The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 9 November 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 274 1 X O Ofltee. C« rei Qua; 0 STEAM NAVIGATION Co. MI N A v PEN AN I tUSTRA k DEN, EGYPT, 5. < HBR iLTAR MALTA PLYMOUTH VND MAIL LINES. 1 .1 ARD H( )\\r\\ AR I X b 1 d rye Ravenna Kaisar-i H INTERMEDIATE DIRECT SERVICE, Spi i
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    • 660 1 iNORD-DEUTSCHKR LLOYD BREMEN. JHE .adweßfc teacn, ,f th« Bn< x wiu leave S .;<■ non ..1 about th, and rOUTWARDS H( (MEW ARI >S Te Brrnrc Singapore for To arrive Singapore for Cnma. Europe. S« Nov. 12. P Nov. 15. i Dec.iji In conntcuon with the .ir:,. 1 tl departures
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    • 477 1 DE KONINKLIJKE PAKLTVAART M AATSCHAPPIJ I'sllKH OMTRACT WITH THB NITHKKLANDS InDIA <iovKKNMP.NI. Agents at Singapore, ships Agency, i.ate f. DAENDBLS Co.. 2- j Collyer Quay Time Table for Novembtr, 1896. StearutM From Expected Will be despatched for Date. Van Goen B tavia. Nov. Bth. Batavia, Cheribon, Samarang and Sourabaya, Nov.
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    • 751 1 1 ALBERT COLAS, 1, PLACE JUBBIEU, 4«1, PAEIS. 1 ABSINTHE fiSt MONOPOLE QUiNQUINA 7 F S COCA. Trade Mark Applj toMOINE COMTE, 1 ...Singapore. Agents for M. OPPENHEIMER Co.. PARIS April ig. m. DYNAMO. 50 Candle Power. Price $25. E. M. I VON v 1 Batter) Road Oct. 2j. uc.
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    • 590 1 LTONGKONG AND SHANGHAI AX BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL f 10.000,00 c RESERVE FUND t 6,000,000 RESERVE LIABILITY OK PROPRIETORS I I'^ooo.ooc Court of Uikkctors. B. DODWCU I-Sq. If. D. nuH, Esq jO. k. Sassoom Sm] M. G B•. :K. Shew m Eg. J. Kramer, Eh N A Sikbs X q
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    • 474 1 THE TOKYO MARINI- INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED 1 THH undcrsvned, bsvii bni na| poii fot the BOOVC f ompaii) an- pn pa accept Marine Risk* at Lnrrem rattb. iHh Mil i Bl SSAN KAISHA 8. rUi'i v Road. Sii lan. j. TRANSATLANTIC HKt, I N b 'J k ANCE Co.. Ltd
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    • 150 1 DA' I! iC MAI! STEAMSHIP 17 COMPANY VND OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL vn-AMSHIP COMPANY I thf |j rvia id o I -Hiii! "f pr«, .1 of 10/t 1 MM i.fh fiires t' <■ Sailinf dates Erooi Hon^konf vis Yokoharia to San Francisco. Mad s.s. Ck Occidental i Oneatalt (*or ij'trr. pwticuian
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  • 16 2 SPECIAL TIFFIN, Saturday, November i-f, iBg6. Nov 9 mwl K l- 1 1
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 16 2 On ihe 'iih mutant, ;n Krm Lodge, the wife of i< s, ot .1 daughter.
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    • 20 2 \i tin Royal Naval Hospital, Yokolrama on October a/nd, W. R. H. C&kew, of Cornwall, England, a^ed 5; years.
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  • 1989 2 The Singapore Free Press. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1896. ill the t're-- Hie People's n K l.t maintain, awed by influence and unbrlbed by gain; trot Truth her glorious precept? draw, la Religion, Loyalty, and I. aw. Mm lin German mail steamer Sacksen having lefl < olombo on Saturday the 7th
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  • 48 2 London, 1 2th October. A curtot catastrophe occurred at Liverpool to-day, when i( am lootbailers taking the field were struck l»i lightning. So powerful was the electric d sch irgc thai <>n< ai th.- player-- was killed and five otheis -eriously injured.
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  • 352 2 As v> th> policy of loaiiM for ra Iwa) i oostrucliou the Pinung Gazette remai \V» .i^rec h*. to the safety of the course su>j>(e-.t-ed m reference 10 the source Mrhence the money is to be borrowed im extending ti;c raUwaj system m the
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  • 116 2 I he uiiicr week tin Customs authorities at aluiit.i confiscated 150 case> ol imitation whisky, which had been consigned lo a k lawn firm ol wine Inl.rch.nlt-, m Calcutta. I h l»ottl< labelled Finest Malt Whisky, a d a fictitious Si oti h name also appeared on l«e
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  • 107 2 The present imports into KnglanH of [In- fibre are only about to 5,000 tons per annum sa> s Planting Opinion, and .is .ill this has had to be stripped l iv hand till quit* n entlj lh« price has been kept up lo £15 niste.i'J
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    • 25 2 Flu- r. ival oi buinesi m m sequent u|>on tin election In- i,, malleable, iHde-spread. Idle mills factories ar< being leopened
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    • 22 2 Lord Selbornc ipeaking at Edio ■aid tlm belore the m <-, ting ■■< P« the < ix/uelan .jue-tion would 1,. ].v toi ilt settled
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    • 34 2 Prince Bicaufck, continuing lu^ ation- m iii' Hamburg paper, th<- \'u«e rick ten, aitnbutc-, Germany's refusal to n m ill- 1 "i tn at) with Russia ti 11-ll IIlfllJ( I.
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    • 21 2 I In tire-engine (a< torj \A \k\ a;id \la>on wa.- burnt down on Saturday and jyj engines destroyed.
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    • 91 2 [In tmbassador .it informed M Hanotaux the s u i ghl reforms, includii rd< "i mn o< cn prison* ted too of peaceable Armenians; the prevention oi act! ot violence the gra relief to the < hief stiffen re .in<l rei \i to damaged Catholic
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    • 339 2 Mt.J I'jiiii —An important Ma I dema, ha- surrendered Lord Dullenn speaking at a municipal at Belfast said that the international situation more than ever imposed the necessity for perfect preparedness on the part ot Britain but he hoped that the development of the idea 01 arbitration would mitiga
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    • 100 2 In a cominunicatioii to the Liverpool C of Commerce, the Duke of No-folk, Poctn General, regrets that his representations to the telegraph nompaniei m favour of a reduction m the rates 10 India were !ru;iK of the great loss of nevmiM .noived. The
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    • 173 2 I'iini.t Pilisda.i (.luomsai, the $:<ir prin ce is now re-siding at the Waskadmva B.iddnist ternpie with High Priest iubhiJii. Kk royal higMnC v. enter the pneMhood [a a week or so v. en expected the ceremony will be an imposing one conducted by a large
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  • 96 2 NovtMBKB Monthly Men*: H*tipi< w h. J. N J B. Robertson W. A. S CM. (.7 ,3 H. V. W. Va 47 4.S icr. ij7 I. B. Elcu ti (j- '•'!< 1. 100 '"■II I'' 1 'tj 60 lv 100 (1. I). Mart uiin 57 10 101
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  • 114 2 I'wo Ofkickrs Murdbked— On VVoukdco, Bombay, Oct. 30.— A sepoy at Fort Sandcman ran amuck last night and killed Lieutenants Yea H., il Engineers and Downesofthe 7111 Bombaj Lancers, and also wounded Lieut. Maclachlan of the 40th Pathans m the arm. The latter is doing well.
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  • 160 2 Bombay, (Jet. zj. From the Municipal returns to. the J4 hour- ended at 10 a.m. yesterday, it appears there were 10 new cases of the plague and g deaths which brings the total number of cast Lo 474 and of deailis to 317. oi the attacks,
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  • 148 2 KORFBITURI 'il DMI YEAR's EIIOLUMBHTS. rhe< Ifait .Wai, 1.. VTatPo) received jj Peking telegram last ni^fat reporting that I." Hung's case, 01 viHiii.g the i|an Ming Yuan without permission, has now I, L ii dei i<ied upon b the Board of Civil Othce, ami the result
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 206 2 POSADA WINE COMPANY > t\ 1 1/-' •I x r mmd A WINES AND PROVISIONS Ms- to s m hqp Sinfj 1 1 his c^tablishmtni 1 I of the b*9 W wd Pn> A KORTH BRIDGE OAO. 1 1 I I CHINESE GIRLS SCHOOL. -pHr. >t useful and fancy 1
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    • 513 2 PROSPECTUS THE PARIS EXHIBITION GOLD MINING COMPANY. NO-LIABILITY TO HE REGISTERED UNDER THE COMPANIES ACT, KALGOORLIE NE\R i is yt HAMPTON PLAINS WESTERN AUSTRALIA capital In 130.000 hares of" £1 each. 1 divi 1 d a- 1 .Imi *s 1 Sharrs lull) pai*l up, ill l>e issued to the Vendors
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    • 394 2 (iihiu. And m con I >. jidei yon have aver) valuable property, md one that should. under y.".d managemenl (jive •> return f .r capital invested immediate!) machiner) is applied. X BICK.KRTON \ln«\>:t» 1.(i.5., lale I lampton Pin Rst ite, ill ihi ibtamed i md 1 > without it no
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 82 2 The Week Monday, 9th HI '> I ;'i p. Piiti' h 55th B:rth<ia\ Public ..nd Ban!* Holiday. Tuesday. 10th Hitfh r A Opt Wednesday, nth High Wmtet j.j- P It Q Homewards dose* o a.m. S. V. A. Mj ).-ill. viip.m. Thursday. I2tn High Water .y, p, Legisla |j.m. Lodge
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  • 84 3 fhc papers n mysterious Jeath M' R H >■ i was i Straits ed originall> I 0 X E Telegraph I He w a subsf4 vent '> ior Smga- d thereafter wk kI og Collector I \iter hi- conneuion with the StaJ i severed he became
    84 words
  • 120 3 Ms. 1- ini w-on fßiai d foanome competitioo, which \ed off last week, resulted m the H d Mrs. FowKe, who, m end round, pulled down the record ■> hy the -pieiulid score of 4_' I this, the mixed record Owing to the rain m the
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  • 820 3 THE INTER-COLONIAL RIFLE MATCH. the Inter-Colonial Shanghai, S con•.trnoon, th<* Singag the las) prerough no been almost cer io watched l: >n thin whif h tut- mat •n to any team to I I may fact that as ;apore team is com- .0 find it impo-^^ible to S. 11 1
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  • 87 3 INTER-COLONIAL RIFLE MATCH 1896. SINGAPORI VZA 21 >o yds. Tot. v' i I »yds Fol Agg > *****55 34 3 J***** jJ •..a *****45 J a 555 2 555 .>- 5535^35 *9 93 1 isiiiers *****34 3° *****54 > J *****54. 3° *****5s *****43 JV J*****5 33 9° ]-*\>i W
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  • 36 3 At the meeting ol the Legislative Couo 1 cil on hursday next, the lollowin^ biliwill be read For the first time Opium Ordinance Amendment Bill. C oui ts ol Requests Bill. 1 imping Bill.
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  • 323 3 Sha i; .n, .'<j'li O i. -Yesterday moniiny the v ii ii.mmi fired m the luler-pon Rifle Match and put t igether a score of moo points, which, air though .j points less ti an last year, when the Singapore leant won, must be regarded as
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  • 324 3 MYSTERIOUS DEATH AT YOKOHAMA. •f Mr. \V. H. R. I i Naval H ;.ii. Yokohama on the 22nd Ociobei 1 line lime he has bei 1 'hat I Jr. 1 In is f>ok plai c <, and hours djaundice and liver c >mp i licm m was I the Si
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  • 147 3 S. C. C. and XI. v. S. H I hi- match was played on Siturday, un the ground ol the latter Club I' Dennya took eighl wickets for ij run- ["he s X C played ten men only S. X i v ■ti b Dennj s 7 H, C.
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  • 150 3 Pnnce Bhanurangsi, brothei of the King ol Si <"> irith the Siamese Mm v V.. ;.w v nicy. X ij;!i->l' •i[!t i paitfa'vi i to the Royal \, Woolwicft, on Del 9, bj a >pecial permit ol the Secretary <>\ State foi War. The Prince was received L>y
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  • 1737 3 As our Peking correspondent tuld us m hi^ last letter, Count Cassini, the Russian Minister, left Peking for Russia on the 30th ol Scptt-mber. His baggage had been packed for three or more weeks, and the carls and mule litters were actually Stand--1 ing m the courts
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  • 86 3 1 RBI iED i ro Xovi mber 9 On London Bank 4 m 2/1-13/16 demand s 1 Pr«\ ate 1i- <is 3m ,2/2 dm Li merits 3 m, 1 m, r>-<lit 6 m 2j2\ On India. Bank demand \i 1 11* >n< .ki ing Bank demand prem 0K( im
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  • 94 3 -n,i,. 1 1 m > bier do < ui> n«. 1 Pepper, Black rdinar) S'poreJ 1 1 do. Winie, (Fail I. J%) iB6O Nutmegs 150s 10 the Ib.j gi. Mace (Banda).. it q^ (.loves fAmboina) l.iberian Coffee r Tapioca, -mall pearl (Fair quality) 3 oo^ do. do Rake (do.
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  • 127 3 SHA RE LIST. NOVEMBER 9th, 1896. N ..1 ig,y7o.\ la [tntoalaitji 6% f200.000 Starts rnKifQ Ltd <.. Sia^apore Ins. Co. Ltd. i« Uq. i.ioants. Ij^oo.aao fao,oou to.o-xj fao (||6.J !S '3° 'XX) MX). .../.i I 000 I(K. Strait.- >i'-am,hii, |100 Said J v h Majraard k. Co., U 3 c
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  • 21 3 ae B.ill at h.,:- iaa B i s pre vi io-da> Fort Lannin^ and Pw a correctly.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 194 3 OCEAN STfcA i SHIP COMPA -V t/iST iNDiAN OC AN 5;'E\M SHIP C. lIPANT. tu. AM' NEDERLANDsCH- STOO I-VAARTMAATSC--A!-'P,fo \,\N. Hie Company steamet* on I it Liver poolo MP<i" lajodoti every U-u d »od have 1 m t omp \li »i(.d From tuislerdaw fortnight loi Lhe <( I. Sourabaya. fhruugh
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 736 3 Passengers tor btraits and China. Pei v /;-.(•>;, from iiemer haven due Nov. 12. Mr. Wax L. Lornow, Mr R. Kindervater, Mr. Lange, Mi .8 gaardt, Mr. Ewald Tweer, Mr. W. Stoffers, Mr. Andreas Zwanger, Mr. Hermann J. Haas, Mr. H. K. Aujcnent and family Mr. U. von Ruppreclit, Mr
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    • 303 3 ■>•'■( <•■ ;gr7 Bam N Akjtn x i), ]t w|, iUSTRALIHO Brit. S^4 Mill- N I BuMJfcRMAKSIh Bnt. 261 |rj H Borneo Brit. M x Bri Mian X Schmidt n\ lam I r*x, Dvi bq., 190 M Cerberus trit. 11*3 < HAROM Bl t. 1235 Clio 762 Wliyti indan, N
      303 words
    • 209 3 Kuai.. I.Hijiln S M i I. v DertM NIX!" MAIL DUX X.C: 1.. J N I Sep. 1 Kno m < rii i Wed., sb Mails Klre patched i i widoa Lefi s \i P. Ac O. N Nov. ML M IWM M B. I Ail -//in Mis=» HiuiKi, M,.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 162 4 FOX SALE. A :<^ ?iT U.I. FOX SALE. DOVES N Price 570 per lot. x M ISTER x 1 FOR SALE. fcAU-AN IMM AUCTION SALE OF I tSH lON A B s. x HRISI M PRESEM X ti J A »ranteed Is»nd 18 1 I SALr- OV RNITI Rl i
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    • 495 4 In the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements, SCTTLKMBNI "I'uKK i Sll BITWIIN .:>.„. < »iti. i.. signet d the I ron v H*Ji A-hi v I m VIAHMti i IRS*tLAi, a bank- Haji H*»s*h binte M*umoti Iksallat, AdminatraU il ,t HAJI HUSSAIM bin \].,.M"if Irsai i ki deceasI
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    • 784 4 JAMES WATSON COS SCOTCH WHISKIES. ARE FHE BEST VALUE IN IHE MARKET. V. V. 0. $11 per case, duty paid. V. V". 0. Special Reserve $13 per case, duty paid. DOMINE, 10 years old $16 per case, duty paid. OBTAINABLE FROM RETAIL DEALERS OR McALISTER Co., SOLE AGENTS. Ou. j.
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    • 371 4 Kelly Walsh, iltd., BEG TO CALL ATTENTION rO THEIR STOCK OF Christmas and New Year's Cards. SUITABLE FOR SENDING IX) HOME FRIENDS. Japanese-Hand painted Car^s. English Cards m Great Variety and of the latest designs (including a choice selection of Hand-painted ones G. R. LAMBERT Co. s Photographic Series. Kelly
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    • 619 4 TO LET I.MMhDIVJK S»WI OUNNYMSADE, Orwnge Grove Rpatf, k. .v Apply to X 1)1 NMAN. Nov. 2. UA- APARTMENTS T> LET CROM id December, oomfortal 1 »p«rUßeirts r RiitaWc lor a married couple, 1 Apply to H < P'es>. Nov. 3. TO LET. UKOM itt Dec, to Upper Wilkie Road.
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    • 625 4 TYtf Sinenrorr p r c Pr^ w MeicanttW Au» Ai.' **m..— I"*(W Mu«i Mo. f.i. -'•iiilishfd at 3^, Phafl A!,t> iMaM THE Lading English Newspaper Straits Settlements; Johore, Protected \ati\- States a| Peral g .r. Sungei LJjOOg P.ihang. th, Sembilaa; British North Borneo; Sarat -iiH-riands lodtes, |ava .uk: Sttfl Also
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