The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 7 April 1897

Total Pages: 2
1 2 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 618 1 0 STEAM NAVIGATION Co. far CHINA \P PEN \N< >. I EY- NDIA AUSI RAI I\^ VDEN, EGYPT, M\RSEi. ES GIBRAI rAH MAMA N |SI ENK r. PI Ya* >r IH, AND LONDON Throu^- BiHs oi Lading > i t •.•-<•<;• .1 md San Fra s H mgktmg, MAIL LINKS.
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    • 856 1 NORD-DEUTSCHER LLOYD BREMEN. PHI I B known steamers ol thb hue wi hi Sing on or about the under' OU WARI Us HOMEWARDS To arrive !in r< Foi I*o arrive Singapore for China. liurops. I 89; 1897. 1 urt B May 1. In connection with the arrivals and departures o;
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    • 830 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKLTVAART MAATSCH APPIJ Undbb Contract with thb Nbtherlan J)S India Go^tirnhbitt, Agents at Singapore. Ships Agency^lats DAEJNDELS fco., 2 3 Collybb Quay Time Table <or April, ,jjg 7 Steamer From Expected Will be despatched lor Oate. Tambora Batavia. Apiil jth. Batavia, Cheribon, Sajmarang, m Sfturabaya. April 6th. Siak
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    • 280 1 McALISTER Co. (ENGINEERING DEPARTMEN i Have always m Stock ALL KINDS 01 Planting, Mining, Engineering, AND Carpenters' tools, Requisites, etc. SOLE AGENTS FOR DICK S PATENT BALATA BELTING, (Best belting m the market.) Ai i( Messrs'. Cl lyton A Shuttleworth b PorUhle Steam Engines. I Messrs. The Green Island Cenu.nt
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    • 619 1 lIONGKONG AND SHANGHAI AA BANKING CORPORATION, PAID-UP CAI'ITAL $,(xxl RESKHVK FUND I 6 j RESERVE IJ ABILITY OF PROPRIETORS Ik, ***** c CoUKT OF UIKBCTORS. St. MICHAELSEN Bsg.— -Chaikmaw. Hon. Bell [kvino. Dkpi nt Chaikman C. Bkurmann, Esq. A.J. I E c q lr I) BOMII G j R. L.
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    • 457 1 TRANSATLANTIC FiXE INSURANCE Co., Ltd., of HAMBURG. NORTH GERMAN KIKE INSURANCE Co.. HAMBURG. HAMBURG -BREMEN FIRE INSURANCE Co.. HAMBURG. HPHK undersigned, Agents s i■> above com- panics an prepared to acOBBt Bn I M current ratt s. PU ETPARCKEN a Oct.--THE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO.. LTD. Fire riskl accepted tit
      457 words
    • 343 1 ■DACII IC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND OCCIDENTAL AND OKJFN STEAMSHIP COMPANY it. pMMgi tidHti ,-.h-!(,; t- fatftand Hrsni trmn A'l.f of St< alO .S.i < ■< •■-'<. ol I bl Pi ther Europe,. 1 tmttm bbm p<< a es grant© »(fiotfs ol the ■*.n N..v tervia to t-- obtained on
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  • Courrspondence.
    • 240 2 |h h Em r"R ]>; \K SOt, It seel to me I hat the 1 tnmittee ol the doll Clofa 1- trying to do yen unfair thing towards the members, calling a special general meeting to I ge the subs' ription of the Club to S_> fhey
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  • 37 2 c oars Okdms Mm O&ce. >t (or the .m ■n h --nd ScrgM A) wing v Ml F X -_rt-on to B. Sub. i Ga men are p>->ted to the N. 1). Cw HftAKI
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  • 46 2 OH WEDNESDAY n Rode- 5 I Soon c, owe 2 I Koeflt iw II Sharj 1., 0 N :.ide. H 1 1. Mai 1 Insui 11 S FOR THURSI l .1 k God*!'- re 2. S I 1 B Me Ad
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  • 117 2 I the C 4 art. ere has been g off, both m dollar value and m I 4 1 igi by the r ral I id retailing. The v v I r irtaj nded «H,Bi i I'M reaiethf t I g tali ado! 'j 0,67
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  • 90 2 I I re I 1 MdlM Dt« Ss«l Va4 SCM 1 mm* who ais kidnapped and d<-t <•■ ed ■■->■ Enbsasi -<•■; hnl the History of ued 1 the afcMsaes practised b] the 1 MStia !>racti-ed, MMI 0M OBpO**- p. ,jj|. wore robbed called lor i
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  • 1122 2 (WnUeii I 1 ih&Gtngap re Free Press.) JOH WNUIi 1 NAVALES. hey all love Jack." Old Soag, 111 Otherwise Naval Johnnies, or lacks tor short Having a ship ol his own wheteia to go sailing over the bounding main, the naval johnny is n »t o often
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  • 85 2 Po-morrow, Thursday H H. the Sultan of Johore entertains the Hon'ble I' Shelford, 1 m.g .ft tiffin ai th, Is tana, Johore. Upwards of forty gentlemen have been invited t.> inert th- distinguished guest. Mr. Shelford leaves by the Rosetta on Wednesday next, and a.t he next
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  • 389 2 Che funeral of the late Acting Colonial Ir< asurer, the Hon ble 11. A. O'Brien, took place yesterday afternoon at Bukit I imah Road Cemetery, the cortege leaving Holy rood m time to arrive at its destination at 515 p.m. At that hour a
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  • 335 2 With regard to the detail-, of our trad..- with the i-ar Ea,t during February (here was a satisfactory increase ia^t month m the export of cotton yarn to -1 the Straits, but Japan took a diminished quantity. These result-, are rtH-.cted m the returns for ihe
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  • 150 2 B RSTINQ O' 1■ W'm I hi.. A cur: j n aii ident has oc< urred at the Ganges |ute Mill. From jome cause as yet undiscovi red, part of the machinery which has been et off, gaining ipeed rapidly, finally ran away. The assistant
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  • 114 2 Xjie Manchester Courier states that m the course of^lnoilier twelve months we ate likely to witness a surprising development m trade between Great Britain and Sam. Orders not only for railway material, but lor laclory machinery, are expected m England shortly It is worthy of note that the
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  • 588 2 NAVAL CONSTRUCTION AND MANNING. JSlmmki \n 1 Programmb. ygj^jMr. (inscfun. the Kirs'. Lord of the Admiralty, fias presenlcJ to Parliament a highly- interesting statement explanatory, of the Navy Estimates for 1807-8, which amount to a nel total of as against £21 823,060 m S r >-;. A glance through the
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  • 749 2 A MILITARY EXECUTION IN RANGOON A PROTiSI FROM THE S< tt-POLO. t lime witi I > oi British rule 111 Burma the execu ion of a military <:.. carried I entral [ail on the morning of the '/li inst. i been numbers ol ca-e-> throughout India where soldi :rs tenced
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  • 77 2 (Corrected ii j 10 April 7.) On I, on don Bank 4 m/s 2/0-7/16 demand 2/0-5/16 Private credits 3 m/s 2/o§ documents 3 m/s 2/0-1 1/16 credits b m/s 2/ojf On Inuia. Bank demand (6l On Hongkong. Bank demand dis. On Yokohama. Bank demand prem On Java Ban!; demand
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  • 93 2 [April I m 134*12) Gambier 6--5 do. Cube No. I w.Oo Pepper, Black (ordinary Spore) 13.80 do. While, (Fair L/W==s%) „33. Nutmegs nob to the lb.j 03. Mace (Banda) 75. Cloves (Amboina) 17.50 I .iberian Coffee 2y. Tapioca, small pearl (Fair quality) 3.70 flo. do flake (do. do.) 4.2s
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 206 2 OCr.AN Sir. AM SHIP COMPANY ECABI [NDIaVM OCCAM STKAM HIP COMPANY. Li I. Mf DERL,ANOSCHK STOOM VAART MAATSC APPIJ OC h. AAN 1p j Liverpool outwards t n the S--Itf and Irom Japan bom every can days, and haw I ass passen^tirs only. 1 he mow t J Line aw
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 85 2 Weather Report. (April 6.) Taken at Kandang Kerbau Hospital Observatory g. m. 3r.H.g?. M. j i Bar. red. 32 Pah 29.905 2y.Bis 19.881 I Temperature 850 ,Si._- ,s o o I Bulb Thermometer... 7H.0 ;s.i 7 5,, j Dir. of Wind E.N.E. N.N.W. Calm, j Max. Temp. shad* 1 87.8
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    • 788 2 Ciivm^ port oi departuie, and (where known) date due here, and name of Agents. Men-of-war. AUMRINB, H.M.S., Devonport, E< LAIRBI K. B;e-4, F< ji-Kan, jap., Newcastle, Pascal, Brett, Phobnix, H.M.S., Dcvonport, f'tw bri i i H.M.S.. Portsmouth, due Royal Author, Pottsmoath, Surprise, Brest. Swipt, H. M.S., Manila, due April Wluhmik
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    • 1191 2 SHARK LIST. APRIL 7 th, I 9 f W 'ON. CapiU Ml Pi Mk, Shing .-.k ios J, prem $10,000,000 *i 000,0- H II i-.J! ft, M jfcs<>o.r«.o M°°><! 3 I i 100 Sellers 4 an Ltd. <2| Nomini,. <1W ,,,x,, i,^ 1 •9O« yy~ ti ra p ■"-"■'<•
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