORS. TRADEMARK THISTLE BRAND Exporters >l AH kinds of rAKETY FUZE ELECTRIi BLASTING APPARATUS. 1 v bi ing all roanulactai Gn il Britain, are mad-- to las the high standard ol puriu and safet]
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    • 1043 2 WAN TKU. Muilk:i[ml \)i\- ntnre» 5% raiijotiy Paf;ai I )r>rk IVbs Singapore Land a s Share*. PataKnjj Coffee ro.'s Slwres. FOk SAL-:. Peng^ranj! Ptamin^ Co.'s Shares. 1 IM '< .10 I Apl 2; v.c. DENTAL NOTICE. > H. STBPHKks, Dentist, J3) f earsexpeiience) Room Hotel de it Paix. Fee for
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    • 278 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS TO LET, FURNISHED. CIEW Chuah Hum, No. 2ft, Tanelin Road, 7 lately occupied by O. L. Montereau, Ksq. (Jood stabling. Extensive ground-- Rent $35 a month, payable m advance. Apply to CHEANG JIM HEAN, Annan Hank. Apl 37 _4 5_ LOST LTOX rerrier Dog, Municipal Badge No.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 149 2 The Week Tuesdi> 27th \N .iter 7.12 a., 8.15 p. Wednesday. 23th Hitfh Water —8.28 a., 8.55 p. P. O. Mail Homewards clo->e-Prapcrt) -ale. Hoiijj Teck Mortgagees bales, Hong Teck Chyt a Paper Chase, meet Chatsworth j.| tmulation Lod^e of Instruction. HN. I). L Man Oatwacds. Thurbday 29th High Wata
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  • 97 3 The I> \nv.i- k^ i>t ihi b,i u> rwa Km i or. DBAS Sir.— U'mi Iriving lv. last tvening after dark Iju ■-(,<<<' ,crn.n, 4 vidt-nt. Win n passing uc«i the Ne* Market, 1 snddenlj came upon .1 low iwowheeitd trap, driving on the wrong ?ii!r ol thr road,
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  • 114 3 ordiag tv the I iMi lilt r< is a dunce of the West ••r k r i 4 coining S igaporc m s ic< i to the Rifle Hngan-. Thai papei says We learn that BCfOliatioaa i c m pi great to retain :n Weal > rks ire
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  • 104 3 the Lhineit- are reported to be getting more md more insolent the Settleraet tsa S ing i'h:> is only to be expected after the humiliating col!ap>e cf the Municipal Council u:i the whet!barrow question. The rate] SI ing I are aently preparing tor i barrow coolies when the time
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  • 98 3 The S. C. C. Lawn Tennis Tournament be concluded this eveni Woodroffe meeting White m the final of the B. c!d-> sitiglea I ist er< ■ng Aina the holder, defeated Egerton m the fina the cbampioosluf) I llwrsda] lasl the •-tr ?tood at 5- b
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  • 75 3 THE VICTORIAN COMMEMORATION AT SHANGHAI. The Work g i i rough progra [or! lay's bratior. A parade m die morns g Volunteers and mr: th a short choral sen the Cathedra, i Coasu the afternoon, foreigners of all nationalities to l>e invited the .National Anthem to be -uiig dt a
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  • 157 3 4■ 400 representative pei I jos»r: 1- e Duke ef CamL: leiM I No S Lord \jori X 3 Govei -ow one d the Counciii^r, ot the X Milner (I :ti > mt for Sam sir W in R --V-.. i Australia Mr. h- hh I Brass
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  • 183 3 THE SULTAN AND INDIAN MAHOMMEDANS. A'. (i I thaa to tr> ;t the raapoadbal Oi I probal right s, «1 Bthci Ike Mll M edwu India i«novv ledge the Sultan as lhe:r spiritual ■■■-.'>.■ v ifcc i.v m Iml n mci ikai I arc pc rtmateaK* .1 i tot
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  • 76 3 IHL 1. 1* XSK PSBS. Asprcial meeting ol the Shan K hai Mumc.pal iai.pi>.-i^ v have been hell on Wednesday the 2isi mst., to consider Ihe question of the colItxti.v. ,t the license fee for wheelbarrows plying lor biie, iroposeil bj tru innual Meeting ol Ratepaywd held
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  • 123 3 ording Sun, an enormous number of irancesan being effected on the life o! the id I housands oi pound-, are being sp^nt bn lie preparations tor jubilee Day. Thousands of windows liavi been taken it high prices -subject, hpwevei t condition thai tl c Royal proceslaki place
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  • 319 3 £m (»■> 01 don." Brij tnd Crusades," Antonio Conseilheiro, who is n..u calling himseil the Messiah, has committed a bloodthirsU outrage m Brazil, almost annihilating a Government lorce. With 8,000 folrenchedai Canudas, m the Kahia distr:. there del ed a Government force of 1,500 killing the General,
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  • 151 3 The bubltmr sell i> the friend of the late Prol —or Drummood's, who ~t.-nt it to us from England by the mail fur the amusement of our readers, styled the little joke printed yes lias taken very well. Fhe victims are really of two classes Ist, Fhose
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  • 198 3 Wha I've a q talities to make a fir?! -k, hough i lia >o readily I'd almost L- I Nick as .!>;. -.jj irk m Regent's ■\o but listen to the clocks unThe happy mting da i he is tra| i c t of chiselling r->
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  • 220 3 I he following circular despatch Irom the S« I retarj v tt'j a published m the GagtHe The quest reo ttly been submitted to me whether any joint or forma tion should be taken m Her M.i .v. ol for the i eiebiationofthesu ethyi
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  • 58 3 Mr. Spent ir. t h- m ronaut made a balloon tscenl and parachute descen! at Canton on the 19th iost., m the presence ot the Viceroy and a large crowd. He went up tO heigh) o( I, sou ft. and alighted m a small pond without
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  • 1318 3 The reigii ot Kang-ii, ihe second ruler ol the Tsing dynasty, is famous as the longest recorded m Chinese history, and the completion of its sivtieth anniversary m 1721 waa commemorated by a national fete un the highest scale of Imperial splendour. Doubtless the details of
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  • 1339 3  -  Mrs. Alicia Litter ■Hi Phe \mi-l.jii biuil iji movement is gaining ground rapidly m Cnim ,\l r Chow, .1 distin" guis-ed Literate o( Suif«i, had his attention called to the matter by the sufferings of his own little girl of seven years old, and ax
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  • 82 3 < (iKKKi i Xl) ll' Id Afnil j- 1; On London. 1 >-i i i k 4in >/og demand 2Jo\ Private credits 3 m/s. 2/0-9/1'! documents 3 m/s -/oj! credits 6 ta/5... j/o-m [6 On India. Bank demand ..161 < >\ Hongkong Hank demand dis. On N okoiiama, Bank
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  • 94 3 (April 27.,! Tin.... 134».Vi (iambier 6.H1 do. Cube No. 1 y.50 Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 14.25 do. While, (Fair L/W=s% 2.5. Nutmegs 1 10s to the lb.) 63. M.,te [Bands) 75. Cloves (Atnboinaj 17.50 Liberian Collee 2". Tapioca, pearl (Fair quality) 3.70 do. do flake (do. do.) 4.25 do.
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  • 129 3 SHA R E LIST, APRIL 26th, 1897. sh <"X tefc >7J»m hMHpw rr him >«s im t .4 i j Defrrre c; I -V v iAI fsooooo A •>""' Cft Ltd J H.. „,<! N d |l5 pWtl l 350,000 I 'v" p Trcrm U s^s^^ li<l ks: l -sj
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 319 3 OCfcAN SThAM SHIP COMPANY EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM SHIP COMPANY. Ltd. Wi NtDERLANUSCHE STQOVIVAART MAATSC-iAPPIJ OCEAAM. Ihe < ompany' are de^atched Liverpool outwards foi the Strait-,, China, and |apan, and from Japan homewards for London j every ten da)b. and have ai commodati m lor third class pasbengerb only. The
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 810 3 VESSELS EXPECTED. i CilVUig port ol departure, and (where knownl date due here, uid name of Ajj.-nts. UKN-Of-Wu I Alukrihb, H.MS., Devoopou, Fiji-Kan, fap., Newcastle. Pascal, Brest, Si'RCKisK, Brest, Sa hi, H.M.S., Manila, due \pn! Undai BD, H.M.S., Colombo, due Mas Whj):mik MONOMA) ii. Ku»s.. toiihtadt. Woli ier. Danzig, Vashiha
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    • 374 3 VESSELS 1 PORi Men-0.-Wa, Flags and Ton* Commas Fron PHIG.HI. Hm.cru,^ u< id [SI I Dt \j /os Pl^' N1 7 '<*> Mli Other Vessel., Flags Tons Master. Aimed From Co, sssss.. Eta b&« su -11 1 ESS" ft?-, sx; fell 5 Gar.b^o, lul. bq., 12 8 3 Parodl Glbulochi
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    • 230 3 Pdbsengerb Arrived. |aj- 1 1. Paaacneci'i Passengers Leaving 2&. 13.-!I 3 Xl Mr i McE« Mi- At. J. I), m t. Mr. M. H Kajali irf Purle*. H and ii i.- toi aj Cl.r-.-P.. 1 Mr. G Mr- K. Rot| Mr. and i vV I H mann I Mi s
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