The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 15 April 1897

Total Pages: 3
1 3 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)

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  • 22 2 Domestic Occurrence. BIRTH. On the 15th April, at Woodsville Cottage, iirangoon Road, Singapore, the wife ol E. R. Cokk, of a son.
    22 words
  • 564 2 The Singapore Free Press. THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1897. Here -hall t! r Pres- ti IV, pie's r. K l.t maintain, (Yawed by influence and anbribed by gain; Here Truth her glorious precepts draw. Pledged to Religion, Loyalty, and Law. THE political satirist might make- no ittle out of the
    564 words
  • 1060 2 Mr. Penney was >worn m as a member of Council this afternoon, as Acting Colonial Treasurer m successi m to the late Mr 0 Brien and Mr. I C. Bogaardl took bis -«rat t t'ct Mr I Shflford, r> .-igne'i. His Excellency the Governor bar been pleased to appoint Mr.
    1,060 words
  • 107 2 THE Y EN IN HONGKONG One result of ihe proposed change m the currency of Japan >'! '■><-■ Telegraph') has been the almost tola! disappearance of Japanese yen trotn the Colony. < hopped coins are to be obtained, but are oi 110 use m Japan and consequently per^o;- visiting the
    107 words
    • 52 2 The Raid into Macedonia. Conflicting Declarations. Nothing definite is known vet o; result! "1 tin- invasion of th< (net-ki m\ maintain tint the\ have < .tptured Ha and I) ivo. and arc advaming victorious The I'orte affirm* that the (jreek-t,a\ been deleat'-d md hay re rone I
      52 words
    • 30 2 C retan Negotiations at a Stand- Still. Phe parleying between the Ravers Md I urlcey m fa iwhjei t of < rcte put, ow:!ij to the 'I nn a Gmefc ntuatioa
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    • 48 2 The Get k 1..\ hi quer il almost exhaust- d md it appears that the only resource "t Lhc louutry i- an interria. !oai. is only obtainable b\ provoking war am: thus appealing to the patriotism of tin nation London, April t§th, l& gj f
      48 words
  • 173 2 The Greek Government has now earned lor itself, the credit of a^tuten. ten a characteristic of the race from r i <t» Gr.iculus esuriens." But it will find :1 difficult to escape from the charge of duplicity j Only eighteen months ago the creditors of Greece were
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  • 445 2 Yesterday about one o clock a Chinama:. passed into the Hot. I <;<• Lurop- carrying a paint pot A- then have been a number of petty thefts there iately lit- was- watched. As be was seen shortly afterwards to go into the kitchen and take a number ot spoons and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 768 2 BELLS ASBESTOS EASTERN AGENCY 1 LIMITED. CHINA, JAPAN AND STRAITS SRI ll >. WhMV MERCHANTS AND ENGINEERS. Bell Aaka*M Packings of ever> n al MM lor Ws> KM pKSSWCS. BELLS \SBESTOS NON-CONDUCTING < OPPOSITION lor covering Seam Boilers, Pipes, etc.. and pmiiiaj radiation of beat, THUS >\\ ING 3#
      768 words
    • 849 2 TOWN HALL. POLLARD'S ILLIPUTIAN OPERA COMPANY TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Thursday, i^tii April, H.M.S. "Pinafore." Sahtrdmj AfUrnoo*. April r?M. (.KANI) MATINEE FOR CHILDREN H M S. PINAFORE hil.lren half-price to all part-, oi tUe Hall. Doors Open 3, Overture 4 p.m. Saturday, ijti Ap" Les Cloches de Coraeville." Doors open 8-15, Overture
      849 words
    • 557 2 TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED. Municipal Debentures j]J Tanjonjj Pagar Dock Debs. Singapore I-and Co.'s Shares. Pauling Coffee Co.'s Shares. FOR SALE. Pengerang Planting Co.'s Shares. KKASKK i Kx« R «and $U*u Itrukem Apl 15 u.e. LOST A SIGNET RING. BETWEEN Government Offices and Institution Hill, yesteiday evening. Reward of S5 to
      557 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 318 2 W NEWS Capt. Uundas, k.n., who goes out by the piesent mail en routt: !o Tientsin to take over hie new duties under the hinesi Government, w3 I, vc unde stand, have spedall) under hi^ charge the training oi cadets tor ttw future Chinese navy His position indeed w ill
      318 words
    • 207 2 The Week. I -.rsday, 15th H W :'tr 8.59 a., 0.31 p. Le| 1 >■ 1 ounci!, 2-^0 p.m. i' rti PotveU ac Co., 2-30 p.m. Race-. Kuala l.umpor. Rifle Match. H.M.S. fphigen (jirriion R fie Club, and practice for members at p.r at Baleslier Range. S. V. A. Camp,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 341 3 TO BE LET, DOSE COTTAGE, No. 15, Kjlliney Road l X En[rv trom !>t May. Rf"^3s- App.> t VV H G M =s:jn Hou-e, Stamford Road "Ap' -> TO BE LET DLNGAIUW a N,,:^-^ 0011 Apply 10 JIPMNG No.«Bo*Q«y. Mar 27 4 TO LET. ERIN ILIA. I PP er W
      341 words
    • 839 3 A SWINTON GIG, m good order. A black •<■* Au>tra!ian gtlding, sound and a fast trotter. A H-i'oi new harness. Pr-ce S4OO. (Cost §650.) Apply l)\Kt.. co Powell Si Co. Api I FOR SALE. BAN' l.ield:ii^ n \ears. Stanhope phaeton and set ol brass-anoontad harness. All m first-class COndltK Apply
      839 words
    • 509 3 Pure Blood is the source of good health. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Makes pure blood, strengthens the nerves, sharpens the appetite, removes that tired feeling, and makes life worth living. Thousands of people have testified to the healing virtus of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Their letters come m every post. There's no attempt at
      509 words
    • 319 3 JAMES WATSON COS SCOTCH WHISKIES. ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKIT. V. V. 0. $11 per case, duty paid. V. V". 0. Special Reserve $13 per case, duty paid. DOMINE, 10 years old $16 per case, duty paid. OBTAINABLE FROM RETAIL DEALERS OR McALISTER Co., SOLE AGENTS. Oct. 2.
      319 words
    • 317 3 The finest Butter m the Market Guaranteed to be pure and natural Butter. fi i\ KATZ BROTHERS, SOLE AGENI S May g. PILSENEK BEER. Xi BRAND. Imported '.'nee 1876. I w' \i 'm [Mil LTIONS None Genuine without the above two labels. BRASSERIE de TANTONVILLE TOURTEL'S BEER, PBOI H THE
      317 words
    • 632 3 Tbe Singapore Free Press AND Mercantile Advertiser. thiß Adi'jßESs, Advt ,ftr, Singap, r e [>,LIPHON( NI'MBKR No. t, Published at 39, Change Alley, Singapore THE Lading English Newspaper m the Straits Settlements Johon Protected Native States ol Perab s, gor, Sungei L'jong, Pahang. tn, tgrj Sembilan; British North Borneo: Sar,m,
      632 words